subroutine input * * Ecrire un mode d'emploi. * * reads input from file 5 * parameter(maxfil=100) character*2 atominclude(100) character*30 keyword,answer character*256 charvalue character*128 filmet,filmol,filwavel character*256 linefil,detout,inatom,inmod,inabun,inspec, & outfil,mongofil,filterfil,continopac,inpmod logical tsuji,spherical,limbdark,abfind,multidump,xifix,mrxf, & hydrovelo,pureLTE integer iint,k real isoch(100),isochfact(100),xic,xmyc,scattfrac doubleprecision xl1,xl2,del,xlmarg,xlboff common/inputdata/mmaxfil,tsuji,filmet,filmol,noffil, & linefil(maxfil),spherical,mihal,taum,ncore, & diflog,detout,inatom, & inmod,inabun,inspec,outfil, & mongofil,abch(100),limbdark,filterfil, & overall,abfind,multidump,isoch,isochfact, & helium,alpha,rabund,sabund,xifix,xic,mrxf, & inpmod,continopac,filwavel,hydrovelo, & xl1,xl2,del,xlmarg,xlboff,iint,xmyc,scattfrac, & pureLTE common/species/atominclude data atominclude & /'H ','He','Li','Be','B ','C ','N ','O ','F ','Ne', & 'Na','Mg','Al','Si','P ','S ','Cl','Ar','K ','Ca', & 'Sc','Ti','V ','Cr','Mn','Fe','Co','Ni','Cu','Zn', & 'Ga','Ge','As','Se','Br','Kr','Rb','Sr','Y ','Zr', & 'Nb','Mo','Tc','Ru','Rh','Pd','Ag','Cd','In','Sn', & 'Sb','Te','I ','Xe','Cs','Ba','La','Ce','Pr','Nd', & 'Pm','Sm','Eu','Gd','Tb','Dy','Ho','Er','Tm','Yb', & 'Lu','Hf','Ta','W ','Re','Os','Ir','Pt','Au','Hg', & 'Tl','Pb','Bi','Po','At','Rn','Fr','Ra','Ac','Th', & 'Pa','U ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ' / * scattfrac=0.0 pureLTE=.false. do k=1,100 abch(k)=-99.9 enddo isoch=-1.0 isochfact=-1.0 abfind=.false. * if ( stop 'parameter maxfil wrong' iread=5 iwrite=6 * default data files and setup: continopac='DATA/jonabs_vac_v07.3.dat' filmol= & 'DATA/LISTE_molecules_all_v12.1.dat' ccc & '/b1/plez/BIGGRID/DATA/LISTE_molecules_all.dat' filmet=' ' cc &'/b1/plez/BIGGRID/DATA/tsuji.atoms_AndersGrev' detout='dummy-output.dat' ccc inatom='/b1/plez/BIGGRID/DATA/atomdata' ccc inatom='DATA/atomdata-v12.1' inatom=' ' filwavel='DATA/wavelengths.UVIS' outfil='syntspec/synout' hydrovelo=.false. limbdark=.false. tsuji=.true. spherical=.false. multidump=.false. mrxf=.true. xifix=.true. xic=0.0 overall=0.0 helium=0.0 alpha =0.0 rabund=0.0 sabund=0.0 nchabund=0 iint=0 xmyc=1.0 xlboff=0.d0 xlmarg=2.d0 xl1=-10.d0 xl2=-10.d0 del=-10.d0 * 1 read(iread,*,end=99) keyword,charvalue print*, keyword(1:lenstr(keyword)),charvalue(1:lenstr(charvalue)) if (keyword(1:23).eq.'INCLUDE FOLLOWING ATOMS') then read(charvalue,*) nlines if ( then * if atoms to be included given in input, we use them. Otherwise we * use the default list provided in the DATA block of this routine do jj=1,100 atominclude(jj)=' ' enddo do i=1,nlines read(5,*) (atominclude((i-1)*10+jj),jj=1,10) enddo else if ( then print*,'nlines = ',nlines,' too large. Limit = 100' stop endif else if (keyword(1:11).eq.'METALLICITY') then read(charvalue,*) overall else if (keyword(1:8).eq.'ALPHA/Fe') then read(charvalue,*) alpha else if (keyword(1:6).eq.'HELIUM') then read(charvalue,*) helium else if (keyword(1:9).eq.'R-PROCESS') then read(charvalue,*) rabund else if (keyword(1:9).eq.'S-PROCESS') then read(charvalue,*) sabund else if (keyword(1:21).eq.'INDIVIDUAL ABUNDANCES') then