c c-----Arnold I. Boothroyd: VERSION of MARCH 9, 2004--------------z14xcotrin21.f c (This version: Z-interpolation parameter nz = 14 needs 22.7 Mb of storage.) c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c OPAL 1995: Reference: C.A. Iglesias & F.J. Rogers (1996), ApJ, 464, 943-953 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c Note OPAL opacities are available at http://www-phys.llnl.gov/Research/OPAL/ c****************************************************************************** c 1995 OPAL opacities for arbitrary metallicity Z (in the range 0.0 to 0.1), c including C,O-rich opacities. Interpolation in Z can be performed when the c opacities are read in and/or when the opacity-calculation routine is called; c this choice is under user control. It is possible to obtain opacities at c arbitrary values of [O/Fe] by using the non-CO-rich opacity files 'GN93hz' c and (one of) 'Alrd96a2', 'C95hz', or 'W95hz' (but this can only be done at c the time when the opacities are being read in, not subseqently when the c opacity-calculation routine is called). Arbitrary hydrogen abundances and c arbitrary amounts of excess carbon and oxygen are always allowed. Note that c it is no longer necessary to create files 'codataa', 'codatab', 'codatac', c 'codatad', and 'codatae'; the program looks directly for the 40 OPAL opacity c files Gz???.x?? (also checking for their earlier names Gx??z* ). c ALSO: accurate opacity values can be interpolated as a function of varying c relative C, N, O, and Ne abundances (and/or a user-specified element). c****************************************************************************** c Based on the old OPAL routines xcotrin.f and xcotrinz.f, modified to use c the new (1995) opacity tables Gz???x?? and GN93hz (similar to xcotrin21.f). c NOTE CHANGE from COMMON /E/ to COMMON /E_OPAL_Z/ for returned opacities. c NOTE that additional return values have been added to COMMON/E_OPAL_Z/ c (to distinguish between matrix Z-edges and {T,R}-edges: see below). c****************************************************************************** c c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c*** UPDATED MARCH 9, 2004: from version of FEBRUARY 1, 2004: c --Minor bug-fix in subroutine OPAL_X_CNO_FU, to handle more correctly the c previously-ignored possibility that N+Ne may have decreased relative to Z c (the bug-fix does its best to prevent exC and exO from becoming negative). c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c*** UPDATED FEBRUARY 1, 2004: from version of JANUARY 9, 2004: c --Added subroutines DUMP_OPAL_OPAC and READ_OPAL_DUMP which allow one to c store a set of opacities in unformatted binary form for future re-use (gives c a large speed advantage when later one wishes to read opacities with the c same inputs, at the cost of some disk space for the opacity dumpfile). c --Added subroutines ASK_KHIGHZ_OFE and ASK_MAIN_OPAL_FILE. c --Moved all initializations of common block variables into a BLOCK DATA, as c required by some compilers; fixed a few other minor bugs. c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c*** UPDATED JANUARY 9, 2004: from version of AUGUST 2, 2003: minor changes: c --Added subroutines ASK_LAST_OPAC and ASK_LAST_XCNOU (which just return c values contained in common blocks /E_OPAL_Z/ and /X_OPAL_Z/, respectively). c --Fixed subroutine opal_x_cno_fu so that it no longer yields an error if one c calls this subroutine opal_x_cno_fu before calling the subroutine readzexco. c --Fixed the places where some compilers objected to the use of the string c concatenation operator. c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c*** UPDATED AUGUST 2, 2003: from version of APRL 27, 2001: Add the option of c using an alternate set of OPAL files (e.g., 'GS98hz' rather than 'GN93hz') c to get opacities appropriate to an updated solar composition (e.g., Grevesse c and Sauval 1998) --- note that the files Gz???.x?? need not be updated, as c their opacities are shifted to agree with those from the file 'GS98hz' . c ALSO, add the option of interpolating the opacities as a function of varying c relative C, N, O, and Ne abundances (as well as in the "excess" C and O). c ALSO, increase the allowed file-plus-directory name length to 255 characters c (rather than 80); this affects common /opdir/ and the alternate OPAL file c set, but not common /opalmixes/ (default OPAL files, 8 characters long). c Also, maximum allowed T6,R extrapolation is now just over one grid spacing c (instead of just under); this latter change should have negligible effect. c Also, an approximation used previously when computing the abundances for c mixes that are interpolated in [O/Fe] has been replaced by the exact formula c (this change should also have little effect: none at all for [O/Fe]=0.0). c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c*** UPDATED APRIL 27, 2001: from version of MARCH 4, 2001: for more accurate c X-interpolation at X > 0.1 (with a LARGE improvement in the accuracy as X c approaches 1-Z), using the added X-values available in the file GN93hz . c Also fixed a minor bug in the CO-interpolation (that could have caused small c errors in the interpolated opacity, but only in the seldom-encountered c situation of near-maximal CO-enrichment combined with a non-zero hydrogen c abundance: X > 0.0 with C+O just less than 1-X-Z). c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c*** UPDATED MARCH 4, 2001: from version of MAY 28, 1999: add the metallicity Z c to the list { X, C, O, T6, R } of variables in which the OPAL opacities can c be interpolated (rather than being restricted to only a single metallicity, c defined when the opacities were read in). This is required if gravitational c settling of metals takes place. Also, newly added subroutines allow easier c opacity-directory specification, and easier user control of how Z, T, and R c edges and extrapolation are handled. Also, the opacity files Gz???x?? and c GN93hz are allowed to be in compressed form (they must have suffix .gz if c they were compressed using 'gzip', or suffix .Z if they were compressed c using 'compress'); any compressed opacity files will be decompressed, read c in, and compressed again. c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c Updated MAY 28, 1999: from version of JUNE 26, 1997: to look for the CO-rich c opacity file names in the newer format Gz???.x?? before trying the old c format Gx??z* . Note that some opacity values in Gz001.x35 Gz004.x70 c Gz050.x35 Gz100.x70 differ by roundoff amounts (+/- 0.001 in log10[kappa]) c from corresponding older files Gx35z001 Gx70z004 Gx35z05 Gx70z10 ; also, c Gz050.x35 and Gz100.x70 each omit a redundant duplicate composition table c present in Gx35z05 and Gx70z10 . In all other cases, the newer OPAL c files Gz???.x?? are identical to the corresponding older files Gx??z* . c******* ALSO: the name of the common block that returns the opacity values c has been changed from common/e/ to common/e_opal_z/ in order to avoid c compilation errors when compiling using f2c (Fortran to C conversion). c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c c****************************************************************************** c c COMPOSITIONS FOR WHICH OPACITY TABLES ARE AVAILABLE: c **************************************************** c c Type 2 Tables - including enhanced C & O (40 files): c ==================================================== c These are 40 files of the form Gz???.x?? , where the "z???" part may be c any of { "z000", "z001", "z004", "z010", "z020", "z030", "z050", "z100" } c and the "x??" part may be any of { "x00", "x03", "x10", "x35", "x70" }. c These have 8 metallicities Z = { 0.0, .001, .004, .01, .02, .03, .05, .1 } c and 5 hydrogen abundances X = { 0.0, 0.03, 0.1, 0.35, 0.7 }; each pair of c { X, Z } has up to 60 different compositions with varying amounts of c excess carbon and oxygen (above that contained in Z), i.e., mixes having c dC,dO = { 0.0, .01, .03, .1, .2, .4, .6, 1-X-Z } (such that no mix has c X+Z+dC+dO > 1.0). These files allow fairly accurate interpolated opacities c for X < 0.75 and Z < 0.12, with any amount of excess carbon and oxygen. c This may suffice if there is not much diffusion (to yield high X values), c but these opacities are NOT AT ALL ACCURATE for X > 0.75 (very high hydrogen c abundances); opacities at X = 1-Z may be off by up to an order of magnitude. c c These files are ALWAYS read in, for one or more Z-values, as specified by c Zlo, Z, Zhi in your call to the opacity-reading subroutine READZEXCO: c call readzexco( Nzin, Zlo, Z, Zhi, khighz, iulow, ofebrack ) c c Type 1 Tables - fixed metal distribution (by default, 4 files): c =============================================================== c file 'GN93hz' [O/Fe]=0.0: solar composition, Grevesse and Noels (1993) c file 'Alrd96a2' [O/Fe]=0.3: alpha enhanced elements, Allard (1996) c file 'C95hz' [O/Fe]=0.4: alpha enhanced elements, Chaboyer (1995) c file 'W95hz' [O/Fe]=0.5: alpha enhanced elements, Weiss (1995) c Each of these 4 files contains 126 compositions: opacities at 13 Z-values c Z = {0.0,0.0001,0.0003,0.001,0.002,0.004,0.01,0.02,0.03,0.04,0.06,0.08,0.1} c and at 10 X-values X = {0.0,0.1,0.2,0.35,0.5,0.7,0.8,0.9,0.95,1-Z}; they do c NOT have enhanced-CO compositions. c c One or two of these type 1 files CAN BE read in (as specified by khighz c in your call to the opacity-reading subroutine READZEXCO). For example, c call readzexco( 14, 0.0, -1.0, 0.1, 1, 23, 0.0 ) c will read in opacities at all Z-values from 0.0 to 0.1, reading additional c opacities from 'GN93hz' (due to the value of khighz=1); Fortran units 23 c through 26 will be used for input, and the opacities will have [O/Fe]=0.0 c (solar composition for the abundances comprising Z). For non-CO-rich cases, c this allows slightly improved Z-interpolation (for Z < 0.12) and slightly c improved X-interpolation (for 0.03 < X < 0.75); for high hydrogen abundances c (X > 0.75), such as may result from diffusion (e.g., helium settling), the c accuracy is GREATLY IMPROVED. c c NOTE that only the version z14xcotrin21.f allows Nzin = 14 as in the above c call; if one is using the less-memory-hogging version z5xcotrin21.f , then c the above call would lead to a fatal error, unless you had reduced the error c checking level, in which case it would lead to opacities being read in only c for the Z-values Z = { 0.0, 0.00217, 0.00905, 0.0309, 0.1 }, yielding MUCH c LESS ACCURATE Z-interpolation; USER BEWARE!! c c For z5xcotrin21.f , only a small Z-range should be read in: for example, c call readzexco( 5, -1.0, 0.02, -1.0, 4, 23, 0.45 ) c reads opacities at Z = .004, .01, .02, .03, .04, using 'GN93hz' and 'W95hz' c to obtain opacities at [O/Fe]=0.45 (the results are then as accurate as with c the version z14xcotrin21.f for the restricted Z-range 0.01 < Z < 0.03: c this is described in more detail below). c c For z1xcotrin21.f , only a SINGLE Z-value can be read in; the opacities c from the files will be interpolated in Z while being read in, if necessary. c c To read opacities in the widest available Z-range around some metallicity Z c that is compatible with accuracy, one can use the subroutine ask_z_limits to c return the value of NZ (this is described in more detail below), i.e., c call ask_z_limits( nzmax, zmin, zmax ) c call readzexco( nzmax, -1.0, Z, -1.0, 11, 23, 0.0 ) c (with integer variable nzmax and real*4 variables zmin, zmax, Z). c This read opacities with [O/Fe] = 0.0 in a range around Z that is c determined by the value of nzmax (note ASK_Z_LIMITS returns nzmax = NZ ), c and also reads in the files needed for CNO-opacity interpolation (as c discussed further below). c c NOTE THAT additional Type 1 tables can be computed at the OPAL website, or c may be available elsewhere. By default, this program alows for counterparts c of the above 4 files with a different composition (e.g., for the Grevesse & c Sauval 1998 mix: 'GS98hz', 'GS98hz_OFe.3_Alrd96a2', 'GS98hz_OFe.4_C95', and c 'GS98hz_OFe.5_W95'). This program also allows for the existence of files c where C, N, O, and Ne abundances are interconverted (as by nuclear burning: c e.g., 'GN93hz.CtoN', 'GN93hz.COtoN', 'GN93hz.CNOtoNe'); such files can be c used to enable the program to return accurate opacity values as a function c of varying relative C, N, O, and Ne abundances. Some other user-specified c element (or set of elements) can also be interpolated (e.g., 'GN93hz.user'). c c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c c This file contains the following subroutines; those marked with "*" can be c called by the user (and are described in the comments below), while those c marked with "**" are those the user is most likely to need to call: c c BLOCK DATA OPAL_OPAC_DATA c SUBROUTINE OPALINIT( KHIGHZ, OFEBRACK, Z, KZ ) c SUBROUTINE GET_ZAVAIL c SUBROUTINE GET_TRVALS c SUBROUTINE Z_FCNO( XH,XMET,NMET,FU, Z,XCI,XOI,FCN,FCON,FCNONE,FUSE ) c ** SUBROUTINE OPAC( Z, XH, XCI, XOI, T6, R ) c ** SUBROUTINE OPAL( Z, XH, XCI, XOI, SLT, SLR ) c ** SUBROUTINE OPAL_X_CNO_FU( XH, SLT, SLR, XMET, NMET, FU ) c * SUBROUTINE OPAL_F_CNOU( Z, XH, XCI, XOI, SLT, SLR, FCN, FCON, FCNONE, FU ) c * SUBROUTINE ASK_LAST_OPAC( OP, DOPT, DOPR, DOPTD, FEDGE, FTREDGE, FZEDGE ) c * SUBROUTINE ASK_LAST_XCNOU( Z, X, XC, XO, SLT, SLR, FCN, FCON, FCNONE, FU ) c ** SUBROUTINE SET_OPAL_DIR( CDIRIN ) c * SUBROUTINE SET_OFE_FILE( CFILEOFE ) c * SUBROUTINE SET_ALTMIX_OFE_FILE( CFILEOFE ) c * SUBROUTINE SET_ALTMIX_MAIN_FILE( CFILE_HZ ) c * SUBROUTINE SET_CNO_FILES( CF_HZ, CF_C, CF_O, CF_N, CF_U ) c * SUBROUTINE ASK_KHIGHZ_OFE( KHIGHZ_USED, OFEBRACK_USED ) c * SUBROUTINE ASK_MAIN_OPAL_FILE( CF_MAIN_USED ) c * SUBROUTINE SET_XHI( KXHI ) c * SUBROUTINE ASK_XHI( KXHI, KAVAIL ) c * SUBROUTINE SET_CNO_INTERP( KCNO, KUSER ) c * SUBROUTINE ASK_CNO_INTERP( KCNO, KUSER, KCNO_AVAIL, KUSER_AVAIL ) c * SUBROUTINE SET_ERR_CHECK( LEVEL ) c * SUBROUTINE ASK_ERR_CHECK( LEVEL ) c * SUBROUTINE SET_LOGT6_LIMITS( VLO, DVLO, VHI, DVHI ) c * SUBROUTINE SET_LOGR_LIMITS( VLO, DVLO, VHI, DVHI ) c * SUBROUTINE RESET_Z_LIMITS( VLO, DVLO, VHI, DVHI ) c * SUBROUTINE ASK_LOGT6_LIMITS( VLO, DVLO, VHI, DVHI ) c * SUBROUTINE ASK_LOGR_LIMITS( VLO, DVLO, VHI, DVHI ) c * SUBROUTINE ASK_Z_LIMITS( NZMAX, ZMIN, ZMAX ) c * SUBROUTINE ASK_Z_USE( NZUSE, ZLO, ZMID, ZHI, ZLOEX, ZHIEX ) c * SUBROUTINE ASK_Z_ARRAY( KZSTART, KARRAYSTART, ZARRAY, NARRAY ) c * SUBROUTINE SET_SMOOTH( INITSMOOTH, LOWCOSMOOTH, INTERPCOSMOOTH ) c * SUBROUTINE ASK_SMOOTH( INITSMOOTH, LOWCOSMOOTH, INTERPCOSMOOTH ) c * SUBROUTINE READCO( Z, KALLRD, KHIGHZ, IULOW ) c * SUBROUTINE READEXCO( Z, KALLRD, KHIGHZ, IULOW, OFEBRACK ) c ** SUBROUTINE READZEXCO( NZIN, ZLO, Z, ZHI, KHIGHZ, IULOW, OFEBRACK ) c ** SUBROUTINE DUMP_OPAL_OPAC( IU, CF_D ) c ** SUBROUTINE READ_OPAL_DUMP( IU, CF_D ) c SUBROUTINE READ_KZ( KZ, Z, KALLRD, KHIGHZ, IULOW, OFEBRACK ) c SUBROUTINE COINTSMO( XXC, XXO, KZ ) c SUBROUTINE COINTERP( XXC, XXO, KZ ) c SUBROUTINE T6RINTERP( SLR, SLT ) c SUBROUTINE QZLOG4INT( ZLOGD ) c FUNCTION QUAD( IC, I, X, Y1, Y2, Y3, X1, X2, X3 ) c FUNCTION QDER( IC, I, X, Y1, Y2, Y3, X1, X2, X3 ) c FUNCTION QCHK( IC, I, X, Y1, Y2, Y3, X1, X2, X3 ) c FUNCTION QZINTER( IC, I, Z, NMOREZ, F1, F2, F3, F4, Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, ZDEL ) c FUNCTION MIXFIND( IU, IOFE, IGETZXI, IREW, ITAB, LINE, Z, X, C, O ) c SUBROUTINE INDEX_CO_DELTAS( ISET, KXHZ, JX, JC, JO ) c SUBROUTINE FINISH_CNO c SUBROUTINE SPLINE( X, Y, N, Y2 ) c SUBROUTINE SPLINT( XA, YA, N, Y2A, X, Y, YP ) c SUBROUTINE FITY c SUBROUTINE FITX c SUBROUTINE GETD( F, N, D, FP1, FPN ) c SUBROUTINE INTERP( FLT, FLRHO, G, DGDT, DGDRHO, IERR ) c SUBROUTINE SMOOTH c SUBROUTINE OPALTAB c SUBROUTINE OPEN_CHK_ZIP( IU, FNAME, IGZIP, CMSG ) c SUBROUTINE CLOSE_CHK_ZIP( IU, FNAME, IGZIP ) c FUNCTION NUM_BLANKS_CONTAINED( FNAME ) c FUNCTION NON_BLANK_BEGIN( FNAME ) c SUBROUTINE OPOLDR( IU, FNAME ) c SUBROUTINE OPOLUF( IU, FNAME ) c SUBROUTINE OPNEUF( IU, FNAME ) c SUBROUTINE INQFIL( FNAME, LXST ) c SUBROUTINE LINUX_GET_HOME_DIR( FNAME, FNALT, IALT ) c FUNCTION LNBLNK( FNAME ) c c The last 6 of the above subroutines contain file-handling routines; if one c is using VMS rather than some flavor of Unix or Linux, then one may have to c comment out some statements in these subroutines and uncomment others, as c well as in the "data cb" statement at the end of BLOCK DATA OPAL_OPAC_DATA. c (The last 2 routines should be needed only if you are using fort77 under c Linux, but should still work correctly on any flavor of Unix/Linux system.) c c Note that the above routines have been tested on several Unix and Linux c systems but have NOT been tested on a VMS system. c c Send any questions/comments/bug-reports to boothroy@cita.utoronto.ca c c ********************************************************** c NOTE THAT ALL REAL VARIABLES ARE SINGLE PRECISION (real*4) c ********************************************************** c c c ========================================================== c The subroutines that interpolate among the OPAL opacities: c ========================================================== c c*** OPAC( z, xh, xci, xoi, T6, R ) The purpose of the subroutines OPAC or c ------------------------------ OPAL is to perform up to 6-variable c*** OPAL( z, xh, xci, xoi, slt, slr ) interpolation on log10(kappa), to yield c --------------------------------- the opacity (and also its temperature c and density derivatives) at the given composition, temperature, and density c values (the details of how this interpolation is performed are discussed c further below). The user can control how the opacities are initially read c in via subroutines discussed further below; otherwise, the first time OPAC c or OPAL is called, opacities will be read in for an estimated "optimum" c range of Z-values (that encompass the input value z). These subroutines c actually call OPAL_F_CNOU( z, xh, xci, xoi, slt, slr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) c (see description below) to perform the opacity interpolation. c c The SINGLE-PRECISION REAL interpolation variables are: c c z The metallicity, Z (excluding any excess C and O) c xh The hydrogen mass fraction, X c xci The enhanced carbon mass fraction, delta Xc. c The total C mass fraction, Xc, is the sum of delta Xc and c the initial amount included in the metal mass fraction Z c xoi The enhanced oxygen mass fraction, delta Xo. c OPAC: c T6 The temperature in millions of degrees Kelvin, T6 c R = { rho(gm/cc) / T6**3 }, the temperature-shifted density value c OPAL: c slt log10(T6) = log10(T) - 6 c slr log10(R) = log10(rho) - 3 * slt = log10(rho) - 3 * [log10(T)-6] c c (by definition, the helium mass fraction is Y = 1.0 - z - xh - xci - xoi). c Note that, while z and xh must be non-negative, small NEGATIVE values for c xci and/or xoi are allowed, provided that the sums { z + xci , z + xoi , c z + xci + xoi } are non-negative; this leads to (linear) extrapolation c in log(z+xci+0.001) and/or log(z+xoi+0.001), unlike the earlier version of c MAY 28, 1999 (where negative xci or xoi values were treated as being zero). c c Your routine that calls to OPAC or OPAL should include the statement: c c common/e_opal_z/ opact,dopact,dopacr,dopactd,fedge,ftredge,fzedge c c OR ELSE, after calling the opacity-calulation routine (e.g., OPAC or OPAL): c c call ask_last_opac(opact,dopact,dopacr,dopactd,fedge,ftredge,fzedge) c c (this subroutine ask_last_opac just returns the values from the common block c /e_opal_z/ in its user-supplied arguments). c c These SINGLE-PRECISION REAL variables have the following meanings: c c OPACT returns the Log of the Rosseland mean opacity: Log10(kappa) c DOPACT returns dLog(kappa)/dLog(T6) at constant R (NOT rho!) c DOPACR returns dLog(kappa)/dLog(R) at constant T6, which is c = dLog(kappa)/dLog(rho) at constant temperature c DOPACTD returns dLog(kappa)/dLog(T6) at constant density, which is c = dLog(kappa)/dLog(T) at constant density c FEDGE returns the degree-of-extrapolation product FTREDGE * FZEDGE c (if FTREDGE = 0.0 or FZEDGE = 0.0, then the opacity c was not calculated). Also: If the 'GN93hz' opacities c are not available, then FEDGE reduces from 1.0 to 0.0 c as X increases from 0.76 to 0.8, but the opacity is c still calculated, even out to X=1-Z (where is poorly c extrapolated, in this case), provided that neither c FTREDGE nor FZEDGE is zero. Note that in the default c case ('GN93hz' opacities available), X-interpolation c values are available out to X=1-Z, and there is no c need for any such limit on the hydrogen abundance X. c FTREDGE returns 1.0 for T6,R inside table boundaries, reduces to 0.0 c as T6,R moves more than one grid spacing outside table c FZEDGE returns 1.0 for Z inside the available range [zlow,zhigh], c reduces to 0.0 as Z moves out to the boundaries of the c extreme-Z-extrapolation range [zlo_ex,zhi_ex] c c NOTE THAT, if you have set the error-checking level to 2 (see SET_ERR_CHECK c below), then an out-of-range case (where FEDGE = 0.0) is considered a fatal c error and the program halts. By default, the program simply returns when c FEDGE = 0.0 occurs; if, in addition, FZEDGE = 0.0 or FTREDGE = 0.0, then c the opacity will not have been calculated, and the returned value of OPACT c will be 1.0E+35 as an additional indicator. c If FZEDGE = 0.0, then the given Z-value lay too far ouside the available c Z-range to be extrapolated (this is checked first, before T6 and R). c If FTREDGE = 0.0 (and FZEDGE > 0.0), then the given T6 and/or R values lay c too far outside the available table to be extrapolated. c Details of the extrapolation, and of subroutines allowing user control over c the boundaries, are discussed further below. c c*** OPAL_X_CNO_FU( xh, slt, slr, xmet, nmet, fu ) This subroutine adds any c --------------------------------------------- opacity shifts due to the c interconversions C --> N, O --> N, and/or N --> Ne (which can arise from c nuclear burning) to the opacities interpolated in the 6 basic variables c { z, xh, xci, xoi, slt, slr }. USE OF THIS SUBROUTINE CAN BE TRICKY. c c ---WARNING--- This subroutine estimates Z from the mass fraction of elements c heavier than Ne. UNLESS (1) you keep track of the mass fractions at least c of C, N, O, Ne, and "heavies", and (2) your initial Z-composition, namely c {C, N, O, Ne, "heavies"}, is THE SAME as that in the "solar" opacity table c (e.g., 'GN93hz' or 'GS98hz'), this subroutine will obtain an ERRONEOUS Z c value and thus an INCORRECT OPACITY. c c ---WARNING--- If nmet = 19 in your array, then you must have initialized ALL c of {C,N,O,Ne,Na,Mg,Al,Si,P,S,Cl,Ar,K,Ca,Ti,Cr,Mn,Fe,Ni} to a "solar" opacity c table mix (e.g., from 'GN93hz' or 'GS98hz'), OTHERWSE you will get ERRONEOUS c Z and CNO-interpolation factors (since the program uses stored atomic weight c values to convert xmet into number fractions in this case), and thus an c INCORRECT OPACITY. If you include either fewer or more heavy elements, c e.g., if you combine some of these elements into a collective "Xheavy", then c you MUST use a value of nmet NOT EQUAL TO 19. c c ---WARNING--- OPAL_X_CNO_FU implicitly assumes that elements heavier than Ne c are negligibly affected by nuclear burning. IF ANY ELEMENTS HEAVIER THAN Ne c ARE PRODUCED VIA NUCLEAR BURNING, this will cause the Z-value estimated by c OPAL_X_CNO_FU to increase by roughly 5 to 6 times as much as the increase in c heavy element abundance. This may give LESS GOOD OPACITY values, or even c yield estimated Z-values so large as to be OUT OF RANGE (this will occur for c Xheavy > 0.02, roughly; in the worst case, Xheavy > 0.015 may give estimated c Z > 0.1, i.e., beginning to be out of range). If any elements heavier than c Ne are produced via nuclear burning, you may wish to assign all or most of c the newly-nucleosynthesized "heavies" to the Ne abundance, for purposes of c opacity calculation (or else use some other subroutine). c c The input variables are: c c xh The hydrogen mass fraction, X (as for OPAL or OPAC above) c slt log10(T6) = log10(T) - 6 (as for OPAL above) c slr log10(R) = log10(rho) - 3 * slt (as for OPAL above) c xmet SINGLE-PRECISION REAL ARRAY of size nmet, giving the mass c fractions of the "metals", i.e., of C, N, O, Ne, ... c NOTE that these are the actual mass fractions (NOT the mass c fractions relative to Z), and any "excess" C or O should be c included in the values of xmet(1) or xmet(3), respectively. c By definition, the mass fraction Y of helium is given by c Y = 1 - xh - SUM{xmet(i)} , where i=1,...,nmet in the SUM. c nmet INTEGER size of the array xmet: ideally it should be the case c that nmet = nel_zmix = 19 , in which case xmet is assumed c to hold the mass fractions of the elements of the OPAL mix, c namely, {C,N,O,Ne,Na,Mg,Al,Si,P,S,Cl,Ar,K,Ca,Ti,Cr,Mn,Fe,Ni}. c If the array size nmet is not 19, then the sum of xmet(5) c through xmet(nmet) is used as the total mass fraction of all c elements heavier than Ne, i.e., the array xmet must contain c at least {C,N,O,Ne,Xheavy}. c NOTE that if Xheavy contains any part of the abundances from C, c N, O, or Ne, then the calculated Z value will be in error! c (Also, if you have set the error level to 3 or higher, and c CNO-interpolation is available, then it is a fatal error if c nmet is not equal to 19.) c fu SINGLE-PRECISION REAL variable, giving the fraction of the c opacity shifts to be applied from any user-specified file: fu c multiplies opacity differences between the files cf_user and c cf_hz (as specified by subroutine SET_CNO_FILES: see below). c If no user-specified opacity file has been read in (see input c khighz in subroutine READZEXCO below), then fu is ignored c (since the appropriate value is fu = 0.0 in this case). c c This subroutine uses the array xmet(nmet) to calculate the metallicity Z, c the excess carbon and oxygen XCI and XOI, and the fractions FCN, FCON, and c FCNONE (to apply the C --> N, O --> N, and N --> Ne opacity shifts --- the c CNO-interpolation of logKappa is linear in the CNO number fractions). In c general, it sets FUSE = fu (except that the value of FUSE is restricted c so that it does not correspond to a reduction by more than a factor of 2 in c the total number density of elements heavier than Ne). This subroutine then c calls OPAL_F_CNOU( Z, xh, XCI, XOI, slt, slr, FCN, FCON, FCNONE, FUSE ). c c NOTE that there would usually be little point in using OPAL_X_CNO_FU unless c you have already called readzexco with khighz of at least 11 or -11 (see c description below), to allow CNO-interpolation in the opacities (to handle c interconversions of C,N,O,Ne) and/or a user-specified opacity correction. c If the CNO-interpolation opacities have not been read in (default case: c abs(khighz) < 6), then this subroutine approximates the opacity effects of c C,N,O,Ne interconversion by applying small negative and/or positive values c of xci and xoi ("excess-C,O"), which may or may not be better than nothing. c c NOTE that interconversion of C,N,O,Ne via CNO-cycle burning changes slightly c the value of Z that this subroutine will compute, for a given set of mass c fractions of elements heavier than Ne: the total number density in C,N,O,Ne c is constant, but the total mass in these elements changes. Thus this c subroutine OPAL_X_CNO_FU should only be used if one has read in a RANGE of c Z-values using READZEXCO (described below): if one has read in only a single c Z-value, then OPAL_X_CNO_FU is likely to yield out-of-range Z values. c c Note that the subroutine SET_CNO_FILES( cf_hz, cf_c, cf_o, cf_n, cf_user ) c (discussed below) can be used to set the names of the opacity files that are c used to get the opacity shifts for CNO-interconversion (files cf_hz through c cf_n) and any user-specified opacity shifts (cf_user, relative to cf_hz). c NOTE that the first four of these files (cf_hz, cf_c, cf_o, cf_n) are those c used for CNO-interpolation, and should all have the SAME number fractions c for the elements heavier than Ne in their compositions (only C,N,O,Ne should c be interconverted in these CNO-interpolation files). c c*** OPAL_F_CNOU( z, xh, xci, xoi, slt, slr, fcn, fcon, fcnone, fu ) For users c --------------------------------------------------------------- who want c to use their own methods to compute the metallicity Z, the "excess" carbon c and oxygen mass fractions XCI and XOI, and CNO-interpolation factors FCN, c FCON, and FCNONE (as well as any user-factor FU) from their composition. c c This interface is similar to OPAL( z, xh, xci, xoi, slt, slr ) except for c the added CNO/user-interpolation factors: c c fcn Multiplies opacity differences between files cf_c and cf_hz c fcon Multiplies opacity differences between files cf_o and cf_hz c fcnone Multiplies opacity differences between files cf_n and cf_hz c fu Multiplies opacity differences between files cf_user and cf_hz c c Note that the input variable khighz in the subroutine READZEXCO (described c below) controls whether CNO-interpolation and/or user-interpolation opacity c files are read in. If no CNO-interpolation files were read in, then the c values of fcn, fcon, fcnone are ignored; if no user-interpolation file was c read in, then the value of fu is ignored. c c NOTE that all the previous opacity-calculating interfaces above ultimately c call this subroutine. The values of Z, XH, XCI, XOI, SLT, SLR, FCN, FCON, c FCNONE, FU actually used are stored in the common block /x_opal_z/ , which c can be accessed if the user wishes to check the values actually used for the c latest call to one of the opacity-calculating interfaces: c c common /x_opal_z/ z_opal, x_opal, xc_opal, xo_opal, slt_opal, c $ slr_opal, fcn_opal, fcon_opal, fcnone_opal, fu_opal c save /x_opal_z/ c c c*** ASK_LAST_OPAC( OPACT, DOPACT, DOPACR, DOPACTD, FEDGE, FTREDGE, FZEDGE ) c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- c This subroutine just returns the last-computed opacity values, taken from c common /e_opal_z/ (as an alternative to including this common block in the c calling program). c c c*** ASK_LAST_XCNOU( Z, X, XC, XO, SLT, SLR, FCN, FCON, FCNONE, FU ) c --------------------------------------------------------------- c This subroutine just returns the last-used OPAL_F_CNOU input values: it can c be used to check these values, rather than including common /x_opal_z/ in c the calling program. c c c ================================================ c The subroutines that read in the OPAL opacities: c ================================================ c c*** READ_OPAL_DUMP( IU, CF_D ) If a binary opacity file was created at some c -------------------------- earlier time by DUMP_OPAL_OPAC below, then c this subroutine can read it in again; note that ALL opacities and user c settings are restored from this unformatted binary file. c NOTE that the only advantage of this is speed: reading such an opacity c dumpfile is MUCH faster than using READZEXCO, READEXCO, or READCO below. c IU = integer Fortran unit number: from 1 to 99, and not equal to 5 or 6; c negative value means "use previous/default iulow value". c CF_D = character string: name of opacity dumpfile to be read in (including c the directory specification, if it is not a local file). NOTE c that this file must exist, and must not be in compressed form. c c*** DUMP_OPAL_OPAC( IU, CF_D ) AFTER you have read in the opacities via one c -------------------------- of READZEXCO, READEXCO, or READCO below, this c subroutine can be used to dump an unformatted binary file of the current c opacities and user settings (just as read in) for future re-use by c READ_OPAL_DUMP above. c IU = integer Fortran unit number: from 1 to 99, and not equal to 5 or 6; c negative value means "use previous iulow value". c CF_D = character string: name of opacity dumpfile to be created (including c the directory specification, if it is not a local file); this c file will be overwritten if it already exists. The size of this c file will depend on the value of NZIN that was used when the c opacities were initially read in: from 1.8 Mb for NZIN = 1, up c to 22.9 Mb for NZIN = 14. c c*** SET_OPAL_DIR( cdirin ) The input character variable cdirin can be used c ---------------------- to specify the directory where the OPAL opacity c files will subsequently be looked for (default is the local directory, which c can also be specified by supplying a blank argument to SET_OPAL_DIR). Note c that the total length of the directory name MUST NOT exceed 246 characters. c Example: call set_opal_dir( '/home/username/opal_directory/' ) c OR: to specify "look in local directory": call set_opal_dir( ' ' ) c OR: for a local subdirectory: call set_opal_dir( 'opal_directory/' ) c c*** READZEXCO( Nzin, Zlo, Z, Zhi, khighz, iulow, ofebrack ) This subroutine c ------------------------------------------------------- is used to read c in the OPAL opacity files, allowing the user to control whether and how c opacities will subsequently be interpolated in Z. Note that a new set of c opacities (at a new Z-range or Z-value) can be read in at any time, by a c call to READZEXCO (or to READEXCO or READCO below). c c The controlling input variables are: c c Nzin INTEGER: the number of metallicity values Z_i to be stored, c for subsequent Z-interpolation when OPAL or OPAC is called; c this is discussed just below. c Zlo SINGLE-PRECISION REAL: the lowest metallicity value that will c be required; this is discussed just below. c Z SINGLE-PRECISION REAL: the "typical" or central metallicity c value; this is discussed just below. c Zhi SINGLE-PRECISION REAL: the highest metallicity value that will c be required; this is discussed just below. c khighz INTEGER: controls the use of the C=O=0.0 opacity file 'GN93hz', c and of the similar files having [O/Fe] > 0.0: c khighz = 0: use of the file 'GN93hz' is prevented; only for c X < 0.75 is accurate X-interpolation available. c khighz = 1: the file 'GN93hz' is used to obtain opacities for c the C=O=0.0 mixes (i.e., opacities with better c Z-interpolation), including the added X-values c X={0.2,0.5,0.8,0.9,0.95,1-Z} (i.e., allowing c accurate X-interpolation up to X = 1-Z); for c the mixes with C+O > 0.0, corresponding opacity c shifts are applied, for consistency. c khighz = 2: file 'Alrd96a2' with [O/Fe] = 0.3 \ is used in c khighz = 3: file 'C95hz' with [O/Fe] = 0.4 } addition to c khighz = 4: file 'W95hz' with [O/Fe] = 0.5 / 'GN93hz', c if READZEXCO was called with a non-zero value of c ofebrack, in order to interpolate in the excess c oxygen/alpha-element enrichment [O/Fe]. c khighz = 5: the name of a file with non-zero [O/Fe] must have c been set already, by calling the subroutine c SET_OFE_FILE described below; it will be used c instead of 'Alrd96a2', 'C95hz', or 'W95hz' when c interpolating in [O/Fe] (its [O/Fe] value will c be computed when it is read in; if it actually c has [O/Fe] = 0.0, the resulting behavior is not c defined and will surely be erroneous). c khighz = -1 thru -5: similar to khighz = 1 thru 5, except c that a different set of OPAL opacity files is c used, defining a different set of heavy-element c abundances to comprise the solar metallicity Z. c THE OLD FILE 'GN93hz' IS STILL REQUIRED AS WELL, c but the opacities now stored are those from the c new file with the same format (called 'GS98hz', c by default), and this is the composition that c is assigned a value of [O/Fe] = 0.0; khighz = -2 c thru -5 likewise implies the use of files with c [O/Fe] > 0.0 relative to the mix in 'GS98hz': by c default 'GS98hz_OFe.3_Alrd96a2' at [O/Fe] = 0.3, c 'GS98hz_OFe.4_C95' at 0.4, 'GS98hz_OFe.5_W95' c at 0.5, or user-defined for khighz = -5 via the c subroutine SET_ALTMIX_OFE_FILE (see below). The c main alternate solar-composition [O/Fe]=0.0 file c name can be changed from 'GS98hz' by calling the c subroutine SET_ALTMIX_MAIN_FILE (see below); if c this is done, khighz = -2 thru -4 should not be c used subsequently unless the replacement main c file still uses the Grevesse & Sauval 1998 mix. c khighz = -11 thru -15, OR c 11 thru 15: same as khighz = -1 thru -5 OR 1 thru 5, c except that CNO-interpolation opacity files are c read in (if possible: uses the filenames "CF_HZ, c CF_C, CF_O, CF_N" that can be set by calling c SET_CNO_FILES: see below) c khighz = -21 thru -25, OR c 21 thru 25: same as khighz = -1 thru -5 OR 1 thru 5, c except that a user-specified (OPAL) opacity c interpolation file is read in (if possible: uses c the filenames "CF_HZ, CF_U" that can be set by c calling SET_CNO_FILES: see below) c khighz = -31 thru -35, OR c 31 thru 35: same as khighz = -1 thru -5 OR 1 thru 5, c except that BOTH the CNO- and user-specified c opacity interpolation files are read in (if c possible) c iulow INTEGER: the beginning Fortran unit number for reading opacity c files; Fortran units iulow through iulow + 3 may be used. c Zero or negative iulow values mean "use previous (or default) c value", where the default value is iulow = 23. A fatal error c will result if iulow < 7 or iulow > 96 (unless you have set c the error level to 0, in which case these values are ignored). c (Note: unless the user explicitly calls READZEXCO, READEXCO, c READCO, or READ_OPDUMP, the default-setup call to READZEXCO in c OPAL will be executed, resulting in the default iulow of 23). c ofebrack SINGLE-PRECISION REAL: the value of [O/Fe], the logarithmic c oxygen (or alpha-element) enhancement factor, relative to the c Sun: ofebrack = log10{ (O_mix/Fe_mix) / (O_sun/Fe_sun) } , c where O_mix, Fe_mix, O_sun, and Fe_sun are number densities. c If khighz = 0, 1, or -1, then ofebrack is ignored; otherwise, c READZEXCO interpolates (or extrapolates) log(Kappa) linearly c between mix 1 (or -1) and mix mod(khighz,10) , interpolation c factors being such as to yield the desired [O/Fe] by combining c these mixes. Note: 'GN93hz' has [O/Fe] = 0.0 by definition, c 'Alrd96a2' has [O/Fe] = 0.3, 'C95hz' has [O/Fe] = 0.4, and c 'W95hz' has [O/Fe] = 0.5, but they have different patterns of c enhancements for elements other than oxygen; their elemental c abundances and the corresponding opacity shifts are discussed c further below. c c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c Discussion of Nzin, Zlo, Z, Zhi in calling the above subroutine READZEXCO: c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Z-interpolation of opacity is actually carried out in terms of log(Z+0.001). c The maximum number of z-values that can be stored (to interpolate among) is c given by the value of the constant NZ in the parameter statements that c begin as "parameter ( nz=" . The maximum sensible value is NZ = 14, which c requires about 22.7 Mb of opacity matrix storage space. Other reasonable c values include NZ = 8 (13.0 Mb) and NZ = 5 (8.1 Mb); a value of NZ = 3 (4.9 c Mb) still allows quadratic Z-interpolation, while NZ = 2 (3.2 Mb) allows c only linear interpolation in log(Z+0.001); for NZ = 1 (1.6 Mb), the program c behaves much the same as the earlier version of MAY 28, 1999 (or as if the c subroutines READCO or READEXCO were used instead of READZEXCO). c c If you have reduced the error-checking level to 0 (using SET_ERR_CHECK), c then the input value of Nzin will be decreased if necessary so that it c does not exceed NZ , the maximum available number of Z-storage values; c otherwise, a value of Nzin > NZ or of Nzin < 1 is a fatal error. If c necessary, the subroutine ASK_Z_LIMITS can be used to check the value of c this hard-wired limit NZ (see below). c c Values of Zlo, Z, Zhi that are within 1.E-6 of one of the file z-values c { 0.0, 0.0001, 0.0003, 0.001, 0.002, 0.004, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, c 0.06, 0.08, 0.1 } are generally reset to be exactly equal to that value c (except that only the range [ -1.E-6 , 1.E-8 ] is reset to be exactly zero). c Any value of Zlo, Z, Zhi greater than 0.1 is always a fatal error. c c Significantly negative Z-values (below -1.E-6) mean "use default values": c - if all three of Zlo, Z, Zhi are negative, then Z is reset to 0.02; c - if only Z is negative, then it is reset to lie between Zlo and Zhi ; c - if Zlo and/or Zhi is negative, then the negative value(s) will be c reset to "reasonable" values, according to the values of Nzin and Z. c c If Nzin = 2 , then the stored z-values are given by the input values of c Zlo and Zhi ; if both of these are negative, then a range +/- 10% in Z is c used; if only one of them is negative, a total range of 20% in Z is used, or c more if the remaining interval [Zlo,Z] or [Z,Zhi] is larger than this. c The minimum allowed range is 1% in Z, or delta-Z = 1.E-5 for small Z values; c this is a fatal error, unless you have reduced the error-checking level c to 0, in which case the program quietly uses this lower limit. Likewise c too large a range: Zlo < min{ 0.6 * Zhi , Zhi - 0.0002 } is a fatal error, c unless you have reduced the error-checking level to 0, in which case the c ONLY UPPER LIMIT on the linear Z-interpolation range is that it must lie c within [0.0,0.1]; BEWARE that large ranges yield inaccurate interpolation. c c If Nzin > 2 , then from the set of eight "largest-allowed-spacing" Z-values c { z1=0.0, z2=0.001, z3=0.004, z4=0.01, z5=0.02, z6=0.03, z7=0.05, z8=0.1 }, c choose the largest z_J and the smallest z_K such that z_J is no greater than c Zlo and z_K is no less than Zhi; it is then a fatal error if Nzin < K - J , c i.e., if the Z-range is too large for the given value of Nzin (unless of c course you have reduced the error-checking level to 0, in which case c arbitarily large ranges are accepted: BEWARE!). Also... c c If Nzin > 2 , then: if a set of Nzin adjacent file z-values from the set c { 0.0, 0.0001, 0.0003, 0.001, 0.002, 0.004, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, c 0.06, 0.08, 0.1 } encompasses the range [Zlo,Z,Zhi] , then such a set of c Nzin z-values is used (as far as possible, it will be centered on Z ): for c example, for Nzin = 3 , input Z-values [Zlo,Z,Zhi] = [0.01,0.02,0.03] or c [0.017,0.018,0.019] or [0.022,0.022,0.024] or [0.019,0.028,0.029] all yield c { 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 }, while [0.021,0.028,0.029] yields { 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 }. c c If Nzin = 3 and no set of 3 of the above file z-values will work, then the c actual input values are used (except that, if the logarithmic interval from c Zlo to Z is sufficiently different from that from Z to Zhi, the value of Z c is reset to the logarithmic midpoint of Zlo and Zhi): for example, the input c Z-value set [Zlo,Z,Zhi] = [0.012,0.024,0.04] yields { 0.012, 0.024, 0.04 }, c while [0.012,0.015,0.04] yields { 0.012, 0.02208679, 0.04 }. c c If Nzin > 3 and no set of Nzin of the above file z-values will work, c then try whether a similar set that works can be obtained by removing (some c of) the z-values that are not present in the C,O-rich OPAL opacity files c Gz???.x?? , which are available at { 0.0, 0.001, 0.004, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, c 0.05, 0.1 }; if such a set is found (with somewhat larger z-intervals), then c it is used. Otherwise, endpoints Zlo and Zhi are used, with remaining c z-values equally spaced in log(Z+0.001) between these endpoints. c c******* NOTE that if you have set the error-level to 0, then there is NO UPPER c LIMIT on the maximum allowed Z-range (except that it must lie in the range c [0.0,0.1] where OPAL opacities are available), and thus QUITE INACCURATE c Z-interpolation will occur if the input Z-range [ Zlo , Zhi ] is relatively c large and Nzin (or NZ) is relatively small. c c NOTE that if none of READZEXCO, READEXCO, or READCO are called explicitly by c the user program, then the first time OPAC or OPAL is called, they will use c "call readzexco( NZ, -1.0, z, -1.0, 1, 23, 0.0 )" to read in the opacities, c i.e., basic opacities for the maximum reasonable Z-range (with [O/Fe] = 0.0 c and no CNO-interpolation --- only interpolation in "excess-C,O"). c c c ============================================================= c Other subroutines that may be used when reading in opacities: c ============================================================= c c*** SET_OFE_FILE( cfileofe ) The input character variable cfileofe can be c ------------------------ used to set a user-specified filename containing c non-CO-rich opacities with [O/Fe] > 0.0, similar to 'Alrd96a2', 'C95hz', or c 'W95hz'. Only the filename (not the directory pathname) should be specified c and the length of the filename MUST NOT exceed 8 characters. This filename c is only used in the case khighz = 5, 15, 25, or 35 (see READZEXCO above). c c*** SET_ALTMIX_OFE_FILE( cfileofe ) The input character variable cfileofe c ------------------------------- can be used to set a user-specified c filename containing non-CO-rich GS98 opacities with [O/Fe] > 0.0; the length c of the name is only restricted by the fact that filename plus OPAL directory c name cannot exceed 80 characters in total. This filename is only used in c the case khighz = -5, -15, -25, or -35 (see READZEXCO above). c c*** SET_ALTMIX_MAIN_FILE( cfile_hz ) The input character variable cfile_hz c -------------------------------- can be used to replace the alternate c main file 'GS98hz' with a user-specified filename; this new file will be c assumed to have [O/Fe] = 0.0, i.e., a solar mix. The length of the name is c only restricted by the fact that filename plus OPAL directory name cannot c exceed 255 characters in total. This filename is used whenever khighz < 0 c (see description in READZEXCO above); note that khighz = -2, -3, and -4 c should NOT be used subsequently, unless this file replacing 'GS98hz' also c has the Grevesse & Sauval 1998 mix. c c*** SET_CNO_FILES( cf_hz, cf_c, cf_o, cf_n, cf_user ) This subroutine can be c ------------------------------------------------- used to set the five c alternate opacity filenames that can be used to obtain the CNO-interpolation c opacity shifts (plus a user-specified case); the input character variables c are only restricted by the fact that filename plus OPAL directory name can't c exceed 255 characters in total (blank values mean "use default filenames"): c c cf_hz = a standard opacity file (with standard composition); the default c used in READZEXCO is 'GN93hz' if khighz > 0, or else cfile_hz c (e.g., 'GS98hz': see SET_ALTMIX_MAIN_FILE above) if khighz < 0 c cf_c = an opacity file where most or all C (by number) has been converted c to N; the default filename is cf_hz with '.CtoN' appended c cf_o = an opacity file where most/all of both C and O have been converted c to N; the default filename is cf_hz with '.COtoN' appended c cf_n = an opacity file where all CNO has been converted to Ne; the default c filename is cf_hz with '.CNOtoNe' appended c cf_user = a user-specified opacity file, with a composition that can be c arbitrarily different from that in the file cf_hz; the default c filename is cf_hz with '.user' appended c c NOTE that the first four of these files (cf_hz, cf_c, cf_o, cf_n) should all c have the SAME number fractions for the elements heavier than Ne (only C,N,O, c Ne should be interconverted in these CNO-interpolation files). c c Note that as long as the files cf_hz, cf_c, cf_o, and cf_n have compositions c that are not linearly dependent (or close to it) in the 3-dimensional space c of interconversion of C, N, O, and Ne, the CNO-interpolation should still c work correctly. However, it has been tested only for the specific case c described above. c c c*** READCO( Z, kallrd, khighz, iulow ) These subroutines behave c ---------------------------------- the same as the previous c*** READEXCO( Z, kallrd, khighz, iulow, ofebrack ) version of MAY 28, 1999: c ---------------------------------------------- opacities are read in at c the SINGLE metallicity Z (interpolated among available OPAL opacity files, c if necessary), but subsequently opacities are available only at this single c metallicity, unless and until the user explicitly reads in a new set of c opacities