* Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 13:22:30 +0200 (MET DST) * From: Bengt Edvardsson * To: Plez@Ferrum.fysik.lu.se ************************************************************************ * subroutine makeabund(overall,alpha,helium,rabund,sabund,fixabund, & abund,amass,aname,isotopfrac) * * Create a formatted abundance file * The programme scales groups of elements automatically * The input solar abundances are Grevesse et al. logarithmic * number abundances on a scale where N(Hydrogen) == 12.00 * The output abundances are on the same scale (there has to be some H) * A null abundance is signalled as -29.0 * STD?=1 indicates than no abundances have been fiddeled and * that the first line describes the whole list * STD?=0 mean that some abundance(s) has been modified by hand * * small changes by BPz 04/05-1998 for inclusion in MARCS35 * more changes (isotopfrac inclusion), for SPECTRUM version (BPz 010798) * implicit none * integer natom,nelalpha,i,j parameter (natom = 92) parameter (nelalpha = 8) real amass(natom,0:250),abund(natom),sunabund(natom), & rfract(31:92),tempmass, & fixabund(natom),damass(natom),isotopfrac(natom,0:250), & sunabund_1998(natom),sunabund_2007(natom),checkiso real overall,alpha,helium,rabund,sabund,abundr,abunds,hfactor integer iel,ialpha,ielalpha(nelalpha) character*2 aname(natom),daname(natom) logical abund_2007 * * isotopfrac(22,48) is isotopic fraction of 48Ti * sum_over_i>0{ isotopfrac(x,i) } = 1.000 * isotopfrac(x,0)==1.0; this is used in the case of no isotopes wanted * in calculation. It will ensure that the total abundance of the species * will be used.(if for example isotopic factors were included in gf-values) * * CCCC before 24/03-2004* C O Ne Mg Si S Ar Ca Ti CCCC before 24/03-2004 data ielalpha / 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 / * O Ne Mg Si S Ar Ca Ti data ielalpha / 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 / * data daname / | atomic nr & 'H ','He','Li','Be','B ','C ','N ','O ','F ', | 1 - 9 & 'Ne','Na','Mg','Al','Si','P ','S ','Cl','Ar', | 10 - 18 & 'K ','Ca','Sc','Ti','V ','Cr','Mn','Fe','Co', | 19 - 27 & 'Ni','Cu','Zn','Ga','Ge','As','Se','Br','Kr', | 28 - 36 & 'Rb','Sr','Y ','Zr','Nb','Mo','Tc','Ru','Rh', | 37 - 45 & 'Pd','Ag','Cd','In','Sn','Sb','Te','I ','Xe', | 46 - 54 & 'Cs','Ba','La','Ce','Pr','Nd','Pm','Sm','Eu', | 55 - 63 & 'Gd','Tb','Dy','Ho','Er','Tm','Yb','Lu','Hf', | 64 - 72 & 'Ta','W ','Re','Os','Ir','Pt','Au','Hg','Tl', | 73 - 81 & 