PROGRAM BSYN * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Main program for lte line calculations. The program calculates * several lines from one element. * Author: Kjell Eriksson, Astron. Obs., S-75120 Uppsala, Sweden. * Modified by: Ake Nordlund, Nordita, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen * Denmark. * 76.03.30 * The Canarian version by B. Gustafsson, Uppsala 82.01.22 * * Modified by K.Eriksson and O. Morell Uppsala 1984.09 * ECNO --> MOL, F77 + kosmetics O. Morell Uppsala 1986.09 * New input file format + * Double precision & more F77 O. Morell Uppsala 1986.10 * Export version 1988-03-24 ********* Olof Morell *** Uppsala * Small improvements on NL & dimensions O. Morell Uppsala 890530 * * Major upgrade: new jon and detabs blocks from MARCS. major revisions * in main bsyn below. BPz 29/10-1996 * * New jon/eqmol_pe_lu/die_pe_lu . Solves chemical equilibrium with * matrix inversion. BPz 09/07-1999 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * INCLUDE '' include 'tsuji.par' * parameter (maxim=1000) INTEGER TLUNIT, LUNIT,alunit PARAMETER (TLUNIT=13,alunit=16) INTEGER SPUNIT PARAMETER (SPUNIT=15) INTEGER MAXNL,maxfil PARAMETER (MAXNL=200,maxfil=100) parameter (nmemol=16) * CHARACTER*256 DETOUT,INATOM,INMOD,INLINE,INSPEC,OUTFIL,inabun, & filterfil character*80 filttitle,comment character*50 MCODE real scattfrac,absfrac REAL N,MA,MH,M,L,MUM,NTOT,MAM,MABUND(16),ntt REAL XIH,XIHM,XKHM,HJONH,HJONC,HJONN,HJONO,XNECNO REAL ABUVC(NDP),ABUVN(NDP),ABUVO(NDP),ABUVS(NDP),ABUVK(NDP) doubleprecision ionpot DIMENSION & JLEV(NDP/5+1),EMOL(NMEMOL,NDP),BPLAN(NDP), & X(NDP),S(NDP),plez(ndp),contop(ndp) doubleprecision XL1,XL2,DEL,XLMARG,XL1L,XL2R,XLBOFF,XLB doubleprecision xlb_vshifted(ndp),lshift(ndp) CHARACTER*20 LELE real newvoigt COMMON/POP/ N(NDP),A(NDP),DNUD(NDP),STIM(NDP),QUO(NDP),DBVCON COMMON/ATOM/ XL,MA,CHI,CHI2,chi3,CHIE,G,IDAMP,FDAMP, & GAMRAD,ALOGC6,ION COMMON/ATMOS/ T(NDP),PE(NDP),PG(NDP),XI(NDP),MUM(NDP),RO(NDP),NTAU logical hydrovelo,debug,infoonly real velocity common/velo/velocity(ndp),hydrovelo COMMON/CONST/ BOLTZ,MH,H,C,E,M COMMON/CQ/ Q1(NDP),Q2(NDP),Q3(NDP),AQ1(3),AQ2(3),TLIM1,TLIM2, & Q1LIM,Q2LIM,AQ3(3),TLIM3,Q3LIM,TQA(3) COMMON/TAUC/ TAU(NDP),DTAULN(NDP),JTAU COMMON/ROSSC/ ROSS(NDP),cross(ndp) COMMON/CWAVES/ XLS COMMON/CNUMB/ NTOT(NDP),ntt(ndp),fpartition(ndp), & PH(NDP),HEH,phe(ndp),ph2(ndp) COMMON/ATMOL/ NAT,NMOL COMMON/MODID/ MCODE COMMON/PIECES/ XL1,XL2,DEL,EPS,NMY,NLBLDU,IINT,XMYC,IWEAK COMMON/UTPUT/ IREAD,IWRIT COMMON/CI5/ MABUND,ANJON(16,5),DUMT(94) COMMON/CHECK/ ABURC,ABURN,ABURO,ABURS,ABURK * COMMONs for the carbon MOL() dimension presmo(30) COMMON/CMOL1/ EH,FE,FH,FHE,FC,FCE,FN,FNE,FO,FOE,FK,FKE,FS,FSE COMMON/CMOL2/ NNMOL,PK(30) * * Special for spherical * COMMON /RHOC/RHO(NDP) COMMON /CSPHER/NCORE,DIFLOG,RADIUS,RR(NDP) COMMON /CSTYR/MIHAL /CTAUM/TAUM logical spherical,limbdark,multidump,skiprelim * * extension for large number of wavelengths and lines (monster II) character*256 linefil(maxfil),mongofil,filprint integer isotope(5),atom(5) character*26 species,blabla doubleprecision xlambda,dist common/large/ xlambda(lpoint),maxlam,ABSO(NDP,lpoint), & absos(ndp,lpoint),absocont(ndp,lpoint) logical oldpart,Ames,scan2001,oldscan,Barber common/oldpart/oldpart common/h2ochoice/Ames,scan2001,oldscan,Barber * common/count/icount1,icount2,icount3,icount4 * * common for continuum lambdas. Nlcont lambdas at * xlambda(jlcont(1:nlcont)). common/continuum/nlcont,jlcont(lpoint) doubleprecision xlp common/babcont/xlp(20*numbset),nlq * common for damping recipe real sigmacross,velexp,xlbr character*1 levlo,levup,recipe common/damping/sigmacross,velexp,recipe * * common for partial pressures logical tsuswitch,tsuji,chck doubleprecision parptsuji,presneutral,presion,presion2,presion3, & partryck,xmettryck,xiontryck common /tsuji/ tsuji,tsuswitch,nattsuji,nmotsuji, & parptsuji(maxim+400) character*128 filmet,filmol character*20 nametryck common /filetsuji/ filmet,filmol common /fullequilibrium/ partryck(ndp,maxmol), & xmettryck(ndp,maxmet),xiontryck(ndp,maxmet),nametryck(maxmol) common /orderedpress/ presneutral(ndp,100),presion(ndp,100), & presion2(ndp,100),presion3(ndp,100) real