via another call to READCO, READEXCO, or READZEXCO. (For READCO, c any positive value of khighz is set to 1, and any negative value to -1 ). c NOTE THAT the input INTEGER kallrd is ignored (it is included only for c backward compatibility). c c c****************************************************************************** c c c Subroutines to control the details: MOST USERS WILL NOT NEED TO USE THESE: c ************************************************************************** c c c ========================================================== c The subroutines that control the X-interpolation accuracy: c ========================================================== c c*** SET_XHI( kxhi ) Set a flag telling whether or not to use the additional c --------------- 'GN93hz' X-values for more accurate X-interpolation c (provided they are available, i.e., 'GN93hz' or 'GS98hz' has been read in). c If kxhi = 2 , then a flag is set such that the 'GN93hz' X-values will be c used whenever they are available (this is the DEFAULT c case, if you never call SET_XHI). Note that only at c X > 0.03 will the 'GN93hz' X-values affect the resulting c interpolated opacity values. c If kxhi = 1 , then a flag is set such that the 'GN93hz' X-values will be c used whenever they are available, but ONLY for values of c X > 0.7 (this yields faster but slightly less accurate c X-interpolation for X < 0.7, while retaining accurate c opacities for large X-values up to X = 1-Z (such as may c arise from diffusive processes). c If kxhi = 0 , then a flag is set such that the 'GN93hz' X-values will c NOT be used, even when they are available (this results c in only slightly poorer X-interpolation for X < 0.75, c but yields wildly incorrect opacities for very large X c values, i.e., for X approaching 1-Z). c Note that the 'GN93hz' X-values are available for X-interpolation ONLY if c the 'GN93hz' file has been read in, i.e., if READZEXCO above has been called c with a non-zero value of khighz among its input parameters. Note also c that, strictly, the 'GN93hz' X-values are defined only for non-CO-rich mixes c (C=O=0.0); but corresponding opacity shifts are applied for consistency up c to a CO-enhancement of C+O = 0.2, these shifts being reduced to zero as C+O c increases from 0.2 to 0.3 and being ignored for C+O of 0.3 or more. c c*** ASK_XHI( kxhi, kavail ) Returns INTEGER VARIABLE flags telling whether c ----------------------- 'GN93hz' X-values will be used, and whether they c are actually available at the moment: c Returns kxhi value as set most recently by SET_XHI above (i.e., returns c kxhi = 0, 1, or 2, with the same meaning as above); c if SET_XHI was never called, then returns kxhi = 2 . c Returns kavail = 1 if the 'GN93hz' files have been read in, i.e., the c 'GN93hz' X-values are available, and will be used for c X-interpolation if the value of kxhi so indicates. c kavail = 0 if the 'GN93hz' file has NOT (yet) been read in, c i.e., the 'GN93hz' X-values are not available, and c can NOT be used for X-interpolation no matter what c value kxhi has (unless 'GN93hz' is read in later). c c c ======================================================== c The subroutines that control the CNO/user-interpolation: c ======================================================== c c*** SET_CNO_INTERP( kcno, kuser ) Set flags telling whether or not to use the c ----------------------------- CNO/user-interpolation opacity shifts; by c default, both are used, providing they are available (i.e., providing the c relevant opacity files were read in: see flag khighz in READZEXCO above). c If kcno > 0 , then the CNO-interpolation opacity shifts will be used (if c available); otherwise, they will be ignored c If kuser > 0 , then the user-specified opacity shifts will be used (if c available); otherwise, they will be ignored c c*** ASK_CNO_INTERP( kcno, kuser, kcno_avail, kuser_avail ) Returns INTEGER c ------------------------------------------------------ VARIABLE flags to c indicate whether CNO/user-interpolation opacity shifts will be used when c obtaining opacities. c Returns kcno, kuser as set by SET_CNO_INTERP above (or their default c values of 1 if SET_CNO_INTERP was never called) c Returns kcno_avail, kuser_avail values of 1 if the corresponding opacity c files have been read in, or 0 if not c c c ========================================================= c The subroutines that control the level of error-checking: c ========================================================= c c*** SUBROUTINE SET_ERR_CHECK( LEVEL ) This subroutine sets the error-checking c --------------------------------- level to the given input value LEVEL. c Level = 0 : Only minimal error checking is performed on inputs. A Z-value c above 0.1 in the arguments to the opacity-reading subroutine c READZEXCO is a fatal error, as is an inconsistent composition c input to the opacity-calculating subroutines OPAC or OPAL; c most other problematic input is handled or accepted silently, c in a manner that ought to be reasonable (but no guarantees!). c Level = 1 : This is the DEFAULT case (which will occur if you never call the c subroutine SET_ERR_CHECK). At this level, error-checking is c performed on the arguments of the subroutine READZEXCO (which c one calls to read in the opacities). As described above in c the discussion of Nzin, Zlo, Z, Zhi , it is a fatal error c if Nzin < 1 or if Nzin is too large (exceeding the available c number of Z-storage spaces). It is also a fatal error if the c Z-range [Zlo,Zhi] is too small or too large. At this level, c a warning will be issued if you call SET_ALTMIX_MAIN_FILE and c subsequently use khighz = -2, -3, or -4 (see above). c Level = 2 : At this level of error-checking, in addition: If the arguments c to OPAC or OPAL lie too far outside the opacity matrices, it c is a fatal error and the program halts (normally, such a case c would simply be signalled by a zero returned value of FEDGE). c Also, it is a fatal error if you call SET_ALTMIX_MAIN_FILE and c subsequently use khighz = -2, -3, or -4 (see above). c Level = 3 : At this level of error-checking, in addition: if you have read c the CNO-interpolation opacity files, and you then call the c subroutine OPAL_X_CNO_FU with a metals-composition array xmet c with a size nmet other than 19 elements, it is a fatal error c (you would NOT usually want to use this Level = 3). c c*** SUBROUTINE ASK_ERR_CHECK( LEVEL ) This subroutine returns the level of c --------------------------------- error-checking as set by SET_ERR_CHECK. c c c ==================================================== c The subroutines that control matrix Z-edge handling: c ==================================================== c c*** RESET_Z_LIMITS( vlo, dvlo, vhi, dvhi ) This subroutine can only be called c -------------------------------------- AFTER a set of opacities has been c read in (its effects are nullified during opacity input). WITHOUT affecting c the stored z-values used for Z-interpolation, calling this subroutine resets c the range considered to be "interpolation" (which returns FZEDGE = 1.0) and c the allowed "extrapolation" region (where 0.0 < FZEDGE < 1.0 is returned). c Negative values (actually, below -1.E-6) mean "leave old value unchanged". c All these values should be SINGLE PRECISION REAL. c If vlo is non-negative, then this resets Zlo = vlo . c If dvlo is non-negative, then this resets Zlo_ex = Zlo - dvlo . c If vhi is non-negative, then this resets Zhi = vhi . c If dvhi is non-negative, then this resets Zhi_ex = Zhi + dvhi . c The values of Zlo and Zhi must not lie outside the range of stored z-values c used for Z-interpolation, i.e., cases Zlo < z_low_interpolation_endpoint , c Zhi > z_high_interpolation_endpoint , and Zlo > Zhi are prohibited. The c only constraint on the "extrapolation" region is that Zlo_ex < Zlo and c Zhi_ex > Zhi (setting dvlo and dvhi to zero allows extrapolation by c up to delta-Z = 1.E-6). Note that FZEDGE is positive (and the opacity is c calculated) only for the range Zlo_ex < Z < Zhi_ex . c NOTE that if Zlo and/or Zhi is set inside the range covered by the c stored z-values, the value of FZEDGE will be less than unity for Z outside c the range [Zlo,Zhi] , but the actual calculation of opacity values will c continue to use interpolation (not extrapolation) as long as Z lies inside c the range of stored z-values; however, for FZEDGE = 0.0 , the opacity will c NOT be calculated (even for Z still within the range of stored z-values). c c*** ASK_Z_LIMITS( nzmax, zmin, zmax ) This subroutine returns the values of c --------------------------------- the hard-wired Z-interpolation limits, c allowing the user to check what these limiting values actually are. c INTEGER variable nzmax returns NZ: max number of interpolation Z-values. c SINGLE-PRECISION REAL variable zmin returns 0.0 (the lowest allowed Z). c SINGLE-PRECISION REAL variable zmax returns 0.1 (the highest allowed Z). c c*** ASK_Z_USE( nzuse, zlo, zmid, zhi, zloex, zhiex ) This subroutine returns c ------------------------------------------------ the current values of c the variables controlling Z-interpolation, allowing the user to check what c the values actually are. c INTEGER variable nzuse returns the number of stored z-values (that will c be used for Z-interpolation); if no opacity files have been read in yet, c then nzuse = 0 is returned (and the other five variables will return c meaningless values). c SINGLE-PRECISION REAL variable zlo returns the boundary Zlo below c which a Z value is considered to require extrapolation; note that Zlo c may lie above the lowest stored z-value, but not below it. c SINGLE-PRECISION REAL variable zmid returns the "typical" Z-value (which c has no real significance after the opacities have been read in). c SINGLE-PRECISION REAL variable zhi returns the boundary Zhi above c which a Z value is considered to require extrapolation; note that Zhi c may lie below the highest stored z-value, but not above it. c SINGLE-PRECISION REAL variable zloex returns the boundary Zlo_ex at or c below which Z-extrapolation is considered too extreme to be carried out. c SINGLE-PRECISION REAL variable zhiex returns the boundary Zhi_ex at or c above which Z-extrapolation is considered too extreme to be carried out. c c*** ASK_Z_ARRAY( kzstart, karraystart, Zarray, Narray ) This subroutine will c --------------------------------------------------- return (some of) the c stored z-values (that are used for Z-interpolation), in the user-supplied c array variable Zarray (the other inputs to ASK_Z_ARRAY must have values c supplied by the user, and may be constant integers). c kzstart INTEGER: index of the first stored z-value to be returned. c karraystart INTEGER: the index in the user-supplied array Zarray where c the first returned z-value will be placed. c SINGLE-PRECISION REAL array variable Zarray is where stored z-values are c returned; the array positions Zarray(karraystart) through c Zarray( min{ Narray , karraystart + nzuse - kzstart } ) c will contain the stored z-values kzstart through nzuse c (where nzuse is the total number of stored z-values); any c subsequent elements of Zarray (up to element Narray ) c will be filled with values of -1.0 (note that in no case c will elements beyond Narray be overwritten). c Narray INTEGER: the size of the user-supplied array Zarray , i.e., c the array is specified as "dimension Zarray(Narray)" . c c c ====================================================== c The subroutines that control matrix T,R-edge handling: c ====================================================== c c*** SET_LOGT6_LIMITS( VLO, DVLO, VHI, DVHI ) These subroutines can be called c ---------------------------------------- at ANY TIME, and their effects c*** SET_LOGR_LIMITS( VLO, DVLO, VHI, DVHI ) will last until they are called c --------------------------------------- again; they are used to set (or c reset) the LogT6 and LogR boundaries. These input boundaries VLO and VHI c must not lie outside the matrix edges, and extrapolation is never allowed c more than one grid-spacing beyond the edge of the matrix. All these input c values should be SINGLE-PRECISION REAL, given in terms of log10(T6) and c log10(R) = log10(rho/T6**3); values of -90.0 or less mean "leave the present c values unchanged", and are ignored. c If VLO > -90.0 , then (for subroutine SET_LOGT6_LIMITS) it is used to set c the lower boundary LogT6_lo (minimum -2.25: logT=3.75), or (for subroutine c SET_LOGR_LIMITS), to set the lower boundary LogR_lo (minimum -8.0). c If VHI > -90.0 , then it is used to set the upper boundary LogT6_hi c (maximum +2.70: logT=8.70) or the upper boundary LogR_hi (maximum +1.0). c If DVLO is non-negative, it is used to set the amount of "extrapolation" c dLogT6 or dLogR allowed beyond the lower boundary, except that the extreme c values LogT6_lo - dLogT6 and LogR_lo - dLogR are not allowed to lie more c then one grid spacing beyond the matrix edge; if -90.0 < DVLO < 0.0 , then c the amount of extrapolation is set to its default (namely, dLogT6 = 0.05 or c dLogR = 0.5); if DVLO < -90.0 , then it is ignored. c If DVHI is non-negative, it is used to set the amount of "extrapolation" c dLogT6 or dLogR allowed beyond the upper boundary, except that the extreme c values LogT6_hi + dLogT6 and LogR_hi + dLogR are not allowed to lie more c then one grid spacing beyond the matrix edge; if -90.0 < DVHI < 0.0 , then c the amount of extrapolation is set to its default (namely, dLogT6 = 0.20 or c dLogR = 0.5); if DVHI < -90.0 , then it is ignored. c NOTE that even if the boundaries are set inside the matrix, the opacity c calculation continues to use all available matrix entries: interpolation is c still used (not extrapolation) as long as T6 and R lie inside the edge of c matrix. The boundaries and "extrapolation" distances are used to obtain the c value of FTREDGE to return, and whenever FTREDGE = 0.0 the opacity is NOT c calculated (even if T6 and R lie inside the matrix edges). c c*** ASK_LOGT6_LIMITS( VLO, DVLO, VHI, DVHI ) These subroutines can be called c ---------------------------------------- at any time; they return the c*** ASK_LOGR_LIMITS( VLO, DVLO, VHI, DVHI ) current values of the lower and c --------------------------------------- upper LogT6 or LogR boundaries c and the corresponding allowed amounts of "extrapolation" dLogT6 or dLogR c (SINGLE-PRECISION REAL variables must be supplied to hold returned values). c c NOTE ALSO that the OPAL arrays have a "cut-out" region where opacity values c are not available at high T6,R values; one grid-spacing of extrapolation is c allowed into this "cut-out" region. The boundary of this "cut-out" lies c roughly at LogRho = 4 for 7.0 < logT < 7.5, and at somewhat higher densities c for log T > 7.5 (up to LogRho = 6 at logT = 8.7, the high-T matrix edge). c c NOTE ALSO that the X=0.0 and X=0.03 matrices have small "cut-outs" at low T6 c and small R. As noted by Rogers and Iglesias, "as a result of the mixing c procedure used to calculate the OPAL opacity data, a few X=0.0 and X=0.03 c low T - small R table values fell outside the range of T and R accessible c from the X=0.35 data directly calculated for this purpose. These T-R c locations are filled in with 9.999 (or for diagnostic purposes in some cases c larger values)." In the present program, these regions are treated as a c "cut-out" in the opacity tables (similar to the high T - large R corner), c and one grid spacing of extrapolation is allowed into them, as at any other c edge. For X > 0.1 they have no effect; for 0.03 < X < 0.1, the corner c ( -8.0 < logR < -7.5 , 3.70 < logT < 3.95 ) [i.e., T6 < 0.008912509] is c extrapolated; and for X < 0.03, a ragged part of the region ( logR < -4.5 , c logT < 4.0 ) [i.e., T6 < 0.01] is considered to be outside the opacity grid c (i.e., the opacity is not calculated, and FTREDGE = 0.0 is returned). c Presumably very few users will have applications that take them into these c low T - small R regions at low hydrogen abundances X; in any case, they are c at temperatures where molecular opacities may become non-negligible. c c c ====================================================== c The subroutines that control how smoothing is handled: c ====================================================== c c*** SET_SMOOTH( initsmooth, lowCOsmooth, interpCOsmooth ) This subroutine c ----------------------------------------------------- allows the user to c control how and whether the opacity smoothing is carried out when the OPAL c opacities are read in, and which subroutine is used to interpolate in C and c O when OPAC or OPAL is called. The smoothing and its effects are discussed c in more detail further below. c --- IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE DEFAULT SMOOTHING VALUES NOT BE CHANGED. c c initsmooth INTEGER: if initsmooth = 2 (the default), then the OPAL c opacities are smoothed by the subroutine OPALTAB when c they are read in, in order to remove random numerical c errors; if initsmooth = 0 , then this initial smoothing c will not be carried out. A value initsmooth = 1 means c that opacities used for CNO-interpolation opacity shifts c will not be smoothed. A value initsmooth < 0 means c "do not change the current initial-smoothing setting". c lowCOsmooth INTEGER: if lowCOsmooth = 1 (the default), then the OPAL c opacities for the three mixes having max{C,O} = 0.01 may c be smoothed in the CO-direction when they are read in; c this is only done at (T6,R) points where opacity-changes c between mixes with C,O = 0.0, 0.03, 0.1 are monotonic c but the opacity at C,O = 0.01 does not fit the trend; c the resulting adjustments are small, and only occur at a c small minority of (T6,R) points. If lowCOsmooth = 0 , c then this initial CO-direction smoothing is not carried c out. A value lowCOsmooth < 0 means "do not change the c current initial-CO-smoothing setting". c interpCOsmooth INTEGER: if interpCOsmooth = 1 (the default), then the c subroutine COINTSMO is called by OPAC or OPAL in order c to interpolate in C and/or O. If interpCOsmooth = 0 , c then the older subroutine COINTERP is used instead; this c yields less smooth interpolation, and it has been less c thoroughly tested. A value interpCOsmooth < 0 means c "do not change the current CO-interpolation setting". c c*** ASK_SMOOTH( initsmooth, lowCOsmooth, interpCOsmooth ) This subroutine c ----------------------------------------------------- returns the current c smoothing settings described above (INTEGER variables must be supplied to c hold the returned values), allowing the user to check how smoothing is being c handled. c c c****************************************************************************** c c c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Details of how the opacity interpolation is performed by OPAC or OPAL c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c c In general, a 6-variable interpolation of log10(Kappa) is performed, using c the arguments of OPAC or OPAL, on a subgrid of the stored opacity matrices. c In general, 4 stored values ("@" in the diagram c at upper right) are used along each interpolation 1:|-----|--v--| c direction. A quadratic fit is performed for @ @ * @ @ c each of the 2 sets of 3 adjacent stored values |--^--|-----|:2 c ("1" and "2" at upper right), and then linear c interpolation between these overlapping quadratics c is used to obtain smoothed results. (For a value @ * @ @ @ c near (or beyond) the edge of the matrix, as in 1:|--^--|-----| c the diagrams at lower right, a single quadratic c is used.) This procedure produces results that * @ @ @ @ c are similar to bicubic spline interpolation, ^--|-----|-----|:1 c but requires storage of only local information. c --- FIRST, unless excess C = O = 0.0, for each ( Z_i , X_j , T6_k , R_n ) c grid value that will be needed, an interpolation is performed in the excess c C and O values ("xci" and "xoi" in the arguments to OPAC or OPAL). The c actual C' and O' values used at each ( Z_i , X_j ) gridpoint are adjusted by c a factor cmod = ( 1 - X_i - Z_j ) / ( 1 - X - Z ) , i.e., C' and O' are c set to be proportional to the maximum possible value for their ( Z_i , X_j ) c values, so as to avoid out-of-range C' and O' values (note that X is "xh", c Z is "z" in the arguments to the subroutines OPAC or OPAL described above). c The 2-D bi-quadratic interpolation of log(Kappa) in log(C'+Z_i+0.001) c and log(O'+Z_i+0.001) is performed by the subroutine COINTSMO (or by the c older subroutine COINTERP, if you so choose: see description of subroutine c SET_SMOOTH above). The function QCHK is used to evaluate the quadratic: it c checks whether 2 of the 3 grid-points are excessively close together (as may c happen near C + O = 1 - Z - X for some values of Z) and, if so, uses more c nearly liner interpolation to avoid amplifying small errors in the stored c opacity values. For the special case where C or O is slightly negative c (slight depletion in C or O), the function QCHK does a linear extrapolation c using a combination of the lowest three C or O gridpoints. If C and/or O is c zero (to within an accuracy of 1.E-6), then interpolation in that direction c is not necessary, and is not performed (unless the user has specified that c the old subroutine COINTERP should be used). c --- SECOND, unless Z is within 1.E-6 of a stored z-value (or Z < 1.E-8, if c the stored value is 0.0), for each ( X_j , T6_k , R_n ) grid value that will c be needed, an interpolation is performed in log(Z+0.001). If there are only c 2 stored z-values (numz = 2), linear interpolation is used; for numz = 3, a c quadratic is used, while two overlapping quadratics are used for numz > 3 c (unless Z is near the end of the range of stored z-values). The subroutine c QZLOG4INT is called to perform this Z-interpolation. Since numerical errors c in the stored opacities, or in the CO-interpolation, may be comparable to c the opacity differences between adjacent stored z-values, the opacity at Z c is not allowed to lie outside the range of the two opacities at the stored c z-values bracketting it. (Note that, when opacities are read in for values c of Z different from one of those available in the OPAL opacity files, the c same type of interpolation with the same constraint is performed by the c subroutines READZEXCO, READEXCO, or READCO.) c --- THIRD, a two-variable interpolation in performed in the temperature c and density variables T6 and R (note slt = log10(T6) and slr = log10(R) in c the input to OPAL); the 2-D quadratic interpolation in log10(T6) and c log10(R) uses two overlapping quadratics in each direction, unless T6 or R c is within one grid spacing of an edge of the table (in which case a single c quadratic is used in the relevant direction). c --- FOURTH, unless X is within 1.E-6 of one of the tabulated X-values c (X is the input variable xh in OPAC or OPAL), log(Kappa) is interpolated c quadratically in log(X+Xdel) , where Xdel = 0.03 is generally used (for c 0.03 < X < 0.35, two overlapping quadratics are used). NOTE that pre-1997 c versions of the opacity interpolation programs used a value of Xdel = 0.005, c which led to non-monotonic behavior of the opacity as a function of X for c small X values: for temperatures logT > 5.0 [T6 > 0.1], the interpolated c opacity first dropped slightly as X was increased from 0.0 to about 0.005, c then increased monotonically thereafter (at least up to X = 0.1). This c spurious dip in the opacity for small X values was small (delta log(Kappa) c of order 0.03), but it seemed worth getting rid of this dip by setting Xdel c to 0.03, in order to obtain qualitatively correct behavior of the opacity c for X close to zero. However, at low temperatures (i.e., for logT < 4), c the X=0.0 opacities are very small with respect to the X=0.03 and X=0.1 c opacities, and a smaller value of Xdel works better near X=0.0. Although c such low X values are unlikely to be encountered at such low temperatures, c provision was made in the program to reduce the value of Xdel used in such c cases to a value that works better (down to a minimum value of 0.001); this c was done ONLY for the quadratic that uses opacities at X = 0.0, 0.03, 0.1 c (note that for the higher X-values, the value of Xdel used is irrelevant). c --- FIFTH, unless X is within 1.E-6 of one of the tabulated X-values or c X < 0.03 or C+O > 0.3 or the "accurate-X" feature was turned off (see the c subroutine SET_XHI described above): for the X-values available in 'GN93hz' c but not 'Gz???.x??', Z-interpolation and (T6,R)-interpolation is performed c in delta-logKappa values, which are then interpolated in X to give opacity c corrections. Improvements are small for X < 0.76, but large for X > 0.76 . c --- SIXTH, if (and only if) CNO- and/or user-interpolation is enabled and c the corresponding CNO-interconverted opacity-files (or user-specified files) c were available to read in: the delta-logKappa values corresponding to the c interconversion of the CNO elements (and/or the user-specified composition c shift) are multiplied by the relevant factors FCN, FCON, FCNONE, FU and then c interpolated in Z, (T6,R), and X in order to give the corresponding opacity c corrections. c c c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Details of the makeup of Z, at varying [O/Fe] c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c c The makeup of Z in the files 'GN93hz', 'Alrd96a2', 'C95hz', and 'W95hz' is c shown below, along with the maximum, mean, and spread of opacity differences c relative to 'GN93hz' for Z = 0.1 (where the opacity shifts are largest), for c T6 > 0.01 (logT > 4), for each X-value. Note that [i/Fe] gives the log of c the enhancement of element i relative to Fe, where the solar reference is c the 'GN93hz' mix; note that for i = Fe, [i/Fe] = 0.0 by definition. NOTE c THAT THE FILES 'Gz???.x??' HAVE THE SAME COMPOSITION AS THE FILE 'GN93hz' c c 'GN93hz' 'Alrd96a2' 'C95hz' 'W95hz' c --------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- c [O/Fe] = 0.0 [O/Fe] = 0.3 [O/Fe] = 0.4 [O/Fe] = 0.5 c =============== =================== =================== =================== c i Ni/Nz Xi/Z Ni/Nz Xi/Z [i/Fe] Ni/Nz Xi/Z [i/Fe] Ni/Nz Xi/Z [i/Fe] c - ------- ------- ------- ------- --- ------- ------- --- ------- ------- --- c C .245518 .173285 .147909 .102693 0.0 .131157 .091924 0.0 .108211 .076451 0.0 c N .064578 .053152 .038904 .031499 0.0 .034498 .028196 0.0 .028462 .023450 0.0 c O .512966 .482273 .616594 .570253 .30 .688325 .642620 .40 .714945 .672836 .50 c Ne.083210 .098668 .100010 .116656 .30 .044451 .052341 0.0 .071502 .084869 .29 c Na.001479 .001999 .001778 .002363 .30 .000790 .001060 0.0 .000652 .000882 0.0 c Mg.026308 .037573 .031622 .044428 .30 .035301 .050066 .40 .029125 .041639 .40 c Al.002042 .003238 .000617 .000962 -.3 .001091 .001718 0.0 .000900 .001428 0.0 c Si.024552 .040520 .029512 .047912 .30 .032945 .053992 .40 .021591 .035669 .30 c P .000195 .000355 .000234 .000420 .30 .000104 .000188 0.0 .000086 .000157 0.0 c S .011222 .021142 .013490 .024999 .30 .015059 .028172 .40 .010575 .019942 .33 c Cl.000219 .000456 .000263 .000539 .30 .000117 .000242 0.0 .000096 .000201 0.0 c Ar.002291 .005379 .002754 .006360 .30 .001224 .002853 0.0 .001010 .002373 0.0 c K .000091 .000210 .000055 .000124 0.0 .000122 .000279 .40 .000040 .000092 0.0 c Ca.001586 .003734 .001906 .004415 .30 .002127 .004975 .40 .002210 .005209 .50 c Ti.000075 .000211 .000089 .000245 .29 .000099 .000275 .39 .000137 .000387 .62 c Cr.000329 .001005 .000198 .000595 0.0 .000176 .000533 0.0 .000145 .000443 0.0 c Mn.000170 .000548 .000072 .000230-.15 .000036 .000116 -.4 .000075 .000242 0.0 c Fe.021877 .071794 .013177 .042538 0.0 .011687 .038085 0.0 .009642 .031675 0.0 c Ni.001293 .004459 .000816 .002769 .02 .000691 .002365 0.0 .000595 .002056 .02 c - ------- ------- ------- ------- --- ------- ------- --- ------- ------- --- c h>.093728 .192622 .096583 .178899 .101569 .184919 .076880 .142394 c================== =================== =================== =================== c where h> is the sum of everything heavier than Ne c c opacity- 'Alrd96a2' 'C95hz' 'W95hz' c shifts ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- c dLogKappa [O/Fe] = 0.3 [O/Fe] = 0.4 [O/Fe] = 0.5 c for Z = 0.1, =================== =================== =================== c relative max mean sigma max mean sigma max mean sigma c to 'GN93hz' ------ ------ ----- ------ ------ ----- ------ ------ ----- c X=0: -.1512 -.0270 .0321 -.1844 -.0351 .0371 -.2669 -.0537 .0514 c X=.03: -.1457 -.0258 .0303 -.1835 -.0343 .0364 -.2270 -.0514 .0487 c X=.10: -.1464 -.0249 .0297 -.1849 -.0334 .0361 -.2286 -.0498 .0477 c X=.35: -.1490 -.0236 .0292 -.1886 -.0321 .0359 -.2334 -.0474 .0471 c X=.70: -.1539 -.0227 .0297 -.1952 -.0311 .0367 -.2416 -.0458 .0480 c c The mix compositions are contained in the common-block /opalmixes/ , where c parameter nel_zmix = 19 is the number of elements in the mixes and parameter c n_zmixes = 5 is the number of mix files (note that mix 5 is reserved for a c user-supplied "hz"-type opacity file). The other parameters are kel_o = 3 , c the position of O in the mix, and kel_Fe = 18 , the position of Fe. c The variables in common/opalmixes/ are: c c xiz_mix(nel_zmix) The mass fractions of each element in c the interpolated mix having [O/Fe] = c ofebrack (relative to Z). c fninz_mix(nel_zmix) The number fractions similarly. c bracketife_mix(nel_zmix) Abundances [i/Fe] (log relative to c solar) in the interpolated mix. c bracketofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes) The [O/Fe] values for each "hz" file. c xofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes) The actual number fraction of O c relative to Fe for each "hz" file. c xiz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes) The mass fractions of each element, in c each "hz" file (relative to Z). c fninz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes) The number fractions similarly. c cel_opalmixes(nel_zmix) CHARACTER*2: names of the elements c (same for all the mixes), namely c 'C ','N ','O ','Ne', ... , 'Fe','Ni' c cfile_opalmixes(n_zmixes) CHARACTER*8: names of the "hz" opacity c files 'GN93hz', 'Alrd96a2', 'C95hz', c 'W95hz'; note that the fifth (user- c supplied) file is initially blank, c meaning "not available". c c NOTE: if you are using 'Alrd96a2' having [O/Fe] = 0.3 (khighz = 2), then your c mix Al abundance will go negative if you extrapolate [O/Fe] > 0.476 ; c the Mn abundance will go negative if you extrapolate [O/Fe] > 0.644 . c --- If you are using 'C95hz' having [O/Fe] = 0.4 (khighz = 3), then your mix c Mn abundance will go negative if you extrapolate [O/Fe] > 0.546 . c --- If you are using 'W95hz' having [O/Fe] = 0.5 (khighz = 4), then your mix c Ti abundance will go negative if you extrapolate [O/Fe] < -0.501 . c c Opacities for the new "GS98" solar/meteoritic abundances (N. Grevesse & A.J. c Sauval 1998, Space Sci. Rev. 85, 161) are contained in the file 'GS98hz' ; c three other files were created with opacities for [O/Fe] enhancements (and c alpha-element enhancements) RELATIVE TO THE "GS98" MIX, patterned after the c corresponding three cases above. These files and compositions are: c c GS98hz GS98hz_OFe.3_Alrd96a2 GS98hz_OFe.4_C95hz GS98hz_OFe.5_W95hz c --------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- c [O/Fe] = 0.0 [O/Fe] = 0.3 [O/Fe] = 0.4 [O/Fe] = 0.5 c =============== =================== =================== =================== c i Ni/Nz Xi/Z Ni/Nz Xi/Z [i/Fe] Ni/Nz Xi/Z [i/Fe] Ni/Nz Xi/Z [i/Fe] c - ------- ------- ------- ------- --- ------- ------- --- ------- ------- --- c C .245825 .171836 .148069 .101930 0.0 .131883 .091638 0.0 .108877 .076359 0.0 c N .061748 .050335 .037193 .029858 0.0 .033128 .026843 0.0 .027349 .022368 0.0 c O .501922 .467356 .603216 .553139 .30 .676395 .626052 .40 .702986 .656744 .50 c Ne.089265 .104831 .107280 .124072 .30 .047890 .055905 0.0 .077089 .090832 .29 c Na.001562 .002090 .001877 .002473 .30 .000838 .001114 0.0 .000692 .000929 0.0 c Mg.028224 .039924 .033921 .047252 .30 .038036 .053480 .40 .031401 .044563 .40 c Al.002294 .003603 .000693 .001071 -.3 .001231 .001921 0.0 .001016 .001601 0.0 c Si.026954 .044057 .032394 .052144 .30 .036324 .059017 .40 .023820 .039063 .30 c P .000235 .000423 .000282 .000501 .30 .000126 .000226 0.0 .000104 .000188 0.0 c S .012602 .023513 .015145 .027829 .30 .016982 .031497 .40 .011933 .022339 .33 c Cl.000141 .000292 .000170 .000346 .30 .000076 .000156 0.0 .000063 .000130 0.0 c Ar.001865 .004335 .002241 .005131 .30 .001000 .002312 0.0 .000826 .001927 0.0 c K .000100 .000228 .000060 .000135 0.0 .000135 .000305 .40 .000044 .000101 0.0 c Ca.001670 .003896 .002007 .004611 .30 .002251 .005218 .40 .002339 .005474 .50 c Ti.000070 .000195 .000082 .000226 .29 .000092 .000256 .39 .000129 .000362 .62 c Cr.000369 .001117 .000222 .000663 0.0 .000198 .000596 0.0 .000163 .000496 0.0 c Mn.000244 .000779 .000104 .000327-.15 .000052 .000165 -.4 .000108 .000346 0.0 c Fe.023517 .076433 .014165 .045339 0.0 .012616 .040761 0.0 .010416 .033965 0.0 c Ni.001393 .004757 .000878 .002955 .02 .000747 .002537 0.0 .000646 .002214 .02 c================== =================== =================== =================== c c The common-block /opalGS98mixes/ contains the compositions for the alternate c (GS98, by default) set of mixes; NOTE that the "mix-used" arrays xiz_mix, c fninz_mix, bracketife_mix in common/opalmixes/ will be set to the GS98 c values, if these are used. The variables in common/opalGS98mixes/ are c similar to those in common/opalmixes/, with an additional 5 files for the c CNO-interpolation plus user-specified case: n_totmix = n_zmixes + 5: c c bracketofe_opalGS98(n_totmix) [O/Fe] values for each "GS98hz" file. c xofe_opalGS98(n_totmix) The actual number fraction of O c relative to Fe for each "GS98hz" file. c xiz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix) The mass fractions of each element, in c each "GS98hz" file (relative to Z). c fninz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix) The number fractions similarly. c atwt_opalGS98(nel_zmix) Atomic weights for each element in mix. c cfile_opalGS98(n_totmix) CHARACTER*255: names of opacity files c 'GS98hz', 'GS98hz_OFe.3_Alrd96a2', c 'GS98hz_OFe.4_C95', 'GS98hz_OFe.5_W95' c (note that the fifth user-supplied c file is initially blank, meaning c "not available"); plus the 5 files for c CNO-interpolation (these are initially c blank, meaning "use default names"). c c By default, the CNO-interpolation files for khighz > 0 are 'GN93hz' , c 'GN93hz.CtoN' , 'GN93hz.COtoN' , 'GN93hz.CNOtoNe' , 'GN93hz.user' ; c for khighz < 0 , they are cfile_opalGS98(1) ('GS98hz' by default), and c the files obtained from this by appending '.CtoN' , '.COtoN' , '.CNOtoNe' , c '.user' , provided that these files exist (if not, the default names for c khighz > 0 are used instead). c c The components of the metallicity for these CNO-varied mixes are given c below. Note that burning C to N increases Z slightly, burning O to N c decreases Z slightly, and burning CNO to Ne increases Z significantly; c thus, although the mass fraction of elements heavier than Ne is c unchanged, the ratio /Z differs between these CNO-varied mixes: c c 'GN93hz' 'GN93hz.CtoN' 'GN93hz.COtoN' 'GN93hz.CNOtoNe' c --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------- c solar CNO most C --> N most C,O --> N all C,N,O --> Ne c =============== =============== =============== ================ c i Ni/Nz Xi/Z Ni/Nz Xi/Z Ni/Nz Xi/Z Ni/Nz Xi/Z c -- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- c C .245518 .173285 .000246 .000169 .000246 .000179 .000000 .000000 c N .064578 .053152 .309850 .247897 .817685 .694328 .000000 .000000 c O .512966 .482273 .512966 .468788 .005130 .004976 .000000 .000000 c Ne .083210 .098668 .083210 .095909 .083210 .101793 .906271 .847999 c Na .001479 .001999 .001479 .001942 .001479 .002061 .001479 .001577 c Mg .026308 .037573 .026308 .036523 .026308 .038764 .026308 .029650 c Al .002042 .003238 .002042 .003147 .002042 .003340 .002042 .002555 c Si .024552 .040520 .024552 .039387 .024552 .041803 .024552 .031975 c P .000195 .000355 .000195 .000345 .000195 .000366 .000195 .000280 c S .011222 .021142 .011222 .020550 .011222 .021811 .011222 .016683 c Cl .000219 .000456 .000219 .000443 .000219 .000471 .000219 .000360 c Ar .002291 .005379 .002291 .005228 .002291 .005548 .002291 .004244 c K .000091 .000210 .000091 .000203 .000091 .000216 .000091 .000165 c Ca .001586 .003734 .001586 .003631 .001586 .003854 .001586 .002948 c Ti .000075 .000211 .000075 .000205 .000075 .000218 .000075 .000167 c Cr .000329 .001005 .000329 .000977 .000329 .001037 .000329 .000793 c Mn .000170 .000548 .000170 .000533 .000170 .000566 .000170 .000433 c Fe .021877 .071794 .021877 .069787 .021877 .074068 .021877 .056653 c Ni .001293 .004459 .001293 .004335 .001293 .004601 .001293 .003519 c -- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- c .093728 .192622 .093728 .187237 .093729 .198724 .093729 .152001 c =============== =============== =============== ================ c where is the sum of everything heavier than Ne. c c For the GS98 mix, the corresponding CNO-varied metallicity components are: c c 'GS98hz' 'GS98hz.CtoN' 'GS98hz.COtoN' 'GS98hz.CNOtoNe' c --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------- c solar CNO most C --> N most C,O --> N all C,N,O --> Ne c =============== =============== =============== ================ c i Ni/Nz Xi/Z Ni/Nz Xi/Z Ni/Nz Xi/Z Ni/Nz Xi/Z c -- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- c C .245825 .171836 .000246 .000167 .000246 .000177 .000000 .000000 c N .061748 .050335 .307328 .243575 .804230 .675230 .000000 .000000 c O .501922 .467356 .501922 .454396 .005019 .004814 .000000 .000000 c Ne .089265 .104831 .089265 .101924 .089265 .107973 .898760 .836938 c Na .001562 .002090 .001562 .002032 .001562 .002152 .001562 .001657 c Mg .028224 .039924 .028224 .038816 .028224 .041120 .028224 .031657 c Al .002294 .003603 .002294 .003503 .002294 .003711 .002294 .002857 c Si .026954 .044057 .026954 .042835 .026954 .045378 .026954 .034935 c P .000235 .000423 .000235 .000412 .000235 .000436 .000235 .000336 c S .012602 .023513 .012602 .022861 .012602 .024218 .012602 .018644 c Cl .000141 .000292 .000141 .000284 .000141 .000301 .000141 .000232 c Ar .001865 .004335 .001865 .004215 .001865 .004465 .001865 .003438 c K .000100 .000228 .000100 .000221 .000100 .000235 .000100 .000181 c Ca .001670 .003896 .001670 .003788 .001670 .004012 .001670 .003089 c Ti .000070 .000195 .000070 .000190 .000070 .000201 .000070 .000155 c Cr .000369 .001117 .000369 .001086 .000369 .001150 .000369 .000886 c Mn .000244 .000779 .000244 .000757 .000244 .000802 .000244 .000618 c Fe .023517 .076433 .023517 .074314 .023517 .078724 .023517 .060607 c Ni .001393 .004757 .001393 .004626 .001393 .004900 .001393 .003772 c -- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- c .101240 .205642 .101239 .199938 .101240 .211806 .101240 .163063 c =============== =============== =============== ================ c where is the sum of everything heavier than Ne. c c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c OPAL ATOMIC MASSES c We list the atomic masses (atomic weights) used for these astrophysical c opacity calculations from OPAL. These data are used to convert user-specified c number fractions of the elements to mass fractions (X, Y, Z). c c Element Mass (a.u.) Element Mass (a.u.) Element Mass (a.u.) c ------- ----------- ------- ----------- ------- ----------- c H 1.00790 Mg 24.30500 K 39.09830 c He 4.00260 Al 26.98154 Ca 40.08000 c C 12.01100 Si 28.08550 Ti 47.90000 c N 14.00670 P 30.97376 Cr 51.99600 c O 15.99940 S 32.06000 Mn 54.93800 c Ne 20.17900 Cl 35.45300 Fe 55.84700 c Na 22.98977 Ar 39.94800 Ni 58.70000 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c c c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Details of the accuracy of the X-, Z-, and CO-interpolation c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c c Z-interpolation errors if 'GN93hz' file not used: c ================================================= c c For the non-CO-rich mixes (C=O=0.0), one can check the accuracy of the c Z-interpolation among the 'Gz???.x??' files when opacities are read in, by c looking at the 'GN93hz' opacities. Where the Z values are in both files, c the opacities are identical. When only 'GN93hz' (or only the 'Gz???.x??' c files) contains the Z value, errors in interpolation among 'Gz???.x??' files c are shown below; the largest, the mean, and the rms error in logKappa are c given (at T6 of 0.01 or higher, and all log R values). Note that the c 'Gz???.x??' files contain Z = 0.05, but 'GN93hz' does not; for this case, c interpolation in 'GN93hz' is tested, rather than interpolation among c 'Gz???.x??' files. Note that the Z-interpolation errors tend to be quite c small, with an rms error of less than 4% even in the worst case; applying c the 'GN93hz' opacity-shifts (as is the default) when interpolating in Z c should significantly reduce these errors (note: T6 < 0.01 omitted): c c Z-interpolation errors if 'GN93hz' file not used (if khighz=0 in READZEXCO): c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c dLogKappa(X=0.00) dLogKappa(X=0.10) dLogKappa(X=0.35) dLogKappa(X=0.70) c ================= ================= ================= ================= c Z max mean rms max mean rms max mean rms max mean rms c ----- ---- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- c .0001 .128 .0078 .0169 .042 .0047 .0084 .040 .0041 .0077 .039 .0040 .0078 c .0003 .112 .0072 .0151 .045 .0046 .0084 .043 .0041 .0079 .046 .0040 .0081 c .002 -.036-.0018 .0038 -.012-.0012 .0023 -.012-.0011 .0022 -.013-.0010 .0025 c .04 -.003 .0000 .0003 -.001 .0000 .0002 .001 .0000 .0002 .001 .0000 .0002 c .05 * -.003 .0000 .0003 .001 .0000 .0002 .001 .0000 .0002 .001 .0000 .0002 c .06 -.004 .0000 .0004 -.001 .0000 .0003 .001 .0000 .0003 -.001 .0000 .0003 c .08 -.003 .0000 .0004 -.001 .0000 .0003 .001 .0000 .0003 -.001 .0000 .0003 c c It is clear from the following table that X-interpolation errors in the file c 'GN93hz' (to get X=0.03) would be much larger than any Z-interpolation error c in the files Gz???.x03 ; thus any opacity shifts for X=0.03 are interpolated c from the X=0, X=0.1, and X=0.35 opacity shifts (unless only a single mix is c being read in, which is NOT the default case). The size of the error in c these X-interpolated opacity shifts is presumably somewhat smaller than the c opacity shifts themselves, which in turn are smaller than the errors shown c below that would result if the 'GN93hz' opacities were interpolated in X to c get the X=0.03 opacities. c c c X-interpolation errors at X=0.03 if ONLY the 'GN93hz' file were used: c ===================================================================== c c X interpolation errors, for X = 0.03, interpolating in X = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2 c in the file 'GN93hz' (note that a value of Xdel = 0.005 was used for this c interpolation, and all T6 < 0.01 opacities were omitted): c c X-interpolation errors that would occur if 'Gz???.x??' files were not used: c --------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Z: 0. 0.001 0.004 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.1 (at X=0.03) c ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ c max -.3514 -.2971 -.2454 -.1913 -.1396 -.1062 -.0614 (dLogKappa) c mean -.0159 -.0149 -.0141 -.0132 -.0124 -.0118 -.0103 c rms .0399 .0350 .0305 .0259 .0219 .0196 .0158 c c c X-interpolation/extrapolation errors if 'GN93hz' file not used: c =============================================================== c c The file 'GN93hz' contains (non-CO-rich) opacities at X-values not available c from the 'Gz???.x??' files, namely, X = 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, and 1-Z. c If one sets khighz = 0 in the call to READZEXCO that reads the opacities, c then the 'GN93hz' file is not read in and X-interpolation is less accurate c [or alternatively, if one turns off "accurate-X" by calling SET_XHI( 0 ) ]. c For X < 0.75 or so, the errors are comparable to or smaller than the errors c from the original OPAL opacity computation; but for extrapolation to larger c X-values, the error grows very rapidly, and can become as large as an order c of magnitude as X approaches 1-Z: c c X-interpolation/extrapolation errors if 'GN93hz' file not used (khighz=0): c -------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c ***Interpolation (dLogKappa): c Z: 0. 0.0001 0.001 0.004 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.1 c X=0.2: ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ c max -.0146 .0375 -.0153 -.0147 -.0139 -.0137 -.0142 -.0129 -.0124 -.0126 c mean -.0023 -.0017 -.0021 -.0018 -.0016 -.0014 -.0013 -.0012 -.0010 -.0010 c rms .0044 .0051 .0040 .0036 .0033 .0031 .0029 .0027 .0025 .0024 c X=0.5: ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ c max .0291 .0291 .0284 .0269 .0260 .0249 .0244 .0243 .0234 .0234 c mean .0028 .0027 .0023 .0019 .0016 .0013 .0011 .0010 .0008 .0008 c rms .0076 .0073 .0066 .0059 .0053 .0048 .0045 .0042 .0039 .0038 c ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ c ***Extrapolation (dLogKappa): c Z: 0. 