'Pb','Bi','Po','At','Rn','Fr','Ra','Ac','Th', | 82 - 90 & 'Pa','U '/ | 91 - 92 * data damass / | atomic mass & 1.008, 4.003, 6.940, 9.010, 10.81, 12.01, 14.01, 16.00, 19.00, | 1 - 9 & 20.18, 22.99, 24.31, 26.98, 28.08, 30.97, 32.06, 35.45, 39.95, | 10 - 18 & 39.10, 40.08, 44.96, 47.90, 50.94, 52.00, 54.94, 55.85, 58.93, | 19 - 27 & 58.70, 63.54, 65.37, 69.72, 72.59, 74.92, 78.96, 79.90, 83.80, | 28 - 36 & 85.47, 87.62, 88.91, 91.22, 92.91, 95.94, 98.91, 101.0, 102.9, | 37 - 45 & 106.4, 107.9, 112.4, 114.8, 118.7, 121.8, 127.6, 126.9, 131.3, | 46 - 54 & 132.9, 137.3, 138.9, 140.1, 140.9, 144.2, 146.0, 150.4, 152.0, | 55 - 63 & 157.3, 158.9, 162.5, 164.9, 167.3, 168.9, 170.0, 175.0, 178.5, | 64 - 72 & 180.9, 183.9, 186.0, 190.0, 192.2, 195.1, 197.0, 200.6, 204.4, | 73 - 81 & 207.2, 209.0, 210.0, 210.0, 222.0, 223.0, 226.0, 227.0, 232.0, | 82 - 90 & 230.4, 238.0 / | 91 - 92 * * Solar abundances ref: Grevesse Sauval 1998, Space Science Rev, in press data sunabund_1998 / CCCC before 19/01-2004 changed to agree with Asplund 2003, and Uppsala MARCS version and GRID CCCC & 12.00, 10.93, 1.10, 1.40, 2.55, 8.52, 7.92, 8.83, 4.56, | 1 - 9 CCCC & 8.08, 6.33, 7.58, 6.47, 7.55, 5.45, 7.33, 5.50, 6.40, | 10 - 18 CCCC CCCC CCCC CCCC & 1.69, 0.94, 1.77, 1.66, 2.00, 1.00, 2.24, 1.51, 2.17, | 46 - 54 CCCC CCCC & 1.12, -0.10, 1.14, 0.26, 0.93, 0.00, 1.08, 0.06, 0.88, | 64 - 72 CCCC & -0.13, 1.11, 0.28, 1.45, 1.35, 1.80, 1.01, 1.13, 0.90, | 73 - 81 CCCC CCCC & -99.0, -0.47 / | 91 - 92 & 12.00, 10.93, 1.10, 1.40, 2.79, 8.41, 7.80, 8.66, 4.48, | 1 - 9 & 8.08, 6.33, 7.58, 6.47, 7.55, 5.45, 7.33, 5.28, 6.40, | 10 - 18 & 5.12, 6.36, 3.17, 5.02, 4.00, 5.67, 5.39, 7.50, 4.92, | 19 - 27 & 6.25, 4.21, 4.60, 2.88, 3.41, 2.37, 3.41, 2.63, 3.31, | 28 - 36 & 2.60, 2.97, 2.24, 2.60, 1.42, 1.92, -99.0, 1.84, 1.12, | 37 - 45 & 1.69, 1.24, 1.77, 0.82, 2.00, 1.00, 2.24, 1.51, 2.17, | 46 - 54 & 1.13, 2.13, 1.17, 1.58, 0.71, 1.50, -99.0, 1.01, 0.51, | 55 - 63 & 1.12, 0.35, 1.14, 0.51, 0.93, 0.15, 1.08, 0.06, 0.88, | 64 - 72 & -0.13, 0.69, 0.28, 1.45, 1.35, 1.80, 0.85, 1.13, 0.83, | 73 - 81 & 1.95, 0.71, -99.0, -99.0, -99.0, -99.0, -99.0, -99.0, 0.09, | 82 - 90 & -99.0, -0.50 / | 91 - 92 * data sunabund_2007 / & 12.00, 10.93, 1.05, 1.38, 2.70, 8.39, 7.78, 8.66, 4.56, | 1 - 9 & 7.84, 6.17, 7.53, 6.37, 7.51, 5.36, 7.14, 5.50, 6.18, | 10 - 18 & 5.08, 6.31, 3.17, 4.90, 4.00, 5.64, 5.39, 7.45, 4.92, | 19 - 27 & 6.23, 4.21, 4.60, 2.88, 3.58, 2.29, 3.33, 2.56, 3.25, | 28 - 36 & 2.60, 2.92, 