PROGRAM BABSMA * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * THIS IS A MAIN PROGRAM FOR MAKING CONTINUOUS ABSORPTION COEFF. * FOR THE CANARY STAFF. MADE BY BG IN JANUARY 1982. * * Export version 1988-03-24 ********* Olof Morell *** Uppsala * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * INCLUDE '' INCLUDE 'tsuji.par' * * the dimension 200 corresponds to 20*10 (cf. xl) * parameter (maxim=1000) doubleprecision rrr(ndp) DIMENSION TAU(NDP),PGL(NDP),XI(NDP),X(20*numbset), & S(20*numbset),TAUS(NDP) DIMENSION XLP(20*numbset),RHO(NDP),DUMDUM(NDP),RR(NDP),drr(ndp) dimension rhobow(ndp),coldens(ndp),xe(ndp),ghoefner(ndp) dimension comparison(30),iidum(16),xlr(20) character*8 abname,source character*9 key character*1 bla character*80 firstline dimension abname(mkomp),source(mkomp) LOGICAL MRXF,XIFIX character*50 blabla CHARACTER*1024 DETOUT,OUTMOD,outmod2 CHARACTER*50 MOCODE,marcsformat * * from bsyn; this ensures that continuum opacities are computed for all * wavelengths of the bsyn calculation. Babsma must be called before each * bsyn call. integer spunit parameter (spunit=44) doubleprecision xl1,xl2,del,xlmarg,xl1l,xl2r common/pieces/ xl1,xl2,del,eeps,nmy,nlbldu,iint,xmyc,iweak doubleprecision xlambda(lpoint) cc common/large/ xlambda,maxlam,ABSO(NDP,lpoint), cc & absos(ndp,lpoint),absocont(ndp,lpoint) ******** COMMON/CFIL/ IRESET(numbset),ISLASK,IREAT COMMON/UTPUT/ IREAD,IWRIT COMMON/CXLSET/ NSET,NL(numbset),XL(20,numbset) COMMON/COUTR/ NTO,NTPO(10) real T(ndp),pe(ndp),ro common/CA5/ ab(mkomp), fakt(mkomp),ppe(ndp),tt(ndp),xla(20), & xla3(20),ro,sumabs,sumsca,viktr,iset,nlb COMMON/CARC3/F1P,F3P,F4P,F5P,HNIC,PRESMO(30) * common molecules contains the molecular pressures from a marcs model. * Do not use! May be used for check if you wish. common/molecules/nmol,pressure(ndp,50) * common for partial pressures logical tsuswitch,tsuji,changeab,exist doubleprecision parptsuji common /tsuji/ tsuji,tsuswitch,nattsuji,nmotsuji, & parptsuji(maxim+400) character*128 filmet,filmol,fileab common /filetsuji/ filmet,filmol character*20 nametryck(maxmol) doubleprecision partryck,xmettryck,xiontryck common /fullequilibrium/ partryck(ndp,maxmol), & xmettryck(ndp,maxmet),xiontryck(ndp,maxmet),nametryck common/rhotsu/rhorho,xmytsuji,ejontsuji common/chabu/ changeab,fileab * common/abundch/abch(100) real xmass(maxim+400), atmass(100) doubleprecision molweight,ndensity common/density/ndensity,molweight,xmass,atmass * real kaprefmass(ndp),rhox(ndp),first,tottau real datscattfrac character*256 inspec * input from input.f parameter (maxfil=100) integer datnoffil,datncore,datmmaxfil,datmihal character*128 datfilmet,datfilmol,datfilwavel character*256 datlinefil,datdetout,datinatom,datinmod, & datinabun,datinspec,datoutfil,datmongofil, & datfilterfil,datcontinopac,datinpmod logical dattsuji,datspherical,datlimbdark,databfind, & datmultidump,datxifix,datmrxf,dathydrovelo, & datpureLTE,pureLTE integer datiint real datisoch(100),datisochfact(100),datxmyc doubleprecision datxl1,datxl2,datdel,datxlmarg,datxlboff common/inputdata/datmmaxfil,dattsuji,datfilmet,datfilmol, & datnoffil,datlinefil(maxfil),datspherical, & datmihal,dattaum,datncore, & datdiflog,datdetout,datinatom, & datinmod,datinabun,datinspec,datoutfil, & datmongofil,databch(100),datlimbdark, & datfilterfil,datoverall,databfind,datmultidump, & datisoch,datisochfact,dathelium,datalpha, & datrabund,datsabund,datxifix,datxic,datmrxf, & datinpmod,datcontinopac,datfilwavel,dathydrovelo, & datxl1,datxl2,datdel,datxlmarg,datxlboff, & datiint,datxmyc,datscattfrac,datpureLTE * real amass(92,0:250),abund(92),fixabund(92), & isotopfrac(92,0:250) real overall,alpha,helium,rabund,sabund character*2 aname(92) common/refabundances/ abund,amass,aname,isotopfrac logical hydrovelo real velocity common/velo/velocity(ndp),hydrovelo real*8 vacair real*8 edge(6) data edge/ 912.00, 3648.04, 8209.26, 14591.99, 22800.22, 32923.98/ ! vacuum edges from hydropac.f cc data edge/ 912.00, 3647.98, 8209.26, 14591.99, 22800.22, 32923.98/ ! vacuum edges from marcs.f cc data edge /912., 3647., 8207., 14588., 22794., 32915./ cc* air edges from continuous opacity file. integer version data version /121/ gravl=4.44 intryc=0 scale=0. * c bsyn uses air wavelengths: do k=2,6 edge(k)=vacair(edge(k)) print*,'Babsma.f HI k,edge(k)',k,edge(k) enddo datmmaxfil=maxfil tsuji=.false. tsuswitch=.false. do k=1,100 abch(k)=-99.9 enddo do k=1,ndp velocity(k)=0. enddo print* print*,'***********************' print10,version*0.1 10 format(' * BABSMA version ',f4.1,' *') print*,'***********************' print* IREAD=11 IWRIT=7 IREAT=11 ISLASK=15 * DO 1 K=1,numbset IRESET(K)=16 1 CONTINUE IMOD=12 IMODUT=13 IMODUT2=42 * call input * * XL content: * 20*(numbset-1) wavelengths allowed. * Starting at set #2. Set #1 contains std lambda for tau-scale (read in model) * BPz 30/08-1999 new version using same wavelength set as bsyn. * This creates too large a contopac file. I take every AA instead. BPz 1 hour later. * xl1=datxl1 xl2=datxl2 del=datdel xmyc=datxmyc iweak=0 xlmarg=datxlmarg iint=datiint pureLTE=datpureLTE IF(ABS(XLMARG).LT.1.E-6) XLMARG=5.0000 XLM=(XL1+XL2)/2. XL1L=XL1-XLMARG XL2R=XL2+XLMARG ************ !!! ****************** DEL=max(del,1.0d0) ************ !!! ****************** maxlam=int((xl2-xl1)/del)+1 if ( stop 'babsma: too many wavelengths' jmax=min(maxlam+100,lpoint) * concerning this min() see readmo, set up of the continuum opacities do j=1,jmax xlambda(J)=XL1+dble(J-1)*DEL cc do k=1,ndp cc abso(k,j)=0.0 cc absos(k,j)=0.0 cc absocont(k,j)=0.0 cc enddo enddo * Try to avoid erroneous interpolation of continuum opacity near H I edges * producing spurious spikes in spectra. BPz 16/05-2007 do k=1,6 if (xlambda(1).lt.edge(k)) then if (xlambda(jmax).gt.edge(k)) then * there is an HI edge inside the interval do j=2,jmax-1 c if (xlambda(j).gt.edge(k)) then if (xlambda(j).ge.edge(k)) then xlambda(j)=edge(k) xlambda(j-1)=edge(k)-min(datdel,0.9d0) xlambda(j+1)=edge(k)+min(datdel,0.9d0) print*,'Found edge: ',edge(k),xlambda(j-1),xlambda(j), & xlambda(j+1) if (xlambda(j-1).le.xlambda(j-2)) then print*,'edge, lambda cont: ',edge(k),xlambda(j-2), & xlambda(j-1),xlambda(j) stop 'problem with continuum wavelength' endif if ( then print*,'edge, lambda cont: ',edge(k),xlambda(j-1), & xlambda(j),xlambda(j+1) stop 'problem with continuum wavelength' endif goto 111 endif enddo 111 continue endif endif enddo ******************************** np=0 nnl=0 j=0 do k=2,numbset * read x sets 'k' of 20 wavelength points 'kk' (AA) do kk=1,20 j=j+1 xl(kk,k)=xlambda(j) nnl=nnl+1 if (*20) then stop 'babsma, too many wavelengths for continuum. ERROR!' endif if (j.eq.jmax) then goto 248 endif enddo enddo 248 continue if ( stop & 'babsma: too few wavelengths for continuum. Increase numbset!' np=int(nnl/20) do k=2,np+1 nl(k)=20 enddo nlast=nnl-20*np if ( then np=np+1 nl(np+1)=nlast endif print *,nnl,' wavelengths for continuum between: ',xl(1,2), & ' and ',xl(nl(np+1),np+1) * hydrovelo=dathydrovelo detout=datdetout outmod=datinmod outmod2=outmod(1:lenstr(outmod))//'.mod' tsuji=dattsuji mrxf=datmrxf xifix=datxifix xic=datxic filmol=datfilmol overall=datoverall alpha=datalpha rabund=datrabund sabund=datsabund helium=dathelium do i=1,92 fixabund(i)=databch(i) enddo do i=1,92 if (fixabund(i).gt.