rhotsuji,xmytsuji,ejontsuji common/rhotsu/ rhotsuji,xmytsuji,ejontsuji logical dattsuji,datspherical,datlimbdark,databfind, & datmultidump,datxifix,datmrxf,dathydrovelo,datpureLTE, & pureLTE integer datnoffil,datncore,datmaxfil,datmihal,datiint real isoch(100),isochfact(100),datisoch(100),datisochfact(100) real datxmyc,datscattfrac character*128 datfilmet,datfilmol,datfilwavel character*256 datlinefil(maxfil),datdetout, & datinatom,datinmod,datinabun,datcontinopac,datinpmod, & datinspec,datoutfil,datmongofil,datfilterfil doubleprecision datxl1,datxl2,datdel,datxlmarg,datxlboff common/inputdata/datmaxfil,dattsuji,datfilmet,datfilmol, & datnoffil,datlinefil, & datspherical,datmihal,dattaum,datncore, & datdiflog,datdetout,datinatom, & datinmod,datinabun,datinspec, & datoutfil,datmongofil,databch(100), & datlimbdark,datfilterfil, & datoverall,databfind, & datmultidump,datisoch,datisochfact, & dathelium,datalpha,datrabund,datsabund, & datxifix,datxic,datmrxf,datinpmod,datcontinopac, & datfilwavel,dathydrovelo, & datxl1,datxl2,datdel,datxlmarg,datxlboff, & datiint,datxmyc,datscattfrac,datpureLTE real amass(92,0:250),abund(92),fixabund(92), & isotopfrac(92,0:250) real overall,alpha,helium,rabund,sabund character*2 aname(92) common/refabundances/ abund,amass,aname,isotopfrac common/filter/limbdark,ifilt,filtlam(1000),filttrans(1000), & filterfil,filttitle common/abundch/abch(100) real absave(100),symmfactor *********************************************** integer version data version /121/ *********************************************** data debug/.false./ data nat/92/ ccc external commn_handler tsuswitch =.false. Ames=.false. scan2001=.false. oldscan=.false. Barber=.false. lunit =23 chck=.false. do k=1,100 abch(k)=-99.9 enddo * datmaxfil=maxfil * print* print*,'**************************************************' print10,version*0.1 10 format(' * BSYN version ',f4.1,' *') print*,'* Warning, now Flux is so that F=sigma.Teff^4 ! *' print*,'* consistent with MARCS. *' print*,'* Versions 10.1 and lower give f=sigma.Teff^4/pi *' print*,'**************************************************' print* call input * fraction of the line opacity to count as scattering. * Remaining is counted in absorption BPz 27/09-2002 scattfrac=datscattfrac absfrac=1.0-scattfrac if ( then print* print*,' WARNING!!!!! ', scattfrac,' of the line opacity', & ' counted as scattering!!!!!' print* endif tsuji=dattsuji filmet=datfilmet filmol=datfilmol noffil=datnoffil do i=1,noffil linefil(i)=datlinefil(i) enddo hydrovelo=dathydrovelo spherical=datspherical mihal=datmihal taum=dattaum ncore=datncore diflog=datdiflog detout=datdetout inatom=datinatom inmod=datinmod inabun=datinabun inspec=datinspec outfil=datoutfil mongofil=datmongofil limbdark=datlimbdark multidump=datmultidump filterfil=datfilterfil overall=datoverall alpha=datalpha rabund=datrabund sabund=datsabund helium=dathelium xl1=datxl1 xl2=datxl2 del=datdel xlmarg=datxlmarg xlboff=datxlboff iint=datiint xmyc=datxmyc do i=1,92 fixabund(i)=databch(i) isoch(i)=datisoch(i) isochfact(i)=datisochfact(i) enddo print*,tsuji,filmet(1:index(filmet,' ')), & filmol(1:index(filmol,' ')) print*,noffil,' line lists:' do i=1,noffil print*,linefil(i)(1:index(linefil(i),' ')) enddo print*,spherical,mihal,taum,ncore,diflog print*,detout(1:index(detout,' ')) print*,inatom(1:index(inatom,' ')) print*,inmod(1:index(inmod,' ')) print*,outfil(1:index(outfil,' ')) do i=1,92 if (fixabund(i).gt.-90.0) print*,'ab. changed: elt ', & i,fixabund(i) enddo if (limbdark) then cc* reads filter transmission, opens output files, cc* 46 contains spectrum in interval and 47 contains center-to-limb profile cc* filter in common filter. Is interpolated weightlimb cc ifiltunit=46 cc open(ifiltunit,file=filterfil,status='old') cc call readfilt(ifiltunit) cc close(ifiltunit) cc open(47,file=outfil,status='unknown') open(46,file=outfil(1:lenstr(outfil))//'.spec', & status='unknown') else if (multidump) then * opacities (kappa cont, sigma cont and kappa line) for MULTI input. open(46,file=outfil(1:lenstr(outfil))//'.multi', & status='unknown',form='unformatted') CCCconvert='big_endian') else * spectrum file in ascii format (2 columns: lambda,flux) open(46,file=outfil,status='unknown') endif * * Tsuji molecular equilibrium? * if (tsuji) then print*,' Full molecular equilibrium, using:' print*,' ',filmet(1:index(filmet,' ')) print*,' ',filmol(1:index(filmol,' ')) tsuswitch=.true. else print*,' Carbon Marcs molecular equilibrium' endif * * which kind of file for lines * if ( stop 'number of files too large. See maxfil' lunit=tlunit * * Read info for spherical * print*,' ' if (spherical) then print*,' Transfer treated in the spherical scheme' else print*,' Transfer treated in the plane parallel approximation' endif print*,' ' * OPEN(UNIT=7,FILE=DETOUT,STATUS='UNKNOWN') call clock cc OPEN(UNIT=12,FILE=INMOD,STATUS='OLD',recl=4*2*200) OPEN(UNIT=12,FILE=INMOD,STATUS='OLD') cc OPEN(UNIT=14,STATUS='SCRATCH',FORM='UNFORMATTED',RECL=16384) c OPEN(UNIT=14,STATUS='SCRATCH',FORM='UNFORMATTED') OPEN(UNIT=14,STATUS='SCRATCH',FORM='UNFORMATTED',access='direct', , recl=4*(4*ndp+2)+50 ) cc OPEN(UNIT=15,FILE=INSPEC,STATUS='OLD') cc open(unit=16,file=inabun,status='old') cc OPEN(UNIT=27,STATUS='SCRATCH',FORM='FORMATTED') ccc OPEN(UNIT=20,FILE=OUTFIL,STATUS='UNKNOWN',FORM='UNFORMATTED') cc OPEN(UNIT=20,FILE=OUTFIL,STATUS='UNKNOWN',FORM='UNFORMATTED', cc & RECL=412) cc OPEN(UNIT=66,FILE='sphlimb',STATUS='UNKNOWN',FORM='UNFORMATTED', cc & RECL=412) OPEN(UNIT=23,STATUS='SCRATCH',FORM='FORMATTED') * * Initiate * IREAD=5 IWRIT=6 IP=1 * BOLTZ=1.38066E-16 MH=1.6735E-24 M=9.1091E-28 C=2.9979E10 E=4.80298E-10 H=6.6256E-27 constant=SQRT(4.*ATAN(1.))*E*E/M/C IDAMP=2 IELP=0 IONP=0 * * NALLIN is total no of lines used; NREJCT total no rejected * NALLIN=0 NREJCT=0 * * DBVCON depthconstant doppler broadening velocity, if zero then micro- * turbulence is used. * DBVCON=0.0 * * get abundances and scale them by overall. Then * if appropriate replace by fixabund. * for molecular equilibrium calculation and damping * call makeabund(overall,alpha,helium,rabund,sabund,fixabund, & abund,amass,aname,isotopfrac) cc OPEN(UNIT=11,FILE=INATOM,STATUS='OLD') print*,'metallicity changed by ',overall,' dex' do i=2,92 if (abund(i).lt.-28.) then abund(i)=0.0 else abund(i)=10**(abund(i)-abund(1)) endif enddo abund(1)=1.00 * change isotopic mixture if appropriate do i=1,100 if (isoch(i).gt.0.) then write(blabla,'(f6.3,20x)') isoch(i) print*,blabla call getinfospecies(blabla,iel,natom,atom,isotope) if ( then print*,'bsyn: error in isotope specification',isoch(i) stop endif print*,'ISOTOPIC fraction changed from ', & isotopfrac(atom(1),isotope(1)) isotopfrac(atom(1),isotope(1))=isochfact(i) print*,'to ',isotopfrac(atom(1),isotope(1)),' for element ', & atom(1) endif enddo * mabund(1)=abund(1) mabund(2)=abund(2) mabund(3)=abund(6) mabund(4)=abund(7) mabund(5)=abund(8) mabund(6)=abund(10) mabund(7)=abund(11) mabund(8)=abund(12) mabund(9)=abund(13) mabund(10)=abund(14) mabund(11)=abund(16) mabund(12)=abund(19) mabund(13)=abund(20) mabund(14)=abund(24) mabund(15)=abund(26) mabund(16)=abund(28) HEH=MABUND(2) ABURC=MABUND(3) ABURN=MABUND(4) ABURO=MABUND(5) ABURS=MABUND(11) ABURK=MABUND(10) * * Calculate grams of hydrogen/grams of stellar matter (ABUNDH) * WGT=1.008+4.003*HEH+12.01*ABURC+14.01*ABURN+16.00*ABURO+ & 20.183*MABUND(6)+22.9898*MABUND(7)+24.312*MABUND(8)+ & 26.9815*MABUND(9)+28.086*MABUND(10)+32.064*MABUND(11)+ & 39.102*MABUND(12)+40.08*MABUND(13)+51.996*MABUND(14)+ & 55.847*MABUND(15)+58.71*MABUND(16) ABUNDH=1.008/WGT print*,'old abundh:',abundh * * Start reading data on lines to be calculated * * IP>=1 gives lots of printout, IP=0 less, IP=2 gives some on term. * cccc call cstrip(alunit,27) cccc READ(27,101) IP,EPS IP=0 EPS=0.0001 NMY=6 iweak=0 * * limbdarkening? if (limbdark) then cc xl1=filtlam(1) cc xl2=filtlam(ifilt) iint=1 endif if ( then OPEN(UNIT=66,FILE='sphlimb',STATUS='UNKNOWN',FORM='UNFORMATTED') endif if (hydrovelo) then * this allows line shifts from the first lambda to the last of the list * (at least for v/c*lambda <5A. xlmarg=5.0 if ( then print* print*,' ERROR! cannot compute intensities and limbdarkening' print*,' ERROR! with velocity shifts. Not yet...' print* stop endif if (.not.spherical) then print* print*,' ERROR! cannot compute PP flux with velocities' print*,' ERROR! Use spherical' print* endif endif