2.21, 2.58, 1.42, 1.92, -99.0, 1.84, 1.12, | 37 - 45 & 1.66, 0.94, 1.77, 1.60, 2.00, 1.00, 2.19, 1.51, 2.24, | 46 - 54 & 1.07, 2.17, 1.13, 1.70, 0.58, 1.45, -99.0, 1.00, 0.52, | 55 - 63 & 1.11, 0.28, 1.14, 0.51, 0.93, 0.00, 1.08, 0.06, 0.88, | 64 - 72 & -0.17, 1.11, 0.23, 1.25, 1.38, 1.64, 1.01, 1.13, 0.90, | 73 - 81 & 2.00, 0.65, -99.0, -99.0, -99.0, -99.0, -99.0, -99.0, 0.06, | 82 - 90 & -99.0, -0.52 / | 91 - 92 * * * Fractional r-process abundance for Ga-Bi (r+s simply assumed == 100%) | Date 2000-01-18 * (Note: Ga-Sr (31-38) was just copied from Kaeppeler et al. 1989, below) * s-process from Stellar models: Arlandini C., Kaeppeler F., Wisshak K., * Gallino R., Busso M., Straniero O., 1999, Astrophys J. 525, 886-900 * Fractions corrected to the revised meteoritic abundances * of Grevesse N., Sauval A.J. 1998, Space Science Review 85, 161-174 data rfract / * & H - F | 1 - 9 * & Ne - Ar | 10 - 18 * & K - Co | 19 - 27 & .43, .47, .81, .85, .39, .47, | 28 - 36 & .41, .11, .08, .17, .15, .50,-.99, .68, .86, | 37 - 45 & .54, .80, .48, .65, .35, .75, .83, .80, .80, | 46 - 54 & .85, .19, .38, .23, .51, .44,-.99, .71, .93, | 55 - 63 & .85, .93, .85, .92, .83, .87, .67, .80, .44, | 64 - 72 & .59, .44, .91, .91, .99, .95, .94, .41, .24, | 73 - 81 & .54, .95,-.99,-.99,-.99,-.99,-.99,-.99, 1.0, | 82 - 90 & -.99, 1.0 / | 91 - 92 c* fractional r-process abundance for Cu-U (r+s simply assumed == 100%) c* r-process from Kaeppeler F., Beer H., Wisshak K. 1989, Reports on c* Progress in Physics 52, 945. Fraction found by division by the c* total meteoritic abundances given by Anders Grevesse 1989, Geochim. c* Cosmochim. Acta 53, 197. Th+U guess 1.0 c* (Perhaps some more data in Beer et al 1997, ApJ 474,843) c* (Sneden et al 1998 ApJ 496,235: Sm 76%, Eu 97%) c data rfract / c* & H - F | 1 - 9 c* & Ne - Ar | 10 - 18 c* & K - Co | 19 - 27 c & .21, .35, .43, .47, .81, .85, .39, .47, | 28 - 36 c & .41, .11, .28, .18, .16, .25,-.99, .50, .83, | 37 - 45 c & .56, .88, .57, .64, .36, .99, .82, .93, .84, | 46 - 54 c & .85, .12, .25, .23, .56, .51,-.99, .68, .93, | 55 - 63 c & .81, .91, .90, .92, .84, .84, .65, .83, .53, | 64 - 72 c & .35, .46, .90, .96, .98, .96, .92, .42, .28, | 73 - 81 c & .20, .64,-.99,-.99,-.99,-.99,-.99,-.99, 1.0, | 82 - 90 c & -.99, 1.0 / | 91 - 92 * * * cc* Solar abundances ref: Grevesse Noels Sauval 1996 ASP Conf 99, 117: cc data sunabund / cc & 12.00, 10.93, 1.16, 1.15, 2.60, 8.55, 7.97, 8.87, 4.56, | 1 - 9 cc & 8.08, 6.33, 7.58, 6.47, 7.55, 5.45, 