T=5778. ;----Sun total energy wMin=0.01 ;-micron wMax=50.0 ;-micron N = 100000L ;-Number of points for evaluation wAmin = wMin*1e4 wAmax = wMax*1e4 wave= wAmin + (wAmax-wAmin)*findgen(N)/(N-1) BB = planck( wave, T) ;-ergs/cm2/s/A sunflux = total(BB) print, sunflux wMu = wave*1e-4 cgWindow cgPlot, wMu, BB, /xLog, /yLog, /AddCmd, $ xtitle='Wavelength (micron)', ytitle='Flux (ergs/cm2/s/A)', $ xr=[0.01,100.], yr=[1,1e8] ;----DeMeo band wMin=0.400 ;-micron wMax=2.400 ;-micron wAmin = wMin*1e4 wAmax = wMax*1e4 inV = where( wave ge wAmin and wave le wAmax, nbV) BB_V = total(BB(inv)) print, 'DeMeo (%):', BB_V/sunflux, nbV cgPlot, /over, wMu(inV), BB(inV), color='cornflower blue', thick=2, /AddCmd ;----V band wMin=0.463 ;-micron wMax=0.639 ;-micron wAmin = wMin*1e4 wAmax = wMax*1e4 inV = where( wave ge wAmin and wave le wAmax, nbV) BB_V = total(BB(inv)) print, 'V (%) :', BB_V/sunflux, nbV cgPlot, /over, wMu(inV), BB(inV), color='red', thick=4, /AddCmd ;----miss band wMin=0.200 ;-micron wMax=0.400 ;-micron wAmin = wMin*1e4 wAmax = wMax*1e4 inV = where( wave ge wAmin and wave le wAmax, nbV) BB_V = total(BB(inv)) print, 'Miss (%) :', BB_V/sunflux, nbV cgPlot, /over, wMu(inV), BB(inV), color='Green', thick=4, /AddCmd end