0.0001 0.001 0.004 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.1 c X=0.8: ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ c max -.0732 -.0721 -.0706 -.0680 -.0637 -.0620 -.0597 -.0578 -.0557 -.0565 c mean -.0071 -.0068 -.0059 -.0049 -.0041 -.0035 -.0031 -.0027 -.0024 -.0023 c rms .0178 .0172 .0153 .0134 .0119 .0107 .0100 .0092 .0086 .0084 c X=0.9: ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ c max -.2415 -.2405 -.2328 -.2220 -.2063 -.1980 -.1914 -.1854 -.1828 -.1860 c mean -.0226 -.0216 -.0186 -.0154 -.0129 -.0110 -.0099 -.0088 -.0082 -.0085 c rms .0565 .0544 .0480 .0416 .0366 .0328 .0306 .0284 .0273 .0281 c X=0.95: ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ c max -.4256 -.4189 -.4025 -.3805 -.3555 -.3321 -.3264 -.3213 c mean -.0377 -.0360 -.0307 -.0253 -.0212 -.0181 -.0165 -.0154 c rms .0950 .0910 .0797 .0684 .0600 .0537 .0505 .0486 c X=1-Z: ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ c max -.9901 -.9632 -.8694 -.7293 -.6045 -.4773 -.4059 -.3213 -.2219 -.1860 c mean -.0818 -.0758 -.0609 -.0468 -.0370 -.0306 -.0279 -.0154 -.0175 -.0085 c rms .2079 .1941 .1592 .1249 .0982 .0769 .0645 .0486 .0356 .0281 c ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ c c c CO-interpolation errors: c ======================== c c Note that there are six cases (at three different metallicities) where c mixes on the line C+O = 1-X-Z, with identical compositions, are interpolated c in two different ways when being read into two different positions in the c matrix CO; since these cases all have X > 0, they do not correspond to mixes c that are likely to be encountered by investigators, but they do give another c estimate of interpolation errors for some CO-rich mixes. (Note that there c are several other cases where mixes with identical compositions appear at c two different places in the matrix CO, but these occur at tabulated Z-values c and thus have identical opacity values.) Differences for the CO-rich cases c with identical compositions (note that T6 < 0.01 were omitted): c c Differences for CO-rich mixes interpolated in two different ways: c ----------------------------------------------------------------- c c case: Z=0.04 X=0.35 Z=0.07 X=0.7 Z=0.09 X=0.7 c ============== ============== ============== c C & O: .01 .6 .6 .01 .03 .2 .2 .03 .01 .2 .2 .01 c ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ c max -.0333 -.0026 -.0491 -.0110 -.0422 -.0084 (dLogKappa) c mean -.0029 -.0002 -.0046 -.0014 -.0041 -.0011 c rms .0061 .0008 .0091 .0029 .0081 .0023 c c These errors are still quite small, with an rms of 1% or less, smaller than c the estimated error in the opacity computations quoted above or than the c largest of the Z-interpolation errors at C=O=0.0 (though larger than the c errors for the C=O=0.0 mix for the same metallicity Z). The maximum error c is less than 12% (note that the maximum errors tend to lie at fairly low c temperatures, where CO-rich opacities are less likely to be needed). c c The above tables of errors were obtained by considering Z-interpolation as c the opacities were read in. One may also compare opacities where the only c Z-interpolation was performed on input (i.e., Nzin = 1 in READZEXCO) with c opacities interpolated in Z by the call to OPAC or OPAL (i.e., which had had c Z > 4 in READZEXCO). These are interpolated among somewhat different grid c points, and thus give some idea of the Z-interpolation and CO-interpolation c errors. NOTE THAT USE OF COINTERP WILL LEAD TO SIGNIFICANTLY LARGER ERRORS, c as discussed further below. For several Z-values, the number of points c compared and the maximum and rms differences in log10(Kappa) are given below c both at and between (X,T6,R,C,O) gridpoints, for low (46) temperatures (T6 < 0.01 are omitted; table Z-values are also c omitted, since opacity differences are zero there, as expected). Note that c rms differences are always small, less than 0.3%, but this may be misleading c as many comparison points will interpolate between the same gridpoints, just c in a different order, and thus will have identical interpolated log10(Kappa) c values. For C = O = 0.0, the maximum differences are small, less than 1%; c however, the CO-interpolation can induce somewhat larger errors in opacities c of CO-rich mixes at low metallicity: for logT > 6 at X = 0.0 (where CO-rich c opacities are likely to be needed), the maximum differences do not exceed c 1% for Z > 0.001, but they can be as high as 8% for 0.0001 < Z < 0.001, and c can reach 11% for Z < 0.0001. c c "max" gives some indications of combined Z- and CO-interpolation errors: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------ c c dLogKappa for: <-------- max{C,O} > 0.0 ---------> c <------ C = O = 0.0 , all X ------> <----On-Grid----> <----Off-Grid---> c <----On-Grid----> <----Off-Grid---> all X X = 0.0 all X X = 0.0 c Z 46 46 logT>4 logT>6 logT>4 logT>6 c ===== -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c .00001:N= 3895 2075 27695 15375 273426 21580 7185558 315535 c max -.000038 .000067 -.000069 .000121 -.066377 .009322 -.093110 .012053 c rms .000003 .000004 .000004 .000004 .000178 .000103 .000174 .000074 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c .00005:N= 3895 2075 27695 15375 279396 21995 7228628 314790 c max -.000080 .000171 -.000156 .000310 .046540 .039973 -.118741 .046853 c rms .000008 .000009 .000010 .000010 .000401 .000363 .000352 .000230 c .0002:-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c max -.000214 .000447 -.000404 .000828 -.041788 .028401 -.058897 -.035296 c rms .000010 .000015 .000012 .000016 .000365 .000267 .000317 .000197 c .0005:-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c max -.000316 -.000304 -.000512 .000854 -.044971 .017734 -.061407 .020958 c rms .000025 .000025 .000032 .000030 .000357 .000155 .000271 .000121 c .0015:-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c max .001481 -.000494 .002325 .001390 -.019924 .001625 -.025380 .001904 c rms .000086 .000033 .000111 .000042 .000202 .000062 .000165 .000059 c .0030:-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c max -.001855 -.000593 -.002934 -.001971 -.006332 -.001797 .006585 -.002046 c rms .000107 .000032 .000138 .000049 .000181 .000076 .000158 .000072 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c .0070: N= 3895 2075 27695 15375 279396 21995 7218820 314790 c max .000882 .000475 .001406 -.001663 -.005493 .001000 -.008853 .001083 c rms .000054 .000026 .000070 .000041 .000098 .000044 .000111 .000043 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c .0150: N= 3895 2075 27695 15375 279396 21995 7199204 314790 c max -.000052 -.000111 -.000136 -.000213 -.009724 -.000550 .038904 -.001056 c rms .000002 .000010 .000003 .000009 .000087 .000019 .000482 .000019 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c .0250: N= 3895 2075 27695 15375 277008 21995 7137840 314790 c max .000087 -.000088 .000233 -.000140 -.003307 .000414 .036001 -.000738 c rms .000006 .000009 .000009 .000009 .000049 .000025 .000439 .000023 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c .0350: N= 3895 2075 27695 15375 277008 21995 7059376 314790 c max -.000253 -.000406 .002127 .000610 -.005123 -.000655 -.041995 -.000777 c rms .000024 .000031 .000032 .000033 .000099 .000046 .000626 .000050 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c .0450: N= 3895 2075 27695 15375 274620 21995 7022532 314790 c max .000980 .000782 .001798 .003339 .009452 .000765 .054504 .001237 c rms .000061 .000076 .000069 .000090 .000149 .000065 .000921 .000080 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c .0550: N= 3895 2075 27695 15375 268650 21995 6940230 311300 c max .000457 -.000596 .001611 -.001637 .004770 -.000654 .006170 .001523 c rms .000043 .000055 .000047 .000060 .000081 .000045 .000108 .000041 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c .0700: N= 3895 2075 27695 15375 266262 21995 6844538 311300 c max -.000404 -.000476 .001360 -.001767 .007161 -.000599 .042980 -.001666 c rms .000027 .000038 .000032 .000046 .000175 .000036 .000708 .000097 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c .0900: N= 3895 2075 27695 15375 263874 21995 6665478 311300 c max -.000236 .000500 -.001106 .002409 .008298 .000866 -.045470 .004078 c rms .000022 .000042 .000034 .000066 .000221 .000029 .000966 .000140 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c c c Z-interpolation errors when one uses Nzin = 2 (linear Z-interpolation): c ======================================================================= c c If, for example, diffusion leads to relatively small Z-variations in a star c (say, of order 10%), then one might wish to use linear interpolation in logZ c by setting nZin = 2 in READZEXCO. (Note that opacity interpolation with c nZin = 2 will usually be significantly faster than nZin = 3 , which will c in general be faster than nZin = 4 ; however, all values of nZin > 4 take c the same amount of time as the nZin = 4 case, except for the slight added c start-up time to read in the extra opacity files). The size of the errors c introduced by nZin = 2 linear interpolation are easily estimated, e.g., by c comparing { nZin = 2, Zlo = .019, Zhi = .021 } opacities at Z = 0.02 with c the Z=0.02 opacity tables themselves. Such errors for the nZin = 2 case c are tabulated below for several values of Z, for two different cases with c Z-ranges of +/- 10% and of +/- 20%, respectively (referred to as cases "1" c and "2" in the table headings on the left). The mean errors are given as c well as the maximum and rms errors, since it is not unreasonable to expect c a systematic tendency from linear interpolation of a curve; however, they c turn out to be negligible (always < 0.04%) for a Z-range of +/- 10%. The c rms error in the Z-interpolation is likewise negligible (always < 0.2%) for c a Z-range of +/- 10%; the maximum errors are less than 1% for C = O = 0.0, c and also for Z > 0.001 at logT > 6 with X = 0.0, max{C,O} > 0.0, although c for Z < 0.001 the CO-interpolation can result in errors up to 9% in a few c places for CO-rich mixes. Even for a Z-range of +/- 20%, the mean errors c are always < 0.14%; the C = O = 0.0 case has rms errors < 0.2% and maximum c errors < 1.7%, while { Z > 0.001, logT > 6, X = 0.0, max{C,O} > 0.0 } has c rms errors < 0.21% and maximum errors < 1.4% (up to 9% for Z < 0.001). c c Errors if linear Z-interpolation is used, with Z-ranges +/-10% and +/-20%: c -------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Z= 0.0001 0.001 0.004 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.08 c ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== c Zlo1= 0.00009 0.0009 0.0036 0.009 0.018 0.027 0.045 0.072 c Zhi1= 0.00011 0.0011 0.0044 0.011 0.022 0.033 0.055 0.088 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c Zlo2= 0.00008 0.0008 0.0032 0.008 0.016 0.024 0.040 0.064 c Zhi2= 0.00012 0.0012 0.0048 0.012 0.024 0.036 0.060 0.096 c ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== c C=O=0.0, OnGrid, logT>4 dLogKappa: c max1 -.000703 .001008 .001107 .000764 .000989 .000925 -.001984 .001149 c mean1 -.000026 .000017 .000065 .000103 .000133 .000145 .000150 .000149 c rms1 .000056 .000064 .000109 .000146 .000183 .000199 .000241 .000214 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c max2 -.002772 .001246 -.002859 .003076 .003924 .003731 .004402 .004059 c mean2 -.000103 .000043 .000238 .000416 .000537 .000583 .000612 .000609 c rms2 .000219 .000145 .000375 .000587 .000733 .000793 .000857 .000853 c ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== c C=O=0.0, OffGrid, logT>4 dLogKappa: c max1 -.000707 -.002721 .003203 .001427 .002620 .002294 .003412 .002120 c mean1 -.000024 .000015 .000065 .000100 .000130 .000143 .000149 .000149 c rms1 .000051 .000076 .000119 .000141 .000178 .000197 .000245 .000213 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c max2 -.002806 -.002473 -.005426 .005459 .005472 .003856 .006457 .007094 c mean2 -.000095 .000041 .000232 .000405 .000524 .000573 .000606 .000605 c rms2 .000198 .000153 .000367 .000568 .000713 .000780 .000848 .000849 c ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== c max{C,O}>0.0, X=0.0, OnGrid, logT>6 dLogKappa: c max1 -.032688 .000776 .000689 -.000687 .000569 .000581 -.001612 .000677 c mean1 -.000003 .000007 .000030 .000065 .000098 .000115 .000148 .000147 c rms1 .000221 .000024 .000063 .000117 .000163 .000190 .000248 .000219 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c max2 -.032967 .000873 .001402 .001871 .002107 .002235 .002763 .002591 c mean2 -.000005 .000027 .000122 .000262 .000395 .000464 .000589 .000593 c rms2 .000223 .000071 .000247 .000468 .000651 .000749 .000905 .000875 c ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== c max{C,O}>0.0, X=0.0, OffGrid, logT>6 dLogKappa: c max1 -.038349 .001053 .000879 -.001188 -.000875 -.001059 -.002342 -.002052 c mean1 -.000002 .000007 .000029 .000064 .000097 .000114 .000148 .000148 c rms1 .000140 .000023 .000060 .000114 .000160 .000187 .000244 .000222 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c max2 -.038750 -.001171 .001398 .002108 .002854 -.003313 -.004253 -.006058 c mean2 -.000004 .000027 .000118 .000257 .000390 .000458 .000586 .000594 c rms2 .000156 .000071 .000239 .000458 .000641 .000740 .000898 .000881 c ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== c max{C,O}>0.0, all-X, OnGrid, logT>4 dLogKappa: c max1 -.032688 -.025873 -.001446 .001413 -.003337 .003056 -.009148 .001397 c mean1 -.000017 .000015 .000039 .000078 .000106 .000121 .000134 .000137 c rms1 .000111 .000135 .000075 .000118 .000159 .000179 .000261 .000198 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c max2 -.036713 -.025350 .005615 .005444 .007725 -.008038 -.007972 .007035 c mean2 -.000058 .000047 .000154 .000320 .000439 .000495 .000567 .000569 c rms2 .000237 .000228 .000250 .000463 .000615 .000697 .000813 .000804 c ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== c max{C,O}>0.0, all-X, OffGrid, logT>4 dLogKappa: c max1 -.038349 -.034450 -.004328 -.004072 -.028706 -.028234 -.047400 .041999 c mean1 -.000015 .000016 .000039 .000078 .000102 .000116 .000119 .000143 c rms1 .000073 .000101 .000075 .000116 .000377 .000375 .000776 .000729 c ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- c max2 -.050575 -.032346 .005371 .008759 -.027245 .052397 -.045954 .042481 c mean2 -.000056 .000050 .000152 .000318 .000432 .000494 .000546 .000576 c rms2 .000193 .000174 .000245 .000461 .000692 .000952 .001109 .001302 c ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== c c c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Details of opacity shifts from initial smoothing when opacities are read in c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c c The opacity tables to be interpolated among (i.e., the OPAL files) are known c to have somewhat random numerical errors of a few percent. Consequently, c adjusting the data prior to performing the interpolation is justified at c this level. The code first reads the original (unsmoothed) tabular data; c this data is then passed through a smoothing filter, using a set of routines c developed by Mike Seaton (see M.J. Seaton, MNRAS 265, L25, 1993). It is the c adjusted data that is actually used in carrying out the interpolations in c OPAC or OPAL. The initial adjustment step helps improve the smoothness of c the OPAC output, particularly at the smallest values of R. The medium to c large R output is only slightly affected by this step. It takes only a c few seconds to carry out the initial data smoothing step, but this initial c smoothing can be skipped by calling the subroutine SET_SMOOTH (described c further above) with a value of initsmooth = 0 . c In addition, a few opacities in the mixes adjacent to the C=O=0.0 mix c (i.e., in the three mixes with C or O = 0.01, and C+O no more than 0.02) c are smoothed in the C-O direction, if opacity changes between mixes with c C,O = 0.0, 0.03, 0.1 are monotonic but the opacity at C,O = 0.01 does not c fit the trend; the resulting adjustments are small, and only occur at a c small minority of the (T6,R) points, but this smoothing can also be skipped, c by calling SET_SMOOTH (described further above) with lowCOsmooth = 0 . c c Maximum and rms differences between smoothed and unsmoothed opacity tables c for selected metallicities Z, for non-CO-rich mixes ("CO=0") and CO-rich c mixes ("CO>0") of each hydrogen abundance X, at intermediate temperatures c ("46"); note: T6 < 0.01 was omitted: c c Opacity shifts resulting from initial smoothing when they are read in: c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- c c dLogKappa for: c X = 0.00 0.03 0.10 0.35 0.70 c ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ c max rms max rms max rms max rms max rms c Z=0.0: CO=0: ====== ===== ====== ===== ====== ===== ====== ===== ====== ===== c 46 .0172 .0023 .0175 .0022 .0160 .0021 .0125 .0016 -.0038 .0006 c CO>0: ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- c 46 .0767 .0025 .0771 .0026 .0776 .0026 .0782 .0027 .0757 .0017 c Z=.001:CO=0: ====== ===== ====== ===== ====== ===== ====== ===== ====== ===== c 46 -.0149 .0022 -.0148 .0021 -.0145 .0020 -.0124 .0016 .0059 .0011 c CO>0: ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- c 46 -.0324 .0023 -.0341 .0023 -.0362 .0024 -.0369 .0024 -.0153 .0015 c Z=.02: CO=0: ====== ===== ====== ===== ====== ===== ====== ===== ====== ===== c 46 -.0108 .0021 -.0113 .0021 -.0110 .0021 -.0107 .0020 -.0083 .0017 c CO>0: ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- c 46 -.0303 .0023 -.0320 .0023 -.0345 .0024 -.0343 .0024 -.0140 .0016 c Z=.10: CO=0: ====== ===== ====== ===== ====== ===== ====== ===== ====== ===== c 46 -.0093 .0021 -.0096 .0021 -.0097 .0021 -.0096 .0021 -.0087 .0018 c CO>0: ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- c 46 -.0246 .0023 -.0262 .0023 -.0273 .0024 -.0259 .0023 -.0095 .0017 c c For T6 > 0.01, the rms effect of the smoothing is always less than 2%, i.e., c comparable to the Z-interpolation errors found for the CO-rich mixes above, c and smaller than the estimated opacity computation errors. c c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Details of differences in CO-rich opacities from COINTSMO vs. COINTERP c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c c Use of the smoother CO-interpolation routine COINTSMO (rather than the old c routine COINTERP) yields opacities that differ at only a few grid-points c (those which COINTERP ignores when interpolating opacities), but that differ c over a significant area of the CO-plane between grid-points. Opacities c were compared at points chosen randomly in log T, log RHO, C, and O (always c with C+O > 0, and with some excess probability of having either C=0, O=0, c or C+O=1-X-Z). Opacity differences are tabulated below for selected c metallicities Z, for X = 0 and for two ranges of non-zero X, at intermediate c temperatures ("46"); note that very c low temperatures (T6 < 0.01) were omitted: c c CO-interpolation differences: from using subroutines COINTSMO vs. COINTERP: c --------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c dLogKappa for: X = 0.0 0.0 < X < 0.35 0.35 < X < 0.8 c ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- c N max rms N max rms N max rms c Z=0.0: ====== ====== ===== ====== ====== ===== ====== ====== ===== c 46 252334 -.0198 .0009 109760 -.0575 .0045 142313 .1272 .0062 c Z=0.001: ====== ====== ===== ====== ====== ===== ====== ====== ===== c 46 251965 -.0195 .0008 109603 -.0568 .0045 142087 .1259 .0061 c Z=0.02: ====== ====== ===== ====== ====== ===== ====== ====== ===== c 46 251235 -.0161 .0006 109266 .0538 .0039 141670 .1031 .0051 c Z=0.1: ====== ====== ===== ====== ====== ===== ====== ====== ===== c 46 250923 -.0104 .0003 109122 .0452 .0029 141482 .0812 .0039 c c The routine COINTERP may have opacity discontinuities of the same order as c the opacity differences (up to 5%, for X=0 and logT > 6; larger elsewhere), c at those points where it switches over from interpolation in one direction c to interpolation in another direction, interpolating among a different set c of gridpoints (this generally occurs somewhere in the region O = C +/- 0.2). c c c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Details of the individual OPAL opacity tables and program storage space c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c c Each of the individual tables in a file Gz???.x?? covers 70 temperatures c in the range logT=3.75 [T6=0.0056341325] (referred to as temperature 1) to c logT=8.7 [T6=501.187] (note that the logT step size is 0.05 below logT=6.0, c 0.10 below logT=8.1, and 0.20 above that), and covers 19 values of log R in c the range logR=-8.0 (referred to as 1) to logR=+1.0, at half-integer steps. c (NOTE: earlier tables were explicitly in terms of T6. For convenience the c present tables tabulate log Kappa vs logT. The interpolation however still c uses logT6 for the temperature variable, not logT.) c The sizes of the matrices (holding the input opacities) are set by the c constant values in parameter statements. The number NZ of available c z-storage values was mentioned above (in the discussion of the inputs to the c subroutine READZEXCO); its value in the parameter statements can be changed c to any value between 1 and 14 (provided that it is the same everywhere!) and c the program recompiled. Smaller values of NZ yield smaller ranges where c Z can be interpolated (or less accurate interpolation over a wide range), c but also save storage space; NZ = 5 is a reasonable compromise. Low values c (NZ = 2 or 3) yield less accurate interpolation, but reduce both the storage c space and the typical amount of CPU-time per opacity interpolation, since c fewer z-grid values need to be computed in general. For NZ = 1, only a c constant Z can be accomodated. Roughly NZ * (1.6 Mb) of storage space is c required, unless one reduces other matrix parameters (as described in the c following paragraph). c For specialized problems, if storage space is a problem, the storage c space for T6 and/or R can also be reduced (although this is NOT really c recommended, having had less thorough testing). Again, this requires a c recompilation of the program, with altered values of certain constants in c the parameter statements. In order to limit the range of R, everywhere set c the parameter NRB to the index of lowest value of logR to be used (count c from logR=-8, in logR-intervals of 0.5). Then set the parameter NRE to c the index of the largest value of log R to use. (Note: NRE - NRB must be c at least 5, and NRB must not exceed 12). To ignore the first NTB - 1 of c the values of logT6 (starting from temperature 1) set the parameter NTB to c the desired value (Note: there must be at least 4 opacity values in column c NRE : if NRE = 19 [unchanged] then NTB cannot exceed 54; also, NT < 8 c will cause an error in COINTSMO, thus in no case can NTB exceed 62). c DO NOT CHANGE THE PARAMETER MX (giving the number of X-values): doing c so will most probably cause errors, possibly subtle, possibly fatal. c c c****************************************************************************** c block data opal_opac_data c ========================= c c COMMON BLOCK DATA INITIALIZATIONS: c ---------------------------------- c c PARAMETERS defining the matrices used to hold the opacity values: c nz = 14 = maximum number of Z-tabulation values (see arrays zavail, zsto) c mx = 5 = number of X-tabulation values (see array xa) c mc = mo = 8 = number of C- and O-tabulation values (see arrays xcs and xos) c nrm = 19 = maximum number of R-tabulation values (see array alrf) c nrb = 1 = index of lowest R-value to be stored \ default: store c nre = 19 = index of highest R-value to be stored } all 19 R-values c nr = nre-nrb+1 = 19 = number of R-values to be stored / c ntm = 70 = maximum number of T-tabulation values (see array flogtin) c ntb = 1 = index of lowest T-value to be stored \ default: store c nt = ntm-ntb+1 = 70 = number of T-values to be stored / all 70 T-values c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c c PARAMETERS nrdel and ntdel give matrix position differences that result from c any reduction of nr or nt due to increased nrb or ntb values, respectively c parameter ( nrdel=nrb-1, ntdel=ntb-1 ) c c PARAMETERS: c zdel = 0.001 = offset for Z, Z+C, and Z+O, to make log interpolation behave c reasonably at small Z values: Z-interpolation is performed c using log(Z+zdel), while the CO-interpolation is performed c using log(C+Z+zdel) and log(O+Z+zdel) c xdel = 0.03 = usual (high-T) offset for X, to make log interpolation behave c reasonably at small X; note that 0.03 works better than 0.005 c xdelmin = 0.001 = lowest value of X offset ever used (at low temperatures) c parameter ( zdel=0.001, xdel=0.03, xdelmin=0.001 ) c c PARAMETERS defining the storage for the additional X-values from 'GN93hz': c mx_hi = 10 = number of X-values contained in 'GN93hz'. c mo_m1 = mo - 1 = 7 : used for the position in the matrix co() below where c some of the 'GN93hz' opacity-shifts will be stored c (see COMMON /a_opal_z/ below, for this matrix) c mx_hi_nz = mx_hi * nz : the number of initialization values requred for the c matrix xhi_use() in COMMON /xhi_opal_z/ below. c parameter ( mx_hi=2*mx, mo_m1=mo-1, mx_hi_nz=mx_hi*nz ) c c COMMON /xhi_opal_z/ : auxiliary matrices for additional 'GN93hz' X-values: c xhi_in(mx_hi) = { 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.35, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0 }, c the X-values contained in 'GN93hz' (for the case Z=0.0) c xcno_use(mx_hi,nz) = the 'GN93hz' X-values available for each stored Z-value c (indexed by kz = 1, ..., numz); note that for each c value of kz the highest X-value is 1 - Z(kz) c xhi_use(mx_hi,nz) = the 'GN93hz' X-values same as xcno_use(mx_hi,nz), except c that xhi_use(1,kz) = 0.03 (from 'Gz???.x03' files) c xxx_cno(mx_hi) = log10( xhi_in() + xdel ) = logarithmic 'GN93hz' X-values c xxx_hi(mx_hi) = logarithmic 'GN93hz' X-values same as xxx_cno(mx_hi), except c that xxx_hi(1) = log10( 0.03 + xdel ) c nx_hi(nz) = number of 'GN93hz' X-values in xhi_use() at each stored Z-value c ireq_hi(mx_hi) = flags to tell whether the corresponding 'GN93hz' X-values c are unavailable from the 'Gz???.x??' files c khighx(nz) = flag to tell whether the 'GN93hz' opacities were read in, for c each of the stored Z-values c kavail_xhi = flag to tell whether the 'GN93hz' opacities are available c kuse_xhi = flag to tell whether the 'GN93hz' X-values should be used for c X-interpolation (see description of subroutine SET_KXHI above) c kdo_xhi = internal flag controlling use of the 'GN93hz' X-values c kavail_cno = flag to tell whether the CNO-interpolation deltas are available c kuse_cno = flag to tell whether CNO-interpolation should be performed c kdo_cno = internal flag controlling use of CNO-interpolation c kavail_user = flag to tell whether user-interpolation deltas are available c kuse_user = flag to tell whether user-interpolation should be performed c kdo_user = internal flag controlling use of user-interpolation c c /xhi_opal_z/: --> data{ALL} common /xhi_opal_z/ xhi_in(mx_hi), xcno_use(mx_hi,nz), $ xhi_use(mx_hi,nz), xxx_cno(mx_hi), xxx_hi(mx_hi), $ nx_hi(nz), ireq_hi(mx_hi), khighx(nz), kavail_xhi, kuse_xhi, $ kdo_xhi, kavail_cno, kuse_cno, kdo_cno, kavail_user, $ kuse_user, kdo_user save /xhi_opal_z/ c c COMMON /a_opal_z/ : matrices for opacity storage and interpolation: c indx(101) is used to get tabulation-index from excess C or O values: INDX c (see data) refers to the index i of abundance grid points xc(i) c or xo(i): e.g., i = indx( int( 100. * max( C , 0. ) + 1. ) ) c t6list(nt) = stored-grid T6 values (obtained from logT values) c alr(nr) = stored-grid log(R) values (at log(R)-intervals of 0.5) c n(mx,mo,nz) = the number of different C-tables present at each X-tabulation, c O-tabulation, and Z-tabulation value (see also array nofz c in common/zinter_opal_z/ ) c alt(nt) = stored-grid log(T6) values; note log(T6) = log(T) - 6. c dfs(nt) = stored-grid inverse log(T6)-spacing: dfs(i) = 1./[alt(i)-alt(i-1)] c (note that dfs(1) = dfs(2), for convenience) c dfsr(nr) = stored-grid inverse log(R)-spacing (unlike dfs, the dfsr values c are all equal): dfsr(i) = 1./[alr(i)-alr(i-1)] = 2. c b(3) is used to hold intermediate values during C-O interpolation c m = the index of the current X-table c mf = the lowest (first) index of the X-table(s) needed for X-interpolation c xa(8) = the tabulated X-values: actually there are only five: see "data" c alrf(nrm) = opacity-file-grid log(R) values (note that this grid, with nrm c log(R) values, may be larger than the stored-grid, with nr) c flogtin(ntm) = opacity-file-grid log(T) values (again, ntm may be > nt) c dfsx(mx) = inverse logarithmic-X-grid spacings: dfsx(i) = 1./[xx(i)-xx(i-1)] c oxf(mx,mc,nz) = logarithmic-O-grid tabulation values for a given C value: c for each X-table index m and Z-table index k, oxf(m,i,k) = c log10[ min{ xos(i) , 1-xa(m)-zsto(k) } + zsto(k) + 0.001 ] c cxf(mx,mo,nz) = logarithmic-C-grid tabulation values similarly c xcdf(mx,mo,nz) = maximum possible C value for a given O value: c for each X-table index m and Z-table index kz, c xcdf(m,i,kz) = 1 - xa(m) - zsto(kz) - xo(i) c xodf(mx,mc,nz) = maximum possible O value for a given C value, similarly c itime = "opacities available" flag (initially 0): itime is set to 12345678 c when all opacities have been read in. c cxdf(mx,mo,nz) = logarithmic maximum C value for a given O value: c for each X-table index m and Z-table index kz, c cxdf(m,i,kz) = log10[ xcdf(m,i,kz) + zsto(kz) + 0.001 ] c oxdf(mx,mc,nz) = logarithmic maximum O value for a given C value, similarly c q(4) = temporary: opacity-derivative at each T, in T-R interpolation c h(4) = temporary: opacities log10(Kappa) at each T, in T-R interpolation c xcd(mc) = maximum possible C at present m and kz: xcd(i) = xcdf(m,i,kz) c xod(mc) = maximum possible O at present m and kz: xod(i) = xodf(m,i,kz) c xc(mc) = C-tabulation at present m and kz: xc(i) = min{ xcs(i) , 1-xa(m)-Z } c xo(mo) = O-tabulation at present m and kz: xo(i) = min{ xos(i) , 1-xa(m)-Z } c xcs(mc) = C-tabulation values: see "data" c xos(mo) = O-tabulation values: see "data" c cxd(mc) = logarithmic maximum C value for a given O value at present X-table c index m and Z-table index kz: cxd(i) = cxdf(m,i,kz) c oxd(mo) = logarithmic maximum O value for a given C value, similarly c cx(mc) = logarithmic-C-grid tabulation values at present X-table index m and c Z-table index kz: cx(i) = cxf(m,i,kz) c ox(mo) = logarithmic-O-grid tabulation values at present m, similarly c zzz(nz) = shifted Z-value (for logarithmic interpolation purposes): c for each Z-table index kz, zzz(kz) = zsto(kz) + 0.001 c xxh = xh = stored value of desired X value (xxh is never actually used) c xx(mx) = logarithmic-X-grid tabulation values: xx(i) = log10[ xa(i) + 0.03 ] c (note that previous program versions added 0.005 rather than 0.03; c the latter works better for X near zero at log(T) > 5.) c nc = n(m,1,kz) = number of C-grid values available at X,Z-table indices m,kz c no = nc = number of O-grid values, similarly c zsto(nz) = stored Z-values available for Z-interpolation c zvint(nz) = logartihmic stored Z-values: zvint(i) = log10[ zsto(i) + 0.001 ] c dfsz(nz) = inverse log-Z-grid spacings: dfsz(i) = 1./[zvint(i)-zvint(i-1)] c zacc(nz) = accuracy with which Z must match the corresponding stored Z-value c in order to be considered equal to it c zlow,zmiddle,zhigh = lowest, "typical", and highest stored Z-values c zlo_ex,zhi_ex = extreme Z-limits for Z-extrapolation c numz = number of stored Z-values available for Z-interpolation c co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz) = stored opacities log10(Kappa): co(m,i,j,k,l,kz) = c log10[ Kappa(X_m,C_i,O_j,T_k,R_l,Z_kz) ] , where c X_m = xa(m), C_i = min{xcs(i),1-xa(m)-Z-xos(j)}, c O_j = xos(j), T_k = alt(k), R_l = alr(l), and c Z_kz = zsto(kz); except that, for j = mo, the c "diagonal" tables are stored, with C_i = xcs(i) and c O_j = 1-xa(m)-zsto(kz)-xcs(i). Note that not quite c all (m,i,j) locations are used; unused locations c (m,mc,mo,...) and (m,mc,mo-1,...) are used for c temporary storage for opacities from 'GN93hz' and c the file with non-zero [O/Fe], if these are used. c****************************************************************************** c Note that the old arrays "diag" & "diago" are not needed; here: c co(m,n(m,i,kz),i,it,ir,kz) = diag(m,i,it,ir,kz) and c co(m,i,mo,it,ir,kz) = diago(m,n(m,1,kz)-i,it,ir,kz) = diago(m,no-i,it,ir,kz) c****************************************************************************** c opk(mx,4) = temporary: for each X-table index m used in the X-interpolation, c opk(m,1:4) holds the log10(Kappa) value and the derivatives c with respect to T (at constant R), to R (at constant T), and to c T (at constant density), for that m value (already interpolated c in C, O, Z, T, and R) c opl(nt,nr,nz) = temporary: for each stored-grid (T_k,R_l,Z_kz) value used in c the T-R-Z interpolation, opl(k,l,kz) holds the opacity c log10(Kappa) at that T_k, R_l, and Z_kz (already c interpolated in C and O); the Z-interpolated values at each c (T_k,R_l) are subsequently stored in opl(k,l,1) c cof(nt,nr) = temporary: in the subroutine READEXCO, cof is used temporarily c to hold the opacities for non-zero [O/Fe] where they will not c be overwritten when reading in the 'GN93hz' opacities; in the c subroutine COINTSMO, cof is used temporarily to hold some c logarithmic C and O grid-values c c /a_opal_z/: --> data{indx,xcs,xos,xa,itime} common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c c COMMON /b_opal_z/ : high and low logT6 and logR limits, and mix Z-values: c nta(0:nrm+1) = maximum T-index where opacity values exist for each R-index; c if nre < nrm, then nta(nre+1:nrm) will be set to -99, to c indicate that no opacities are present there (values at c positions < nrb are NOT reset, however); see "data" c ntax0(0:nrm) = minimum T-index where opacity values exist in the X=0.0 (m=1) c tables; if nrb > 1, then ntax0(0:nrb-1) will be set to 999, c to indicate that no opacities are present there (values at c positions > nre are NOT reset, however). The worst-case c values given below (see "data") are reset to the actual c values when the opacities are read in by READEXCO c ntax03(0:nrm) = minimum T-index in the X=0.03 (m=2) tables, similarly c sltlo, slthi = low and high logT6 limits: a logT6 value outside this range c is considered to require extrapolation (by default these c these limits lie at the boundaries of the matrix; they may c be reset to lie inside it, but not outside it) c dltlo_inv, dlthi_inv = (inverse of) allowed extrapolation delta_logT6 beyond c the above limits sltlo, slthi: by default, one grid c spacing beyond the edge of the matrix (they can be c reset, but in no case will extrapolation be allowed c more than one grid spacing beyond the matrix edge) c slrlo, slrhi = low and high logR limits (handled similarly to logT6 limits) c dlrlo_inv, dlrhi_inv = (inverse of) allowed extrapolation delta_logR c c /b_opal_z/: --> data{ALL BUT zz} common/b_opal_z/ nta(0:nrm_p1),ntax0(0:nrm), $ ntax03(0:nrm), sltlo, slthi, dltlo_inv, dlthi_inv, $ slrlo, slrhi, dlrlo_inv, dlrhi_inv, init_trvals save /b_opal_z/ c c COMMON /e_opal_z/ : variables returning opacity values, as described above c c /e_opal_z/: --> data{ALL} common/e_opal_z/ opact,dopact,dopacr,dopactd,fedge,ftredge,fzedge save /e_opal_z/ c c COMMON /x_opal_z/ : variables containing stored OPAL_F_CNOU input values c c /x_opal_z/: --> data{ALL} common /x_opal_z/ z_opal, x_opal, xc_opal, xo_opal, slt_opal, $ slr_opal, fcn_opal, fcon_opal, fcnone_opal, fu_opal save /x_opal_z/ c c COMMON /recoin_opal_z/ : c itimeco = 12345678 after initializations have been carried out (init-flag) c mxzero = 1 is set to the X-index of the mix with X=0 c mx03 = 2 is set to the X-index of the mix with X=0.03 c kope is the length of the directory-name (where the opacity files are) c igznotgx is a flag to tell whether the OPAL opacity file names are in the c new form Gz???.x?? rather than the old form Gx??z* c (initially, igznotgx = 0 meaning "look for either") c c /recoin_opal_z/: --> data{ALL} common/recoin_opal_z/ itimeco,mxzero,mx03,kope,igznotgx save /recoin_opal_z/ c c COMMON /alt_change_opal_z/ : c main_alt_change = 0 unless a new file has been set to replace 'GS98hz' c iulow = 23 (by default) = the beginning Fortran unit number for reading c opacity files; Fortran units iulow through iulow + 3 may be used. c khighz_in = khighz value used when reading opacities. c ofebrack_in = [O/Fe] value used when reading opacities. c c /alt_change_opal_z/: --> data{ALL} common /alt_change_opal_z/ main_alt_change, iulow, khighz_in, $ ofebrack_in save /alt_change_opal_z/ c c PARAMETERS defining the matrices used to hold the mix compositions: c nel_zmix = 19 = number of heavy elements in the opacity mixture (C thru Ni) c n_zmixes = 5 = number of "hz" opacity files available (the fifth one is for c a user-supplied "hz" opacity file, with non-zero [O/Fe]) c kel_o = 3 = position of oxygen (O) in the list of mix-elements c kel_fe = nel_zmix-1 = 18 = position of iron (Fe) in the list of mix-elements c parameter ( nel_zmix=19, n_zmixes=5, kel_o=3, kel_fe=nel_zmix-1 ) c c COMMON /opalmixes/ : makeup of Z in opacity mixtures (described above): c c /opalmixes/: --> data{ALL BUT xofe_opalmixes} c-implicit; real*4 xiz_mix,fninz_mix,bracketife_mix,bracketofe_opalmixes, c-implicit; $ xofe_opalmixes,xiz_opalmixes,fninz_opalmixes character*2 cel_opalmixes(nel_zmix) character*8 cfile_opalmixes(n_zmixes) common/opalmixes/ xiz_mix(nel_zmix),fninz_mix(nel_zmix), $ bracketife_mix(nel_zmix),bracketofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes), $ xofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes),xiz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ fninz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ cel_opalmixes,cfile_opalmixes save /opalmixes/ c c n_totmix = 10 = n_zmixes + 5 = number of "GS98hz" opacity files available, c plus 5 more files for CNO-interpolation and c user-specified interpolation. c n_cnobeg = 6 = n_zmixes + 1 = position of first CNO-interpolation filename c parameter ( n_totmix = n_zmixes + 5, n_cnobeg = n_zmixes + 1 ) c c COMMON /opalGS98mixes/ : makeup of Z in GS98 opacity mixtures (see above): c c /opalGS98mixes/: --> data{ALL BUT xofe_opalGS98} c-implicit; real*4 bracketofe_opalGS98, xofe_opalGS98, xiz_opalGS98, c-implicit; $ fninz_opalGS98, atwt_opalGS98 character*255 cfile_opalGS98(n_totmix) common /opalGS98mixes/ bracketofe_opalGS98(n_totmix), $ xofe_opalGS98(n_totmix),xiz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix), $ fninz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix),atwt_opalGS98(nel_zmix), $ cfile_opalGS98 save /opalGS98mixes/ c c COMMON /ext_CNO_opal_z/ : default extensions for CNO-interpolation files: c c /ext_CNO_opal_z/: --> data{ALL} character*8 cdef_CNO_ext(n_cnobeg:n_totmix) common /ext_CNO_opal_z/ len_def_CNO_ext(n_cnobeg:n_totmix), $ cdef_CNO_ext save /ext_CNO_opal_z/ c c PARAMETERS defining the matrices used for the Z-interpolation: c mz = 8 = number of metallicities Z available in the 'Gz???.x??' files c mzhi = 11 = number of Z-indices for the mix-number matrix nofz (see below) c mzal = 13 = number of metallicities Z available in the 'GN93hz' file c nzm = 14 = combined total number of metallicities Z available in files c nadd_zavail = 6 = number of metallicities Z besides those in 'Gz???.x??' c parameter ( mz=8, mz_m1=mz-1, mz_m2=mz-2, mzhi=11, mzal=13, $ nzm=mzal+1, nadd_zavail=nzm-mz ) c c COMMON /zinter_opal_z/ : values used in Z-interpolation: c zvalhi(mzhi) = Z-range limits for the mix-number matrix nofz (see below) c nofz(mzhi,5,mo) = the number of different C-tables at each O-tabulation and c X-tabulation value, for each relevant range of Z c mnofz(mx) = X-table m-index in nofz corresponding to the m-index in xa(mx): c if the X-table abundances in xa are unchanged, mnofz(i) = i c zval(mz) = Z-tabulation values available in the 'Gz???.x??' files c zalval(mzal) = Z-tabulation values available in the 'GN93hz' file c zavail(nzm) = combined Z-tabulation values available in the files c iadd_zavail(nadd_zavail) = best order in which to reduce the intervals in c zval() by adding metallicities from zavail() c c /zinter_opal_z/: --> data{ALL} common/zinter_opal_z/ zvalhi(mzhi),nofz(mzhi,5,mo),mnofz(mx), $ zval(mz),zalval(mzal),zavail(nzm),iadd_zavail(nadd_zavail) save /zinter_opal_z/ c c COMMON /czinte_opal_z/ : the X- and Z- parts of the 'Gx??z*' file names; c also used to specify the 'Gz???.x??' file names: c c /czinte_opal_z/: --> data{ALL} character*4 cxfil(5),czfil(mz) common/czinte_opal_z/ cxfil,czfil save /czinte_opal_z/ c c COMMON /c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ : flags to control the opacity smoothing: c init_smo = 0 : do not smooth the opacities on input c = 1 : on input, subroutine OPALTAB smooths the opacities, but do c NOT smooth the CNO-interpolation opacity deltas c = 2 (default): on input, subroutine OPALTAB smooths the opacities, c including those used to get the CNO-interpolation deltas c low_CO_smo = 0 : do not perform this CO-direction smoothing c = 1 (default): on input, a few opacities in the 3 mixes adjacent c to the C=O=0.0 mix (i.e., the 3 mixes with C or O = 0.01, c C+O no more than 0.02) are smoothed in the C-O direction, c if opacity changes between mixes with C,O = 0.0, 0.03, 0.1 c are monotonic but the opacity at C,O = 0.01 does not fit c the trend; the resulting adjustments are small, and only c occur at a small minority of the (T6,R) points c interp_CO_smo = 0 : use the old subroutine COINTERP for interpolating among c CO-rich opacities when OPAC or OPAL is called c = 1 (default): use the new subroutine COINTSMO instead, for c smoother interpolation among CO-rich opacities c c /c_opal_ctrl_smooth/: --> data{ALL} common/c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ init_smo, low_CO_smo, interp_CO_smo save /c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ c c COMMON /opdir/ : copdir = the name of the directory holding opacitythe files; c here it is initialized to be blank, meaning "use the current directory". c c /opdir/: --> data{copdir} character*255 copdir common/opdir/ copdir save /opdir/ c c COMMON /alink_opal_z/ : contains data needed for smoothing routine OPALTAB c common/alink_opal_z/ NTEMP,NSM,nrlow,nrhigh,RLE,t6arr(100), $ coff(100,nrm) save /alink_opal_z/ c c COMMON /d_opal_z/ : c dkap = derivative of value returned by quadratic interpolation function QDER c c /d_opal_z/: --> data{dkap} common/d_opal_z/ dkap save /d_opal_z/ c c COMMON /c_level_err_opal_z/ : c level_err = error-checking level, set by SET_ERR_CHECK; allowed values are: c 0 : Do not check input Nzin, Zlo, Z, Zhi in READZEXCO. c 1 : (Default): Do check these; fatal error if checks fail. c 2 : In this case, it is also a fatal error if FEDGE = 0. c 3 : In this case, it is also a fatal error if CNO-interp files c have been read in and you call OPAL_X_CNO_U with a metal c composition array of size other than 19. c c /c_level_err_opal_z/: --> data{level_err} common /c_level_err_opal_z/ level_err save /c_level_err_opal_z/ c c COMMON /c_ctab/ c ctab = character*1 variable containing a tab character: needed only in order c to allow tabs in input files (and in character string argumentss) c to be interpreted as whitespace c c /c_ctab/: --> data{ctab} character*1 ctab common /c_ctab/ ctab save /c_ctab/ c c COMMON /chkpoc/ : c cb = character(s) allowed to terminate a directory name [cb(1) and cb(2)], c and non-alphanumeric characters allowed in a filename [cb(3) thru 6]. c DEFAULT (sun/iris/linux): cb(1:2) = '/', cb(3:6) = '_', '~', '+', '-' c VMS (must edit data statement): cb(1:2) = ':', ']', cb(3:6) = ';' c c /chkpoc/: --> data{cb} character*1 cb(6) common/chkpoc/cb save /chkpoc/ c c COMMON /outdeb/ : controls the extent of error and debugging output, if the c debug statements are un-commented by removing "c-debug;" c at the beginning of the relevant lines c if a log10(opacity) value is > oudebl, then the relevant debug output is c performed (provided that it is not commented out) c else if ioudeb > 5 , then all debug output controlled by ioudeb is always c performed (provided that it has not been commented out), c i.e., initial-call, CO-, Z-, R-, T-, and X-interp output c else if ioudeb > 4 , then initial-call, Z-, R-, T-, and X-interp output c else if ioudeb > 3 , then initial-call, R-, T-, and X-interp output c else if ioudeb > 2 , then initial-call, T-, and X-interp output c else if ioudeb > 1 , then initial-call and X-interp output c else if ioudeb > 0 , then initial-call output is performed c koudeb counts how many debug outputs have been performed (e.g., so that c you can set ioudeb = -1 or increase oudebl after a given number c of debug outputs have been performed) c-debug[ c-debug; common/outdeb/ ioudeb,oudebl,koudeb c-debug;c c-debug; data ioudeb/-1/,oudebl/7./,koudeb/0/ c-debug] c c NOTE that any lines commented out with "c-debug-chk;" correspond to cases c where output is NOT controlled by the variables in common/outdeb/ ; if c these statements are un-commented by removing "c-debug-chk;" then the c relevant output will occur whenever the subroutine READZEXCO is called. c c NOTE that lines commented out with "c-test-xdel;" correspond to code which c tests the effect of changing the value of xdel, the offset for logarithmic c X-interpolation. There are some such cases in the subroutine OPAL, for c tests of interpolation among the mixes with X-values xa(m), and some in c the subroutine READZEXCO, for tests of interpolation among the 'GN93hz' c mixes with X = 0.0, 0.1, and 0.2 in order to get the mix with X = 0.03 c (the latter produce output similar to that from "c-debug-chk;" lines). c c--- c c /xhi_opal_z/ data: c data xhi_in / 0., 0.1, 0.2, 0.35, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 1. / data xcno_use / mx_hi_nz * -1.0 /, xhi_use / mx_hi_nz * -1.0 / data xxx_cno / mx_hi * -9.0 /, xxx_hi / mx_hi * -9.0 / data nx_hi / nz * 0 / data ireq_hi / 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 / data khighx / nz * 0 / data kavail_xhi / 0 /, kuse_xhi / 2 /, kdo_xhi / 0 / data kavail_cno / 0 /, kuse_cno / 1 /, kdo_cno / 0 / data kavail_user / 0 /, kuse_user / 1 /, kdo_user / 0 / c c /a_opal_z/ data: c ! indx(1:101) data indx/1,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4, $ 4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6, $ 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, $ 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7/ c ! X(1:mx) mx=5 data xa/ 0.0, 0.03, 0.1, 0.35, 0.7, 3 * 0.0 / c ! C,O(1:mc) data xcs/0.0,0.01,0.03,0.1,0.2,0.4,0.6,1.0/ data xos/0.0,0.01,0.03,0.1,0.2,0.4,0.6,1.0/ c ! init-flag data itime / 0 / c c /b_opal_z/ data: c ! nta(0:nrm_p1) data nta/57, 70,70,70,70,70, 70,70,70,70,70, $ 70,70,70,70,69, 64,60,58,57, -99/ c ! ntax0(0:nrm) data ntax0/999, 6,5,5,5,4, 4,4,3,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1/ c ! ntax03(0:nrm) data ntax03/999, 5,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1/ c data sltlo/-99./, slthi/-99./, dltlo_inv/-99./, dlthi_inv/-99./ data slrlo/-99./, slrhi/-99./, dlrlo_inv/-99./, dlrhi_inv/-99./ data init_trvals/0/ c c /e_opal_z/ data: c data opact/1.e35/, dopact/0./, dopacr/0./, dopactd/0./, $ fedge/0./, ftredge/0./, fzedge/0./ c c /x_opal_z/ data: c data z_opal / -1.0 /, x_opal / -1.0 /, xc_opal / -1.0 / data xo_opal / -1.0 /, slt_opal / -99.0 /, slr_opal / -99.0 / data fcn_opal / 0.0 /, fcon_opal / 0.0 /, fcnone_opal / 0.0 / data fu_opal / 0.0 / c c /recoin_opal_z/ data: c data itimeco/0/, mxzero/1/, mx03/2/, kope/0/, igznotgx/0/ c c /alt_change_opal_z/ data: c data main_alt_change / 0 /, iulow / 23 /, khighz_in / 0 /, $ ofebrack_in / 0.0 / c c /opalmixes/ data: c data cfile_opalmixes/'GN93hz ','Alrd96a2','C95hz ','W95hz ', $ ' '/ data cel_opalmixes/'C ','N ','O ','Ne','Na','Mg','Al','Si', $ 'P ','S ','Cl','Ar','K ','Ca','Ti','Cr','Mn','Fe','Ni'/ data xiz_opalmixes/ $ 0.173285,0.053152,0.482273,0.098668,0.001999, $ 0.037573,0.003238,0.040520,0.000355,0.021142, $ 0.000456,0.005379,0.000210,0.003734,0.000211, $ 0.001005,0.000548,0.071794,0.004459, $ 0.102693,0.031499,0.570253,0.116656,0.002363, $ 0.044428,0.000962,0.047912,0.000420,0.024999, $ 0.000539,0.006360,0.000124,0.004415,0.000245, $ 0.000595,0.000230,0.042538,0.002769, $ 0.091924,0.028196,0.642620,0.052341,0.001060, $ 0.050066,0.001718,0.053992,0.000188,0.028172, $ 0.000242,0.002853,0.000279,0.004975,0.000275, $ 0.000533,0.000116,0.038085,0.002365, $ 0.076451,0.023450,0.672836,0.084869,0.000882, $ 0.041639,0.001428,0.035669,0.000157,0.019942, $ 0.000201,0.002373,0.000092,0.005209,0.000387, $ 0.000443,0.000242,0.031675,0.002056, $ 0.173285,0.053152,0.482273,0.098668,0.001999, $ 0.037573,0.003238,0.040520,0.000355,0.021142, $ 0.000456,0.005379,0.000210,0.003734,0.000211, $ 0.001005,0.000548,0.071794,0.004459/ data xiz_mix/ $ 0.173285,0.053152,0.482273,0.098668,0.001999, $ 0.037573,0.003238,0.040520,0.000355,0.021142, $ 0.000456,0.005379,0.000210,0.003734,0.000211, $ 0.001005,0.000548,0.071794,0.004459/ data fninz_opalmixes/ $ 0.245518,0.064578,0.512966,0.083210,0.001479, $ 0.026308,0.002042,0.024552,0.000195,0.011222, $ 0.000219,0.002291,0.000091,0.001586,0.000075, $ 0.000329,0.000170,0.021877,0.001293, $ 0.147909,0.038904,0.616594,0.100010,0.001778, $ 0.031622,0.000617,0.029512,0.000234,0.013490, $ 0.000263,0.002754,0.000055,0.001906,0.000089, $ 0.000198,0.000072,0.013177,0.000816, $ 0.131157,0.034498,0.688325,0.044451,0.000790, $ 0.035301,0.001091,0.032945,0.000104,0.015059, $ 0.000117,0.001224,0.000122,0.002127,0.000099, $ 0.000176,0.000036,0.011687,0.000691, $ 0.108211,0.028462,0.714945,0.071502,0.000652, $ 0.029125,0.000900,0.021591,0.000086,0.010575, $ 0.000096,0.001010,0.000040,0.002210,0.000137, $ 0.000145,0.000075,0.009642,0.000595, $ 0.245518,0.064578,0.512966,0.083210,0.001479, $ 0.026308,0.002042,0.024552,0.000195,0.011222, $ 0.000219,0.002291,0.000091,0.001586,0.000075, $ 0.000329,0.000170,0.021877,0.001293/ data fninz_mix/ $ 0.245518,0.064578,0.512966,0.083210,0.001479, $ 0.026308,0.002042,0.024552,0.000195,0.011222, $ 0.000219,0.002291,0.000091,0.001586,0.000075, $ 0.000329,0.000170,0.021877,0.001293/ data bracketife_mix/nel_zmix*0.0/ data bracketofe_opalmixes/0.0,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.0/ c c /opalGS98mixes/ data: c data bracketofe_opalGS98 / 0.0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 6 * 0.0 / data xiz_opalGS98 / $ 0.171836, 0.050335, 0.467356, 0.104831, 0.002090, $ 0.039924, 0.003603, 0.044057, 0.000423, 0.023513, $ 0.000292, 0.004335, 0.000228, 0.003896, 0.000195, $ 