M1 is the magnetic dipole transition which occurs only between states of the same parity.
E2 is the electric quadrupole transition which occurs only between states of the same parity.
M2 is the magnetic quadrupole transition which occurs only between states of different parities.
M3 is the magnetic octupole transition which occurs only between states of the same parities.
Two-photon transition occurs only between states of the same parity.
Hyperfine-induced transition may occur only in isotopes having non-zero nuclear spin.
Undefined transition type.
M1+E2 is a mix of a magnetic-dipole and an electric-quadrupole transition, both of which occur only between states of the same parity.
The oscillator strength is a dimensionless quantity which for strong lines (both in atoms and in ions) is of the order of unity.
This level/line may not be real.
This level was determined by interpolation or extrapolation of known experimental values or by semiempirical calculation; its absolute accuracy is reflected in the number of significant figures assigned to it.
This level was determined by interpolation or extrapolation of known experimental values or by semiempirical calculation; its absolute accuracy is reflected in the number of significant figures assigned to it.
Theoretical value.
Observed in absorption
Line or feature having large width due to autoionization broadening
Beam-foil measurement
Intensity is shared by several lines
Double line
Broad due to overexposure in the quoted reference
Line position estimated
Very hazy line
Superposed with neighbor line
See the original reference on other issues
Observed value given is actually the Ritz value rounded to 0.1 Å, e.g., Ne I
The relative positions of the levels within such a system are accurate within experimental uncertainties, but no experimental connection between this system and the other levels of the spectrum has been made.
This level may have substantial autoionization rate.
Band head
Blended with another line that may affect the wavelength and intensity
Complex line
Diffuse line
Forbidden line
Transition involving a level of the ground term
Hazy line
Line has hyperfine structure
Identification uncertain
Wavelength smoothed along isoelectronic sequence
Shaded to longer wavelengths
Masked by another line (no wavelength measurement)
Term assignment of the level is questionable
Perturbed by a close line
Asymmetric line
Easily reversed
Shaded to shorter wavelengths
Tentatively classified line.
Unresolved from close line
Wide line
Extrapolated wavelength
This wavelength is calculated on-line. The number of significant digits was obtained assuming the trailing zeros in the energies are insignificant, and thus the real accuracy may be higher.
This wavelength is calculated on-line with a proper account of significant digits
Unknown line type
Somewhat less intensity than the value given
A multiplet in the original compilation has been separated into its component lines and the transition probability was derived from the compiled value assuming spin-orbit coupling. This may decrease the listed accuracy, especially for weaker transitions.
Relative intensities provide a qualitative description of what the emission spectrum of a particular element in a particular (low-density) source looks like. More help.
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[ASD Home][Lines Query][Levels Query][List of Spectra][Ground States and Ionization Energies][Bibliography][Help] NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory
NIST Atomic Spectra Database Levels Data
S I 382 Levels Found 
Example of how to reference these results:
Ralchenko, Yu., Kramida, A.E., Reader, J., and NIST ASD Team (2011). NIST Atomic Spectra Database (ver. 4.1.0), [Online]. Available: http://physics.nist.gov/asd [2011, November 2]. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.

