program faltbo implicit none integer :: iprf,ii,jj,ios,isize,isize2 integer :: resample,itype,ipad,jbeg,jend real(kind=kind(1.d0)) :: FWHM,FWHM2,somme,dlam,dlam2 real(kind=kind(1.d0)), dimension(600000) :: lambda,Fnorm real(kind=kind(1.d0)), allocatable, dimension(:) :: Fconv1,lambda2,F2,dl,prof,Fconv2 real(kind=kind(1.d0)), parameter :: pi = 4.*atan(1.) character(len=800) :: inspec,outfil,command logical :: velocity resample=1 ! read inputs and open files print*,'input file ?' read(5,' (A) ') inspec print*,'output file ?' read(5,' (A) ') outfil open(unit=10,file=inspec,status='old',iostat=ios,action='read') if (ios==0) print*,'input file opened' if (ios/=0) stop "problem in file opening ..." open(unit=20,file=outfil,status='unknown') print*,'FWHM (in km/s or mA, <0 if velocity) ?' read(5,*) FWHM print*,'profile type ? (1 = exp - 2 = gauss - 3 = rad.-tan. - 4 = rot.)' read(5,*) iprf ! profile type ! ! we don't give the choice anymore. ! we suppose that spectra are always 2 column: 1st is lambda, the next 1 is Fnorm or Fabs ! BPz 30/03-2012 ! velocity=.false. if (FWHM.LT.0.) velocity=.true. ! assumes no headers in inspec ... ! read input spectrum ii=1 do while (ios == 0) read(unit=10,iostat=ios,fmt=*) lambda(ii),Fnorm(ii) ii=ii+1 if ( stop 'Increase dimension' end do isize=ii-2 print*,isize,' lines read in input file' allocate(Fconv1(isize)) allocate(Fconv2(isize)) ! define how many 0s necessary before and after and extend input spectrum dlam=lambda(2)-lambda(1) dlam2=lambda(isize)-lambda(isize-1) if (velocity) then ipad=int(-50.*FWHM*lambda(1)/3.e5/dlam)+1 else ipad=int(50.*FWHM/1.e3/dlam)+1 endif print*,'ipad, isize ',ipad,isize isize2=isize+2*ipad print*,'ipad, isize2 = ',ipad,isize2 allocate(lambda2(isize2),F2(isize2)) do ii=1,ipad lambda2(ii)=lambda(1)-dlam*(ipad-ii+1) F2(ii)=0. lambda2(isize+ipad+ii)=lambda(isize)+dlam2*ii F2(isize+ipad+ii)=0. end do ! loop to convolve 2 spectra (if needed) do ii=1,isize lambda2(ipad+ii)=lambda(ii) F2(ipad+ii)=Fnorm(ii) end do FWHM2=FWHM/1.e3 do ii=1,isize,resample ! at current wavelength: check step, and allocate conv. profile accordingly if (velocity) FWHM2=-FWHM*lambda(ii)/3.e5 ! km/s -> A jbeg=1 jend=2*ipad+1 allocate(dl(jend)) allocate(prof(jend)) do jj=jbeg,jend dl(jj)=lambda2(ii+jj-1)-lambda2(ii+ipad) end do ! call relevant procedure for convolution profile if (iprf==1 .or. iprf==2) then call gauss(ipad,dl,iprf,FWHM2,prof,jbeg,jend) else if (iprf==3) then call radtan(ipad,dl,FWHM2,prof,jbeg,jend) else if (iprf==4) then call rota(ipad,dl,FWHM2,lambda(ii),prof,jbeg,jend) else stop 'undefined profile' endif ! if (iprf==5) call FTS(FWHM) ! normalization of convolution profile somme=0. ! print*,'jbeg jend',jbeg, jend do jj=jbeg,jend ! somme=somme+(prof(jj)+prof(jj+1))*abs(dl(jj))/2. somme=somme+prof(jj) end do if (somme.le.0) stop 'problem with profile normalization ...' somme=1./somme do jj=jbeg,jend prof(jj)=prof(jj)*somme end do ! convolution : f'(ii) = sum (C(j)*f(j)) j = ii-ipad -> ii+ipad somme=0. do jj=jbeg,jend somme=somme+prof(jj)*F2(ii+jj-1) ! end do Fconv2(ii)=somme deallocate(dl) deallocate(prof) end do ! print*,'convolution done ! Now writing output ...' ! output, with resampling do ii=1,isize,resample