Pour creer une table lancer le programme ZFSinterppeos donner la valeur de Z le fichier de sortie en ASCII est EOSdata.Z le renommer pr exemple : rename EOSdata.Z eos_130.data.Z le transformer en binaire par opal_ascii_bin (qui se termine par une division par 0 car les xx ne sont pas initialises) il faut indiquer les nons du fichier (eos_130.data) a 2 endroits dans opal_ascii_bin ............................................................. 4/21/96----- Made changes suggested by V. Baturin in pEOSxtrin.f ALSO Fixed grid problem T,P option noted by S. Brun. 4/21/96----- Replaced energy column in pEOSxtrin.f. Corrects some numerical problems found by v. Baturin 3/29/96----- Replaced pEOSxtrin.f. Problem with irregular grid shape 7/10/95----- The data contained in this directory is identical to that in the directory eos at corresponding grid points. However, the grid density in both temperature and density have been increased to allow more accurate interpolation. The smaller tables in the eos directory are expected to be suitable for most purposes. ------------------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains equation of state data files and corresponding interpolation codes. The format of the tables is somewhat different than that used in the opacity directory. Here the data is tabulated at constant T6 and density(rho), rather than constant T6 and R (T6=temperature in units of 10**6 K, R=rho/T6**3), rho is density in g/cc). The data is tabulated at Z=0.0,0.02,and 0.04; X=0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6 and 0.8. The number of Z and X values is less than for the opacity tables, due to that fact that the EOS does not vary as greatly with changes in these variables. The temperature is tabulated in the range 0.005 to 100.0 and the density in the range 10**(-14) to 10**5 grams/cc. (Note: much of the region around rho=10**(-14) is radiation dominated and is included mainly for convenience of tabulation.) The lower temperature limit moves upward for rho > 0.001 gm/cc. The cut-off at rho=10**5 gm/cc is determined by the onset of relativistic corrections. These are well known for an ideal gas, but their inclusion in the Coulomb corrections is somewhat more subtle. The data files are stored using the compress operation and it is necessary to apply the uncompress operation before attempting to use them. The peos*z%x files are the data files for Z=* and X=%;i.e., peos02z4x corresponds to Z=0.02 and X=0.4. The ZFSinterppeos.f code interpolates the peos*z%x files for a fixed value of Z, creating a file 'EOSdata'. The EOSdata file is used by EOSxtrin.f to interpolate in X,T6, and rho at the fixed value of Z used to construct the EOSdata file. The accuracy of the interpolations has been checked by comparison with a large sample of test calculations. Better than four place accuracy is generaly achieved with both first and second order properties. In regions of rapid change the first order properties are occasionally off by as much as a few % and the second order properties can be off by 10-20 percent for rho=1.e-8. Larger differences can be expected for rho < 1.e-8 and smaller for rho> 1.e-8. Direct differentiation of the interpolated first order properties is most likely less accurate and is not recommended. Due to the need to calculate derivatives of the EOS, a very fine temperature-density grid was used. The tabulated data is a condensation of this information. The computer time required to carry this out for the actual mixture would have been prohibitive, so a truncated mixture was used. In the truncated mixture the mass contribution of all elements above neon where added in with the neon. Contrary to the situation with opacity these high Z elements can never be large contributors to the EOS. Nevertheless, some small affects on the derivatives are introduced by this procedure. The fractional elemental number components of Z are: XC= 0.2471362 XN= 0.0620778 XO= 0.528368 XNe=0.1624178 The corresponding number fractions are listed at the front of each of the peos*z%x files. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The most recent references to this equation of state work is: Rogers, F.J., Swenson, F.J., Iglesias, C.A. ApJ (submitted) Rogers,F.J. 1994, in "The Equation of State in Astropyhsics", IAU Colloquium 147, eds. G. Chabrier and E. Schatzman (Cambridge University Press), p16 --------------------------------------------------------------------