subroutine partf(jatom,ion,temp,ntemp,u,ionpot) * * Correction for ThII, ThIII, UII and UIII introduced by BPz 20/09-2000 * yields partition functions with polynomial data from * ref. Irwin, A.W., 1981, ApJ Suppl. 45, 621. Updated to read new * input file on 21/08-1996 BPz * ln u(temp)=sum(a(i)*(ln(temp))**i) 0<=a<=5 * Input: * jatom = element number in periodic table * NOT implemented for molecules; see ref. in ref. * ion = 1 for neutral, 2 for once ionized and 3 for twice ionized * temp = array with ntemp values of the temperature * ntemp = number of temperatures for which partf. is calculated * Output: * u = partf. (linear scale) for iat,ion at the ntemp temperatures * implicit none * logical uexist(4,92),dummy integer ntemp,i,j,k,jatom,ion,iread,iaa,idumb real temp(ntemp),u(ntemp),spec,ipot,ip(0:4,92),tt,tt1,tt2 real partitu2,partitu3,partitth2,partitth3 doubleprecision a(0:5,1:4,1:92),ulog,t,aa(0:5),ionpot,ulog1,ulog2 character*20 specname character*1 dum * data iread /0/ data ip/460*0./ data uexist/368*.false./ * save iread,a,ip,uexist * if( then * read data if first call: open(67,file= & 'DATA/IRWIN_atoms_v07.3.dat', & status='old') dummy=.true. do while (dummy) read(67,'(a)') dum if ('#') then dummy=.false. backspace(67) endif enddo do while (.true.) read(67,*,end=99) idumb,spec,specname,ipot,iaa,aa j=int(spec) i=int((spec-j)*101.)+1 if ( then * ip(i,j) contains ionisation pot. for ion. stage i+1. ip(0,j) contains 0, * ip(1,j) contains IP for I to II etc. ip(i-1,j)=ipot uexist(i,j)=.true. do k=0,5 a(k,i,j)=aa(k) enddo endif enddo 99 close(67) iread=1 print *,'Atomic partition function data read' endif * some ions not defined if (.not.uexist(ion,jatom)) then do i=1,ntemp u(i)=0.0 enddo else do 30 i=1,ntemp tt=temp(i) if (temp(i).le.16000.) then if(temp(i).lt.1000.) then tt=1000. print*,'WARNING: atomic partf; temp<1000 K, using Q(1000)' endif t=dlog(dble(tt)) ulog= a(0,ion,jatom)+ & t*(a(1,ion,jatom)+ & t*(a(2,ion,jatom)+ & t*(a(3,ion,jatom)+ & t*(a(4,ion,jatom)+ & t*(a(5,ion,jatom)))))) u(i)=real(dexp(ulog)) else if(temp(i).gt.16000.) then print*,'WARNING: atomic partf; temp=',temp(i), & ' extrapolating ', & 'from Q(10000) and Q(16000)' tt1=10000. t=dlog(dble(tt1)) ulog1= a(0,ion,jatom)+ & t*(a(1,ion,jatom)+ & t*(a(2,ion,jatom)+ & t*(a(3,ion,jatom)+ & t*(a(4,ion,jatom)+ & t*(a(5,ion,jatom)))))) tt2=16000. t=dlog(dble(tt2)) ulog2= a(0,ion,jatom)+ & t*(a(1,ion,jatom)+ & t*(a(2,ion,jatom)+ & t*(a(3,ion,jatom)+ & t*(a(4,ion,jatom)+ & t*(a(5,ion,jatom)))))) ulog=(ulog2-ulog1)*(tt-tt2)/(tt2-tt1) + ulog2 u(i)=real(dexp(ulog)) endif 30 continue if (jatom.eq.92.and.ion.eq.2) then C correction for UII BPz 20/09-2000 do i=1,ntemp u(i)=partitu2(temp(i)) enddo else if (jatom.eq.92.and.ion.eq.3) then C correction for UIII BPz 20/09-2000 do i=1,ntemp u(i)=partitu3(temp(i)) enddo else if (jatom.eq.90.and.ion.eq.2) then C correction for ThII BPz 20/09-2000 