read(charvalue,*) nchabund do i=1,nchabund read(5,*) iii,fifi abch(iii)=fifi print*,iii,fifi enddo else if (keyword(1:5).eq.'TSUJI') then read(charvalue,*) tsuji else if (keyword(1:9).eq.'SPHERICAL') then read(charvalue,*) spherical read(iread,*) mihal read(iread,*) taum read(iread,*) ncore read(iread,*) diflog else if (keyword(1:6).eq.'NFILES') then read(charvalue,*) noffil do i=1,noffil read(iread,'(a)') linefil(i) enddo else if (keyword(1:7).eq.'LOGFILE') then read(charvalue,10) detout else if (keyword(1:8).eq.'ATOMDATA') then read(charvalue,10) inatom else if (keyword(1:9).eq.'MODELOPAC') then read(charvalue,10) inmod else if (keyword(1:9).eq.'PARAMETER') then read(charvalue,10) inabun else if (keyword(1:8).eq.'SPECDATA') then read(charvalue,10) inspec else if (keyword(1:10).eq.'RESULTFILE') then read(charvalue,10) outfil else if (keyword(1:9).eq.'MOLECULES') then read(charvalue,10) filmol else if (keyword(1:8).eq.'LIMBDARK') then read(charvalue,*) limbdark c We now save limb-darkening for each wavelength in the interval. ccc read(iread,*) filterfil else if (keyword(1:9).eq.'MULTIDUMP') then read(charvalue,*) multidump else if (keyword(1:8).eq.'ISOTOPES') then read(charvalue,*) niso do i=1,niso read(iread,*) isoch(i),isochfact(i) enddo else if (keyword(1:10).eq.'MARCS-FILE') then read(charvalue,*) mrxf else if (keyword(1:5).eq.'XIFIX') then read(charvalue,*) xifix read(iread,*) xic else if (keyword(1:20).eq.'CONTINUOUS-OPACITIES') then read(charvalue,10) continopac else if (keyword(1:10).eq.'MODELINPUT') then read(charvalue,10) inpmod else if (keyword(1:6).eq.'ABFIND') then read(charvalue,*) abfind else if (keyword(1:13).eq.'C_WAVELENGTHS') then read(charvalue,10) filwavel else if (keyword(1:14).eq.'HYDRODYN_DEPTH') then read(charvalue,*) hydrovelo else if (keyword(1:10).eq.'LAMBDA_MIN') then read(charvalue,*) xl1 else if (keyword(1:10).eq.'LAMBDA_MAX') then read(charvalue,*) xl2 else if (keyword(1:11).eq.'LAMBDA_STEP') then read(charvalue,*) del else if (keyword(1:14).eq.'INTENSITY/FLUX') then read(charvalue,*) answer if (answer(1:1).eq.'I') then iint=1 else if (answer(1:1).eq.'F') then iint=0 else print*,'INPUT: bad answer: ',answer,' for INTENSITY/FLUX' print*,'INPUT: answer: should be I or F' stop endif else if (keyword(1:10).eq.'COS(THETA)') then read(charvalue,*) xmyc else if (keyword(1:9).eq.'SCATTFRAC') then ! fraction of line opacity to include in scattering read(charvalue,*) scattfrac else if (keyword(1:8).eq.'PURE-LTE') then ! pureLTE=.true. means take all opacity into kappa. No scattering. ! This ensures that S=B read(charvalue,*) pureLTE if (pureLTE) then scattfrac=0.0 endif else print*,'input.f; bad keyword: ',keyword stop endif goto 1 99 continue if ( then print*,'ERROR! Provide lambda min max and deltalambda!' print*,'xl1 xl2 del =',xl1,xl2,del stop endif cc* store atomic species to use in molecular equilibrium into file 26. cc open(26,status='scratch') cc do jj=1,100 cc if (atominclude(jj).ne.' ') then cc write(26,111) atominclude(jj) cc111 format('''',a2,'''') cc endif cc enddo print*, & 'Following atomic species included in molecular equilibrium:' do i=1,10 print*, (atominclude((i-1)*10+jj),' ',jj=1,10) enddo 10 format (a) return end