0.001117, 0.000779, 0.076433, 0.004757, $ 0.101930, 0.029858, 0.553139, 0.124072, 0.002473, $ 0.047252, 0.001071, 0.052144, 0.000501, 0.027829, $ 0.000346, 0.005131, 0.000135, 0.004611, 0.000226, $ 0.000663, 0.000327, 0.045339, 0.002955, $ 0.091638, 0.026843, 0.626052, 0.055905, 0.001114, $ 0.053480, 0.001921, 0.059017, 0.000226, 0.031497, $ 0.000156, 0.002312, 0.000305, 0.005218, 0.000256, $ 0.000596, 0.000165, 0.040761, 0.002537, $ 0.076359, 0.022368, 0.656744, 0.090832, 0.000929, $ 0.044563, 0.001601, 0.039063, 0.000188, 0.022339, $ 0.000130, 0.001927, 0.000101, 0.005474, 0.000362, $ 0.000496, 0.000346, 0.033965, 0.002214, $ 0.171836, 0.050335, 0.467356, 0.104831, 0.002090, $ 0.039924, 0.003603, 0.044057, 0.000423, 0.023513, $ 0.000292, 0.004335, 0.000228, 0.003896, 0.000195, $ 0.001117, 0.000779, 0.076433, 0.004757, $ nel_zmix * 0.0, nel_zmix * 0.0, nel_zmix * 0.0, $ nel_zmix * 0.0, nel_zmix * 0.0 / data fninz_opalGS98 / $ 0.245825, 0.061748, 0.501922, 0.089265, 0.001562, $ 0.028224, 0.002294, 0.026954, 0.000235, 0.012602, $ 0.000141, 0.001865, 0.000100, 0.001670, 0.000070, $ 0.000369, 0.000244, 0.023517, 0.001393, $ 0.148069, 0.037193, 0.603216, 0.107280, 0.001877, $ 0.033921, 0.000693, 0.032394, 0.000282, 0.015145, $ 0.000170, 0.002241, 0.000060, 0.002007, 0.000082, $ 0.000222, 0.000104, 0.014165, 0.000878, $ 0.131883, 0.033128, 0.676395, 0.047890, 0.000838, $ 0.038036, 0.001231, 0.036324, 0.000126, 0.016982, $ 0.000076, 0.001000, 0.000135, 0.002251, 0.000092, $ 0.000198, 0.000052, 0.012616, 0.000747, $ 0.108877, 0.027349, 0.702986, 0.077089, 0.000692, $ 0.031401, 0.001016, 0.023820, 0.000104, 0.011933, $ 0.000063, 0.000826, 0.000044, 0.002339, 0.000129, $ 0.000163, 0.000108, 0.010416, 0.000646, $ 0.245825, 0.061748, 0.501922, 0.089265, 0.001562, $ 0.028224, 0.002294, 0.026954, 0.000235, 0.012602, $ 0.000141, 0.001865, 0.000100, 0.001670, 0.000070, $ 0.000369, 0.000244, 0.023517, 0.001393, $ nel_zmix * 0.0, nel_zmix * 0.0, nel_zmix * 0.0, $ nel_zmix * 0.0, nel_zmix * 0.0 / data atwt_opalGS98 / $ 12.01100, 14.00670, 15.99940, 20.17900, 22.98977, $ 24.30500, 26.98154, 28.08550, 30.97376, 32.06000, $ 35.45300, 39.94800, 39.09830, 40.08000, 47.90000, $ 51.99600, 54.93800, 55.84700, 58.70000 / data cfile_opalGS98 / 'GS98hz', 'GS98hz_OFe.3_Alrd96a2', $ 'GS98hz_OFe.4_C95', 'GS98hz_OFe.5_W95', 6 * ' ' / c c /ext_CNO_opal_z/ data: c data len_def_CNO_ext / 0, 5, 6, 8, 5 / data cdef_CNO_ext / ' ', $ '.CtoN ', '.COtoN ', '.CNOtoNe', '.user ' / c c /zinter_opal_z/ data: (note: zavail, iadd_zavail are computed in get_zavail) c data zavail / nzm * 0.0 /, iadd_zavail / nadd_zavail * 0 / c data zvalhi /0.,0.01,0.02,0.03,0.04,0.05,0.06,0.07,0.08,0.09,0.1/ c data zval / 0.,0.001,0.004,0.01,0.02,0.03,0.05,0.1 / c data zalval / 0.,0.0001,0.0003,0.001,0.002,0.004,0.01,0.02, $ 0.03,0.04,0.06,0.08,0.1 / c data (mnofz(i),i=1,mx) / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 / c data nofz / $ 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, $ 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, 8,8,8,8,8,7,7,7,7,7,7, $ 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,5, $ 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, $ 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, 8,8,8,8,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, $ 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,5,5, $ 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, $ 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, 8,8,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, $ 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5, $ 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, $ 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, $ 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,4, $ 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, $ 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,7, 7,7,7,7,7,6,6,6,6,6,6, $ 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,3,3,2,1, $ 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, $ 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,6, 6,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5,5,5, $ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, $ 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6, 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6, $ 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,5, 4,4,3,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0, $ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, $ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, $ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, $ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 / c c /czinte_opal_z/ data: c data cxfil / 'Gx00', 'Gx03', 'Gx10', 'Gx35', 'Gx70' / data czfil / 'z0 ', 'z001', 'z004', 'z01 ', $ 'z02 ', 'z03 ', 'z05 ', 'z10 '/ c c /c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ data: c data init_smo / 2 /, low_CO_smo / 1 /, interp_CO_smo / 1 / c c /opdir/ data: c data copdir / ' ' / c c chkpoc/ data: c c /d_opal_z/ data: c data dkap / 0.0 / c c /c_level_err_opal_z/ data: c data level_err / 1 / c c /c_ctab/ data: c data ctab / ' ' / c c-vms[ ! For VMS: c-vms; data cb / ':', ']', ';', ';', ';', ';' / c-vms] c-sun-iris-linux[ ! For UNIX: data cb / '/', '/', '_', '~', '+', '-' / c-sun-iris-linux] c end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine opalinit( khighz, ofebrack, z, kz ) c ============================================== c c INITIALIZATIONS AND OPACITY FILE SETUP: c c This subroutine performs some initializations that would otherwise be done c at the beginning of subroutine READZEXCO. These do some grid set-up, look c for the user-supplied non-zero [O/Fe] file if khighz = 5 or -5, calculate c [O/Fe] values for each of the possible mixes, and find the OPAL-opacity-file c directory name. c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c parameter ( nrdel=nrb-1, ntdel=ntb-1 ) c c PARAMETERS: c zdel = 0.001 = offset for Z, Z+C, and Z+O, to make log interpolation behave c reasonably at small Z values: Z-interpolation is performed c using log(Z+zdel), while the CO-interpolation is performed c using log(C+Z+zdel) and log(O+Z+zdel) c xdel = 0.03 = usual (high-T) offset for X, to make log interpolation behave c reasonably at small X; note that 0.03 works better than 0.005 c xdelmin = 0.001 = lowest value of X offset ever used (at low temperatures) c parameter ( zdel=0.001, xdel=0.03, xdelmin=0.001 ) c c PARAMETERS: value used for "bad" (missing) logKappa values: c parameter ( badlogkval=1.e+35, badlogklim=20. ) c parameter ( mx_hi=2*mx, mo_m1=mo-1, mx_hi_nz=mx_hi*nz ) c common /xhi_opal_z/ xhi_in(mx_hi), xcno_use(mx_hi,nz), $ xhi_use(mx_hi,nz), xxx_cno(mx_hi), xxx_hi(mx_hi), $ nx_hi(nz), ireq_hi(mx_hi), khighx(nz), kavail_xhi, kuse_xhi, $ kdo_xhi, kavail_cno, kuse_cno, kdo_cno, kavail_user, $ kuse_user, kdo_user save /xhi_opal_z/ c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c common/b_opal_z/ nta(0:nrm_p1),ntax0(0:nrm), $ ntax03(0:nrm), sltlo, slthi, dltlo_inv, dlthi_inv, $ slrlo, slrhi, dlrlo_inv, dlrhi_inv, init_trvals save /b_opal_z/ c common/e_opal_z/ opact,dopact,dopacr,dopactd,fedge,ftredge,fzedge save /e_opal_z/ c common /x_opal_z/ z_opal, x_opal, xc_opal, xo_opal, slt_opal, $ slr_opal, fcn_opal, fcon_opal, fcnone_opal, fu_opal save /x_opal_z/ c common/recoin_opal_z/ itimeco,mxzero,mx03,kope,igznotgx save /recoin_opal_z/ c common /alt_change_opal_z/ main_alt_change, iulow, khighz_in, $ ofebrack_in save /alt_change_opal_z/ c parameter ( nel_zmix=19, n_zmixes=5, kel_o=3, kel_fe=nel_zmix-1 ) c c-implicit; real*4 xiz_mix,fninz_mix,bracketife_mix,bracketofe_opalmixes, c-implicit; $ xofe_opalmixes,xiz_opalmixes,fninz_opalmixes character*2 cel_opalmixes(nel_zmix) character*8 cfile_opalmixes(n_zmixes) common/opalmixes/ xiz_mix(nel_zmix),fninz_mix(nel_zmix), $ bracketife_mix(nel_zmix),bracketofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes), $ xofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes),xiz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ fninz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ cel_opalmixes,cfile_opalmixes save /opalmixes/ c parameter ( n_totmix = n_zmixes + 5, n_cnobeg = n_zmixes + 1 ) c c-implicit; real*4 bracketofe_opalGS98, xofe_opalGS98, xiz_opalGS98, c-implicit; $ fninz_opalGS98, atwt_opalGS98 character*255 cfile_opalGS98(n_totmix) common /opalGS98mixes/ bracketofe_opalGS98(n_totmix), $ xofe_opalGS98(n_totmix),xiz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix), $ fninz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix),atwt_opalGS98(nel_zmix), $ cfile_opalGS98 save /opalGS98mixes/ c character*8 cdef_CNO_ext(n_cnobeg:n_totmix) common /ext_CNO_opal_z/ len_def_CNO_ext(n_cnobeg:n_totmix), $ cdef_CNO_ext save /ext_CNO_opal_z/ c parameter ( mz=8, mz_m1=mz-1, mz_m2=mz-2, mzhi=11, mzal=13, $ nzm=mzal+1, nadd_zavail=nzm-mz ) c common/zinter_opal_z/ zvalhi(mzhi),nofz(mzhi,5,mo),mnofz(mx), $ zval(mz),zalval(mzal),zavail(nzm),iadd_zavail(nadd_zavail) save /zinter_opal_z/ c character*4 cxfil(5),czfil(mz) common/czinte_opal_z/ cxfil,czfil save /czinte_opal_z/ c common/c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ init_smo, low_CO_smo, interp_CO_smo save /c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ c character*255 copdir common/opdir/ copdir save /opdir/ c character*1 cb(6) common/chkpoc/cb save /chkpoc/ c common /c_level_err_opal_z/ level_err save /c_level_err_opal_z/ c___ logical lxst c c COMMON /outdeb/ : controls the extent of error and debugging output, if the c debug statements are un-commented by removing "c-debug;" c at the beginning of the relevant lines c if a log10(opacity) value is > oudebl, then the relevant debug output is c performed (provided that it is not commented out) c else if ioudeb > 5 , then all debug output controlled by ioudeb is always c performed (provided that it has not been commented out), c i.e., initial-call, CO-, Z-, R-, T-, and X-interp output c else if ioudeb > 4 , then initial-call, Z-, R-, T-, and X-interp output c else if ioudeb > 3 , then initial-call, R-, T-, and X-interp output c else if ioudeb > 2 , then initial-call, T-, and X-interp output c else if ioudeb > 1 , then initial-call and X-interp output c else if ioudeb > 0 , then initial-call output is performed c koudeb counts how many debug outputs have been performed (e.g., so that c you can set ioudeb = -1 or increase oudebl after a given number c of debug outputs have been performed) c-debug[ c-debug; common/outdeb/ ioudeb,oudebl,koudeb c-debug] c c=== c ! These initializations only done once: if ( itimeco .ne. 12345678 ) then c ! check some parameters if ( nrm .ne. 19 .or. ntm .ne. 70 ) stop $ ' STOP -- OPAL: NRM .ne. 19 or NTM .ne. 70 . ' if ( nr .lt. 6 ) stop $ ' STOP -- OPAL: Too few R values; NRE-NRB < 5 . ' if ( nrb .le. 0 .or. nrb .gt. 12 .or. nre .gt. nrm ) stop $ ' STOP -- OPAL: NRB < 1 or NRB > 12 or NRE > NTM . ' if ( mc .ne. mo .or. mc .ne. 8 ) stop $ ' STOP -- OPAL: MC .ne. MO or MC .ne. 8 . ' if ( nt .lt. 8 .or. ntb .le. 0 .or. ntb .gt. nta(nre)-3 ) stop $ ' STOP -- OPAL: NT < 8 or NTB < 1 or NTB > NTA(NRE)-3. ' if ( mx .le. 0 .or. mx .gt. 5 ) stop $ ' STOP -- OPAL: MX < 1 or MX > 5 . ' if ( nz .le. 0 .or. nz .gt. nzm ) stop $ ' STOP -- OPAL: NZ < 1 or NZ > 14 . ' c ! initialize T,R values if ( init_trvals .le. 0 ) call get_trvals c c ! get combined Z-tabulation values available in files call get_zavail c ! get log10( X_GH93hz + xdel ) values do ix = 1, mx_hi xxx_cno(ix) = log10( xhi_in(ix) + xdel ) xxx_hi(ix) = xxx_cno(ix) enddo xxx_hi(1) = log10( 0.03 + xdel ) c c ! have now done once-only initializations itimeco = 12345678 c ! end of initializations that are done only once endif c ! obtain the directory specification for the Gz???.x?? files c kope = lnblnk(copdir) c ! possibly new? if ( kope .gt. 0 ) then c ! check for [O/Fe]-file name if ( copdir(kope:kope) .ne. cb(1) .and. $ copdir(kope:kope) .ne. cb(2) ) then do while ( kope .gt. 1 .and. $ copdir(kope:kope) .ne. cb(1) .and. $ copdir(kope:kope) .ne. cb(2) ) kope = kope - 1 enddo if ( kope .eq. 1 .and. $ copdir(kope:kope) .ne. cb(1) .and. $ copdir(kope:kope) .ne. cb(2) ) kope = 0 cfile_opalmixes(n_zmixes) = copdir(kope+1:) copdir(kope+1:) = ' ' endif c endif c if ( kope .gt. 246 ) then write(6,10) copdir(:kope) 10 format( $ ' STOP -- READCO: OPAL directory name > 246 characters:'/ $ ' ',a) stop endif c c NOTE that some systems return FALSE for the existence of a directory, so c one cannot check for the directory's existence. c c-dir; if ( kope .gt. 0 ) then c-dir; call inqfil( copdir, lxst ) c-dir; if ( .not. lxst ) then c-dir; write(6,20) copdir(:kope) c-dir; 20 format(' STOP -- READCO: OPAL directory does not exist:'/ c-dir; $ ' ',a) c-dir; stop c-dir; endif c-dir; endif c ! just in case mx = 1 (i.e., if there is only one X-value) dfsx(2) = 1. c itime = 0 igznotgx = 0 mxzero = 0 mx03 = 0 c ! indices of X=0 and X=.03 mixes, and X-part of file names do i = 1, mx c ! loop over X-index (i, not m, here!) if ( xa(i) .eq. 0.0 ) then mxzero = i cxfil(i) = 'Gx00' mnofz(i) = 1 else if ( abs(xa(i)-0.03) .lt. 1.e-6 ) then xa(i) = 0.03 mx03 = i cxfil(i) = 'Gx03' mnofz(i) = 2 else if ( abs(xa(i)-0.1) .lt. 1.e-6 ) then xa(i) = 0.1 cxfil(i) = 'Gx10' mnofz(i) = 3 else if ( abs(xa(i)-0.35) .lt. 1.e-6 ) then xa(i) = 0.35 cxfil(i) = 'Gx35' mnofz(i) = 4 else if ( abs(xa(i)-0.7) .lt. 1.e-6 ) then xa(i) = 0.7 cxfil(i) = 'Gx70' mnofz(i) = 5 else stop ' STOP -- OPAL: bad X value in array xa(mx) . ' endif c ! initialize xx, for X-interpolations xx(i) = log10(xdel+xa(i)) if ( i .ge. 2 ) then dfsx(i) = 1./(xx(i)-xx(i-1)) if ( dfsx(i) .le. 0. ) stop $ ' STOP -- OPAL: bad X order in array xa(mx) . ' endif c ! have not yet read any opacities for this Z-value: c if ( kz .gt. 0 .and. kz .le. nz ) then do mq = 1, nr do il = 1, nt do k = 1, mo do j = 1, mc co(i,j,k,il,mq,kz) = badlogkval enddo enddo enddo enddo endif c ! end of X-loop enddo c dfsx(1) = dfsx(2) c ! set khizat, as in READEXCO kzbelo = mz do while( kzbelo .gt. 1 .and. z .le. zval(kzbelo)-1.e-6 ) kzbelo = kzbelo-1 enddo c if ( z .eq. 0. ) then khizat = 0 klozat = 0 else if ( khighz .lt. 0 ) then khizat = 1 if ( ofebrack .eq. 0. ) then klozat = 1 else klozat = min( mod( abs(khighz), 10 ) , n_zmixes ) endif else klozat = 0 khizat = min( mod( khighz, 10 ) , n_zmixes ) if ( ofebrack .eq. 0. ) khizat = min(khizat,1) if ( khizat .eq. 1 .and. $ ( ( z .ge. 0.01 .and. z .le. 0.02 ) .or. $ ( abs(zval(kzbelo)-z) .le. 1.e-6 .and. z .ge. 1.e-5 ) ) ) $ khizat = 0 endif c ! check length of GS98 filenames to be used if ( klozat .gt. 0 ) then do k = 1, klozat, max( klozat - 1 , 1 ) if ( kope + lnblnk( cfile_opalGS98(k) ) .gt. 255 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: GS98 file name too long. ' enddo endif c ! should use the input [O/Fe] filename? if ( khizat .ge. n_zmixes ) then c ! it exists? if ( cfile_opalmixes(n_zmixes) .eq. ' ' ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: no user-specified [O/Fe]-file. ' c c ! obtain mix specifications for the input [O/Fe] file igetzxi = 9 i_rewind = 0 itab_dum = 0 line = 0 c ! use copdir temporarily copdir(kope+1:) = cfile_opalmixes(n_zmixes) call open_chk_zip( iulow, copdir, i_gzip, $ 'STOP -- Error: user-specified [O/Fe]-file not found.' ) ifound = mixfind(iulow,n_zmixes,igetzxi,i_rewind,itab_dum, $ line,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) if ( ifound .eq. 0 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: bad user-specified [O/Fe]-file. ' call close_chk_zip( iulow, copdir, i_gzip ) c c ! remove filename from directory name copdir(kope+1:) = ' ' c ! or use GS98 input [O/Fe] filename? else if ( klozat .ge. n_zmixes ) then c ! it exists? if ( cfile_opalGS98(n_zmixes) .eq. ' ' ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: no user-specified GS98 [O/Fe]-file. ' c ! length? if ( kope + lnblnk( cfile_opalGS98(n_zmixes) ) .gt. 255 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: user GS98 [O/Fe]-file name too long. ' c c ! obtain mix specifications for the input [O/Fe] file igetzxi = 9 i_rewind = 0 itab_dum = 0 line = 0 c ! use copdir temporarily copdir(kope+1:) = cfile_opalGS98(n_zmixes) call open_chk_zip( iulow, copdir, i_gzip, $ 'STOP -- Error: user GS98 [O/Fe]-file not found.' ) ifound = mixfind(iulow,-n_zmixes,igetzxi,i_rewind,itab_dum, $ line,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) if ( ifound .eq. 0 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: bad user-specified GS98 [O/Fe]-file. ' call close_chk_zip( iulow, copdir, i_gzip ) c c ! remove filename from directory name copdir(kope+1:) = ' ' c endif c ! changed 'GS98hz' if ( khighz .lt. 0 .and. main_alt_change .gt. 0 ) then c ! it exists? if ( cfile_opalGS98(1) .eq. ' ' ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: no main alternate [O/Fe]=0.0 file. ' c ! length? if ( kope + lnblnk( cfile_opalGS98(1) ) .gt. 255 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: alternate [O/Fe]=0.0 name too long. ' c c ! obtain mix specifications for input [O/Fe]=0 file igetzxi = 9 i_rewind = 0 itab_dum = 0 line = 0 c ! use copdir temporarily copdir(kope+1:) = cfile_opalGS98(1) call open_chk_zip( iulow, copdir, i_gzip, $ 'STOP -- Error: alternate [O/Fe]=0.0 file not found.' ) ifound = mixfind(iulow,-1,igetzxi,i_rewind,itab_dum, $ line,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) if ( ifound .eq. 0 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: bad alternate [O/Fe]=0.0 file. ' call close_chk_zip( iulow, copdir, i_gzip ) c ! have read it now main_alt_change = main_alt_change - 2 c c ! remove filename from directory name copdir(kope+1:) = ' ' c endif c ! get mix Z-composition specifications (these c ! will be recomputed for any mix read in later) do i = 1, n_zmixes xofe_opalGS98(i) = fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,i) $ / max( fninz_opalGS98(kel_fe,i) , 1.e-36 ) bracketofe_opalGS98(i) = log10( xofe_opalGS98(i) $ / xofe_opalGS98(1) ) xofe_opalmixes(i) = fninz_opalmixes(kel_o,i) $ / max( fninz_opalmixes(kel_fe,i) , 1.e-36 ) bracketofe_opalmixes(i) = log10( xofe_opalmixes(i) $ / xofe_opalmixes(1) ) enddo c ! Reset current-mix data. If GS98 [O/Fe] shift: if ( klozat .gt. 1 ) then c ! get interpolation factors fofe (for GS98hz) & c ! omfofe=1-fofe (other file) xofe = 10.**ofebrack * xofe_opalGS98(1) fofe = ( fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,klozat) $ - xofe * fninz_opalGS98(kel_fe,klozat) ) $ / ( ( fninz_opalGS98(kel_fe,1) $ - fninz_opalGS98(kel_fe,klozat) ) * xofe $ + fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,klozat) $ - fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,1) ) omfofe = 1. - fofe c ! get Z-composition of interpolated mix sum_niai = 0.0 do i = 1, nel_zmix fninz_mix(i) = fofe * fninz_opalGS98(i,1) $ + omfofe * fninz_opalGS98(i,klozat) xiz_mix(i) = fninz_mix(i) * atwt_opalGS98(i) sum_niai = sum_niai + xiz_mix(i) enddo do i = 1, nel_zmix xiz_mix(i) = xiz_mix(i) / sum_niai bracketife_mix(i) = log10( ( max( fninz_mix(i) , 1.e-36 ) $ * fninz_opalGS98(kel_fe,1) ) $ / ( max( fninz_mix(kel_fe) , 1.e-36 ) $ * fninz_opalGS98(i,1) ) ) enddo c ! Else, if use GS98 but no [O/Fe] shift: else if ( khighz .lt. 0 ) then c do i = 1,nel_zmix xiz_mix(i) = xiz_opalGS98(i,1) fninz_mix(i) = fninz_opalGS98(i,1) bracketife_mix(i) = 0. enddo c ! Else, if there is no GN93 [O/Fe] shift: else if ( khizat .le. 1 ) then c do i = 1,nel_zmix xiz_mix(i) = xiz_opalmixes(i,1) fninz_mix(i) = fninz_opalmixes(i,1) bracketife_mix(i) = 0. enddo c ! Else, if there is the [O/Fe] shift (also done in READEXCO): else c ! get interpolation factors fofe (for GN93hz) and omfofe=1-fofe c xofe = 10.**ofebrack * xofe_opalmixes(1) fofe = ( fninz_opalmixes(kel_o,khizat) $ - xofe * fninz_opalmixes(kel_fe,khizat) ) $ / ( ( fninz_opalmixes(kel_fe,1) $ - fninz_opalmixes(kel_fe,khizat) ) * xofe $ + fninz_opalmixes(kel_o,khizat) $ - fninz_opalmixes(kel_o,1) ) omfofe = 1. - fofe c ! get Z-composition of interpolated mix sum_niai = 0.0 do i = 1, nel_zmix fninz_mix(i) = fofe * fninz_opalmixes(i,1) $ + omfofe * fninz_opalmixes(i,khizat) xiz_mix(i) = fninz_mix(i) * atwt_opalGS98(i) sum_niai = sum_niai + xiz_mix(i) enddo do i = 1, nel_zmix xiz_mix(i) = xiz_mix(i) / sum_niai bracketife_mix(i) = log10( ( max( fninz_mix(i) , 1.e-36 ) $ * fninz_opalmixes(kel_fe,1) ) $ / ( max( fninz_mix(kel_fe) , 1.e-36 ) $ * fninz_opalmixes(i,1) ) ) enddo endif c ! end of initializations return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine get_zavail c ===================== c c Obtain combined Z-tabulation values available in the files, and best order c in which to enhance the 'Gz???.x??' metallicity table. c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c parameter ( zdel=0.001, xdel=0.03, xdelmin=0.001 ) c parameter ( mz=8, mz_m1=mz-1, mz_m2=mz-2, mzhi=11, mzal=13, $ nzm=mzal+1, nadd_zavail=nzm-mz ) c common/zinter_opal_z/ zvalhi(mzhi),nofz(mzhi,5,mo),mnofz(mx), $ zval(mz),zalval(mzal),zavail(nzm),iadd_zavail(nadd_zavail) save /zinter_opal_z/ c common/recoin_opal_z/ itimeco,mxzero,mx03,kope,igznotgx save /recoin_opal_z/ c___ dimension z_l(nzm), idz(nzm) c=== ! (if it has not already been done): if ( iadd_zavail(1) .eq. 0 ) then c c Get the combined Z-array zavail() by combining zval() and zalval(); this c should be the same as just adding the value Z=0.05 to the array zalval(): c k_l = 1 k_h = 1 k_o = 0 k_a = 0 c do while ( k_l .le. mz .or. k_h .le. mzal ) c k_a = k_a + 1 if ( k_a .gt. nzm ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: combined files have > 14 Z-values. ' if ( k_l .gt. mz ) then zavail(k_a) = zalval(k_h) else if ( k_h .gt. mzal ) then zavail(k_a) = zval(k_l) else zavail(k_a) = min( zval(k_l) , zalval(k_h) ) endif z_l(k_a) = log10( zavail(k_a) + zdel ) idz(k_a) = 0 if ( k_l .le. mz ) then if ( zval(k_l) .lt. zavail(k_a) + 1.e-6 ) then idz(k_a) = k_a - k_o k_o = k_a k_l = k_l + 1 endif endif if ( k_h .le. mzal ) then if ( zalval(k_h) .lt. zavail(k_a) + 1.e-6 ) $ k_h = k_h + 1 endif c enddo c if ( k_a .lt. nzm ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: combined files have < 14 Z-values. ' c c Get the best order to add values from zavail() to those of zval(), in order c to minimize the size of the largest interval at each step; this should c result in array values in iadd_zavail() of 5, 3, 13, 10, 12, 2: c k_a = 0 c do while ( k_a .lt. nadd_zavail ) c ! next step: k_a = k_a + 1 c ! handle special cases where Z-range endpoints c ! differ (this should never occur!!!): if ( idz(1) .eq. 0 ) then c ! extend range to low Z, if necessary iadd_zavail(k_a) = 1 k_h = 2 do while ( k_h .lt. nzm .and. idz(k_h) .eq. 0 ) k_h = k_h + 1 enddo if ( idz(k_h) .eq. 0 ) $ stop ' STOP -- READCO: mz = 0 cannot happen. ' idz(k_h) = k_h - 1 idz(1) = 1 c else if ( idz(nzm) .eq. 0 ) then c ! or extend to high Z if necessary iadd_zavail(k_a) = nzm k_h = nzm - 1 do while ( k_h .gt. 1 .and. idz(k_h) .eq. 0 ) k_h = k_h - 1 enddo if ( idz(k_h) .eq. 0 ) $ stop ' STOP -- READCO: this REALLY cannot happen. ' idz(nzm) = nzm - k_h c else c ! GENERALLY: find largest remaining subdividable interval k_h = 0 dz_max = 0. do i = 2, nzm if ( idz(i) .gt. 1 ) then d_z = z_l(i) - z_l(i-idz(i)) if ( d_z .gt. dz_max ) then dz_max = d_z k_h = i endif endif enddo if ( k_h .eq. 0 ) $ stop ' STOP -- READCO: k_h = 0 cannot happen. ' c c ! find best subdivision of interval if ( idz(k_h) .eq. 2 ) then k_l = k_h - 2 k_o = k_h - 1 else k_l = k_h - idz(k_h) dz_max = 0. k_o = 0 do i = k_l + 1, k_h - 1 d_z = ( z_l(k_h) - z_l(i) ) $ / ( z_l(i) - z_l(k_l) ) if ( d_z .gt. 1. ) d_z = 1. / d_z if ( d_z .gt. dz_max ) then dz_max = d_z k_o = i endif enddo if ( k_o .eq. 0 ) $ stop ' STOP -- READCO: k_o = 0 cannot happen. ' endif c ! store this subdivision iadd_zavail(k_a) = k_o idz(k_o) = k_o - k_l idz(k_h) = k_h - k_o c endif c enddo c endif c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine get_trvals c ===================== c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c parameter ( nrdel=nrb-1, ntdel=ntb-1 ) c c PARAMETERS: positions of DlogT-change in table, low logT and logR values: c parameter ( ks81=ntm-3, ks83=ks81+1, ks60=ks81-21, ks61=ks60+1, $ alrlo=-8.0, flogtlo=3.75, flogt60=6.0, flogt81=8.1 ) c c COMMON /a_opal_z/ : matrices for opacity storage and interpolation: c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c c COMMON /b_opal_z/ : high and low logT6 and logR limits, and mix Z-values: c common/b_opal_z/ nta(0:nrm_p1),ntax0(0:nrm), $ ntax03(0:nrm), sltlo, slthi, dltlo_inv, dlthi_inv, $ slrlo, slrhi, dlrlo_inv, dlrhi_inv, init_trvals save /b_opal_z/ c c COMMON /alink_opal_z/ : contains data needed for smoothing routine OPALTAB c common/alink_opal_z/ NTEMP,NSM,nrlow,nrhigh,RLE,t6arr(100), $ coff(100,nrm) save /alink_opal_z/ c=== ! only initialize once if ( init_trvals .gt. 0 ) return c init_trvals = 1 c ! intialize logR and 1/delta(logR) values do i = 1,nrm alrf(i) = (i-1)*0.5+alrlo enddo do i = 1,nr alr(i) = alrf(i+nrdel) dfsr(i) = 2. enddo c ! intialize logT, logT6, T6, and 1/delta(logT6) flogtin(1) = flogtlo do i = 2,ks60 flogtin(i) = (i-1)*0.05+flogtlo if ( i .ge. ntb ) dfs(i-ntdel) = 20. enddo if ( abs(flogtin(ks60)-flogt60) .gt. 5.e-6 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: initialization error. ' flogtin(ks60) = flogt60 do i = ks61,ks81 flogtin(i) = (i-ks60)*0.1+flogt60 if ( i .ge. ntb ) dfs(i-ntdel) = 10. enddo if ( abs(flogtin(ks81)-flogt81) .gt. 5.e-6 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: initialization error. ' flogtin(ks81) = flogt81 do i = ks83,ntm flogtin(i) = (i-ks81)*0.2+flogt81 if ( i .ge. ntb ) dfs(i-ntdel) = 5. enddo do i=1,ntm t6arr(i) = 10.**(flogtin(i)-6.0) enddo do i=1,nt alt(i) = flogtin(i+ntdel)-6.0 t6list(i) = t6arr(i+ntdel) enddo c c-done-above; do i = 2,nt c-done-above; dfs(i) = 1./(alt(i)-alt(i-1)) c-done-above; enddo c-done-above; do i = 2,nr c-done-above; dfsr(i) = 1./(alr(i)-alr(i-1)) c-done-above; enddo c ! For extrapolation at low R and T6 dfsr(1) = dfsr(2) dfs(1) = dfs(2) c ! R-extrapolation limits slrlo = alr(1) slrhi = alr(nr) c ! make 1-grid-pt extrap just within limits dlrlo_inv = dfsr(1) * 0.999999 dlrhi_inv = dfsr(nr) * 0.999999 c ! T-extrapolation limits sltlo = alt(1) slthi = alt(nt) c ! make 1-grid-pt extrap just within limits dltlo_inv = dfs(1) * 0.999999 dlthi_inv = dfs(nt) * 0.999999 c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine z_fcno(xh,xmet,nmet,fu,z,xci,xoi,fcn,fcon,fcnone,fuse) c ================================================================= c c.....Given XH, XMET(NMET), and FU : calculates and returns the values of c Z, XCI, XOI, FCN, FCON, FCNONE, FUSE (used by OPAL_X_CNO_FU below). c dimension xmet(nmet) c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c parameter ( mx_hi=2*mx, mo_m1=mo-1, mo_m2=mo-2 ) c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c common /xhi_opal_z/ xhi_in(mx_hi), xcno_use(mx_hi,nz), $ xhi_use(mx_hi,nz), xxx_cno(mx_hi), xxx_hi(mx_hi), $ nx_hi(nz), ireq_hi(mx_hi), khighx(nz), kavail_xhi, kuse_xhi, $ kdo_xhi, kavail_cno, kuse_cno, kdo_cno, kavail_user, $ kuse_user, kdo_user save /xhi_opal_z/ c parameter ( nel_zmix=19, n_zmixes=5, kel_o=3, kel_fe=nel_zmix-1 ) c character*2 cel_opalmixes(nel_zmix) character*8 cfile_opalmixes(n_zmixes) common/opalmixes/ xiz_mix(nel_zmix),fninz_mix(nel_zmix), $ bracketife_mix(nel_zmix),bracketofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes), $ xofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes),xiz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ fninz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ cel_opalmixes,cfile_opalmixes save /opalmixes/ c parameter ( n_totmix = n_zmixes + 5, n_cnobeg = n_zmixes + 1 ) c character*255 cfile_opalGS98(n_totmix) common /opalGS98mixes/ bracketofe_opalGS98(n_totmix), $ xofe_opalGS98(n_totmix),xiz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix), $ fninz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix),atwt_opalGS98(nel_zmix), $ cfile_opalGS98 save /opalGS98mixes/ c common /cno_delta_opal_z/ fcno_mul(4), fninz_cno(nel_zmix,5), $ xiz_cno(nel_zmix,5), d_fninz_user(nel_zmix), $ fcno_fac(0:3,4), fninz_heavy, xiz_heavy, d_fninz_u_heavy, $ s_ninzai_mix, ds_ninzai_u, fn_o_over_cno, fninz_co_mix save /cno_delta_opal_z/ c common /c_level_err_opal_z/ level_err save /c_level_err_opal_z/ c___ dimension fninz_u(nel_zmix), xiz_u(nel_zmix), fninz(nel_zmix) c c PARAMETERS: for use in call to READZEXCO, if it is called from here: c k_hz = 1 = khighz value for READZEXCO ("use 'GN93hz' in Z-interpolation, c but no CNO-interpolation") c ofe_brack = 0.0 = [O/Fe] value for READZEXCO c parameter ( k_hz=1, ofe_brack=0.0 ) c=== c c Perform checks on the inputs, and compute total mass Ztot of metals. c if ( nmet .lt. 5 ) then write(6,10) nmet 10 format(' '/' STOP -- OPAL_X_CNO_FU: metals array', $ ' Xmet(Nmet): size too small: Nmet =',i2,' < 5') stop ' STOP -- OPAL: bad composition (Xmet array size). ' else if ( level_err .gt. 2 .and. $ nmet .ne. nel_zmix .and. kdo_cno .gt. 0 ) then write(6,15) nmet, nel_zmix 15 format(' '/' STOP -- OPAL_X_CNO_FU: metals array', $ ' Xmet(Nmet): Nmet =',i5,', but nel_zmix =',i3) stop ' STOP -- OPAL: bad composition (Xmet array size). ' endif c ximin = min( xh , xmet(1) , xmet(2) , xmet(3) , xmet(4) ) Zheavy = 0.0 do i = 5, nmet Zheavy = Zheavy + xmet(i) ximin = min( ximin , xmet(i) ) enddo Ztot = Zheavy + xmet(1) + xmet(2) + xmet(3) + xmet(4) c if ( xh + Ztot - 1.e-6 .gt. 1.0 .or. Zheavy .lt. -1.e-8 .or. $ min( Ztot , ximin ) .lt. -1.e-6 ) then write(6,20) xh, Ztot 20 format(' '/' STOP -- OPAL_X_CNO_FU: bad X', $ f10.7,' Ztot',f10.7,' or Zheavy',f11.8) stop ' STOP -- OPAL: bad composition. ' endif c c..... If necessary, read data files and do initializations, using READZEXCO c (this performs initializations necessary for calculating quantities c further below); note that xiz_mix is initialized by a data statement c to 'GN93hz' relative-metal-abundance values c if ( itime .ne. 12345678 ) then c ! first get approximate Z using the c ! 'GN93hz' relative metal abundances if ( Ztot .le. 1.e-6 ) then z = max( Ztot , 0.0 ) else xiz_heavy_u = 0.0 do i = 5, nel_zmix xiz_heavy_u = xiz_heavy_u + xiz_mix(i) enddo z = max( Zheavy / xiz_heavy_u , 1.e-6 ) endif c ! read opacities: use 'GN93hz', but no CNO-interpolation c ! will be possible: call readzexco(nz,-1.,z,-1.,k_hz,-1,ofe_brack) c endif c c If there are essentially no metals (except perhaps C,N,O,Ne), there is no c point in trying to do anything fancy with interpolation in the make-up of Z. c if ( Ztot .le. 1.e-6 .or. Zheavy .le. 1.e-8 ) then c fuse = 0.0 fcn = 0.0 fcon = 0.0 fcnone = 0.0 c ! for very small Z, this is good enough: if ( Ztot .le. 1.e-6 ) then z = max( Ztot , 0.0 ) else z = max( Zheavy / xiz_heavy , 1.e-6 ) endif c ! any excess C,N,O,Ne --> XCI, XOI: xci = xmet(1) - z * xiz_mix(1) $ + 0.5 * ( xmet(2) - z * xiz_mix(2) ) xoi = xmet(3) + xmet(4) $ - z * ( xiz_mix(3) + xiz_mix(4) ) $ + 0.5 * ( xmet(2) - z * xiz_mix(2) ) c c OTHERWISE: if the total amount of metals is not insignificant: c else c c Obtain the OPAL reference mix (relative to Z) in both number and mass c fractions, and the fraction of these that correspond to elements heavier c than Ne; note that this reference mix can be affected by the composition c of the user-specified opacity-shift file, if this is being used. c if ( kdo_user .le. 0 .or. abs(fu) .lt. 1.e-6 ) then c ! no fu effect: fuse = 0.0 do i = 1, nel_zmix fninz_u(i) = fninz_mix(i) xiz_u(i) = xiz_mix(i) enddo fninz_heavy_u = fninz_heavy xiz_heavy_u = xiz_heavy c ! else: include fu effect, if it is non-zero else c ! don't allow too much heavy-element reduction from fu fuse = fu fninz_heavy_u = fninz_heavy + fuse * d_fninz_u_heavy if ( fninz_heavy_u .lt. 0.5 * fninz_heavy ) then fuse = fu * 0.5 * fninz_heavy $ / ( fninz_heavy - fninz_heavy_u ) fninz_heavy_u = 0.5 * fninz_heavy endif c ! get shifted composition using fu-factor fuse sum_niai = 0.0 do i = 1, nel_zmix fninz_u(i) = fninz_mix(i) + fuse * d_fninz_user(i) xiz_u(i) = fninz_u(i) * atwt_opalGS98(i) sum_niai = sum_niai + xiz_u(i) enddo c xiz_u(1) = xiz_u(1) / sum_niai xiz_u(2) = xiz_u(2) / sum_niai xiz_u(3) = xiz_u(3) / sum_niai xiz_u(4) = xiz_u(4) / sum_niai c xiz_heavy_u = 0.0 do i = 5, nel_zmix xiz_u(i) = xiz_u(i) / sum_niai xiz_heavy_u = xiz_heavy_u + xiz_u(i) enddo c endif c c If CNO-interpolation is not available, then all we have to do now is to c compute the metallicity Z and the excess C and O amounts: c if ( kdo_cno .le. 0 ) then c ! no CNO-interpolation: factors are 0.0 fcn = 0.0 fcon = 0.0 fcnone = 0.0 c ! heavies give metallicity Z z = max( Zheavy / xiz_heavy_u , 0.0 ) c ! excess C,N,O,Ne --> XCI, XOI xci = xmet(1) - z * xiz_mix(1) $ + 0.5 * ( xmet(2) - z * xiz_mix(2) ) xoi = xmet(3) + xmet(4) $ - z * ( xiz_mix(3) + xiz_mix(4) ) $ + 0.5 * ( xmet(2) - z * xiz_mix(2) ) c c ELSE, if CNO-interpolation is available: determine the CNO-interpolation c factors as well as the metallicity Z and the excess C and O amounts: c else c c.....Get the factor f_nz that converts fractions of Z to the actual mass c fractions, and use it to convert the input mass fractions to adjusted c number fractions of Z (the CNO-mix) --- if the user-fraction fu is c non-zero, subtract off the effects of the difference in composition c between the user-opacity-file and the OPAL mix (multiplied by fu). c c ! If user supplies OPAL-element Xi: if ( nmet .eq. nel_zmix ) then c ! get metallicity factor f_nz f_nz = 0.0 do i = 5, nel_zmix f_nz = f_nz + xmet(i) / atwt_opalGS98(i) enddo f_nz = f_nz / fninz_heavy_u c ! and use it to get CNO-mix do i = 1, nel_zmix fninz(i) = xmet(i) / ( f_nz * atwt_opalGS98(i) ) $ - fuse * d_fninz_user(i) enddo c ! Else: non-OPAL-Xi, but fu = 0.0: else if ( fuse .eq. 0.0 ) then c ! get f_nz f_nz = Zheavy / ( xiz_heavy_u * s_ninzai_mix ) c ! and CNO-mix do i = 1, 4 fninz(i) = xmet(i) / ( f_nz * atwt_opalGS98(i) ) enddo do i = 5, nel_zmix fninz(i) = fninz_mix(i) enddo c ! Else: non-OPAL-Xi and non-zero fu: else c ! get f_nz f_nz = Zheavy / ( xiz_heavy_u $ * ( s_ninzai_mix + fuse * ds_ninzai_u ) ) c ! and CNO-mix do i = 1, 4 fninz(i) = xmet(i) / ( f_nz * atwt_opalGS98(i) ) $ - fuse * d_fninz_user(i) enddo do i = 5, nel_zmix fninz(i) = fninz_mix(i) enddo c endif c c.....Get the number fraction differences between the adjusted CNO-mix and the c original OPAL-mix. Any excess in the sum of N + Ne abundances must come c from C and/or O depletion, so use the former to get these latter amounts. c Note that any Ne increase is expected to come from both C and O, so set c a preliminary O depletion to be the amount of the Ne increase multiplied c by the initial ratio of O to the sum of C,N,O. If this is larger than c the initial O abundance, reduce the excess O depletion by a factor of 10 c (this is equivalent to assuming that the third dredge-up yields an order c of magnitude larger C increase than the O increase). Most or all of the c difference between the total N + Ne increase and this (prelimiary) O c depletion should be assigned to C depletion (but the O depletion may need c a slight readjustment). Adjust the excess C and O amounts according to c these C and O depletions; but if the total excess CO is positive, do not c allow either of the C excess or the O excess to be negative --- note that c this condition may cause a readjustment of the C and O depletions. c c ! get CNO-mix - OPAL-mix differences dn_c = fninz(1) - fninz_mix(1) dn_n = fninz(2) - fninz_mix(2) dn_o = fninz(3) - fninz_mix(3) dn_ne = fninz(4) - fninz_mix(4) c ! total increase in N + Ne deln_nne = dn_ne + dn_n c ! total excess CO (by number) fn_co_ex = dn_c + dn_o + deln_nne c ! If have negligible excess CO: if ( fn_co_ex .lt. 1.e-4 ) then c ! just divide it equally in C,O fn_c_ex = 0.5 * fn_co_ex fn_o_ex = fn_c_ex deln_c = fn_c_ex - dn_c deln_o = fn_o_ex - dn_o c ! Else: have some excess CO: else c ! If negligible increase N+Ne: if ( deln_nne .lt. 1.e-5 ) then c ! just divide it equally in C,O deln_c = 0.5 * deln_nne deln_o = deln_c c ! Else: both C,O --> N,Ne and excess CO: else c ! any Ne increase is partly from O if ( dn_ne .gt. 0.0 ) then deln_o = fn_o_over_cno * dn_ne if ( deln_o .gt. fninz_mix(3) ) $ deln_o = fninz_mix(3) $ + 0.1 * ( deln_o - fninz_mix(3) ) deln_rem = deln_nne - deln_o else deln_o = 0.0 deln_rem = deln_nne endif c ! If not much (more) N+Ne: c if ( deln_rem .le. fninz_mix(1) ) then c ! assign it to C deln_c = deln_rem c ! Else if N+Ne increase is < initial C+O: c else if ( deln_nne .le. fninz_co_mix ) then c ! divide it deln_o = max( deln_nne - fninz_mix(1) , deln_o ) deln_c = deln_nne - deln_o c ! Else if large N+Ne increase: else c ! most is from C deln_o = max( fninz_mix(3) , deln_o ) deln_c = deln_nne - deln_o c endif c endif c ! adjust the excess C and O amounts according c ! to the above C and O depletions fn_c_ex = dn_c + deln_c fn_o_ex = dn_o + deln_o c ! but total excess CO is > 0, so do not c ! allow negative excess C or O if ( fn_c_ex .lt. 0.0 ) then deln_c = deln_c - fn_c_ex deln_o = deln_o + fn_c_ex fn_o_ex = fn_o_ex + fn_c_ex fn_c_ex = 0.0 else if ( fn_o_ex .lt. 0.0 ) then deln_c = deln_c + fn_o_ex deln_o = deln_o - fn_o_ex fn_c_ex = fn_c_ex + fn_o_ex fn_o_ex = 0.0 endif c endif c c.....The excess C and O are not part of Z: subtract them off, then use the c previously-computed f_nz factor to calculate the metallicity Z. Obtain c the excess C and O mass fractions XCI and XOI from the excess C and O c number fractions. Use pre-calculated interpolation factors to get the c CNO-interpolation factors FCN, FCON, FCNONE from the C, N, and O number c fractions (relative to Z) that have just been computed (if all three of c these CNO-interpolation factors are very small, set them to zero). c c ! subtract off excess C, O by number fninz(1) = fninz(1) - fn_c_ex fninz(3) = fninz(3) - fn_o_ex c ! compute metallicity mass fraction Z z = 0.0 do i = 1, nel_zmix z = z + ( fninz(i) + fuse * d_fninz_user(i) ) $ * atwt_opalGS98(i) enddo z = max( z * f_nz , 0.0 ) c ! excess C,O mass fractions xci = fn_c_ex * atwt_opalGS98(1) * f_nz xoi = fn_o_ex * atwt_opalGS98(3) * f_nz c ! for CNO-interp: fcn = ( fcno_fac(0,2) + fcno_fac(1,2) * fninz(1) $ + fcno_fac(2,2) * fninz(2) $ + fcno_fac(3,2) * fninz(3) ) * fcno_mul(2) fcon = ( fcno_fac(0,3) + fcno_fac(1,3) * fninz(1) $ + fcno_fac(2,3) * fninz(2) $ + fcno_fac(3,3) * fninz(3) ) * fcno_mul(3) fcnone = ( fcno_fac(0,4) + fcno_fac(1,4) * fninz(1) $ + fcno_fac(2,4) * fninz(2) $ + fcno_fac(3,4) * fninz(3) ) * fcno_mul(4) c ! very small? if ( max( abs(fcn) , abs(fcon) , abs(fcnone) ) .lt. $ 1.e-5 .or. z .lt. 1.e-6 ) then fcn = 0.0 fcon = 0.0 fcnone = 0.0 endif c endif c endif c c Check for xci, xoi too large or too negative. c del_sum = ( xh + z + xci + xoi - 1.0 ) * 0.5d0 if ( del_sum .gt. 0.0 ) then xci = xci - del_sum xoi = xoi - del_sum endif c if ( xci .lt. -0.5 * z ) then xoi = max( -0.5 * z , xoi + ( xci + 0.5 * z ) ) xci = -0.5 * z else if ( xoi .lt. -0.5 * z ) then xci = max( -0.5 * z , xci + ( xoi + 0.5 * z ) ) xoi = -0.5 * z endif c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine opac(z,xh,xci,xoi,t6,r) c ================================== c c.....This is just an alternate interface to OPAL_F_CNOU below, which it calls c after taking the log of T6 and R and setting "NO CNO/user interpolation"; c temperature-input T6 = temperature in millions of degrees kelvin c density-parameter-input R = density(g/cm**3) / T6**3 c=== if ( t6 .le. 0. .or. r .le. 0. ) then write(6,8437) t6,r 8437 format(' '/' STOP -- OPAC: non-positive value of T6=', $ 1p,e11.3,' or R=',e11.3) stop endif c slt = log10(t6) slr = log10(r) c call opal_f_cnou(z,xh,xci,xoi,slt,slr,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine opal(z,xh,xci,xoi,slt,slr) c ===================================== c c.....This is just an alternate interface to OPAL_F_CNOU below, which it calls c after setting "NO CNO/user interpolation": c=== call opal_f_cnou(z,xh,xci,xoi,slt,slr,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine opal_x_cno_fu(xh,slt,slr,xmet,nmet,fu) c ================================================= c c.....This is an alternate interface to OPAL_F_CNOU below c dimension xmet(nmet) c=== c c Get the CNO-interpolation factors, the metallicity Z, and the excess C,O: c call z_fcno(xh,xmet,nmet,fu,z,xci,xoi,fcn,fcon,fcnone,fuse) c c Get the opacities by calling OPAL_F_CNOU: c call opal_f_cnou(z,xh,xci,xoi,slt,slr,fcn,fcon,fcnone,fuse) c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine opal_f_cnou(z,xh,xci,xoi,slt,slr,fcn,fcon,fcnone,fu) c =============================================================== c c..... The purpose of this subroutine is to interpolate log kappa c (and obtain smooth derivatives) c in hydrogen (if X>0) and in C/O abundance and T6, R, i.e. (X,Xc,Xo,T6,R) c Interpolation in CNO abundances is allowed by user-specified fractions. c c z = Z = metallicity (this should always be the same) c xh = X = hydrogen mass fraction c xci = Xc = carbon mass fraction (excess over what is in Z) c xoi = Xo = oxygen mass fraction (excess over what is in Z) c slt = logT6 = Log10{temperature in millions of degrees kelvin} c slr = logR = Log10{density(g/cm**3)/T6**3} c fcn = fraction to be applied of opacity shift from standard composition c to a composition with most or all of C converted to N c fcon = fraction to be applied of opacity shift from standard composition c to a composition with most or all of C and O converted to N c fcnone = fraction to be applied of the opacity shift from the standard c composition to a composition with all C,N,O converted to Ne c fu = fraction to be applied of opacity shift from standard composition c to the composition of the user-specified opacity file c c..... to use OPAL_F_CNOU, insert common/e_opal_z/ in the calling routine. c This common contains interpolated values for log kappa and its c first derivatives, and "out-of-table" indicators fedge,ftredge,fzedge. c c PARAMETERS to specify opacity storage matrices: see OPALINIT c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c c PARAMETERS nrdel and ntdel give matrix position differences: see OPALINIT c parameter ( nrdel=nrb-1, ntdel=ntb-1 ) c c PARAMETERS: offsets for Z, for X, min low-T X offset: see OPALINIT c parameter ( zdel=0.001, xdel=0.03, xdelmin=0.001 ) c c PARAMETERS: for use in call to READZEXCO, if it is called from here in OPAL: c k_hz = 1 = khighz value for READZEXCO ("use 'GN93hz' in Z-interpolation, c but no CNO-interpolation") c ofe_brack = 0.0 = [O/Fe] value for READZEXCO c parameter ( k_hz=1, ofe_brack=0.0 ) c c PARAMETER badlogkval = 1.e+35 is stored to indicate missing Log(kappa) values c parameter ( badlogkval=1.e+35 ) c c PARAMETERS used during tests for high-T boundary of opacity storage matrices c parameter ( ntm_m3=ntm-3, nt_m2=nt-2 ) c c PARAMETERS used to specify logT6 and logR tabulation values c parameter ( k81=nt-3, k80=k81-1, k60=k81-21, ks59=k60-1+ntdel ) parameter ( flt81m6=8.1-6., flt60m6=6.0-6., flt370m6=3.70-6. ) parameter ( flrmid = -3.0 ) c c PARAMETERS defining the storage for the additional X-values from 'GN93hz': c parameter ( mx_hi=2*mx, mo_m1=mo-1, mx_hi_nz=mx_hi*nz ) c c COMMON /xhi_opal_z/ : auxiliary matrices for additional 'GN93hz' X-values: c common /xhi_opal_z/ xhi_in(mx_hi), xcno_use(mx_hi,nz), $ xhi_use(mx_hi,nz), xxx_cno(mx_hi), xxx_hi(mx_hi), $ nx_hi(nz), ireq_hi(mx_hi), khighx(nz), kavail_xhi, kuse_xhi, $ kdo_xhi, kavail_cno, kuse_cno, kdo_cno, kavail_user, $ kuse_user, kdo_user save /xhi_opal_z/ c c COMMON /a_opal_z/ : matrices for opacity storage: see OPALINIT c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c c COMMON /b_opal_z/ : high and low temperature limits, Z-values: see OPALINIT c common/b_opal_z/ nta(0:nrm_p1),ntax0(0:nrm), $ ntax03(0:nrm), sltlo, slthi, dltlo_inv, dlthi_inv, $ slrlo, slrhi, dlrlo_inv, dlrhi_inv, init_trvals save /b_opal_z/ c c COMMON /bb_opal_z/ : some indices & abundances for T6,R and C,O interpolation c common/bb_opal_z/ l1,l2,l3,l4,k1,k2,k3,k4,ip,iq(4),xodp,xcdp, $ xxco,cxx,oxx,kzf,kzg,kzh,kzf2 save /bb_opal_z/ c c COMMON /recoin_opal_z/ : see OPALINIT c common/recoin_opal_z/ itimeco,mxzero,mx03,kope,igznotgx save /recoin_opal_z/ c c COMMON /c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ : flags to control the smoothing: c common/c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ init_smo, low_CO_smo, interp_CO_smo save /c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ c c COMMON /c_level_err_opal_z/ error-checking level, set by SET_ERR_CHECK c c /c_level_err_opal_z/: --> data{level_err} common /c_level_err_opal_z/ level_err save /c_level_err_opal_z/ c c COMMON /E_OPAL_Z/ : Return variables : see also instructions above c c.... OPACT - opacity obtained from a quadratic interpolation at fixed c log T6 at three values of log R; followed by quadratic interpolation c along log T6. Results smoothed by mixing overlapping quadratics. c.... DOPACT - is Dlog(k)/Dlog(T6) at constant R smoothed by mixing quadratics. c.... DOPACR - is Dlog(k)/Dlog(R) at constant T smoothed by mixing quadratics. c.... DOPACTD - is Dlog(k)/Dlog(T6) at constant rho. c.... FEDGE = 1.0 inside T6,R,Z boundaries, goes to zero when too far outside c for extrapolation (in which case opacity is not calculated). c.... FTREDGE = 1.0 inside T,R boundaries, goes to zero when too far outside. c.... FZEDGE = 1.0 inside Z limits, goes to zero when too far outside. c common /e_opal_z/ opvals(4),fedge,ftredge,fzedge save /e_opal_z/ equivalence (opvals(1),opact), (opvals(2),dopact), $ (opvals(3),dopacr), (opvals(4),dopactd) c c Stored values of input parameters for this routine, in case it was called c from another interface c common /x_opal_z/ z_opal, x_opal, xc_opal, xo_opal, slt_opal, $ slr_opal, fcn_opal, fcon_opal, fcnone_opal, fu_opal save /x_opal_z/ c c-debug[ c-debug; common/outdeb/ ioudeb,oudebl,koudeb c-debug] c-test-xdel[ ! test various xdel values in opacity X-interpolation c-test-xdel; c-test-xdel; parameter ( n_xdel_test=9, n_xdel_test_m1=n_xdel_test-1 ) c-test-xdel; common/otherxdel/ opdxi(n_xdel_test),xdel_test(n_xdel_test) c-test-xdel; equivalence (opdxi(1),opdx001), (opdxi(2),opdx002), c-test-xdel; $ (opdxi(3),opdx0035), (opdxi(4),opdx005), c-test-xdel; $ (opdxi(5),opdx0075), (opdxi(6),opdx01), c-test-xdel; $ (opdxi(7),opdx02), (opdxi(n_xdel_test_m1),opdx03), c-test-xdel; $ (opdxi(n_xdel_test),opdxuse) c-test-xdel; data xdel_test/.001,.002,.0035,.005,.0075,.01,.02,.03,.03/ c-test-xdel] c___ dimension iqx(4),ntaxat(0:nrm) c=== ! we have not yet gotten a good opacity opact = badlogkval fedge = 0. ftredge = 0. fzedge = 0. c z_opal = z x_opal = xh xc_opal = xci xo_opal = xoi slt_opal = slt slr_opal = slr c c..... set-up C/O axis points: making xci & xoi arguments of OPAL is simpler c than resetting xxc & xxo after changing them, and also avoids an error c if constants are used for these values in the calling program. c xxc = xci xxo = xoi xxco = xxc + xxo if ( z+xh+xxco-1.e-6 .gt. 1.0 .or. z .lt. -1.e-8 .or. $ min(xh,xxc+z,xxo+z,xxco+z) .le. -1.e-6 ) then write(6,4397) z,xh,xxc,xxo 4397 format(' '/' STOP -- OPAL: bad value(s) Z',f11.8,' X',f10.7, $ ' C',f10.7,' O',f10.7) stop ' STOP -- OPAL: bad composition. ' endif c c..... set X indices: if xh = a table X-value, then only use that X-table: c if ( abs( xh - xa(1) ) .lt. 9.e-7 ) then mf = 1 mg = 1 mh = 1 mf2 = 1 else if ( mx .eq. 1 ) then write(6,4396) xh,xa(1) 4396 format(' '/' STOP -- OPAL: mx=1, but X=',f10.7, $ ' differs from table value',f10.7) stop c ! else: find X-indices: results in ihi=5 (for xh > 0.35) or c ! ihi=4 (for xh > 0.1) or ihi=3 (for xh < or = 0.1): else ilo = 2 ihi = mx do while( ihi-ilo .gt. 1 ) imd = (ihi+ilo)/2 if ( xh .le. xa(imd) ) then ihi = imd else ilo = imd endif enddo c ! if xh = a table X-value if ( abs( xh - xa(ilo) ) .lt. 9.e-7 ) then mf = ilo mg = ilo mh = ilo mf2 = ilo else if ( abs( xh - xa(ihi) ) .lt. 9.e-7 ) then mf = ihi mg = ihi mh = ihi mf2 = ihi c ! else: will need to interpolate else mf = ilo - 1 mg = ilo mh = ihi if ( xh .le. xa(2) ) then mf2 = mh else mf2 = min( ihi + 1 , mx ) endif endif endif c c..... If necessary, read data files and do initializations, using READZEXCO c if ( itime .ne. 12345678 ) $ call readzexco(nz,-1.,z,-1.,k_hz,-1,ofe_brack) c c If X > 0.03 and C+O is not too large, then the more-numerous X-values from c 'GN93hz' can help, if use-flag is set: set f_xhi for later use. Only used c if C+O < 0.3 and ( kdo_xhi = 1 and X > .7 ) or ( kdo_xhi = 2 and X > .03 ); c FULL opacity shifts are only used if C+O < 0.2, partial for 0.2 < C+O < 0.3: c if ( kdo_xhi .le. 0 .or. mf2 .lt. 4 .or. mf .gt. 3 .or. $ ( kdo_xhi .eq. 1 .and. xh .le. xa(mx) ) ) then f_xhi = -1. else f_xhi = 1. - 100. * max( xci + xoi - 0.2 , 0.0 )**2 endif c c Check whether CNO- and/or user-interpolation will be needed c if ( z .lt. 1.e-8 ) then c need_cno = 0 need_user = 0 c else c if ( kdo_cno .gt. 0 .and. max( abs(fcn) , $ abs(fcon) , abs(fcnone) ) .gt. 1.e-8 ) then need_cno = 1 else need_cno = 0 endif c if ( kdo_user .gt. 0 .and. abs(fu) .gt. 1.e-8 ) then need_user = 1 else need_user = 0 endif c endif c fcn_opal = fcn * need_cno fcon_opal = fcon * need_cno fcnone_opal = fcnone * need_cno fu_opal = fu * need_user c c..... set Z indices c ! is Z out of range? if ( z .le. zlo_ex .or. z .ge. zhi_ex ) then if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) then write(6,10) z, zlo_ex, zhi_ex 10 format(' '/' OPAL: Z=',f11.8, $ ' is outside max extrap range (',f11.8,',',f10.8,')') stop ' STOP -- OPAL: bad Z value. ' endif return endif c ! check Z-extrapolation if ( z .lt. zlow ) then fzedge = max( 0.0 , ( z - zlo_ex ) / ( zlow - zlo_ex ) ) else if ( z .gt. zhigh ) then fzedge = max( 0.0 , ( zhi_ex - z ) / ( zhi_ex - zhigh ) ) else fzedge = 1. endif c ! this shouldn't happen, but just in case... if ( fzedge .le. 0. ) then if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) then write(6,10) z, zlo_ex, zhi_ex stop ' STOP -- OPAL: bad Z value. ' endif return endif c ! check for Z-table value: if ( numz .eq. 1 ) then ihi = 1 else ihi = 0 if ( numz .le. 3 ) then do i = 1, numz if ( abs( zsto(i) - z ) .le. zacc(i) ) ihi = i enddo else if ( abs( zsto(1) - z ) .le. zacc(1) ) then ihi = 1 endif endif c ! get Z-table indices: if ( ihi .gt. 0 ) then kzf = ihi kzg = ihi kzh = ihi kzf2 = ihi else if ( numz .le. 3 ) then kzf = 1 kzg = 2 kzh = numz kzf2 = numz else ilo = 2 ihi = numz do while( ihi-ilo .gt. 1 ) imd = (ihi+ilo)/2 if ( z .le. zsto(imd) ) then ihi = imd else ilo = imd endif enddo if ( abs( zsto(ihi) - z ) .le. zacc(ihi) ) then kzf = ihi kzg = ihi kzh = ihi kzf2 = ihi else if ( abs( zsto(ilo) - z ) .le. zacc(ilo) ) then kzf = ilo kzg = ilo kzh = ilo kzf2 = ilo else kzf = ilo - 1 kzg = ilo kzh = ihi if ( z .le. zsto(2) ) then kzf2 = kzh else kzf2 = min( ihi + 1 , numz ) endif endif endif c ! note that xxh is not used (except perhaps in calling routine) xxh = xh c ! check T-R edges: ftredge = max( 0. , min(slr-slrlo,0.)