write(20,200) lambda(ii),Fconv2(ii) end do 200 format(f13.4,2(1x,1pe12.5)) end program faltbo ! *************************************************************************** subroutine gauss(ipad,dl,iprf,FWHM,prof,jbeg,jend) ! exponential and gaussian profiles implicit none integer :: ipad,iprf,i,jbeg,jend real(kind=kind(1.d0)),dimension(2*ipad+1) :: prof,dl real(kind=kind(1.d0)) :: FWHM,const,y if (iprf==1) const=1.38629/FWHM if (iprf==2) const=1.66511/FWHM ! we require at least the 3 central points of the profile. jbeg=ipad jend=ipad+2 do i=1,2*ipad+1 prof(i)=0. y=dl(i)*const if (iprf==1) then if (exp(-abs(y)).gt.1.e-6) then prof(i)=exp(-abs(y)) jbeg=min(jbeg,i) jend=max(jend,i) endif else if (iprf==2) then if (exp(-y*y).gt.1.e-6) then prof(i)=exp(-y*y) jbeg=min(jbeg,i) jend=max(jend,i) endif endif end do return end subroutine gauss ! *************************************************************************** subroutine radtan(ipad,dl,FWHM,prof,jbeg,jend) ! radial-tangential profile; macroturbulent velocity = 1.433*FWHM ! cf. Gray 1978, Solar Phys. 59, 193 implicit none integer :: i,j,ipad,jbeg,jend real(kind=kind(1.d0)),dimension(2*ipad+1) :: prof,dl real(kind=kind(1.d0)) :: FWHM,width,delta,di,pp real(kind=kind(1.d0)),dimension(40),parameter :: rtf = & (/1.128,.939,.773,.628,.504,.399,.312,.240,.182,.133, & .101,.070,.052,.037,.024,.017,.012,.010,.009,.007,.006, & .005,.004,.004,.003,.003,.002,.002,.002,.002,.001,.001, & .001,.001,.001,.001,.000,.000,.000,.000 /) ! delta is the wavelength distance between given RTF points. width=FWHM*1.433 delta=width/10. do j=1,2*ipad+1 prof(j)=0. end do prof(ipad+1)=rtf(1) j=ipad+2 di=delta do i=2,35 di=delta*float(i-1) do while (dl(j).le.di) pp=log(rtf(i))+(log(rtf(i-1))-log(rtf(i)))*(di-dl(j))/delta prof(j)=exp(pp) jend=j j=j+1 end do end do j=ipad do i=2,36 di=delta*float(i-1) do while (abs(dl(j)).le.di) pp=log(rtf(i))+(log(rtf(i-1))-log(rtf(i)))*(di-abs(dl(j)))/delta prof(j)=exp(pp) jbeg=j j=j-1 end do end do return end subroutine radtan ! *************************************************************************** subroutine rota(ipad,dl,FWHM,lambda,prof,jbeg,jend) ! rotational profile; eps is wavelength dependant linear (in mu) ! limb-darkening coefficient found for F V -K IV stars (improve !!!) ! FWHM is v*sin i in wavelength units implicit none integer :: i,ipad,jprof,nmax,jbeg,jend real(kind=kind(1.d0)) :: FWHM,dlam,dlambda,lambda,eps real(kind=kind(1.d0)),dimension(2*ipad+1) :: prof,x real(kind=kind(1.d0)),dimension(2*ipad) :: dl real(kind=kind(1.d0)),parameter :: pi = 4.*atan(1.) eps=1.-0.3*lambda/5000. dlambda=FWHM jbeg=2*ipad+1 jend=1 do i=1,2*ipad+1 if (abs(dl(i)).le.dlambda) then jbeg=min(jbeg,i) jend=max(jend,i) prof(i)=(2.*(1.-eps)*sqrt(1.-(dl(i)/dlambda)**2)+pi*0.5*eps* & (1.-(dl(i)/dlambda)**2))/(pi*dlambda*(1.-eps/3.)) endif end do return end subroutine rota ! *************************************************************************** subroutine FTS(FWHM) ! FTS profile (sin(x)/x) - from Kurucz- program broaden.f ! obsviously not ready for use.!! implicit none real(kind=kind(1.d0)) :: FWHM ! assumed in km/s ... ! x=(i-1.)*vstep/FWHM*2.*1.8954942 ! red(i)=sin(x)/x*exp(-0.06*x**2) return end subroutine FTS