IF(ABS(XLMARG).LT.1.E-6) XLMARG=5.0000 XLM=(XL1+XL2)/2. XL1L=XL1-XLMARG XL2R=XL2+XLMARG maxlam=int((xl2-xl1)/del)+1 if ( stop 'bsyn: too many wavelengths' do 400 j=1,min(maxlam+100,lpoint) * concerning this min() see readmo, set up of the continuum opacities xlambda(J)=XL1+FLOAT(J-1)*DEL do 401 k=1,ndp abso(k,j)=0.0 absos(k,j)=0.0 absocont(k,j)=0.0 401 continue 400 continue * * EPS tells which small l/kappa is neglected. * XLM is a characteristic wavelength * XL1L is the left consideration limit for lines * XL2R is the right consideration limit for lines * IF(EPS.LE.0.0) EPS=0.0001 XITE5=0.0 XLBOFF=0.0 cc READ(27,102) XITE5 cc READ(27,109) XLBOFF cc if ( xlboff=0.0 * * XITE5 is depth independent microturbulence parameter in * km/s. If this is zero or unspecified, XI is taken from * model file, read by subr. READMO. * XLBOFF is the wavelength offset for each line (Angstroms) * * Next read model atm. and continuous abs. coeffs. at XLM * readmo also interpolates the continuous opacities to all the * lambdas . They are put into absos and abso. the wavelengths that * were used in babsma for the calculation of the cont. opacities * are put into xlp. * CALL READMO(XLM,X,S) if ( (rr(1).eq.0. .or. abs((rr(1)-rr(2))/rr(1)).lt.1.e-8) & .and.spherical) then print*, & 'WARNING! transfer should be treated PP, as the model is PP!' stop ' COMPUTATION HALTED!' ** print*,'WARNING! Swaping to PP transfer!' ** spherical=.false. endif * * Calculate continuum opacities and planck function. * We try to catch the wavelengths closest to the continuum points of * babsma. At these caught lambdas the continuum flux or intensity * will be computed, and then interpolated to the other lambdas. i=1 nlcont=0 do j=2,maxlam dist=abs(xlambda(j-1)-xlp(i)) ccc print*,'dist and xlp-xlb',dist,j,xlambda(j),i,xlp(i) if (abs(xlambda(j)-xlp(i)).gt.dist) then nlcont=nlcont+1 jlcont(nlcont)=j-1 ccc print*,'found a point ',nlcont,i,xlp(i),j,xlambda(j-1),dist i=i+1 if ( goto 112 endif enddo 112 continue if (nlcont.eq.1) then print*,'ERROR in bsyn: nlcont=1' stop endif ccc print*,'check bsyn: nlq=',nlq,' nlcont=',nlcont if (xlp(1).gt.xlambda(1)) then print*, & 'WARNING bsyn; extrapolating continuous opacity downwards' endif if (xlp(nlq).lt.xlambda(jlcont(nlcont))) then print*, & 'WARNING bsyn; extrapolating continuous opacity upwards' endif do 1965 jc=1,nlcont xlmb=xlambda(jlcont(jc)) if (debug) then print*,'saving continuous opac' print*,jc,xlmb endif DO 42 k=1,NTAU BPLAN(k)=BPL(T(k),xlmb) x(k)=abso(k,jlcont(jc)) s(k)=absos(k,jlcont(jc)) if (debug) then print*,x(k),s(k),bplan(k) endif 42 CONTINUE * WRITE(14,rec=jc) MCODE,nlcont,xlmb,BPLAN,X,S,XI 1965 continue * save continuous opacities for MULTI output. if (multidump) then do j=1,maxlam do k=1,ntau absocont(k,j)=abso(k,j) enddo enddo else * use for reference continuum opacity: do j=1,maxlam do k=1,ntau cc absocont(k,j)=abso(k,j)+absos(k,j) absocont(k,j)=abso(k,j) enddo enddo endif * * X is kappa/stndop, * S is sigma/stndop * at each depth for a series of nlcont lambdas (xlmb). * the complete description of the continuum absorption is in * abso (pure absorption) and absos (scattering). They are also * divided by stndop. They are computed in readmo. * stndop is called ross in this routine and is not ross. * WRITE(7,237) MCODE(1:lenstr(mcode)) IF(IP.EQ.0) WRITE(7,303) NLEV=0 DO 25 K=1,NTAU,5 NLEV=NLEV+1 JLEV(NLEV)=K 25 CONTINUE JLEV0=NTAU IF(XITE5.GT.0) THEN XITE=XITE5*1.E5 DO 318 K=1,NTAU XI(K)=XITE 318 CONTINUE END IF * Calculate number densities of molecules, put in EMOL() * tp=1.e6 pep=-1. print*,'Bsyn; k, pgmod, pg_calc, romod, ro_calc' do 43 k=1,ntau if ((abs((t(k)-tp)/t(k)).lt.3.e-2).and. & (abs((pe(k)-pep)/pe(k)).lt.0.6)) then skiprelim=.true. else skiprelim=.false. endif tp=t(k) pep=pe(k) call eqmol_pe(t(k),pg(k),pgpg,pe(k),1.,1.,k,niter,skiprelim) c print*,'eqmol_pe calculated ',niter,' iterations' c print*,k,pg(k),pgpg,ro(k),rhotsuji ccc write(*,'(i3,15e10.3,/,3x,15e10.3)') k,presmo * PH(K)=presneutral(k,1) phe(k)=presneutral(k,2) ph2(k)=partryck(k,2) 43 continue abundh=1./xmytsuji print*,'new abundh:',abundh * * * molecules in presmo/partryck: * I=1 H-, 2 H2, 3 H2+, 4 H2O, 5 OH, 6 CH, 7 CO, 8 CN, 9 C2, 10 N2, * 11 O2, 12 