7.33, 5.50, 6.52, | 10 - 18 cc & 5.12, 6.36, 3.17, 5.02, 4.00, 5.67, 5.39, 7.50, 4.92, | 19 - 27 cc & 6.25, 4.21, 4.60, 2.88, 3.41, 2.37, 3.38, 2.63, 3.23, | 28 - 36 cc & 2.60, 2.97, 2.24, 2.60, 1.42, 1.92, -29.0, 1.84, 1.12, | 37 - 45 cc & 1.69, 0.94, 1.77, 1.66, 2.00, 1.00, 2.24, 1.51, 2.23, | 46 - 54 cc & 1.13, 2.13, 1.17, 1.58, 0.71, 1.50, -29.0, 1.01, 0.51, | 55 - 63 cc & 1.12, -0.10, 1.14, 0.26, 0.93, 0.00, 1.08, 0.76, 0.88, | 64 - 72 cc & -0.13, 1.11, 0.28, 1.45, 1.35, 1.80, 1.01, 1.17, 0.90, | 73 - 81 cc & 1.95, 0.71, -29.0, -29.0, -29.0, -29.0, -29.0, -29.0, 0.09, | 82 - 90 cc & -29.0, -0.47 / | 91 - 92 cc* cc* fractional r-process abundance for Cu-U (r+s assumed == 100%) cc* r-process from Kaeppeler F., Beer H., Wisshak K. 1989, Reports on cc* Progress in Physics 52, 945. Fraction found by division by the cc* total meteoritic abundances given by Anders Grevesse 1989, Geochim. cc* Cosmochim. Acta 53, 197 (Xe=1.34 Dy=1.08 Lu=1.69 !) Th+U guess 1.0 cc* Isotopic fractions from nuclide chart U.S. Dept of Energy 1988 cc* Ba r-process=1.46 from McWilliam et al. 1998, AJ 115, 1640 cc* (Perhaps some more data in Beer et al 1997, ApJ 474,843) cc data rfract / cc* & H - F | 1- 9 cc* & Ne - Ar | 10-18 cc* & K - Co | 19-27 cc & .21, .25, .43, .50, .81, .78, .39, .59, | 28-36 cc & .41, .11, .28, .18, .16, .34,-.99, .55, .83, | 37-45 cc & .73, .88, .54, .64, .37, .50, .75, .93, .50, | 46-54 cc & .85, .21, .25, .11, .56, .61,-.99, .85, .93, | 55-63 cc & .82, .91, .50, .92, .84, .84, .59, .50, .53, | 64-72 cc & .35, .46, .90, .96, .98, .90, .92, .67, .28, | 73-81 cc & .20, .64,-.99,-.99,-.99,-.99,-.99,-.99, 1.0, | 82-90 cc & -.99, 1.0 / | 91-92 * cc print *,'Overall metallicity? (-1.0 = Solar/10)' cc read(*,*) overall cc print *,'Helium abundance? (0.0 = Solar)' cc read(*,*) helium cc print *,'Alpha element scaling [alpha/Fe]? (+0.3 = Solar*2)' cc read(*,*) alpha cc print *,'r-element abundance [r/Fe]? (0.0 = Solar)' cc read(*,*) rabund cc print *,'s-element abundance [s/Fe]? (0.0 = Solar)' cc read(*,*) sabund * * chose set of abundances abund_2007=.true. if (abund_2007) then do iel=1,natom sunabund(iel)=sunabund_2007(iel) enddo else do iel=1,natom sunabund(iel)=sunabund_1998(iel) enddo endif * do iel=1,92 aname(iel)=daname(iel) * mass of the default isotopic mix * This is superseded by the getisotopmass.f routine below. * BPz 18/06-2012 amass(iel,0)=damass(iel) enddo abund(1)=sunabund(1) abund(2)=sunabund(2) * overall metallicity do iel=3,natom if(sunabund(iel).gt.