M1 is the magnetic dipole transition which occurs only between states of the same parity.
E2 is the electric quadrupole transition which occurs only between states of the same parity.
M2 is the magnetic quadrupole transition which occurs only between states of different parities.
M3 is the magnetic octupole transition which occurs only between states of the same parities.
Two-photon transition occurs only between states of the same parity.
Hyperfine-induced transition may occur only in isotopes having non-zero nuclear spin.
Undefined transition type.
M1+E2 is a mix of a magnetic-dipole and an electric-quadrupole transition, both of which occur only between states of the same parity.
The oscillator strength is a dimensionless quantity which for strong lines (both in atoms and in ions) is of the order of unity.
This level/line may not be real.
This level was determined by interpolation or extrapolation of known experimental values or by semiempirical calculation; its absolute accuracy is reflected in the number of significant figures assigned to it.
Theoretical value.
Observed in absorption
Line or feature having large width due to autoionization broadening
Beam-foil measurement
Intensity is shared by several lines
Double line
Broad due to overexposure in the quoted reference
Line position estimated
Very hazy line
Superposed with neighbor line
See the original reference on other issues
Observed value given is actually the Ritz value rounded to 0.1 Å, e.g., Ne I
The relative positions of the levels within such a system are accurate within experimental uncertainties, but no experimental connection between this system and the other levels of the spectrum has been made.
This level may have substantial autoionization rate.
Band head
Blended with another line that may affect the wavelength and intensity
Complex line
Diffuse line
Forbidden line
Transition involving a level of the ground term
Hazy line
Line has hyperfine structure
Identification uncertain
Wavelength smoothed along isoelectronic sequence
Shaded to longer wavelengths
Masked by another line (no wavelength measurement)
Term assignment of the level is questionable
Perturbed by a close line
Asymmetric line
Easily reversed
Shaded to shorter wavelengths
Tentatively classified line.
Unresolved from close line
Wide line
Extrapolated wavelength
This wavelength is calculated on-line. The number of significant digits was obtained assuming the trailing zeros in the energies are insignificant, and thus the real accuracy may be higher.
This wavelength is calculated on-line with a proper account of significant digits
Unknown line type
Somewhat less intensity than the value given
A multiplet in the original compilation has been separated into its component lines and the transition probability was derived from the compiled value assuming spin-orbit coupling. This may decrease the listed accuracy, especially for weaker transitions.
Relative intensities provide a qualitative description of what the emission spectrum of a particular element in a particular (low-density) source looks like. More help.
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[ASD Home][Lines Query][Levels Query][List of Spectra][Ground States and Ionization Energies][Bibliography][Help] NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory
NIST Atomic Spectra Database Levels Data
Na I 430 Levels Found 
Example of how to reference these results:
Ralchenko, Yu., Kramida, A.E., Reader, J., and NIST ASD Team (2011). NIST Atomic Spectra Database (ver. 4.1.0), [Online]. Available: http://physics.nist.gov/asd [2011, November 2]. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.

Some data for neutral and singly-charged ions are available in the Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data

Configuration           | Term      |        J |           Level    |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.3s                  | 2S        |      1/2 |         0.00000    |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.3p                  | 2P*       |      1/2 |     16956.17025    |
                        |           |      3/2 |     16973.36619    |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.4s                  | 2S        |      1/2 |     25739.999      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.3d                  | 2D        |      5/2 |     29172.837      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     29172.887      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.4p                  | 2P*       |      1/2 |     30266.99       |
                        |           |      3/2 |     30272.58       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.5s                  | 2S        |      1/2 |     33200.673      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.4d                  | 2D        |      5/2 |     34548.729      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     34548.764      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.4f                  | 2F*       |      7/2 |     34586.92       |
                        |           |      5/2 |     34586.92       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.5p                  | 2P*       |      1/2 |     35040.38       |
                        |           |      3/2 |     35042.85       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.6s                  | 2S        |      1/2 |     36372.618      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.5d                  | 2D        |      5/2 |     37036.752      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     37036.772      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.5f                  | 2F*       |      5/2 |     37057.65       |
                        |           |      7/2 |     37057.65       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.5g                  | 2G        |  7/2,9/2 |     37059.54       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.6p                  | 2P*       |      1/2 |     37296.32       |
                        |           |      3/2 |     37297.61       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.7s                  | 2S        |      1/2 |     38012.042      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.6d                  | 2D        |      5/2 |     38387.255      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     38387.268      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.6f                  | 2F*       |      5/2 |     38399.79       |
                        |           |      7/2 |     38399.79       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.6g                  | 2G        |      7/2 |     38400.900      |
                        |           |      9/2 |     38400.904      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.6h                  | 2H*       |     11/2 |     38401.147      |
                        |           |      9/2 |     38401.153      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.7p                  | 2P*       |      1/2 |     38540.18       |
                        |           |      3/2 |     38540.93       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.8s                  | 2S        |      1/2 |     38968.51       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.7d                  | 2D        |      3/2 |     39200.93       |
                        |           |      5/2 |     39200.93       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.7f                  | 2F*       |      5/2 |     39208.98       |
                        |           |      7/2 |     39208.98       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.7g                  | 2G        |  7/2,9/2 |     39209.725      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.7h                  | 2H*       | 9/2,11/2 |     39209.887      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.8p                  | 2P*       |      1/2 |     39298.35       |
                        |           |      3/2 |     39298.84       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.9s                  | 2S        |      1/2 |     39574.85       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.8d                  | 2D        |      3/2 |     39728.70       |
                        |           |      5/2 |     39728.70       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.8f                  | 2F*       |      7/2 |     39734.16       |
