c*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE etat_eff(p,tt,xchim,ro,drop,drot,drox,u,dup,dut,dux, 1 delta,deltap,deltat,deltax,cp,dcpp,dcpt,dcpx, 2 gradad,dgradadp,dgradadt,dgradadx,alfa,beta,gamma1) c subroutine private du module mod_etat c adaptation du logiciel eff écrit par jorgen christensen_dalsgaard c à partir de p et t, il calcule ro et u et toutes les dérivées c jusqu'au deuxième ordre c Annie Baglin le 1 12 1990 c modifs: c 14 07 90 : suppression de IMPLICIT REAL*8 (a-h,o-z) c déclaration explicite des variables, Michel Auvergne. c 25 12 90 : ajout de lamb=5, suppression des variables inutiles c 01 10 91 : appel à etat_gong2 en cas d'échec de convergence c dans eqstp c 19 11 99 : suppression des nh1, nh2, nhe2, lamb c Adaptation F95: P.Morel, Département J.D. Cassini, O.C.A., CESAM2k c entree : c p : pression c tt : température c xchim : composition chimique par gramme c sortie : c ro : densité et dérivées c u : énergie interne et dérivées c---------------------------------------------------------------- USE mod_donnees, ONLY : aradia, ah, amu, ahe4, ihe4, nchim, Lz0 => z0 USE mod_kind IMPLICIT NONE REAL (kind=dp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: xchim REAL (kind=dp), INTENT(in) :: p, tt REAL (kind=dp), INTENT(out) :: ro,drop,drot,drox,u,dup,dut,dux, 1 delta,deltap,deltat,deltax,cp,dcpp,dcpt,dcpx, 2 gradad,dgradadp,dgradadt,dgradadx,alfa,beta,gamma1 c~~~~ c initialisations pour remplacement du COMMON potetc initialise c par le BLOCKDATA bleqst INTEGER :: i REAL (kind=dp), PARAMETER, DIMENSION(374) :: chi=(/ 1 11.26d0, 24.38d0, 47.86d0, 64.48d0, 391.99d0,489.84d0, 2 14.54d0, 29.60d0, 47.43d0, 77.45d0, 97.86d0, 551.92d0, 666.83d0, 3 13.61d0, 35.15d0, 54.93d0, 77.39d0, 113.87d0,138.08d0, 739.11d0, 4 871.12d0,21.56d0, 41.07d0, 63.5d0 , 97.16d0, 126.4d0, 157.91d0, 5 207.3d0, 239.d0, 1196.d0, 1360.d0, 5.14d0, 47.29d0, 71.65d0, 6 98.88d0, 138.60d0,172.36d0,208.44d0,264.15d0,299.78d0, 1465.d0, 7 1646.d0, 7.64d0, 15.03d0 ,80.12d0 ,109.29d0,141.23d0, 186.86d0, 8 225.31d0,265.96d0,327.90d0,367.36d0,1761.2d0,2085.d0, 5.98d0, 9 18.82d0, 28.44d0, 119.96d0,153.77d0,190.42d0,241.93d0, 285.13d0, 1 330.1d0, 398.5d0, 441.9d0, 2085.5d0,2299.d0, 8.15d0, 16.34d0, 2 33.46d0, 45.13d0, 166.73d0,205.11d0,246.41d0,303.87d0, 351.83d0, 3 401.3d0, 476.d0, 523.2d0, 2436.d0, 2666.d0, 15.75d0, 27.62d0, 4 40.90d0, 59.79d0, 75.d0, 91.3d0, 124.d0, 143.46d0, 421.d0, 5 480.d0, 539.5d0, 621.1d0, 688.5d0, 755.5d0, 854.4d0, 1.d20, 6 1.d20, 1.d20, 7.90d0, 16.18d0, 30.64d0, 56.d0, 79.d0, 7 105.d0, 133.d0, 151.d0, 235.d0, 262.d0, 290.d0, 321.d0, 8 355.d0, 390.d0, 457.d0, (1.d20, i=115,125), (88888.d0,i=126,374) 9 /) REAL (kind=dp), PARAMETER, DIMENSION(23) :: am=(/ 12.d0, 14.01d0, 1 16.d0, 20.17d0, 22.99d0, 24.31d0, 26.98d0, 28.08d0, 2 39.94d0, 55.84d0, (99999.d0,i=11,23) /) INTEGER, PARAMETER, DIMENSION(23) :: iz=(/ 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 1 13, 14, 18, 26, (9999,i=11,23) /) CHARACTER (len=4), PARAMETER, DIMENSION(23) :: name=(/ ' c', 1 ' n',' o',' ne',' na',' mg',' al',' si',' a',' fe', 2 ('bido',i=11,23) /) c~~~~~ REAL (kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:) :: Lxchim REAL (kind=dp) :: drott,drotp,drotx,dropl,dropn,drotn,droxn,drofn, 1 f,dfpn,dftn,dfxn,dfpl,dftl,dfxl,dptn,Lp,Lt, 2 droffn,droftn,drottn,drotxn,drofxn,drotpn, 3 dpffn,dptxn,dpfxn,betgam,betbet,dpttn,dpxn, p10,t10, 4 unsro,ro2,psro2,psro3,cpp,dutn,duxn,dupn,dutt,dutx,dutp, 5 duttn,dutpn,dutxn,dhtn,dhxn,dhtpn,dhtxn,dhttn, 6 dhffn,dhftn,dhfxn,dhpn,dhfn,dpftn,aradias3 LOGICAL :: ok COMMON /marche/ok LOGICAL, SAVE :: init=.TRUE. REAL (kind=dp) :: av,ah_eff,ahe,az,avda,avd1,ck1,ck2,exh,exhe,exhep, 1 ct,crho,cpe,che,cao3,caa,ckh,car,ergev COMMON/consts/av,ah_eff,ahe,az,avda,avd1,ck1,ck2,exh,exhe,exhep, 1 ct,crho,cpe,che,cao3,caa,ckh,car,ergev REAL (kind=dp) :: xii1(4),ane(10),rho(20),ht(20),pt(20), 1 cp_eff(4),dad(4), dlt(4),gm1,tprh,trph,rhxp COMMON/eqstd/xii1,ane,rho,ht,pt,cp_eff,dad, 1 dlt,gm1,tprh,trph,rhxp INTEGER ihvz REAL (kind=dp) :: anh0 COMMON/eqscnt/anh0,ihvz REAL (kind=dp) :: amm,amm2,amm3 COMMON/ln10/amm,amm2,amm3 c---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000 FORMAT(8es10.3) IF(init)THEN CALL setcns !initialisation des ctes anh0=0.5d0 !initialisation ??????? init=.FALSE. ; WRITE(2,1) ; WRITE(*,1) 1 FORMAT('équation d''état EFF') aradias3=aradia/3.d0 ; ALLOCATE(Lxchim(nchim)) ENDIF Lxchim(1:nchim)=xchim(1:nchim) ; ok=.TRUE. ; p10=LOG10(p) ; t10=LOG10(tt) c PRINT*,ihe4 c WRITE(*,2000)p10,t10,xchim(1),xchim(ihe4),x0,y0,Lz0 IF(ihe4 > 1)THEN CALL theffp(p10,t10,Lxchim(1),Lxchim(ihe4)+Lxchim(ihe4-1),f) ELSE CALL theffp(p10,t10,Lxchim(1),1.d0-Lxchim(1)-Lz0,f) ENDIF IF(ok)THEN c sorties c ro et ses dérivées ro=rho(1) c dérivées premieres de rho drofn=rho(2)*rho(1)/f dropl=rho(2)/pt(2) dropn=(rho(1)/pt(1))*dropl drotn=(rho(1)/tt)*(rho(3)-dropl*pt(3)) droxn=rho(1)*(rho(4)-dropl*pt(4))*amm drop=dropn drot=drotn drox=droxn c dérivées secondes de rho et p c 1. dérivées secondes naturelles dans le systeme ftx dpffn=(pt(1)/(f*f))*((pt(5)/amm)+pt(2)*(pt(2)-1.d0)) droffn=(rho(1)/(f*f))*((rho(5)/amm)+rho(2)*(rho(2)-1.d0)) drottn=(rho(1)/tt**2)*((rho(8)/amm)+rho(3)*(rho(3)-1.d0)) dpttn=(pt(1)/tt**2)*((pt(8)/amm+pt(3)*(pt(3)-1.d0))) droftn=(rho(1)/(f*tt))*(rho(2)*rho(3)+rho(6)/amm) drotxn=(rho(1)/tt)*(rho(9)+rho(4)*rho(3)*amm) dptxn=(pt(1)/tt)*(pt(9)+pt(4)*pt(3)*amm) drofxn=(rho(1)/f)*(rho(7)+rho(4)*rho(2)*amm) dpfxn=(pt(1)/f)*(pt(7)+pt(4)*pt(2)*amm) dpftn=(pt(1)/(f*tt))*(pt(2)*pt(3)+pt(6)/amm) c 2. dérivées premieres naturelles de f dans le systeme ptx