-29.0) then abund(iel)=sunabund(iel)+overall else abund(iel)=-29.0 endif enddo * if(alpha.ne.0.0) then * alpha element abundance [alpha/Fe] do ialpha=1,nelalpha abund(ielalpha(ialpha))=abund(ielalpha(ialpha))+alpha enddo endif * * helium deficient? if(helium.ne.0.0) then abund(2)=abund(2)+helium endif * * r-element or s-element anomaly? if(rabund.ne.0.0 .or. sabund.ne.0.0) then print*,aname(33),sunabund(33),abund(33),rfract(33) do iel=31,92 cc do iel=29,92 if(sunabund(iel).gt.-29.0) then abundr=10.**rabund*rfract(iel)*10.**abund(iel) abunds=10.**sabund*(1.-rfract(iel))*10.**abund(iel) if(iel.eq.33) print*,rabund,sabund,abundr,abunds,abund(iel),iel abund(iel)=alog10(abundr+abunds) endif enddo endif * * If applicable, overrides any prescription by specific input value do iel=1,92 cc abund(iel)=max(abund(iel),fixabund(iel)) if (fixabund(iel).gt.-98.) then abund(iel)=fixabund(iel) endif enddo * * normalize to H=12.00 hfactor=12.00-abund(1) if(hfactor.ne.0.0) then do iel=1,natom abund(iel)=abund(iel)+hfactor enddo endif * * isotopic ratios do i=1,250 do j=1,92 isotopfrac(j,i)=0.0 enddo enddo do j=1,92 isotopfrac(j,0)=1.0 enddo * isotopfrac(1,1)=0.999966 isotopfrac(1,2)=0.000034 isotopfrac(2,3)=0.000142 isotopfrac(2,4)=0.999858 isotopfrac(3,6)=0.075 isotopfrac(3,7)=0.925 isotopfrac(4,9)=1.0 isotopfrac(5,10)=0.199 isotopfrac(5,11)=0.801 isotopfrac(6,12)=0.9890 isotopfrac(6,13)=0.0110 isotopfrac(7,14)=0.99634 isotopfrac(7,15)=0.00366 isotopfrac(8,16)=0.99762 isotopfrac(8,17)=0.00038 isotopfrac(8,18)=0.00200 isotopfrac(9,19)=1.00 isotopfrac(10,20)=0.9299 isotopfrac(10,21)=0.00226 isotopfrac(10,22)=0.0679 isotopfrac(11,23)=1.00 isotopfrac(12,24)=0.7899 isotopfrac(12,25)=0.1000 isotopfrac(12,26)=0.1101 isotopfrac(13,27)=1.00 isotopfrac(14,28)=0.9223 isotopfrac(14,29)=0.0467 isotopfrac(14,30)=0.0310 isotopfrac(15,31)=1.00 isotopfrac(16,32)=0.9502 isotopfrac(16,33)=0.0075 isotopfrac(16,34)=0.0421 isotopfrac(16,36)=0.0002 isotopfrac(17,35)=0.7577 isotopfrac(17,37)=0.2423 isotopfrac(18,36)=0.842 isotopfrac(18,38)=0.158 isotopfrac(19,39)=0.932581 isotopfrac(19,40)=0.0001167 isotopfrac(19,41)=0.067302 isotopfrac(20,40)=0.96941 isotopfrac(20,42)=0.00647 isotopfrac(20,43)=0.00135 isotopfrac(20,44)=0.02086 isotopfrac(20,46)=0.00004 isotopfrac(20,48)=0.00187 isotopfrac(21,45)=1.00 isotopfrac(22,46)=0.080 isotopfrac(22,47)=0.073 isotopfrac(22,48)=0.738 isotopfrac(22,49)=0.055 isotopfrac(22,50)=0.054 isotopfrac(23,50)=0.00250 isotopfrac(23,51)=0.99750 