-90.0) print*,'ab. changed: elt ', & i,fixabund(i) enddo * * get abundances and scale them by overall. Then * if appropriate replace by fixabund. * for molecular equilibrium calculation * call makeabund(overall,alpha,helium,rabund,sabund,fixabund, & abund,amass,aname,isotopfrac) print*,'metallicity changed by ',overall,' dex' * * * JON DATA AND ABSKOEFF DATA TO BE READ FROM UNIT 11 * PRINTOUT ON UNIT 7 * PRELIMINARY FILES ON UNIT 15 AND 16 * MODEL READ FROM UNIT 12, NEW MODEL DATA WRITTEN ON UNIT 13 * OPEN(UNIT=IWRIT,FILE=DETOUT,STATUS='UNKNOWN') c,recl=4*2*200) OPEN(UNIT=IREAT,FILE=datcontinopac,STATUS='OLD') OPEN(UNIT=IMODUT,FILE=OUTMOD,STATUS='UNKNOWN') OPEN(UNIT=IMODUT2,FILE=outmod2,STATUS='UNKNOWN') c,recl=4*2*200) OPEN(UNIT=ISLASK,STATUS='SCRATCH',FORM='UNFORMATTED') c,RECL=8192) OPEN(UNIT=16,STATUS='SCRATCH',FORM='UNFORMATTED') c,RECL=16384) ccc OPEN(UNIT=34,FILE='pression.dat',STATUS='UNKNOWN') **** input parameter read. Now read model. if (MRXF) then * check if MARCS model is a binary or ascii file. * If it is an ascii file, we assume it is one of the * models of the new UPPSALA grid (2004-2005) * BPz 12/01-2005 * inquire(file=datinpmod,exist=exist) if (.not.exist) then print*,'ERROR! Model file does not exist' stop endif marcsformat='unknown' * try if model file is binary open(unit=imod,file=datinpmod,form='unformatted') print*,'opened unformatted' read(imod,err=3003,iostat=ios) dum print*,'read record 1' print*,'iostat=',ios if ( then goto 3003 endif read(imod,err=3003,iostat=ios) idum,dum,dum print*,'read record 2' print*,'iostat=',ios if ( then goto 3003 endif marcsformat='binary' goto 3002 * try if model file is ascii 3003 close(imod) open(unit=imod,file=datinpmod,form='formatted') read(imod,'(a)',err=3001) mocode print*,'mocode',mocode marcsformat='ascii' goto 3002 3001 print*,'Error! Unable to determine MARCS model format!' stop 3002 print*,'MARCS model format is ',marcsformat(1:10) close(imod) if (marcsformat(1:6).eq.'binary') then * * Marcs model reading. if any question see oslistmo.f open(unit=imod,file=datinpmod,status='old',form='unformatted') CCCC & convert='big_endian') C & ,RECL=152600) * read(imod) dum read(imod) idum,dum,dum read(imod) dum,dum,dum,dum,dum,dum,dum,jdum,jdum,jdum,jdum, & jdum,jdum,jdum,jdum,jdum,jdum,nel, & (dumdum(i),i=1,nel),dum,dum,dum,dum,dum * * Some MARCS binary models (e.g. RCrB from KE) may be with RR in * double precision. We try it. If it does not work we try again in * single precision * BPz 17/09-2007 * read(imod,err=999) ntau,jdum,dum,ddum,dddum,(rrr(i),i=1,ntau) do i=1,ntau rr(i)=sngl(rrr(i)) enddo goto 998 999 backspace(imod) read(imod) ntau,jdum,dum,ddum,dddum,(rr(i),i=1,ntau) 998 continue if ( then print*,' ndp = ',ndp,' ntau = ', ntau stop 'ndp too small!' endif read(imod) ntau,(dumdum(i),i=1,ntau),(dumdum(i),i=1,ntau) pi=3.14159 do k=1,ntau * tau is tau (xls). The 2nd dum is