dfpl=1.d0/pt(2) ; dftl=-pt(3)/pt(2) ; dfxl=-pt(4)/pt(2) dfpn=(f/pt(1))*dfpl ; dftn=(f/tt)*dftl ; dpxn=pt(4)*pt(1)*amm dfxn=-dfpn*dpxn ; dfxn=f*dfxl ; dptn=pt(3)*pt(1)/tt c 3. dérivées secondes naturelles dans le systeme ptx drotpn=dfpn*(droftn-dfpn*dptn*droffn+drofn*dfpn* 1 (dpffn*dptn*dfpn-dpftn)) betbet=-(dpttn+2.d0*dftn*dpftn+dftn*dftn*dpffn) betgam=-(dptxn+dfxn*dpftn+dftn*dpfxn+dftn*dfxn*dpffn) drotxn=drotxn+dftn*drofxn+dfxn*droftn+dftn*dfxn*droffn+betgam*dropn drottn=drottn+2.d0*dftn*droftn+dftn*dftn*droffn+betbet*dropn drott=drottn ; drotp=drotpn ; drotx=drotxn c energie interne u ! attention jorgen calcule l'enthalpie unsro=1.d0/ro ; u=ht(1)-pt(1)*unsro c dérivées premieres de u ro2=ro*ro ; psro2=pt(1)/ro2 ; dhfn=ht(2)/(f*amm) ; dhpn=dhfn*dfpn dupn=dhpn-unsro+psro2*dropn ; dhtn=(ht(3)-ht(2)*pt(3)/pt(2))/(tt*amm) dutn=dhtn+psro2*drotn ; dhxn=ht(4)-ht(2)*pt(4)/pt(2) duxn=dhxn+psro2*droxn ; dux=duxn ; dut=dutn ; dup=dupn c dérivées secondes de u c 1- dérivées naturelles de h dans le systeme ftx dhttn=((ht(8)/amm)-ht(3))/(tt**2*amm) ; dhtxn=ht(9)/(tt*amm) dhffn=((ht(5)/amm)-ht(2))/(f*f*amm) ; dhftn=ht(6)/(f*tt*amm2) dhfxn=ht(7)/(f*amm) c 2- dérivées naturelles de h dans le systeme ptx dhttn=dhttn+2.d0*dftn*dhftn+dftn*dftn*dhffn+betbet*dhpn dhtpn=dfpn*(dhftn-dfpn*dptn*dhffn+dhfn*dfpn* 1 (dpffn*dptn*dfpn-dpftn)) dhtxn=dhtxn+dftn*dhfxn+dfxn*dhftn+dftn*dfxn*dhffn+betgam*dhpn c 3- dérivées de u dans le systeme ptx psro3=2.d0*psro2/rho(1) dutpn=dhtpn+drotn/ro2-psro3*dropn*drotn+psro2*drotpn duttn=dhttn-psro3*drotn*drotn+psro2*drottn dutxn=dhtxn-psro3*drotn*droxn+psro2*drotxn+drotn*dptn/ro2 dutt=duttn ; dutp=dutpn ; dutx=dutxn c degres d'ionisation: nh1=xii1(1), nhe1=xii1(2), nhe2=xii1(3) delta=-tt/ro*drot ; deltap=delta*(-drop/ro+drotp/drot) deltat=delta*(-drot/ro+drott/drot+1.d0/tt) deltax=delta*(-drox/ro+drotx/drot) cpp=p/ro/tt*delta ; cp=dut+cpp dcpp=dutp+cpp*(-drop/ro+deltap/delta+1.d0/p) dcpt=dutt+cpp*(-drot/ro+deltat/delta-1.d0/tt) dcpx=dutx+cpp*(-drox/ro+deltax/delta) gradad=p/ro*delta/cp/tt !gradient adiabatique dgradadp=gradad*(-drop/ro+deltap/delta-dcpp/cp+1.d0/p) dgradadt=gradad*(-drot/ro+deltat/delta-dcpt/cp-1.d0/tt) dgradadx=gradad*(-drox/ro+deltax/delta-dcpx/cp) alfa=p/ro*drop ; beta=1.d0-aradias3*tt**4/p gamma1=1.d0/(alfa-delta*gradad) ELSE !appel a ETAT_GONG2 car il y a pb avec EFF pour les cas extremes Lp=p ; Lt=tt PRINT*,'appel a ETAT_GONG2 car defaillance de EFF' CALL etat_gong2(Lp,Lt,xchim, 1 ro,drop,drot,drox,u,dup,dut,dux, 2 delta,deltap,deltat,deltax,cp,dcpp,dcpt,dcpx, 3 gradad,dgradadp,dgradadt,dgradadx,alfa,beta,gamma1) ENDIF RETURN CONTAINS c******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE bilin(x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x,y,z) c performs bilinear interpolation of the fonction f, c given on three arbitray points (x0,y0),(x1,y1),(x2,y2) c the respective fonction values are z0,z1,z2. c routine pour EFF, Auteur J. Christensen Dalsgaard, adaptation: c A. Baglin, M. Auvergne, P.Morel, B.Pichon c CESAM2k c-------------------------------------------------------------------- USE mod_kind REAL (kind=dp), INTENT(in) :: x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, 1 x, y REAL (kind=dp), INTENT(out) :: z REAL (kind=dp) :: x10, x20, y10, y20, z10, z20, det, dzdx, dzdy c-------------------------------------------------------------------- x10=x1-x0 ; x20=x2-x0 ; y10=y1-y0 ; y20=y2-y0 ; z10=z1-z0 z20=z2-z0 det=x10*y20-y10*x20 IF(det /= 0.d0)THEN dzdx=(z10*y20-z20*y10)/det ; dzdy=(z20*x10-z10*x20)/det z=z0+(x-x0)*dzdx+(y-y0)*dzdy RETURN ELSE WRITE(*,1)x10,x20,y10,y20 1 FORMAT(/,' collinear points in s/r bilin. error stop.', 1 ' x1-x0,x2-x0,y1-y0,y2-y0 = ',/1x,1p4g15.6/) STOP ENDIF END SUBROUTINE bilin c******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE eqstf(fl,tl,x,y,z,nosd,notd) c routine pour EFF, Auteur J. Christensen Dalsgaard, adaptation: c A. Baglin, M. Auvergne, P. Morel, B.Pichon c CESAM2k USE mod_kind IMPLICIT REAL*8 (a-h,o-z) LOGICAL :: tstl,nosd,notd,cmplio INTEGER :: ihvz,idmu,l,n,ider,iders,k,ia,i,ii,l1,m,m1,jj,j,k1,k2, 1 kd,imx,i10,lm,nu,nb,kl,nuu,ln,lt,lf,mn DIMENSION :: phi(30),hst(30),ex(3),ea(30),xi(30),dxt(4),dxt1(4), . dxt2(4),ane(10),rho(20),dne(10),dph(20),ddmu(10),he(20),pe(10), . hi(20),pi(10),hh(20),ph(10),hr(20),pr(10),ht(20),pt(20),cp(4), . dad(4),dlt(4),xii(30),anuh(10),ueh(10),anuhr(23),uehr(23) COMMON/eqscnt/ anh0,ihvz COMMON/ln10/ amm,amm2,amm3 COMMON/consts/ av,ah,ahe,az,avda,avd1,ck1,ck2,exh,exhe,exhep, . ct,crho,cpe,che,ca03,caa,ckh,car,ergev COMMON/dmuder/ dmu,dmuf,dmut,dmux,dmuff,dmuft,dmufx,dmutt,dmutx, . dmuxx,idmu COMMON/eqsout/ ea,xii,dne,dph,he,pe,hi,pi,hh,ph,hr,pr COMMON/eqstd/ xii1(4),ane,rho,ht,pt,cp,dad,dlt,gm1,tprh,trhp, . rhxp COMMON/eqsaux/psi c EQUIVALENCE(ex(1),exh),(ddmu(1),dmu) c fxp(a)= EXP(MIN(8.d1,MAX(a,-1.d2))) nuu(l,n)=((l-1)*(8-l))/2+n-l+5 c c number of derivatives ider=20 IF(notd) ider=10 IF(nosd) ider=4 iders=MIN(ider,10) c f=1.e1**fl ; t=1.e1**tl c CALL phder(fl,tl,phi,hst,nosd,notd) c c c psi and derivatives wf= SQRT(1+f) psi=2*wf+LOG(f/((1+wf)*(1+wf))) psif=amm*wf psff=amm2*f/(2*wf) c zf=x+2*y+6*z zf2=zf*zf zf3=zf*zf2 c ak0=ckh*zf2 c k*t, in ev tk=ck1*t c a0**3*ne/(k*t) aa=caa*phi(1)/(tk*zf3) c c delta mu and derivatives c bmu=tk+20*ak0 dmu=aa*bmu c ref=phi(2) ret=phi(3) dmuf=dmu*ref*amm dmut=aa*(bmu*ret-20*ak0)*amm dmux=aa*(3*tk+20*ak0)/zf c IF(nosd) GOTO 10 dmuff=(dmuf*ref+dmu*phi(4)*amm)*amm-psff dmuft=(dmut*ref+dmu*phi(5)*amm)*amm dmufx=dmux*ref*amm dmutt=aa*(20*ak0*(1-2*ret)+bmu*(phi(6)+ret*ret))*amm2 dmutx=aa*(ret*(3*tk+20*ak0)-20*ak0)*amm/zf dmuxx=aa*(12*tk+40*ak0)/zf2 