                        |           |      5/2 |     39734.16       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.8g                  | 2G        |  7/2,9/2 |     39734.678      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.8h                  | 2H*       | 9/2,11/2 |     39734.790      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.9p                  | 2P*       |      1/2 |     39794.479      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     39794.810      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.10s                 | 2S        |      1/2 |     39983.27       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.9d                  | 2D        |      3/2 |     40090.31       |
                        |           |      5/2 |     40090.31       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.9f                  | 2F*       |      5/2 |     40094.19       |
                        |           |      7/2 |     40094.19       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.9g                  | 2G        |  7/2,9/2 |     40094.581      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.9h                  | 2H*       | 9/2,11/2 |     40094.660      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.10p                 | 2P*       |      1/2 |     40136.810      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     40137.043      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.11s                 | 2S        |      1/2 |     40271.396      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.10d                 | 2D        |      5/2 |     40348.915      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     40348.918      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.10f                 | 2F*       |      7/2 |     40351.761      |
                        |           |      5/2 |     40351.761      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.10g                 | 2G        |  7/2,9/2 |     40352.015      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.10h                 | 2H*       | 9/2,11/2 |     40352.073      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.11p                 | 2P*       |      1/2 |     40382.925      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     40383.097      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.12s                 | 2S        |      1/2 |     40482.236      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.11d                 | 2D        |      5/2 |     40540.093      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     40540.095      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.11f                 | 2F*       |      5/2 |     40542.293      |
                        |           |      7/2 |     40542.293      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.11g                 | 2G        |  7/2,9/2 |     40542.484      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.12p                 | 2P*       |      1/2 |     40565.783      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     40565.913      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.13s                 | 2S        |      1/2 |     40641.148      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.12d                 | 2D        |      3/2 |     40685.509      |
                        |           |      5/2 |     40685.509      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.12f                 | 2F*       |  5/2,7/2 |     40687.203      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.12g                 | 2G        |  7/2,9/2 |     40687.352      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.13p                 | 2P*       |      1/2 |     40705.344      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     40705.444      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.14s                 | 2S        |      1/2 |     40763.884      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.13d                 | 2D        |      5/2 |     40798.642      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     40798.644      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.13f                 | 2F*       |  5/2,7/2 |     40799.974      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.13g                 | 2G        |  7/2,9/2 |     40800.091      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.14p                 | 2P*       |      1/2 |     40814.273      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     40814.352      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.15s                 | 2S        |      1/2 |     40860.648      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.14d                 | 2D        |      5/2 |     40888.386      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     40888.387      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.14f                 | 2F*       |  5/2,7/2 |     40889.452      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.14g                 | 2G        |  7/2,9/2 |     40889.546      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.15p                 | 2P*       |      1/2 |     40900.922      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     40900.985      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.16s                 | 2S        |      1/2 |     40938.281      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.15d                 | 2D        |      5/2 |     40960.771      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     40960.771      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.15f                 | 2F*       |  5/2,7/2 |     40961.637      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.15g                 | 2G        |  7/2,9/2 |     40961.714      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.16p                 | 2P*       |      1/2 |     40970.976      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     40971.028      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.17s                 | 2S        |      1/2 |     41001.515      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.16d                 | 2D        |      5/2 |     41020.000      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     41020.001      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.16f                 | 2F*       |  5/2,7/2 |     41020.714      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.16g                 | 2G        |  7/2,9/2 |     41020.777      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.17p                 | 2P*       |      1/2 |     41028.419      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     41028.462      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.18s                 | 2S        |      1/2 |     41053.701      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.17d                 | 2D        |      5/2 |     41069.079      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     41069.080      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.17f                 | 2F*       |  5/2,7/2 |     41069.674      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.17g                 | 2G        |  7/2,9/2 |     41069.727      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.18p                 | 2P*       |      1/2 |     41076.106      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     41076.141      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.19s                 | 2S        |      1/2 |     41097.271      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.18d                 | 2D        |      3/2 |     41110.202      |
                        |           |      5/2 |     41110.202      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.18f                 | 2F*       |  5/2,7/2 |     41110.703      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.18g                 | 2G        |      7/2 |     41110.747      |
                        |           |      9/2 |     41110.748      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.19p                 | 2P*       |      1/2 |     41116.126      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     41116.156      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.20s                 | 2S        |      1/2 |     41134.023      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.19d                 | 2D        |      5/2 |     41144.999      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     41145.000      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.19f                 | 2F*       |  5/2,7/2 |     41145.425      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.19g                 | 2G        |  7/2,9/2 |     41145.463      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.20p                 | 2P*       |      1/2 |     41150.040      |
                        |           |      3/2 |     41150.066      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.20d                 | 2D        |      3/2 |     41174.705      |