*dlrlo_inv + 1. ) $ * max( 0. , min(slrhi-slr,0.)*dlrhi_inv + 1. ) $ * max( 0. , min(slt-sltlo,0.)*dltlo_inv + 1. ) $ * max( 0. , min(slthi-slt,0.)*dlthi_inv + 1. ) fedge = max( 0. , ftredge * fzedge ) c ! if too far outside, return if ( fedge .le. 0. ) then if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) then write(6,20) slt+6., slr 20 format(' '/' OPAL: logT=',f9.6,', logRHO=',f11.6, $ ' lies outside the opacity matrix') stop ' STOP -- OPAL: bad T or RHO value. ' endif return endif c c..... convert xh to logarithmic shifted by xdel (C and O are converted later) c xxx = log10(xdel+xh) c c..... Determine log R and log T6 grid points to use in the interpolation. c Try to avoid overestimating the extent of extrapolation into any cutout. c if ( slt .gt. flt81m6 ) then k2sat = ntdel + min( nt , k81 + max( 0 , $ int( ( slt - flt81m6 ) * dfs(nt) - 1.e-6 ) ) ) else if ( slt .gt. flt60m6 ) then k2sat = ntdel + min( k80 , k60 + max( 0 , $ int( ( slt - flt60m6 ) * dfs(k81) - 1.e-6 ) ) ) else if ( k60 .le. 0 ) then k2sat = ntdel + k60 else k2sat = min( ks59 , max( ntdel , $ int( ( slt - flt370m6 ) * dfs(k60) + 1.e-6 ) ) ) endif c if ( slr .gt. flrmid ) then l2sat = nrdel + max( 0 , min( nr , $ int( ( slr - alr(1) ) * dfsr(nr) + 0.999999 ) ) ) else l2sat = nrdel + max( 0 , min( nr , $ int( ( slr - alr(1) ) * dfsr(nr) + 1.000001 ) ) ) endif c k1x = -99 l1x = -99 k3sat = k2sat+1 k2 = max(k2sat-ntdel,1) k3 = min(k3sat-ntdel,nt) l3sat = l2sat+1 l4sat = min(l3sat,nre)+1 l2 = max(l2sat-nrdel,1) l3 = min(l3sat-nrdel,nr) if ( min(k3,l3) .le. 0 .or. k2 .gt. nt .or. l2 .gt. nr ) then ftredge = 0. fedge = 0. if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) then write(6,20) slt+6., slr stop ' STOP -- OPAL: bad T or RHO value. ' endif return endif c ! initial assumption: 3x3 grid in T,R ipx = 2 do i = 1,4 iqx(i) = 2 enddo c ! Check upper-right ragged cut-out: if ( l2sat .gt. 0 ) then c . . . c 1. . . too far out to c . . * extrapolate if ( k2sat .gt. nta(l2sat) ) then ftredge = 0. fedge = 0. c . . . extrapolate c 2. . . . T and R out c . . * from a corner else if ( k2sat .eq. nta(l2sat) .and. $ k2sat .gt. nta(l3sat) ) then ft = max(min(alt(k2)-slt,0.)*dfs(k3)+1.000001,0.) fr = max(min(alr(l2)-slr,0.)*dfsr(l3)+1.000001,0.) if ( l2 .lt. nr ) ftredge = ftredge*fr if ( k2 .lt. nt ) ftredge = ftredge*ft k1x = k2-2 l1x = l2-2 c . . . . . . extrapolate (in c 3. . .* . . . either T or R) c . . . .* in a corner else if ( k2sat .lt. nta(l2sat) .and. $ k2sat .eq. nta(l3sat) ) then ft = max(min(alt(k2)-slt,0.)*dfs(k3)+1.000001,0.) fr = max(min(alr(l2)-slr,0.)*dfsr(l3)+1.000001,0.) if ( ft .gt. fr ) then ftredge = ftredge*ft k1x = k2-2 l1x = l2-1 do i = 1,3 if ( k2sat-3+i .le. nta(l4sat) ) iqx(i) = 3 enddo else ftredge = ftredge*fr k1x = k2-1 l1x = l2-2 if ( k3sat .lt. nta(l2sat) ) ipx = 3 endif c . . . . . . extrapolate R c 4. . . . . .* out from a c . .* . . .* high-R edge else if ( k2sat .lt. nta(l2sat) .and. $ k2sat .gt. nta(l3sat) ) then if ( l2 .lt. nr ) ftredge = ftredge $ * max(min(alr(l2)-slr,0.)*dfsr(l3)+1.000001,0.) if ( k3sat .lt. nta(l2sat) .and. k2sat .gt. ntb ) ipx = 3 k1x = max(k2-1,1) l1x = l2-2 c . . . . . . . interpolate, c 5. . .*. . .*.*. 1-space inside c .*.*. .*.*. high-R,T edges else if ( k3sat .le. nta(l3sat) .and. $ k3sat .ge. nta(l4sat) ) then if ( k3sat .lt. nta(l3sat) .and. k2sat .gt. ntb ) ipx = 3 k1x = max(k2-1,1) l1x = max(l2-1,1) if ( l2sat .gt. nrb ) then do i = 1,3 if ( k1x-1+ntdel+i .le. nta(l4sat) ) iqx(i) = 3 enddo endif endif endif c fedge = max( ftredge * fzedge , 0. ) c c ! if too far out to extrapolate, return if ( fedge .le. 0. ) then if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) then write(6,20) slt+6., slr stop ' STOP -- OPAL: bad T or RHO value. ' endif return endif c . . . . Outside or c . . . . 1-space c 6. *. . . inside max c * * * high-T edge if ( k1x .lt. 0 .and. k3sat .ge. ntm ) then k1x = nt_m2 l1x = max(l2-1,1) if ( l2sat .gt. nrb ) then do i = 1,3 if ( ntm_m3+i .le. nta(l4sat) ) iqx(i) = 3 enddo endif c 7. Anywhere except high-T or high-R edges: else if ( k1x .lt. 0 ) then k1x = max(k2-1,1) l1x = max(l2-1,1) if ( k2sat .gt. ntb ) ipx = 3 if ( l2sat .gt. nrb ) then do i = 1,4 iqx(i) = 3 enddo endif endif c ! check low-T,low-R corner for X=0; avoid it if possible ichgr = 1 if ( mf .eq. mxzero .and. k1x+ntdel .lt. ntax0(l1x+nrdel) ) then c ! avoid if ( mf2 .eq. mf+3 ) then mf = mf2-2 mg = mf2-1 mh = mf2 c ! like region 1. too far out else if ( k3sat .lt. ntax0(l3sat) ) then ftredge = 0. fedge = 0. if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) then write(6,20) slt+6., slr stop ' STOP -- OPAL: bad T or RHO value. ' endif return c ! else, will need to revise T,R indices for first m (= mf) else ichgr = 0 endif endif c ! check similarly for X=.03 if ( ( mf .eq. mx03 .or. mg .eq. mx03 ) .and. $ k1x+ntdel .lt. ntax03(l1x+nrdel) ) then c ! avoid if ( mf2 .eq. mf+3 .and. mf .eq. mx03 ) then mf = mf2-2 mg = mf2-1 mh = mf2 c ! like region 1. too far out else if ( k3sat .lt. ntax03(l3sat) ) then ftredge = 0. fedge = 0. if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) then write(6,20) slt+6., slr stop ' STOP -- OPAL: bad T or RHO value. ' endif return c ! if need to revise T,R indices for mf: else if ( mf .eq. mx03 ) then ichgr = 0 endif endif c ! xhemxi: subtract Z to prevent out-of-range C+O values at small X c xhemxi = max( 1. - xh - z , 0. ) ftrbeg = ftredge if ( kzf2 .gt. kzf ) then zlogd = log10( z + zdel ) else zlogd = 0.0 endif c ! ------------------------- loop over X-mixes m do m = mf,mf2 c ! set (or restore) grid-indices, if necessary if ( ichgr .ne. 0 ) then do i = 1,4 iq(i) = iqx(i) enddo ip = ipx k1 = k1x l1 = l1x k2 = k1+1 k3 = k1+2 k4 = k1+3 l2 = l1+1 l3 = l1+2 l4 = l1+3 endif c ! check for low-T,low-R cutout at X=0 or X=.03: ichgr = 0 if ( m .eq. mxzero .and. $ k1x+ntdel .lt. ntax0(l1x+nrdel) ) then ichgr = 1 do i = max(l2sat-2,0),min(l4sat+2,nrm) ntaxat(i) = ntax0(i) enddo else if ( m .eq. mx03 .and. $ k1x+ntdel .lt. ntax03(l1x+nrdel) ) then ichgr = 1 do i = max(l2sat-2,0),min(l4sat+2,nrm) ntaxat(i) = ntax03(i) enddo endif c ! change grid indices, if in low-{R,T} cutout if ( ichgr .ne. 0 ) then k3 = min(k3sat-ntdel,nt) l3 = min(l3sat-nrdel,nr) l1sat = max(l2sat-1,0) ip = 2 do i = 1,4 iq(i) = 2 enddo ftrprev = ftredge ftredge = ftrbeg c ! 2. extrapolate T,R from corner if ( k3sat .eq. ntaxat(l3sat) .and. $ k3sat .lt. ntaxat(l2sat) ) then if ( l4sat .ge. nre ) then ftredge = 0. else ft = max(min(slt-alt(k3),0.)*dfs(k3)+1.000001,0.) fr = max(min(slr-alr(l3),0.)*dfsr(l3)+1.000001,0.) if ( l3 .gt. 1 ) ftredge = ftredge*fr if ( k3 .gt. 1 ) ftredge = ftredge*ft k1 = k3 l1 = l3 endif c ! 3. extrap T or R in corner else if ( k3sat .gt. ntaxat(l3sat) .and. $ k3sat .eq. ntaxat(l2sat) ) then ft = max(min(slt-alt(k3),0.)*dfs(k3)+1.000001,0.) fr = max(min(slr-alr(l3),0.)*dfsr(l3)+1.000001,0.) if ( ft .gt. fr .or. l4sat .ge. nre ) then ftredge = ftredge*ft k1 = k3 l1 = l3-2 if ( k3sat .lt. ntaxat(l1+nrdel) ) then l1 = l3-1 if ( l3 .ge. nr ) ftredge = 0. else if ( l3 .lt. nr ) then do i = 1,3 iq(i) = 3 enddo endif else ftredge = ftredge*fr k1 = max(ntaxat(l3sat)-ntdel,k3-2) l1 = l3 if ( k1 .eq. k3-2 ) ip = 3 endif c ! 4. extrapolate R else if ( k3sat .gt. ntaxat(l3sat) .and. $ k3sat .lt. ntaxat(l2sat) ) then if ( l4sat .ge. nre ) then ftredge = 0. else k1 = max(ntaxat(l3sat)-ntdel,k3-2) l1 = l3 if ( k1 .eq. k3-2 ) ip = 3 if ( l3 .gt. 1 ) ftredge = ftredge $ * max(min(slr-alr(l3),0.)*dfsr(l3)+1.000001,0.) endif c ! 8. extrapolate T else if ( k3sat .eq. ntaxat(l3sat) .and. $ k3sat .eq. ntaxat(l2sat) ) then k1 = k3 l1 = l3-2 if ( k3sat .lt. ntaxat(l1+nrdel) ) then l1 = l3-1 if ( l3 .ge. nr ) ftredge = 0. else if ( l3 .lt. nr ) then do i = 1,3 iq(i) = 3 enddo endif if ( k3 .gt. 1 ) ftredge = ftredge * max( 0. , $ min(slt-alt(k3),0.)*dfs(k3)+1.000001 ) c ! 5. inside an edge else if ( k2sat .ge. ntaxat(l2sat) .and. $ k2sat .le. ntaxat(l1sat) ) then if ( k2sat .eq. ntaxat(l2sat) .or. l3 .eq. nr ) then l1 = l3-2 k1 = k3-1 if ( k2sat .lt. ntaxat(l1+nrdel) ) then if ( l3 .lt. nr ) then l1 = l3-1 else if ( k3sat .lt. ntaxat(l1+nrdel) ) then ftredge = 0. else k1 = k3 ftredge = ftredge * max( 0. , $ min(slt-alt(k3),0.)*dfs(k3)+1.000001 ) endif else if ( l3 .lt. nr ) then do i = 1,3 iq(i) = 3 enddo endif else k1 = max(k3-2,1) l1 = l3-1 if ( k1 .eq. k3-2 ) ip = 3 endif endif c ! if too far out to extrapolate, return if ( ftredge .le. 0. ) then fedge = 0. opact = badlogkval if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) then write(6,20) slt+6., slr stop ' STOP -- OPAL: bad T or RHO value. ' endif return endif c ! use smaller of X=0 or X=.03 values ftredge = min(ftredge,ftrprev) fedge = max( ftredge * fzedge , 0. ) c c ! get rest of revised grid indices k2 = k1+1 k3 = k1+2 k4 = k1+3 l2 = l1+1 l3 = l1+2 l4 = l1+3 c ! end of revised grid in low-T,R cutout endif c ! ------------------------- loop over Z-values kz: do kz = kzf, kzf2 c ! xhemx: subtract Z to prevent out-of-range C+O c ! values at small X xhemx = 1. - xa(m) - zsto(kz) c ! If no X or Z interp if ( kzf2 .eq. kzf .and. mf2 .eq. mf ) then c xxc = xci xxo = xoi c ! Else, if we will be interpolating in X or Z: else c c............. C and O fractions determined by the ray through the origin that c also passes through the point (Xc,Xo). Specific interpolation c values are determined by tabulated X values; i.e., xa(m). c Interpolation along the ray gives log(kappa(Xc,Xo)). c (Advantage of method: keeps indices within table boundaries.) c if ( xhemxi .gt. 1.e-6 ) then cmod = xhemx / xhemxi else cmod = 0. endif if ( xci .gt. 0. ) then xxc = cmod * xci else if ( xci .ge. -1.e-8 .or. z .lt. 1.e-8 ) then xxc = 0. else xxc = max( xci / z , -1. ) * zsto(kz) endif if ( xoi .gt. 0. ) then xxo = cmod * xoi else if ( xoi .ge. -1.e-8 .or. z .lt. 1.e-8 ) then xxo = 0. else xxo = max( xoi / z , -1. ) * zsto(kz) endif c endif c xxco = xxc + xxo c c..... convert xxc and xxo to logarithmic shifted by Z+zdel c cxx = log10(zzz(kz)+xxc) oxx = log10(zzz(kz)+xxo) c ! set up table C,O abundances for this m,kz nc = n(m,1,kz) no = nc do i = 1,nc-1 xc(i) = xcs(i) xo(i) = xos(i) enddo xc(nc) = xhemx xo(nc) = xhemx c do i = 1,nc ox(i) = oxf(m,i,kz) cx(i) = cxf(m,i,kz) xcd(i) = xcdf(m,i,kz) xod(i) = xodf(m,i,kz) cxd(i) = cxdf(m,i,kz) oxd(i) = oxdf(m,i,kz) enddo c xodp = max(-xxc+xc(nc),0.) xcdp = max(-xxo+xo(no),0.) c-debug[ c-debug; if ( m .eq. mf .and. kz .eq. kzf .and. ioudeb .gt. 0 ) c-debug; $ write(6,9409) z,xh,xci,xoi,10.**slt,slt,slr, c-debug; $ xxc,xxo,mf,mf2,kzf,kzf2,k1,ip,l1,(iq(i),i=1,ip+1) c-debug; 9409 format(' '/' OPAL: Z',f10.7,' X',f10.7,' C',f10.7, c-debug; $ ' O',f10.7,' T6',f12.7,' logT6',f11.7,' logR',f11.7, c-debug; $ ' xxc',f10.7,' xxo',f10.7,' m',2i2,' kz',2i3, c-debug; $ ' k',i3,'+',i1,' l',i3,'+',4i1) c-debug] c c Interpolate in C and O: COINTSMO is better, and was more thoroughly tested: c if ( interp_CO_smo .gt. 0 ) then call cointsmo(xxc,xxo,kz) else call cointerp(xxc,xxo,kz) endif c ! ---------------- end of loop over Z-values kz enddo c c....... Interpolate in Z, if necessary, mixing overlapping quadratics. c call qzlog4int( zlogd ) c c....... completed C,O,Z interpolation. Now interpolate T6 and log R, usually c on a 4x4 grid. (log(T6(i)),i=i1,i1+3),log(R(j)),j=j1,j1+3)). Grid may c differ between X=0, X=.03, and X>.03 mixes, under some conditions. c Procedure mixes overlapping quadratics to obtain smoothed derivatives. c call t6rinterp(slr,slt) c ! ---------------- end of loop over X-mixes m enddo c c Completed C,O,Z,T6,R interpolation; interpolate logKappa & derivatives in X c c ! for low T with 0.0 < X < 0.1, may need to reduce xdel xdelat = xdel if ( mf .eq. mxzero .and. mg .eq. mx03 .and. mh .eq. mf+2 ) then delhi = opk(mh,1)-opk(mg,1) dello = opk(mg,1)-opk(mf,1) if ( delhi .gt. 0.02 .and. delhi .lt. dello ) then xdelat = max( xdel*(delhi/dello)**2 , xdelmin ) if ( delhi .lt. 0.1 ) $ xdelat = xdelat + (xdel-xdelat)*((0.1-delhi)*12.5)**2 if ( xdelat .lt. xdel ) then is = 0 c ! get (mf,mg,mh) interpolated values with revised xdel do i = 1,4 opvals(i) = qzinter(is,1,xh,2,opk(mf,i),opk(mg,i), $ opk(mh,i),0.0,xa(mf),xa(mg),xa(mh),0.0,xdelat) is = 1 enddo endif endif endif c is = 0 c ! if use only one X-table if ( mf .eq. mh ) then do i = 1,4 opvals(i) = opk(mf,i) enddo c-test-xdel[ c-test-xdel; do i = 1,n_xdel_test c-test-xdel; opdxi(i) = opact c-test-xdel; enddo c-test-xdel] c ! 2 tables: interpolate linearly in X else if ( mg .eq. mh ) then dixr = (xx(mg)-xxx)*dfsx(mg) do i = 1,4 opvals(i) = opk(mf,i)*dixr + opk(mg,i)*(1.-dixr) enddo c-test-xdel[ c-test-xdel; do i = 1,n_xdel_test_m1 c-test-xdel; opdxi(i) = ( opk(mf,1) c-test-xdel; $ * log10((xa(mg)+xdel_test(i))/(xh+xdel_test(i))) c-test-xdel; $ + opk(mg,1) c-test-xdel; $ * log10((xh+xdel_test(i))/(xa(mf)+xdel_test(i))) ) c-test-xdel; $ / log10((xa(mg)+xdel_test(i)) c-test-xdel; $ /(xa(mf)+xdel_test(i))) c-test-xdel; enddo c-test-xdel; opdxuse = opact c-test-xdel] c ! 3 tables: interpolate in X using quadratic else if ( mh .eq. mf2 ) then c ! if revised xdel was NOT used (usually!) if ( xdelat .ge. xdel ) then do i = 1,4 opvals(i) = quad(is,1,xxx,opk(mf,i),opk(mg,i),opk(mh,i), $ xx(mf),xx(mg),xx(mh)) is = 1 enddo endif c-test-xdel[ c-test-xdel; do i = 1,n_xdel_test_m1 c-test-xdel; opdxi(i) = quad(0,1,log10(xh+xdel_test(i)), c-test-xdel; $ opk(mf,1),opk(mg,1),opk(mh,1), c-test-xdel; $ log10(xa(mf)+xdel_test(i)), c-test-xdel; $ log10(xa(mg)+xdel_test(i)), c-test-xdel; $ log10(xa(mh)+xdel_test(i))) c-test-xdel; enddo c-test-xdel; opdxuse = opact c-test-xdel] c ! 4 tables: interpolate X between two overlapping quadratics else dixr = (xx(mh)-xxx)*dfsx(mh) c ! if revised xdel was NOT used (usually!) if ( xdelat .ge. xdel ) then do i = 1,4 opvals(i) = quad(is,1,xxx,opk(mf,i),opk(mg,i),opk(mh,i), $ xx(mf),xx(mg),xx(mh))*dixr $ + quad(is,2,xxx,opk(mg,i),opk(mh,i),opk(mf2,i), $ xx(mg),xx(mh),xx(mf2))*(1.-dixr) is = 1 enddo c ! else, if revised xdel was used, combine it with (mg,mh,mf2) else do i = 1,4 opvals(i) = opvals(i)*dixr $ + quad(is,2,xxx,opk(mg,i),opk(mh,i),opk(mf2,i), $ xx(mg),xx(mh),xx(mf2))*(1.-dixr) is = 1 enddo endif c-test-xdel[ c-test-xdel; do i = 1,n_xdel_test_m1 c-test-xdel; opdxi(i) = ( quad(0,1,log10(xh+xdel_test(i)),opk(mf,1), c-test-xdel; $ opk(mg,1),opk(mh,1),log10(xa(mf)+xdel_test(i)), c-test-xdel; $ log10(xa(mg)+xdel_test(i)), c-test-xdel; $ log10(xa(mh)+xdel_test(i))) c-test-xdel; $ * log10((xa(mh)+xdel_test(i))/(xh+xdel_test(i))) c-test-xdel; $ + quad(0,2,log10(xh+xdel_test(i)),opk(mg,1), c-test-xdel; $ opk(mh,1),opk(mf2,1),log10(xa(mg)+xdel_test(i)), c-test-xdel; $ log10(xa(mh)+xdel_test(i)), c-test-xdel; $ log10(xa(mf2)+xdel_test(i))) c-test-xdel; $ * log10((xh+xdel_test(i))/(xa(mg)+xdel_test(i))) ) c-test-xdel; $ / log10((xa(mh)+xdel_test(i)) c-test-xdel; $ /(xa(mg)+xdel_test(i))) c-test-xdel; enddo c-test-xdel; opdxuse = opact c-test-xdel] endif c c If the 'GN93hz' X-indices will be needed, obtain them: c if ( f_xhi .gt. 0. .or. max( need_cno , need_user ) .gt. 0 ) then c c ! X < 0.1: if ( mf .eq. mxzero ) then c ! set new mf,mg,mh,mf2 so that only the c ! upper X-interp quadratic is shifted mf = 1 mg = 1 if ( mf2 .gt. 1 ) then mh = 2 mf2 = 3 else mh = 1 mf2 = 1 endif c ! X = 1-Z: else if ( xh .gt. 0.999999 - z ) then c ! high-X edge mf = mx_hi mg = mx_hi mh = mx_hi mf2 = mx_hi c ! X > 0.9: possibly fancy Z-interp: else if ( xh .ge. 0.9000009 ) then c ! first: set new mf,mg,mh,mf2 mf2 = nx_hi(kzf) x_4 = 1. - z mg = min( mx_hi - 2 , mf2 - 1 ) mf = mg - 1 mh = mg + 1 c ! X = 0.95 case if ( abs( xhi_in(mh) - xh ) .lt. 9.e-7 .and. $ xhi_use(mf2,kzf2) .ge. xhi_in(mh) - 1.e-6 ) then mh = mg + 1 mf2 = mh mg = mh mf = mh x_3 = 0.0 c ! 3-X-pt: Z > Zsto(kzf) > 0.05 else if ( mf2 .eq. mg + 1 ) then mh = mf2 x_3 = x_4 c ! 4-X-pt: Zsto(kzf2) < 0.05 else if ( nx_hi(kzf2) .eq. mf2 ) then x_3 = xhi_use(mh,kzf2) c ! 3-X-pt: X > 0.95 if ( xh .ge. x_3 - 9.e-7 ) mf = mg c ! Otherwise else if ( z .lt. zsto(kzh) - zacc(kzh) ) then k_k = kzg else k_k = kzh endif if ( nx_hi(k_k) .lt. mf2 ) then c ! kzf2 * * * Z | c ! | | \ | c ! kzh * * * +---> X c ! | | x \ c ! kzg * * * (use 3 c ! | | |\ X-pts) c ! kzf * * * * c ! mf mg mh mf2 mh = mf2 x_3 = x_4 else c ! kzf2 * * * Z | c ! | | \ | c ! kzh * * * +---> X c ! | | \ c ! | | x |\ (usually c ! kzg * * * * use 4 c ! | | | \ X-pts) c ! kzf * * * * c ! mf mg mh mf2 c if ( xhi_use(mh,kzh) .ge. xhi_in(mh) - 1.e-6 ) then x_3 = xhi_in(mh) else c ! mh: curved Z-interpolation x_3 = qzinter(0,1,z,kzf2-kzf, $ xhi_use(mh,kzf),xhi_use(mh,kzg), $ xhi_use(mh,kzh),xhi_use(mh,kzf2),zsto(kzf), $ zsto(kzg),zsto(kzh),zsto(kzf2),zdel) endif c ! 3-X-pt: X > 0.95 if ( xh .ge. x_3 - 9.e-7 ) mf = mg endif endif c ! ELSE: general case: 0.1 < X < 0.9: else mg = 2 mh = mx_hi - 2 do while ( mh - mg .gt. 1 ) imd = ( mg + mh ) / 2 if ( xh .le. xhi_in(imd) ) then mh = imd else mg = imd endif enddo c ! exact X-value: if ( abs( xh - xhi_in(mh) ) .lt. 9.e-7 ) then mf = mh mg = mh mf2 = mh else if ( abs( xh - xhi_in(mg) ) .lt. 9.e-7 ) then mf = mg mh = mg mf2 = mg c ! or general 4-pt X-interpolation: else mf = mg - 1 mf2 = min( mh + 1 , nx_hi(kzf) ) endif c ! get the X-values for 3rd and 4th X-pts: x_3 = xhi_in(mh) c ! 3-X-pt case if ( mf2 .eq. mh ) then x_4 = x_3 c ! x4 = 0.9 or smaller else if ( mf2 .le. mx_hi - 2 ) then x_4 = xhi_in(mf2) c ! x4 = 0.95 or 1-Z else if ( nx_hi(kzf2) .eq. nx_hi(kzf) ) then x_4 = max( x_3 , min( xhi_use(mf2,kzf) , 1. - z ) ) c ! otherwise else if ( z .lt. zsto(kzh) - zacc(kzh) ) then k_k = kzg else k_k = kzh endif if ( nx_hi(k_k) .lt. mf2 ) then c ! kzf2 * * * Z | c ! | | \ | c ! kzh * * * +---> X c ! | x | \ c ! kzg * * * x4 = 1-Z c ! | | |\ c ! kzf * * * * c ! mg mh mf2 mf2 = mx_hi x_4 = 1. - z else c ! kzf2 * * * Z | c ! | | \ | c ! kzh * * * +---> X c ! | | \ c ! | x | |\ x4 from c ! kzg * * * * the line c ! | | | \ "mf2" c ! kzf * * * * c ! mg mh mf2 c if ( xhi_use(mf2,kzh) .ge. xhi_in(mf2) - 1.e-6 ) then x_4 = xhi_in(mf2) else c ! mf2: curved Z-interpolation x_4 = qzinter(0,1,z,kzf2-kzf, $ xhi_use(mf2,kzf),xhi_use(mf2,kzg), $ xhi_use(mf2,kzh),xhi_use(mf2,kzf2),zsto(kzf), $ zsto(kzg),zsto(kzh),zsto(kzf2),zdel) endif endif endif endif c endif c c If the 'GN93hz' X-values are not available, just check for X > 0.76: c if ( f_xhi .le. 0.0 ) then c if ( xh .gt. 0.76 .and. kdo_xhi .le. 0 ) then fedge = max( 0.0 , 1. - ( xh - 0.76 ) / 0.04 ) if ( fedge .le. 0.0 .and. level_err .ge. 2 ) then write(6,30) xh 30 format(' '/' X=',f10.6, $ ' > 0.8, but GN93hz X-values unavailable') stop ' STOP -- OPAL: Error: X too large. ' endif endif c c If X > 0.03 and C+O is not too large, then the more-numerous X-values from c 'GN93hz' can help; note that f_xhi was set above, according to this. c else c ! m is the temporary-opacity-storage X-index m = 0 c ! loop ix over 'GN93hz'-opacity-shift X-indices do ix = mf, mf2 c ! ix valid? if ( ix .le. mg .or. ix .eq. mh .or. ix .eq. mf2 ) then c m = m + 1 c ! if X available from 'Gz???.x??': if ( ireq_hi(ix) .eq. 0 ) then c ! no opacity shifts at this X do i = 1, 4 opk(m,i) = 0.0 enddo c ! ELSE: if X not available from 'Gz???.x??': else c ! get opacity shifts: loop over Z, T, R do kz = kzf, kzf2 ixm = min( ix , nx_hi(kz) ) if ( ixm .le. 5 ) then io = mo else ixm = ixm - 5 io = mo_m1 endif do it = k1,k1+ip do ir = l1,l1+iq(it-k1+1) opl(it,ir,kz) = co(ixm,mc,io,it,ir,kz) enddo enddo enddo c ! interpolate over Z call qzlog4int( zlogd ) c ! interpolate over T and R call t6rinterp(slr,slt) c endif c endif c enddo c c Now add the just-computed 'GN93hz' added-X-value opacity shifts and their c derivatives to the original opacity and derivative values: c is = 0 c ! if 0.03 < X < 0.1 (1st quadratic absent): c if ( mg .eq. 1 .and. mf2 .eq. 3 ) then f_xhi = f_xhi * (1.-dixr) do i = 1, 4 opvals(i) = opvals(i) + f_xhi * quad(is,1,xxx,opk(1,i), $ opk(2,i),opk(3,i),xxx_hi(1),xxx_hi(2),xxx_hi(3)) is = 1 enddo c ! if use only one X-table else if ( mf .eq. mh ) then do i = 1, 4 opvals(i) = opvals(i) + f_xhi * opk(1,i) enddo c ! 3 tables: interpolate in X using quadratic else if ( mh .eq. mf2 ) then if ( x_3 .eq. xhi_in(mh) ) then xx_3 = xxx_hi(mh) else xx_3 = log10( x_3 + xdel ) endif do i = 1, 4 opvals(i) = opvals(i) + f_xhi * qchk(is,1,xxx,opk(1,i), $ opk(2,i),opk(3,i),xxx_hi(mf),xxx_hi(mg),xx_3) is = 1 enddo c ! 3 tables at high-X end of matrix else if ( mf .eq. mg ) then if ( x_3 .eq. xhi_in(mh) ) then xx_3 = xxx_hi(mh) else xx_3 = log10( x_3 + xdel ) endif if ( x_4 .eq. xhi_in(mf2) ) then xx_4 = xxx_hi(mf2) else xx_4 = log10( x_4 + xdel ) endif do i = 1, 4 opvals(i) = opvals(i) + f_xhi * qchk(is,1,xxx,opk(1,i), $ opk(2,i),opk(3,i),xxx_hi(mg),xx_3,xx_4) is = 1 enddo c ! 3 tables: x4 = x3 (should not happen) else if ( x_3 .ge. x_4 ) then if ( x_4 .eq. xhi_in(mf2) ) then xx_4 = xxx_hi(mf2) else xx_4 = log10( x_4 + xdel ) endif do i = 1, 4 opvals(i) = opvals(i) + f_xhi * qchk(is,1,xxx,opk(1,i), $ opk(2,i),opk(4,i),xxx_hi(mf),xxx_hi(mg),xx_4) is = 1 enddo c ! 4 tables: interpolate X between two overlapping quadratics else if ( x_3 .eq. xhi_in(mh) ) then xx_3 = xxx_hi(mh) else xx_3 = log10( x_3 + xdel ) endif if ( x_4 .eq. xhi_in(mf2) ) then xx_4 = xxx_hi(mf2) else xx_4 = log10( x_4 + xdel ) endif dixr = ( xx_3 - xxx ) / ( xx_3 - xxx_hi(mg) ) do i = 1,4 opvals(i) = opvals(i) + f_xhi * ( qchk(is,1,xxx,opk(1,i), $ opk(2,i),opk(3,i),xxx_hi(mf),xxx_hi(mg),xx_3) * dixr $ + qchk(is,2,xxx,opk(2,i),opk(3,i),opk(4,i), $ xxx_hi(mg),xx_3,xx_4) * (1.-dixr) ) is = 1 enddo endif c endif c c If the CNO-interpolation is needed, perform it. c if ( max( need_cno , need_user ) .gt. 0 ) then c f_2 = fcn * need_cno f_3 = fcon * need_cno f_4 = fcnone * need_cno f_5 = fu * need_user c ! m is the temporary-opacity-storage X-index m = 0 c ! loop ix over 'GN93hz'-opacity-shift X-indices do ix = mf, mf2 c ! ix valid? if ( ix .le. mg .or. ix .eq. mh .or. ix .eq. mf2 ) then c m = m + 1 c ! get opacity shifts: loop over Z, T, R do kz = kzf, kzf2 c ixm = min( ix , nx_hi(kz) ) c call index_co_deltas( 2, ixm, ix2, ic2, io2 ) call index_co_deltas( 3, ixm, ix3, ic3, io3 ) call index_co_deltas( 4, ixm, ix4, ic4, io4 ) call index_co_deltas( 5, ixm, ix5, ic5, io5 ) c do it = k1, k1 + ip do ir = l1, l1 + iq(it-k1+1) opl(it,ir,kz) = f_2 * co(ix2,ic2,io2,it,ir,kz) $ + f_3 * co(ix3,ic3,io3,it,ir,kz) $ + f_4 * co(ix4,ic4,io4,it,ir,kz) $ + f_5 * co(ix5,ic5,io5,it,ir,kz) enddo enddo c enddo c ! interpolate over Z call qzlog4int( zlogd ) c ! interpolate over T and R call t6rinterp(slr,slt) c endif c enddo c c Now add the just-computed 'GN93hz' CNO-interpolation opacity shifts and c their derivatives to the original opacity and derivative values: c is = 0 c ! if 0.0 < X < 0.1 (1st quadratic absent): c if ( mg .eq. 1 .and. mf2 .eq. 3 ) then do i = 1, 4 opvals(i) = opvals(i) + quad(is,1,xxx,opk(1,i),opk(2,i), $ opk(3,i),xxx_cno(1),xxx_cno(2),xxx_cno(3)) is = 1 enddo c ! if use only one X-table else if ( mf .eq. mh ) then do i = 1, 4 opvals(i) = opvals(i) + opk(1,i) enddo c ! 3 tables: interpolate in X using quadratic else if ( mh .eq. mf2 ) then if ( x_3 .eq. xhi_in(mh) ) then xx_3 = xxx_cno(mh) else xx_3 = log10( x_3 + xdel ) endif do i = 1, 4 opvals(i) = opvals(i) + qchk(is,1,xxx,opk(1,i), $ opk(2,i),opk(3,i),xxx_cno(mf),xxx_cno(mg),xx_3) is = 1 enddo c ! 3 tables at high-X end of matrix else if ( mf .eq. mg ) then if ( x_3 .eq. xhi_in(mh) ) then xx_3 = xxx_cno(mh) else xx_3 = log10( x_3 + xdel ) endif if ( x_4 .eq. xhi_in(mf2) ) then xx_4 = xxx_cno(mf2) else xx_4 = log10( x_4 + xdel ) endif do i = 1, 4 opvals(i) = opvals(i) + qchk(is,1,xxx,opk(1,i), $ opk(2,i),opk(3,i),xxx_cno(mg),xx_3,xx_4) is = 1 enddo c ! 3 tables: x4 = x3 (should not happen) else if ( x_3 .ge. x_4 ) then if ( x_4 .eq. xhi_in(mf2) ) then xx_4 = xxx_cno(mf2) else xx_4 = log10( x_4 + xdel ) endif do i = 1, 4 opvals(i) = opvals(i) + qchk(is,1,xxx,opk(1,i), $ opk(2,i),opk(4,i),xxx_cno(mf),xxx_cno(mg),xx_4) is = 1 enddo c ! 4 tables: interpolate X between two overlapping quadratics else if ( x_3 .eq. xhi_in(mh) ) then xx_3 = xxx_cno(mh) else xx_3 = log10( x_3 + xdel ) endif if ( x_4 .eq. xhi_in(mf2) ) then xx_4 = xxx_cno(mf2) else xx_4 = log10( x_4 + xdel ) endif dixr = ( xx_3 - xxx ) / ( xx_3 - xxx_cno(mg) ) do i = 1,4 opvals(i) = opvals(i) + qchk(is,1,xxx,opk(1,i),opk(2,i), $ opk(3,i),xxx_cno(mf),xxx_cno(mg),xx_3) * dixr $ + qchk(is,2,xxx,opk(2,i),opk(3,i),opk(4,i), $ xxx_cno(mg),xx_3,xx_4) * ( 1. - dixr ) is = 1 enddo endif c endif c c-debug[ c-debug; ichk = 0 c-debug; do m = mf,mf2 c-debug; if ( .not. abs(opk(m,1)) .le. oudebl ) ichk = 1 c-debug; enddo c-debug; if ( ichk .gt. 0 .or. .not. c-debug; $ abs(opact) .le. oudebl .or. ioudeb .gt. 1 ) then c-debug; koudeb = koudeb+1 c-debug; write(6,8415) mf,mf2,kzf,kzf2,k1,ip,l1,iq(1),iq(2), c-debug; $ iq(3),iq(ip+1),z,xh,xci,xoi,slt,slr c-debug; 8415 format(' '/' opk(X): m',2i2,' kz',2i3,' k1',i3,'+',i1, c-debug; $ ' l1',i3,'+',4i1,' Z',f10.7,' X',f10.7,' C',f10.7, c-debug; $ ' O',f10.7,' logT6',f12.7,' logR',f12.7) c-debug; do m = mf,mf2 c-debug; write(6,8473) ' ',m,xa(m),(opk(m,i),i=1,4) c-debug; 8473 format(a4,' (x',i1,') X=',f10.7,' logK=',g15.7, c-debug; $ ' DT=',g15.7,' DR=',g15.7,' DTro=',g15.7,a4) c-debug; enddo c-debug; write(6,8473) ' ==>',0,xh,(opvals(i),i=1,4),' <==' c-debug;c-test-xdel[ c-debug;c-test-xdel; if ( mf .ne. mh ) write(6,9387) xh, c-debug;c-test-xdel; $ (opdxi(i),i=1,n_xdel_test_m1), c-debug;c-test-xdel; $ (xdel_test(i),i=1,n_xdel_test_m1) c-debug;c-test-xdel; 9387 format(' X=',f10.7,' logK=',8g15.7/ c-debug;c-test-xdel; $ ' for delX=',f9.4,7f15.4) c-debug;c-test-xdel] c-debug; endif c-debug] c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine ask_last_opac( op, dopt, dopr, doptd, fe, ftre, fze ) c ================================================================ c common/e_opal_z/ opact,dopact,dopacr,dopactd,fedge,ftredge,fzedge c op = opact dopt = dopact dopr = dopacr doptd = dopactd fe = fedge ftre = ftredge fze = fzedge c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine ask_last_xcnou(z,x,xc,xo,slt,slr,fcn,fcon,fcnone,fu) c =============================================================== c common /x_opal_z/ z_opal, x_opal, xc_opal, xo_opal, slt_opal, $ slr_opal, fcn_opal, fcon_opal, fcnone_opal, fu_opal c z = z_opal x = x_opal xc = xc_opal xo = xo_opal slt = slt_opal slr = slr_opal fcn = fcn_opal fcon = fcon_opal fcnone = fcnone_opal fu = fu_opal c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine set_opal_dir( cdirin ) c ================================= c character*(*) cdirin c common/recoin_opal_z/ itimeco,mxzero,mx03,kope,igznotgx save /recoin_opal_z/ c character*255 copdir common/opdir/ copdir save /opdir/ c character*1 cb(6) common/chkpoc/cb save /chkpoc/ c common /c_level_err_opal_z/ level_err save /c_level_err_opal_z/ c--- logical lxst c=== last = lnblnk( cdirin ) ibeg = max( 1 , non_blank_begin(cdirin) ) c kope = last - ibeg + 1 c if ( kope .eq. 0 ) then c copdir = ' ' c else c if ( level_err .gt. 0 ) then iblank = num_blanks_contained( cdirin ) if ( iblank .gt. 0 ) then write(6,10) iblank, cdirin(ibeg:last) 10 format(' WARNING:',i5,' blanks contained in OPAL', $ ' directory name:'/' ',a) if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) stop $ ' STOP -- SET_OPAL_DIR Error: blanks in name. ' endif endif c if ( cdirin(last:last) .ne. cb(1) .and. $ cdirin(last:last) .ne. cb(2) ) kope = kope + 1 c if ( kope .gt. 246 ) then write(6,20) kope, cdirin(ibeg:last) 20 format(' Error: length',i5, $ ' exceeds 246 for OPAL directory name:'/' ',a) stop ' STOP -- SET_OPAL_DIR Error: name too long. ' endif c copdir = cdirin(ibeg:) c if ( kope .gt. last - ibeg + 1 ) copdir(kope:kope) = cb(1) c c NOTE that some systems return FALSE for the existence of a directory, so c one cannot check for the directory's existence. c c-dir; call inqfil( copdir, lxst ) c-dir; if ( .not. lxst ) then c-dir; write(6,30) copdir(:kope) c-dir; 30 format(' STOP -- SET_OPAL_DIR:', c-dir; $ ' OPAL directory does not exist:'/' ',a) c-dir; stop c-dir; endif c endif c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine set_ofe_file( cfileofe ) c =================================== c character*(*) cfileofe c parameter ( nel_zmix=19, n_zmixes=5, kel_o=3, kel_fe=nel_zmix-1 ) c character*2 cel_opalmixes(nel_zmix) character*8 cfile_opalmixes(n_zmixes) common/opalmixes/ xiz_mix(nel_zmix),fninz_mix(nel_zmix), $ bracketife_mix(nel_zmix),bracketofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes), $ xofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes),xiz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ fninz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ cel_opalmixes,cfile_opalmixes save /opalmixes/ c character*1 cb(6) common/chkpoc/cb save /chkpoc/ c common /c_level_err_opal_z/ level_err save /c_level_err_opal_z/ c=== last = lnblnk( cfileofe ) ibeg = max( 1 , non_blank_begin(cfileofe) ) c if ( level_err .gt. 0 ) then c if ( last - ibeg .ge. 8 ) then write(6,10) last - ibeg + 1, cfileofe(ibeg:last) 10 format(' WARNING: length',i5, $ ' exceeds 8 for filename for khighz = 5:'/' ',a) if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) stop $ ' STOP -- SET_OFE_FILE Error: name too long. ' endif c iblank = num_blanks_contained( cfileofe ) c if ( iblank .gt. 0 ) then write(6,20) iblank, cfileofe(ibeg:last) 20 format(' WARNING:',i5,' blanks contained in filename', $ ' for khighz = -5:'/' ',a) if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) stop $ ' STOP -- SET_OFE_FILE Error: blanks in name. ' endif c endif c cfile_opalmixes(n_zmixes) = cfileofe(ibeg:) c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine set_altmix_ofe_file( cfileofe ) c ========================================== c character*(*) cfileofe c parameter ( nel_zmix=19, n_zmixes=5, kel_o=3, kel_fe=nel_zmix-1 ) c parameter ( n_totmix = n_zmixes + 5, n_cnobeg = n_zmixes + 1 ) c character*255 cfile_opalGS98(n_totmix) common /opalGS98mixes/ bracketofe_opalGS98(n_totmix), $ xofe_opalGS98(n_totmix),xiz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix), $ fninz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix),atwt_opalGS98(nel_zmix), $ cfile_opalGS98 save /opalGS98mixes/ c common /c_level_err_opal_z/ level_err save /c_level_err_opal_z/ c=== last = lnblnk( cfileofe ) c ibeg = max( 1 , non_blank_begin(cfileofe) ) c if ( level_err .gt. 0 ) then c if ( last - ibeg .ge. 255 ) then write(6,10) last - ibeg + 1, cfileofe(ibeg:last) 10 format(' WARNING: length',i5, $ ' exceeds 255 for filename for khighz = -5:'/' ',a) if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) stop $ ' STOP -- SET_ALTMIX_OFE_FILE Error: name too long. ' endif c iblank = num_blanks_contained( cfileofe ) c if ( iblank .gt. 0 ) then write(6,20) iblank, cfileofe(ibeg:last) 20 format(' WARNING:',i5,' blanks contained in filename', $ ' for khighz = -5:'/' ',a) if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) stop $ ' STOP -- SET_ALTMIX_OFE_FILE Error: blanks in name. ' endif c endif c cfile_opalGS98(n_zmixes) = cfileofe(ibeg:) c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine set_altmix_main_file( cfile_hz ) c =========================================== c character*(*) cfile_hz c parameter ( nel_zmix=19, n_zmixes=5, kel_o=3, kel_fe=nel_zmix-1 ) c parameter ( n_totmix = n_zmixes + 5, n_cnobeg = n_zmixes + 1 ) c character*255 cfile_opalGS98(n_totmix) common /opalGS98mixes/ bracketofe_opalGS98(n_totmix), $ xofe_opalGS98(n_totmix),xiz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix), $ fninz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix),atwt_opalGS98(nel_zmix), $ cfile_opalGS98 save /opalGS98mixes/ c common /c_level_err_opal_z/ level_err save /c_level_err_opal_z/ c common /alt_change_opal_z/ main_alt_change, iulow, khighz_in, $ ofebrack_in save /alt_change_opal_z/ c=== last = lnblnk( cfile_hz ) c ibeg = max( 1 , non_blank_begin(cfile_hz) ) c if ( level_err .gt. 0 ) then c if ( last - ibeg .ge. 255 ) then write(6,10) last - ibeg + 1, cfile_hz(ibeg:last) 10 format(' WARNING: length',i5, $ ' exceeds 255 for filename for khighz = -1:'/' ',a) if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) stop $ ' STOP -- SET_ALTMIX_MAIN_FILE Error: name too long. ' endif c iblank = num_blanks_contained( cfile_hz ) c if ( iblank .gt. 0 ) then write(6,20) iblank, cfile_hz(ibeg:last) 20 format(' WARNING:',i5,' blanks contained in filename', $ ' for khighz = -5:'/' ',a) if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) stop $ ' STOP -- SET_ALTMIX_MAIN_FILE Error: blanks in name ' endif c endif c if ( last .eq. 0 ) then cfile_opalGS98(1) = 'GS98hz' main_alt_change = 2 else cfile_opalGS98(1) = cfile_hz(ibeg:) main_alt_change = 1 endif c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine set_cno_files( cf_hz, cf_c, cf_o, cf_n, cf_user ) c ============================================================ c character*(*) cf_hz, cf_c, cf_o, cf_n, cf_user c parameter ( nel_zmix=19, n_zmixes=5, kel_o=3, kel_fe=nel_zmix-1 ) c parameter ( n_totmix = n_zmixes + 5, n_cnobeg = n_zmixes + 1 ) c character*255 cfile_opalGS98(n_totmix) common /opalGS98mixes/ bracketofe_opalGS98(n_totmix), $ xofe_opalGS98(n_totmix),xiz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix), $ fninz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix),atwt_opalGS98(nel_zmix), $ cfile_opalGS98 save /opalGS98mixes/ c character*8 cdef_CNO_ext(n_cnobeg:n_totmix) common /ext_CNO_opal_z/ len_def_CNO_ext(n_cnobeg:n_totmix), $ cdef_CNO_ext save /ext_CNO_opal_z/ c parameter ( nbegp1 = n_cnobeg + 1, nbegp2 = n_cnobeg + 2 ) c common /c_level_err_opal_z/ level_err save /c_level_err_opal_z/ c=== l_max = 0 iwarn = max( 2 - level_err , 0 ) c do k = n_cnobeg, n_totmix c if ( k .eq. n_cnobeg ) then last = lnblnk( cf_hz ) ibeg = max( 1 , non_blank_begin(cf_hz) ) cfile_opalGS98(k) = cf_hz(ibeg:) else if ( k .eq. nbegp1 ) then last = lnblnk( cf_c ) ibeg = max( 1 , non_blank_begin(cf_c) ) cfile_opalGS98(k) = cf_c(ibeg:) else if ( k .eq. nbegp2 ) then last = lnblnk( cf_o ) ibeg = max( 1 , non_blank_begin(cf_o) ) cfile_opalGS98(k) = cf_o(ibeg:) else if ( k .eq. n_totmix ) then last = lnblnk( cf_user ) ibeg = max( 1 , non_blank_begin(cf_user) ) cfile_opalGS98(k) = cf_user(ibeg:) else last = lnblnk( cf_n ) ibeg = max( 1 , non_blank_begin(cf_n) ) cfile_opalGS98(k) = cf_n(ibeg:) endif c if ( k .eq. n_cnobeg ) then l_hz = last - ibeg + 1 else if ( last .eq. 0 .and. l_hz .gt. 0 ) then cfile_opalGS98(k) = $ cfile_opalGS98(n_cnobeg)(:min(l_hz,255)) // $ cdef_CNO_ext(k) last = l_hz + len_def_CNO_ext(k) else if ( last .gt. 0 .and. l_hz .eq. 0 .and. $ iwarn .eq. 0 ) then write(6,10) 10 format(' WARNING: SET_CNO_FILES: blank cfile_hz', $ ' but other input filename(s) non-blank') iwarn = iwarn + 1 endif c l_max = max( l_max , last - ibeg + 1 ) c enddo c if ( l_max .gt. 255 .and. level_err .gt. 0 ) then write(6,20) l_max 20 format(' WARNING: SET_CNO_FILES: largest filename length',i5, $ ' exceeds 255') if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) stop $ ' STOP -- SET_CNO_FILES Error: filename too long. ' endif c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine ask_khighz_ofe( khighz_used, ofebrack_used ) c ======================================================= c common /alt_change_opal_z/ main_alt_change, iulow, khighz_in, $ ofebrack_in save /alt_change_opal_z/ c khighz_used = khighz_in ofebrack_used = ofebrack_in c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine ask_main_opal_file( cf_main_used ) c ============================================= c character*(*) cf_main_used c common /alt_change_opal_z/ main_alt_change, iulow, khighz_in, $ ofebrack_in save /alt_change_opal_z/ c parameter ( nel_zmix=19, n_zmixes=5, kel_o=3, kel_fe=nel_zmix-1 ) c c-implicit; real*4 xiz_mix,fninz_mix,bracketife_mix,bracketofe_opalmixes, c-implicit; $ xofe_opalmixes,xiz_opalmixes,fninz_opalmixes character*2 cel_opalmixes(nel_zmix) character*8 cfile_opalmixes(n_zmixes) common/opalmixes/ xiz_mix(nel_zmix),fninz_mix(nel_zmix), $ bracketife_mix(nel_zmix),bracketofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes), $ xofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes),xiz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ fninz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ cel_opalmixes,cfile_opalmixes save /opalmixes/ c parameter ( n_totmix = n_zmixes + 5, n_cnobeg = n_zmixes + 1 ) c c-implicit; real*4 bracketofe_opalGS98, xofe_opalGS98, xiz_opalGS98, c-implicit; $ fninz_opalGS98, atwt_opalGS98 character*255 cfile_opalGS98(n_totmix) common /opalGS98mixes/ bracketofe_opalGS98(n_totmix), $ xofe_opalGS98(n_totmix),xiz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix), $ fninz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix),atwt_opalGS98(nel_zmix), $ cfile_opalGS98 save /opalGS98mixes/ c if ( khighz_in .ge. 0 ) then cf_main_used = cfile_opalmixes(1) else cf_main_used = cfile_opalGS98(1) endif c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine set_xhi( kxhi ) c ========================== c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c parameter ( mx_hi=2*mx, mo_m1=mo-1, mx_hi_nz=mx_hi*nz ) c common /xhi_opal_z/ xhi_in(mx_hi), xcno_use(mx_hi,nz), $ xhi_use(mx_hi,nz), xxx_cno(mx_hi), xxx_hi(mx_hi), $ nx_hi(nz), ireq_hi(mx_hi), khighx(nz), kavail_xhi, kuse_xhi, $ kdo_xhi, kavail_cno, kuse_cno, kdo_cno, kavail_user, $ kuse_user, kdo_user save /xhi_opal_z/ c ! set high-X flag value kuse_xhi = max( 0 , min( 2 , kxhi ) ) if ( kavail_xhi .le. 0 ) then kdo_xhi = 0 else kdo_xhi = kuse_xhi endif c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine ask_xhi( kxhi, kavail ) c ================================== c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c parameter ( mx_hi=2*mx, mo_m1=mo-1, mx_hi_nz=mx_hi*nz ) c common /xhi_opal_z/ xhi_in(mx_hi), xcno_use(mx_hi,nz), $ xhi_use(mx_hi,nz), xxx_cno(mx_hi), xxx_hi(mx_hi), $ nx_hi(nz), ireq_hi(mx_hi), khighx(nz), kavail_xhi, kuse_xhi, $ kdo_xhi, kavail_cno, kuse_cno, kdo_cno, kavail_user, $ kuse_user, kdo_user save /xhi_opal_z/ c ! return high-X flag value kxhi = kuse_xhi c ! return availability flag kavail = max( 0 , min( 1 , kavail_xhi ) ) c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine set_cno_interp( kcno, kuser ) c ======================================== c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c parameter ( mx_hi=2*mx, mo_m1=mo-1, mx_hi_nz=mx_hi*nz ) c common /xhi_opal_z/ xhi_in(mx_hi), xcno_use(mx_hi,nz), $ xhi_use(mx_hi,nz), xxx_cno(mx_hi), xxx_hi(mx_hi), $ nx_hi(nz), ireq_hi(mx_hi), khighx(nz), kavail_xhi, kuse_xhi, $ kdo_xhi, kavail_cno, kuse_cno, kdo_cno, kavail_user, $ kuse_user, kdo_user save /xhi_opal_z/ c ! set CNO-interpolation flags kuse_cno = max( min( kcno , 1 ) , 0 ) kuse_user = max( min( kuser , 1 ) , 0 ) kdo_cno = kuse_cno * kavail_cno kdo_user = kuse_user * kavail_user c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine ask_cno_interp( kcno, kuser, kcno_avail, kuser_avail ) c ================================================================= c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c parameter ( mx_hi=2*mx, mo_m1=mo-1, mx_hi_nz=mx_hi*nz ) c common /xhi_opal_z/ xhi_in(mx_hi), xcno_use(mx_hi,nz), $ xhi_use(mx_hi,nz), xxx_cno(mx_hi), xxx_hi(mx_hi), $ nx_hi(nz), ireq_hi(mx_hi), khighx(nz), kavail_xhi, kuse_xhi, $ kdo_xhi, kavail_cno, kuse_cno, kdo_cno, kavail_user, $ kuse_user, kdo_user save /xhi_opal_z/ c ! return CNO-interpolation flags kcno = kuse_cno kuser = kuse_user kcno_avail = kavail_cno kuser_avail = kavail_user c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine set_err_check( level ) c ================================= c ! set error-checking level common /c_level_err_opal_z/ level_err save /c_level_err_opal_z/ c level_err = max( 0 , min( 3 , level ) ) c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine ask_err_check( level ) c ================================= c ! return error-checking level common /c_level_err_opal_z/ level_err save /c_level_err_opal_z/ c level = level_err c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine set_logt6_limits( vlo, dvlo, vhi, dvhi ) c =================================================== c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c common/b_opal_z/ nta(0:nrm_p1),ntax0(0:nrm), $ ntax03(0:nrm), sltlo, slthi, dltlo_inv, dlthi_inv, $ slrlo, slrhi, dlrlo_inv, dlrhi_inv, init_trvals save /b_opal_z/ c=== ! set T,R-values, if necessary if ( init_trvals .le. 0 ) call get_trvals c c Set the logT6 limits, according to the input values; by default, make c 1-grid-point extrapolation beyond the matrix edge just within the limits: c if ( vlo .gt. -90. ) sltlo = max( alt(1) , min( alt(nt) , vlo ) ) c if ( dvlo .lt. -90. ) then dltlo_inv = max( dltlo_inv , $ 1. / ( sltlo - alt(1) + 0.999999 / dfs(1) ) ) else if ( dvlo .lt. 0. ) then dltlo_inv = dfs(1) * 0.999999 else dltlo_inv = 1. / min( max( dvlo , 1.e-6 ) , $ sltlo - alt(1) + 0.999999 / dfs(1) ) endif c if ( vhi .gt. -90. ) slthi = max( alt(1) , min( alt(nt) , vhi ) ) c if ( dvhi .lt. -90. ) then dlthi_inv = max( dlthi_inv , $ 1. / ( alt(nt) - slthi + 0.999999 / dfs(nt) ) ) else if ( dvhi .lt. 0. ) then dlthi_inv = dfs(nt) * 0.999999 else dlthi_inv = 1. / min( max( dvhi , 1.e-6 ) , $ alt(nt) - slthi + 0.999999 / dfs(nt) ) endif c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine set_logr_limits( vlo, dvlo, vhi, dvhi ) c ================================================== c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c common/b_opal_z/ nta(0:nrm_p1),ntax0(0:nrm), $ ntax03(0:nrm), sltlo, slthi, dltlo_inv, dlthi_inv, $ slrlo, slrhi, dlrlo_inv, dlrhi_inv, init_trvals save /b_opal_z/ c=== ! set T,R-values, if necessary if ( init_trvals .le. 0 ) call get_trvals c c Set the logR limits, according to the input values; by default, make c 1-grid-point extrapolation beyond the matrix edge just within the limits: c if ( vlo .gt. -90. ) slrlo = max( alr(1) , min( alr(nr) , vlo ) ) c if ( dvlo .lt. -90. ) then dlrlo_inv = max( dlrlo_inv , $ 1. / ( slrlo - alr(1) + 0.999999 / dfsr(1) ) ) else if ( dvlo .lt. 0. ) then dlrlo_inv = dfsr(1) * 0.999999 else dlrlo_inv = 1. / min( max( dvlo , 1.e-6 ) , $ slrlo - alr(1) + 0.999999 / dfsr(1) ) endif c if ( vhi .gt. -90. ) slrhi = max( alr(1) , min( alr(nr) , vhi ) ) c if ( dvhi .lt. -90. ) then dlrhi_inv = max( dlrhi_inv , $ 1. / ( alr(nr) - slrhi + 0.999999 / dfsr(nr) ) ) else if ( dvhi .lt. 0. ) then dlrhi_inv = dfsr(nr) * 0.999999 else dlrhi_inv = 1. / min( max( dvhi , 1.e-6 ) , $ alr(nr) - slrhi + 0.999999 / dfsr(nr) ) endif c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine reset_z_limits( vlo, dvlo, vhi, dvhi ) c ================================================= c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c ! if no opacities were read in, cannot reset! c if ( itime .ne. 12345678 ) return c if ( min( vlo , vhi ) .gt. -1.e-6 ) then zlow = max( zsto(1) , min( vlo , vhi , zsto(numz) ) ) zhigh = min( zsto(numz) , max( vhi , vlo , zsto(1) ) ) else if ( vlo .gt. -1.e-6 ) then zlow = max( zsto(1) , min( vlo , zhigh , zsto(numz) ) ) else if ( vhi .gt. -1.e-6 ) then zhigh = min( zsto(numz) , max( vhi , zlow , zsto(1) ) ) endif c if ( dvlo .gt. -1.e-6 ) then if ( zlow .le. zsto(1) + zacc(1) ) then zlo_ex = zlow - max( dvlo , zacc(1) ) else zlo_ex = zlow - max( dvlo , zacc(numz) ) endif else if ( zlow .le. zsto(1) + zacc(1) ) then zlo_ex = min( zlo_ex , zlow - zacc(1) ) else zlo_ex = min( zlo_ex , zlow - zacc(numz) ) endif c if ( dvhi .gt. -1.e-6 ) then zhi_ex = zhigh + max( dvhi , zacc(numz) ) else zhi_ex = max( zhi_ex , zhigh + zacc(numz) ) endif c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine ask_logt6_limits( vlo, dvlo, vhi, dvhi ) c =================================================== c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c common/b_opal_z/ nta(0:nrm_p1),ntax0(0:nrm), $ ntax03(0:nrm), sltlo, slthi, dltlo_inv, dlthi_inv, $ slrlo, slrhi, dlrlo_inv, dlrhi_inv, init_trvals save /b_opal_z/ c=== ! set T,R-values, if necessary if ( init_trvals .le. 0 ) call get_trvals c vlo = sltlo dvlo = 1. / dltlo_inv vhi = slthi dvhi = 1. / dlthi_inv c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine ask_logr_limits( vlo, dvlo, vhi, dvhi ) c ================================================== c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c common/b_opal_z/ nta(0:nrm_p1),ntax0(0:nrm), $ ntax03(0:nrm), sltlo, slthi, dltlo_inv, dlthi_inv, $ slrlo, slrhi, dlrlo_inv, dlrhi_inv, init_trvals save /b_opal_z/ c=== ! set T,R-values, if necessary if ( init_trvals .le. 0 ) call get_trvals c vlo = slrlo dvlo = 1. / dlrlo_inv vhi = slrhi dvhi = 1. / dlrhi_inv c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine ask_z_limits( nzmax, zmin, zmax ) c ============================================ c c Returns NZ (maximum allowed stored Z-values) and Z-limits (0.0 and 0.1) c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c=== nzmax = nz zmin = 0.0 zmax = 0.1 c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine ask_z_use( nzuse, zlo, zmid, zhi, zloex, zhiex ) c =========================================================== c c Returns the current values of numz, zlow, zmiddle, zhigh, zlo_ex, zhi_ex c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c=== if ( itime .ne. 12345678 ) then nzuse = 0 zlo = 0. zmid = 0.02 zhi = 0.1 zloex = -1.e-8 zhiex = 0.12 else nzuse = numz zlo = zlow zmid = zmiddle zhi = zhigh zloex = zlo_ex zhiex = zhi_ex endif c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine ask_z_array( kzstart, karraystart, zarray, narray ) c ============================================================== c c Returns Z-values from zsto(), starting with element kzstart, in the c array zarray(narray), starting with element karraystart; any excess c elements in zarray() after nums is reached are filled with values of -1. c dimension zarray(narray) c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c=== if ( itime .ne. 12345678 ) then nzuse = 0 else nzuse = numz endif c k_z = max( kzstart , 1 ) k_a = karraystart do while ( k_z .le. nzuse .and. k_a .le. narray ) zarray(k_a) = zsto(k_z) k_a = k_a + 1 k_z = k_z + 1 enddo do while ( k_a .le. narray ) zarray(k_a) = -1. k_a = k_a + 1 enddo c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine set_smooth( initsmooth, lowCOsmooth, interpCOsmooth ) c ================================================================ c common/c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ init_smo, low_CO_smo, interp_CO_smo save /c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ c if ( initsmooth .ge. 0 ) init_smo = min( initsmooth , 2 ) c if ( lowCOsmooth .ge. 0 ) low_CO_smo = min( lowCOsmooth , 1 ) c if ( interpCOsmooth .ge. 0 ) $ interp_CO_smo = min( interpCOsmooth , 1 ) c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine ask_smooth( initsmooth, lowCOsmooth, interpCOsmooth ) c ================================================================ c common/c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ init_smo, low_CO_smo, interp_CO_smo save /c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ c initsmooth = init_smo c lowCOsmooth = low_CO_smo c interpCOsmooth = interp_CO_smo c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine readco(z,kallrd,khighz,iu_lo) c ======================================== c c..... The purpose of this subroutine is to read the data tables; actually, c it just calls READEXCO to do the work, setting [O/Fe] = 0.0 c c Z is the metallicity; opacities will be interpolated (quadratically) in Z if c necessary, with values of Z from 0.0 to 0.1 being allowed. c kallrd is ignored (it is present only for backward compatibility). c if khighz = 0 , then the file GN93hz is not used; else, GN93hz (or GS98hz, c for khighz < 0) may be used for the case C=O=0.0 to get improved opacities. c iu_lo is the unit number from which the lowest Z-value files are read; c units iu_lo thru iu_lo+3 may be needed. c c=== call readexco(z,kallrd,max(min(khighz,1),-1),iu_lo,0.0) c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine readexco(z,kallrd,khighz,iu_lo,ofebrack) c =================================================== c c..... The purpose of this subroutine is to read the data tables c c Z is the metallicity; opacities will be interpolated (quadratically) in Z if c necessary, with values of Z from 0.0 to 0.1 being allowed. c kallrd is ignored (it is present only for backward compatibility). c if khighz = 0 , then the file GN93hz is not used; c = 1 or more, then GN93hz is used if it will improve Z-interpolation c = 2 , then Alrd96a2 and GN93hz are used to interpolate in [O/Fe] c = 3 , then C95hz and GN93hz are used to interpolate in [O/Fe] c = 4 , then W95hz and GN93hz are used to interpolate in [O/Fe] c = 5 , then GN93hz and a user-specified file are used to interpolate c in [O/Fe] c = -1 thru -5 : use GS98hz (and its variants with [O/Fe] > 0.0, for c khighz < -1) to get alternate-mix opacities (note that the c file GN93hz is still read in, for reference purposes) c = -11 thru -15, 11 thru 15: same as khighz = -1 thru -5 and 1 thru c 5, except that CNO-interpolation opacity files are read in c = -21 thru -25, 21 thru 25: same as khighz = -1 thru -5 and 1 thru c 5, except that a user-specified opacity interpolation file c is read in c = -31 thru -35, 31 thru 35: same as khighz = -1 thru -5 and 1 thru c 5, except that BOTH the CNO- and user-specified opacity c interpolation files are read in c iu_lo is the unit number from which the lowest Z-value files are read; c units iu_lo thru iu_lo+3 may be needed. c ofebrack is [O/Fe], logarithmic oxygen (or alpha-element) enhancement factor, c relative to the Sun: ofebrack = log10{ (O_mix/Fe_mix) / (O_sun/Fe_sun) } . c If khighz is 0 or 1, then ofebrack is ignored; otherwise, interpolate c logKappa linearly between mix 1 and mix khighz, the interpolation factors c being such as to yield the desired [O/Fe] from combining these mixes. c Note that GN93hz has [O/Fe] = 0.0, Alrd96a2 has [O/Fe] = 0.3, C95hz has c [O/Fe] = 0.4, and W95hz has [O/Fe] = 0.5, but they have different patterns c of enhancements for elements other than oxygen. For khighz < 0, it is the c new file GS98hz that is defined to have [O/Fe] = 0.0, and its variants (by c default, GS98hz_OFe.3_Alrd96a2, GS98hz_OFe.4_C95, and GS98hz_OFe.5_W95) are c the ones used to interpolate in [O/Fe]. c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c parameter ( mx_hi=2*mx ) c common /xhi_opal_z/ xhi_in(mx_hi), xcno_use(mx_hi,nz), $ xhi_use(mx_hi,nz), xxx_cno(mx_hi), xxx_hi(mx_hi), $ nx_hi(nz), ireq_hi(mx_hi), khighx(nz), kavail_xhi, kuse_xhi, $ kdo_xhi, kavail_cno, kuse_cno, kdo_cno, kavail_user, $ kuse_user, kdo_user save /xhi_opal_z/ c=== numz = 1 if ( z .lt. -1.e-6 ) then zat = 0.02 else if ( z .lt. 1.e-8 ) then zat = 0. else zat = z endif kavail_cno = 1 kavail_user = 1 c call read_kz(1,zat,kallrd,khighz,iu_lo,ofebrack) c zlow = zat - zacc(1) zmiddle = zat zhigh = zat + zacc(1) zlo_ex = zlow - zacc(1) zhi_ex = zhigh + zacc(1) dfsz(1) = 1. c call finish_cno c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine readzexco(nzin,zlo,z,zhi,khighz,iu_lo,ofebrack) c ========================================================== c c Similar to READEXCO, except that a range of nzin Z-values from zlo to c zhi are used: see comments near the beginning of this file. c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c parameter ( mx_hi=2*mx ) c common /xhi_opal_z/ xhi_in(mx_hi), xcno_use(mx_hi,nz), $ xhi_use(mx_hi,nz), xxx_cno(mx_hi), xxx_hi(mx_hi), $ nx_hi(nz), ireq_hi(mx_hi), khighx(nz), kavail_xhi, kuse_xhi, $ kdo_xhi, kavail_cno, kuse_cno, kdo_cno, kavail_user, $ kuse_user, kdo_user save /xhi_opal_z/ c parameter ( zdel=0.001, xdel=0.03, xdelmin=0.001 ) c parameter ( mz=8, mz_m1=mz-1, mz_m2=mz-2, mzhi=11, mzal=13, $ nzm=mzal+1, nadd_zavail=nzm-mz ) c common/zinter_opal_z/ zvalhi(mzhi),nofz(mzhi,5,mo),mnofz(mx), $ zval(mz),zalval(mzal),zavail(nzm),iadd_zavail(nadd_zavail) save /zinter_opal_z/ c common /alt_change_opal_z/ main_alt_change, iulow, khighz_in, $ ofebrack_in save /alt_change_opal_z/ c common /c_level_err_opal_z/ level_err save /c_level_err_opal_z/ c___ dimension z_use(nzm) c=== kavail_cno = 1 kavail_user = 1 c if ( level_err .gt. 0 .and. main_alt_change .ne. 0 .and. $ khighz .lt. -1 .and. mod( abs(khighz), 10 ) .gt. 1 .and. $ mod( abs(khighz), 10 ) .lt. 5 ) then write(6,5) khighz 5 format(' WARNING: khighz=',i4,' used after', $ ' ''GS98hz'' file replaced: may yield bad [O/Fe].') if ( level_err .gt. 1 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READZEXCO: Error: non-GS98hz, khighz=-2,-3,-4 ' endif c c Get the number of Z-values and the "typical" value of Z c if ( level_err .gt. 0 .and. $ ( nzin .le. 0 .or. nzin .gt. nz ) ) then write(6,10) nzin, nz 10 format(' '/' STOP -- READZEXCO: bad Nzin =',i12, $ ' (should lie in range 1 to',i3,').') stop ' STOP -- READZEXCO: Error: bad Nzin value. ' endif c numz = max( 1 , min( nzin , nz , nzm ) ) c if ( z .ge. -1.e-6 ) then zat = z else if ( zlo .gt. -1.e-6 .and. zhi .ge. zlo ) then if ( nzin .eq. 2 ) then zat = ( max( zlo , 0.0 ) + max( zhi , 0.0 ) ) * 0.5 else zat = exp( ( log( max( zlo , 0.0 ) + zdel ) $ + log( max( zhi , 0.0 ) + zdel ) ) * 0.5 ) - zdel endif if ( zat .lt. 1.e-8 ) zat = 0. else if ( max( zlo , zhi ) .gt. -1.e-6 ) then zat = max( zlo , zhi , 0.0 ) else zat = 0.02 endif if ( zat .lt. 1.e-8 ) zat = 0. c c If there is only one Z-value to store, call readexco instead, and return c (note that readexco will call read_kz and finish_cno): c if ( numz .eq. 1 ) then c call readexco(zat,1,khighz,iu_lo,ofebrack) c if ( nzin .eq. 1 ) then if ( zlo .ge. -1.e-6 ) then zlow = min( zlow , zlo ) zlo_ex = min( zlo_ex , max( 2. * zlow - zmiddle , 0. ) ) endif zhigh = max( zhigh , zhi ) zlo_ex = min( zlo_ex , zlow - zacc(1) ) zhi_ex = max( zhi_ex , 2. * zhigh - zmiddle , $ zhigh + zacc(1) ) endif c return c endif c c If there is more than one Z-value to store: c ! make sure of available Z-values call get_zavail c ! check Z > 0.1 if ( max( zlo , zat , zhi ) .gt. zavail(nzm) + 1.e-6 ) then write(6,20) nzin, zlo, zat, zhi, 'Z > 0.1 is not allowed!!!' 20 format(' '/' STOP -- READZEXCO(Nzin=',i2, $ '): bad Z values',3f12.8/' ',a,a) stop ' STOP -- READZEXCO: Error: Z > 0.1 is not allowed!!! ' endif c ! check for Zlo, Z, Zhi out of order zlo_t = max( zlo , 0.0 ) zhi_t = max( zhi , 0.0 ) if ( zlo .lt. -1.e-6 ) zlo_t = zat if ( zhi .lt. -1.e-6 ) zhi_t = zat if ( level_err .gt. 0 .and. ( zat .gt. zhi_t + 1.e-6 .or. $ zlo_t .gt. min( zat , zhi_t ) + 1.e-6 ) ) then write(6,20) nzin, zlo_t, zat, zhi_t, $ 'Zlo, Z, Zhi should be in increasing order' stop ' STOP -- READZEXCO: Error: bad Z values. ' endif c zmiddle = min( zat , zavail(nzm) ) c c If there should be two Z-values, then handle this case and return: if ( numz .eq. 2 ) then c ! error checking if ( level_err .gt. 0 .and. $ max( zlo , zhi ) .gt. -1.e-6 ) then if ( min( zlo , zhi ) .gt. -1.e-6 ) then if ( zhi_t - zlo_t .lt. 1.e-5 ) then write(6,20) nzin, zlo_t, z, zhi_t, $ 'Zhi - Zlo < 1.E-5: Zlo and Zhi', $ ' too close together for Nzin = 2' stop ' STOP -- READZEXCO: Error: bad Z values. ' else if ( zlo_t * 1.01 .gt. zhi_t + 1.e-6 ) then write(6,20) nzin, zlo_t, z, zhi_t, $ 'Zhi / Zlo < 1.01: Zlo and Zhi', $ ' too close together for Nzin = 2' stop ' STOP -- READZEXCO: Error: bad Z values. ' endif endif if ( zhi_t .lt. 1.e-8 ) then rat_t = 0. else rat_t = zlo_t / zhi_t endif if ( rat_t .lt. 0.6 .and. $ zhi_t - zlo_t .gt. 0.00020001 ) then write(6,20) nzin, zlo_t, z, zhi_t, $ 'Zlo / Zhi < 0.6 (and Zhi-Zlo>0.0002):', $ 'Zlo and Zhi too far apart for Nzin = 2' stop ' STOP -- READZEXCO: Error: bad Z values. ' endif endif c c (will be linear interpolation in log[Z+0.001]); default range is plus/minus c 10 percent in Z or 2.e-5, minimum range is at least 1 percent or 1.e-5 c if ( nzin .gt. 2 .or. zlo .lt. -1.e-6 .or. zlo .gt. zat ) then if ( nzin .gt. 2 .or. zhi .lt. zat ) then zlow = max( 0.0 , min( 0.9 * zmiddle , $ zmiddle - 1.e-5 , 0.8182 * zavail(nzm) ) ) zhigh = min( zavail(nzm) , max( 1.1 * zmiddle , $ zmiddle + 1.e-5 , 1.1 * zlow / 0.9 ) ) else zhigh = max( zmiddle , 1.e-5 , $ min( zhi , zavail(nzm) ) ) zlow = max( 0.0 , min( zmiddle , $ 0.9 * zhigh / 1.1 , zhigh - 2.e-5 ) ) endif else if ( zhi .lt. zat ) then zlow = max( 0.0 , $ min( zlo , zmiddle , zavail(nzm) - 0.01 ) ) zhigh = min( zavail(nzm) , max( zmiddle , $ 1.1 * zlow / 0.9 , zlow + 2.e-5 ) ) else if ( zhi - zlo .lt. 1.e-5 .or. zlo * 1.01 .gt. zhi ) then zlow = max( 0.0 , min( zlo , zmiddle - 5.e-6 , $ zmiddle / 1.005 , zavail(nzm) - 0.01 ) ) zhigh = min( zavail(nzm) , max( zhi , zmiddle + 5.e-6 , $ zmiddle * 1.005 , 1.e-5 ) ) else zlow = max( 0.0 , min( zlo , zavail(nzm) - 0.01 ) ) zhigh = min( zavail(nzm) , zhi ) endif c zat = zlow call read_kz(1,zat,1,khighz,iu_lo,ofebrack) c zat = zhigh call read_kz(2,zat,1,khighz,iu_lo,ofebrack) c zlo_ex = zlow - 0.5 * ( zhigh - zlow ) zhi_ex = zhigh + 0.5 * ( zhigh - zlow ) dfsz(2) = 1. / ( zvint(2) - zvint(1) ) dfsz(1) = dfsz(2) c call finish_cno c return c c Else if all available Z-values should be used, handle this case and return: c else if ( numz .eq. nzm ) then c zlow = 0.0 zmiddle = zat zhigh = zavail(nzm) zlo_ex = -1.e-6 zhi_ex = 2. * zavail(nzm) - zavail(nzm-1) c do kz = 1, nzm zat = zavail(kz) call read_kz(kz,zat,1,khighz,iu_lo,ofebrack) if ( kz .gt. 1 ) $ dfsz(kz) = 1. / ( zvint(kz) - zvint(kz-1) ) enddo c dfsz(1) = dfsz(2) c call finish_cno c return c endif c c If there should be at least three Z-values: c ! check if Z-range too big if ( level_err .gt. 0 ) then j = mz do while ( j .gt. 2 .and. zhi_t .lt. zval(j-1) + 1.e-6 ) j = j - 1 enddo i = 1 do while ( i .lt. j - 1 .and. zlo_t .gt. zval(i+1) - 1.e-6 ) i = i + 1 enddo if ( nzin .lt. j - i ) then write(6,20) nzin, zlo_t, z, zhi_t, $ 'Zlo and Zhi too far apart for given Nzin value' stop ' STOP -- READZEXCO: Error: bad Z values. ' endif endif c ! check for input Z-range ilodel = 1 if ( zlo .lt. -1.e-6 .or. $ ( zlo .gt. zhi .and. zhi .ge. -1.e-6 ) .or. $ ( zlo .gt. z .and. z .ge. -1.e-6 ) ) then if ( z .ge. -1.e-6 ) then zlow = z else zlow = zat endif else zlow = zlo ilodel = 0 endif if ( zlow .lt. 1.e-8 ) then zlow = 0. ilo1 = 1 ilo2 = 1 else zlow = min( zlow , zavail(nzm-2) ) ilo2 = nzm - 2 do while ( ilo2 .gt. 2 .and. $ zlow .lt. zavail(ilo2-1) + 1.e-6 ) ilo2 = ilo2 - 1 enddo ilo1 = 1 do while ( ilo1 .lt. ilo2 .and. $ zlow .gt. zavail(ilo1+1) - 1.e-6 ) ilo1 = ilo1 + 1 enddo endif c ihidel = 1 if ( zhi .ge. max( z , zlo , -1.e-6 ) ) then zhigh = zhi ihidel = 0 else if ( z .gt. -1.e-6 ) then zhigh = z else zhigh = zat endif zhigh = max( zavail(3) , min( zavail(nzm) , zhigh ) ) if ( ilodel .eq. 0 .and. ilo1 .ge. nzm + 1 - numz ) then ihi2 = nzm ilo1 = nzm + 1 - numz else ihi2 = nzm do while ( ihi2 .gt. 3 .and. $ zhigh .lt. zavail(ihi2-1) + 1.e-6 ) ihi2 = ihi2 - 1 enddo ihi1 = 3 do while ( ihi1 .lt. ihi2 .and. $ zhigh .gt. zavail(ihi1+1) - 1.e-6 ) ihi1 = ihi1 + 1 enddo if ( ihidel .eq. 0 .and. ihi2 .le. numz ) then ilo1 = 1 ihi2 = numz endif endif c c If the number of Z-values to be used "numz" is sufficent to encompass the c input Z-range, then handle this case and return: c if ( ihi2 - ilo1 .lt. numz ) then c ! get range -> numz, alternately adding c ! low and high Z-values if ( numz .eq. 3 .and. ihi2 - ilo1 .eq. 1 .and. $ zavail(ihi2) - z .lt. z - zavail(ilo1) .and. $ ( ihidel .gt. 0 .or. ilodel .eq. 0 ) ) $ ihi2 = min( ihi2 + 1 , nzm ) do while ( ihi2 - ilo1 + 1 .lt. numz .and. $ ( ( ilo1 .gt. 1 .and. ilodel .gt. 0 ) .or. $ ( ihi2 .lt. nzm .and. ihidel .gt. 0 ) ) ) ilo1 = max( ilo1 - ilodel , 1 ) if ( ihi2 - ilo1 + 1 .lt. numz ) $ ihi2 = min( ihi2 + ihidel , nzm ) enddo do while ( ihi2 - ilo1 + 1 .lt. numz ) ilo1 = max( ilo1 - 1 , 1 ) if ( ihi2 - ilo1 + 1 .lt. numz ) $ ihi2 = min( ihi2 + 1 , nzm ) enddo c zlow = zavail(ilo1) if ( numz .eq. 3 ) then zmiddle = zavail(ilo1+1) else if ( z .lt. -1.e-6 ) then zmiddle = ( zhi + zlo ) * 0.5 endif zhigh = zavail(ihi2) if ( ilo1 .eq. 1 ) then zlo_ex = -1.e-6 else zlo_ex = zavail(ilo1-1) endif zhi_ex = 2. * zavail(ihi2) - zavail(ihi2-1) c do kz = 1, numz zat = zavail(ilo1+kz-1) call read_kz(kz,zat,1,khighz,iu_lo,ofebrack) if ( kz .gt. 1 ) $ dfsz(kz) = 1. / ( zvint(kz) - zvint(kz-1) ) enddo c dfsz(1) = dfsz(2) c call finish_cno c return c endif c c The input Z-range does not fit between a set of numz values from zavail(); c if the input value of numz was 3, then use the input Z-range even if it is c VERY wide (check only for unbalanced intervals in log[Z+0.001]), and return: c if ( numz .eq. 3 .and. nzin .eq. 3 ) then c zl_1 = log10( zlow + zdel ) zl_2 = log10( zmiddle + zdel ) zl_3 = log10( zhigh + zdel ) if ( 2. * ( zl_3 - zl_2 ) .lt. zl_2 - zl_1 .or. $ 2.6 * ( zl_2 - zl_1 ) .lt. zl_3 - zl_2 ) then zl_2 = ( zl_1 + zl_3 ) * 0.5 zmiddle = 10.**zl_2 - zdel endif c zat = zlow call read_kz(1,zat,1,khighz,iu_lo,ofebrack) zat = zmiddle call read_kz(2,zat,1,khighz,iu_lo,ofebrack) zat = zhigh call read_kz(3,zat,1,khighz,iu_lo,ofebrack) c dfsz(3) = 1. / ( zvint(3) - zvint(2) ) dfsz(2) = 1. / ( zvint(2) - zvint(1) ) dfsz(1) = dfsz(2) c zlo_ex = min( zlow - zacc(1) , $ 10.**( zl_1 - min( zl_2 - zl_1 , $ log10( ( zavail(ilo1+1) + zdel ) $ / ( zavail(ilo1) + zdel ) ) ) ) - zdel ) if ( zlo_ex .lt. 1.e-8 .and. zlo_ex .gt. 0. ) zlo_ex = 0. zhi_ex = min( 10.**( 2. * zl_3 - zl_2 ) - zdel , $ zhigh + zavail(ihi2) - zavail(ihi2-1) ) c call finish_cno c return c endif c c The input Z-range does not fit between a set of numz Z-values from zavail(), c and the input value of numz was greater than 3; find the corresponding c positions in the array coarser array zval() of Z-values available from the c 'Gz???.x??' files, and check whether this suffices: c if ( zlow .lt. 1.e-8 ) then jlo1 = 1 jlo2 = 1 else jlo2 = mz - 2 do while ( jlo2 .gt. 2 .and. zlow .lt. zval(jlo2-1) + 1.e-6 ) jlo2 = jlo2 - 1 enddo jlo1 = 1 do while ( jlo1 .lt. jlo2 .and. $ zlow .gt. zval(jlo1+1) - 1.e-6 ) jlo1 = jlo1 + 1 enddo endif jhi2 = mz do while ( jhi2 .gt. 3 .and. zhigh .lt. zval(jhi2-1) + 1.e-6 ) jhi2 = jhi2 - 1 enddo jhi1 = 3 do while ( jhi1 .lt. jhi2 .and. zhigh .gt. zval(jhi1+1) - 1.e-6 ) jhi1 = jhi1 + 1 enddo c nuse = jhi2 + 1 - jlo1 c c If this coarser spacing works, then use it, after shifting the endpoints c in to the closest encompassing Z-values from zavail(), and adding as many c Z-values from zavail() as is allowed by the value of numz: c if ( nuse .le. numz ) then c do i = jlo1, jhi2 z_use(i+1-jlo1) = zval(i) enddo z_use(1) = zavail(ilo1) z_use(nuse) = zavail(ihi2) if ( ihi2 .eq. nzm .and. ilo1 .eq. nzm - 4 .and. numz .eq. 3 ) $ z_use(2) = zavail(nzm-2) c k_a = 0 do while ( nuse .lt. numz .and. k_a .lt. nadd_zavail ) k_a = k_a + 1 zat = zavail( iadd_zavail(k_a) ) if ( zat .gt. z_use(1) + 1.e-6 .and. $ zat .lt. z_use(nuse) - 1.e-6 ) then i = 2 do while ( i .lt. nuse .and. z_use(i) + 1.e-6 .lt. zat ) i = i + 1 enddo do j = nuse, i, -1 z_use(j+1) = z_use(j) enddo z_use(i) = zat nuse = nuse + 1 endif enddo if ( nuse .ne. numz ) stop $ ' STOP -- READEXCO Error: nuse < numz cannot happen. ' c c Else, if the coarser spacing still does not suffice, use an equal-interval c spacing in log(Z+0.001): c else c c-dont; z_use(1) = zavail(ilo1) c-dont; z_use(numz) = zavail(ihi2) z_use(1) = zlow z_use(numz) = zhigh z_1 = log( z_use(1) + zdel ) z_2 = log( z_use(numz) + zdel ) z_3 = ( z_2 - z_1 ) / ( numz - 1 ) do i = 2, numz - 1 z_use(i) = exp( ( i - 1 ) * z_3 + z_1 ) - zdel enddo c endif c c In either of the above cases, read in the corresponding opacities: c do kz = 1, numz call read_kz(kz,z_use(kz),1,khighz,iu_lo,ofebrack) if ( kz .gt. 1 ) dfsz(kz) = 1. / ( zvint(kz) - zvint(kz-1) ) enddo c dfsz(1) = dfsz(2) c zlow = z_use(1) zhigh = z_use(numz) c zlo_ex = min( zlow - zacc(1) , $ 10.**( zvint(1) - log10( ( zavail(ilo1+1) + zdel ) $ / ( zavail(ilo1) + zdel ) ) ) - zdel ) zhi_ex = zhigh + zavail(ihi2) - zavail(ihi2-1) c call finish_cno c ! we are done: return return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine dump_opal_opac( iu_out, cf_d ) c ========================================= c character*(*) cf_d c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c common/c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ init_smo, low_CO_smo, interp_CO_smo save /c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ c common /alt_change_opal_z/ main_alt_change, iulow, khighz_in, $ ofebrack_in save /alt_change_opal_z/ c common /c_level_err_opal_z/ level_err save /c_level_err_opal_z/ c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c parameter ( mx_hi=2*mx, mo_m1=mo-1, mo_m2=mo-2 ) c common /xhi_opal_z/ xhi_in(mx_hi), xcno_use(mx_hi,nz), $ xhi_use(mx_hi,nz), xxx_cno(mx_hi), xxx_hi(mx_hi), $ nx_hi(nz), ireq_hi(mx_hi), khighx(nz), kavail_xhi, kuse_xhi, $ kdo_xhi, kavail_cno, kuse_cno, kdo_cno, kavail_user, $ kuse_user, kdo_user save /xhi_opal_z/ c parameter ( nel_zmix=19, n_zmixes=5, kel_o=3, kel_fe=nel_zmix-1 ) c character*2 cel_opalmixes(nel_zmix) character*8 cfile_opalmixes(n_zmixes) common/opalmixes/ xiz_mix(nel_zmix),fninz_mix(nel_zmix), $ bracketife_mix(nel_zmix),bracketofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes), $ xofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes),xiz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ fninz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ cel_opalmixes,cfile_opalmixes save /opalmixes/ c parameter ( n_totmix = n_zmixes + 5, n_cnobeg = n_zmixes + 1 ) c character*255 cfile_opalGS98(n_totmix) common /opalGS98mixes/ bracketofe_opalGS98(n_totmix), $ xofe_opalGS98(n_totmix),xiz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix), $ fninz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix),atwt_opalGS98(nel_zmix), $ cfile_opalGS98 save /opalGS98mixes/ c character*8 cdef_CNO_ext(n_cnobeg:n_totmix) common /ext_CNO_opal_z/ len_def_CNO_ext(n_cnobeg:n_totmix), $ cdef_CNO_ext save /ext_CNO_opal_z/ c common /cno_delta_opal_z/ fcno_mul(4), fninz_cno(nel_zmix,5), $ xiz_cno(nel_zmix,5), d_fninz_user(nel_zmix), $ fcno_fac(0:3,4), fninz_heavy, xiz_heavy, d_fninz_u_heavy, $ s_ninzai_mix, ds_ninzai_u, fn_o_over_cno, fninz_co_mix save /cno_delta_opal_z/ c common/b_opal_z/ nta(0:nrm_p1),ntax0(0:nrm), $ ntax03(0:nrm), sltlo, slthi, dltlo_inv, dlthi_inv, $ slrlo, slrhi, dlrlo_inv, dlrhi_inv, init_trvals save /b_opal_z/ c parameter ( zdel=0.001, xdel=0.03, xdelmin=0.001 ) c parameter ( mz=8, mz_m1=mz-1, mz_m2=mz-2, mzhi=11, mzal=13, $ nzm=mzal+1, nadd_zavail=nzm-mz ) c common/zinter_opal_z/ zvalhi(mzhi),nofz(mzhi,5,mo),mnofz(mx), $ zval(mz),zalval(mzal),zavail(nzm),iadd_zavail(nadd_zavail) save /zinter_opal_z/ c common/recoin_opal_z/ itimeco,mxzero,mx03,kope,igznotgx save /recoin_opal_z/ c common/alink_opal_z/ NTEMP,NSM,nrlow,nrhigh,RLE,t6arr(100), $ coff(100,nrm) save /alink_opal_z/ c character*4 cxfil(5),czfil(mz) common/czinte_opal_z/ cxfil,czfil save /czinte_opal_z/ c character*255 copdir common/opdir/ copdir save /opdir/ c=== if ( itime .ne. 12345678 ) stop $ ' STOP -- DUMP_OPAL_OPAC: Error: no opacities to dump. ' c last = lnblnk( cf_d ) c if ( last .le. 0 ) stop $ ' STOP -- DUMP_OPAL_OPAC: Error: blank dumpfile name. ' c if ( iu_out .gt. 0 .and. iu_out .le. 99 .and. $ iu_out .ne. 5 .and. iu_out .ne. 6 ) then iu = iu_out else iu = iulow endif c call opneuf( iu, cf_d ) c write(iu) init_smo, low_CO_smo, interp_CO_smo, $ main_alt_change, iulow, khighz_in, $ ofebrack_in, level_err, nz, mx c write(iu) indx,t6list,alr,n write(iu) alt,dfs,dfsr,b,m,mf,xa,alrf write(iu) flogtin,dfsx,oxf,cxf write(iu) xcdf,xodf,itime,cxdf write(iu) oxdf,q,h,xcd,xod,xc,xo write(iu) xcs,xos,cxd,oxd,cx,ox,zzz,xxh write(iu) xx,nc,no,zsto,zvint,dfsz,zacc write(iu) zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex, numz c do kz = 1, numz do kr = 1, nr do kt = 1, nt write(iu) ( ( ( co(ix,ic,io,kt,kr,kz), ix = 1, mx ), $ ic = 1, mc ), io = 1, mo ) enddo enddo enddo c write(iu) xhi_in, xcno_use, $ xhi_use, xxx_cno, xxx_hi, $ nx_hi, ireq_hi, khighx, kavail_xhi, kuse_xhi, $ kdo_xhi, kavail_cno, kuse_cno, kdo_cno, kavail_user, $ kuse_user, kdo_user c write(iu) xiz_mix,fninz_mix, $ bracketife_mix,bracketofe_opalmixes, $ xofe_opalmixes,xiz_opalmixes, $ fninz_opalmixes, $ cel_opalmixes,cfile_opalmixes c write(iu) bracketofe_opalGS98, $ xofe_opalGS98,xiz_opalGS98, $ fninz_opalGS98,atwt_opalGS98, $ cfile_opalGS98 c write(iu) len_def_CNO_ext, $ cdef_CNO_ext c write(iu) fcno_mul, fninz_cno, $ xiz_cno, d_fninz_user, $ fcno_fac, fninz_heavy, xiz_heavy, d_fninz_u_heavy, $ s_ninzai_mix, ds_ninzai_u, fn_o_over_cno, fninz_co_mix c write(iu) nta, ntax0, $ ntax03, sltlo, slthi, dltlo_inv, dlthi_inv, $ slrlo, slrhi, dlrlo_inv, dlrhi_inv, init_trvals c write(iu) zvalhi,nofz,mnofz, $ zval,zalval,zavail,iadd_zavail c write(iu) itimeco,mxzero,mx03,kope,igznotgx c write(iu) NTEMP,NSM,nrlow,nrhigh,RLE,t6arr c write(iu) cxfil,czfil, copdir c close(iu) c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine read_opal_dump( iu_in, cf_d ) c ======================================== c character*(*) cf_d c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c common/c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ init_smo, low_CO_smo, interp_CO_smo save /c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ c common /alt_change_opal_z/ main_alt_change, iulow, khighz_in, $ ofebrack_in save /alt_change_opal_z/ c common /c_level_err_opal_z/ level_err save /c_level_err_opal_z/ c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c parameter ( mx_hi=2*mx, mo_m1=mo-1, mo_m2=mo-2 ) c common /xhi_opal_z/ xhi_in(mx_hi), xcno_use(mx_hi,nz), $ xhi_use(mx_hi,nz), xxx_cno(mx_hi), xxx_hi(mx_hi), $ nx_hi(nz), ireq_hi(mx_hi), khighx(nz), kavail_xhi, kuse_xhi, $ kdo_xhi, kavail_cno, kuse_cno, kdo_cno, kavail_user, $ kuse_user, kdo_user save /xhi_opal_z/ c parameter ( nel_zmix=19, n_zmixes=5, kel_o=3, kel_fe=nel_zmix-1 ) c character*2 cel_opalmixes(nel_zmix) character*8 cfile_opalmixes(n_zmixes) common/opalmixes/ xiz_mix(nel_zmix),fninz_mix(nel_zmix), $ bracketife_mix(nel_zmix),bracketofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes), $ xofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes),xiz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ fninz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ cel_opalmixes,cfile_opalmixes save /opalmixes/ c parameter ( n_totmix = n_zmixes + 5, n_cnobeg = n_zmixes + 1 ) c character*255 cfile_opalGS98(n_totmix) common /opalGS98mixes/ bracketofe_opalGS98(n_totmix), $ xofe_opalGS98(n_totmix),xiz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix), $ fninz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix),atwt_opalGS98(nel_zmix), $ cfile_opalGS98 save /opalGS98mixes/ c character*8 cdef_CNO_ext(n_cnobeg:n_totmix) common /ext_CNO_opal_z/ len_def_CNO_ext(n_cnobeg:n_totmix), $ cdef_CNO_ext save /ext_CNO_opal_z/ c common /cno_delta_opal_z/ fcno_mul(4), fninz_cno(nel_zmix,5), $ xiz_cno(nel_zmix,5), d_fninz_user(nel_zmix), $ fcno_fac(0:3,4), fninz_heavy, xiz_heavy, d_fninz_u_heavy, $ s_ninzai_mix, ds_ninzai_u, fn_o_over_cno, fninz_co_mix save /cno_delta_opal_z/ c common/b_opal_z/ nta(0:nrm_p1),ntax0(0:nrm), $ ntax03(0:nrm), sltlo, slthi, dltlo_inv, dlthi_inv, $ slrlo, slrhi, dlrlo_inv, dlrhi_inv, init_trvals save /b_opal_z/ c parameter ( zdel=0.001, xdel=0.03, xdelmin=0.001 ) c parameter ( mz=8, mz_m1=mz-1, mz_m2=mz-2, mzhi=11, mzal=13, $ nzm=mzal+1, nadd_zavail=nzm-mz ) c common/zinter_opal_z/ zvalhi(mzhi),nofz(mzhi,5,mo),mnofz(mx), $ zval(mz),zalval(mzal),zavail(nzm),iadd_zavail(nadd_zavail) save /zinter_opal_z/ c common/recoin_opal_z/ itimeco,mxzero,mx03,kope,igznotgx save /recoin_opal_z/ c common/alink_opal_z/ NTEMP,NSM,nrlow,nrhigh,RLE,t6arr(100), $ coff(100,nrm) save /alink_opal_z/ c character*4 cxfil(5),czfil(mz) common/czinte_opal_z/ cxfil,czfil save /czinte_opal_z/ c character*255 copdir common/opdir/ copdir save /opdir/ c___ logical lxst c=== last = lnblnk( cf_d ) c if ( last .le. 0 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READ_OPAL_DUMP: Error: blank dumpfile name. ' c call inqfil( cf_d, lxst ) c if ( .not. lxst ) then write(6,'(" READ_OPAL_DUMP: dumpfile not found:"/" ",a)') $ cf_d(1:last) stop ' STOP -- READ_OPAL_DUMP: Error: dumpfile not found. ' endif c if ( iu_in .gt. 0 .and. iu_in .le. 99 .and. $ iu_in .ne. 5 .and. iu_in .ne. 6 ) then iu = iu_in else iu = iulow endif c call opoluf( iu, cf_d ) c read(iu) init_smo, low_CO_smo, interp_CO_smo, $ main_alt_change, iulow, khighz_in, $ ofebrack_in, level_err, nz_sto, mx_sto c if ( nz .ne. nz_sto ) then close(iu) write(6, $ '(" READ_OPAL_DUMP: nz=",i3," .ne. nz=",i3," in"/" ",a)') $ nz, nz_sto, cf_d(1:last) stop ' STOP -- READ_OPAL_DUMP: Error: bad parameter nz. ' else if ( mx .ne. mx_sto ) then close(iu) write(6, $ '(" READ_OPAL_DUMP: mx=",i3," .ne. mx=",i3," in"/" ",a)') $ mx, mx_sto, cf_d(1:last) stop ' STOP -- READ_OPAL_DUMP: Error: bad parameter mx. ' endif c read(iu) indx,t6list,alr,n read(iu) alt,dfs,dfsr,b,m,mf,xa,alrf read(iu) flogtin,dfsx,oxf,cxf read(iu) xcdf,xodf,itime,cxdf read(iu) oxdf,q,h,xcd,xod,xc,xo read(iu) xcs,xos,cxd,oxd,cx,ox,zzz,xxh read(iu) xx,nc,no,zsto,zvint,dfsz,zacc read(iu) zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex, numz c do kz = 1, numz do kr = 1, nr do kt = 1, nt read(iu) ( ( ( co(ix,ic,io,kt,kr,kz), ix = 1, mx ), $ ic = 1, mc ), io = 1, mo ) enddo enddo enddo c read(iu) xhi_in, xcno_use, $ xhi_use, xxx_cno, xxx_hi, $ nx_hi, ireq_hi, khighx, kavail_xhi, kuse_xhi, $ kdo_xhi, kavail_cno, kuse_cno, kdo_cno, kavail_user, $ kuse_user, kdo_user c read(iu) xiz_mix,fninz_mix, $ bracketife_mix,bracketofe_opalmixes, $ xofe_opalmixes,xiz_opalmixes, $ fninz_opalmixes, $ cel_opalmixes,cfile_opalmixes c read(iu) bracketofe_opalGS98, $ xofe_opalGS98,xiz_opalGS98, $ fninz_opalGS98,atwt_opalGS98, $ cfile_opalGS98 c read(iu) len_def_CNO_ext, $ cdef_CNO_ext c read(iu) fcno_mul, fninz_cno, $ xiz_cno, d_fninz_user, $ fcno_fac, fninz_heavy, xiz_heavy, d_fninz_u_heavy, $ s_ninzai_mix, ds_ninzai_u, fn_o_over_cno, fninz_co_mix c read(iu) nta, ntax0, $ ntax03, sltlo, slthi, dltlo_inv, dlthi_inv, $ slrlo, slrhi, dlrlo_inv, dlrhi_inv, init_trvals c read(iu) zvalhi,nofz,mnofz, $ zval,zalval,zavail,iadd_zavail c read(iu) itimeco,mxzero,mx03,kope,igznotgx c read(iu) NTEMP,NSM,nrlow,nrhigh,RLE,t6arr c read(iu) cxfil,czfil, copdir c close(iu) c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine read_kz(kz,z,kallrd,khighz,iu_lo,ofebrack) c ===================================================== c c NOTE: kallrd is ignored (it is present only for backward compatibility). c c PARAMETERS to control the offset from zero for the logarithmic interpolation: c zdel = 0.001 (must be the same value as in OPAL) c xdel = 0.03 (must be the same value as in OPAL) c xdelgn93 = 0.005 = xdel value for use with X-interpolation in 'GN93hz' file c among X-tables 0.0, 0.1, 0.2 (to get X = 0.03 mix); note c that 0.005 works slightly better for this than 0.03 c parameter ( zdel=0.001, xdel=0.03, xdelgn93=0.005 ) c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c parameter ( mx_hi=2*mx, mo_m1=mo-1, mo_m2=mo-2 ) c common /xhi_opal_z/ xhi_in(mx_hi), xcno_use(mx_hi,nz), $ xhi_use(mx_hi,nz), xxx_cno(mx_hi), xxx_hi(mx_hi), $ nx_hi(nz), ireq_hi(mx_hi), khighx(nz), kavail_xhi, kuse_xhi, $ kdo_xhi, kavail_cno, kuse_cno, kdo_cno, kavail_user, $ kuse_user, kdo_user save /xhi_opal_z/ c parameter ( nrdel=nrb-1, ntdel=ntb-1 ) parameter ( nrm_m2=nrm-2, nt_m1=nt-1, nre_p1=nre+1, nre_m1=nre-1 ) parameter ( badlogkval=1.e+35, badlogklim=20. ) parameter ( ks81=ntm-3, ks83=ks81+1, ks60=ks81-21, ks61=ks60+1, $ alrlo=-8.0, flogtlo=3.75, flogt60=6.0, flogt81=8.1 ) c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c parameter ( nel_zmix=19, n_zmixes=5, kel_o=3, kel_fe=nel_zmix-1 ) c character*2 cel_opalmixes(nel_zmix) character*8 cfile_opalmixes(n_zmixes) common/opalmixes/ xiz_mix(nel_zmix),fninz_mix(nel_zmix), $ bracketife_mix(nel_zmix),bracketofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes), $ xofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes),xiz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ fninz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ cel_opalmixes,cfile_opalmixes save /opalmixes/ c parameter ( n_totmix = n_zmixes + 5, n_cnobeg = n_zmixes + 1 ) c character*255 cfile_opalGS98(n_totmix) common /opalGS98mixes/ bracketofe_opalGS98(n_totmix), $ xofe_opalGS98(n_totmix),xiz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix), $ fninz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix),atwt_opalGS98(nel_zmix), $ cfile_opalGS98 save /opalGS98mixes/ c character*8 cdef_CNO_ext(n_cnobeg:n_totmix) common /ext_CNO_opal_z/ len_def_CNO_ext(n_cnobeg:n_totmix), $ cdef_CNO_ext save /ext_CNO_opal_z/ c common/b_opal_z/ nta(0:nrm_p1),ntax0(0:nrm), $ ntax03(0:nrm), sltlo, slthi, dltlo_inv, dlthi_inv, $ slrlo, slrhi, dlrlo_inv, dlrhi_inv, init_trvals save /b_opal_z/ c c COMMON /c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ : flags to control the opacity smoothing: c common/c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ init_smo, low_CO_smo, interp_CO_smo save /c_opal_ctrl_smooth/ c common/alink_opal_z/ NTEMP,NSM,nrlow,nrhigh,RLE,t6arr(100), $ coff(100,nrm) save /alink_opal_z/ c COMMON/CST_OPAL_Z/ NRL,RLS,nset,tmax save /CST_OPAL_Z/ c common/e_opal_z/ opact,dopact,dopacr,dopactd,fedge,ftredge,fzedge save /e_opal_z/ c common/recoin_opal_z/ itimeco,mxzero,mx03,kope,igznotgx save /recoin_opal_z/ c parameter ( mz=8, mz_m1=mz-1, mz_m2=mz-2, mzhi=11, mzal=13, $ nzm=mzal+1, nadd_zavail=nzm-mz ) c common/zinter_opal_z/ zvalhi(mzhi),nofz(mzhi,5,mo),mnofz(mx), $ zval(mz),zalval(mzal),zavail(nzm),iadd_zavail(nadd_zavail) save /zinter_opal_z/ c common /alt_change_opal_z/ main_alt_change, iulow, khighz_in, $ ofebrack_in save /alt_change_opal_z/ c common /c_level_err_opal_z/ level_err save /c_level_err_opal_z/ c character*4 cxfil(5),czfil(mz) common/czinte_opal_z/ cxfil,czfil save /czinte_opal_z/ c c The following common block /opdir/ contains a character file giving the c directory where the Gz???.x?? files are to be found. c character*255 copdir common/opdir/ copdir save /opdir/ c___ c c copfil = the full opacity filename (including directory), changed as needed c copalt = temporary (needed only for error message: new form of opacity file) c character*255 copfil,copalt c c cin / ch holds a line read in from the opacity file (with opacity values) c character*137 cin character*1 ch(137) equivalence (ch(1),cin) c c lxst is a logical variable used to check whether the new form Gz???.x?? of c opacity files exists, rather than the old form Gx??z* c logical lxst c c LOCAL ARRAYS: c cofzat(4,nrm) = temporary storage for input opacity values as a function of c R, at up to four Z-table values (these will be interpolated c in Z if necessary, prior to being stored) c xzalat(3) = X-table value(s) for relevant mix(es) in 'GN93hz'. For m = mx03 c (X=0.03), xzalat = { 0.0 , 0.1 , 0.2 }; else, xzalat(1) = xa(m) c kzvalnof(4) = Z-indexes in number-of-mixes table nofz for each of the (up c to 4) Z-tables being interpolated among (in Gz???.x?? files) c nofmjz(4) = temporary number-of-C-mixes for each of the (up to 4) Z-tables c being interpolated among: for a given X-table index m and c O-table index j, nofmjz(i) = nofz(kzvalnof(i),mnofz(m),j) c iz_get(4) = flag, for each of the (up to 4) Z-tables being interpolated c among, to tell the function mixfind whether to read in or check c the Z-composition; 1 = read it in, -1 = check it, 0 = neither c (i.e., not presently positioned at the beginning of the file). c The function mixfind resets this flag to zero. c iz_rew(4) = flag, for each of the (up to 4) Z-tables being interpolated c among, to tell the function mixfind whether to rewind the file c being read in before looking for the next (Z,X,C,O) mix; c 1 = rewind, 0 = do not rewind. The function mixfind resets c this flag to zero, unless the mix being looked for is not found c or does not follow consecutively after the previous mix, in c which case it is reset to unity ("rewind next time") c iz_tab(4) = mix-table index in Gz???.x?? opacity files, for each of the (up c to 4) Z-tables being interpolated among; it is set by mixfind c ico_got(mc,mo) = matrix of flags telling whether the corresponding (C,O) c opacity table was read in/interpolated successfully (for c the current X-table index m); 1 = succeeded, 0 = failed. c In a few cases, near the line C+O = 1-X-Z, a mix may not c be present at enough Z-table values to allow it to be c interpolated in Z, in which case this flag will be set to c zero; rather than extrapolating such a mix in Z, it is c subsequently interpolated in C or O (note that it will c lie near a mix on the line C+O = 1-X-Z, so there will not c be much of an interpolation). c nthx0(0:nrm) = temporary version of ntax0(0:nrm), used for "hz"-files c nthx03(0:nrm) = temporary version of ntax03(0:nrm), used for "hz"-files c dimension cofzat(4,nrm),xzalat(3),kzvalnof(4),nofmjz(4), $ iz_get(4),iz_rew(4),iz_tab(4),ico_got(mc,mo), $ nthx0(0:nrm),nthx03(0:nrm) c c LOCAL ARRAYS: cofzhi(ntm,nrm,6) is used for temporary storage for opacities c from 'GN93hz' or from file with non-zero [O/Fe]; xhi_look(6) and zhi_look(6) c are used to hold the 'GN93hz' X-values, including those not found in the c 'Gz???.x??' files, and the corresponding Z-values to be looked for. c dimension cofzhi(ntm,nrm,6), xhi_look(6), zhi_look(6) c c Storage for the compression-flags and opacity file names that are opened, c and the line numbers in these opacity files: c dimension igzip_sto(0:3) character*255 cop_sto(0:3) dimension line(0:3) c c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; dimension chk_max(20),chk_min(20),chk_sum(20),chk_ssq(20), c-debug-chk; $ n_chk(20) c-debug-chk;c c-debug-chk; common /readkz_opal_debug_chk/ iout_debug_chk_ofe c-debug-chk] c-test-xdel[ ! test xdel values in GN93hz X-interp c-test-xdel; parameter ( n_xdtst=4 ) c-test-xdel; dimension cof_tst(ntm,nrm,n_xdtst),dif_tst(4,n_xdtst), c-test-xdel; $ xdel_tst(n_xdtst) c-test-xdel; data xdel_tst/0.03,0.01,0.001,0.0001/ c-test-xdel] c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; data iout_debug_chk_ofe / 99999 / c-debug-chk] c c=== if ( kz .le. 0 .or. kz .gt. nz ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: Error: Z-index out of range: cannot be! ' c c Check input unit number iu_lo, and use it to set iulow. c if ( iu_lo .ge. 7 .and. iu_lo .le. 96 ) then iulow = iu_lo else if ( iu_lo .ge. 0 .and. level_err .gt. 0 ) then stop ' STOP -- READCO: Error: bad iulow value. ' endif c c Check some parameter values, and do some initializations. c call opalinit( khighz, ofebrack, z, kz ) c khighz_in = khighz ofebrack_in = ofebrack c ! Z out of range? if ( z .ge. zval(mz) + 1.e-6 .or. z .le. -1.e-8 ) then write(6,8703) z 8703 format(' '/' STOP -- READCO: Z=',f10.7, $ ': Z > 0.1 (or < 0) not allowed!!!') stop endif c ! accuracy to match table zacc(kz) = min( 1.e-6 , max( 1.e-8 , 0.01 * z ) ) c c Find the correct Z value(s) to be read in, in the range 0.0 to 0.1 c kzbelo = mz do while( kzbelo .gt. 1 .and. z .le. zval(kzbelo) - 1.e-6 ) kzbelo = kzbelo-1 enddo c c If Z is very close to a tabulated Z-value, don't need to interpolate, c unless Z --> 0 ; note that nmorez ("number of extra Z-values") indicates c the presence and type of interpolation: c nmorez = 0 if the tabulated Z-value can be used (with no Z-interpolation), c nmorez = 2 if quadratic interpolation among 3 Z-values will be performed, c nmorez = 3 if overlapping quadratices will be used among 4 Z-values. c if ( abs( zval(kzbelo) - z ) .le. zacc(kz) ) then zat = zval(kzbelo) kzlow = kzbelo k1zfac = kzbelo nmorez = 0 c ! else: closest 3 or 4 table Z-values to interpolate among else zat = z kzlow = min( max( 1 , kzbelo - 1 ) , mz_m2 ) k1zfac = min( kzbelo , mz_m1 ) nmorez = min( kzbelo + 2 , mz ) - kzlow endif c kzlow_m1 = kzlow - 1 k2zfac = min( k1zfac + 1 , kzlow + nmorez ) c ! find position in nofz do i = kzlow, kzlow + nmorez kzvalnof(i-kzlow_m1) = int( 100. * zval(i) + 1.01 ) enddo kznof = min( int( 100. * z + 1.0001 ) , mzhi ) lznof = max( int( 100. * z + 0.9999 ) , 1 ) c c NOTE that if Z > 0 and the GS98 mix is being used (khighz < 0), then both c the GN93hz and GS98hz files will always be needed; if [O/Fe] is non-zero c and khighz < -1, then a GS98 [O/Fe]-file is also needed. OTHERWISE: c Check if need C+O=0.0 "hz" tables: if [O/Fe] = 0 or Z = 0, there will be no c need to interpolate in [O/Fe] (set khizat = 1), and if there is no need to c interpolate in [O/Fe], then for Z equal to a Z-table value or .01 < Z < .02 c the "hz" tables will yield no improvement and are not used (set khizat = 0). c khighz_index = min( mod( abs(khighz), 10 ) , n_zmixes ) if ( mx .eq. 5 ) then khighz_cno = min( abs(khighz) / 10 , 3 ) if ( khighz_cno .ge. 2 .and. kavail_user .le. 0 ) $ khighz_cno = khighz_cno - 2 if ( mod( khighz_cno, 2 ) .eq. 1 .and. kavail_cno .le. 0 ) $ khighz_cno = khighz_cno - 1 else khighz_cno = 0 endif c if ( z .lt. zacc(kz) ) then klozat = 0 khizat = 0 else if ( khighz .lt. 0 ) then khizat = 1 if ( ofebrack .eq. 0. ) then klozat = 1 else klozat = khighz_index endif else klozat = 0 khizat = khighz_index if ( ofebrack .eq. 0. ) khizat = min(khizat,1) if ( khizat .eq. 1 .and. ( ( zval(k1zfac) .ge. 0.01 .and. $ zval(k2zfac) .le. 0.02 ) .or. nmorez .eq. 0 ) ) $ khizat = 0 endif c c If needed, get position in C+O=0.0 "hz"-tables, which have more Z values. c Note that nzalmo (for GN93hz) is analogous to nmorez (for Gz???.x?? files) c if ( khizat .gt. 0 ) then kzalbe = mzal do while( kzalbe .gt. 1 .and. z .le. zalval(kzalbe)-1.e-6 ) kzalbe = kzalbe-1 enddo if ( abs( zalval(kzalbe) - z ) .le. zacc(kz) ) then zat = zalval(kzalbe) kzalow = kzalbe nzalmo = 0 else kzalow = max( 1 , kzalbe - 1 ) nzalmo = min( kzalbe + 2 , mzal ) - kzalow endif endif c ! set the directory-part of the opacity filename if ( kope .eq. 0 ) then copfil = ' ' else copfil = copdir(:kope) endif c ! store present m-value (should be unnecessary) mstore = m c khighx(kz) = 0 if ( khighz_index .ne. 0 .and. mx .eq. 5 .and. $ max( abs( xhi_in(1) - xa(1) ) , abs( 0.03 - xa(2) ) , $ abs( xhi_in(2) - xa(3) ) , abs( xhi_in(4) - xa(4) ) , $ abs( xhi_in(6) - xa(5) ) ) .le. 1.e-6 ) khighx(kz) = 1 c c ! get shifted z-value Z+zdel, for log interpolation zzz(kz) = zat + zdel zvint(kz) = log10( zzz(kz) ) zsto(kz) = zat c ! should read in Z-composition from first opacity file igetzxi = 1 c c {--------------------------------------- Begin loop over m values (X-tables): c do m = 1, mx c ! later Z-compositions: just check if ( m .ne. 1 ) igetzxi = -1 c ! get C,O compositions for this m xhemx = 1. - xa(m) - zat do i = 1, mc nc = i no = i xc(i) = xcs(i) xo(i) = xos(i) c ! allow some round-off error: if ( xcs(i) .ge. xhemx - 1.e-6 ) then xc(i) = xhemx xo(i) = xhemx goto 3 endif enddo 3 continue c ! check that number of C-mixes is correct c if ( nc .ne. nofz(kznof,mnofz(m),1) .and. $ nc .ne. nofz(lznof,mnofz(m),1) ) then write(6,8704) m,lznof,kznof,nofz(lznof,mnofz(m),1), $ nofz(kznof,mnofz(m),1),nc 8704 format(' '/' STOP -- READCO(m=',i1, $ ') bad nc value: nofz({',i2,' or',i3,'},m,1)={', $ i1,' or',i2,'} .ne. nc=',i1) stop endif c c........ initialization: for itime, oxf...oxdf, n(m,*,kz) (xx was done above) c c........ this is the first time through this m and kz. Calculate the decadic c log of the perimeter points shifted by Z+zdel (to avoid divergence c at origin: zdel=0.001); m refers to xa(m), the hydrogen table value. c do i = 1, nc c ! O,C values for each X,C,O oxf(m,i,kz) = log10( zzz(kz) + xo(i) ) cxf(m,i,kz) = log10( zzz(kz) + xc(i) ) xcdf(m,i,kz) = xo(no) - xo(i) xodf(m,i,kz) = xc(nc) - xc(i) cxdf(m,i,kz) = log10( zzz(kz) + xcdf(m,i,kz) ) oxdf(m,i,kz) = log10( zzz(kz) + xodf(m,i,kz) ) c ! present C,O values ox(i) = oxf(m,i,kz) cx(i) = cxf(m,i,kz) xcd(i) = xcdf(m,i,kz) xod(i) = xodf(m,i,kz) cxd(i) = cxdf(m,i,kz) oxd(i) = oxdf(m,i,kz) enddo c ! set and check number-of-mixes table n(m,j,kz) do j = 1, nc - 1 do i = 1, nc if ( xcd(j) .ge. xc(i) ) then n(m,j,kz) = i + 1 if ( xcd(j) .lt. xc(i) + 1.e-6 ) n(m,j,kz) = i endif enddo if ( n(m,1,kz) .ne. nc .or. $ ( n(m,j,kz) .ne. nofz(kznof,mnofz(m),j) $ .and. n(m,j,kz) .ne. nofz(lznof,mnofz(m),j) ) ) then write(6,8705) m,nc,j,n(m,j,kz),lznof,kznof,j, $ nofz(lznof,mnofz(m),j),nofz(kznof,mnofz(m),j) 8705 format(' '/' STOP -- READCO(m=',i1,',nc=',i1, $ ') bad value of n(m,',i1,')=',i1, $ ' .ne. nofz({',i2,' or',i3,'},m,',i1,')={', $ i1,' or',i2,'}') stop endif enddo c ! nc-th elements sometimes needed, though this may not be do j = nc, mc n(m,j,kz) = 0 enddo c ! initialize boundaries at low-X,low-R,low-T if ( kz .eq. 1 ) then if ( m .eq. mxzero ) then do i = nrb, nre ntax0(i) = ntb enddo else if ( m .eq. mx03 ) then do i = nrb, nre ntax03(i) = ntb enddo endif endif c ! end of initializations for this m value c c If it will increase accuracy, first read in C+O=0.0 "hz" table(s) from GN93hz c (and possibly from a file with [O/Fe] > 0), for the present m value. c c Note that 'Gz???.x??' files contain Z=0.05, while 'GN93hz' contains Z=0.04 c and 0.06; thus, for Z near 0.05, the 'Gz???.x??' opacities are more accurate c than the 'GN93hz' opacities. For .04 < Z < .05 or for .05 < Z < .06 , the c 'GN93hz' opacities are read in, but their effects are reduced (according to c how close Z is to 0.05) by setting the factor facxhz to a value less than c unity. c c Note that X=0.03 (m=2) requires X-interpolation in the 'GN93hz' tables: this c is only done if interpolating in [O/Fe] as well, and the effect of the m=2 c 'GN93hz' opacities is nullified by setting facxhz to zero. (The 'GN93hz' c opacity shifts for m=2 may be obtained later by interpolating opacity shifts c among m=1,3,4 if this is possible.) c ! read 'GN93hz' only if necessary: c if ( khizat .gt. 0 .and. ( m .ne. mx03 .or. $ khizat .gt. 1 .or. klozat .gt. 0 ) ) then c c ! for m = mx03 (X=.03), X-interpolation in c ! GN93hz is less accurate than the Gz???.x?? c ! opacities: the GN93hz opacities are needed c ! only for [O/Fe] shifts, so set facxhz=0. if ( m .eq. mx03 ) then facxhz = 0. nxdo = 3 xzalat(1) = 0. xzalat(2) = 0.1 xzalat(3) = 0.2 do i = nrb, nre nthx03(i) = ntb enddo c ! Else (for m not mx03): do need GN93hz shifts: else facxhz = 1. c ! but near Z = 0.05, the Gz???.x?? opacities are c ! better: reduce facxhz if ( zat .gt. 0.04 .and. zat .lt. 0.06 ) $ facxhz = 1. - 100. * min( zat - 0.04 , 0.06 - zat ) nxdo = 1 xzalat(1) = xa(m) if ( m .eq. mxzero ) then do i = nrb, nre nthx0(i) = ntb enddo endif endif c ! number of "excess" X-tables (for interpolation) nmorex = nxdo - 1 c ! indices for GN93hz Z-tabulation array zalval j1 = kzalow j2 = j1 + min( 1 , nzalmo ) j3 = j1 + min( 2 , nzalmo ) j4 = j1 + min( 3 , nzalmo ) c is = 0 isx = 0 iu = iulow moat = mo iofe = 1 c ! read C+O=0.0 "hz"-table(s): do while ( iofe .ne. 0 ) c ! get filename if ( iofe .gt. 0 ) then copfil(kope+1:) = cfile_opalmixes(iofe) else copfil(kope+1:) = cfile_opalGS98(-iofe) endif c ! open file call open_chk_zip( iu, copfil, igzip, $ 'STOP -- Error: hz-file (C+O=0.0) not found.' ) c line(1) = 0 c ! dummy table-number; initial cofzhi index itab_dum = 0 kzsto = 0 c ! get Z-composition(s) from "hz"-files, if ( m .eq. 1 ) then igetzxi = 1 c ! or just check them if they were already gotten else igetzxi = -1 endif c ! loop over X values, if more than one do kx = 1, nxdo c ! increment cofzhi mix-store-position kzsto = kzsto + 1 c ! loop over file Z values do iz = kzalow, kzalow + nzalmo c ! kat is Z-index in cofzhi kat = kzsto + iz - kzalow c ! find mix; stop if not found i_rewind = 0 ifound = mixfind(iu,iofe,igetzxi,i_rewind, $ itab_dum,line(1), $ zalval(iz),xzalat(kx),0.0,0.0) if ( ifound .eq. 0 ) then write(6,1791) zalval(iz),xzalat(kx),0.0,0.0, $ copfil(:lnblnk(copfil)) 1791 format(' '/' READCO: Error finding mix Z=', $ f6.4,' X=',f6.4,' C=',f6.4,' O=',f6.4, $ ' from file:'/' ',a/' ') stop ' STOP -- READCO: error reading hz-mix. ' endif c ! check [O/Fe] if ( kx .eq. 1 .and. iz .eq. kzalow ) then if ( iofe .eq. 1 ) then c ! (this cannot happen) if ( abs( bracketofe_opalmixes(1) ) .gt. $ 3.e-7 ) write(6,1783) 'GN93hz', $ bracketofe_opalmixes(1) 1783 format(/' READCO: Error: ',a, $ ' file has [O/Fe] =',f12.7/20x, $ '(its [O/Fe] should be 0.0)',5x, $ 'THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN!'/) if ( abs( bracketofe_opalmixes(1) ) .gt. $ 3.e-7 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: non-0 [O/Fe]_GN93hz ' c ! is file [O/Fe] too small? else if ( iofe .gt. 0 ) then if ( abs(bracketofe_opalmixes(iofe)) .lt. $ max(0.1*abs(ofebrack),0.001) ) then write(6,2631) ofebrack, $ bracketofe_opalmixes(iofe), $ iofe, copfil(:lnblnk(copfil)) 2631 format(' '/' READCO: [O/Fe] =',f10.6, $ ': cannot get from [O/Fe] =', $ f10.6,' in file',i3,':'/' ',a/' ') stop ' STOP -- READCO: bad [O/Fe] file. ' endif else if ( iofe .eq. -1 ) then c ! (this cannot happen) if ( abs( bracketofe_opalGS98(1) ) .gt. $ 3.e-7 ) write(6,1783) $ 'alternate-solar (e.g., GS98hz)', $ bracketofe_opalGS98(1) if ( abs( bracketofe_opalGS98(1) ) .gt. $ 3.e-7 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: non-0 [O/Fe]_GS98hz ' c ! is file [O/Fe] too small? else if ( abs(bracketofe_opalGS98(-iofe)) .lt. $ max(0.1*abs(ofebrack),0.001) ) then write(6,2631) ofebrack, $ bracketofe_opalGS98(-iofe), $ iofe, copfil(:lnblnk(copfil)) stop ' STOP -- READCO: bad [O/Fe] file. ' endif endif endif c ! loop over logT values, to read in opacities do k = 1, ntm c ! read logT,{logKappa(R) @ all R} line(1) = line(1) + 1 read(iu,7300) cin 7300 format(a137) read(cin,7140) flt, (cofzhi(k,il,kat),il=1,nrm) 7140 format(f4.2,19f7.3) c ! bad logT ? if ( abs(flogtin(k)-flt) .gt. 1.e-5 ) then write(6,1734) flt, flogtin(k), $ copfil(:lnblnk(copfil)), line(1), $ cin(:max(1,lnblnk(cin))), $ zalval(iz),xzalat(kx),0.0,0.0 1734 format(/' Error reading logT value =',f10.6, $ ' should be',f10.6, $ ' from opacity file:'/' ',a/ $ ' at line',i8,', which contained:'/ $ ' "',a,'"'/ $ ' while reading mix [Z=',f6.4, $ ' X=',f6.4,' C=',f6.4,' O=',f6.4,']'/ $ ' *****THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN.'