NO, 13 NH, 14 C2H2, 15 HCN, 16 C2H, 17 -, 18 HS * 19 SIH, 20 C3H, 21 C3, 22 CS, 23 SIC, 24 SIC2, 25 NS * 26 SIN, 27 SIO, 28 SO, 29 S2, 30 SIS etc etc (see takemolec.f) * * molecules present in atomda are: * CN, CH, C2, H2O, OH, NH, CO, N2, O2, H2, TiO, MgH,ZrO, HF * et VO (12/2/96) * et CaH (1/4/96) etc etc (see atomdata) * * Here great loop over all elements and lines starts * * first, loop over line files * do 98 ifil=1,noffil * inline=linefil(ifil) c print*,'soon opening file :' , inline(1:index(inline,' ')) OPEN(UNIT=13,FILE=INLINE,STATUS='old') cc print*,'opened file ' call clock print*,' starting scan of linelist' 1 CONTINUE * security: ibadc6=0 iel=-1 ion=-1 nline=0 * ielp=0 read(lunit,*,end=9874) species,ion,nline print*,species read(lunit,*) comment call getinfospecies(species,iel,natom,atom,isotope) * find out if Ames H2O or Joergensen's if (iel.eq.10108) then do ic=1,77 if (comment(ic:ic+3).eq.'Ames') then Ames=.true. print*,'H2O line list from Ames. Using their partf.' endif enddo do ic=1,75 if (comment(ic:ic+5).eq.'Barber') then Barber=.true. print*,'H2O list from Barber et al. Using their partf.' endif enddo do ic=1,73 if (comment(ic:ic+7).eq.'scan2001') then scan2001=.true. print*,'H2O line list from SCAN2001. Using their partf.' endif enddo do ic=1,74 if (comment(ic:ic+6).eq.'oldscan') then oldscan=.true. print*,'H2O line list from old SCAN. Using their partf.' endif enddo endif * H I lines with Stark broadening. Special treatment. if (iel.eq.1) then lele='H ' print 1234,species,lele,iel,ion,(isotope(nn),nn=1,natom) print*, 'nlines ', nline cc call Hlineadd(lunit,nline,xlboff) call hydropac(lunit,xlboff) goto 9874 endif *default fdamp (may be changed for each element further down) **** if ( then **** fdamp=0. **** else **** fdamp=2.0 **** endif g=1. ccc raddmp=0.0 * new element. we must compute more in depth oldpart=.false. symmfactor=1.e0 IF(IEL.LE.0) GOTO 9874 * * IEL is identification of the species (e.g. 3 = Li, 822 = TiO, 10108 = H2O) * defined in getinfospecies. * * ION is the stage of ionization (=1 for neutral atoms or * molecules, 2 for singly ionized species etc) * *The abundance is by default the * Anders and Grevesse abundance stored in makeabund.f) * scaled by overall, helium, etc (see options in input.f). * This value may be overwritten by using ABCHANGE in input file. * * We don't read the atomic/molec data table anymore (atomda): abunp not used. * we keep atomdata only for lele. Partition functions * come now from partf and molecpartf. Chi, chi2, chi3 come from partf.f for * atoms (Irwin data tables). * CHI is not needed for molecules anymore! as we don't want to use the * Unsoeld recipe for vanderWaals broadening. * Finally the mass is computed here. * ccc CALL ATOMDA(IEL,LELE,CHI,CHI2,MAM,ABUNP) if (iel.le.92) then lele=aname(iel) else call getlele(iel,ion,lele) endif mam=0. do i=1,natom * compute mass for isotopomer. If isotope is not specified (isotope=0), * then standard mix is assumed, with mass=amass(atom(i),0) mam=mam+amass(atom(i),isotope(i)) enddo MA=MAM*1.6603E-24 print*,'Mass used for lines of ',iel,lele,' is ', mam print 1234,species,lele,iel,ion,(isotope(nn),nn=1,natom) print*, 'nlines ', nline 1234 format('species: ',a17,1x,a20,' iel: ',i8,' ion: ',i2, & ' isotopes: ',5i3) print*,comment if (iel.le.92) then ABUL=abund(iel) abunp=abund(iel) endif * With Tsuji equilibrium, abund is not needed. * * Start wavelength loop * ILINE=0 NALLIN=NALLIN+NLINE * * NLINE is the number of lines of the element IEL. * *************************************************************** * iatouca=0 * *************************************************************** * * Big jump to 64 from far below, line loop. * 64 CONTINUE DGFE=0. * * Loop for reading the lines * 50 CONTINUE IF(ILINE.EQ.NLINE) then print*,iline,' considered for element ',iel,ion print*,ibadc6,' lines rejected because of negative c6' GOTO 1 ENDIF * * Now read the line data * * XLB= wavelength * CHIE= excitation pot (in eV) of lower level * GFELOG= log(gf) * GU the upper statistical weight for the line, is only of * importance for damping and if raddmp is not 0. * FDAMP is a fudge factor to increase damping constant * RADDMP externaly