                        |           |      5/2 |     41174.705      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.20f                 | 2F*       |  5/2,7/2 |     41175.070      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p6.20g                 | 2G        |  7/2,9/2 |     41175.102      |
                        |           |          |                    |
Na II 2p6.(1S0)         | Limit     |        0 |     41449.451      |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s2                 | 2P*       |      3/2 |    248170          |
                        |           |      1/2 |    249489          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.(2P*).3s.3p.(3P*)   | 4S        |      3/2 |    263745.3        |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.(2P*).3s.3p.(3P*)   | 4D        |      7/2 |    266586.7        |
                        |           |      5/2 |    266933.9        |
                        |           |      3/2 |    267282.3        |
                        |           |      1/2 |    267576.0        |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.(2P*).3s.3p.(3P*)   | 4P        |      5/2 |    268513.9        |
                        |           |      3/2 |    268897.4        |
                        |           |      1/2 |    269086.5        |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.(2P*).3s.3p.(3P*)   | 2D        |      3/2 |    269726          |
                        |           |      5/2 |    270196          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.(2P*).3s.3p.(3P*)   | 2P        |      1/2 |    270582          |
                        |           |      3/2 |    270877          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.(2P*).3s.3p.(3P*)   | 2S        |      1/2 |    273236          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.(2P*).3s.3p.(1P*)   | 2D        |      5/2 |    280596          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.(2P*).3s.3p.(1P*)   | 2S        |      1/2 |    280778          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.(2P*).3s.3p.(1P*)   | 2P        |      3/2 |    281019          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.(2P*).3s.3p.(1P*)   | 2D        |      3/2 |    282076          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.(2P*).3s.3p.(1P*)   | 2P        |      1/2 |    282332          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).4s         | 4P*       |      5/2 |    286300.4        |
                        |           |      3/2 |    286849.5        |
                        |           |      1/2 |    287374.8        |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).4s         | 2P*       |      3/2 |    288452          |
                        |           |      1/2 |    288642          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).3d         | 2P*       |      1/2 |    290234          |
                        |           |      3/2 |    290489          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).4s         | 2P*       |      3/2 |    290786          |
                        |           |      1/2 |    291380          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).3d         | 2D*       |      3/2 |    292090          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).3d         | 4P*       |      1/2 |    292219.6        |
                        |           |      3/2 |    292289.2        |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).3d         | 4F*       |      9/2 |    292340.6        |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).3d         | 4D*       |      5/2 |    292399.4        |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).3d         | 4F*       |      7/2 |    292449.7        |
                        |           |      5/2 |    292913.9        |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).3d         | 4D*       |      3/2 |    293010.3        |
                        |           |      1/2 |    293133.1        |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).3d         | 4F*       |      3/2 |    293528          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).4p         | 2D        |      3/2 |    295054          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).3d         | 2P*       |      3/2 |    295294          |
                        |           |      1/2 |    295526          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).3d         | 2D*       |      5/2 |    295740          |
                        |           |      3/2 |    295749          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).4p         | 2D        |      5/2 |    296576          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).4p         | 2S        |      1/2 |    296618          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).4p         | 2P        |      3/2 |    296808          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).4p         | 2D        |      3/2 |    297048          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).5s         | 4P*       |      3/2 |    297074          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).4p         | 2P        |      1/2 |    297121          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).5s         | 2P*       |      3/2 |    297645          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).4d         | 2P*       |      1/2 |    297724          |
                        |           |      3/2 |    297848          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).5s         | 2P*       |      1/2 |    298350          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).4d         | 2D*       |      3/2 |    298986          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).4d         | 4F*       |      3/2 |    300040          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).5s         | 2P*?      |      3/2 |    300621          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).6s         | 2P*       |      3/2 |    300777          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).6s         | 4P*?      |      3/2 |    301423          |
                        |           |      1/2 |    301486          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).4d         | 2P*?      |      3/2 |    301588          |
                        |           |      1/2 |    301976          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).6s         | 2P*?      |      1/2 |    302142          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).5d         | 4F*?      |      3/2 |    302419          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).5d         | 4D*?      |      1/2 |    302458          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).7s         | 2P*       |      3/2 |    302686          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).6d         | 2P*?      |      1/2 |    302830          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).6d         | 4P*?      |  1/2,3/2 |    303233          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).7s         | 2P*,4P*   |  1/2,3/2 |    303401          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).6d         | 4D*?      |      1/2 |    303683          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).8s         | 2P*?      |      3/2 |    303739          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).7s         | 4P*       |      1/2 |    303974          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).7d         | 4P*?      |      3/2 |    304054          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).7d         | 2P*?      |      1/2 |    304090          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).9s         | 2P*       |      3/2 |    304371          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).6s         | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    304451          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).6d         | 4F*?      |      3/2 |    304547          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).8d         | 4P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    304609          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).7d         | 4D*       |  1/2,3/2 |    304767          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).10s        | 2P*       |      3/2 |    304825          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).9d         | 4P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    304942          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).8s         | 4P*       |      1/2 |    305047          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).9s         | 2P*,4P*?  |  1/2,3/2 |    305143          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).10d        | 4P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    305214          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).8d         | 4D*       |  1/2,3/2 |    305232          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).7d         | 4F*       |      3/2 |    305319          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).12s        | 2P*       |      3/2 |    305357          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).5d         | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    305407          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).13s        | 2P*       |      3/2 |    305506          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).12d        | 4P*?      |  1/2,3/2 |    305562          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).14s        | 2P*       |      3/2 |    305647          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).9s         | 4P*?      |      1/2 |    305689          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).15s        | 2P*       |      3/2 |    305764          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).16s        | 2P*       |      3/2 |    305848          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).11s        | 2P*,4P*   |  1/2,3/2 |    305897          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).8d         | 4F*       |      3/2 |    305963          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).12s        | 2P*,4P*   |  1/2,3/2 |    306116          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).10s        | 4P*       |      1/2 |    306168          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).13s        | 2P*,4P*   |  1/2,3/2 |    306269          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).9d         | 4F*       |      3/2 |    306326          |
                        |           |          |                    |
Na II 2p5.3s.(3P*2)   | Limit     |      --- |    306373.77       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).7s         | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    306443          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).11s        | 4P*       |      1/2 |    306524          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).12s        | 4P*       |      1/2 |    306712          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).6d         | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    306899          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).14s        | 4P*       |      1/2 |    307031          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).15s        | 4P*       |      1/2 |    307112          |
                        |           |          |                    |
Na II 2p5.3s.(3P*1)   | Limit     |      --- |    307139.07       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).16s        | 4P*       |      1/2 |    307204          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).17s        | 4P*       |      1/2 |    307267          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).18s        | 4P*       |      1/2 |    307312          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).19s        | 4P*       |      1/2 |    307352          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(3P*).20s        | 4P*       |      1/2 |    307403          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).8s         | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    307524          |
                        |           |          |                    |
Na II 2p5.3s.(3P*0)   | Limit     |      --- |    307731.07       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).7d         | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    307802          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).9s         | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    308195          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).8d         | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    308378          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).10s        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    308641          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).9d         | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    308773          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).11s        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    308948          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).10d        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    309044          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).12s        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    309173          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).11d        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    309247          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).13s        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    309346          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).12d        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    309403          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).14s        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    309473          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).13d        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    309524          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).15s        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    309588          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).14d        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    309613          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).15d        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    309693          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).16d        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    309751          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).17d        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    309799          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).18d        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    309837          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).19d        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    309885          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3s.(1P*).20d        | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    309914          |
                        |           |          |                    |
Na II 2p5.3s.(1P*1)   | Limit     |      --- |    310212.41       |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.(2P*).3p2.(1S)      | 2P*       |      3/2 |    310981          |
                        |           |      1/2 |    312356          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).4p.(I)   |           |  1/2,3/2 |    323830          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3S1).4p       | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    326840          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3S1).5p       | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    329865          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3S1).6p       | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    331379          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3S1).7p       | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    332292          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).5p.(I)   |           |  1/2,3/2 |    332502          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3S1).8p       | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    332863          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1D2).4p       |           |  1/2,3/2 |    333059          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3S1).9p       | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    333240          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3S1).10p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    333518          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3S1).11p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    333728          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3S1).12p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    333866          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3S1).13p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    333985          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1P1).4p       |           |  1/2,3/2 |    334044          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3S1).14p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    334085          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3S1).15p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    334169          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3S1).16p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    334213          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).4p.