isotopfrac(24,50)=0.04345 isotopfrac(24,52)=0.83789 isotopfrac(24,53)=0.09501 isotopfrac(24,54)=0.02365 isotopfrac(25,55)=1.00 isotopfrac(26,54)=0.058 isotopfrac(26,56)=0.9172 isotopfrac(26,57)=0.022 isotopfrac(26,58)=0.0028 isotopfrac(27,59)=1.00 isotopfrac(28,58)=0.6827 isotopfrac(28,60)=0.2610 isotopfrac(28,61)=0.0113 isotopfrac(28,62)=0.0359 isotopfrac(28,64)=0.0091 isotopfrac(29,63)=0.6917 isotopfrac(29,64)=0.3083 isotopfrac(30,64)=0.4863 isotopfrac(30,66)=0.2790 isotopfrac(30,67)=0.0410 isotopfrac(30,68)=0.1875 isotopfrac(30,70)=0.0062 isotopfrac(31,69)=0.60108 isotopfrac(31,71)=0.39892 isotopfrac(32,70)=0.205 isotopfrac(32,72)=0.274 isotopfrac(32,73)=0.078 isotopfrac(32,74)=0.365 isotopfrac(32,76)=0.078 isotopfrac(33,75)=1.00 isotopfrac(34,74)=0.0088 isotopfrac(34,76)=0.090 isotopfrac(34,77)=0.076 isotopfrac(34,78)=0.236 isotopfrac(34,80)=0.497 isotopfrac(34,82)=0.092 isotopfrac(35,79)=0.5069 isotopfrac(35,81)=0.4931 isotopfrac(36,78)=0.00339 isotopfrac(36,80)=0.0222 isotopfrac(36,82)=0.1145 isotopfrac(36,83)=0.1147 isotopfrac(36,84)=0.5711 isotopfrac(36,86)=0.1742 isotopfrac(37,85)=0.72165 isotopfrac(37,87)=0.27835 isotopfrac(38,84)=0.0056 isotopfrac(38,86)=0.0986 isotopfrac(38,87)=0.0700 isotopfrac(38,88)=0.8258 isotopfrac(39,89)=1.00 isotopfrac(40,90)=0.5145 isotopfrac(40,91)=0.1122 isotopfrac(40,92)=0.1715 isotopfrac(40,94)=0.1738 isotopfrac(40,96)=0.0280 isotopfrac(41,93)=1.00 isotopfrac(42,92)=0.1484 isotopfrac(42,94)=0.0925 isotopfrac(42,95)=0.1592 isotopfrac(42,96)=0.1668 isotopfrac(42,97)=0.0955 isotopfrac(42,98)=0.2413 isotopfrac(42,100)=0.0963 isotopfrac(44,96)=0.0552 isotopfrac(44,98)=0.0188 isotopfrac(44,99)=0.127 isotopfrac(44,100)=0.126 isotopfrac(44,101)=0.170 isotopfrac(44,102)=0.316 isotopfrac(44,104)=0.187 isotopfrac(45,103)=1.00 isotopfrac(46,102)=0.01020 isotopfrac(46,104)=0.1114 isotopfrac(46,105)=0.2233 isotopfrac(46,106)=0.2733 isotopfrac(46,108)=0.2646 isotopfrac(46,110)=0.1172 isotopfrac(47,107)=0.51839 isotopfrac(47,109)=0.48161 isotopfrac(48,106)=0.0125 isotopfrac(48,108)=0.0089 isotopfrac(48,110)=0.1249 isotopfrac(48,111)=0.1280 isotopfrac(48,112)=0.2413 isotopfrac(48,113)=0.1222 isotopfrac(48,114)=0.2873 isotopfrac(48,116)=0.0749 isotopfrac(49,113)=0.043 isotopfrac(49,115)=0.957 isotopfrac(50,112)=0.00973 isotopfrac(50,114)=0.00659 isotopfrac(50,115)=0.00339 isotopfrac(50,116)=0.14538 isotopfrac(50,117)=0.07672 isotopfrac(50,118)=0.24217 isotopfrac(50,119)=0.08587 isotopfrac(50,120)=0.32596 