/) stop ' STOP -- READCO: bad logT value. ' endif c ! logKappa(R) is: do il = nrm, 1, -1 c ! absent if ( cin(7*il-2:7*il+4) .eq. $ ' ' ) then if ( k .le. max(nta(il),nta(0)) ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: bad upper edge. ' c c ! get value, for smoothing c cofzhi(k,il,kat) = 2.*cofzhi(k-1,il,kat) $ - cofzhi(k-2,il,kat) c ! should be absent else if ( k .gt. nta(il) .and. $ il .ge. nrb .and. il .le. nre ) then stop ' STOP -- READCO: bad upper edge. ' c ! 9.999 else if ( cofzhi(k,il,kat) .gt. 9. ) then if ( ( m .ne. mxzero .and. m .ne. mx03 ) $ .or. il .ge. nrm_m2 .or. $ flt .ge. 4.2 ) then stop ' STOP -- READCO: bad low edge. ' else if ( m .eq. mxzero ) then nthx0(il) = max( nthx0(il) , k + 1 ) else if ( m .eq. mx03 ) then nthx03(il) = max( nthx03(il) , k + 1 ) endif c ! get value, for smoothing c cofzhi(k,il,kat) = 2.*cofzhi(k,il+1,kat) $ - cofzhi(k,il+2,kat) endif c ! end of check-logKappa(R) loop enddo c ! end of T-loop enddo c ! end of Z-loop enddo c ! interpolate in Z, if needed if ( nzalmo .gt. 0 ) then kdelzhi = kzalow - kzsto do k = 1, ntm do il = 1, nrm cofzhi(k,il,kzsto) = qzinter(is,1,zat, $ nzalmo,cofzhi(k,il,j1-kdelzhi), $ cofzhi(k,il,j2-kdelzhi), $ cofzhi(k,il,j3-kdelzhi), $ cofzhi(k,il,j4-kdelzhi), $ zalval(j1),zalval(j2),zalval(j3), $ zalval(j4),zdel) is = 1 enddo enddo endif c ! end of X-loop enddo c ! close hz-file (have all necessary opacities from it) c call close_chk_zip( iu, copfil, igzip ) c c ! interpolate in X if necessary if ( nxdo .eq. 3 ) then do k = 1,ntm do il = 1,nrm c-test-xdel[ c-test-xdel; do ij = 1,n_xdtst c-test-xdel; cof_tst(k,il,ij) = qzinter(isx,ij+2, c-test-xdel; $ xa(m),nmorex,cofzhi(k,il,1), c-test-xdel; $ cofzhi(k,il,2),cofzhi(k,il,3), c-test-xdel; $ 0.0,xzalat(1),xzalat(2),xzalat(3), c-test-xdel; $ 0.0,xdel_tst(ij)) c-test-xdel; enddo c-test-xdel] cofzhi(k,il,1) = qzinter(isx,2,xa(m),nmorex, $ cofzhi(k,il,1),cofzhi(k,il,2), $ cofzhi(k,il,3),0.0,xzalat(1),xzalat(2), $ xzalat(3),0.0,xdelgn93) isx = 1 enddo enddo endif c-test-xdel[ c-test-xdel; do ij = 1,n_xdtst c-test-xdel; do il = 1,nrm c-test-xdel; do k = 1,ntm c-test-xdel; coff(k,il) = cof_tst(k,il,ij) c-test-xdel; enddo c-test-xdel; enddo c-test-xdel; if ( init_smo .gt. 0 ) then c-test-xdel; tmax = 10. c-test-xdel; nset = ks81 c-test-xdel; NSM = 1 c-test-xdel; RLS = alrf(1) c-test-xdel; RLE = alrf(nrm) c-test-xdel; nrhigh = int(dfsr(nr)*(RLE-RLS)+1.00001) c-test-xdel; nrlow = 1 c-test-xdel; call opaltab c-test-xdel; endif c-test-xdel; do il = 1,nrm c-test-xdel; do k = 1,ntm c-test-xdel; cof_tst(k,il,ij) = coff(k,il) c-test-xdel; enddo c-test-xdel; enddo c-test-xdel; enddo c-test-xdel] c ! transfer opacities from Z,X-interpolation storage do il = 1,nrm do k = 1,ntm coff(k,il) = cofzhi(k,il,1) enddo enddo c ! smooth hz-opacities, if init_smo > 0 if ( init_smo .gt. 0 ) then tmax = 10. nset = ks81 NSM = 1 c ! note: MUST have all dfsr(i) = 1./0.5 RLS = alrf(1) RLE = alrf(nrm) nrhigh = int( dfsr(nr) * ( RLE - RLS ) + 1.00001 ) nrlow = 1 c ! fit and smooth OPAL kappas, up to T6 = tmax call opaltab c ! end of hz-opacity smoothing endif c ! set any missing values to 1.0E+35 do il = nre, nrb, -1 if ( nta(il) .lt. ntm ) then do k = nta(il) + 1, ntm coff(k,il) = badlogkval enddo endif if ( m .eq. mxzero ) then if ( il .lt. nre ) $ nthx0(il) = max( nthx0(il) , nthx0(il+1) ) if ( nthx0(il) .gt. ntb ) then do k = ntb, nthx0(il) - 1 coff(k,il) = badlogkval enddo endif else if ( m .eq. mx03 ) then if ( il .lt. nre ) $ nthx03(il) = max( nthx03(il) , nthx03(il+1) ) if ( nthx03(il) .gt. ntb ) then do k = ntb, nthx03(il) - 1 coff(k,il) = badlogkval enddo endif endif enddo c ! store present hz-opacity set in free space do il = 1,nr jl = il+nrdel do k = 1,nt co(m,mc,moat,k,il,kz) = coff(k+ntdel,jl) enddo enddo c ! position to store next hz-opacity set moat = moat - 1 c ! get next iofe value, if any if ( iofe .eq. -klozat ) then iofe = 0 else if ( iofe .eq. -1 ) then iofe = -klozat else if ( iofe .eq. khizat ) then iofe = max( -klozat , -1 ) else iofe = khizat endif c ! end of loop reading in C+O=0.0 table(s) enddo c ! only check (don't store) Z-composition, in future igetzxi = -1 c ! end of obtaining C+O=0.0 'GN93hz'-table(s) endif c c Read in opacities from 'Gz???.x??' files, interpolating in Z if necessary, c for files with the present m value (i.e., with the present X value xa(m)). c UPDATE: 25 May 1999: look for newer format Gz???.x?? first; if this is not c found, then look for older format Gx??z* instead. c c ! turn off all "mix-acquired" flags do i = 1, mc do j = 1, mo ico_got(i,j) = 0 enddo enddo c ! get filename(s) and open file(s): do iu = iulow,iulow+nmorez if ( igznotgx .ge. 0 ) then copfil(kope+1:kope+1) = 'G' copfil(kope+2:kope+5) = czfil(kzlow+iu-iulow) if ( copfil(kope+4:kope+4) .eq. ' ' ) $ copfil(kope+4:kope+4) = '0' if ( copfil(kope+5:kope+5) .eq. ' ' ) $ copfil(kope+5:kope+5) = '0' copfil(kope+6:) = cxfil(m) copfil(kope+6:kope+6) = '.' else copfil(kope+1:kope+4) = cxfil(m) copfil(kope+5:) = czfil(kzlow+iu-iulow) endif if ( igznotgx .eq. 0 ) then call inqfil(copfil,lxst) if ( .not. lxst ) $ call inqfil( copfil(1:kope+9) // '.gz' , lxst ) if ( .not. lxst ) $ call inqfil( copfil(1:kope+9) // '.Z' , lxst ) if ( lxst ) then igznotgx = 1 else copalt = copfil copfil(kope+1:kope+4) = cxfil(m) copfil(kope+5:) = czfil(kzlow+iu-iulow) call inqfil(copfil,lxst) if ( .not. lxst ) then k_e = kope + 8 if ( copfil(k_e:k_e) .eq. ' ' ) k_e = k_e - 1 if ( copfil(k_e:k_e) .eq. ' ' ) k_e = k_e - 1 call inqfil( copfil(1:k_e) // '.gz' , lxst ) if ( .not. lxst ) $ call inqfil( copfil(1:k_e) // '.Z' , lxst ) endif if ( lxst ) then igznotgx = -1 else write(6,7399) copalt(:lnblnk(copalt)), $ copfil(:lnblnk(copfil)) 7399 format(' '/' STOP -- READCO: neither Gz???.x??', $ ' nor Gx??z* OPAL opacity files found:'/ $ ' ',a/' ',a) stop ' STOP -- READCO: Gz???.x?? file not found. ' endif endif endif cop_sto(iu-iulow) = copfil call open_chk_zip( iu, copfil, igzip_sto(iu-iulow), $ 'STOP -- Error: Gz???.x?? opacity file not found.' ) line(iu-iulow) = 0 enddo c ! read in Z-composition only for 1st file do i = 1, nmorez + 1 iz_get(i) = -1 iz_rew(i) = 0 iz_tab(i) = 0 enddo iz_get(1) = igetzxi c ! Z-position indices j1 to j4, for array zval j1 = kzlow j2 = j1 + min( 1 , nmorez ) j3 = j1 + min( 2 , nmorez ) j4 = j1 + min( 3 , nmorez ) is = 0 c ! loop over dXo (excess oxygen) index j do j = 1, no - 1 c ! number of dXc values at Z for this dXo ihi = n(m,j,kz) do jz = 1, nmorez + 1 nofmjz(jz) = nofz(kzvalnof(jz),mnofz(m),j) enddo c ! loop over dXc (excess carbon) index i do i = 1, ihi c ! number of "extra" Z-values, for interpolation nmorat = nmorez c ! note: the case i=1,j=1 will ALWAYS have is1=1 is1 = 1 c ! loop over Z values: find tables do iz = kzlow, kzlow + nmorez c ! other Z-index jz starts at 1 jz = iz - kzlow_m1 iu = iulow + iz - kzlow c ! if a mix (with higher Z-value) is c ! missing a needed C-O table, then c ! rewinding may work (if needed table c ! duplicates an earlier C-O table) c if ( i .gt. nofmjz(jz) ) iz_rew(jz) = 1 cget = xcs(i) if ( i .eq. ihi ) $ cget = min( cget , 1.-xa(m)-xos(j)-zval(iz) ) ifound = mixfind(iu,1,iz_get(jz),iz_rew(jz), $ iz_tab(jz),line(iu-iulow), $ zval(iz),xa(m),cget,xos(j)) c ! if table is not c ! present in this file, it cannot c ! be used in the Z-interpolation, if ( ifound .eq. 0 ) then c ! so reduce nmorat nmorat = min( iz - kzlow - 1 , nmorat ) c ! (cannot happen): if ( nmorat .lt. 0 ) then write(6,1791) zval(iz),xa(m),cget,xos(j), $ cop_sto(iu $ -iulow)(:lnblnk(cop_sto(iu-iulow))) stop ' STOP -- READCO: error reading mix. ' c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; else c-debug-chk; write(6,1878) m,z,i,j,jz,nofmjz(jz), c-debug-chk; $ iz_rew(jz),nmorat c-debug-chk; 1878 format(' m=',i1,' Z=',f9.7, c-debug-chk; $ ' cannot find i=',i1,' j=',i1, c-debug-chk; $ ' Z(jz=',i1,'): Nofmjz=',i1, c-debug-chk; $ ' irew=',i2,' nmorat=',i2) c-debug-chk] endif is1 = 2 is = 0 endif enddo c ! if needed table exists at enough Z-values, read it in: c if ( nmorat .eq. nmorez .or. nmorat .eq. 2 ) then c ! loop over T: do k = 1, ntm c ! loop over Z values: read line do iz = kzlow, kzlow + nmorat jz = iz - kzlow_m1 iu = iulow + iz - kzlow c ! read logT, & logKappa(R) for all R line(iu-iulow) = line(iu-iulow) + 1 read(iu,7300) cin read(cin,7140) flt,(cofzat(jz,il),il=1,nrm) c ! bad logT ? if ( abs(flogtin(k)-flt) .gt. 1.e-5 ) then write(6,1734) flt, flogtin(k), cop_sto(iu $ -iulow)(:lnblnk(cop_sto(iu-iulow))), $ line(iu-iulow), $ cin(:max(1,lnblnk(cin))), $ zval(iz),xa(m),cget,xos(j) stop ' STOP -- READCO: bad logT value. ' endif c ! store logT if ( k .ge. ntb ) alt(k-ntdel) = flt - 6. flogtin(k) = flt c ! logKappa(R) is: do il = nrm, 1, -1 c ! absent if ( cin(7*il-2:7*il+4) .eq. $ ' ' ) then if ( k .le. max(nta(il),nta(0)) ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: bad upper edge. ' cofzat(1,il) = badlogkval c ! or should be else if ( k .gt. nta(il) .and. $ il .ge. nrb .and. il .le. nre ) then stop ' STOP -- READCO: bad upper edge. ' c ! or 9.999 else if ( cofzat(jz,il) .gt. 9. ) then if ( ( m .ne. mxzero .and. m .ne. mx03 ) $ .or. il .ge. nrm_m2 .or. $ flt .ge. 4.2 ) then stop ' STOP -- READCO: bad low edge. ' c c ! set lower bounds: else if ( m .eq. mxzero ) then ntax0(il) = max( ntax0(il) , k + 1 ) else if ( m .eq. mx03 ) then ntax03(il) = max( ntax03(il) , k + 1 ) endif c ! for smoothing: cofzat(jz,il) = 2.*cofzat(jz,il+1) $ -cofzat(jz,il+2) endif c ! end of check-logKappa(R) loop enddo c ! end of Z-loop enddo c ! interpolate logKappa(R) in Z; store in COFF do il = 1, nrm c ! if opacity missing, extrapolate value for c ! smoothing if ( abs(cofzat(1,il)) .gt. badlogklim ) then coff(k,il) = 2.*coff(k-1,il) - coff(k-2,il) c c ! else if table-Z is O.K. else if ( nmorez .eq. 0 ) then coff(k,il) = cofzat(1,il) c ! else, Z-interpolation else coff(k,il) = qzinter(is,is1,zat,nmorat, $ cofzat(j1-kzlow_m1,il), $ cofzat(j2-kzlow_m1,il), $ cofzat(j3-kzlow_m1,il), $ cofzat(j4-kzlow_m1,il),zval(j1), $ zval(j2),zval(j3),zval(j4),zdel) is = 1 endif enddo c ! end of T-loop enddo c ! smooth opacities, if init_smo > 0 if ( init_smo .gt. 0 ) then tmax = 10. nset = ks81 NSM = 1 c ! note: MUST have all dfsr(i) = 1./0.5 RLS = alrf(1) RLE = alrf(nrm) nrhigh = int( dfsr(nr) * ( RLE - RLS ) + 1.00001 ) nrlow = 1 c ! fit and smooth OPAL kappas, up to T6 = tmax call opaltab c ! end of opacity smoothing endif c ! store opacities do il = 1, nr jl = il + nrdel do k = 1, nt co(m,i,j,k,il,kz) = coff(k+ntdel,jl) enddo enddo c ! set flag indicating this table was read in ico_got(i,j) = 1 c ! end of reading in table endif c ! end of loop over dXc (excess carbon) index enddo c ! end of loop over dXo (excess oxygen) index enddo c c........ Read remaining diagonal tables (along line Y=0 in dXc,dXo plane) c do jz = 1, nmorez + 1 nofmjz(jz) = nofz(kzvalnof(jz),mnofz(m),1) - 1 if ( nofmjz(jz) .lt. no - 1 ) iz_rew(jz) = 1 enddo c ! loop over dXc (excess carbon) inverted-index j; note c ! that table being read in will be stored at i=(no-j) do j = 1, no - 1 c nmorat = nmorez is1 = 1 nomj = no - j c ! loop over Z values: find tables do iz = kzlow, kzlow + nmorat iu = iulow + iz - kzlow jz = iz - kzlow_m1 oget = 1. - xa(m) - xcs(nomj) - zval(iz) ifound = mixfind(iu,1,iz_get(jz),iz_rew(jz), $ iz_tab(jz),line(iu-iulow), $ zval(iz),xa(m),xcs(nomj),oget) if ( ifound .eq. 0 ) then nmorat = min( iz - kzlow - 1 , nmorat ) if ( nmorat .lt. 0 ) then write(6,1791) zval(iz),xa(m),xcs(nomj),oget, $ cop_sto(iu-iulow)(:lnblnk(cop_sto(iu-iulow))) stop ' STOP -- READCO: error reading mix. ' c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; else c-debug-chk; write(6,2878) m,z,j,mo,jz,nofmjz(jz), c-debug-chk; $ iz_rew(jz),nmorat c-debug-chk; 2878 format(' m=',i1,' Z=',f9.7, c-debug-chk; $ ' cannot find i=',i1,' j=',i1, c-debug-chk; $ ' Z(jz=',i1,'): Nofmjz=',i1, c-debug-chk; $ ' irew=',i2,' nmorat=',i2) c-debug-chk] endif is1 = 2 is = 0 endif enddo c ! if needed table exists at enough z-values, read it in: c if ( nmorat .eq. nmorez .or. nmorat .eq. 2 ) then c ! loop over T: do k = 1, ntm c ! loop over Z values: read line do iz = kzlow, kzlow + nmorat jz = iz - kzlow_m1 iu = iulow + iz - kzlow c ! read logT, & logKappa(R) for all R line(iu-iulow) = line(iu-iulow) + 1 read(iu,7300) cin read(cin,7140) flt,(cofzat(jz,il),il=1,nrm) c ! bad logT ? if ( abs(flogtin(k)-flt) .gt. 1.e-5 ) then write(6,1734) flt, flogtin(k), cop_sto(iu $ -iulow)(:lnblnk(cop_sto(iu-iulow))), $ line(iu-iulow), cin(:max(1,lnblnk(cin))), $ zval(iz),xa(m),xcs(nomj),oget stop ' STOP -- READCO: bad logT value. ' endif c ! logKappa(R) is: do il = nrm, 1, -1 c ! absent if ( cin(7*il-2:7*il+4) .eq. ' ' ) then if ( k .le. max(nta(il),nta(0)) ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: bad upper edge. ' cofzat(1,il) = badlogkval c ! or should be else if ( k .gt. nta(il) .and. $ il .ge. nrb .and. il .le. nre ) then stop ' STOP -- READCO: bad upper edge. ' c ! or 9.999 else if ( cofzat(jz,il) .gt. 9. ) then if ( ( m .ne. mxzero .and. m .ne. mx03 ) $ .or. il .ge. nrm_m2 .or. $ flt .ge. 4.2 ) then stop ' STOP -- READCO: bad low edge. ' else if ( m .eq. mxzero ) then ntax0(il) = max( ntax0(il) , k + 1 ) else if ( m .eq. mx03 ) then ntax03(il) = max( ntax03(il) , k + 1 ) endif c ! for smoothing cofzat(jz,il) = 2.*cofzat(jz,il+1) $ - cofzat(jz,il+2) endif c ! end of check-logKappa(R) loop enddo c ! end of Z-loop enddo c ! interpolate in Z; store in COFF do il = 1, nrm if ( abs(cofzat(1,il)) .gt. badlogklim ) then coff(k,il) = 2.*coff(k-1,il) - coff(k-2,il) else if ( nmorez .eq. 0 ) then coff(k,il) = cofzat(1,il) else coff(k,il) = qzinter(is,is1,zat,nmorat, $ cofzat(j1-kzlow_m1,il), $ cofzat(j2-kzlow_m1,il), $ cofzat(j3-kzlow_m1,il), $ cofzat(j4-kzlow_m1,il),zval(j1), $ zval(j2),zval(j3),zval(j4),zdel) is = 1 endif enddo c ! end of T-loop enddo c ! smooth opacities, if init_smo > 0 if ( init_smo .gt. 0 ) then tmax = 10. nset = ks81 NSM = 1 c ! note: MUST have all dfsr(i) = 1./0.5 RLS = alrf(1) RLE = alrf(nrm) nrhigh = int( dfsr(nr) * ( RLE - RLS ) + 1.00001 ) nrlow = 1 c ! fit and smooth OPAL kappas, up to T6 = tmax call opaltab c ! end of opacity smoothing endif c ! store opacities do il = 1,nr jl = il+nrdel do k = 1,nt co(m,nomj,mo,k,il,kz) = coff(k+ntdel,jl) enddo enddo c ! set flag indicating this table was read in ico_got(nomj,mo) = 1 c ! end of reading in table endif c ! end of loop over dXc (excess carbon) inverted-index enddo c ! close 'Gz???.x??' files do iu = iulow, iulow + nmorez call close_chk_zip( iu, cop_sto(iu-iulow), $ igzip_sto(iu-iulow) ) enddo c ! for X=0 or .03, ensure low-R,low-T corner c ! has no steps in the wrong direction if ( m .eq. mxzero ) then do il = nre_m1, nrb, -1 ntax0(il) = max( ntax0(il) , ntax0(il+1) ) enddo else if ( m .eq. mx03 ) then do il = nre_m1,nrb,-1 ntax03(il) = max( ntax03(il) , ntax03(il+1) ) enddo endif c ! Set any missing opacity values (high-T,R or low-T,R,X c ! corners) to badlogkval = 1.0E+35 do il = 1, nr jl = il + nrdel if ( m .eq. mxzero ) then khi = ntax0(jl) - ntb else if ( m .eq. mx03 ) then khi = ntax03(jl) - ntb else khi = 0 endif if ( khi .gt. 0 ) then do j = 1,mo if ( j .lt. no ) then ihi = n(m,j,kz) else if ( j .eq. mo ) then ihi = no - 1 else ihi = 0 endif if ( ihi .gt. 0 ) then do k = 1, khi do i = 1, ihi co(m,i,j,k,il,kz) = badlogkval enddo enddo endif enddo endif if ( nta(jl) .lt. ntm ) then do j = 1, mo if ( j .lt. no ) then ihi = n(m,j,kz) else if ( j .eq. mo ) then ihi = no - 1 else ihi = 0 endif if ( ihi .gt. 0 ) then do k = nta(jl) + 1 - ntdel, nt do i = 1, ihi co(m,i,j,k,il,kz) = badlogkval enddo enddo endif enddo endif enddo c c........ Interpolate any missing opacity tables in dXc or dXo; these will be c at or near the line Y=0, arising from the fact that files for higher c Z-values may not have had as many dXc or dXo tables in them as are c needed for the input (interpolated) Z-value. c ! first, main tables: do j = 1, no - 1 ihi = n(m,j,kz) do i = 1, ihi c ! if flag indicates missing table if ( ico_got(i,j) .eq. 0 ) then oat = xos(j) cat = min( xcs(i) , 1. - xa(m) - zat - oat ) c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; write(6,1973) zat,m,i,j,ihi,cat,oat c-debug-chk; 1973 format(' '/' Z=',f9.7,' --- interpolate', c-debug-chk; $ ' mix (m=',i1,',i=',i1,',j=',i1, c-debug-chk; $ ') with ihi=',i1,' C=',f10.7,' O=',f10.7) c-debug-chk; difmax = -9.999999 c-debug-chk; difmin = 9.999999 c-debug-chk; sumdif = 0. c-debug-chk; sumsq = 0. c-debug-chk; numsq = 0 c-debug-chk; diflmax = -9.999999 c-debug-chk; diflmin = 9.999999 c-debug-chk; sumldif = 0. c-debug-chk; sumlsq = 0. c-debug-chk] c ! if C > or = O in missing table, if ( cat .ge. oat ) then c ! then the only C-value that can be c ! missing is the next-to-highest one c ! at ihi-1 = n(m,j,kz)-1 c if ( ico_got(ihi,j) .le. 0 .and. i .ne. ihi ) $ write(6,1873) zat,m,ihi,j,ihi, $ min(xcs(ihi),1.-xa(m)-zat-oat),oat if ( i .ne. ihi-1 .or. i .lt. 3 ) $ write(6,1873) zat,m,i,j,ihi, $ min(xcs(i),1.-xa(m)-zat-oat),oat 1873 format(' '/' Z=',f9.7,' ??? CANNOT miss', $ ' mix (m=',i1,',i=',i1,',j=',i1, $ ') with ihi=',i1,' C=',f10.7,' O=',f10.7) if ( ico_got(ihi,j) .le. 0 .or. $ i .lt. 3 .or. i .ne. ihi - 1 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: missing mix: CANNOT be. ' c im2 = i - 2 im1 = i - 1 cxhi = log10( zzz(kz) + min( xcs(ihi) , $ 1. - xa(m) - zat - oat ) ) c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; write(6,1974) i,j,'C',xcs(i),'C',cx(i), c-debug-chk; $ im2,j,im1,j,ihi,j,'C',xcs(im2),xcs(im1), c-debug-chk; $ min(xcs(ihi),1.-xa(m)-zat-oat), c-debug-chk; $ 'C',cx(im2),cx(im1),cxhi c-debug-chk; 1974 format(' --- interpolate (',i1,',',i1, c-debug-chk; $ ') in ',a1,'=',f10.6,' log',a1,'=',f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' among (',i1,',',i1,') (',i1,',',i1, c-debug-chk; $ ') (',i1,',',i1,'): ',a1,'=',3f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' log',a1,'=',3f10.6) c-debug-chk] c ! interpolate in C to get missing table: is = 0 do il = 1, nr do k = 1, nt if ( abs( co(m,im1,j,k,il,kz) ) .lt. $ badlogklim ) then co(m,i,j,k,il,kz) = quad(is,1,cx(i), $ co(m,im2,j,k,il,kz), $ co(m,im1,j,k,il,kz), $ co(m,ihi,j,k,il,kz), $ cx(im2),cx(im1),cxhi) is = 1 c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( t6list(k) .gt. 0.09999 ) then c-debug-chk; dif = co(m,i,j,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; $ -co(m,ihi,j,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; difl = co(m,i,j,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; $ -co(m,im1,j,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; difmax = max(dif,difmax) c-debug-chk; difmin = min(dif,difmin) c-debug-chk; sumdif = sumdif+dif c-debug-chk; sumsq = sumsq+dif**2 c-debug-chk; numsq = numsq+1 c-debug-chk; diflmax = max(difl,diflmax) c-debug-chk; diflmin = min(difl,diflmin) c-debug-chk; sumldif = sumldif+difl c-debug-chk; sumlsq = sumlsq+difl**2 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] endif enddo enddo ico_got(i,j) = -1 c ! else, if C < O in missing table, but c ! it is not on the diagonal Y=0: else if ( i .lt. ihi ) then c ! then the only O-value that can c ! be missing is next-to-highest c ! one, at j = n(m,i,kz)-1 c if ( ico_got(i,mo) .le. 0 ) $ write(6,2873) z,m,i,mo,n(m,1,kz)-1, $ xcs(i),1.-xa(m)-zat-xcs(i) if ( j .lt. 3 .or. j .ne. n(m,i,kz)-1 ) $ write(6,2873) z,m,i,j,ihi, $ min(xcs(i),1.-xa(m)-zat-oat),oat, $ ' n(m,i)=',n(m,i,kz) 2873 format(' '/' Z=',f9.7,' ??? CANNOT miss', $ ' mix (m=',i1,',i=',i1,',j=',i1, $ ') with ihi=',i1,' C=',f10.7,' O=',f10.7, $ a8,i1) if ( ico_got(i,mo) .le. 0 .or. $ j .lt. 3 .or. j .ne. n(m,i,kz)-1 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: missing mix: CANNOT be. ' c jm2 = j - 2 jm1 = j - 1 oxhi = log10( 1. - xa(m) - zat - xcs(i) $ + zzz(kz) ) c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; write(6,2974) i,j,'O',xos(j),'O',ox(j), c-debug-chk; $ i,jm2,i,jm1,i,mo,'O',xos(jm2),xos(jm1), c-debug-chk; $ 1.-xa(m)-zat-xcs(i), c-debug-chk; $ 'O',ox(jm2),ox(jm1),oxhi c-debug-chk; 2974 format(' --- interpolate (',i1,',',i1, c-debug-chk; $ ') in ',a1,'=',f10.6,' log',a1,'=',f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' among (',i1,',',i1,') (',i1,',',i1, c-debug-chk; $ ') (',i1,',',i1,'): ',a1,'=',3f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' log',a1,'=',3f10.6) c-debug-chk] c ! interpolate in O to get missing table: is = 0 do il = 1, nr do k = 1, nt if ( abs( co(m,i,jm1,k,il,kz) ) .lt. $ badlogklim ) then co(m,i,j,k,il,kz) = quad(is,1,ox(j), $ co(m,i,jm2,k,il,kz), $ co(m,i,jm1,k,il,kz), $ co(m,i,mo,k,il,kz), $ ox(jm2),ox(jm1),oxhi) is = 1 c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( t6list(k) .gt. 0.09999 ) then c-debug-chk; dif = co(m,i,j,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; $ -co(m,i,mo,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; difl = co(m,i,j,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; $ -co(m,i,jm1,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; difmax = max(dif,difmax) c-debug-chk; difmin = min(dif,difmin) c-debug-chk; sumdif = sumdif+dif c-debug-chk; sumsq = sumsq+dif**2 c-debug-chk; numsq = numsq+1 c-debug-chk; diflmax = max(difl,diflmax) c-debug-chk; diflmin = min(difl,diflmin) c-debug-chk; sumldif = sumldif+difl c-debug-chk; sumlsq = sumlsq+difl**2 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] endif enddo enddo ico_got(i,j) = -1 c ! else, if C < O in missing table, and c ! it is on the diagonal Y=0 (note that c ! this never actually happens): else nmorat = 3 j3 = 3 do while( j3 .lt. no - 1 .and. cat .gt. xcs(j3) $ .and. ico_got(j3+1,mo) .gt. 0 ) j3 = j3 + 1 enddo j4 = j3 + 1 if ( j4 .ge. no .or. ico_got(j4,mo) .le. 0 ) then j4 = j3 nmorat = 2 endif j2 = j3 - 1 j1 = j2 - 1 c if ( ico_got(j1,mo) .le. 0 ) write(6,4873) $ zat,m,j1,mo,no-1,xcs(j1),1.-xa(m)-zat-xcs(j1) if ( ico_got(j2,mo) .le. 0 ) write(6,4873) $ zat,m,j2,mo,no-1,xcs(j2),1.-xa(m)-zat-xcs(j2) if ( ico_got(j3,mo) .le. 0 ) write(6,4873) $ zat,m,j3,mo,no-1,xcs(j3),1.-xa(m)-zat-xcs(j3) 4873 format(' '/' Z=',f9.7,' ??? CANNOT miss', $ ' mix (m=',i1,',i=',i1,',j=',i1, $ ') with ihi=',i1,' C=',f10.7,' O=',f10.7) if ( ico_got(j1,mo) .le. 0 .or. $ ico_got(j2,mo) .le. 0 .or. $ ico_got(j3,mo) .le. 0 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: missing mix: CANNOT be. ' c c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; write(6,1975) i,j,'C',cat,'C',cx(i), c-debug-chk; $ nmorat+1,j1,mo,j2,mo,j3,mo,j4,mo, c-debug-chk; $ 'C',xcs(j1),xcs(j2),xcs(j3),xcs(j4), c-debug-chk; $ 'C',cx(j1),cx(j2),cx(j3),cx(j4) c-debug-chk; 1975 format(' (',i1,',',i1,') ',a1,'=',f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' log',a1,'=',f10.6,' among',i2, c-debug-chk; $ ' of (',i1,',',i1,') (',i1,',',i1, c-debug-chk; $ ') (',i1,',',i1,') (',i1,',',i1,'): ', c-debug-chk; $ a1,'=',4f10.6,' log',a1,'=',4f10.6) c-debug-chk] is = 0 do il = 1, nr do k = 1, nt if ( abs( co(m,j1,mo,k,il,kz) ) .lt. $ badlogklim ) then co(m,i,j,k,il,kz) = qzinter(is,1,cat, $ nmorat,co(m,j1,mo,k,il,kz), $ co(m,j2,mo,k,il,kz), $ co(m,j3,mo,k,il,kz), $ co(m,j4,mo,k,il,kz),xcs(j1), $ xcs(j2),xcs(j3),xcs(j4),zzz(kz)) is = 1 c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( t6list(k) .gt. 0.09999 ) then c-debug-chk; dif = co(m,i,j,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; $ -co(m,j3,mo,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; difl = co(m,i,j,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; $ -co(m,j2,mo,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; difmax = max(dif,difmax) c-debug-chk; difmin = min(dif,difmin) c-debug-chk; sumdif = sumdif+dif c-debug-chk; sumsq = sumsq+dif**2 c-debug-chk; numsq = numsq+1 c-debug-chk; diflmax = max(difl,diflmax) c-debug-chk; diflmin = min(difl,diflmin) c-debug-chk; sumldif = sumldif+difl c-debug-chk; sumlsq = sumlsq+difl**2 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] endif enddo enddo ico_got(i,j) = -1 c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; write(6,8712) numsq,diflmin,diflmax, c-debug-chk; $ sumldif/max(numsq,1), c-debug-chk; $ sqrt(sumlsq/max(numsq,1)), c-debug-chk; $ numsq,difmin,difmax,sumdif/max(numsq,1), c-debug-chk; $ sqrt(sumsq/max(numsq,1)) c-debug-chk; 8712 format(' '/' ', c-debug-chk; $ ' --- result: relative DIFmid:', c-debug-chk; $ i5,'[',f10.6,' ,',f10.6,' ]ave',f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' rms',f10.6,' DIFhi:',i5,'[',f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' ,',f10.6,' ]ave',f10.6,' rms',f10.6) c-debug-chk] endif endif enddo enddo c ! next, remaining diagonal tables (at Y=0): c ! (only the table at no-1 can possibly be missing) do j = 1, no - 2 if ( ico_got(j,mo) .eq. 0 ) write(6,3873) $ zat,m,j,mo,no-1,xcs(j),1.-xa(m)-zat-xcs(j) 3873 format(' '/' Z=',f9.7,' ??? CANNOT miss', $ ' mix (m=',i1,',i=',i1,',j=',i1, $ ') with ihi=',i1,' C=',f10.7,' O=',f10.7) if ( ico_got(j,mo) .eq. 0 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: missing mix: CANNOT be. ' enddo c j = no - 1 c ! if table at no-1 is missing: if ( ico_got(j,mo) .eq. 0 ) then oat = 1. - xa(m) - zat - xcs(j) c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; write(6,4973) m,zat,j,mo,no-1,xcs(j),oat c-debug-chk; 4973 format(' '/' Z=',f9.7,' --- interpolate', c-debug-chk; $ ' mix (m=',i1,',i=',i1,',j=',i1, c-debug-chk; $ ') with ihi=',i1,' C=',f10.7,' O=',f10.7) c-debug-chk; difmax = -9.999999 c-debug-chk; difmin = 9.999999 c-debug-chk; sumdif = 0. c-debug-chk; sumsq = 0. c-debug-chk; numsq = 0 c-debug-chk; diflmax = -9.999999 c-debug-chk; diflmin = 9.999999 c-debug-chk; sumldif = 0. c-debug-chk; sumlsq = 0. c-debug-chk] c ! may use quadratic, or two overlapping quadratics nmorat = 3 j3 = 3 do while( j3 .lt. no - 1 .and. oat .gt. xos(j3) .and. $ ico_got(max(n(m,j3+1,kz),1),j3+1) .gt. 0 ) j3 = j3+1 enddo j4 = j3+1 if ( j4 .ge. no .or. $ ico_got(j4,max(n(m,j4,kz),1)) .le. 0 ) then j4 = j3 nmorat = 2 endif j2 = j3-1 j1 = j2-1 c-noneed[ ! (checked above) c-noneed; if ( ico_got(n(m,j1,kz),j1) .le. 0 .or. c-noneed; $ ico_got(n(m,j2,kz),j2) .le. 0 .or. c-noneed; $ ico_got(n(m,j3,kz),j3) .le. 0 ) stop c-noneed; $ ' STOP -- READCO: mix CANNOT be missing. ' c-noneed] c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; write(6,2975) j,mo,'O',oat,'O',log10(oat+zzz(kz)), c-debug-chk; $ nmorat+1,n(m,j1,kz),j1,n(m,j2,kz),j2, c-debug-chk; $ n(m,j3,kz),j3,n(m,j4,kz),j4, c-debug-chk; $ 'O',xos(j1),xos(j2),xos(j3),xos(j4), c-debug-chk; $ 'O',ox(j1),ox(j2),ox(j3),ox(j4) c-debug-chk; 2975 format(' (',i1,',',i1,') ',a1,'=',f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' log',a1,'=',f10.6,' among',i2, c-debug-chk; $ ' of (',i1,',',i1,') (',i1,',',i1, c-debug-chk; $ ') (',i1,',',i1,') (',i1,',',i1,'): ', c-debug-chk; $ a1,'=',4f10.6,' log',a1,'=',4f10.6) c-debug-chk] c ! interpolate along the diagonal (using O-abundance) is = 0 do il = 1, nr do k = 1, nt if ( abs( co(m,n(m,j1,kz),j1,k,il,kz) ) .lt. $ badlogklim ) then co(m,j,mo,k,il,kz) = qzinter(is,1,oat,nmorat, $ co(m,n(m,j1,kz),j1,k,il,kz), $ co(m,n(m,j2,kz),j2,k,il,kz), $ co(m,n(m,j3,kz),j3,k,il,kz), $ co(m,n(m,j4,kz),j4,k,il,kz), $ xos(j1),xos(j2),xos(j3),xos(j4),zzz(kz)) is = 1 c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( t6list(k) .gt. 0.09999 ) then c-debug-chk; dif = co(m,j,mo,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; $ - co(m,n(m,j3,kz),j3,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; difl = co(m,j,mo,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; $ - co(m,n(m,j2,kz),j2,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; difmax = max(dif,difmax) c-debug-chk; difmin = min(dif,difmin) c-debug-chk; sumdif = sumdif+dif c-debug-chk; sumsq = sumsq+dif**2 c-debug-chk; numsq = numsq+1 c-debug-chk; diflmax = max(difl,diflmax) c-debug-chk; diflmin = min(difl,diflmin) c-debug-chk; sumldif = sumldif+difl c-debug-chk; sumlsq = sumlsq+difl**2 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] endif enddo enddo ico_got(j,mo) = -1 c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; write(6,7712) numsq,diflmin,diflmax, c-debug-chk; $ sumldif/max(numsq,1), c-debug-chk; $ sqrt(sumlsq/max(numsq,1)), c-debug-chk; $ numsq,difmin,difmax,sumdif/max(numsq,1), c-debug-chk; $ sqrt(sumsq/max(numsq,1)) c-debug-chk; 7712 format(' '/' ', c-debug-chk; $ ' --- result: relative DIFmid:', c-debug-chk; $ i5,'[',f10.6,' ,',f10.6,' ]ave',f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' rms',f10.6,' DIFhi:',i5,'[',f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' ,',f10.6,' ]ave',f10.6,' rms',f10.6) c-debug-chk] endif c 0.10-- @ + + @ c If possible, make mixes next to the C=O=0.0 C c mix smooth for CO-interpolation (but only if c low_CO_smo > 0 in common/c_opal_ctrl_smooth/). 0.03-- @ + @ + c The diagram at right, of the lower-left corner c of the C-O plane, shows the mixes that may be 0.01-- * * + + c interpolated as "*" , the mixes interpolated 0.00-- @ * @ @ c among as "@" , and unused mixes as "+". | | | | c 0. | .03 .10 c .01 O if ( low_CO_smo .gt. 0 ) then a1 = oxf(m,1,kz) a2 = oxf(m,2,kz) a3 = oxf(m,3,kz) a4 = oxf(m,4,kz) is = 0 c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; difmax = -9.999999 c-debug-chk; difmin = 9.999999 c-debug-chk; sumdif = 0. c-debug-chk; sumsq = 0. c-debug-chk; numsq = 0 c-debug-chk; diflmax = -9.999999 c-debug-chk; diflmin = 9.999999 c-debug-chk; sumldif = 0. c-debug-chk; sumlsq = 0. c-debug-chk; numlsq = 0 c-debug-chk] c ! loop over the three mixes next to C=O=0.0 mix do imix = 1, 3 ifac = ( 4 - imix ) / 2 jfac = imix / 2 do il = 1, nr do k = 1, nt v1 = co(m,1,1,k,il,kz) if ( abs(v1) .lt. badlogklim ) then v2 = co(m,1+ifac,1+jfac,k,il,kz) v3 = co(m,1+2*ifac,1+2*jfac,k,il,kz) v4 = co(m,1+3*ifac,1+3*jfac,k,il,kz) cofmin = min( .8*v1+.2*v3 , .2*v1+.8*v3 ) cofmax = max( .8*v1+.2*v3 , .2*v1+.8*v3 ) if ( (v4-v3)*(v3-v1) .gt. 0. .and. $ ( v2 .lt. cofmin .or. $ v2 .gt. cofmax ) ) then co(m,1+ifac,1+jfac,k,il,kz) = max( min( $ quad(is,1,a2,v1,v3,v4,a1,a3,a4) , $ cofmax ) , cofmin ) is = 1 c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; dif = co(m,1+ifac,1+jfac,k,il,kz)-v2 c-debug-chk; if ( t6list(k) .gt. 0.09999 ) then c-debug-chk; difmax = max(dif,difmax) c-debug-chk; difmin = min(dif,difmin) c-debug-chk; sumdif = sumdif+dif c-debug-chk; sumsq = sumsq+dif**2 c-debug-chk; numsq = numsq+1 c-debug-chk; else c-debug-chk; diflmax = max(dif,diflmax) c-debug-chk; diflmin = min(dif,diflmin) c-debug-chk; sumldif = sumldif+dif c-debug-chk; sumlsq = sumlsq+dif**2 c-debug-chk; numlsq = numlsq+1 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] endif endif enddo enddo enddo c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; write(6,8733) m,zat,numlsq,diflmin,diflmax, c-debug-chk; $ sumldif/max(numlsq,1), c-debug-chk; $ sqrt(sumlsq/max(numlsq,1)), c-debug-chk; $ numsq,difmin,difmax,sumdif/max(numsq,1), c-debug-chk; $ sqrt(sumsq/max(numsq,1)) c-debug-chk; 8733 format(' '/' m=',i1,' Z=',f9.7, c-debug-chk; $ ' fix C,O=[1,2] T6<0.1:', c-debug-chk; $ i5,'[',f10.6,' ,',f10.6,' ]ave',f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' rms',f10.6,' T6>0.1:',i5,'[',f10.6,' ,', c-debug-chk; $ f10.6,' ]ave',f10.6,' rms',f10.6) c-debug-chk] endif c c Peform any specified opacity shifts, from GN93hz and [O/Fe] c if ( m .eq. 1 ) then c ! if needed, get Z-composition of GS98 mix if ( klozat .eq. 1 ) then c do i = 1, nel_zmix xiz_mix(i) = xiz_opalGS98(i,1) fninz_mix(i) = fninz_opalGS98(i,1) bracketife_mix(i) = 0. enddo c ! or of GN93 mix else if ( khizat .eq. 1 .and. klozat .eq. 0 ) then c do i = 1, nel_zmix xiz_mix(i) = xiz_opalmixes(i,1) fninz_mix(i) = fninz_opalmixes(i,1) bracketife_mix(i) = 0. enddo c endif c endif c ! If m=2 shift & no [O/Fe]: if ( khizat .eq. 1 .and. m .eq. mx03 .and. $ klozat .eq. 0 ) then c ! set all shifts to zero c ! (m=2 GN93hz shift may be interpolated later) do il = 1, nr do k = 1, nt co(m,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz) = 0. co(m,mc,mo,k,il,kz) = 0. enddo enddo c ! Else, if there are any shifts: else if ( khizat .gt. 0 ) then c ! If there is no [O/Fe] shift: c if ( khizat .eq. 1 .and. klozat .eq. 0 ) then c ! then set it to zero do il = 1, nr do k = 1, nt co(m,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz) = 0. enddo enddo c ! Else, if there is the [O/Fe] or the GS98-GN93 shift: else c ! get interpolation factors fofe (for GN93hz) and omfofe=1-fofe c ! & Z-composition of interpolated mix if ( klozat .gt. 1 ) then c ! GS98 + [O/Fe] shift xofe = 10.**ofebrack * xofe_opalGS98(1) fofe = ( fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,klozat) $ - xofe * fninz_opalGS98(kel_fe,klozat) ) $ / ( ( fninz_opalGS98(kel_fe,1) $ - fninz_opalGS98(kel_fe,klozat) ) * xofe $ + fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,klozat) $ - fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,1) ) omfofe = 1. - fofe mofe = mo_m2 moat = mo_m1 c ! get Z-composition of interpolated mix if ( m .eq. 1 ) then sum_niai = 0.0 do i = 1, nel_zmix fninz_mix(i) = fofe * fninz_opalGS98(i,1) $ + omfofe * fninz_opalGS98(i,klozat) xiz_mix(i) = fninz_mix(i) * atwt_opalGS98(i) sum_niai = sum_niai + xiz_mix(i) enddo do i = 1, nel_zmix xiz_mix(i) = xiz_mix(i) / sum_niai bracketife_mix(i) = log10( $ ( max( fninz_mix(i) , 1.e-36 ) $ * fninz_opalGS98(kel_fe,1) ) $ / ( max( fninz_mix(kel_fe) , 1.e-36 ) $ * fninz_opalGS98(i,1) ) ) enddo c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( iout_debug_chk_ofe .gt. 0 ) then c-debug-chk; write(6,2377) ofebrack,-klozat, c-debug-chk; $ bracketofe_opalGS98(klozat), c-debug-chk; $ fofe,klozat,omfofe,klozat,klozat c-debug-chk; 2377 format(' '/' To get mix with [O/Fe] =', c-debug-chk; $ f11.7,' from mix',i2,' with [O/Fe] =', c-debug-chk; $ f11.7,': f_(1) =',f11.7,' , f_(',i1, c-debug-chk; $ ') =',f11.7,':'/' '/ c-debug-chk; $ ' i Xi/Z_(1) Ni/Nz_(1)', c-debug-chk; $ ' Xi/Z_(',i1,') Ni/Nz_(',i1,')', c-debug-chk; $ ' Xi/Z_mix Ni/Nz_mix [i/Fe]'/ c-debug-chk; $ ' == ========== ==========', c-debug-chk; $ ' ========== ========== ==========', c-debug-chk; $ ' ========== ==========') c-debug-chk; do i = 1,nel_zmix c-debug-chk; write(6,2376) cel_opalmixes(i), c-debug-chk; $ xiz_opalGS98(i,1), c-debug-chk; $ fninz_opalGS98(i,1), c-debug-chk; $ xiz_opalGS98(i,klozat), c-debug-chk; $ fninz_opalGS98(i,klozat), c-debug-chk; $ xiz_mix(i),fninz_mix(i), c-debug-chk; $ bracketife_mix(i) c-debug-chk; 2376 format(' ',a2,3(f12.7,f11.7),f11.7) c-debug-chk; enddo c-debug-chk; write(6,'(" ")') c-debug-chk; iout_debug_chk_ofe = iout_debug_chk_ofe - 1 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] endif c else if ( khizat .gt. 1 ) then c ! [O/Fe] shift only xofe = 10.**ofebrack * xofe_opalmixes(1) fofe = ( fninz_opalmixes(kel_o,khizat) $ - xofe * fninz_opalmixes(kel_fe,khizat) ) $ / ( ( fninz_opalmixes(kel_fe,1) $ - fninz_opalmixes(kel_fe,khizat) ) * xofe $ + fninz_opalmixes(kel_o,khizat) $ - fninz_opalmixes(kel_o,1) ) omfofe = 1. - fofe mofe = mo_m1 moat = mo c ! get Z-composition of interpolated mix if ( m .eq. 1 ) then sum_niai = 0.0 do i = 1, nel_zmix fninz_mix(i) = fofe * fninz_opalmixes(i,1) $ + omfofe * fninz_opalmixes(i,khizat) xiz_mix(i) = fninz_mix(i) * atwt_opalGS98(i) sum_niai = sum_niai + xiz_mix(i) enddo do i = 1, nel_zmix xiz_mix(i) = xiz_mix(i) / sum_niai bracketife_mix(i) = log10( $ ( max( fninz_mix(i) , 1.e-36 ) $ * fninz_opalmixes(kel_fe,1) ) $ / ( max( fninz_mix(kel_fe) , 1.e-36 ) $ * fninz_opalmixes(i,1) ) ) enddo c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( iout_debug_chk_ofe .gt. 0 ) then c-debug-chk; write(6,2377) ofebrack,khizat, c-debug-chk; $ bracketofe_opalmixes(khizat), c-debug-chk; $ fofe,khizat,omfofe,khizat,khizat c-debug-chk; do i = 1,nel_zmix c-debug-chk; write(6,2376) cel_opalmixes(i), c-debug-chk; $ xiz_opalmixes(i,1), c-debug-chk; $ fninz_opalmixes(i,1), c-debug-chk; $ xiz_opalmixes(i,khizat), c-debug-chk; $ fninz_opalmixes(i,khizat), c-debug-chk; $ xiz_mix(i),fninz_mix(i), c-debug-chk; $ bracketife_mix(i) c-debug-chk; enddo c-debug-chk; write(6,'(" ")') c-debug-chk; iout_debug_chk_ofe = iout_debug_chk_ofe - 1 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] endif c else c ! GS98 shift only mofe = mo_m1 moat = mo_m1 fofe = 0. omfofe = 1. c endif c ! compute [O/Fe],GS98 shifts relative to GN93hz opacities c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; sumsq = 0. c-debug-chk; sumdif = 0. c-debug-chk; difmax = -9.999999 c-debug-chk; difmin = 9.999999 c-debug-chk; numsq = 0 c-debug-chk] do il = 1, nr do k = nt, 1, -1 if ( abs( co(m,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz) ) .lt. badlogklim $ .and. abs( co(m,mc,mo,k,il,kz) ) .lt. $ badlogklim .and. abs( co(m,mc,mofe,k,il,kz) ) $ .lt. badlogklim ) then dif = ( co(m,mc,mofe,k,il,kz) * omfofe $ + co(m,mc,moat,k,il,kz) * fofe ) $ - co(m,mc,mo,k,il,kz) co(m,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz) = dif c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( t6list(k) .gt. 0.009999 ) then c-debug-chk; sumdif = sumdif+dif c-debug-chk; sumsq = sumsq+dif**2 c-debug-chk; difmax = max(dif,difmax) c-debug-chk; difmin = min(dif,difmin) c-debug-chk; numsq = numsq+1 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] else if ( k .lt. nt ) then co(m,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz) = $ co(m,mc,mo_m1,k+1,il,kz) else if ( il .gt. 1 ) then co(m,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz) = $ co(m,mc,mo_m1,k,il-1,kz) else co(m,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz) = 0. endif enddo enddo c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; write(6,2379) m,zat,numsq,difmin,difmax, c-debug-chk; $ sumdif/max(numsq,1),sqrt(sumsq/max(numsq,1)), c-debug-chk; $ sqrt(max(sumsq-sumdif**2/max(numsq,1),0.) c-debug-chk; $ /max(numsq-1,1)) c-debug-chk; 2379 format(' '/' m=',i1,' Z=',f9.7, c-debug-chk; $ ' [O/Fe] deltas for T6>0.01: N=', c-debug-chk; $ i4,' DEL[',f10.6,' ,',f10.6,' ] DELave=',f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' DELrms=',f10.6,' sig',f10.6) c-debug-chk] endif c ! compute GN93hz shifts relative to Gz???.x?? opacities c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; difmax = -9.999999 c-debug-chk; difmin = 9.999999 c-debug-chk; sumdif = 0. c-debug-chk; sumsq = 0. c-debug-chk; numsq = 0 c-debug-chk] c-test-xdel[ c-test-xdel; do ij = 1,n_xdtst c-test-xdel; dif_tst(1,ij) = -9.999999 c-test-xdel; dif_tst(2,ij) = 9.999999 c-test-xdel; dif_tst(3,ij) = 0. c-test-xdel; dif_tst(4,ij) = 0. c-test-xdel; enddo c-test-xdel] c ! note: facxhz=0.0 for m=2, <1.0 for .040.01: N=', c-debug-chk; $ i4,' DEL[',f10.6,' ,',f10.6,' ] DELave=',f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' DELrms=',f10.6,' sig',f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' reduced by facxhz=',f10.7) c-debug-chk] c-test-xdel[ c-test-xdel; if ( nxdo .eq. 3 ) then c-test-xdel; do ij = 1,n_xdtst c-test-xdel; write(6,5817) numsq,dif_tst(1,ij),dif_tst(2,ij), c-test-xdel; $ dif_tst(3,ij)/max(numsq,1), c-test-xdel; $ sqrt(dif_tst(4,ij)/max(numsq,1)), c-test-xdel; $ sqrt(max(dif_tst(4,ij)-dif_tst(3,ij)**2 c-test-xdel; $ /max(numsq,1),0.)/max(numsq-1,1)), c-test-xdel; $ xdel_tst(ij) c-test-xdel; 5817 format(' ', c-test-xdel; $ ' GN93hz deltas for T6>0.01: N=',i4, c-test-xdel; $ ' DEL[',f10.6,' ,',f10.6,' ] DELave=',f10.6, c-test-xdel; $ ' DELrms=',f10.6,' sig',f10.6, c-test-xdel; $ ' for Xdel=',f6.4) c-test-xdel; enddo c-test-xdel; endif c-test-xdel] endif c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; do i = 1,no-1 c-debug-chk; oat = 1.-xa(m)-zat-xcs(i) c-debug-chk; io = -1 c-debug-chk; do j = 1,no-1 c-debug-chk; ihi = n(m,j,kz) c-debug-chk; cat = min(xcs(ihi),1.-xa(m)-zat-xos(j)) c-debug-chk; if ( max( abs(xcs(i)-cat) , abs(oat-xos(j)) ) c-debug-chk; $ .lt. 0.0011 ) then c-debug-chk; io = ihi c-debug-chk; jo = j c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk; enddo c-debug-chk; if ( io .gt. 0 ) then c-debug-chk; difmax = -9.999999 c-debug-chk; difmin = 9.999999 c-debug-chk; sumdif = 0. c-debug-chk; sumsq = 0. c-debug-chk; numsq = 0 c-debug-chk; do il = 1,nr c-debug-chk; do k = 6,nta(il+nrdel)-ntdel c-debug-chk; dif = co(m,io,jo,k,il,kz)-co(m,i,mo,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; difmax = max(dif,difmax) c-debug-chk; difmin = min(dif,difmin) c-debug-chk; sumdif = sumdif+dif c-debug-chk; sumsq = sumsq+dif**2 c-debug-chk; numsq = numsq+1 c-debug-chk; enddo c-debug-chk; enddo c-debug-chk; write(6,1598) m,zat,io,jo,i,mo,numsq,difmin,difmax, c-debug-chk; $ sumdif/max(numsq,1),sqrt(sumsq/max(numsq,1)), c-debug-chk; $ min(xcs(io),1.-xa(m)-z-xos(jo)),xos(jo), c-debug-chk; $ xcs(i),1.-xa(m)-z-xcs(i) c-debug-chk; 1598 format(' '/' m=',i1,' Z=',f9.7,' d:(',i1,',',i1, c-debug-chk; $ ')-(',i1,',',i1,') for T6>0.01: N=',i4,' DIF[', c-debug-chk; $ f10.6,' ,',f10.6,' ] DIFave=',f10.6,' DIFrms=', c-debug-chk; $ f10.6,' CO',2f10.7,' &',2f10.7) c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk; enddo c-debug-chk] c ! End of loop over m values enddo c c }--------------------------------------- End of loop over m values (X-tables) c c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; write(6,8418) (i,(n(i,j,kz),j=1,mo),' ',i=1,mx) c-debug-chk; 8418 format(' '/' -- n(m,j): ',5(' (m=',i1,')',8i2,a1)) c-debug-chk] c ! interpolate GN93hz opacity shifts for m=2, if possible; note c ! that other shifts being interpolated among already contain c ! the factor of facxhz. No need to revise any m=2 [O/Fe] shift. c if ( khizat .gt. 0 .and. mx .ge. 4 .and. $ mxzero .eq. 1 .and. mx03 .eq. 2 ) then c c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; sumsq = 0. c-debug-chk; sumdif = 0. c-debug-chk; difmax = -9.999999 c-debug-chk; difmin = 9.999999 c-debug-chk; numsq = 0 c-debug-chk] is = 0 c ! for all densities and temperatures do il = 1, nr do k = nt, 1, -1 c ! if it is possible to interpolate c if ( abs( co(1,1,1,k,il,kz) ) .lt. badlogklim .and. $ abs( co(2,1,1,k,il,kz) ) .lt. badlogklim ) then c c ! new GN93hz shift dif = quad(is,1,xx(2),co(1,mc,mo,k,il,kz), $ co(3,mc,mo,k,il,kz),co(4,mc,mo,k,il,kz), $ xx(1),xx(3),xx(4)) is = 1 c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( t6list(k) .gt. 0.009999 ) then c-debug-chk; sumdif = sumdif+dif c-debug-chk; sumsq = sumsq+dif**2 c-debug-chk; difmax = max(dif,difmax) c-debug-chk; difmin = min(dif,difmin) c-debug-chk; numsq = numsq+1 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] co(2,mc,mo,k,il,kz) = dif else if ( k .lt. nt ) then co(2,mc,mo,k,il,kz) = co(2,mc,mo,k+1,il,kz) else if ( il .gt. 1 ) then co(2,mc,mo,k,il,kz) = co(2,mc,mo,k,il-1,kz) else co(2,mc,mo,k,il,kz) = 0. endif c enddo enddo c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( facxhz .gt. 0. .and. facxhz .lt. 1. ) then c-debug-chk; difmin = difmin/facxhz c-debug-chk; difmax = difmax/facxhz c-debug-chk; sumdif = sumdif/facxhz c-debug-chk; sumsq = sumsq/facxhz**2 c-debug-chk; else c-debug-chk; facxhz = 1. c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk; write(6,2371) z,numsq,difmin,difmax, c-debug-chk; $ sumdif/max(numsq,1),sqrt(sumsq/max(numsq,1)),facxhz c-debug-chk; 2371 format(' '/' m=2 Z=',f9.7, c-debug-chk; $ ' GN93hz alt-deltas T6>0.01: N=', c-debug-chk; $ i4,' DIF[',f10.6,' ,',f10.6,' ] DIFave=',f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' DIFrms=',f10.6,' reduced by facxhz=',f10.7) c-debug-chk] c ! end of interpolation of GN93hz opacity shifts for m=2 endif c ! apply all opacity shifts calculated above if ( khizat .gt. 0 ) then c ! Begin loop over m values: do m = 1, mx c c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; difmax = -9.999999 c-debug-chk; difmin = 9.999999 c-debug-chk; sumdif = 0. c-debug-chk; sumsq = 0. c-debug-chk; numsq = 0 c-debug-chk; difcmax = -9.999999 c-debug-chk; difcmin = 9.999999 c-debug-chk; sumcdif = 0. c-debug-chk; sumcsq = 0. c-debug-chk; numcsq = 0 c-debug-chk; diflmax = -9.999999 c-debug-chk; diflmin = 9.999999 c-debug-chk; sumldif = 0. c-debug-chk; sumlsq = 0. c-debug-chk; numlsq = n(m,1,kz)-2 c-debug-chk; do j = 1,n(m,1,kz)-1 c-debug-chk; numlsq = numlsq+n(m,j,kz) c-debug-chk; enddo c-debug-chk; difomax = -9.999999 c-debug-chk; difomin = 9.999999 c-debug-chk; difdmax = 0. c-debug-chk; numosq = 0 c-debug-chk; num1 = 0 c-debug-chk] c ! perform the opacity shifts computed above do il = 1, nr do k = 1, nta(il+nrdel) - ntdel c dif = co(m,mc,mo,k,il,kz) + co(m,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( t6list(k) .gt. 0.009999 ) then c-debug-chk; difcmax = max(dif,difcmax) c-debug-chk; difcmin = min(dif,difcmin) c-debug-chk; sumcdif = sumcdif+dif c-debug-chk; sumcsq = sumcsq+dif**2 c-debug-chk; numcsq = numcsq+1 c-debug-chk; if ( dif .eq. 0. ) then c-debug-chk; numsq = numsq+numlsq c-debug-chk; num1 = num1+numlsq c-debug-chk; diflmax = max(0.,diflmax) c-debug-chk; diflmin = min(0.,diflmin) c-debug-chk; difmax = max(0.,difmax) c-debug-chk; difmin = min(0.,difmin) c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] if ( dif .ne. 0. ) then c if ( abs(dif) .gt. 0.01 ) then diffac = 10.**dif - 1. else c ! (more accurate for small dif) difl = 2.302585 * dif diffac = ((difl*.16666667+.5)*difl+1.)*difl endif c ! first, do shifts for all except C=O=0.0 mix: ilo = 2 do j = 1, mo if ( j .lt. n(m,1,kz) ) then ihi = n(m,j,kz) else if ( j .eq. mo ) then ihi = n(m,1,kz) - 1 else ihi = 0 endif if ( ihi .gt. 0 ) then do i = ilo, ihi c ! If Kappa(COrich) does not exceed c ! Kappa(C=O=0): then apply shift as c ! delta{Log(Kappa)}, the fractional c ! shift in Kappa, which may be a c ! smaller shift delta'{Kappa} in the c ! opacity Kappa itself if ( co(m,i,j,k,il,kz) .le. $ co(m,1,1,k,il,kz) ) then difl = dif c ! Else Kappa(COrich) > Kappa(C=O=0): c ! convert delta{Log(Kappa)} to an c ! absolute shift delta{Kappa} and c ! apply this (taking the log again); c ! this will be a smaller fractional c ! shift delta'{log(Kappa)} else difl = log10( 10.**( co(m,1,1,k,il,kz) $ - co(m,i,j,k,il,kz) ) * diffac $ + 1. ) c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( abs(difl) .gt. c-debug-chk; $ abs(dif) ) then c-debug-chk; difdmax = max( c-debug-chk; $ abs(difl)-abs(dif), c-debug-chk; $ difdmax) c-debug-chk; difomax = max(difomax,dif) c-debug-chk; difomin = min(difomin,dif) c-debug-chk; numosq = numosq+1 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] c ! this can only happen to the extent of c ! roundoff error if ( abs(difl) .gt. abs(dif) ) $ difl = dif endif c ! apply shift co(m,i,j,k,il,kz) = $ co(m,i,j,k,il,kz) + difl c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( t6list(k) .gt. 0.009999 ) then c-debug-chk; difmax = max(difl,difmax) c-debug-chk; difmin = min(difl,difmin) c-debug-chk; sumdif = sumdif+difl c-debug-chk; sumsq = sumsq+difl**2 c-debug-chk; numsq = numsq+1 c-debug-chk; if ( difl .eq. dif ) c-debug-chk; $ num1 = num1+1 c-debug-chk; difl = (difl-dif)/dif c-debug-chk; diflmax = max(difl,diflmax) c-debug-chk; diflmin = min(difl,diflmin) c-debug-chk; sumldif = sumldif+difl c-debug-chk; sumlsq = sumlsq+difl**2 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] enddo endif ilo = 1 enddo c ! now shift C=O=0.0 mix: c co(m,1,1,k,il,kz) = co(m,1,1,k,il,kz) + dif c endif c enddo enddo c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; write(6,9782) m,numcsq,difcmin,difcmax,sumcdif c-debug-chk; $ /max(numcsq,1),sqrt(sumcsq/max(numcsq,1)), c-debug-chk; $ sqrt(max(sumcsq-sumcdif**2/max(numcsq,1),0.) c-debug-chk; $ /max(numcsq-1,1)),z c-debug-chk; 9782 format(' '/' m=',i1,' total deltas C+O=0, T6>0.01:', c-debug-chk; $ i6,' [',f10.6,' ,',f10.6,' ]ave',f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' rms',f10.6,' sig',f10.6,' for Z=',f10.7) c-debug-chk; write(6,8782) m,numsq,difmin,difmax, c-debug-chk; $ sumdif/max(numsq,1),sqrt(sumsq/max(numsq,1)), c-debug-chk; $ diflmin+1.,num1,diflmax+1., c-debug-chk; $ sumldif/max(numsq,1)+1.,sqrt(max(sumlsq c-debug-chk; $ -sumldif**2/max(numsq,1),0.)