(II)  |           |  1/2,3/2 |    334616          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1D2).5p       |           |  1/2,3/2 |    336010          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).6p.(I)   |           |  1/2,3/2 |    336259          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1P1).5p       |           |  1/2,3/2 |    336723          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).5p.(II)  |           |  1/2,3/2 |    337257          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1D2).6p       |           |  1/2,3/2 |    337418          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1P1).6p       |           |  1/2,3/2 |    338149          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).7p.(I)   |           |  1/2,3/2 |    338169          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1D2).7p       |           |  1/2,3/2 |    338301          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).6p.(II)  |           |  1/2,3/2 |    338845          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1D2).8p       |           |  1/2,3/2 |    338857          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1P1).7p       |           |  1/2,3/2 |    338995          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1D2).9p       |           |  1/2,3/2 |    339248          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).8p.(I)   |           |  1/2,3/2 |    339271          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1D2).10p      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    339512          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1P1).8p       |           |  1/2,3/2 |    339570          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).7p.(II)  |           |  1/2,3/2 |    339628          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1P1).9p       |           |  1/2,3/2 |    339928          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).9p.(I)   |           |  1/2,3/2 |    339928          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).8p.(II)  |           |  1/2,3/2 |    340171          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1P1).10p      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    340194          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).10p.(I)  |           |  1/2,3/2 |    340379          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1P1).11p      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    340402          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1P1).12p      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    340553          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).9p.(II)  |           |  1/2,3/2 |    340553          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1P1).13p      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    340669          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).11p.(I)  |           |  1/2,3/2 |    340704          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1P1).14p      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    340762          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).10p.(II) |           |  1/2,3/2 |    340820          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).12p.(I)  |           |  1/2,3/2 |    340948          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).11p.(II) |           |  1/2,3/2 |    341018          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).13p.(I)  |           |  1/2,3/2 |    341111          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).12p.(II) |           |  1/2,3/2 |    341200          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).13p.(II) |           |  1/2,3/2 |    341380          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).14p.(II) |           |  1/2,3/2 |    341410          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(3P1).15p.(II) |           |  1/2,3/2 |    341530          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1S0).4p       | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    342614          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1S0).5p       | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    345479          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1S0).6p       | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    347026          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1S0).7p       | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    347923          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1S0).8p       | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    348500          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1S0).9p       | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    348893          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1S0).10p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    349166          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1S0).11p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    349382          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1S0).12p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    349516          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1S0).13p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    349638          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1S0).14p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    349736          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1S0).15p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    349822          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1S0).16p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    349871          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1S0).17p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    349932          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1S0).18p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    349981          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3p.(1S0).19p      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    350005          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3P*2).4s      | 2[2]*     |      3/2 |    350016          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(1P*1).4s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    350447          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).5s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    351753          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3D*1).4s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    355619          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(1P*1).3d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    360826          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).3d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    361126          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(1P*1).3d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    361418          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3P*2).5s      | 2[2]*     |      3/2 |    362050          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(1P*1).5s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    362201          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).6s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    362858          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3F*2).4d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    364766          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3D*1).5s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    364990          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3P*2).6s      | 2[2]*     |      3/2 |    366205          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(1P*1).4d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    366206          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).4d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    366425          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(1P*1).6s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    