isotopfrac(50,122)=0.04632 isotopfrac(50,124)=0.05787 isotopfrac(51,121)=0.57362 isotopfrac(51,123)=0.42638 isotopfrac(52,120)=0.0009 isotopfrac(52,122)=0.0257 isotopfrac(52,123)=0.0089 isotopfrac(52,124)=0.0476 isotopfrac(52,125)=0.0710 isotopfrac(52,126)=0.1889 isotopfrac(52,128)=0.3173 isotopfrac(52,130)=0.3397 isotopfrac(53,127)=1.00 isotopfrac(54,124)=0.00121 isotopfrac(54,126)=0.00108 isotopfrac(54,128)=0.0219 isotopfrac(54,129)=0.2734 isotopfrac(54,130)=0.0435 isotopfrac(54,131)=0.2169 isotopfrac(54,132)=0.2650 isotopfrac(54,134)=0.0976 isotopfrac(54,136)=0.0794 isotopfrac(55,133)=1.00 isotopfrac(56,130)=0.00106 isotopfrac(56,132)=0.00101 isotopfrac(56,134)=0.02417 isotopfrac(56,135)=0.06592 isotopfrac(56,136)=0.07854 isotopfrac(56,137)=0.1123 isotopfrac(56,138)=0.7170 isotopfrac(57,138)=0.00089 isotopfrac(57,139)=0.99911 isotopfrac(58,136)=0.0019 isotopfrac(58,138)=0.0025 isotopfrac(58,140)=0.8848 isotopfrac(58,142)=0.1108 isotopfrac(59,141)=1.00 isotopfrac(60,142)=0.2713 isotopfrac(60,143)=0.1218 isotopfrac(60,144)=0.2380 isotopfrac(60,145)=0.0830 isotopfrac(60,146)=0.1719 isotopfrac(60,148)=0.0576 isotopfrac(60,150)=0.0564 isotopfrac(62,144)=0.031 isotopfrac(62,147)=0.150 isotopfrac(62,148)=0.113 isotopfrac(62,149)=0.138 isotopfrac(62,150)=0.074 isotopfrac(62,152)=0.267 isotopfrac(62,154)=0.227 isotopfrac(63,151)=0.478 isotopfrac(63,153)=0.522 isotopfrac(64,152)=0.0020 isotopfrac(64,154)=0.0218 isotopfrac(64,155)=0.1480 isotopfrac(64,156)=0.2047 isotopfrac(64,157)=0.1565 isotopfrac(64,158)=0.2484 isotopfrac(64,160)=0.2186 isotopfrac(65,159)=1.00 isotopfrac(66,156)=0.00056 isotopfrac(66,158)=0.00096 isotopfrac(66,160)=0.0234 isotopfrac(66,161)=0.1891 isotopfrac(66,162)=0.2551 isotopfrac(66,163)=0.2490 isotopfrac(66,164)=0.2819 isotopfrac(67,165)=1.00 isotopfrac(68,162)=0.0014 isotopfrac(68,164)=0.0161 isotopfrac(68,166)=0.336 isotopfrac(68,167)=0.2295 isotopfrac(68,168)=0.268 isotopfrac(68,170)=0.149 isotopfrac(69,169)=1.00 isotopfrac(70,168)=0.0013 isotopfrac(70,170)=0.0305 isotopfrac(70,171)=0.143 isotopfrac(70,172)=0.219 isotopfrac(70,173)=0.1612 isotopfrac(70,174)=0.318 isotopfrac(70,176)=0.127 isotopfrac(71,175)=0.9741 isotopfrac(71,176)=0.0259 isotopfrac(72,174)=0.00162 isotopfrac(72,176)=0.05206 isotopfrac(72,177)=0.18606 isotopfrac(72,178)=0.27297 isotopfrac(72,179)=0.13629 isotopfrac(72,180)=0.35100 isotopfrac(73,180)=0.00012 isotopfrac(73,181)=0.99988 isotopfrac(74,180)=0.0013 isotopfrac(74,182)=0.263 isotopfrac(74,183)=0.143 