from Holweger do i=1,ntemp u(i)=partitth2(temp(i)) enddo else if (jatom.eq.90.and.ion.eq.3) then C correction for ThIII BPz 20/09-2000 from Holweger do i=1,ntemp u(i)=partitth3(temp(i)) enddo endif endif ionpot=ip(ion,jatom) return * end **************************************************************************8 FUNCTION PARTITU2(T) C calcule la fonction de partition de UII C use 'tableu2.dat' IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER*4 k, FLAG,nlevel REAL*4 C2, T, U, E(100), G(100),partitu2 DATA FLAG /0/ SAVE IF(FLAG.EQ.0)THEN OPEN(70, file= CC'/b1/plez/BIGGRID/DATA/tableU2.dat', & 'DATA/tableU2.dat', & status='old') READ(70, '(A)') nlevel=0 DO k=1,100 READ(70,*,end=99) E(k), g(k) nlevel=k ENDDO 99 continue CLOSE (70) FLAG=1 ENDIF C2=1.43877 U=0. DO K=1,nlevel U=U+G(K)*EXP(-C2*E(K)/T) ENDDO partitu2=U C END **************************************************************************8 FUNCTION PARTITU3(T) C calcule la fonction de partition de UIII C use 'tableU3.dat' C from Cayrel 20/09-2000 IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER*4 k, FLAG, nlevel REAL*4 C2, T, U, E(100), G(100),partitu3 DATA FLAG /0/ SAVE IF(FLAG.EQ.0)THEN OPEN(70, file= CC'/b1/plez/BIGGRID/DATA/tableU3.dat', & 'DATA/tableU3.dat', & status='old') READ(70, '(A)') nlevel=0 Do k=1,100 READ(70,*,end=99) E(k), g(k) nlevel=k ENDDO 99 continue CLOSE (70) FLAG=1 ENDIF C2=1.43877 U=0. DO K=1,nlevel U=U+G(K)*EXP(-C2*E(K)/T) ENDDO partitu3=U C END **************************************************************************8 function partitth2(temp) * * Inspired from : SUBROUTINE IONDIS(TEMP,PELE,MODE,IPRINT,PGAS,DENSNC) * Which was received From: (Hartmut Holweger) * Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 11:28:13 +0200 * To: * Subject: iondis.f tn=-5040./temp*log(10.) C THORIUM II C ZALUBAS(1968),ZALUBAS&CORLISS(1974),KLINKENBERG(1950) partitth2=4.+10.0*EXP(0.21*TN)+20.0*EXP(0.53*TN)+24.0*EXP(0.78*TN) 1 +22.0*EXP(0.89*TN)+22.0*EXP(1.04*TN)+52.0*EXP(1.17*TN) 2 +60.0*EXP(1.33*TN)+102.0*EXP(1.64*TN)+104.0*EXP(1.90*TN) 3 +88.0*EXP(2.19*TN)+58.0*EXP(2.40*TN)+128.0*EXP(2.62*TN) 4 +138.0*EXP(2.94*TN)+140.0*EXP(3.25*TN)+128.0*EXP(3.56*TN) 5 +344.0*EXP(4.03*TN)+596.0*EXP(4.65*TN)+46.0*EXP(5.27*TN) 6 +878.0*EXP(6.4*TN) end **************************************************************************8 function partitth3(temp) * * Inspired from : SUBROUTINE IONDIS(TEMP,PELE,MODE,IPRINT,PGAS,DENSNC) * Which was received From: (Hartmut Holweger) * Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 11:28:13 +0200 * To: * Subject: iondis.f tn=-5040./temp*log(10.) C THORIUM III C ZALUBAS(1968),ZALUBAS&CORLISS(1974),KLINKENBERG(1950) partitth3=14.+5.0*EXP(0.06*TN)+21.0*EXP(0.37*TN)+41.0*EXP(0.58*TN) 1 +35.0*EXP(0.84*TN)+44.0*EXP(1.06*TN)+42.0*EXP(1.35*TN) 2 +26.0*EXP(1.85*TN)+60.0*EXP(2.47*TN)+31.0*EXP(3.57*TN) 3 +41.0*EXP(4.51*TN)+84.0*EXP(5.66*TN)+37.0*EXP(6.79*TN) end