tauross. * nmol+1 is TiO read(imod) dum,dum,tau(k),dum,t(k),pe(k),pgl(k),dum,dum, & dum,rho(k),dum,dum,dum,dum,dum,dum,dum,dum,dum,nmol, & (pressure(k,i),i=1,nmol+1) enddo read(imod)(iidum(i),i=1,nel),nnlp,(xlr(i),i=1,nnlp), & jdum,idum,idum,(abname(kp),source(kp),kp=1,jdum) * xls=xlr(nnlp) Print*, ' Lambda standard = ',xls * if(.not.xifix) then *** read 105,(xi(k),k=1,ntau) print*,' xifix=.false., but where is microturbulent', & 'velocity given??' stop 'error' else do k=1,ntau xi(k)=xic enddo endif else if (marcsformat(1:5).eq.'ascii') then * MARCS model in ascii format open(unit=imod,file=datinpmod,status='old') read(imod,'(a)') mocode print*,mocode if (mocode(1:1).eq.'s') then print*,' this model is SPHERICALLY SYMMETRIC' else if (mocode(1:1).eq.'p') then print*,' this model is PLANE PARALLEL' else print*,' This model may not be a MARCS model!' endif read(imod,'(a)') blabla do while (blabla(14:19).ne.'Radius'.and. & blabla(19:24).ne.'radius') read(imod,'(a)') blabla enddo read(blabla,*) radius do while ('Model structure') read(imod,'(a)') blabla enddo backspace(imod) backspace(imod) read(imod,*) ntau if ( then print*,'ntau = ',ntau,' greater than ndp = ',ndp print*,'Increase NDP' stop endif read(imod,*) read(imod,*) do k=1,ntau * the first dum is tauross, the second is Prad, the third is Pturb read(imod,*) idum,dum,tau(k),rr(k),T(k), & pe(k),pgl(k),dum,dum tau(k)=10.**tau(k) rr(k)=radius-rr(k) enddo xls=5000. print*,'Beware !! Lambda standard assumed to be 5000 A' print*,' Make sure it is consistent with the model' if(.not.xifix) then print*,' xifix=.false., but where is microturbulent', & 'velocity given??' stop 'error' else do k=1,ntau xi(k)=xic enddo endif else print*,'ERROR in MARCS format model' stop endif else print*,' This is an ascii model ' open(unit=imod,file=datinpmod,status='old') read(imod,*) mocode,ntau,xls,gravl,intryc,scale if ( then print*,' ndp = ',ndp,' ntau = ', ntau stop 'ndp too small!' endif print*, mocode,ntau,xls,gravl,intryc,scale * * MOCODE IS A 50 LETTERs IDENTIFICATOR FOR THE MODEL * NTAU IS THE NUMBER OF DEPTH POINTS IN THE MODEL * DEPTH SCALE AT WAVELENGTH XLS (IN AANGSTROEM) * GRAVL IS LOGARITHMIC GRAVITY * INTRYC GT O IF PRESSURE INTEGRATION IS WANTED * if (mocode(1:3).eq.'sph') then do k=1,ntau read(imod,*) tau(k),t(k),pe(k),pgl(k),xi(k),rr(k) tau(k)=10.**tau(k) t(k)=(1.000+scale)*t(k) pe(k)=10.**pe(k) pgl(k)=10.**pgl(k) enddo else if (mocode(1:4).eq.'bowe'.or.mocode(1:4).eq.'BOWE') then mocode(1:4)='bowe' do k=1,12 read(imod,*) enddo do k=ntau,1,-1 * BOwen's models are for increasing radius. cccLuttermoser read(imod,1963) iii,rr(k),velocity(k),t(k),rhobow(k), cccLuttermoser & coldens(k),xe(k) cccLuttermoser1963 format(i3,6e12.0) read(imod,1963) iii,rr(k),drr(k),t(k),rhobow(k), & velocity(k),xe(k) 1963 format(i3,2x,6(e12.0)) * xe is ne/ntot * 0.908. Pending confirmation for Bowen's new models. (1996) * Bowen's says this xe should not be used, esp. not outside hot regions. * guess pg and pe pgl(k)=rhobow(k)*1.38e-16*T(k)/1.26/1.67e-24 pe(k)=xe(k)*0.908*pgl(k) enddo else if (mocode(1:4).eq.'alva') then * modeles de Rodrigo sans echelle de profondeur optique. * Initially from R. Alvarez. Models without tau scale. * These models have T, Pgas, R, and either a depth dependent microturbulence, * or a radial velocity field. The velocity field is used for models with a * wind extension. Calculations of flux