Some data for neutral and singly-charged ions are available in the Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data

Configuration          | Term     |   J |         Level    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p4                | 3P       |   2 |         0        |
                       |          |   1 |       396.055    |
                       |          |   0 |       573.640    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p4                | 1D       |   2 |      9238.609    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p4                | 1S       |   0 |     22179.954    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).4s       | 5S*      |   2 |     52623.640    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).4s       | 3S*      |   1 |     55330.811    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).4p       | 5P       |   1 |     63446.065    |
                       |          |   2 |     63457.142    |
                       |          |   3 |     63475.051    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).4p       | 3P       |   1 |     64888.964    |
                       |          |   0 |     64891.386    |
                       |          |   2 |     64892.582    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).4s       | 3D*      |   1 |     67816.351    |
                       |          |   2 |     67825.188    |
                       |          |   3 |     67842.867    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).3d       | 5D*      |   4 |     67877.635    |
                       |          |   0 |     67884.158    |
                       |          |   1 |     67885.535    |
                       |          |   2 |     67887.805    |
                       |          |   3 |     67890.016    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).4s       | 1D*      |   2 |     69237.886    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).3d       | 3D*      |   1 |     70164.650    |
                       |          |   2 |     70166.195    |
                       |          |   3 |     70173.968    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).5s       | 5S*      |   2 |     70702.790    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).5s       | 3S*      |   1 |     71351.399    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s.3p5                 | 3P*      |   2 |     72023.495    |
                       |          |   1 |     72382.328    |
                       |          |   0 |     72571.630    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).5p       | 5P       |   1 |     73911.259    |
                       |          |   2 |     73914.928    |
                       |          |   3 |     73920.961    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).5p       | 3P       |   2 |     74268.547    |
                       |          |   1 |     74269.600    |
                       |          |   0 |     74271.651    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).4d       | 5D*      |   4 |     74973.14     |
                       |          |   3 |     74974.10     |
                       |          |   2 |     74975.19     |
                       |          |   1 |     74976.06     |
                       |          |   0 |     74976.61     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).4d       | 3D*      |   1 |     75951.95     |
                       |          |   2 |     75952.35     |
                       |          |   3 |     75956.53     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).6s       | 5S*      |   2 |     76464.06     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).4f       | 5F       |   4 |     76654.767    |
                       |          |   5 |     76654.769    |
                       |          |   3 |     76654.794    |
                       |          |   2 |     76654.811    |
                       |          |   1 |     76654.847    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).4f       | 3F       |   4 |     76656.324    |
                       |          |   3 |     76656.330    |
                       |          |   2 |     76656.358    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).6s       | 3S*      |   1 |     76720.65     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).4s       | 3P*      |   0 |     77135.52     |
                       |          |   1 |     77150.14     |
                       |          |   2 |     77181.15     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).6p       | 5P       |   1 |     77850.740    |
                       |          |   2 |     77853.234    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).4p       | 1P       |   1 |     77854.906    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).6p       | 5P       |   3 |     77856.446    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).6p       | 3P       |   2 |     77890.532    |
                       |          |   0 |     77902.208    |
                       |          |   1 |     77913.543    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).4p       | 3D       |   2 |     78152.071    |
                       |          |   1 |     78152.336    |
                       |          |   3 |     78203.180    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).5d       | 5D*      |   4 |     78270.10     |
                       |          |   3 |     78270.52     |
                       |          |   2 |     78270.99     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).4s       | 1P*      |   1 |     78288.44     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).4p       | 3F       |   2 |     78409.89     |
                       |          |   3 |     78435.81     |
                       |          |   4 |     78463.04     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).4p       | 1F       |   3 |     78639.923    |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).5d       | 3D*      |   2 |     78691.37     |
                       |          |   3 |     78691.80     |
                       |          |   1 |     78692.53     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).7s       | 5S*      |   2 |     79058.04     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).5f       | 5F       |   5 |     79142.81     |
                       |          |   1 |     79142.81     |
                       |          |   2 |     79142.81     |
                       |          |   4 |     79142.81     |
                       |          |   3 |     79142.81     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).5f       | 3F       |   2 |     79144.05     |
                       |          |   3 |     79144.05     |
                       |          |   4 |     79144.05     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).7s       | 3S*      |   1 |     79185.35     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).4p       | 3P       |   2 |     79375.80     |
                       |          |   1 |     79405.30     |
                       |          |   0 |     79418.01     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).7p       | 5P       |   3 |     79785.52     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).6d       | 5D*      |   4 |     79992.15     |
                       |          |   3 |     79992.32     |
                       |          |   2 |     79992.50     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).7p       | 3P       |   2 |     80112.73     |
                       |          |   1 |     80120.21     |