10 dmu=dmu-psi dmuf=dmuf-psif idmu=1 c test for complete ionization of h and he cmplio=(dmu-54.4/tk) > 19 IF(cmplio) GOTO 31 c c e h, e he, e he+ and derivatives c k=-10 DO 25 ia=1,3 k=k+10 ext=ex(ia)/tk eea=dmu-ext IF(eea+30 <= 0.d0)THEN DO i=1,10 !no ionization ea(k+i)=0.d0 ENDDO GOTO 25 ENDIF eea=fxp(eea) IF(ia-2)22,23,22 22 eea=eea/2.d0 GOTO 24 23 eea=2*eea 24 ea(k+1)=eea c first derivatives ea(k+2)=dmuf*eea ea(k+3)=(amm*ext+dmut)*eea ea(k+4)=dmux*eea IF(nosd) GOTO 25 c second derivatives ea(k+5)=dmuff*eea+dmuf*ea(k+2) ea(k+6)=dmuft*eea+dmuf*ea(k+3) ea(k+7)=dmufx*eea+dmux*ea(k+2) ea(k+8)=(dmutt-amm2*ext)*eea+(amm*ext+dmut)*ea(k+3) ea(k+9)=dmutx*eea+dmux*ea(k+3) ea(k+10)=dmuxx*eea+dmux*ea(k+4) 25 CONTINUE c reset e he+ eea=ea(21) IF(eea == 0.d0) GOTO 35 eea1=ea(11) ea(21)=eea*eea1 ii=24 IF(nosd) GOTO 27 DO 26 l=1,3 l1=l+21 DO 26 m=l,3 ii=ii+1 m1=m+21 26 ea(ii)=eea*ea(ii-10)+ea(l1)*ea(m1-10)+ea(l1-10)*ea(m1)+ . eea1*ea(ii) 27 DO 28 i=22,24 28 ea(i)=ea(i)*eea1+eea*ea(i-10) 30 CONTINUE GOTO 35 c c x h+, x he+, x he++ and derivatives c c complete ionization 31 xi(1) =1 xi(11)=0 xi(21)=1 DO 33 i=2,22,10 jj=i+8 DO 33 j=i,jj 33 xi(j)=0 GOTO 50 c partial ionization 35 dnm=1+ea(1) xi(1)=ea(1)/dnm ii=4 dnm2=dnm*dnm dnm3=dnm*dnm2 DO 40 l=1,3 l1=l+1 eal=ea(l1) xi(l1)=eal/dnm2 IF(nosd) GOTO 40 DO 38 m=l,3 m1=m+1 ii=ii+1 38 xi(ii)=ea(ii)/dnm2-2*eal*ea(m1)/dnm3 40 CONTINUE c dnm=1+ea(11)+ea(21) dnm2=dnm*dnm dnm3=dnm*dnm2 k1=11 k2=21 45 kd=k1-k2 ii=k1+3 ea1=ea(k1) ea2=ea(k2) xi(k1)=ea1/dnm DO 48 l=1,3 l1=k1+l eal1=ea(l1) eal2=ea(k2+l) anm=(1+ea2)*eal1-ea1*eal2 xi(l1)=anm/dnm2 IF(nosd) GOTO 48 DO 46 m=l,3 ii=ii+1 eam1=ea(k1+m) eam2=ea(k2+m) 46 xi(ii)=(eal1*eam2+(1+ea2)*ea(ii)-eal2*eam1-ea1*ea(ii-kd))/dnm2 . -2*anm*(eam1+eam2)/dnm3 48 CONTINUE IF(k1==21) GOTO 50 k1=21 k2=11 GOTO 45 c ionization of heavy elements 50 IF(ihvz) 51,51,52 51 anuh(1)=anh0 anuh(2:10) = 0. !! BP CALL zero(anuh(2),9) ueh(:10) = 0. !! BP CALL zero(ueh,10) GOTO 53 52 CALL hviona(fl,tl,x,y,z,nosd,notd,anuh,ueh,anuhr,uehr) c c ne and derivatives c c combine he fractions for an in xi(20+.), and for ionization c energy in xi(10+.) 53 exhc=exhe+exhep c imx=10 IF(nosd) imx=4 DO 55 i=1,21,10 55 CALL store(xi(i),xii(i),imx) xia=xi(1) imx=imx+20 c DO 56 i=21,imx i10=i-10 xio=exhe*xi(i10)+exhc*xi(i) xi(i)=2*xi(i)+xi(i10) 56 xi(i10)=xio c terms needed for x-derivatives DO 57 l=1,4 57 dxt(l)=av*(xi(l)/ah-xi(20+l)/ahe) c ane(1)=av*(xi(1)*x/ah+xi(21)*y/ahe+z*anuh(1)) c ii=4 DO 60 l=1,3 l1=l+1 anel=(xi(l1)*x/ah+xi(l+21)*y/ahe+z*anuh(l1))*av tstl=l==3 IF(tstl) anel=anel+dxt(1) ane(l1)=anel IF(nosd) GOTO 60 DO 58 m=l,3 m1=m+1 ii=ii+1 anelm=(xi(ii)*x/ah+xi(20+ii)*y/ahe+z*anuh(ii))*av IF(tstl) anelm=anelm+dxt(m1) IF(m==3) anelm=anelm+dxt(l1) 58 ane(ii)=anelm 60 CONTINUE c c the density and derivatives (note that rho(2) = dlog rho/dlog f, c and so on). c anee=ane(1) rho(1)=crho*phi(1)/anee ii=4 jj=10 DO 63 l=1,3 l1=l+1 rhol=-ane(l1)/amm/anee tstl=l <= 2 IF(tstl) rhol=rhol+phi(l1) rho(l1)=rhol IF(nosd) GOTO 63 DO 62 m=l,3 ii=ii+1 m1=m+1 lm=l+m rholm=(ane(l1)*ane(m1)/anee-ane(ii))/anee/amm IF(tstl.and.m <= 2) rholm=rholm+amm*phi(2+lm) IF(notd) GOTO 62 DO 61 n=m,3 jj=jj+1 rhd=-2*ane(l1)*ane(m1)*ane(n+1)/amm/anee**3 IF(l < 3.and.m < 3.and.n < 3) rhd=rhd+amm2*phi(4+lm+n) 61 rho(jj)=rhd 62 rho(ii)=rholm 63 CONTINUE pt(:20) = 0. !! BP CALL zero(pt,20) ht(:20) = 0. !! BP CALL zero(ht,20) c c c delta p, delta h and derivatives. c c test for complete ionization IF(cmplio) GOTO 80 c c delta ne**2 c c reset xi(1) and xi(21) (note that xi(2-10) and xi(22-30) are still c consistent). xi(1)=-1/(ea(1)+1) xi(21)=-(2+ea(11))/(1+ea(11)+ea(21)) c DO 65 l=1,4 dxt1(l)=xi(l+20)/ahe-xi(l)/ah dxtl=-xi(l+20)*y/ahe-xi(l)*x/ah-anuh(l)*z IF(l==1) dxtl=dxtl+anh0*z dxtl2=ane(l) IF(l <= 3) GOTO 64 dxtl=dxtl+dxt1(1) dxtl2=dxtl2+avda 64 dxt(l)=dxtl*av 65 dxt2(l)=dxtl2 c ann=ane(1)+(x/ah+2*y/ahe+z*anh0)*av xtt=dxt(1) dne(1)=ann*xtt c ii=4 DO 70 l=1,3 l1=l+1 dne(l1)=dxt2(l1)*xtt+ann*dxt(l1) IF(nosd) GOTO 70 tstl=l==3 DO 68 m=l,3 m1=m+1 ii=ii+1 dnlm=-xi(20+ii)*y/ahe-xi(ii)*x/ah IF(tstl) dnlm=dnlm+dxt1(m1) IF(m==3) dnlm=dnlm+dxt1(l1) 68 dne(ii)=ane(ii)*xtt+dxt2(l1)*dxt(m1)+dxt2(m1)*dxt(l1) . +ann*dnlm*av 70 CONTINUE c quantities COMMON to delta p and delta h (dph(15-20) is used as c intermediate storage). a03=ca03/zf3/2 dph(15:20) = 0. !! BP CALL zero(dph(15),6) dxt1(1)=0 c1=amm*tk dxt1(2)=c1 dph(18)=amm2*tk dph(19)=3*c1/zf dnee=dne(1) a03=a03*rho(1)*rho(1) nu=2 nb=20 k1=1 75 DO 77 l=2,4 77 dxt(l-1)=dne(l)+nu*amm*dnee*rho(l) c dxt1(3)=(3*tk+nb*ak0)/zf bmu=tk+nb*ak0 dph(k1)=a03*bmu*dnee ii=k1+3 jj=4 DO 79 l=1,3 l1=l+1 dph(k1+l)=a03*(bmu*dxt(l)+dnee*dxt1(l)) IF(nosd) GOTO 79 DO 78 m=l,3 ii=ii+1 jj=jj+1 m1=m+1 dphlm=bmu*(dne(jj)+nu*amm*(dne(l1)*rho(m1)+dne(m1)*rho(l1) . +dnee*(rho(jj)+nu*amm*rho(m1)*rho(l1))))+dxt(l)*dxt1(m) . +dxt(m)*dxt1(l)+dnee*dph(10+jj) IF(m==3.and.l==3) dphlm=dphlm+dnee*(12*tk+2*nb*ak0)/zf2 78 dph(ii)=a03*dphlm 79 CONTINUE IF(nu==1) GOTO 90 nu=1 nb=40 a03=a03/rho(1) k1=11 GOTO 75 c complete ionization 80 dne(:10) = 0. !! BP CALL zero(dne,10) dph(:20) = 0. !! BP CALL zero(dph,20) GOTO 100 90 CONTINUE DO 95 i=1,iders pt(i)=pt(i)+dph(i) 95 ht(i)=ht(i)+dph(i+10) c electron pressure and enthalpy 100 ii=4 jj=10 pee=cpe*phi(11) pt(1)=pt(1)+pee hsst=hst(1) hee=che*anee*hsst ht(1)=ht(1)+hee pe(1)=pee he(1)=hee DO 110 l=1,3 l1=l+1 hll=0 hel=hsst*ane(l1) pel=0 tstl=l==3 IF(tstl) GOTO 102 pel=amm*pee*phi(11+l) hll=hst(l1) hel=hel+anee*hll pt(l1)=pt(l1)+pel 102 pe(l1)=pel hel=che*hel ht(l1)=ht(l1)+hel he(l1)=hel IF(nosd) GOTO 110 DO 108 m=l,3 ii=ii+1 m1=m+1 pelm=0 