isotopfrac(74,184)=0.3067 isotopfrac(74,186)=0.286 isotopfrac(75,185)=0.3740 isotopfrac(75,187)=0.6260 isotopfrac(76,184)=0.00018 isotopfrac(76,186)=0.0158 isotopfrac(76,187)=0.016 isotopfrac(76,188)=0.133 isotopfrac(76,189)=0.161 isotopfrac(76,190)=0.264 isotopfrac(76,192)=0.410 isotopfrac(77,191)=0.373 isotopfrac(77,193)=0.627 isotopfrac(78,190)=0.000127 isotopfrac(78,192)=0.0078 isotopfrac(78,194)=0.329 isotopfrac(78,195)=0.338 isotopfrac(78,196)=0.252 isotopfrac(78,198)=0.0719 isotopfrac(79,197)=1.00 isotopfrac(80,196)=0.001534 isotopfrac(80,198)=0.09968 isotopfrac(80,199)=0.16873 isotopfrac(80,200)=0.23096 isotopfrac(80,201)=0.13181 isotopfrac(80,202)=0.29863 isotopfrac(80,204)=0.06865 isotopfrac(81,203)=0.29524 isotopfrac(81,205)=0.70476 isotopfrac(82,204)=0.0194 isotopfrac(82,206)=0.1912 isotopfrac(82,207)=0.2062 isotopfrac(82,208)=0.5831 isotopfrac(83,209)=1.00 isotopfrac(90,232)=1.00 isotopfrac(92,235)=0.007200 isotopfrac(92,238)=0.992745 * get the mass of each isotope * and recompute the default mix mass * BPz 12/06-2012 call getisotopmass(amass) do i=1,92 tempmass=amass(i,0) amass(i,0)=0. do j=1,250 amass(i,0)=amass(i,0)+isotopfrac(i,j)*amass(i,j) enddo if (amass(i,0).eq.0.) then amass(i,0)=tempmass endif enddo * print*,' Atomic masses are masses of the default terrestrial', * & ' isotopic mixture. Cf makeabund.f.' * * * print out c open(90,file='abundances.tmp',status='unknown',form='formatted') c write(90,1020) overall,alpha,helium,rabund,sabund c 1020 format('* STD? [Fe/H] [He/Fe] [alpha/Fe] [r/Fe] [s/Fe]',/, c & ' 1 ', 6f8.2) c write(90,1000) (aname(iel),iel= 1,10) c write(90,1010) (abund(iel),iel= 1,10) c write(90,1000) (aname(iel),iel=11,20) c write(90,1010) (abund(iel),iel=11,20) c write(90,1000) (aname(iel),iel=21,30) c write(90,1010) (abund(iel),iel=21,30) c write(90,1000) (aname(iel),iel=31,40) c write(90,1010) (abund(iel),iel=31,40) c write(90,1000) (aname(iel),iel=41,50) c write(90,1010) (abund(iel),iel=41,50) c write(90,1000) (aname(iel),iel=51,60) c write(90,1010) (abund(iel),iel=51,60) c write(90,1000) (aname(iel),iel=61,70) c write(90,1010) (abund(iel),iel=61,70) c write(90,1000) (aname(iel),iel=71,80) c write(90,1010) (abund(iel),iel=71,80) c write(90,1000) (aname(iel),iel=81,90) c write(90,1010) (abund(iel),iel=81,90) c write(90,1000) (aname(iel),iel=91,92) c write(90,1010) (abund(iel),iel=91,92) c 1000 format('* ',10(3x,a2,2x)) c 1010 format(2x,10f7.2) c* c print *,'makeabund; check Output in file abundances.tmp' return end