366932          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).7s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    367215          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(1P*1).4d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    367404          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3F*2).5d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    367954          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3P*2).7s      | 2[2]*     |      3/2 |    368287          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(1P*1).5d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    368745          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).5d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    368745          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3D*1).6s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    368949          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(1P*1).7s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    369031          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).8s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    369331          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3P*2).8s      | 2[2]*     |      3/2 |    369454          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3F*2).6d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    369645          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(1P*1).5d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    369992          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(1P*1).6d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    370096          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3P*2).9s      | 2[2]*     |      3/2 |    370137          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).6d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    370206          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(1P*1).8s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    370288          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).9s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    370535          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3F*2).7d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    370631          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3P*2).10s     | 2[2]*     |      3/2 |    370645          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3D*1).7s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    370824          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(1P*1).7d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    370906          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(1P*1).9s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    371016          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).7d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    371016          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).10s     | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    371237          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3F*2).8d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    371237          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(1P*1).6d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    371443          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(1P*1).8d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    371471          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(1P*1).10s     | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    371554          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).8d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    371568          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3F*2).9d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    371664          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(1P*1).9d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    371830          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3F*2).10d     |           |  1/2,3/2 |    371941          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).9d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    371941          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3D*1).8s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    371941          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3F*2).11d     |           |  1/2,3/2 |    372148          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).10d     |           |  1/2,3/2 |    372218          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(1P*1).7d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    372273          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).11d     |           |  1/2,3/2 |    372398          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).12d     |           |  1/2,3/2 |    372550          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3D*1).9s      | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    372606          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).13d     |           |  1/2,3/2 |    372662          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(3P*1).14d     |           |  1/2,3/2 |    372759          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(1P*1).8d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    372800          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3D*1).10s     | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    373051          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(1P*1).9d      |           |  1/2,3/2 |    373176          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3D*1).11s     | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    373371          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(1P*1).10d     |           |  1/2,3/2 |    373455          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3D*1).12s     | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    373608          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.4s.(1P*1).11d     |           |  1/2,3/2 |    373636          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3D*1).13s     | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    373776          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3D*1).14s     | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    373916          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3D*1).15s     | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    374000          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2p5.3d.(3D*1).16s     | 2[1]*     |  1/2,3/2 |    374070          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2s.(2S).2p6.3s.3p.(3P*) | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    535330          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2s.(2S).2p6.3s.3p.(1P*) | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    546600          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2s.2p6.3s.(3S).4p       | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    559600          |
                        |           |          |                    |
Na II 2s.2p6.3s.(3S1) | Limit     |      --- |    572350          |
                        |           |          |                    |
Na II 2s.2p6.3s.(1S0) | Limit     |      --- |    575750          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2s.2p6.3p.(3P*).4s      | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    586200          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2s.2p6.3p.(1P*).4s      | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    591400          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2s.2p6.3p.(3P*).3d      | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    594600          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2s.2p6.3p.(3P*).5s      | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    596400          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2s.2p6.3p.(3P*).6s      | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    600000          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2s.2p6.(2S).4s.4p.(3P*) | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    618900          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2s.2p6.(2S).4s.5p.(3P*) | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    629700          |
                        |           |          |                    |
2s.2p6.(2S).3d.4p.(3P*) | 2P*       |  1/2,3/2 |    636600          |

Query time: 1.1 sec

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