spectra do not work in that case in * the v12.1 and previous versions of the code. read (imod,'(a)') firstline read(firstline,*,err=99,end=99) t(1),pgl(1),rr(1),xi(1) print*,'checking firstline: ' ,t(1),pgl(1),rr(1),xi(1) backspace(imod) if (hydrovelo) then print*, 'Reading a model with radial velocity field' else print*, & ' Reading a model with depth dependent microturbulence' endif do k=1,ntau if (hydrovelo) then read(imod,*) t(k),pgl(k),rr(k),velocity(k) xi(k)=xic print*, k,t(k),pgl(k),rr(k),xi(k),velocity(k) else read(imod,*) t(k),pgl(k),rr(k),xi(k) print*, k,t(k),pgl(k),rr(k),xi(k) endif * check definition of rr. between tau,t,pe points? 10/12-1996 pe(k)=1.e-4 if (t(k).lt.2000.) then * This estimate of Pe is crucial for the convergence of the molecular equilibrium * in the low temperature regime. In case of non convergence of the equilibrium, * one may try to lower Pe through an increase of the exponent. I change this * exponent from 20 to 30 today. BPz 15/06-2012. pe(k)=1.e-4*pgl(k)*(t(k)/3000.)**30 endif enddo goto 98 99 backspace (imod) print*,' Reading a model without microturbulence or ', & 'radial velocity field' do k=1,ntau xifix=.true. read(imod,*) t(k),pgl(k),rr(k) print*, k,t(k),pgl(k),rr(k) pe(k)=1.e-4 if (t(k).lt.2000.) then pe(k)=1.e-4*pgl(k)*(t(k)/3000.)**30 endif enddo 98 continue do k=1,ntau-1 drr(k)=rr(k)-rr(k+1) enddo drr(ntau)=drr(ntau-1) else if (mocode(1:7).eq.'Hoefner') then * S. hoefner models, with velocity. BPz 04/03-2002 * read header! bla='#' do while (bla.eq.'#') read(imod,'(a)') bla enddo backspace(imod) do k=1,ntau read(imod,*) rr(k),rhobow(k),T(k), & pgl(k),tauhoefner,kappahoefner,tdust,k3hoefner, & velocity(k), & tradhoefner pe(k)=1.e-10 * test !!!!!!! print* print*,' WARNING !!!!!!! TEST !!!!!! velocity=5km/s!!!!!!' print* velocity(k)=5.e5 enddo * extrapolate inwards the models that have a tau_max too small. kk=1 k=ntau+kk do while ((T(k-1).le.6000.).and.(ntau+kk.le.ndp)) Tstep=min(400.,(t(ntau)-t(ntau-1))*2.**(float(kk)/2.)) t(k)=Tstep+t(k-1) scalefactor=Tstep/(t(ntau)-t(ntau-1)) rhobow(k)=(rhobow(ntau)-rhobow(ntau-1))*scalefactor+ & rhobow(k-1) pgl(k)=(log(pgl(ntau))-log(pgl(ntau-1)))*scalefactor+ & log(pgl(k-1)) pgl(k)=exp(pgl(k)) pe(k)=1.e-10 velocity(k)=velocity(ntau) print*,' k',k,' T ',t(k) kk=kk+1 k=ntau+kk enddo ntauinput=ntau ntau=ntau+kk-1 * the geometrical depths are computed using rho and the hydrostatic equation * print*,'WARNING!!!! model extrapolated inwards', & ' using the hydrostatic approximation!!!' do k=2,ntauinput-1 * this computed "hydrostatic" gravity is defined at integer tau-points * (i.e. where T, P, rho etc are defined) ghoefner(k)=(pgl(k+1)-pgl(k-1))/2./(rr(k+1)-rr(k))/rhobow(k) enddo gr2=0. * We estimate the gravity from an average of the 4 inner points. do k=ntauinput-4,ntauinput-1 gr2=gr2+ghoefner(k)*((rr(k)+rr(k+1))*0.5)**2 enddo gr2=gr2/4. do k=ntauinput+1,ntau * we solve for the radius, using gr2: aequa=(pgl(k)-pgl(k-2))/(gr2*rhobow(k-1))/8. bequa=rr(k-1) gammaequa=bequa**2 + bequa/aequa betaequa=2.*bequa - 1./aequa rr(k)=(-betaequa + sqrt(betaequa**2-4.