calculated radiation damping (if needed) * f = f-value (as g=1., f is in fact gf-value). * * warning! xlb is real*8 * if (iel.le.nat) then read(lunit,*) xlb,chie,gfelog,fdamp,gu,raddmp,levlo,levup else read(lunit,*) xlb,chie,gfelog,fdamp,gu,raddmp endif * if ( then NALLIN=NALLIN-1 NLINE=NLINE-1 NREJCT=NREJCT+1 GOTO 50 else if ( then * as the lines are sorted by increasing wavelength, we can jump out when * we have reached the upper limit of the window (xl1l,xl2r) NALLIN=NALLIN-1 NLINE=NLINE-1 NREJCT=NREJCT+1 goto 50 endif f=10**(gfelog) xlb=xlb+xlboff * * Start line calculations * if ( then * * Calculate abundance of molecule/atom per gram stellar matter * symmfactor=1.e0 infoonly=.false. if ( then molindex=0 infoonly=.true. call takemolec(1,infoonly,lele,molindex) if (lele.eq.'C C ') then if ((isotope(1).eq.12.and.isotope(2).eq.13).or. & (isotope(2).eq.12.and.isotope(1).eq.13)) then symmfactor=2. print*,' SYMMFACTOR = 2 for 12C13C' else if ((isotope(1).eq.12.and.isotope(2).eq.12).or. & (isotope(1).eq.13.and.isotope(2).eq.13)) then symmfactor=1. else stop 'Bsyn: Problem with C2 isotopic mix!!' endif * For TiO line scattering ********************************** cc else if (lele.eq.'TiO ') then cc scattfrac=1.0 cc absfrac=1.0-scattfrac cc if ( then cc print* cc print*,' WARNING!!!!! ', scattfrac,' of the line opacity', cc & ' counted as scattering!!!!!' cc print* cc endif * For TiO line scattering ********************************** endif if (molindex.eq.0) then print*,'bsyn: molecular species not implemented in atomda', & lele stop endif do k=1,ntau ntot(k)=partryck(k,molindex)/boltz/t(k)/ro(k)*symmfactor ntt(k)=partryck(k,molindex)/boltz/t(k)/ro(k)*symmfactor enddo call partffordepth(ntau,t,lele,fpartition) else do k=1,ntau if (presneutral(k,iel).ge.0.) then ntot(k)=(presneutral(k,iel)+presion(k,iel)+ & presion2(k,iel)+presion3(k,iel))/ & boltz/t(k)/ro(k) if (ion.eq.1) then ntt(k)=presneutral(k,iel)/boltz/t(k)/ro(k) else if (ion.eq.2) then ntt(k)=presion(k,iel)/boltz/t(k)/ro(k) else if (ion.eq.3) then ntt(k)=presion2(k,iel)/boltz/t(k)/ro(k) else if (ion.eq.4) then ntt(k)=presion3(k,iel)/boltz/t(k)/ro(k) endif call partf(iel,1,t(k),1,fpartition(k),ionpot) chi=ionpot call partf(iel,2,t(k),1,fpartition(k),ionpot) chi2=ionpot call partf(iel,3,t(k),1,fpartition(k),ionpot) chi3=ionpot call partf(iel,ion,t(k),1,fpartition(k),ionpot) else if (k.eq.1) then print*,'element not present in chemical equilibrium', & ' adopted abundance: ',log10(abunp)+12. endif ntot(k)=abunp*abundh/mh ntt(k)=-1.0 endif enddo endif do k=1,ntau * we do not use this anymore. It could be reactivated easily, * to compute tau-scales with velocity. * We now compute line profiles with velocity-fields in bsynb.f * BPz 08/08-2001 * * prepare line shift vs. depth, from velocity in model (in cm/s) * velocity in model should be positive outwards. * If xlb_vshifted is the wavelength in the observer's frame at which * the line position is shifted [(lambda_0-lambda)/lambda_0=v/c], * xlb_vshifted=xlb*lshift, with lshift calculated here: ccc lshift(k)=1.d0-velocity(k)/2.99792458d10 lshift(k)=1.d0 do i=1,natom ntot(k)=ntot(k)*isotopfrac(atom(i),isotope(i)) ntt(k)=ntt(k)*isotopfrac(atom(i),isotope(i)) if (ntot(k).eq.0.) then print*,'Bsyn. WARNING!, ntot=0 for species: ',lele print*,'atom=',atom(i),' isotope=',isotope(i) print*,'isotopfrac =',isotopfrac(atom(i),isotope(i)) endif enddo *** ntot(k)=max(ntot(k),1.e-30) enddo endif * * Print line information * ccc IF(IP.GE.1) WRITE(7,990)IEL,ION,NMY,FDAMP,IINT,IMY,MAM,ABUL, ccc & CHI,XITE CHIU=CHIE+3.40*3647./XLB * * Calculate damping parameters * IF(FDAMP.GT.0.) THEN if (iel.le.nat) then * Unsoeld recipe for atomic lines XIONP=CHI IF(ION.EQ.2) XIONP=CHI2 IF(ION.EQ.3) XIONP=CHI3 IF(ION.GT.3) THEN PRINT *,'***************************************************' PRINT *,'Error in BSYN, ION.GT.3 which has not been foreseen' PRINT *,'***************************************************' STOP '***** BSYN *****' END IF XXXXX=ION**2*(1./(XIONP-CHIU)**2-1./(XIONP-CHIE)**2) else * we should not use the Unsoeld recipe for collisional broadening of molecular lines! c if (xxxxx.le.0.) then c ibadc6=ibadc6+1 c NALLIN=NALLIN-1 c NLINE=NLINE-1 c