helm=ane(ii)*hsst+hll*ane(m1) tstl=tstl.or.m==3 IF(tstl) GOTO 104 lm=l+m pelm=amm2*pee*(phi(11+m)*phi(11+l)+phi(12+lm)) pt(ii)=pt(ii)+pelm helm=helm+ane(l1)*hst(m1)+anee*hst(2+lm) 104 pe(ii)=pelm helm=che*helm ht(ii)=ht(ii)+helm he(ii)=helm IF(notd) GOTO 108 DO 106 n=m,3 jj=jj+1 helm=0 IF(tstl) GOTO 106 helm=ane(n+1)*hst(2+lm) IF(n==3) GOTO 105 helm=helm+ane(l1)*hst(2+m+n)+ane(m1)*hst(2+l+n) . +anee*hst(4+lm+n) pt(jj)=pt(jj)+amm3*pee*(phi(11+l)*phi(11+m)*phi(11+n) . +phi(12+lm)*phi(11+n)+phi(12+l+n)*phi(11+m) . +phi(12+m+n)*phi(11+l)+phi(14+l+m+n)) 105 helm=che*helm ht(jj)=ht(jj)+helm 106 he(jj)=helm 108 CONTINUE 110 CONTINUE c ionization enthalpy c (pi is introduced for consistency) pi(:10) = 0. !! BP CALL zero(pi,10) hi(11:20) = 0. !! BP CALL zero(hi(11),10) c xi(1)=xia averg=av*ergev DO 112 l=1,4 112 dxt(l)=exh*xi(l)/ah-xi(10+l)/ahe c hi1=averg*(exh*xia*x/ah+xi(11)*y/ahe+z*ueh(1)) hi(1)=hi1 ht(1)=ht(1)+hi1 ii=4 DO 115 l=2,4 dhi=exh*xi(l)*x/ah+xi(l+10)*y/ahe+z*ueh(l) tstl=l==4 IF(tstl) dhi=dhi+dxt(1) dhi=averg*dhi ht(l)=ht(l)+dhi hi(l)=dhi IF(nosd) GOTO 115 DO 114 m=l,4 ii=ii+1 dhi=exh*xi(ii)*x/ah+xi(10+ii)*y/ahe+z*ueh(ii) IF(tstl) dhi=dhi+dxt(m) IF(m==4) dhi=dhi+dxt(l) dhi=averg*dhi ht(ii)=ht(ii)+dhi 114 hi(ii)=dhi 115 CONTINUE c pressure and enthalpy of heavy particles 120 anh=(x/ah+y/ahe+z/az)*av c k*t, in ergs tk=ck2*t rhh=rho(1) phh=anh*rhh*tk ph(1)=phh ph(2)=amm*phh*rho(2) drht=1+rho(3) ph(3)=amm*phh*drht ph(4)=amm*phh*rho(4)+rhh*tk*avd1 DO 121 i=1,4 121 pt(i)=pt(i)+ph(i) IF(nosd) GOTO 125 ph(10)=amm*(phh*rho(10)+rho(4)*(ph(4)+rhh*tk*avd1)) DO 122 k=1,3 k1=k+1 ph(k+4)=amm*(ph(k1)*rho(2)+phh*rho(k+4)) IF(k > 1) ph(k+6)=amm*(ph(k1)*drht+phh*rho(k+6)) 122 CONTINUE DO 123 i=5,10 123 pt(i)=pt(i)+ph(i) c IF(notd) GOTO 125 DO 124 k=1,3 k1=k+1 DO 124 l=k,3 kl=nuu(k,l) pt(6+kl)=pt(6+kl)+amm*(ph(kl)*rho(2)+ph(k1)*rho(l+4)+ . ph(l+1)*rho(k+4)+phh*rho(kl+6)) IF(k > 1) pt(9+kl)=pt(9+kl)+amm*(ph(kl)*drht+ph(k1)* . rho(6+l)+ph(l+1)*rho(6+k)+phh*rho(9+kl)) 124 CONTINUE pt(20)=pt(20)+amm*(ph(10)*rho(4)+2*ph(4)*rho(10) . +phh*rho(20)+rhh*tk*avd1*(amm*rho(4)*rho(4)+rho(10))) c 125 hhh=2.5*anh*tk hh(1)=hhh hh(2)=0 hh(3)=amm*hhh hh(4)=2.5*tk*avd1 hh(5)=0 hh(6)=0 hh(7)=0 hh(8)=amm2*hhh hh(9)=amm*hh(4) hh(10)=0 hh(11:20) = 0. !! BP CALL zero(hh(11),10) hh(17)=amm*hh(8) hh(18)=amm*hh(9) ht(1)=ht(1)+hhh ht(3)=ht(3)+amm*hhh hh4=2.5*tk*avd1 ht(4)=ht(4)+hh4 IF(nosd) GOTO 130 ht(8)=ht(8)+amm2*hhh ht(9)=ht(9)+amm*hh4 IF(notd) GOTO 130 ht(17)=ht(17)+amm3*hhh ht(18)=ht(18)+amm2*hh4 c pressure and enthalpy of radiation 130 t4=t*t*t*t prr=car*t4/3 pr(1)=prr pr(2:10) = 0. !! BP CALL zero(pr(2),9) pr(3)=4*amm*pr(1) pr(8)=4*amm*pr(3) pt(1)=pt(1)+prr pt(3)=pt(3)+4*amm*prr IF(nosd) GOTO 135 pt(8)=pt(8)+16*amm2*prr IF(notd) GOTO 135 pt(17)=pt(17)+64*amm3*prr c 135 hrr=4*pr(1)/rhh hr(1)=hrr DO 136 i=2,4 136 dxt(i)=-rho(i) dxt(3)=4+dxt(3) ii=4 jj=10 DO 140 l=1,3 l1=l+1 hr(l1)=amm*hrr*dxt(l1) IF(nosd) GOTO 140 DO 138 m=l,3 ii=ii+1 m1=m+1 hr(ii)=amm*(hr(l1)*dxt(m1)-hrr*rho(ii)) IF(notd) GOTO 138 DO 137 n=m,3 jj=jj+1 ln=nuu(l,n) mn=nuu(m,n) 137 hr(jj)=amm*(hr(ii)*dxt(n+1)-amm*hrr*dxt(m1)*rho(ln)-hr(l1)*rho(mn) . -hrr*rho(jj)) 138 CONTINUE 140 CONTINUE DO 145 i=1,ider 145 ht(i)=ht(i)+hr(i) c change to derivatives of log p ptt=pt(1) IF(notd) GOTO 155 jj=10 DO 152 l=1,3 DO 152 m=l,3 DO 152 n=m,3 lm=nuu(l,m) ln=nuu(l,n) mn=nuu(m,n) jj=jj+1 152 pt(jj)=(pt(jj)+(-(pt(lm)*pt(n+1)+pt(ln)*pt(m+1)+pt(mn)*pt(l+1)) . +2*pt(m+1)*pt(l+1)*pt(n+1)/ptt)/ptt)/ptt/amm 155 ii=4 DO 158 l=2,4 ptl=pt(l)/ptt/amm IF(nosd) GOTO 158 DO 156 m=l,4 ii=ii+1 156 pt(ii)=(pt(ii)-pt(l)*pt(m)/ptt)/ptt/amm 158 pt(l)=ptl c c cp and dad c 160 pf=pt(2) hf=ht(2) dxtt=ht(3)*pf-hf*pt(3) lt=6 DO 165 l=1,3 lf=l+4 IF(l > 1) lt=6+l 165 dxt(l+1)=ht(lt)*pf+ht(3)*pt(lf)-ht(lf)*pt(3)-hf*pt(lt) c cpp=dxtt/amm/t/pf cp(1)=cpp IF(nosd) GOTO 173 DO 170 l=2,4 dcp=dxt(l)/amm/t/pf-cpp*pt(l+3)/pf IF(l==3) dcp=dcp-cpp*amm 170 cp(l)=dcp c 173 prh=amm*ptt/rhh anum=pf*prh-hf dad(1)=anum/dxtt IF(nosd) GOTO 177 DO 175 l=2,4 lf=l+3 175 dad(l)=(prh*(amm*(pt(l)-rho(l))*pf+pt(lf))-ht(lf)-anum*dxt(l) . /dxtt)/dxtt c further derivatives 177 rhf=rho(2) dxtt=pt(3)*rhf-pf*rho(3) gm1=pf/(rhf-dad(1)*dxtt) tprh=rhf/dxtt trhp=-pf/dxtt rhxp=amm*x*(rho(4)-rhf*pt(4)/pf) c delta and derivatives delta=-1/trhp dlt(1)=delta lt=6 IF(nosd) GOTO 190 DO 180 l=2,4 lf=l+3 IF(l > 2) lt=l+5 180 dlt(l)=(pt(lt)*rhf+pt(3)*rho(lf)-pt(lf)*rho(3)-pf*rho(lt))/pf . -delta*pt(lf)/pf 190 xii1(1)=xii(1) xii1(2)=xii(11) xii1(3)=xii(21) xii1(4)=anuh(1)/anh0 C END SUBROUTINE eqstf c********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE eqstp(pl,tl,x,y,z,fl) C c routine pour EFF, Auteur J. Christensen Dalsgaard, adaptation: c A. Baglin, M. Auvergne, P. Morel, B.Pichon c CESAM2k c this routine iterates s/r eqstf in order to find the appropriate c fl value. at the END, eqstf is CALLed to compute td-quantities. c IMPLICIT REAL*8 (a-h,o-z) LOGICAL nosdit,notdit COMMON/eqstd/ xii1(4),ane(10),rho(20),ht(20),pt(20),cp(4),dad(4), * dlt(4),gm1,tprh,trhp,rhxp COMMON/consts/ av,ah,ahe,az,avda,avd1,ck1,ck2,exh,exhe,exhep, * ct,crho,cpe,che,ca03,caa,ckh,car,ergev DIMENSION flini(2),wt(2) LOGICAL ok COMMON /marche/ok INTEGER iter,icase,iextr,i iter = 15 eps = 1.d-9 epsf = 1.d-3 carsav=car/3. beta=1.-carsav*10.**(4.