*gammaequa))/2. enddo do k=ntauinput,ntau-1 ghoefner(k)=(pgl(k+1)-pgl(k-1))/2./(rr(k+1)-rr(k))/rhobow(k) enddo * check model: print*,'Hoefner model. CHECK extrapolation' print*,' R T ro Pg gstatic*r^2' do k=1,ntau-1 print*,rr(k),t(k),rhobow(k),pgl(k), & ghoefner(k)*((rr(k)+rr(k+1))*0.5)**2 enddo k=ntau print*,rr(k),t(k),rhobow(k),pgl(k), & ghoefner(k)*rr(k)**2 * * SH models have velocity at r points, and rho,T, P in between. * T, P, rho from one line of input describe conditions between * the r of that line the r at next line of input. Models * starting from the outer layers and going inwards. do k=1,ntau-1 drr(k)=rr(k)-rr(k+1) enddo drr(ntau)=drr(ntau-1) else if (mocode(1:6).eq.'KURUCZ') then * Kurucz models. Reading + rinteg taken from moog. 06/04-2001 BPz+ST (Sivarani) do k=1,ntau read (imod,*) rhox(k),t(k),pgl(k),pe(k),kaprefmass(k) pe(k)=pe(k)*T(k)*1.38054e-16 print*,'reading: ', k, rhox(k),t(k),pgl(k),pe(k), & kaprefmass(k) enddo first = rhox(1)*kaprefmass(1) tottau = rinteg(rhox,kaprefmass,tau,ntau,first) tau(1) = first print*,'computing tau(1)=',tau(1) do k=2,ntau tau(k) = tau(k-1) + tau(k) print*,'computing tau(',k,')=',tau(k) enddo do k=1,ntau cc kapref(k) = kaprefmass(k)*rho(k) print 222, k,log10(tau(k)),tau(k),T(k), log10(pgl(k)), & pgl(k),log10(pe(k)) 222 format(i2,x,f5.2,x,1pe11.4,2x,0pf7.1,2x,f6.3,x,1pe11.4, & 2x,0pf6.3) enddo else DO 11 K=1,NTAU READ(IMOD,*) TAU(K),T(K),PE(K),PGL(K),XI(K) TAU(K)=10.**TAU(K) T(K)=(1.000+SCALE)*T(K) PE(K)=10.**PE(K) PGL(K)=10.**PGL(K) 11 CONTINUE endif if (xifix) then do K=1,NTAU XI(K)=XIC enddo endif * endif * * MODELS CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND VARIOUS DATA FOR IONIZATION * EQUILIBRIUM ARE READ BY INJON * A MARCS MODEL IS REWINDED IN INJON !!!!!!!! * IO=0 CALL INJON(IO,MRXF) ********** c print*,'injon done' ********** XL(1,1)=XLS NL(1)=1 * * THE STANDARD WAVELENTH XLS IS IN THE FIRST WAVELENGTH SET. * * NP IS THE NUMBER OF WAVELENGTH SETS TO BE READ SUBSEQUENTLY, * NL THE NUMBER OF WAVLENGTHS IN EACH SUCH SET. * NSET=NP+1 NLQ=0 IPP=1 DO 14 K=1,NP NLP=NL(K+1) NLQ=NLP+NLQ DO 14 I=1,NLP XLP(IPP)=XL(I,K+1) IPP=IPP+1 14 CONTINUE * * NOW, INITIATE ABSORPTION COEFFICIENT TABLES BY CALLING INABS * CALL INABS(IO) ********** print*,'inabs done' ********** * * IF YOU WANT LESS PRINTOUT FROM INABS, CHANGE IWRIT TO A DUMMY * UNIT AT THIS CALL (AND BACK AGAIN AFTER) OR SPECIFY IO TO 0. * NTO=0 IREADP=IRESET(1) REWIND IREADP * GRAV=10.**(GRAVL) * * TIME TO START MODEL LOOP WITH CALCULATIONS FOR EACH DEPTH * OF IONIZATION EQ. AND OF ABS. COEFF. * IF(MRXF) THEN WRITE(IMODUT,200) 'MRXF',NTAU,XLS WRITE(IWRIT,300) 'MRXF',NTAU,XLS ELSE WRITE(IMODUT,200) MOCODE(1:lenstr(mocode)),NTAU,XLS WRITE(IMODUT2,2000) MOCODE(1:lenstr(mocode)),NTAU,XLS WRITE(IWRIT,300) MOCODE(1:lenstr(mocode)),NTAU,XLS ENDIF WRITE(IMODUT,203) NLQ WRITE(IMODUT,204) (XLP(IPP),IPP=1,NLQ) ccc IF(NLQ.GT.NDP) PRINT 303,NLQ ccc IF(NLQ.GT.NDP) STOP IF(INTRYC.GT.0) CALL TRYCK(GRAV,NTAU,TAU,T,PE,PGL) NEWT=2 if (tsuji) tsuswitch=.true. DO 25 K=1,NTAU if (mrxf) then * guess input pg to help eqmol_pe. pg=pgl(k) CALL JON(T(K),PE(K),1,PG,RO,DUM,IO,k) ********** c print*,'jon done' ********** print*,'MARCS model. romod= ',rho(k),'rocalc= ',ro RO=RHO(K) else IF (mocode(1:4).ne.'BOWE'.and.mocode(1:4).ne.'bowe'.and. & mocode(1:4).ne.'alva'.and.mocode(1:7).ne.'Hoefner') THEN * guess input pg to help eqmol_pe. pg=pgl(k) CALL JON(T(K),PE(K),1,PG,RO,DUM,IO,k) print*,'nonmarcs model rocalc=',ro,' pgcalc=',pg, & ' pgmod=',pgl(k) ELSE * for funny models, like miras if ( then * better guess of pe from previous depth point ccccc if ('bowe''BOWE') then if (mocode(1:4).eq.'alva') then pe(k)=pe(k-1)*pgl(k)/pgl(k-1) else