NREJCT=NREJCT+1 c goto 50 c endif c ALOGC6=ALOG10(XXXXX)-29.7278 endif END IF if (RADDMP.NE.0.) then * Use radiative damping data in line list if available GAMRAD=RADDMP else * default recipe for radiative damping GAMRAD=6.669E15*G*F/(GU*XLB**2) endif XL=XLB*1.D-8 * * check whether there are quantum mechanical damping data for this line * (atoms only) * if (iel.le.nat) then xlbr=xlb idamp=2 call anstee(iel,ion,xlbr,chie,xionp,sigmacross,velexp,levlo, & levup,recipe) ***** print*,'recipe=',recipe if (recipe.eq.'U'.and.xxxxx.le.0.) then ibadc6=ibadc6+1 NALLIN=NALLIN-1 NLINE=NLINE-1 NREJCT=NREJCT+1 goto 50 endif ALOGC6=ALOG10(XXXXX)-29.7278 else idamp=2 ccc recipe='U' ccc recipe='T' recipe='R' * we cannot use Unsoeld recipe for molecules ! * 'R' is for pure radiative damping endif * * Calculate occupation numbers * 54 CONTINUE CALL DEPTH(IEL) IELP=IEL IONP=ION cc IF(IP.GE.1) WRITE(7,230) cc DBVK=XL*1.E-05 cc DO 6 JJ=1,NTAU,10 cc DBV=DBVK*DNUD(JJ) cc IF(IEL.LE.NAT) ANTEL=N(JJ)/(ABUND/MH/MUM(JJ)) cc IF(IEL.GT.NAT) ANTEL=N(JJ)/NTOT(JJ) cc PARTK=Q1(JJ) cc IF(ION.EQ.2) PARTK=Q2(JJ) cc IF(IP.GE.1) WRITE(7,231)JJ,TAU(JJ),QUO(JJ),ANTEL,A(JJ), cc & PARTK,DBV,STIM(JJ),XC(JJ),S(JJ) cc 6 CONTINUE cc DLAMB0=DOPPLC*DNUD(JLEV0)*XL**2/C * * Constants * CALF=constant*F * cc IF(FDAMP.GT.0..AND.IP.GE.1) WRITE(7,267) GAMRAD,ALOGC6 cc IF(IP.GE.1) WRITE(7,265) LELE,ABUL,ABUND,NTAU do 111 j=1,ntau plez(j)=n(j)*stim(j)/dnud(j)/ross(j) xlb_vshifted(j)=xlb*lshift(j) 111 continue * * Start wavelength loop for this line * ccc print*,xlb zap=(xlb-xl1)/del IF (zap.le.0.) THEN * treatment of the lines lying between xl1l and xl1 do k=1,ntau contop(k)=absocont(k,1) enddo do 222 i=1,maxlam xkmax=0. do 333 j=1,ntau vt=(xlambda(i)-xlb_vshifted(j))*1.d-8 vt=c*vt/xl**2 v=vt/dnud(j) cc CALL VOIGT(A(j),V,HVOIGT) hvoigt=newvoigt(a(j),v) l=calf*hvoigt*plez(j) ABSO(j,i)=ABSO(j,i)+l*absfrac ABSOS(j,i)=ABSOS(j,i)+l*scattfrac * we compare the line absorption to the continuum x at the rightmost * lambda of the interval to set the limit of inclusion of this line * kappa. We take this continuum x just for convenience. xkmax=max(xkmax,l/contop(j)) 333 continue if ( goto 255 222 continue * ELSE * * now lines lying in the [xl1,xl2] interval * lindex in xlambda of the closest wavelength > to the wavelength of * the line lindex=int(zap)+2 lindex=min(maxlam+1,lindex) do k=1,ntau contop(k)=absocont(k,min(maxlam,lindex)) enddo iii=0 do 2 i=lindex,maxlam xkmax=0. iii=iii+1 do 3 j=1,ntau vt=(xlambda(i)-xlb_vshifted(j))*1.d-8 vt=c*vt/xl**2 v=vt/dnud(j) cc CALL VOIGT(A(j),V,HVOIGT) hvoigt=newvoigt(a(j),v) l=calf*hvoigt*plez(j) ABSO(j,i)=ABSO(j,i)+l*absfrac ABSOS(j,i)=ABSOS(j,i)+l*scattfrac xkmax=max(xkmax,l/contop(j)) * ccc if(iprint.eq.1.and.j.eq.1) then ccc print*,xlambda(i),hvoigt,xkmax,a(1),v ccc endif * 3 continue if ( goto 15 2 continue * we get out without being under eps. 2possibilities: * 1) the line lies towards the end of the wavelength array * 2) the line encompasses the whole array do 422 i=lindex-1,1,-1 xkmax=0. do 433 j=1,ntau vt=(xlb_vshifted(j)-xlambda(i))*1.d-8 vt=c*vt/xl**2 v=vt/dnud(j) cc CALL VOIGT(A(j),V,HVOIGT) hvoigt=newvoigt(a(j),v) l=calf*hvoigt*plez(j) ABSO(j,i)=ABSO(j,i)+l*absfrac ABSOS(j,i)=ABSOS(j,i)+l*scattfrac xkmax=max(xkmax,l/contop(j)) * ccc if(iprint.eq.1.and.j.eq.1) then ccc print*,xlambda(i),hvoigt,xkmax,a(1),v ccc endif * 433 continue if ( goto 255 422 continue goto 255 * here is the normal continuation 15 CONTINUE * and now the other side of the profile * ********************** check n(contributing lines) ****************** * if ( iatouca=iatouca+1 * ********************************************************************* istart=max(1,lindex-iii-2) ccc print*,istart,lindex-1 do 22 i=istart,lindex-1 do 33 j=1,ntau vt=(xlb_vshifted(j)-xlambda(i))*1.d-8 vt=c*vt/xl**2 v=vt/dnud(j) cc CALL VOIGT(A(j),V,HVOIGT) hvoigt=newvoigt(a(j),v) l=calf*hvoigt*plez(j) ABSO(j,i)=ABSO(j,i)+l*absfrac ABSOS(j,i)=ABSOS(j,i)+l*scattfrac * ccc if(iprint.eq.1.and.j.eq.1) then ccc print*,xlambda(i),hvoigt,xkmax,a(1),v ccc endif * 33 continue 22 continue * ENDIF * 255 continue * * Write line data * ccc WRITE(14) LELE,ION,XLB,CHIE,GFELOG,ABUL ccc WRITE(14) IP2,(XLAL(I),I=1,IP2) ccc