*tl-pl) beta=MAX(beta,1.0d-6) pgl0=pl + LOG10(beta) c...... initial guess of fl c c================ icase=1 for gas pressure as argument icase=1 CALL inteff(tl,pgl0,rlbid,flini,wt,icase,iextr) flin=wt(1)*flini(1)+wt(2)*flini(2) ; fl=flin nosdit = .TRUE. ; notdit = .TRUE. ; car = 0. c........note that for the iteration no second derivatives are needed. c........car is switched off temporarily to account for no radiation. CALL eqstf(fl,tl,x,y,z,nosdit,notdit) c plt=LOG10(pt(1)) s=pgl0-plt dfl=1.d1*sign(epsf,s) c c iterate to desired pressure fl=fl+dfl DO 10 i=1,iter CALL eqstf(fl,tl,x,y,z,nosdit,notdit) pln=LOG10(pt(1)) IF(i==1) dlpdlf=(pln-plt)/dfl IF(abs(dfl) < epsf) GOTO 5 dlpdlf=(pln-plt)/dfl plt=pln 5 dfl=(pgl0-pln)/dlpdlf fl=fl+dfl rdif=abs(dfl/fl) IF(rdif < eps) GOTO 20 10 CONTINUE PRINT 110,pgl0,tl,rdif ok=.FALSE. 20 nosdit = .FALSE. notdit = .TRUE. c........this CALL is here to provide the second derivatives. c........for this car is again switched on to account for radiation. car = carsav*3. CALL eqstf(fl,tl,x,y,z,nosdit,notdit) 110 FORMAT(' >>>>>>>>> warning from eqstp: number of iterations', 1 ' not sufficient. pgl0,tl,rdif = ',2f8.4,e12.3, 2 ' utilisation de ETAT_GONG2') END SUBROUTINE eqstp C c************************************************************************* C SUBROUTINE hviona(fl,tl,x,y,z,nosd,notd,anu,ue,anur,uer) c routine pour EFF, Auteur J. Christensen Dalsgaard, adaptation: c A. Baglin, M. Auvergne, P. Morel, B.Pichon c CESAM2k c----------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT REAL*8 (a-h,o-z) LOGICAL nosd,notd DIMENSION anu(*),ue(*),anur(*),uer(*) DIMENSION eir(10),dr(10),hr(10),gr(10),chir(27),ir(6), 1 izr(6),abr(6),amr(6),xi(29),phi(30),hst(30) INTEGER :: iab,ihvz,idmu,icount,iwrite,lj,k,izj,i,im,irab, 1 ir,jfirst,j,ljr,izi,izrj,izr,idmx,izoj,lj0,imax,ii,l c INTEGER*4 iz,name c am(23),name(23),chi(374) c COMMON/potetc/ chi,am,iz,name COMMON/consts/ av,ah,ahe,az,avda,avd1,ck1,ck2,exh,exhe,exhep, 1 ct,crho,cpe,che,ca03,caa,ckh,car,ergev COMMON/hvabnd/ ab(10),iab COMMON/eqscnt/ anz0,ihvz COMMON/dmuder/ dmup(10),idmu COMMON/ln10/ amm,amm2,amm3 DATA icount/0/,iwrite/3/ c--------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(icount > 0) GOTO 10 icount=1 IF(iwrite /= 2) GOTO 61 WRITE(*,200) ; lj=0 DO k=1,10 izj=iz(k) DO i=1,izj lj=lj+1 ; xi(i)=chi(lj) ENDDO im=MIN(izj,13) ; WRITE(*,210)name(k),izj,(xi(i),i=1,im) ENDDO 200 FORMAT(///,' ionization potentials:',/) 210 FORMAT(1x,a4,i4,13f9.2) c reset to restricted set of variables 61 irab=3 ; ir(1)=1 ; ir(2)=3 ; ir(3)=10 c element with lowest ionization potential (here fe) jfirst=3 ; j=1 ; lj=0 ; ljr=0 DO i=1,10 izi=iz(i) IF(i /= ir(j))GOTO 5 izrj=izi IF(j > 2)izrj=1 izr(j)=izrj ; amr(j)=am(i) DO k=1,izrj lj=lj+1 ; ljr=ljr+1 ; chir(ljr)=chi(lj) ENDDO izi=izi-izrj ; j=j+1 5 lj=lj+izi ENDDO abr(1)=1.02d0*ab(1) ; abr(2)=1.35d0*ab(3) ; abr(3)=3.71d0*ab(10) c reset anz0 anz0=0.d0 DO j=1,irab anz0=anz0+abr(j)*izr(j)/amr(j) ENDDO IF(iwrite /= 1)GOTO 8 WRITE(*,220) ; lj=0 DO k=1,irab izrj=izr(k) DO i=1,izrj lj=lj+1 ; xi(i)=chir(lj) ENDDO im=MIN(izrj,13) WRITE(*,210) name(ir(k)),izrj,(xi(i),i=1,im) ENDDO 220 FORMAT(///,' ionization potentials after resetting:',//) WRITE(*,230) anz0 230 FORMAT(//,' now anz0 =',f10.5//) c change to summed ionization potentials 8 lj=0 DO k=1,irab sum=0.d0 ; izj=izr(k) DO i=1,izj lj=lj+1 ; sum=sum+chir(lj) ; chir(lj)=sum ENDDO ENDDO 10 f=1.d1**fl ; t=1.d1**tl c k*t, in ev tk=ck1*t IF(idmu == 1)GOTO 15 CALL phder(fl,tl,phi,hst,nosd,notd) c psi and derivatives wf= SQRT(1.d0+f) ; psi=2.d0*wf+LOG(f/(1.d0+wf)**2) psif=amm*wf ; psff=amm2*f/2.d0/wf zf=x+2.d0*y+6.d0*z ; zf2=zf*zf ; zf3=zf*zf2 ; ak0=ckh*zf2 c a0**3*ne/(k*t) aa=caa*phi(1)/(tk*zf3) c delta mu and derivatives bmu=tk+20.d0*ak0 ; dmu=aa*bmu ; dmps=dmu-psi ; dmup(1)=dmps ref=phi(2) ; ret=phi(3) ; dmuf=dmu*ref*amm dmut=aa*(bmu*ret-20.d0*ak0)*amm ; dmux=aa*(3.d0*tk+20.d0*ak0)/zf dmup(2)=dmuf-psif ; dmup(3)=dmut ; dmup(4)=dmux IF(nosd)GOTO 18 dmup(5)=(dmuf*ref+dmu*phi(4)*amm)*amm-psff dmup(6)=(dmut*ref+dmu*phi(5)*amm)*amm dmup(7)=dmux*ref*amm dmup(8)=aa*(20.d0*ak0*(1.d0-2.d0*ret)+bmu*(phi(6)+ret*ret))*amm2 dmup(9)=aa*(ret*(3.d0*tk+20.d0*ak0)-20.d0*ak0)*amm/zf dmup(10)=aa*(12.d0*tk+40.d0*ak0)/zf2 GOTO 18 15 dmps=dmup(1) 18 idmx=10 IF(nosd)idmx=4 DO i=1,10 anu(i)=0.d0 ; ue(i)=0.d0 ; anur(i)=0.d0 ; uer(i)=0.d0 ENDDO lj=0 ; tki=1.d0/tk b50: DO j=1,irab izoj=iz(ir(j)) ; izj=izr(j) ; lj0=lj DO i=1,izj lj=lj+1; dxp=i*dmps-chir(lj)*tki ; xi(i)=dxp ENDDO c complete or no ionization? IF(izj-1)21,21,25 c only one level 21 phm=xi(1) c IF(phm)22,22,23 IF(phm <= 0.d0)THEN imax=0 ; phmh=phm ; phm=0.d0 ELSE imax=1 ; phmh=0.d0 ENDIF GOTO 30 c more than one level 25 ii=izj+1 ; xi(ii)=0.d0 ; imax=1 ; phm=xi(1) c largest xi b26: DO i=2,ii IF(xi(i) <= phm)CYCLE b26 imax=i ; phm=xi(i) ENDDO b26 c largest but one xi phmh=-100.d0 DO i=1,ii IF(i /= imax)phmh=MAX(phmh,xi(i)) ENDDO IF(imax == ii)imax=0 c test for complete ionization 30 dphm=phm-phmh ; dptst=19.d0 IF(imax < izj .OR. dphm <= dptst)GOTO 32 c complete ionization fct1=abr(j)/amr(j) ; anur(j)=fct1*izj ; uer(j)=fct1*chir(lj) anu(1)=anu(1)+anur(j) ; ue(1)=ue(1)+uer(j) ; CYCLE b50 c test for no ionization 32 IF(imax > 0)GOTO 34 IF(j == jfirst)dptst=160.d0 IF(dphm > dptst)CYCLE b50 c general case 34 DO i=1,idmx dr(i)=0.d0 ; hr(i)=0.d0 ; gr(i)=0.d0 ENDDO IF(phm <= dptst)dr(1)=omega(0,izoj)*EXP(-phm) b40: DO i=1,izj cchi=chir(lj0+i) ; dxp=xi(i)-phm IF(dxp < -dptst)CYCLE b40 dxp=omega(i,izoj)*EXP(dxp) ; eir(1)=1 DO k=2,4 eir(k)=i*dmup(k) ENDDO eir(3)=eir(3)+cchi*amm*tki ; ii=4 IF(nosd)GOTO 38 DO k=2,4 DO l=k,4 ii=ii+1 ; eir(ii)=eir(k)*eir(l)+i*dmup(ii) ENDDO ENDDO eir(8)=eir(8)-amm2*cchi*tki 38 DO k=1,idmx eeir=dxp*eir(k) ; dr(k)=dr(k)+eeir ; hr(k)=hr(k)+i*eeir gr(k)=gr(k)+cchi*eeir ENDDO ENDDO b40 dr1i=1.d0/dr(1) ; fct1=abr(j)/(amr(j)*dr(1)) ; hrdr=hr(1)*dr1i grdr=gr(1)*dr1i ; anur(j)=fct1*hr(1) ; uer(j)=fct1*gr(1) anu(1)=anu(1)+anur(j) ; ue(1)=ue(1)+uer(j) c