pe(k)=pe(k-1)*rhobow(k)/rhobow(k-1) endif endif iteration=0 1964 continue C * guess input pg to help eqmol_pe. pg=pgl(k) CALL JON(T(K),pe(k),1,PG,RO,DUM,IO,k) * must iterate on pe here to get right ro in Bowen's or Hoefner's models. * pgl/ro==kT/muamu if (mocode(1:7).eq.'Hoefner') then ratiobow=rhobow(k)/ro print*,'rho_Hoefner/rho ',k,ratiobow pein=pe(k) call pemakero(t(k),pein,rhobow(k),pe(k)) CALL JON(T(K),pe(k),1,PG,RO,DUM,IO,k) ratiobow=rhobow(k)/ro print*,'rho_Hoefner/rho ',k,ratiobow print*,'k rho_Hoefner ro_calc pe ', & 'pg_hoefner pg' print*,k,rhobow(k),ro,pe(k),pgl(k),pg else if (mocode(1:4).eq.'bowe'.or. & mocode(1:4).eq.'BOWE') then c ratiobow=rhobow(k)/ro*molweight/1.26 ratiobow=rhobow(k)/ro print*,'rhobow/ro',k,ratiobow pgl(k)=pgl(k)*ratiobow*1.26/molweight pe(k)=xe(k)*0.908*pgl(k) * for Bowen's new models (10/12-1996) pein=pe(k) call pemakero(t(k),pein,rhobow(k),pe(k)) CALL JON(T(K),pe(k),1,PG,RO,DUM,IO,k) ratiobow=rhobow(k)/ro print*,'rhobow/ro',k,ratiobow print*,'k rhobow ro_calc pe ', & 'xebow xe_calc pg' 1965 print*,k,rhobow(k),ro,pe(k),xe(k),pe(k)/0.908/pgl(k), & pgl(k) else if (mocode(1:4).eq.'alva') then * must iterate on pe to get right pg in Rodrigo's models. * try better guess input pe: pein=pe(k)*pgl(k)/pg call pemake(t(k),pein,pgl(k),pe(k)) print*,'Alva format. Converged' print*,'Pe=',pe(k) CALL JON(T(K),pe(k),1,PG,RO,DUM,IO,k) * pg should be within eps of pgl (cf. pemake). endif ENDIF endif * * COMPARE PRESSURES, TABULATED/CALCULATED * PCOMP=PGL(K)/PG WRITE(IWRIT,301) TAU(K),T(K),PE(K),PG,PCOMP,RO,XI(K) * ccc print*,'here calculated/marcs calculated' ccc do 1111 i=1,30 ccc if (i.eq.17) goto 1111 ccc comparison(i)=presmo(i)/pressure(k,i) ccc1111 continue ccc print 1112,(comparison(i),i=1,10) ccc print 1112,(comparison(i),i=11,20) ccc print 1112,(comparison(i),i=21,30) ccc print*,' ' ccc print 1113,presmo(24),pressure(k,24) ccc print*,' ' ccc1112 format(10(1x,f6.4)) ccc1113 format(2(2x,e10.4)) * ccc write(34,'(i3,15e10.3,/,3x,15e10.3)') k,presmo * * CALCULATED STANDARD OPaCITY * CALL ABSKO(NEWT,1,T(K),PE(K),1,1,ABSK,SPRID) STNDOP=ABSK+SPRID if (mocode(1:7).eq.'Hoefner') then * * we place tau points at T, P, rho points. * Then R should be at the same level, but in Hoefner's model, * it isn't. So we recompute the R scale at integer tau points. * if(k.eq.1) then tau(k)=drr(k)*stndop*ro*0.5 rr(k)=rr(k)-drr(k)*0.5 stndopprev=stndop roprev=ro else tau(k)=tau(k-1)+ & 0.5*(drr(k)*ro*stndop+drr(k-1)*roprev*stndopprev) rr(k)=rr(k-1)-0.5*(drr(k)+drr(k-1)) stndopprev=stndop roprev=ro endif else if (mocode(1:4).eq.'bowe'.or.mocode(1:4).eq.'BOWE'.or. & mocode(1:4).eq.'alva') then if(k.eq.1) then tau(1)=drr(1)*stndop*ro*0.5 stndopprev=stndop roprev=ro else ccc tau(k)=tau(k-1)+(rr(k-1)-rr(k))*stndop*ro * corrected 10/12-1996 BPz * at T(k), pe(k) pg(k) etc are defined at tau(k). r(k) is halfway between * tau(k) and tau(k-1). This is the way MARCS works (maybe not... It seems * Z is midway between tau points but R is at tau points.). YES. That * last statement is correct R is at integer tau-points. BPz 15/11-2002 * Maybe Alva models are * not constructed this way. Bowen's models are. ** tau(k)=tau(k-1) + ( (drr(k-1)*roprev*stndopprev) + ** & (drr(k)*stndop*ro) )*0.5 ** corrected 14/11-2007 BPz tau(k)=tau(k-1) + ( roprev*stndopprev + & stndop*ro )*0.5*drr(k-1) stndopprev=stndop roprev=ro endif endif 22 NEWT=0 c print*,'check