SUBROUTINE rhoof_PTX(lgT,lgP,X,eos,deos) ! give RHO as function of P, T, X according to SAHA-S3 EOS. ! suppose to be a part of module mod_etat_saha ! equivalent to rhoofp from CESAM etat_opalZ code IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8, INTENT(in) :: lgT,lgP,X REAL*8, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(mv) :: eos REAL*8, DIMENSION(mv,3) :: deos c REAL*8, DIMENSION(mv) :: vars REAL*8, DIMENSION(nqs) :: rho_line, P_line REAL*8 lgQs REAL*8 lgrho, lgrho_i, lgP_i INTEGER iter ! save all available pairs of P and rho for given T and X CALL int2_onlgQs(X,lgT,P_line,rho_line) ! check this line for universality IF ((lgP-P_line(1)*(1.d0-SIGN(tol_extr,P_line(1))))* 1 (lgP-P_line(nqs)*(1.d0+SIGN(tol_extr,P_line(nqs))))<=0) THEN !determine rho using iterations CALL interp1(P_line,rho_line,lgP,lgrho) lgQs=lgrho-2.25d0*(lgT-6.0d0) CALL Bspline2f(x,lgT,lgQs,eos) ! computes only eos(1) and eos(5) lgP_i=log10(eos(1)) iter=1 DO WHILE (ABS(lgP-lgP_i)>1d-10) lgrho_i=lgrho + (lgP-lgP_i)/eos(5) lgQs=lgrho_i-2.25d0*(lgT-6.0d0) CALL Bspline2f(x,lgT,lgQs,eos) ! computes only eos(1) and eos(5) lgP_i=log10(eos(1)) lgrho=lgrho_i iter=iter+1 IF ( THEN PRINT*, 'too many iter', lgP,lgP_i PAUSE END IF ENDDO ELSE PRINT*, 'SAHA_S3 \ rhoof_PTX: out of lgP boundary' PRINT*, 'P_line(1)=', P_line(1), 'P_line(nqs)=', P_line(nqs), 'lgP=',lgP STOP END IF lgQs=lgrho-2.25d0*(lgT-6.0d0) CALL Bspline(x,lgT,lgQs,eos,deos) ! interpolate all functions eos and derivatives deos RETURN END SUBROUTINE rhoof_PTX