                       |          |   0 |     80123.86     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).6d       | 3D*      |   3 |     80182.16     |
                       |          |   2 |     80183.83     |
                       |          |   1 |     80185.60     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).8s       | 5S*      |   2 |     80449.10     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).6f       | 5F       |   4 |     80494.31     |
                       |          |   3 |     80494.31     |
                       |          |   2 |     80494.31     |
                       |          |   1 |     80494.31     |
                       |          |   5 |     80494.31     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).6f       | 3F       |   4 |     80495.18     |
                       |          |   3 |     80495.18     |
                       |          |   2 |     80495.18     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).8s       | 3S*      |   1 |     80521.46     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).7d       | 5D*      |   4 |     80995.28     |
                       |          |   3 |     80995.41     |
                       |          |   2 |     80995.41     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).8p       | 3P       |   1 |     80995.60     |
                       |          |   0 |     80995.60     |
                       |          |   2 |     80996.03     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).7d       | 3D*      |   3 |     81080.29     |
                       |          |   2 |     81082.46     |
                       |          |   1 |     81084.67     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).9s       | 5S*      |   2 |     81281.56     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).7f       | 5F       |   5 |     81308.84     |
                       |          |   1 |     81308.84     |
                       |          |   2 |     81308.84     |
                       |          |   3 |     81308.84     |
                       |          |   4 |     81308.84     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).7f       | 3F       |   4 |     81309.57     |
                       |          |   2 |     81309.57     |
                       |          |   3 |     81309.57     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).9s       | 3S*      |   1 |     81326.81     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).3d       | 1P*      |   1 |     81438.30     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).8d       | 5D*      |   4 |     81628.70     |
                       |          |   3 |     81628.83     |
                       |          |   2 |     81628.83     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).8d       | 3D*      |   3 |     81663.05     |
                       |          |   2 |     81665.61     |
                       |          |   1 |     81667.93     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).10s      | 5S*      |   2 |     81819.20     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).8f       | 5F       |   5 |     81837.45     |
                       |          |   2 |     81837.45     |
                       |          |   3 |     81837.45     |
                       |          |   4 |     81837.45     |
                       |          |   1 |     81837.45     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).10s      | 3S*      |   1 |     81849.68     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).9d       | 5D*      |   3 |     82053.74     |
                       |          |   4 |     82053.74     |
                       |          |   2 |     82053.92     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).9d       | 3D*      |   3 |     82061.70     |
                       |          |   2 |     82063.40     |
                       |          |   1 |     82067.22     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).11s      | 3S*      |   1 |     82208.17     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).10d      | 3D*      |   3 |     82350.77     |
                       |          |   2 |     82352.35     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).10d      | 5D*      |   4 |     82353.1      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).10d      | 3D*      |   1 |     82353.25     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).11d      | 3D*      |   3 |     82561.9      |
                       |          |   2 |     82563.6      |
                       |          |   1 |     82564.4      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).3d       | 1F*      |   3 |     82604.41     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).12d      | 3D*      |   3 |     82723.2      |
                       |          |   1 |     82724.6      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).6d       | 5D*      |   0 |     82724.6      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).12d      | 3D*      |   2 |     82725.0      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).13d      | 3D*      |   3 |     82849.0      |
                       |          |   2 |     82850.3      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(4S*).14d      | 3D*      |   2 |     82948.7      |
                       |          |   1 |     82948.7      |
                       |          |   3 |     82948.7      |
                       |          |     |                  |
S II (4S*3/2)        | Limit    | --- |     83559.1      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).3d       | 3D*      |   2 |     83900        |
                       |          |   3 |     83900        |
                       |          |   1 |     83900        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).3d       | 3S*      |   1 |     85430        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).3d?      | 1D*?     |   2 |     85614        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).5s       | 3D*      |   3 |     85680        |
                       |          |   2 |     85680        |
                       |          |   1 |     85680        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).5s       | 1D*      |   2 |     86108.08     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).3d       | 3P*      |   0 |     86473.17     |
                       |          |   1 |     86484.57     |
                       |          |   2 |     86503.21     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).4d       | 3D*      |   2 |     90600        |
                       |          |   3 |     90600        |
                       |          |   1 |     90600        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).4d       | 3S*      |   1 |     91190        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).4d       | 1D*      |   2 |     91276        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).6s       | 3D*      |   3 |     91380        |
                       |          |   2 |     91380        |
                       |          |   1 |     91380        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).4d       | 3P*      |   0 |     91469        |
                       |          |   1 |     91486        |
                       |          |   2 |     91519        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).6s       | 1D*      |   2 |     91545        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).5d       | 3D*      |   3 |     93410        |
                       |          |   1 |     93410        |