derivatives ii=4 b48: DO k=2,4 anu(k)=anu(k)+fct1*(hr(k)-dr(k)*hrdr) ue(k)=ue(k)+fct1*(gr(k)-dr(k)*grdr) IF(nosd)CYCLE b48 DO l=k,4 ii=ii+1 anu(ii)=anu(ii)+fct1*(hr(ii)-(dr(k)*hr(l)+dr(l)*hr(k)+(dr(ii) 1 -2*dr(k)*dr(l)*dr1i)*hr(1))*dr1i) ue(ii)=ue(ii)+fct1*(gr(ii)-(dr(k)*gr(l)+dr(l)*gr(k)+(dr(ii) 1 -2*dr(k)*dr(l)*dr1i)*gr(1))*dr1i) ENDDO ENDDO b48 ENDDO b50 END SUBROUTINE hviona c************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE inteff(tl,pgl,rl,flini,wt,icase,iextr) c routine pour EFF, Auteur J. Christensen Dalsgaard, adaptation: c A. Baglin, M. Auvergne, P. Morel, B.Pichon c CESAM2k IMPLICIT REAL*8 (a-h,o-z) c>>>>> finds starting value of flini for eff routines if the argument c>>>>> is either LOG10(gas pressure) or LOG10(density). iextr is c>>>>> set to 1 if extrapolation outside the table had to be made. c>>>>> c>>>>> based on eff-pre-computation with x=.73,y=.25,z=.02 c>>>>> c===== icase = 1: input=(tl,pgl), rl ignored c===== icase = 2: input=(tl,rl ), pgl ignored c INTEGER nm,nml,nmh,ntl,nth PARAMETER (nm=11, nml=5, nmh=6, ntl=nml*nm, nth=nmh*nm) c DIMENSION tLOG(nm),rLOG(nm,nm),pgLOG(nm,nm),fLOG(nm,nm) DIMENSION rll(ntl),rlh(nth),pgll(ntl),pglh(nth),fll(ntl),flh(nth) DIMENSION flini(2),wt(2) INTEGER icase,iextr,it,ip,ir,i,it1,ip1,ir1 c EQUIVALENCE(rlog (1,1),rll (1)) ,(rlog (1,nmh),rlh (1)) EQUIVALENCE(pgLOG(1,1),pgll(1)) ,(pgLOG(1,nmh),pglh(1)) EQUIVALENCE(flog (1,1),fll (1)) ,(flog (1,nmh),flh (1)) c DATA tlog/ . 3.40000, 3.80000, 4.20000, 4.60000, 5.00000, . 5.40000, 5.80000, 6.20000, 6.60000, 7.00000, . 7.40000/ c DATA rll/ . -15.93806, -14.59077, -13.11393, -11.71751, -10.38835, . -8.97767, -7.59375, -6.16023, -4.74661, -3.34048, . -1.93629, . -14.39806, -13.08988, -11.78384, -10.46730, -9.15835, . -7.85767, -6.54375, -5.24023, -3.92661, -2.62048, . -1.31627, . -12.79806, -11.57078, -10.36165, -9.14343, -7.92835, . -6.71767, -5.50375, -4.28023, -3.06660, -1.85045, . -0.63617, . -11.19806, -10.06214, -8.95086, -7.82325, -6.69833, . -5.57766, -4.45374, -3.33021, -2.20654, -1.08028, . 0.04407, . -9.59806, -8.56014, -7.52659, -6.49503, -5.46791, . -4.43760, -3.40366, -2.37003, -1.33614, -0.30961, . 0.72372/ DATA rlh/ . -7.99806, -7.05242, -6.11177, -5.17967, -4.23200, . -3.29677, -2.35276, -1.41861, -0.47419, 0.46015, . 1.40286, . -6.39806, -5.55147, -4.69828, -3.84877, -3.00142, . -2.15675, -1.30499, -0.46287, 0.38404, 1.23722, . 2.08971, . -4.79807, -4.04144, -3.28452, -2.53132, -1.76802, . -1.01603, -0.25685, 0.49360, 1.25430, 2.00696, . 2.76640, . -3.19831, -2.53173, -1.86318, -1.20584, -0.53947, . 0.12553, 0.78489, 1.45261, 2.11985, 2.77988, . 3.44720, . -1.59748, -1.02039, -0.44723, 0.12189, 0.69032, . 1.26763, 1.83971, 2.41156, 2.98379, 3.55092, . 4.12641, . 0.00202, 0.48728, 0.96517, 1.44458, 1.92401, . 2.40470, 2.88056, 3.36421, 3.84159, 4.32331, . 4.80062/ c DATA pgll/ . -4.71634, -2.70110, -0.79422, 1.01898, 2.74815, . 4.55883, 6.34275, 8.17627, 9.98989, 11.79601, . 13.60020, . -3.17634, -1.30952, 0.53582, 2.26909, 3.97815, . 5.67883, 7.39275, 9.09627, 10.80989, 12.51602, . 14.22022, . -1.57634, 0.09093, 1.95691, 3.59094, 5.20815, . 6.81883, 8.43275, 10.05627, 11.66990, 13.28603, . 14.90028, . 0.02366, 1.56549, 3.35740, 4.90076, 6.43816, . 7.95883, 9.48275, 11.00628, 12.52992, 14.05612, . 15.58052, . 1.62366, 3.06194, 4.76523, 6.22483, 7.66836, . 9.09886, 10.53279, 11.96637, 13.40014, 14.82664, . 16.26059/ DATA pglh/ . 3.22366, 4.56932, 6.08520, 7.53751, 8.90120, . 10.23927, 11.58325, 12.91715, 14.26164, 15.59761, . 16.94023, . 4.82375, 6.07052, 7.37716, 8.83489, 10.11675, . 11.37463, 12.62823, 13.87314, 15.12352, 16.37610, . 17.63041, . 6.42746, 7.58888, 8.76598, 10.05827, 11.32914, . 12.52233, 13.69271, 14.83754, 16.00047, 17.15703, . 18.32207, . 8.15380, 9.30678, 10.50206, 11.73099, 12.68725, . 13.70433, 14.76934, 15.84437, 16.91982, 17.98796, . 19.06506, . 10.79939, 11.94400, 13.08449, 13.22093, 14.17459, . 15.14145, 16.10082, 17.05997, 18.01959, 18.97151, . 19.93379, . 13.96914, 14.93979, 14.51362, 15.31529, 16.11750, . 16.92229, 17.71977, 18.53028, 19.33067, 20.13707, . 20.93387/ c DATA fll/ . -15.20875, -12.62213, -11.68335, -10.85416, -10.12500, . -9.31434, -8.53047, -7.69708, -6.88379, -6.07850, . -5.27639, . -13.66875, -11.40213, -10.35335, -9.60416, -8.89500, . -8.19434, -7.48047, -6.77708, -6.06379, -5.35850, . -4.65639, . -12.06875, -10.50213, -8.93335, -8.28416, -7.66500, . -7.05434, -6.44047, -5.81708, -5.20379, -4.58850, . -3.97639, . -10.46875, -9.61213, -7.54335, -6.98416, -6.43500, . -5.91434, -5.39047, -4.86708, -4.34379, -3.81850, . -3.29639, . -8.86875, -8.40213, -6.15335, -5.66416, -5.20500, . -4.77434, -4.34047, -3.90708, -3.47379, -3.04850, . -2.61639/ DATA flh/ . -7.26875, -6.92213, -4.97335, -4.35416, -3.97500, . -3.63434, -3.29047, -2.95708, -2.61379, -2.27850, . -1.93639, . -5.66875, -5.42213, -4.11335, -3.09416, -2.77500, . -2.50434, -2.25047, -2.00708, -1.75379, -1.49850, . -1.24639, . -4.06875, -3.91213, -3.30335, -2.10416, -1.64500, . -1.40434, -1.20047, -1.03708, -0.87379, -0.71850, . -0.55639, . -2.46875, -2.40213, -2.26335, -1.25416, -0.26500, . -0.17434, -0.11047, -0.03708, 0.03621, 0.10150, . 0.17361, . -0.85875, -0.88213, -0.90335, 1.24584, 1.20500, . 1.17566, 1.13953, 1.10292, 1.06621, 1.02150, . 0.98361, . 0.92125, 0.77787, 3.15665, 2.99584, 2.83500, . 2.67566, 2.50953, 2.35292, 2.18621, 2.02150, . 