WRITE(14) ((ET(K,I),K=1,NTAU),I=1,IP2) CCC WRITE(7,240) XLB,LELE,ION * * End of line calculation * ILINE=ILINE+1 * iannonce=mod(iline,10000) if (iannonce.eq.0) then call clock print*,iline,' lines done' endif GOTO 64 * * End model loop * * end of line lists loop ****************************************************** * print*,'nombre de raies contribuant (environ) : ',iatouca, & ' n. total : ', iline * ****************************************************** 9874 close(lunit) 98 continue * WRITE(7,214) NREJCT,XL1L,XL2R,XLM 214 FORMAT(1X,I8,' LINES WERE REJECTED, ONLY LINES BETWEEN',F10.3, & ' AND',F10.3,' A CONSIDERED',/,' CENTRAL WAVELENGTH=', & F10.3,' A') * call clock print*, 'now solve' print*,nallin,' lines in the interval' ccc print*,icount1,' slow voigt',icount2,' nordlund', ccc & icount3,' quick', ccc & icount4,' look-up table' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c print*,'CHECK kappa !!' c do j=1,maxlam c if (abs(xlambda(j)-5240.41d0).lt.1.d-4.or. c & abs(xlambda(j)-5242.49d0).lt.1.d-4.or. c & abs(xlambda(j)-5241.62d0).lt.1.d-4) then c print*,'lambda=',xlambda(j) c print*,' K log(chi) log(kappa) log(sigma)' c do k=1,ntau c print*,k,T(k),log10(ro(k)), c & log10((abso(k,j)+absos(k,j))*ross(k)), c & log10(abso(k,j)*ross(k)), c & log10(absos(k,j)*ross(k)) c enddo c endif c enddo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 if (.not.multidump) then if (spherical) then CALL BSYNB(NALLIN) else CALL BSYNBplatt(NALLIN) endif else * dump opacities for MULTI input. 20 juin 1994. do ieliel=1,83 if ( then absave(ieliel) = abund(ieliel) endif enddo write(46) '''* Output from TurboCanary''' write(46) '''*''' write(46) '''* Model atmosphere''' write(46) '''* Linelists''' write(46) '''* Atomic abundances ''' write(46) & '''* Ntau, Nlam, lambda start, lambda end, delta lambda''' write(46) '''* Lambda for tau-scale''' write(46) '''* Tau-scale and microturbulence''' write(46) '''*''' write(46) '''* Continuous absorption coefficient''' write(46) '''* ( (Kcont(k,l), k=1,ntau), l=1,nlam)''' write(46) '''* Line absorption coefficient same format''' write(46) & '''* Continuous scattering coefficient same format''' write(46) '''*''' write(46) '''* ',inmod(1:index(inmod,' ')),'''' do i=1,noffil filprint=linefil(i) write(46) '''* ',filprint(1:index(filprint,' ')),'''' enddo write(46) (ieliel,log10(absave(ieliel))+12.,ieliel=1,60), & (ieliel,log10(absave(ieliel))+12.,ieliel=62,83) write(46) ntau,maxlam,xl1,xl2,del write(46) xls write(46) (tau(k),k=1,ntau),(xi(k),k=1,ntau) write(46) ((absocont(k,j)*ross(k),k=1,ntau),j=1,maxlam) write(46) (((abso(k,j)-absocont(k,j))*ross(k),k=1,ntau), & j=1,maxlam) write(46) ((absos(k,j)*ross(k),k=1,ntau),j=1,maxlam) endif * * 100 FORMAT(4X,I1,6X,I3) 101 FORMAT(3X,I1,5X,F6.4) 102 FORMAT(6X,F4.0) 103 FORMAT(4X,I3,5X,I1,7X,F6.2) 1030 format(a3,17x,1x,e15.8,f9.3,1x,f6.3) 1031 format(a3,7x,i3,7x,1x,e15.8,f9.3,1x,f6.3) 1032 format(a3,i3,i3,1x,i3,7x,1x,e15.8,f9.3,1x,f6.3) 107 FORMAT(7X,I3) 109 FORMAT(7X,F6.3) 137 FORMAT(7X,F10.0) 212 FORMAT(4X,I1,7X,I1) 213 FORMAT(' HE=',F6.2,' C=',F6.2,' N=',F6.2,' O=',F6.2) 230 FORMAT('0JLEV',3X,' TAU ',8X,'ANJON',6X,'ANTEL',6X,'DAMP',7X, & 'PART',7X,'DBV',8X,'STIM',7X,'X',11X,'S') 231 FORMAT(I5,1P10E11.3) 235 FORMAT(2X,'CORRECTIONS FOR STIMULATED EMISSION'/20X,6F15.4) 236 FORMAT(' ***STOP IN BSYN***.NTOT(',I2,').LT.0.0, IEL=', & I3,/,' ION=',I3,' ABUND=',E10.3,' ILINE=',I4,' XLB=',F9.2) 237 FORMAT(' MODEL IDENTIFICATION=',A,'; MAIN PROGRAMME BSYN') 240 FORMAT(' **DATA FOR LAMBDA',F10.3,' FROM ',A2,I1, & ' WRITTEN ON UNIT 14') 265 FORMAT('0THE ABUNDANCE OF ',A3,' IS',F6.2, & ' (NO OF FREE NUCLEI PER HYDROGEN: ',1PE9.2, & ' AT DEPTHPOINT',I3,' )') 266 FORMAT('0'/,' CHEMICAL COMPOSITION'//16(2X,A4)//16F6.2) 267 FORMAT('0THE DAMPING WAS COMPUTED USING GAMRAD =',1PE9.2, & ' AND LOG C6 =',0PF7.2) 301 FORMAT() 3301 FORMAT(D10.3,4F10.3,2E10.2) 300 FORMAT(A2) 302 FORMAT(1X,A2,I1,F6.0,F5.2,2F4.1,F6.3) 303 FORMAT(' EL XLB CHIE X FD GFE') 990 FORMAT(' INPUT PARAMETERS:'/' IEL=',I3, & ' ION=',I1,' NMY=',I1,' FDAMP=',F3.1,' IINT=',I1, & ' IMY=',I1,' MA=',F6.2,' ABUND=',F4.2,' CHI=',F5.2,' XITE=', & 1PE8.2) 1101 FORMAT(5X,I1,4X,F4.2,5X,D8.2,5X,D8.2,5X,D4.2,7X,I1,8X,D6.2) * END