                       |          |   2 |     93410        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).5d       | 3S*      |   1 |     93824        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).5d       | 1D*      |   2 |     93870        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).7s       | 3D*      |   1 |     93984        |
                       |          |   2 |     93984        |
                       |          |   3 |     93984        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*3/2).5f  |          |     |     93996.4      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*5/2).5f  |          |     |     94032.6      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).7s       | 1D*      |   2 |     94035        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).3d       | 3D*      |   2 |     94180        |
                       |          |   3 |     94180        |
                       |          |   1 |     94180        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).3d       | 3P*      |   0 |     94381        |
                       |          |   2 |     94381        |
                       |          |   1 |     94381        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).5d       | 3P*      |   1 |     94414        |
                       |          |   2 |     94414        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).7p       |          |     |     94875.5      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).6d       | 3D*      |   2 |     95100        |
                       |          |   3 |     95100        |
                       |          |   1 |     95100        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).5s       | 3P*      |   0 |     95181        |
                       |          |   2 |     95198        |
                       |          |   1 |     95208        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).6d       | 3S*      |   1 |     95256        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).6d       | 1D*      |   2 |     95299        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*3/2).6f    |          |     |     95349.1      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).8s       | 3D*      |   1 |     95350        |
                       |          |   2 |     95350        |
                       |          |   3 |     95350        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*5/2).6f    |          |     |     95383.4      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).6d       | 3P*      |   2 |     95625        |
                       |          |   1 |     95625        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).5s       | 1P*      |   1 |     95638.95     |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).3d       | 1P*      |   1 |     95873.5      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).8p       |          |     |     95880.9      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).7d       | 3D*      |   1 |     96006        |
                       |          |   3 |     96006        |
                       |          |   2 |     96006        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).7d       | 3S*      |   1 |     96099        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).7d       | 1D*      |   2 |     96133        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*3/2).7f    |          |     |     96160.0      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*5/2).7f    |          |     |     96194.2      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).9s       | 3D*      |   2 |     96204        |
                       |          |   1 |     96204        |
                       |          |   3 |     96204        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).7d       | 3P*      |   1 |     96312        |
                       |          |   2 |     96312        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).9p       |          |     |     96513.2      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).8d       | 3D*      |   1 |     96618        |
                       |          |   3 |     96618        |
                       |          |   2 |     96618        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).8d       | 3S*      |   1 |     96649        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).8d       | 1D*      |   2 |     96677        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*3/2).8f  |          |     |     96689.1      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).10s      | 3D*      |   1 |     96716        |
                       |          |   2 |     96716        |
                       |          |   3 |     96716        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*5/2).8f    |          |     |     96721.7      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).10p      |          |     |     96937.0      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).9d       | 3D*      |   2 |     97012        |
                       |          |   1 |     97012        |
                       |          |   3 |     97012        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*3/2).9f    |          |     |     97052.7      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*5/2).9f    |          |     |     97085.1      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).11s      | 3D*      |   3 |     97089        |
                       |          |   2 |     97089        |
                       |          |   1 |     97089        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).11p      |          |     |     97232.0      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).10d      | 3D*      |   1 |     97276        |
                       |          |   3 |     97276        |
                       |          |   2 |     97276        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*3/2).10f   |          |     |     97309.8      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).12s      | 3D*      |   1 |     97327        |
                       |          |   2 |     97327        |
                       |          |   3 |     97327        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*5/2).10f   |          |     |     97342.7      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).12p      |          |     |     97455.1      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*3/2).11f   |          |     |     97505.0      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).13s      | 3D*      |   3 |     97523        |
                       |          |   2 |     97523        |
                       |          |   1 |     97523        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*5/2).11f   |          |     |     97536.4      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*3/2).12f   |          |     |     97649.6      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).14s      | 3D*      |   2 |     97665        |
                       |          |   1 |     97665        |
                       |          |   3 |     97665        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*5/2).12f   |          |     |     97680.3      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*3/2).13f   |          |     |     97761.6      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).15s      | 3D*      |   2 |     97778        |
                       |          |   3 |     97778        |
