;+ ; NAME: ; INTFLUX ; ; PURPOSE: ; This function calculates the integrated flux or intensity. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Multi ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; Result = INTFLUX(Kr [,Mu=Mu,/Nocont]) ; ; INPUTS: ; Kr: The transition for which the integrated flux/intensity ; is calculated. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; MU: If mu-index is given, integrated intensity is returned. ; ; NOCONT: If /nocont is given, continuum flux/intensity is not ; subtracted. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Integrated flux or intensity ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; common_multi ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Uses Trapez integration ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Mats Carlsson. ;- function intflux,kr,mu=mu,nocont=nocont @common_multi if (n_params(0) eq 0) then begin print,'intflux(kr [,mu=mu,/nocont])' return,0 endif if (n_elements(mu) ne 0) then ff=reform(outint(*,mu,*)) else ff=flux double,kr,ff,xx,yy x1=cc*1.e8/(xx+alamb(kr)) if(keyword_set(nocont)) then yy=yy else yy = yy-ff(0,kr) return,trapez(x1,yy) end