if not keyword_set(rs) then rs = euclidReadRS( '/data/euclid/rs/wide.csv' ) ; help, rs, /str ; cgHistoPlot, rs.SAA, histData=pE, loc=E elong = [ [e],[pe]] ; res = ssoHtoV2( pop='IMB', elong=90. ) ; res = ssoHtoV2( pop='Trojan', elong=170, stepDist=0.1 ) ; res = ssoHtoV2( pop='Trojan', elong=elong, stepDist=0.1 ) res = ssoHtoV2( pop='NEA', elong=elong, stepDist=0.1 ) ; res = ssoHtoV2( pop='Aten', elong=170, stepDist=0.1 ) end ; if not keyword_set(ao) then ao=readastorb() ; a =ao.a ; e =ao.e ; imb = where( a ge 2.05 and a le 2.5 and e le .3) ; ; ; hh=hist_2d(a[imb],e[imb],bin1=0.02, bin2=0.01) ; hh /= (1.*max(hh)) ; GM = 1.3271244002e20 ;SI a = 5.5 e = 0.1 nbDeg = 200 theta = !PI * indgen( nbDeg )/ nbDeg ; cstSpeed = 0.5 * dist * dist * dTheta_dT r = a* ( 1 - e*e ) / (1 + e*cos(theta) ) time = 0.5*r*r ; norm = time /min(time) ;*100 norm = time ;-min(time) + 1 newR = min(r) + (findgen(nbDeg)/(nbDeg-1))*(max(r)-min(r)) newNorm = interpol( norm, r, newR ) ; cgplot, theta, r ; cgplot, theta, seg/max(seg),/overplot ; window, 0 ; cgplot, r, norm, psym='open circle', xtitle='R', ytitle='time' ; window, 3 ; cgplot, theta, norm, psym='open circle', xtitle='angle', ytitle='time' ; wdelete, 0,3 ; print, total(norm) dSun = r[0] for k=1, nbDeg-1 do begin dSun = [dSun, replicate(newR[k], newNorm[k]) ] print, k, r[k], norm[k] endfor help, dSun ; window, 2 ; cgHistoPlot, dSun;, binSize=0.1 print, min(r), max(r), a * ( 1. + 0.5* e^2. ) print, min(dSun), max(dSun), mean(dSun) end