ro' write(6,66) k,tau(k),t(k),pe(k),pg,ro 66 format('tau,T,Pe,Pg,ro',i3,1x,1pe10.3,1x,0pf8.1,3(1x,1pe10.3)) if (mocode(1:7).eq.'Hoefner'.or.mocode(1:4).eq.'alva'.or. & mocode(1:4).eq.'bowe') then * write out model at babsma input format. * It can be injected in MARCS35 for a global OS spectrum run (newmod=8) * BPz 14/11-2002 write(imodut2,123) log10(tau(k)),T(k),log10(pe(k)), & log10(pg),xi(k),rr(k) 123 format(f8.4,1x,f8.1,2(1x,f8.4),1x,f5.2,1x,1pe15.8) endif if (hydrovelo) then WRITE(IMODUT,211) RR(K),TAU(K),T(K),PE(K),PG,RO, & XI(K),STNDOP,velocity(k) if (mocode(1:6).eq.'KURUCZ') then stop 'incompatible options: Kurucz and hydrovelo' endif else if (mocode(1:6).ne.'KURUCZ') then WRITE(IMODUT,201) RR(K),TAU(K),T(K),PE(K),PG,RO, & XI(K),STNDOP else if (mocode(1:6).eq.'KURUCZ') then print*, ' This is not tested yet! check the result carefully!' print3333,k,kaprefmass(k)*ro,stndop*ro 3333 format('opac comp: ',i3,2(2x,1pe11.4)) FORE=(ABSK+SPRID)/kaprefmass(K) IF(K.GT.1)GO TO 811 TAUS(1)=FORE*TAU(1) GO TO 912 811 TAUS(K)=TAUS(K-1)+(TAU(K)-TAU(K-1))*(FORE+FOREM)*0.5 912 FOREM=FORE WRITE(IMODUT,201) RR(K),TAUS(K),T(K),PE(K),PG,RO, & XI(K),STNDOP endif * * FINALLY, THE ABS.COEFF. RATIOS * if (k.eq.1) then if (nametryck(6).ne.'C H ') then print*,'Babsma, error in molecule. Not CH',nametryck(6) stop endif if (nametryck(5).ne.'O H ') then print*,'Babsma, error in molecule. Not OH',nametryck(5) stop endif endif J0=1 DO 24 I=2,NSET NLP=NL(I) DO 23 J=1,NLP CALL ABSKO(NEWT,1,T(K),PE(K),I,J,ABSK,SPRID) X(J0)=ABSK/STNDOP S(J0)=SPRID/STNDOP if (pureLTE) then x(j0)=x(j0)+s(j0) s(j0)=0. endif J0=J0+1 23 CONTINUE * 24 CONTINUE WRITE(IMODUT,202)(X(J),S(J),J=1,NLQ) WRITE(IWRIT,302)(X(J),S(J),J=1,NLQ) NEWT=1 25 CONTINUE tsuswitch=.false. if (mocode(1:6).eq.'KURUCZ') then WRITE(*,*) 'KURUCZ model converted to:' print*,'log(tau5000), T, log(Pe), log(Pg), Xi' do k=1,ntau WRITE(*,*) log10(TAUS(K)),T(K),log10(PE(K)),log10(PG), & XI(K) enddo else print*,' CONTROLE: k, R, tau, log10tau, T' do k=1,ntau print*,k,rr(k),tau(k),log10(tau(k)),t(k) enddo endif cc print*,'test G-band: k, logtau, logPH logPH+ logPCH, logPCN' cc do k=1,ntau cc print*,k,log10(tau(k)),log10(sngl(xmettryck(k,1))), cc & log10(sngl(xiontryck(k,1))), cc & log10(sngl(partryck(k,6))),log10(sngl(partryck(k,8))) cc enddo * 100 FORMAT(A4,I3,F6.0,F5.2,I2,F6.3) 101 FORMAT(5F10.0) 102 FORMAT(I5,I10,10I5) 103 FORMAT(10F8.0) 104 FORMAT(11X,L1) 105 FORMAT(10F6.2) 109 FORMAT(5F10.0) 200 FORMAT(1X,'''',A,'''',I5,F10.2) 2000 FORMAT(1X,'''',A,'''',1x,I5,1x,F10.2,' 0. 0 0.') 201 FORMAT(1X,1P8E14.7) 211 FORMAT(1X,1P9E14.7) 202 FORMAT(1X,1P6E11.4) 203 FORMAT(1X,I5) 204 FORMAT(1X,10F11.3) 205 FORMAT(15X,F6.0,9X,F5.2,3X,A4,6X,I2) 206 FORMAT(I4,3X,2E10.3,F6.0,4E10.3) 300 FORMAT(' MODEL CODE=',A,5X,' NTAU=',I3,5X,'DEPTH SCALE AT', & F10.2,' AANGSTROEMS') 301 FORMAT(' TAU=',F8.5,' T=',F6.0,' PE=',1PE10.2,' PG=',E10.2, & ' PRATIO=',0PF6.3,' RO=',1PE10.2,' XI=',0PF6.3) 302 FORMAT(' ',10F8.4) 303 FORMAT('*** ERROR IN BABSMA ***, NLQ=',I5,' GREATER THAN & DIM. FOR XS,SS,XLP') * END C*********************************************************************** REAL*8 FUNCTION VACAIR(W) REAL*8 W, WAVEN C C W is vacuum wavelength in Angstroms C WAVEN = 1.D8 / W VACAIR = W / (1.0000834213D0 + 2406030.D0 / (1.30D10 - WAVEN**2) + + 15997.D0 / (3.89D9 - WAVEN**2)) C RETURN END C***********************************************************************