1.84361/ c it=-999 ip=-999 ir=-999 iextr=0 c========== select isotherms for linear inter(extra)polation DO 11 i=1,nm IF(tl < tLOG(i)) GOTO 20 it=i 11 CONTINUE iextr=1 it=nm-1 c 20 IF(it==-999) THEN iextr=1 it=1 ENDIF c========== tl-part of arguments it1=it+1 x0 =tLOG(it) x1 =tLOG(it1) x2 =x0 x3 =x1 x = tl c c................................. icase = 1 ............................ IF(icase==2) GOTO 200 c c========== select pressure points for linear inter(extra)polation DO 21 i=1,nm IF(pgl < pgLOG(it,i)) GOTO 30 ip=i 21 CONTINUE iextr=1 ip=nm-1 c 30 IF(ip==-999) THEN iextr=1 ip=1 ENDIF c c========== define the three fonction values for inter(extra)polation ip1=ip+1 y0 =pgLOG(it,ip) y1 =pgLOG(it1,ip) y2 =pgLOG(it,ip1) y3 =pgLOG(it1,ip1) z0 =fLOG(it,ip) z1 =fLOG(it1,ip) z2 =fLOG(it,ip1) z3 =fLOG(it1,ip1) c c========== define arguments y = pgl GOTO 1000 c................................. icase = 2 ............................ c c========== select density points for linear inter(extra)polation 200 DO 31 i=1,nm IF(rl < rLOG(it,i)) GOTO 40 ir=i 31 CONTINUE iextr=1 ir=nm-1 c 40 IF(ir==-999) THEN iextr=1 ir=1 ENDIF c c========== define the three fonction values for inter(extra)polation ir1=ir+1 y0 =rLOG(it,ir) y1 =rLOG(it1,ir) y2 =rLOG(it,ir1) y3 =rLOG(it1,ir1) z0 =fLOG(it,ir) z1 =fLOG(it1,ir) z2 =fLOG(it,ir1) z3 =fLOG(it1,ir1) c c========== define argument y = rl c c========== CALL bilinear interpolation c 1000 CONTINUE c c....... lower triangle CALL bilin (x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x,y,z) flini(1) = z c c....... upper triangle CALL bilin (x3,y3,z3,x2,y2,z2,x1,y1,z1,x,y,z) flini(2) = z c c....... weights (quite arbitrary) wlow = 1./( (x-x0)**2 + (y-y0)**2 + 1.e-5 ) whig = 1./( (x-x3)**2 + (y-y3)**2 + 1.e-5 ) wtot = wlow + whig wlow = wlow/wtot whig = whig/wtot wt(1) = wlow wt(2) = whig c RETURN END SUBROUTINE inteff c************************************************************************* function omega(i,iz) c routine pour EFF, Auteur J. Christensen Dalsgaard, adaptation: c A. Baglin, M. Auvergne, P. Morel, B.Pichon c CESAM2k IMPLICIT REAL*8 (a-h,o-z) c calculates statistical weight of i-th ionization stage of element c with number iz DIMENSION iom(26),iom1(20) REAL*8 omega INTEGER i,iz,iom,iom1 DATA iom/2,1,2,1,6,9,4,9,6,1,2,1,6,9,4,9,6,1,10,21,28,25,6,25, . 28,21/ DATA iom1/2,1,1,2,10,15,21,28,28,25,7,6,6,7,25,30,28,21,21,10/ c IF(i <= 1.and.iz.ge.19) GOTO 20 IF(i==iz) GOTO 15 omega=iom(iz-i) RETURN 15 omega=15 RETURN 20 omega=iom1(2*(iz-19)+i+1) RETURN END FUNCTION omega C c************************************************************************* C SUBROUTINE phder(fl,tl,phi,hst,nosd,notd) c routine pour EFF, Auteur J. Christensen Dalsgaard, adaptation: c A. Baglin, M. Auvergne, P. Morel, B.Pichon c CESAM2k IMPLICIT REAL*8 (a-h,o-z) LOGICAL nosd,notd DIMENSION phi(30),hst(30) DIMENSION sig(10),tmn(10),ff(4),gg(4),c(48) COMMON/phdsms/ s0,sf,sg,sff,sfg,sgg,sfff,sffg,sfgg,sggg, . cfg,tf,tg,tff,tfg,tgg,tfff,tffg,tfgg,tggg COMMON/consts/ av,ah,ahe,az,avda,avd1,ck1,ck2,exh,exhe,exhep, . ct,crho,cpe,che,ca03,caa,ckh,car,ergev COMMON/ln10/ amm,amm2,amm3 INTEGER ic,imax,i,icase,ic2,l,mio,kk,l0,k,in,im,ig,ik c LOGICAL EQUIVALENCE EQUIVALENCE(s0,sig(1)),(cfg,tmn(1)) c *********************************** c coefficients DATA ic,c/4,2.315472,7.128660,7.504998,2.665350,7.837752,23.507934 .,23.311317,7.987465,9.215560,26.834068,25.082745,8.020509,3.693280 .,10.333176,9.168960,2.668248,2.315472,6.748104,6.564912,2.132280, .7.837752,21.439740,19.080088,5.478100,9.215560,23.551504,19.015888 .,4.679944,3.693280,8.859868,6.500712,1.334124,1.157736,3.770676, .4.015224,1.402284,8.283420,26.184486,28.211372,10.310306,14.755480 .,45.031658,46.909420,16.633242,7.386560,22.159680,22.438048, .7.664928/ c c number of sums imax=10 IF(notd) imax=6 IF(nosd) imax=3 c f,g f=1.d1**fl t=1.d1**tl ts=ct*t wf=SQRT(1.d0+f) g1=ts*wf c c 1/(1+f), 1/(1+g1) etc. c vf=1.d0/(1.d0+f) vg=1.d0+g1 fdf=vg*g1 fdf=vf*fdf*SQRT(fdf) vg=1.d0/vg vfg=vf*vg ug=g1*vg uf=f*vf c ug2=ug*vg ug3=vg*ug2 c powers of f and g ff(1)=f gg(1)=1.d0 DO 10 i=2,ic ff(i)=f*ff(i-1) gg(i)=g1*gg(i-1) 10 fdf=fdf*vfg c test on size of f and g icase=1 IF(.not.notd)GOTO12 IF(f < 1.d-4) icase=icase+1 IF(g1 < 1.d-4) icase=icase+2 c 12 ic2=ic*ic c c calculate phi* and derivatives c l=1 anu=1.5d0 mio=ic an32=2.5d0-ic kk=-10 c l0=1 DO 50 k=1,3 kk=kk+10 IF(k-2) 18,16,17 c reset fdf for k=2 and 3 16 anu=2.5d0 fdf=g1*fdf GOTO18 17 mio=mio+1 fdf=fdf*vf 18 DO 19 i=1,imax 19 sig(i)=0.d0 annu=anu-1 c c the summation c l=l0 GOTO(20,25,30,35), icase c the general case 20 DO 23 in=1,ic annu=annu+1 DO 23 im=1,ic c phimn*(f**(m+1))*(g1**n) cfg=c(l)*ff(im)*gg(in) c tg=annu*cfg tf=im*cfg IF(nosd) GOTO 21 c second derivatives tgg=annu*tg tfg=im*tg tff=im*tf IF(notd) GOTO 21 c third derivatives tggg=annu*tgg tfgg=im*tgg tffg=im*tfg tfff=im*tff c summing 21 DO 22 i=1,imax 22 sig(i)=sig(i)+tmn(i) 23 l=l+1 c the summation is finished IF(nosd) GOTO 45 c c the sigma tilde (cf (22.2)) are stored in the corresponding sigma. c this is o.k. provided that we go backwards. c s02=s0*s0 sg2=sg*sg sf2=sf*sf IF(notd) GOTO 24 c third derivatives s03=s02*s0 sfff=(sfff*s02-sf*(3*sff*s0-2*sf2))/s03 sffg=(sffg*s02-sff*sg*s0-2*sf*(sfg*s0-sg*sf))/s03 sfgg=(sfgg*s02-sgg*sf*s0-2*sg*(sfg*s0-sg*sf))/s03 sggg=(sggg*s02-sg*(3*sgg*s0-2*sg2))/s03 c second derivatives 24 sff=(sff*s0-sf2)/s02 sfg=(sfg*s0-sf*sg)/s02 sgg=(sgg*s0-sg2)/s02 GOTO 45 c f is small 25 DO 28 in=1,ic annu=annu+1 DO 27 im=1,2 cfg=c(l)*ff(im)*gg(in) sig(im)=sig(im)+cfg tg=annu*cfg sg=sg+tg IF(nosd) GOTO 27 sgg=sgg+annu*tg sfg=sfg+im*tg 27 l=l+1 28 l=l+2 c the summation is finished. set precursors for sigma tilde sff=s0*sf s0=s0+sf sf=s0+sf IF(nosd) GOTO 45 sgg=sgg*s0-sg*sg GOTO 40 c g1 is small 30 ig=1 DO 33 in=1,2 annu=annu+1 DO 32 im=1,4 cfg=c(l)*ff(im)*gg(in) sig(ig)=sig(ig)+cfg tf=im*cfg sf=sf+tf IF(nosd) GOTO 32 sff=sff+im*tf sfg=sfg+annu*tf 32 l=l+1 33 ig=3 c the summation is finished. set precursors for sigma tilde. sgg=s0*sg s0=s0+sg sg=anu*s0+sg IF(nosd) GOTO 45 sff=sff*s0-sf*sf GOTO 40 c both f and g1 are small 35 ig=3 c in this case we must also zero sfg sfg=0.e0 DO 38 in=1,2 annu=annu+1 DO 37 im=1,2 cfg=c(l)*ff(im)*gg(in) sig(im)=sig(im)+cfg sig(ig)=sig(ig)+cfg 37 l=l+1 ig=5 38 l=l+2 c the summation is finished. set precursors for sigma tilde. sff=s0*sf s0=s0+sf sf=s0+sf sgg=sg*sfg sg=anu*s0+sfg IF(nosd) GOTO 45 c set final values of the sigma tilde. 