                       |          |   1 |     97778        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*5/2).13f   |          |     |     97794.0      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*3/2).14f   |          |     |     97851.4      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).16s      | 3D*      |   3 |     97870        |
                       |          |   2 |     97870        |
                       |          |   1 |     97870        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*5/2).14f   |          |     |     97885.0      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*3/2).15f   |          |     |     97925.4      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).17s      | 3D*      |   3 |     97940        |
                       |          |   2 |     97940        |
                       |          |   1 |     97940        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*5/2).15f   |          |     |     97956.8      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*3/2).16f   |          |     |     97985.5      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).18s      | 3D*      |   1 |     98000        |
                       |          |   3 |     98000        |
                       |          |   2 |     98000        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*5/2).16f   |          |     |     98017.0      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*3/2).17f   |          |     |     98034.3      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).19s      | 3D*      |   2 |     98052        |
                       |          |   1 |     98052        |
                       |          |   3 |     98052        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*5/2).17f   |          |     |     98065.9      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*3/2).18f   |          |     |     98074.5      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).20s      | 3D*      |   2 |     98093        |
                       |          |   1 |     98093        |
                       |          |   3 |     98093        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*5/2).18f   |          |     |     98106.2      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).21s      | 3D*      |   2 |     98126        |
                       |          |   1 |     98126        |
                       |          |   3 |     98126        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2D*).22s      | 3D*      |   1 |     98155        |
                       |          |   2 |     98155        |
                       |          |   3 |     98155        |
                       |          |     |                  |
S II (2D*3/2)          | Limit    | --- |     98412.0      |
                       |          |     |                  |
S II (2D*5/2)          | Limit    | --- |     98443.8      |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).4d       | 3P*      |   2 |    100300        |
                       |          |   1 |    100300        |
                       |          |   0 |    100300        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).4d       | 3D*      |   1 |    100540        |
                       |          |   3 |    100540        |
                       |          |   2 |    100540        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).6s       | 3P*      |   0 |    101000        |
                       |          |   1 |    101000        |
                       |          |   2 |    101000        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).5d       | 3P*      |   1 |    103190        |
                       |          |   2 |    103190        |
                       |          |   0 |    103190        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).5d       | 3D*      |   3 |    103370        |
                       |          |   2 |    103370        |
                       |          |   1 |    103370        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).7s       | 3P*      |   2 |    103600        |
                       |          |   1 |    103600        |
                       |          |   0 |    103600        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).6d       | 3P*      |   0 |    104740        |
                       |          |   2 |    104740        |
                       |          |   1 |    104740        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).6d       | 3D*      |   3 |    104870        |
                       |          |   2 |    104870        |
                       |          |   1 |    104870        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).8s       | 3P*      |   2 |    105000        |
                       |          |   1 |    105000        |
                       |          |   0 |    105000        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).7d       | 3P*      |   0 |    105660        |
                       |          |   1 |    105660        |
                       |          |   2 |    105660        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).7d       | 3D*      |   2 |    105740        |
                       |          |   3 |    105740        |
                       |          |   1 |    105740        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).9s       | 3P*      |   2 |    105880        |
                       |          |   1 |    105880        |
                       |          |   0 |    105880        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).8d       | 3P*      |   0 |    106246        |
                       |          |   2 |    106246        |
                       |          |   1 |    106246        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).8d       | 3D*      |   1 |    106310        |
                       |          |   2 |    106310        |
                       |          |   3 |    106310        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).10s      | 3P*      |   0 |    106370        |
                       |          |   1 |    106370        |
                       |          |   2 |    106370        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).9d       | 3P*      |   1 |    106614        |
                       |          |   2 |    106614        |
                       |          |   0 |    106614        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).10d      | 3P*      |   1 |    106930        |
                       |          |   0 |    106930        |
                       |          |   2 |    106930        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).11d      | 3P*      |   0 |    107120        |
                       |          |   1 |    107120        |
                       |          |   2 |    107120        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).12d      | 3P*,3D*  |     |    107287        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).13d      | 3P*,3D*  |     |    107401        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).14d      | 3P*,3D*  |     |    107513        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).15d      | 3P*,3D*  |     |    107584        |
                       |          |     |                  |
3s2.3p3.(2P*).16d      | 3P*,3D*  |     |    107645        |
                       |          |     |                  |
S II (2P*1/2)        | Limit    | --- |    108084.0      |
                       |          |     |                  |
S II (2P*3/2)        | Limit    | --- |    108130.7      |

Query time: 0.3 sec

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