40 s02=s0*s0 sff=sff/s02 sgg=sgg/s02 IF(f*g1 < 1.00001d-8) GOTO 42 sfg=(sfg*s0-sf*sg)/s02 GOTO 45 c approximate expression for sfg (may need fixing up, if f = o(1) c or g1 = o(1)) 42 sfg=f*g1*(c(l0+5)-c(l0+1)*c(l0+4)/c(l0))/c(l0) c c phi* and first derivatives c 45 phi(kk+1)=fdf*s0 pht=an32*ug+sg/s0 phi(kk+3)=pht phi(kk+2)=(pht/2-mio)*uf+sf/s0 IF(nosd) GOTO 50 c c second derivatives of phi*. c phtt=an32*ug2+sgg phi(kk+6)=phtt phi(kk+5)=phtt*uf/2+sfg phi(kk+4)=sff+uf*(sfg+vf*(pht/2-mio+f*phtt/4)) c IF(notd) GOTO 50 c third derivatives phttt=an32*ug3*(1.d0-g1)+sggg phi(kk+10)=phttt phi(kk+9)=sfgg+uf*phttt/2 phfft=sffg+uf*(sfgg+vf*(phtt+f*phttt/2)/2) phi(kk+8)=phfft phi(kk+7)=sfff+uf*(sffg+phfft/2+vf*(1.5*sfg+f*sfgg/4 . +vf*((1-f)*(pht/2-mio)+f*phtt/2))) 50 l0=l0+ic2 c c h* and its derivatives (pp 23-25) c DO 55 i=2,imax ik=20+i 55 phi(ik)=phi(ik)-phi(i) c hs=phi(21)/phi(1) wft1=2.d0*g1 hst(1)=hs+wft1 c hf=phi(22) ht1=phi(23) wft2=ts*f/wf hst(2)=hs*hf+wft2 hst(3)=hs*ht1+wft1 IF(nosd) GOTO 58 c second derivatives hff=phi(24) hft=phi(25) htt=phi(26) wft3=uf*(1+f/2)*ts/wf hst(4)=hs*(hf*hf+hff)+wft3 hst(5)=hs*(hf*ht1+hft)+wft2 hst(6)=hs*(ht1*ht1+htt)+wft1 IF(notd) GOTO 58 c third derivatives hst(7)=hs*(hf*(hf*hf+3*hff)+phi(27))+uf*vf*(1+f*(2+f)/4)*ts/wf hst(8)=hs*(hf*(hf*ht1+2*hft)+ht1*hff+phi(28))+wft3 hst(9)=hs*(ht1*(ht1*hf+2*hft)+hf*htt+phi(29))+wft2 hst(10)=hs*(ht1*(ht1*ht1+3*htt)+phi(30))+wft1 c change to derivatives wrt LOG10 f and LOG10 t 58 fct=amm DO 60 i=2,imax IF(i==4 .or. i==7) fct=fct*amm 60 hst(i)=hst(i)*fct END SUBROUTINE phder c*************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE setcns c routine pour EFF, Auteur J. Christensen Dalsgaard, adaptation: c A. Baglin, M. Auvergne, P. Morel, B.Pichon c CESAM2k c Les valeurs des constantes ont ete modifiees pour rendre c leur valeurs coherentes avec le ss-pg ctes du code de Pierre. c Michel Juillet 90. c les constantes modifies sont signalees par !* c sets the physical and mathematical constants used in the program IMPLICIT REAL*8 (a-h,o-z) INTEGER :: idmu COMMON/consts/ av,ah,ahe,az,avda,avd1,ck1,ck2,exh,exhe,exhep, 1 ct,crho,cpe,che,ca03,caa,ckh,car,ergev COMMON/ln10/ amm,amm2,amm3 COMMON/eqstd/ ccc1(90) COMMON/eqsout/ ccc2(210) COMMON/dmuder/ ccc3(10),idmu c avogadro's number av=6.0221366d23 !* c atomic weights of h and he ah=1.007825d0 !* ahe=4.002603d0 !* az=17.8d0 avda=av*(1/ah-2/ahe) avd1=av*(1/ah-1/ahe) c boltzmann's constant in ev/deg ck1=8.6170837d-5 c the same, in ergs/deg ck2=1.380658d-16 !* c ionization potentials exh=13.595d0 exhe=24.580d0 exhep=54.403d0 c constants for transition to starred variables ct=1.686304d-10 crho=1.759547d30 cpe =1.440588d24 che =8.187265d-7 c constants for pressure ionization ca03=2.147d-24 caa=1.759547d30*ca03 ckh=13.5d0 c change from ev to ergs ca03=1.60217733d-12*ca03 !* c the radiation constant car=7.5659122d-15 !* c number of ergs in 1 ev ergev=1.60217733d-12 !* c ln 10 amm=LOG(1.d1) amm2=amm*amm amm3=amm2*amm c set COMMONs from s/r eqstf to zero ccc1 = 0. !! BP CALL zero(ccc1,90) ccc2 = 0. !! BP CALL zero(ccc2,210) ccc3 = 0. !! BP CALL zero(ccc3,10) END SUBROUTINE setcns c************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE store(a,b,n) c routine pour EFF, Auteur J. Christensen Dalsgaard, adaptation: c A. Baglin, M. Auvergne, P. Morel, B.Pichon c CESAM2k IMPLICIT REAL*8 (a-h,o-z) c stores first n elements of a into b c DIMENSION a(1),b(1) INTEGER i,n 10 DO 11 i=1,n 11 b(i)=a(i) END SUBROUTINE store c**************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE theffp(p10,t10,chem,ychem,f) c routine pour EFF, Auteur J. Christensen Dalsgaard, adaptation: c A. Baglin, M. Auvergne, P. Morel, B.Pichon c CESAM2k IMPLICIT REAL*8 (a-h,o-z) INTEGER ihvz COMMON/eqscnt/ anh0,ihvz COMMON/eqstd/ xii1(4),ane(10),rho(20),ht(20),pt(20),cp(4),dad(4), * dlt(4),gm1,tprh,trhp,rhxp COMMON/consts/ av,ah,ahe,az,avda,avd1,ck1,ck2,exh,exhe,exhep, & ct,crho,cpe,che,ca03,caa,ckh,car,ergev COMMON/eqsaux/psi c================= output ========================================= COMMON/eos/ald8,cp8,psi8,rhp8,rht8,vlro8,vmol8, *vmy8,vmyp8,vmyt8,vna8, *xio8(3),xmol8,e8,uint8,dpdrs8,scgs8,cv8 c================================================================== umod = LOG(10.d0) xc=chem yc=ychem zc=1.-xc-yc CALL eqstp(p10,t10,xc,yc,zc,flnew) psi8 =psi vlro8 = LOG10(rho(1)) rhp8 =rho(2)/pt(2) rht8 = -dlt(1) vna8 =dad(1) xio8(1)=xii1(1) xio8(2)=xii1(2) xio8(3)=xii1(3) xmol8 = 0. c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no molecules in eff rmu = xc/ah+yc/ahe+zc/az vmol8 = 1./rmu cp88 =cp(1) rgas0 = 8.31434 e 7 cp8 =cp88*vmol8/rgas0 emax =(xc/ah+2.*yc/ahe+zc*anh0)*av e8 =ane(1)/emax vmy8 =vmol8/(1.+e8) fact =1.0 + e8 xelp =(ane(2)/pt(2))/emax xelt =(-ane(2)*pt(3)/pt(2) + ane(3))/emax vmyp8 = - xelp/(fact*umod) vmyt8 = - xelt/(fact*umod) dpdrs8 = gm1 f=10.d0**flnew RETURN END SUBROUTINE theffp END SUBROUTINE etat_eff