/max(numsq-1,1)) c-debug-chk; 8782 format(' '/' m=',i1,' total deltas C+O>0, T6>0.01:', c-debug-chk; $ i6,' [',f10.6,' ,',f10.6,' ]ave',f10.6, c-debug-chk; $ ' rms',f10.6,' freduce[',f10.6,' ,',i6,':', c-debug-chk; $ f10.6,' ]ave',f10.6,' sig',f10.6) c-debug-chk; if ( numosq .gt. 0 ) write(6,8783) numosq,difdmax, c-debug-chk; $ difomin,difomax c-debug-chk; 8783 format(' '/i23, c-debug-chk; $ ' Kco > K0 cases where log(linear delta)', c-debug-chk; $ ' > old log delta, by up to',f13.9, c-debug-chk; $ ' for deltas as large as [',f13.9,' ,',f13.9,' ]') c-debug-chk] c ! end of loop over m-values enddo c ! end of opacity shifts endif c ! how many GN93hz X-values for the present value of Z mx_use = mx_hi do while ( xhi_in(mx_use-1) .gt. 0.999999 - zat ) mx_use = mx_use - 1 enddo nx_hi(kz) = mx_use c c If khighx > 0 then one should set the corrections at the 'GN93hz' X-values c that are not present in the 'Gz???.x??' files. c if ( khighx(kz) .le. 0 ) then c ! set flags showing high-X unavailable kavail_xhi = 0 kdo_xhi = 0 c else c ! set flags showing whether high-X is available kavail_xhi = 1 do i = 1, kz kavail_xhi = min( khighx(i) , kavail_xhi ) enddo if ( kavail_xhi .le. 0 ) then kdo_xhi = 0 else kdo_xhi = kuse_xhi endif c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; do i = 1, 20 c-debug-chk; chk_max(i) = -9. c-debug-chk; chk_min(i) = 9. c-debug-chk; chk_sum(i) = 0. c-debug-chk; chk_ssq(i) = 0. c-debug-chk; n_chk(i) = 0 c-debug-chk; enddo c-debug-chk] c ! get the 'GN93hz' Z-indices (may not have been done above) zat = z kzalbe = mzal do while( kzalbe .gt. 1 .and. z .le. zalval(kzalbe)-1.e-6 ) kzalbe = kzalbe-1 enddo if ( abs( zalval(kzalbe) - z ) .le. zacc(kz) ) then zat = zalval(kzalbe) kzalow = kzalbe nzalmo = 0 else kzalow = max( 1 , kzalbe - 1 ) nzalmo = min( kzalbe + 2 , mzal ) - kzalow endif int_hi_z = 0 c ! set the directory-part of the opacity filename if ( kope .eq. 0 ) then cop_sto(1) = ' ' cop_sto(2) = ' ' else cop_sto(1) = copdir(:kope) cop_sto(2) = copdir(:kope) endif c ! get filename if ( klozat .eq. 0 ) then cop_sto(1)(kope+1:) = cfile_opalmixes(1) else cop_sto(1)(kope+1:) = cfile_opalGS98(1) endif iu = iulow c ! open file call open_chk_zip( iu, cop_sto(1), igzip, $ 'STOP -- Error: hz-file (C+O=0.0,[O/Fe]=0) not found.' ) c line(1) = 0 line(2) = 0 itab_dum = 0 khighx(kz) = 1 c ! Z > 0 & [O/Fe] > 0 ? c if ( khighz_index .gt. 1 .and. kzalow + nzalmo .gt. 1 ) then khighx(kz) = 2 if ( khighz .gt. 0 ) then cop_sto(2)(kope+1:) = cfile_opalmixes(khighz_index) else cop_sto(2)(kope+1:) = cfile_opalGS98(khighz_index) endif iu_ofe = iu + 1 call open_chk_zip( iu_ofe, cop_sto(2), igzip_ofe, $ 'STOP -- Error: hz-file (C+O=0.0,[O/Fe]>0) not found.' $ ) itab_dum_ofe = 0 endif c ix = 0 m = 0 io = mo iz_hi = nzalmo c ! loop over 'GN93hz' X-values: c do while ( ix .lt. mx_use .and. iz_hi .lt. 5 ) c ! get position in co() ix = ix + 1 m = m + 1 if ( m .gt. mx ) then io = io - 1 m = 1 endif c ! get Z and X values to look for in 'GN93hz' iz_hi = nzalmo if ( ix .eq. mx_use ) then do iz = 0, nzalmo zhi_look(iz+1) = zalval(kzalow+iz) xhi_look(iz+1) = 1. - zhi_look(iz+1) enddo else do iz = 0, nzalmo zhi_look(iz+1) = zalval(kzalow+iz) xhi_look(iz+1) = min( xhi_in(ix) , $ 1. - zhi_look(iz+1) ) enddo c ! check for X-column bifurcation at Z = 0.05, X = 0.95 c if ( ix .eq. mx_hi - 1 .and. nzalmo .eq. 3 ) then if ( zat .gt. 0.03 .and. zat .lt. 0.04 ) then iz_hi = 2 int_hi_z = 0 else if ( zat .gt. 0.04 .and. zat .lt. 0.05 ) then iz_hi = 5 int_hi_z = 0 zhi_look(5) = zhi_look(3) xhi_look(5) = xhi_look(3) zhi_look(6) = zhi_look(4) xhi_look(6) = xhi_look(4) zhi_look(3) = zalval(kzalow) xhi_look(3) = 1. - zhi_look(3) zhi_look(4) = zalval(kzalow+1) xhi_look(4) = 1. - zhi_look(4) endif endif endif c ! loop over the required Z-values for this X do iz = 0, iz_hi c kat = iz + 1 c ! find mix; stop if not found i_rewind = 0 igetzxi = 0 ifound = mixfind(iu,1,igetzxi,i_rewind,itab_dum, $ line(1),zhi_look(kat),xhi_look(kat),0.0,0.0) if ( ifound .eq. 0 ) then i_rewind = 1 igetzxi = 0 ifound = mixfind(iu,1,igetzxi,i_rewind,itab_dum, $ line(1),zhi_look(kat),xhi_look(kat),0.0,0.0) if ( ifound .eq. 0 ) then write(6,1791) zhi_look(kat),xhi_look(kat), $ 0.0,0.0,cop_sto(1)(:lnblnk(cop_sto(1))) stop ' STOP -- READCO: error reading hz-mix. ' endif endif if ( khighx(kz) .gt. 1 ) then i_rewind = 0 igetzxi = 0 ifound = mixfind(iu_ofe,1,igetzxi,i_rewind, $ itab_dum_ofe,line(2), $ zhi_look(kat),xhi_look(kat),0.0,0.0) if ( ifound .eq. 0 ) then i_rewind = 1 igetzxi = 0 ifound = mixfind(iu_ofe,1,igetzxi,i_rewind, $ itab_dum_ofe,line(2), $ zhi_look(kat),xhi_look(kat),0.0,0.0) if ( ifound .eq. 0 ) then write(6,1791) zhi_look(kat),xhi_look(kat), $ 0.0,0.0,cop_sto(2)(:lnblnk(cop_sto(2))) stop ' STOP -- READCO: error reading hz-mix. ' endif endif endif c ! loop over logT values, to read in opacities do k = 1, ntm c ! read logT, & logKappa(R) for all R line(1) = line(1) + 1 read(iu,8300) cin 8300 format(a137) read(cin,8140) flt, (cofzhi(k,il,kat),il=1,nrm) 8140 format(f4.2,19f7.3) c ! bad logT ? if ( abs(flogtin(k)-flt) .gt. 1.e-5 ) then write(6,1734) flt, flogtin(k), $ cop_sto(1)(:lnblnk(cop_sto(1))), $ line(1), cin(:max(1,lnblnk(cin))), $ zhi_look(kat),xhi_look(kat),0.0,0.0 stop ' STOP -- READCO: bad logT value. ' endif c il_lo = 1 il_hi = nrm c ! logKappa(R) is: do il = nrm, 1, -1 c ! absent if ( cin(7*il-2:7*il+4) .eq. ' ' ) then if ( k .le. max(nta(il),nta(0)) ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: bad upper edge. ' il_hi = min( il_hi , il - 1 ) c ! should be absent else if ( k .gt. nta(il) .and. $ il .ge. nrb .and. il .le. nre ) then stop ' STOP -- READCO: bad upper edge. ' c ! 9.999 else if ( cofzhi(k,il,kat) .gt. 9. ) then if ( ix .ne. 1 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: bad low edge [O/Fe]=0. ' il_lo = max( il_lo , il + 1 ) endif enddo c ! also read [O/Fe] > 0, if needed if ( khighx(kz) .gt. 1 ) then line(2) = line(2) + 1 read(iu_ofe,8300) cin read(cin,8140) flt, (coff(k,il),il=1,nrm) if ( abs(flogtin(k)-flt) .gt. 1.e-5 ) then write(6,1734) flt, flogtin(k), $ cop_sto(2)(:lnblnk(cop_sto(2))), $ line(2), cin(:max(1,lnblnk(cin))), $ zhi_look(kat),xhi_look(kat),0.0,0.0 stop ' STOP -- READCO: bad logT value. ' endif do il = nrm, 1, -1 if ( cin(7*il-2:7*il+4) .eq. ' ' ) then if ( k .le. max(nta(il),nta(0)) ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: bad upper edge. ' il_hi = min( il_hi , il - 1 ) else if ( k .gt. nta(il) .and. $ il .ge. nrb .and. il .le. nre ) then stop ' STOP -- READCO: bad upper edge. ' else if ( coff(k,il) .gt. 9. ) then if ( ix .ne. 1 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: bad low edge. ' il_lo = max( il_lo , il + 1 ) endif enddo do il = 1, nrm cofzhi(k,il,kat) = fofe * cofzhi(k,il,kat) $ + omfofe * coff(k,il) enddo endif c ! for smoothing if ( il_lo .gt. 1 .or. il_hi .lt. nrm ) then do il = nrm, 1, -1 if ( il .gt. il_hi ) then cofzhi(k,il,kat) = 2. * cofzhi(k-1,il,kat) $ - cofzhi(k-2,il,kat) else if ( il .lt. il_lo ) then cofzhi(k,il,kat) = 2. * cofzhi(k,il+1,kat) $ - cofzhi(k,il+2,kat) endif enddo endif c ! (end of loop to read opacities at all T-values): enddo c ! (end of loop over required Z-values for this X): enddo c ! actual X at Zsto(kz) xhi_use(ix,kz) = min( xhi_in(ix) , 1. - zat ) c ! Z-interpolation: if ( iz_hi .le. 3 ) then c ! standard case: for all T,R: do k = 1, ntm do il = 1, nrm c ! logK at Zsto,X coff(k,il) = qzinter(int_hi_z,1,zat,iz_hi, $ cofzhi(k,il,1),cofzhi(k,il,2), $ cofzhi(k,il,3),cofzhi(k,il,4), $ zhi_look(1),zhi_look(2),zhi_look(3), $ zhi_look(4),zdel) int_hi_z = 1 enddo enddo c ! ELSE: bifurcation: else c ! do both X = 1-Z and X = 0.95 xhi_use(mx_hi,kz) = 1. - zat c ! for all T,R: do k = 1, ntm do il = 1, nrm c ! logK at Zsto,X=1-Z coff(k,il) = qzinter(int_hi_z,1,zat,3, $ cofzhi(k,il,3),cofzhi(k,il,4), $ cofzhi(k,il,5),cofzhi(k,il,6), $ zhi_look(3),zhi_look(4),zhi_look(5), $ zhi_look(6),zdel) c ! temp: Z=0.05,X=0.95 cof_tmp = qzinter(int_hi_z,2,0.05,3, $ cofzhi(k,il,3),cofzhi(k,il,4), $ cofzhi(k,il,5),cofzhi(k,il,6), $ zhi_look(3),zhi_look(4),zhi_look(5), $ zhi_look(6),zdel) c ! Zsto(kz),X=0.95 cofzhi(k,il,1) = qzinter(int_hi_z,3,zat,2, $ cofzhi(k,il,1),cofzhi(k,il,2), $ cof_tmp,0.0, $ zhi_look(1),zhi_look(2),0.05,0.0,zdel) int_hi_z = 1 enddo enddo c ! smooth hz-opacities, if init_smo > 0 if ( init_smo .gt. 0 ) then tmax = 10. nset = ks81 RLS = alrf(1) RLE = alrf(nrm) nrhigh = int( dfsr(nr) * ( RLE - RLS ) + 1.00001 ) nrlow = 1 call opaltab endif c ! store X=1-Z hz-opacity set do il = 1, nr jl = il + nrdel do k = 1, nt co(mx,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz) = coff(k+ntdel,jl) enddo enddo c ! prepare to smooth present X=0.95 hz-opacity set do k = 1, ntm do il = 1, nrm coff(k,il) = cofzhi(k,il,1) enddo enddo c endif c ! smooth hz-opacities, if init_smo > 0 if ( init_smo .gt. 0 ) then tmax = 10. nset = ks81 RLS = alrf(1) RLE = alrf(nrm) nrhigh = int( dfsr(nr) * ( RLE - RLS ) + 1.00001 ) nrlow = 1 call opaltab endif c ! store present hz-opacity set do il = 1, nr jl = il + nrdel do k = 1, nt co(m,mc,io,k,il,kz) = coff(k+ntdel,jl) enddo enddo c ! (end of loop over 'GN93hz' X-values): enddo c ! close 'GN93hz' file(s) if ( khighx(kz) .gt. 1 ) then call close_chk_zip( iu_ofe, cop_sto(2), igzip_ofe ) endif call close_chk_zip( iu, cop_sto(1), igzip ) c ! some needed values xxx_max = log10( 1. - zat + xdel ) xxx_03 = log10( 0.03 + xdel ) f_3 = ( xx(4) - xxx_hi(3) ) * dfsx(4) omf_3 = 1. - f_3 c ! for convenience, define ALL xhi_use if ( mx_use .lt. mx_hi ) then do ix = mx_use + 1, mx_hi xhi_use(ix,kz) = xhi_use(mx_use,kz) enddo endif c ! get the dlogKappa values for 'GN93hz' X-values: int_hi_z = 0 int_hi_1 = 0 int_hi_2 = 0 int_hi_3 = 0 c ! loop over all densities and temperatures do il = 1, nr jl = il + nrdel do k = 1, nt c ! if in high-T,R cutout: no shift: if ( k .gt. nta(jl) ) then do ix = 1, mx co(ix,mc,mo,k,il,kz) = 0.0 co(ix,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz) = 0.0 enddo c ! else: compute shifts for all X-values: else c ! bad logK ? if ( max( co(3,1,1,k,il,kz) , co(4,1,1,k,il,kz) , $ co(5,1,1,k,il,kz) ) .gt. 9. ) stop $ ' STOP -- Error: bad co(3:5,1,1,*,*) cannot be ' c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( k+ntdel .gt. 5 ) then c-debug-chk; cof_del = co(2,mc,mo,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; $ - co(3,1,1,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; n_chk(12) = n_chk(12) + 1 c-debug-chk; chk_max(12) = max( chk_max(12) , cof_del ) c-debug-chk; chk_min(12) = min( chk_min(12) , cof_del ) c-debug-chk; chk_sum(12) = chk_sum(12) + cof_del c-debug-chk; chk_ssq(12) = chk_ssq(12) + cof_del**2 c-debug-chk; cof_del = co(4,mc,mo,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; $ - co(4,1,1,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; n_chk(14) = n_chk(14) + 1 c-debug-chk; chk_max(14) = max( chk_max(14) , cof_del ) c-debug-chk; chk_min(14) = min( chk_min(14) , cof_del ) c-debug-chk; chk_sum(14) = chk_sum(14) + cof_del c-debug-chk; chk_ssq(14) = chk_ssq(14) + cof_del**2 c-debug-chk; cof_del = co(1,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; $ - co(5,1,1,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; n_chk(16) = n_chk(16) + 1 c-debug-chk; chk_max(16) = max( chk_max(16) , cof_del ) c-debug-chk; chk_min(16) = min( chk_min(16) , cof_del ) c-debug-chk; chk_sum(16) = chk_sum(16) + cof_del c-debug-chk; chk_ssq(16) = chk_ssq(16) + cof_del**2 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] c ! if no logK at X=0.03: if ( co(2,1,1,k,il,kz) .gt. 9. .or. $ k+ntdel .lt. ntax03(nr+nrdel) ) then c ! 3-X-pt at X=0.2 cof_tmp = quad(int_hi_1,1,xxx_hi(3), $ co(2,mc,mo,k,il,kz),co(4,mc,mo,k,il,kz), $ co(1,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz), $ xxx_hi(2),xxx_hi(4),xxx_hi(6)) co(3,mc,mo,k,il,kz) = co(3,mc,mo,k,il,kz) $ - cof_tmp int_hi_1 = 1 c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; cof_o = quad(1,1,xxx_hi(3),co(3,1,1,k,il,kz), c-debug-chk; $ co(4,1,1,k,il,kz),co(5,1,1,k,il,kz), c-debug-chk; $ xxx_hi(2),xxx_hi(4),xxx_hi(6)) c-debug-chk; cof_del = cof_tmp - cof_o c-debug-chk] c ! else: if logK available at X=0.03: else c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( k+ntdel .gt. 5 .and. c-debug-chk; $ k+ntdel .lt. ntax0(nr+nrdel) .and. c-debug-chk; $ co(1,1,1,k,il,kz) .lt. 9. ) then c-debug-chk; cof_del = co(1,mc,mo,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; $ - co(1,1,1,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; n_chk(11) = n_chk(11) + 1 c-debug-chk; chk_max(11) = max( chk_max(11) , cof_del ) c-debug-chk; chk_min(11) = min( chk_min(11) , cof_del ) c-debug-chk; chk_sum(11) = chk_sum(11) + cof_del c-debug-chk; chk_ssq(11) = chk_ssq(11) + cof_del**2 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] c ! 4-X-pt at X=0.2 cof_tmp = f_3 * quad(int_hi_3,2,xxx_hi(3), $ co(2,1,1,k,il,kz),co(2,mc,mo,k,il,kz), $ co(4,mc,mo,k,il,kz), $ xx(2),xxx_hi(2),xxx_hi(4)) $ + omf_3 * quad(int_hi_3,3,xxx_hi(3), $ co(2,mc,mo,k,il,kz),co(4,mc,mo,k,il,kz), $ co(1,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz), $ xxx_hi(2),xxx_hi(4),xxx_hi(6)) co(3,mc,mo,k,il,kz) = co(3,mc,mo,k,il,kz) $ - cof_tmp int_hi_3 = 1 c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; cof_o = f_3 * quad(1,2,xxx_hi(3), c-debug-chk; $ co(2,1,1,k,il,kz),co(3,1,1,k,il,kz), c-debug-chk; $ co(4,1,1,k,il,kz), c-debug-chk; $ xx(2),xxx_hi(2),xxx_hi(4)) c-debug-chk; $ + omf_3 * quad(1,3,xxx_hi(3), c-debug-chk; $ co(3,1,1,k,il,kz),co(4,1,1,k,il,kz), c-debug-chk; $ co(5,1,1,k,il,kz), c-debug-chk; $ xxx_hi(2),xxx_hi(4),xxx_hi(6)) c-debug-chk; cof_del = cof_tmp - cof_o c-debug-chk] endif c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( k+ntdel .gt. 5 ) then c-debug-chk; n_chk(13) = n_chk(13) + 1 c-debug-chk; chk_max(13) = max( chk_max(13) , cof_del ) c-debug-chk; chk_min(13) = min( chk_min(13) , cof_del ) c-debug-chk; chk_sum(13) = chk_sum(13) + cof_del c-debug-chk; chk_ssq(13) = chk_ssq(13) + cof_del**2 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] c ! 3-X-pt dlogK at X=0.5 cof_tmp = quad(int_hi_z,4,xxx_hi(5), $ co(2,mc,mo,k,il,kz),co(4,mc,mo,k,il,kz), $ co(1,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz), $ xxx_hi(2),xxx_hi(4),xxx_hi(6)) co(5,mc,mo,k,il,kz) = co(5,mc,mo,k,il,kz) - cof_tmp c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( k+ntdel .gt. 5 ) then c-debug-chk; cof_o = quad(1,4,xxx_hi(5), c-debug-chk; $ co(3,1,1,k,il,kz),co(4,1,1,k,il,kz), c-debug-chk; $ co(5,1,1,k,il,kz), c-debug-chk; $ xxx_hi(2),xxx_hi(4),xxx_hi(6)) c-debug-chk; cof_del = cof_tmp - cof_o c-debug-chk; n_chk(15) = n_chk(15) + 1 c-debug-chk; chk_max(15) = max( chk_max(15) , cof_del ) c-debug-chk; chk_min(15) = min( chk_min(15) , cof_del ) c-debug-chk; chk_sum(15) = chk_sum(15) + cof_del c-debug-chk; chk_ssq(15) = chk_ssq(15) + cof_del**2 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] c ! 3-X-pt dlogK at X = 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 1-Z: do ix = 7, mx_use if ( xhi_in(ix) .lt. 1.000001 - zat ) then xxx_at = xxx_hi(ix) else xxx_at = log10( 1. - zat + xdel ) endif cof_tmp = quad(int_hi_z,ix,xxx_at, $ co(2,mc,mo,k,il,kz),co(4,mc,mo,k,il,kz), $ co(1,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz), $ xxx_hi(2),xxx_hi(4),xxx_hi(6)) co(ix-5,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz) = $ co(ix-5,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz) - cof_tmp c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( k+ntdel .gt. 5 ) then c-debug-chk; cof_o = quad(1,ix,xxx_at, c-debug-chk; $ co(3,1,1,k,il,kz),co(4,1,1,k,il,kz), c-debug-chk; $ co(5,1,1,k,il,kz), c-debug-chk; $ xxx_hi(2),xxx_hi(4),xxx_hi(6)) c-debug-chk; cof_del = cof_tmp - cof_o c-debug-chk; n_chk(ix+10) = n_chk(ix+10) + 1 c-debug-chk; chk_max(ix+10) = max( chk_max(ix+10) , c-debug-chk; $ cof_del ) c-debug-chk; chk_min(ix+10) = min( chk_min(ix+10) , c-debug-chk; $ cof_del ) c-debug-chk; chk_sum(ix+10) = chk_sum(ix+10) + cof_del c-debug-chk; chk_ssq(ix+10) = chk_ssq(ix+10) c-debug-chk; $ + cof_del**2 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] enddo int_hi_z = 1 c ! dlogK=0.0 at X = 0.03, 0.1, 0.35, 0.7: these c ! are available in 'Gz???.x??' files co(1,mc,mo,k,il,kz) = 0.0 co(2,mc,mo,k,il,kz) = 0.0 co(4,mc,mo,k,il,kz) = 0.0 co(1,mc,mo_m1,k,il,kz) = 0.0 c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( k+ntdel .gt. 5 ) then c-debug-chk; m = 0 c-debug-chk; io = mo c-debug-chk; do ix = 1, mx_use c-debug-chk; m = m + 1 c-debug-chk; if ( m .gt. 5 ) then c-debug-chk; m = 1 c-debug-chk; io = io - 1 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk; cof_del = co(m,mc,io,k,il,kz) c-debug-chk; n_chk(ix) = n_chk(ix) + 1 c-debug-chk; chk_max(ix) = max( chk_max(ix) , cof_del ) c-debug-chk; chk_min(ix) = min( chk_min(ix) , cof_del ) c-debug-chk; chk_sum(ix) = chk_sum(ix) + cof_del c-debug-chk; chk_ssq(ix) = chk_ssq(ix) + cof_del**2 c-debug-chk; enddo c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] endif enddo enddo c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; write(6,6273) kz, zat, ofebrack, mx_use, iz_hi, kzalow, c-debug-chk; $ (n_chk(ix),ix=1,20), c-debug-chk; $ (chk_min(ix),ix=1,20), (chk_max(ix),ix=1,20), c-debug-chk; $ (chk_sum(ix)/max(n_chk(ix),1),ix=1,20), c-debug-chk; $ (sqrt(chk_ssq(ix)/max(n_chk(ix),1)),ix=1,20) c-debug-chk; 6273 format(' '/' kz =',i3,' Z =',f10.6,' [O/Fe] =',f6.3, c-debug-chk; $ ' mx_use =',i3,' iz_hi =',i2,' kzalow =',i3, c-debug-chk; $ ' : X_hi deltas:'/' '/' N',20i10/' min',20f10.6/ c-debug-chk; $ ' max',20f10.6/' ave',20f10.6/' rms',20f10.6/' ') c-debug-chk] c ! remember to set X_1 = 0.03 for 'GN93hz' shifts xhi_use(1,kz) = 0.03 c endif c c If required, read in CNO- and/or user-interpolation opacity tables c if ( khighz_cno .eq. 0 ) then c kavail_cno = 0 kavail_user = 0 c else c kdel = 1 if ( khighz_cno .ge. 2 ) then khi = n_totmix if ( khighz_cno .eq. 2 ) then kdel = khi - n_cnobeg kavail_cno = 0 endif else khi = n_totmix - 1 kavail_user = 0 endif c ! get the 'GN93hz' Z-indices (may not have been done above) zat = z kzalbe = mzal do while( kzalbe .gt. 1 .and. z .le. zalval(kzalbe)-1.e-6 ) kzalbe = kzalbe-1 enddo if ( abs( zalval(kzalbe) - z ) .le. zacc(kz) ) then zat = zalval(kzalbe) kzalow = kzalbe nzalmo = 0 else kzalow = max( 1 , kzalbe - 1 ) nzalmo = min( kzalbe + 2 , mzal ) - kzalow endif int_hi_z = 0 c ! set the directory-part of the opacity filename if ( kope .eq. 0 ) then cop_sto(1) = ' ' cop_sto(2) = ' ' else cop_sto(1) = copdir(:kope) cop_sto(2) = copdir(:kope) endif c ! get filename if ( cfile_opalGS98(n_cnobeg) .ne. ' ' ) then cop_sto(1)(kope+1:) = cfile_opalGS98(n_cnobeg) else if ( khighz .gt. 0 ) then cop_sto(1)(kope+1:) = cfile_opalmixes(1) else cop_sto(1)(kope+1:) = cfile_opalGS98(1) endif last = lnblnk( cop_sto(1) ) iu = iulow c ! get indices where X=1-Z 'GN93hz' opacities will be stored c call index_co_deltas( 5, mx_hi, kkx, kkc, kko ) c ! loop over CNO-files do kfil = n_cnobeg, khi, kdel c iset = kfil - n_zmixes if ( iset .eq. 1 ) iset = 5 c if ( cfile_opalGS98(kfil) .ne. ' ' ) then cop_sto(2)(kope+1:) = cfile_opalGS98(kfil) else cop_sto(2) = cop_sto(1)(1:last) // cdef_CNO_ext(kfil) endif c ! open file call open_chk_zip( iu, cop_sto(2), igzip, $ 'STOP -- Error: hz-file (C+O=0.0,defCNO) not found.' ) c line(2) = 0 itab_dum = 0 ix = 0 iz_hi = nzalmo igetzxi = 1 c ! X=1-Z indices call index_co_deltas( iset, mx_hi, jjx, jjc, jjo ) c c ! loop over 'GN93hz' X-values: c do while ( ix .lt. mx_use .and. iz_hi .lt. 5 ) c ! get indices in co() ix = ix + 1 call index_co_deltas( iset, ix, jx, jc, jo ) c ! & stored 'GN93hz' call index_co_deltas( 5, ix, kx, kc, ko ) c c ! get Z and X values to look for in CNO-file iz_hi = nzalmo if ( ix .eq. mx_use ) then do iz = 0, nzalmo zhi_look(iz+1) = zalval(kzalow+iz) xhi_look(iz+1) = 1. - zhi_look(iz+1) enddo else do iz = 0, nzalmo zhi_look(iz+1) = zalval(kzalow+iz) xhi_look(iz+1) = min( xhi_in(ix) , $ 1. - zhi_look(iz+1) ) enddo c ! check for X-column bifurcation at Z = 0.05, X = 0.95 c if ( ix .eq. mx_hi - 1 .and. nzalmo .eq. 3 ) then if ( zat .gt. 0.03 .and. zat .lt. 0.04 ) then iz_hi = 2 int_hi_z = 0 else if ( zat .gt. 0.04 .and. zat .lt. 0.05 ) then iz_hi = 5 int_hi_z = 0 zhi_look(5) = zhi_look(3) xhi_look(5) = xhi_look(3) zhi_look(6) = zhi_look(4) xhi_look(6) = xhi_look(4) zhi_look(3) = zalval(kzalow) xhi_look(3) = 1. - zhi_look(3) zhi_look(4) = zalval(kzalow+1) xhi_look(4) = 1. - zhi_look(4) endif endif endif c ! loop over the required Z-values for this X do iz = 0, iz_hi c kat = iz + 1 c ! find mix; stop if not found i_rewind = 0 ifound = mixfind(iu,-kfil,igetzxi,i_rewind, $ itab_dum,line(2), $ zhi_look(kat),xhi_look(kat),0.0,0.0) igetzxi = 0 if ( ifound .eq. 0 ) then i_rewind = 1 ifound = mixfind(iu,-kfil,igetzxi,i_rewind, $ itab_dum,line(2), $ zhi_look(kat),xhi_look(kat),0.0,0.0) igetzxi = 0 if ( ifound .eq. 0 ) then write(6,1791) zhi_look(kat),xhi_look(kat), $ 0.0,0.0,cop_sto(2)(:last) stop ' STOP -- READCO: error reading CNO-mix. ' endif endif c ! loop over logT values, to read in opacities do k = 1, ntm c ! read logT, & logKappa(R) for all R line(2) = line(2) + 1 read(iu,'(a137)') cin read(cin,'(f4.2,19f7.3)') flt, $ (cofzhi(k,il,kat),il=1,nrm) c ! bad logT ? if ( abs(flogtin(k)-flt) .gt. 1.e-5 ) then write(6,1734) flt, flogtin(k), $ cop_sto(2)(:lnblnk(cop_sto(2))), $ line(2), cin(:max(1,lnblnk(cin))), $ zhi_look(kat),xhi_look(kat),0.0,0.0 stop ' STOP -- READCO: bad logT value. ' endif c il_lo = 1 il_hi = nrm c ! logKappa(R) is: do il = nrm, 1, -1 c ! absent if ( cin(7*il-2:7*il+4) .eq. ' ' ) then il_hi = min( il_hi , il - 1 ) c ! 9.999 else if ( cofzhi(k,il,kat) .gt. 9. ) then il_lo = max( il_lo , il + 1 ) endif enddo c ! for deltas if ( il_lo .gt. 1 .or. il_hi .lt. nrm ) then do il = nrm, 1, -1 if ( il .gt. il_hi ) then cofzhi(k,il,kat) = 2. * cofzhi(k-1,il,kat) $ - cofzhi(k-2,il,kat) else if ( il .lt. il_lo ) then cofzhi(k,il,kat) = 2. * cofzhi(k,il+1,kat) $ - cofzhi(k,il+2,kat) endif enddo endif c ! (end of loop to read opacities at all T-values): enddo c ! (end of loop over required Z-values for this X): enddo c ! actual X at Zat xcno_use(ix,kz) = min( xhi_in(ix) , 1. - zat ) c ! Z-interpolation: if ( iz_hi .le. 3 ) then c ! standard case: for all T,R: do k = 1, ntm do il = 1, nrm c ! logK at Zsto,X coff(k,il) = qzinter(int_hi_z,1,zat,iz_hi, $ cofzhi(k,il,1),cofzhi(k,il,2), $ cofzhi(k,il,3),cofzhi(k,il,4), $ zhi_look(1),zhi_look(2),zhi_look(3), $ zhi_look(4),zdel) int_hi_z = 1 enddo enddo c ! ELSE: bifurcation: else c ! do both X = 1-Z and X = 0.95 xcno_use(mx_hi,kz) = 1. - zat c ! for all T,R: do k = 1, ntm do il = 1, nrm c ! logK at Zsto,X=1-Z coff(k,il) = qzinter(int_hi_z,1,zat,3, $ cofzhi(k,il,3),cofzhi(k,il,4), $ cofzhi(k,il,5),cofzhi(k,il,6), $ zhi_look(3),zhi_look(4),zhi_look(5), $ zhi_look(6),zdel) c ! temp: Z=0.05,X=0.95 cof_tmp = qzinter(int_hi_z,2,0.05,3, $ cofzhi(k,il,3),cofzhi(k,il,4), $ cofzhi(k,il,5),cofzhi(k,il,6), $ zhi_look(3),zhi_look(4),zhi_look(5), $ zhi_look(6),zdel) c ! Zsto(kz),X=0.95 cofzhi(k,il,1) = qzinter(int_hi_z,3,zat,2, $ cofzhi(k,il,1),cofzhi(k,il,2), $ cof_tmp,0.0, $ zhi_look(1),zhi_look(2),0.05,0.0,zdel) int_hi_z = 1 enddo enddo c ! smooth CNO-opac, if init_smo > 1 if ( init_smo .ge. 2 ) then tmax = 10. nset = ks81 RLS = alrf(1) RLE = alrf(nrm) nrhigh = int( dfsr(nr) * ( RLE - RLS ) + 1.00001 ) nrlow = 1 call opaltab endif c ! store X=1-Z hz-opacity set if ( kfil .eq. n_cnobeg ) then do il = 1, nr jl = il + nrdel do k = 1, nt co(jjx,jjc,jjo,k,il,kz) = coff(k+ntdel,jl) enddo enddo else do il = 1, nr jl = il + nrdel do k = 1, nt co(jjx,jjc,jjo,k,il,kz) = coff(k+ntdel,jl) $ - co(kkx,kkc,kko,k,il,kz) enddo enddo endif c ! get present X=0.95 hz-opacity set do k = 1, ntm do il = 1, nrm coff(k,il) = cofzhi(k,il,1) enddo enddo c endif c ! smooth CNO-opac, if init_smo > 1 if ( init_smo .ge. 2 ) then tmax = 10. nset = ks81 RLS = alrf(1) RLE = alrf(nrm) nrhigh = int( dfsr(nr) * ( RLE - RLS ) + 1.00001 ) nrlow = 1 call opaltab endif c ! store present hz-opacity set if ( kfil .eq. n_cnobeg ) then do il = 1, nr jl = il + nrdel do k = 1, nt c-debug[ c-debug; if ( co(jx,jc,jo,k,il,kz) .lt. badlogklim ) c-debug; $ stop ' STOP -- Error: CNO overwrite. ' c-debug] co(jx,jc,jo,k,il,kz) = coff(k+ntdel,jl) enddo enddo else do il = 1, nr jl = il + nrdel do k = 1, nt c-debug[ c-debug; if ( kfil .lt. n_totmix .and. c-debug; $ co(jx,jc,jo,k,il,kz) .lt. badlogklim ) c-debug; $ stop ' STOP -- Error: CNO overwrite. ' c-debug] co(jx,jc,jo,k,il,kz) = coff(k+ntdel,jl) $ - co(kx,kc,ko,k,il,kz) enddo enddo endif c ! (end of loop over 'GN93hz' X-values): enddo c ! close CNO-file call close_chk_zip( iu, cop_sto(2), igzip ) c ! (end CNO-file loop): enddo c endif c ! restore old m value (this should not be necessary) m = mstore c ! and return. return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine cointsmo(xxc,xxo,kz) c =============================== c c The purpose of COINTSMO is to interpolate smoothly in C and O abundances. c c This subroutine yields smoother opacities than alternate COINTERP below. c c Note that the quadratic-interpolation function quad has been replaced with c the function qchk here; the latter function checks whether two of the c interpolation points are nearly coincident (which would magnify the effect c of any uncertainties in the tabulated opacities), and uses something more c nearly linear if so. This is sometimes necessary to prevent wildly wrong c opacity values for certain Z-values above Z=0.03, and also in some cases to c allow linear interpolation along lines where only two opacity values exist. c For the special case where C or O is slightly negative (slight depletion in c C or O), the function qchk does a linear extrapolation using a combination c of the lowest three C or O gridpoints. c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c common/bb_opal_z/ l1,l2,l3,l4,k1,k2,k3,k4,ip,iq(4),xodp,xcdp, $ xxco,cxx,oxx,kzf,kzg,kzh,kzf2 save /bb_opal_z/ c-debug[ c-debug; common/outdeb/ ioudeb,oudebl,koudeb c-debug] c___ dimension j2m(mc),j3m(mc),j4m(mc) c=== is = 0 c ! IF C+O = 0: trivial: if ( max( abs(xxc) , abs(xxo) ) .lt. 1.e-6 ) then do it = k1,k1+ip do ir = l1,l1+iq(it-k1+1) opl(it,ir,kz) = co(m,1,1,it,ir,kz) enddo enddo return endif c ! ELSE: if C,O not 0: i3 = min( indx(int(100.*max(xxc,0.))+1) + 1 , nc ) i4 = min( i3+1 , nc ) i1 = max( i3-2 , 1 ) i2 = i3-1 j3 = min( indx(int(100.*max(xxo,0.))+1) + 1 , no ) j4 = min( j3+1 , no ) j1 = max( j3-2 , 1 ) j2 = j3-1 c n2 = i1+1 n3 = i1+2 m2 = j1+1 m3 = j1+2 c ! if C > or = O: then j3 < no unless m=5, C=O=0.1 if ( xxc .ge. xxo ) then if ( i4 .gt. n3 ) cfac = (cxx-cx(i2))/(cx(i3)-cx(i2)) c ! if O = 0.0: if ( abs(xxo) .lt. 1.e-6 ) then if ( i4 .le. n3 ) then do it = k1,k1+ip do ir = l1,l1+iq(it-k1+1) opl(it,ir,kz) = qchk(is,1,cxx,co(m,i1,1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n2,1,it,ir,kz),co(m,n3,1,it,ir,kz), $ cx(i1),cx(n2),min(cx(n3),cxd(1))) is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( ioudeb .gt. 5 .or. .not. c-debug; $ abs(opl(it,ir,kz)) .le. oudebl ) then c-debug; if ( ioudeb .le. 5 .or. ( it .eq. k1 .and. c-debug; $ ir .eq. l1 ) ) write(6,*) ' ' c-debug; write(6,9414) m,it,ir,kz,'O=0','C',cxx,'K', c-debug; $ opl(it,ir,kz),0.,(j,1,min(cx(j),cxd(1)), c-debug; $ co(m,j,1,it,ir,kz),j=i1,n3) c-debug; 9414 format(' COINTSMO(x',i1,',t',i2.2,',r',i2.2, c-debug; $ ',z',i2.2,')',a3,' ',a1,f11.7,' : ',a1, c-debug; $ ' =',g15.7,' <--(f=',f10.7, c-debug; $ ') kc,ko,CorO,K:',4(i3,i2,2f11.7)) c-debug; endif c-debug] enddo enddo else do it = k1,k1+ip do ir = l1,l1+iq(it-k1+1) opl(it,ir,kz) = (1.-cfac) * qchk(is,1,cxx, $ co(m,i1,1,it,ir,kz),co(m,i2,1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,i3,1,it,ir,kz),cx(i1),cx(i2),cx(i3)) $ + cfac * qchk(is,2,cxx,co(m,i2,1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,i3,1,it,ir,kz),co(m,i4,1,it,ir,kz), $ cx(i2),cx(i3),min(cx(i4),cxd(1))) is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( ioudeb .gt. 5 .or. .not. c-debug; $ abs(opl(it,ir,kz)) .le. oudebl ) then c-debug; if ( ioudeb .le. 5 .or. ( it .eq. k1 .and. c-debug; $ ir .eq. l1 ) ) write(6,*) ' ' c-debug; write(6,9414) m,it,ir,kz,'O=0','C',cxx,'K', c-debug; $ opl(it,ir,kz),cfac,(j,1,min(cx(j),cxd(1)), c-debug; $ co(m,j,1,it,ir,kz),j=i1,i4) c-debug; endif c-debug] enddo enddo endif return endif c ! else if C > O, and O not 0.0 icomax = -1 if ( xxco .gt. xcd(1) - 1.e-6 ) icomax = 1 if ( j1 .lt. j2 ) ofac = (oxx-ox(j2))/(ox(j3)-ox(j2)) if ( icomax .lt. 0 ) then i4 = min( i4 , n(m,j2,kz) ) cof(i1,1) = cx(i1) cof(i2,1) = cx(i2) cof(i3,1) = cx(i3) cof(i4,1) = cx(i4) if ( i3 .ge. n(m,j3,kz) .and. xxo .ge. xod(i3) ) then i4 = i3 icomax = 0 cof(i4,1) = log10(zzz(kz)+xcdp) else if ( i4 .ge. n(m,j3,kz) ) then icomax = 0 cof(i4,1) = log10(zzz(kz)+xcdp) endif do i = i1,i4 j2m(i) = m2 if ( m2 .ge. n(m,i,kz) ) j2m(i) = mo j3m(i) = m3 if ( m3 .ge. n(m,i,kz) ) j3m(i) = mo j4m(i) = j4 if ( j4 .ge. n(m,i,kz) ) j4m(i) = mo enddo endif ihi = i4 if ( icomax .ge. 0 ) then ihi = i4-1 if ( j4 .lt. no ) then j2m(i4) = n(m,j4,kz) j4m(i4) = j4 cof(4,4) = ox(j4) else j2m(i4) = max( n(m,j4-1,kz) - 2 , 1 ) j4m(i4) = mo cof(4,4) = oxd(j2m(i4)) endif j4n = 0 if ( xxo .gt. xod(nc-1) + 1.e-6 ) then if ( icomax .gt. 0 ) cof(i4,1) = log10(zzz(kz)+xcdp) bfac = min( 0.5 , ( xxo - xod(nc-1) ) $ / max( xod(1)-2.*xod(nc-1) , 1.e-6 ) ) ib3 = min( indx(int(100.*max(xcdp,0.))+1) + 1 , nc ) ib4 = min( ib3 + 1 , nc ) ib1 = max( ib3 - 2 , 1 ) ib2 = ib3-1 nb2 = ib1+1 nb3 = ib1+2 if ( ib4 .gt. nb3 ) $ afac = (cof(i4,1)-cx(ib2))/(cx(ib3)-cx(ib2)) if ( ib4 .lt. nc ) then j2n = ib4 j4n = mo cof(5,5) = cx(ib4) else j4n = max( n(m,ib4-1,kz) - 2 , 1 ) j2n = n(m,j4n,kz) cof(5,5) = cxd(j4n) endif endif endif c do it = k1,k1+ip do ir = l1,l1+iq(it-k1+1) if ( icomax .ge. 0 ) then if ( j4 .le. m3 ) then cof(i4,2) = qchk(is,4,oxx, $ co(m,n(m,j1,kz),j1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,m2,kz),m2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,j2m(i4),j4m(i4),it,ir,kz), $ ox(j1),ox(m2),cof(4,4)) else cof(i4,2) = (1.-ofac) * qchk(is,4,oxx, $ co(m,n(m,j1,kz),j1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,j2,kz),m2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,j3,kz),m3,it,ir,kz), $ ox(j1),ox(j2),ox(j3)) $ + ofac * qchk(is,8,oxx, $ co(m,n(m,j2,kz),j2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,j3,kz),j3,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,j2m(i4),j4m(i4),it,ir,kz), $ ox(j2),ox(j3),cof(4,4)) endif if ( j4n .gt. 0 ) then if ( ib4 .le. nb3 ) then cof(i4,2) = (1.-bfac) * cof(i4,2) $ + bfac * qchk(is,11,cof(i4,1), $ co(m,ib1,mo,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,nb2,mo,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,j2n,j4n,it,ir,kz), $ cx(ib1),cx(nb2),cof(5,5)) else cof(i4,2) = (1.-bfac) * cof(i4,2) + bfac $ * ( (1.-afac) * qchk(is,11,cof(i4,1), $ co(m,ib1,mo,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,ib2,mo,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,ib3,mo,it,ir,kz),cx(ib1),cx(ib2), $ cx(ib3)) + afac * qchk(is,12,cof(i4,1), $ co(m,ib2,mo,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,ib3,mo,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,j2n,j4n,it,ir,kz), $ cx(ib2),cx(ib3),cof(5,5)) ) endif endif endif if ( icomax .gt. 0 ) then opl(it,ir,kz) = cof(i4,2) else iw = 0 do i = i1,ihi iw = iw+1 if ( j4m(i) .le. j3m(i) ) then cof(i,2) = qchk(is,iw,oxx,co(m,i,j1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,i,j2m(i),it,ir,kz), $ co(m,i,j3m(i),it,ir,kz),ox(j1), $ min(ox(m2),oxd(i)),min(ox(m3),oxd(i))) else cof(i,2) = (1.-ofac) * qchk(is,iw,oxx, $ co(m,i,j1,it,ir,kz),co(m,i,j2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,i,j3,it,ir,kz),ox(j1),ox(j2),ox(j3)) $ + ofac * qchk(is,iw+4,oxx, $ co(m,i,j2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,i,j3,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,i,j4m(i),it,ir,kz), $ ox(j2),ox(j3),min(ox(j4),oxd(i))) endif enddo if ( i4 .le. n3 ) then opl(it,ir,kz) = qchk(is,9,cxx,cof(i1,2),cof(n2,2), $ cof(n3,2),cof(i1,1),cof(n2,1),cof(n3,1)) else opl(it,ir,kz) = (1.-cfac) * qchk(is,9,cxx, $ cof(i1,2),cof(i2,2),cof(i3,2), $ cof(i1,1),cof(i2,1),cof(i3,1)) $ + cfac * qchk(is,10,cxx,cof(i2,2),cof(i3,2), $ cof(i4,2),cof(i2,1),cof(i3,1),cof(i4,1)) endif endif is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( ioudeb .gt. 5 .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(opl(it,ir,kz)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(cof(i4,2)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ ( icomax .le. 0 .and. c-debug; $ ( .not. abs(cof(i1,2)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(cof(i2,2)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(cof(i3,2)) .le. oudebl ) ) ) then c-debug; write(6,*) ' ' c-debug; if ( icomax .le. 0 ) then c-debug; do i = i1,ihi c-debug; if ( j4m(i) .le. j3m(i) ) then c-debug; write(6,9414) m,it,ir,kz,'C>O','O',oxx, c-debug; $ 'K',cof(i,2),0.,i,j1,ox(j1), c-debug; $ co(m,i,j1,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ i,j2m(i),min(ox(m2),oxd(i)), c-debug; $ co(m,i,j2m(i),it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ i,j3m(i),min(ox(m3),oxd(i)), c-debug; $ co(m,i,j3m(i),it,ir,kz) c-debug; else c-debug; write(6,9414) m,it,ir,kz,'C>O','O',oxx, c-debug; $ 'K',cof(i,2),ofac,(i,j,ox(j), c-debug; $ co(m,i,j,it,ir,kz),j=j1,j3), c-debug; $ i,j4m(i),min(ox(j4),oxd(i)), c-debug; $ co(m,i,j4m(i),it,ir,kz) c-debug; endif c-debug; enddo c-debug; endif c-debug; if ( j4 .le. m3 ) ofac = 0. c-debug; if ( icomax .ge. 0 ) write(6,9414) m,it,ir,kz,'C>O', c-debug; $ 'o',oxx,'K',cof(i4,2),ofac,(n(m,j,kz),j,ox(j), c-debug; $ co(m,n(m,j,kz),j,it,ir,kz),j=j1,j4-1),j2m(i4), c-debug; $ j4m(i4),cof(4,4),co(m,j2m(i4),j4m(i4),it,ir,kz) c-debug; if ( ib4 .le. nb3 ) afac = 0. c-debug; if ( icomax .ge. 0 .and. j4n .gt. 0 ) write(6,9414) c-debug; $ m,it,ir,kz,'C>O','c',cof(i4,1),'b',bfac,afac, c-debug; $ (j,mo,cx(j),co(m,j,mo,it,ir,kz),j=ib1,ib4-1), c-debug; $ j2n,j4n,cof(5,5),co(m,j2n,j4n,it,ir,kz) c-debug; if ( i4 .le. n3 ) cfac = 0. c-debug; if ( icomax .le. 0 ) write(6,9415) m,it,ir,kz, c-debug; $ 'C>O','C',cxx,opl(it,ir,kz),cfac, c-debug; $ (' ',j,cof(j,1),cof(j,2),j=i1,i4) c-debug; 9415 format(' COINTSMO(x',i1,',t',i2.2,',r',i2.2, c-debug; $ ',z',i2.2,')',a3,' ',a1,f11.7, c-debug; $ ' : K =',g15.7,' <--(f=',f10.7, c-debug; $ ') kc,ko,CorO,K:',4(a1,' (',i1,')',2f11.7)) c-debug; endif c-debug] enddo enddo c ! else if C < O: then i3 < nc else if ( j4 .gt. m3 ) ofac = (oxx-ox(j2))/(ox(j3)-ox(j2)) c ! if C = 0.0: if ( abs(xxc) .lt. 1.e-6 ) then if ( j4 .le. m3 ) then j3m(1) = m3 if ( m3 .ge. no ) j3m(1) = mo do it = k1,k1+ip do ir = l1,l1+iq(it-k1+1) opl(it,ir,kz) = qchk(is,1,oxx,co(m,1,j1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,1,m2,it,ir,kz),co(m,1,j3m(1),it,ir,kz), $ ox(j1),ox(m2),min(ox(m3),oxd(1))) is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( ioudeb .gt. 5 .or. .not. c-debug; $ abs(opl(it,ir,kz)) .le. oudebl ) then c-debug; if ( ioudeb .le. 5 .or. ( it .eq. k1 .and. c-debug; $ ir .eq. l1 ) ) write(6,*) ' ' c-debug; write(6,9414) m,it,ir,kz,'C=0','O',oxx,'K', c-debug; $ opl(it,ir,kz),0.,(1,j,ox(j), c-debug; $ co(m,1,j,it,ir,kz),j=j1,m2),1,j3m(1), c-debug; $ co(m,1,j3m(1),it,ir,kz),min(ox(j3),oxd(1)) c-debug; endif c-debug] enddo enddo else j4m(1) = j4 if ( j4 .ge. no ) j4m(1) = mo do it = k1,k1+ip do ir = l1,l1+iq(it-k1+1) opl(it,ir,kz) = (1.-ofac) * qchk(is,1,oxx, $ co(m,1,j1,it,ir,kz),co(m,1,j2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,1,j3,it,ir,kz),ox(j1),ox(j2),ox(j3)) $ + ofac * qchk(is,2,oxx,co(m,1,j2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,1,j3,it,ir,kz),co(m,1,j4m(1),it,ir,kz), $ ox(j2),ox(j3),min(ox(j4),oxd(1))) is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( ioudeb .gt. 5 .or. .not. c-debug; $ abs(opl(it,ir,kz)) .le. oudebl ) then c-debug; if ( ioudeb .le. 5 .or. ( it .eq. k1 .and. c-debug; $ ir .eq. l1 ) ) write(6,*) ' ' c-debug; write(6,9414) m,it,ir,kz,'C=0','O',oxx,'K', c-debug; $ opl(it,ir,kz),ofac,(1,j,ox(j), c-debug; $ co(m,1,j,it,ir,kz),j=j1,j3), c-debug; $ 1,j4m(1),co(m,1,j4m(1),it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ min(ox(j4),oxd(1)) c-debug; endif c-debug] enddo enddo endif return endif c ! else if O > C, and C not 0.0: icomax = -1 if ( xxco .gt. xcd(1)-1.e-6 ) icomax = 1 if ( i1 .lt. i2 ) cfac = (cxx-cx(i2))/(cx(i3)-cx(i2)) if ( icomax .lt. 0 ) then j4 = min( j4 , n(m,i2,kz) ) cof(j1,1) = ox(j1) cof(j2,1) = ox(j2) cof(j3,1) = ox(j3) cof(j4,1) = ox(j4) if ( j3 .ge. n(m,i3,kz) .and. xxc .ge. xcd(j3) ) then j4 = j3 icomax = 0 cof(j4,1) = log10(zzz(kz)+xodp) else if ( j4 .ge. n(m,i3,kz) ) then icomax = 0 cof(j4,1) = log10(zzz(kz)+xodp) endif endif ihi = j4 if ( icomax .ge. 0 ) then ihi = j4-1 if ( i4 .lt. nc ) then j2m(4) = i4 j4m(4) = mo cof(4,4) = cx(i4) else j4m(4) = max( n(m,i4-1,kz) - 2 , 1 ) j2m(4) = n(m,j4m(4),kz) cof(4,4) = cxd(j4m(4)) endif j4n = 0 if ( xxc .gt. xcd(no-1) + 1.e-6 ) then if ( icomax .gt. 0 ) cof(j4,1) = log10(zzz(kz)+xodp) bfac = min((xxc-xcd(no-1))/max(xcd(1)-2.*xcd(no-1), $ 1.e-6),0.5) jb3 = min( indx(int(100.*max(xodp,0.))+1) + 1 , no ) jb4 = min( jb3+1 , no ) jb1 = max( jb3-2 , 1 ) jb2 = jb3-1 mb2 = jb1+1 mb3 = jb1+2 if ( jb4 .gt. mb3 ) $ afac = (cof(j4,1)-ox(jb2))/(ox(jb3)-ox(jb2)) if ( jb4 .lt. no ) then j2n = n(m,jb4,kz) j4n = jb4 cof(5,5) = ox(jb4) else j2n = max( n(m,jb4-1,kz) - 2 , 1 ) j4n = mo cof(5,5) = oxd(j2n) endif endif endif c do it = k1,k1+ip do ir = l1,l1+iq(it-k1+1) if ( icomax .ge. 0 ) then if ( i4 .le. n3 ) then cof(j4,2) = qchk(is,4,cxx, $ co(m,i1,mo,it,ir,kz),co(m,n2,mo,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,j2m(4),j4m(4),it,ir,kz), $ cx(i1),cx(n2),cof(4,4)) else cof(j4,2) = (1.-cfac) * qchk(is,4,cxx, $ co(m,i1,mo,it,ir,kz),co(m,i2,mo,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,i3,mo,it,ir,kz),cx(i1),cx(i2),cx(i3)) $ + cfac * qchk(is,8,cxx, $ co(m,i2,mo,it,ir,kz),co(m,i3,mo,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,j2m(4),j4m(4),it,ir,kz), $ cx(i2),cx(i3),cof(4,4)) endif if ( j4n .gt. 0 ) then if ( jb4 .le. mb3 ) then cof(j4,2) = (1.-bfac) * cof(j4,2) $ + bfac * qchk(is,11,cof(j4,1), $ co(m,n(m,jb1,kz),jb1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,mb2,kz),mb2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,j2n,j4n,it,ir,kz), $ ox(jb1),ox(mb2),cof(5,5)) else cof(j4,2) = (1.-bfac) * cof(j4,2) + bfac $ * ( (1.-afac) * qchk(is,11,cof(j4,1), $ co(m,n(m,jb1,kz),jb1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,jb2,kz),mb2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,jb3,kz),mb3,it,ir,kz), $ ox(jb1),ox(jb2),ox(jb3)) $ + afac * qchk(is,12,cof(j4,1), $ co(m,n(m,jb2,kz),jb2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,jb3,kz),jb3,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,j2n,j4n,it,ir,kz), $ ox(jb2),ox(jb3),cof(5,5)) ) endif endif endif if ( icomax .gt. 0 ) then opl(it,ir,kz) = cof(j4,2) else iw = 0 do i = j1,ihi iw = iw+1 if ( i4 .le. n3 .or. i4 .gt. n(m,i,kz) ) then cof(i,2) = qchk(is,iw,cxx,co(m,i1,i,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n2,i,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,min(n3,n(m,i,kz)),i,it,ir,kz), $ cx(i1),min(cx(n2),cxd(i)), $ min(cx(n3),cxd(i))) else cof(i,2) = (1.-cfac) * qchk(is,iw,cxx, $ co(m,i1,i,it,ir,kz),co(m,i2,i,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,i3,i,it,ir,kz),cx(i1),cx(i2),cx(i3)) $ + cfac * qchk(is,iw+4,cxx, $ co(m,i2,i,it,ir,kz),co(m,i3,i,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,i4,i,it,ir,kz), $ cx(i2),cx(i3),min(cx(i4),cxd(i))) endif enddo if ( j4 .le. m3 ) then opl(it,ir,kz) = qchk(is,9,oxx,cof(j1,2),cof(m2,2), $ cof(m3,2),cof(j1,1),cof(m2,1),cof(m3,1)) else opl(it,ir,kz) = (1.-ofac) * qchk(is,9,oxx, $ cof(j1,2),cof(j2,2),cof(j3,2), $ cof(j1,1),cof(j2,1),cof(j3,1)) $ + ofac * qchk(is,10,oxx,cof(j2,2),cof(j3,2), $ cof(j4,2),cof(j2,1),cof(j3,1),cof(j4,1)) endif endif is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( ioudeb .gt. 5 .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(opl(it,ir,kz)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(cof(j4,2)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ ( icomax .le. 0 .and. c-debug; $ ( .not. abs(cof(j1,2)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(cof(j2,2)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(cof(j3,2)) .le. oudebl ) ) ) then c-debug; write(6,*) ' ' c-debug; if ( icomax .le. 0 ) then c-debug; do i = j1,ihi c-debug; if ( i4 .le. n3 .or. i4 .gt. n(m,i,kz) ) then c-debug; write(6,9414) m,it,ir,kz,'C b:',3f12.7,' ',a3,f12.7, c-debug; $ 3(' ',a4,i1,')',f12.7),' --> opl(', c-debug; $ i2,',',i2,') =',f12.7,' region ', c-debug; $ a4) c-debug; endif c-debug] enddo enddo c ! interpolation in region c2: else do it = k1,k1+ip do ir = l1,l1+iq(it-k1+1) b(1) = qchk(is,1,cxx,co(m,nc-2,1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,nc-1,1,it,ir,kz),co(m,nc,1,it,ir,kz), $ cx(nc-2),cx(nc-1),cx(nc)) b(2) = qchk(is,2,cxx,co(m,n(m,2,kz)-2,2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,2,kz)-1,2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,2,kz),2,it,ir,kz), $ cx(n(m,2,kz)-2),cx(n(m,2,kz)-1),cxd(2)) b(3) = qchk(is,3,cxx,co(m,nc,1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,2,kz),2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,3,kz),3,it,ir,kz), $ cxd(1),cxd(2),cxd(3)) opl(it,ir,kz) = qchk(is,4,oxx,b(1),b(2),b(3), $ ox(1),ox(2),oxdp) is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( .not. abs(opl(it,ir,kz)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(1)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(2)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(3)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ ioudeb .gt. 5 ) then c-debug; write(6,9413) m,kz,xxc,xxo,xxc+xxo,xxco, c-debug; $ xc(nc),nc,(n(m,j,kz),j=1,nc) c-debug; koudeb = koudeb+1 c-debug; write(6,9414) 1,'co(m,',nc-2,1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,nc-2,1,it,ir,kz),'co(m,',nc-1, c-debug; $ 1,it,ir,co(m,nc-1,1,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'diag(',m,1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,nc,1,it,ir,kz),'cxx',cxx, c-debug; $ ' cx(',nc-2,cx(nc-2),' cx(',nc-1, c-debug; $ cx(nc-1),' cx(',nc,cx(nc) c-debug; write(6,9414) 2,'co(m,',n(m,2,kz)-2,2,it, c-debug; $ ir,co(m,n(m,2,kz)-2,2,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'co(m,',n(m,2,kz)-1,2,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,n(m,2,kz)-1,2,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'diag(',m,2,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,n(m,2,kz),2,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'cxx',cxx, c-debug; $ ' cx(',n(m,2,kz)-2,cx(n(m,2,kz)-2), c-debug; $ ' cx(',n(m,2,kz)-1,cx(n(m,2,kz)-1), c-debug; $ 'cxd(',2,cxd(2) c-debug; write(6,9414) 3,'diag(',m,1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,nc,1,it,ir,kz),'diag(',m,2,it, c-debug; $ ir,co(m,n(m,2,kz),2,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'diag(',m,3,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,n(m,3,kz),3,it,ir,kz),'cxx', c-debug; $ cxx,'cxd(',1,cxd(1),'cxd(',2, c-debug; $ cxd(2),'cxd(',3,cxd(3) c-debug; write(6,9415) b(1),b(2),b(3),'oxx',oxx, c-debug; $ ' ox(',1,ox(1),' ox(',2,ox(2), c-debug; $ 'oxdp',0,oxdp,it,ir,opl(it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'c2 ' c-debug; endif c-debug] enddo enddo endif c return c else if ( nc .ge. 5 ) then c__________ ! interpolation in regions c3 to c6: do i = 4,nc-1 c c ! do not go beyond middle (where c3-c6 overlaps o3-o6), and c ! include boundaries (qchk fixes any possible division by 0) c if ( xxc .gt. xcd(i)-1.e-6 .and. xxo .gt. xo(i-1)-1.e-6 $ .and. xcd(i-1) .gt. xc(i-1) ) then c oxdp = log10(zzz(kz)+xodp) m1 = i-1 m2 = i-2 c do it = k1,k1+ip do ir = l1,l1+iq(it-k1+1) b(1) = qchk(is,1,cxx, $ co(m,n(m,m2,kz)-2,m2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,m2,kz)-1,m2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,m2,kz),m2,it,ir,kz), $ cx(n(m,m2,kz)-2),cx(n(m,m2,kz)-1),cxd(m2)) b(2) = qchk(is,2,cxx, $ co(m,n(m,m1,kz)-2,m1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,m1,kz)-1,m1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,m1,kz),m1,it,ir,kz), $ cx(n(m,m1,kz)-2),cx(n(m,m1,kz)-1),cxd(m1)) b(3) = qchk(is,3,cxx, $ co(m,n(m,m2,kz),m2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,m1,kz),m1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,n(m,i,kz),i,it,ir,kz), $ cxd(m2),cxd(m1),cxd(i)) opl(it,ir,kz) = qchk(is,4,oxx,b(1),b(2),b(3), $ ox(m2),ox(m1),oxdp) is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( .not. abs(opl(it,ir,kz)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(1)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(2)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(3)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ ioudeb .gt. 5 ) then c-debug; write(6,9413) m,kz,xxc,xxo,xxc+xxo,xxco, c-debug; $ xc(nc),nc,(n(m,j,kz),j=1,nc) c-debug; koudeb = koudeb+1 c-debug; write(6,9414) 1,'co(m,',n(m,m2,kz)-2, c-debug; $ m2,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,n(m,m2,kz)-2,m2,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'co(m,',n(m,m2,kz)-1,m2,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,n(m,m2,kz)-1,m2,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'diag(',m,m2,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,n(m,m2,kz),m2,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'cxx',cxx,' cx(',n(m,m2,kz)-2, c-debug; $ cx(n(m,m2,kz)-2),' cx(', c-debug; $ n(m,m2,kz)-1,cx(n(m,m2,kz)-1), c-debug; $ 'cxd(',m2,cxd(m2) c-debug; write(6,9414) 2,'co(m,',n(m,m1,kz)-2, c-debug; $ m1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,n(m,m1,kz)-2,m1,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'co(m,',n(m,m1,kz)-1,m1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,n(m,m1,kz)-1,m1,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'diag(',m,m1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,n(m,m1,kz),m1,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'cxx',cxx,' cx(',n(m,m1,kz)-2, c-debug; $ cx(n(m,m1,kz)-2),' cx(', c-debug; $ n(m,m1,kz)-1,cx(n(m,m1,kz)-1), c-debug; $ 'cxd(',m1,cxd(m1) c-debug; write(6,9414) 3,'diag(',m,m2,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,n(m,m2,kz),m2,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'diag(',m,m1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,n(m,m1,kz),m1,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'diag(',m,i,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,n(m,i,kz),i,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'cxx',cxx,'cxd(',m2,cxd(m2), c-debug; $ 'cxd(',m1,cxd(m1),'cxd(',i,cxd(i) c-debug; write(6,9415) b(1),b(2),b(3),'oxx', c-debug; $ oxx,' ox(',i-2,ox(i-2),' ox(', c-debug; $ i-1,ox(i-1),'oxdp',0,oxdp,it,ir, c-debug; $ opl(it,ir,kz),'c3-6' c-debug; endif c-debug] enddo enddo c return c endif c enddo endif c c ! include boundaries (later, fix any possible division by 0) c if ( xxo .gt. xod(3)-1.e-6 ) then c__________ cxdp = log10(zzz(kz)+xcdp) c ! interpolation in region o1: c c ! include boundaries (qchk & fac fix any possible division by 0) c if ( xxo .gt. xod(2)-1.e-6 ) then c ! handle possibility that xcdp = 0 fac = max(min((cxx-cx(1))/max(cxdp-cx(1),1.e-6),1.),0.) c do it = k1,k1+ip do ir = l1,l1+iq(it-k1+1) b(1) = qchk(is,1,oxx,co(m,1,no-2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,1,no-1,it,ir,kz),co(m,1,mo,it,ir,kz), $ ox(no-2),ox(no-1),ox(no)) b(2) = qchk(is,2,oxx,co(m,1,mo,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,2,mo,it,ir,kz),co(m,3,mo,it,ir,kz), $ oxd(1),oxd(2),oxd(3)) c ! handle possibility that xcdp = 0 opl(it,ir,kz) = b(1)+(b(2)-b(1))*fac is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( .not. abs(opl(it,ir,kz)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(1)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(2)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ ioudeb .gt. 5 ) then c-debug; write(6,9413) m,kz,xxc,xxo,xxc+xxo,xxco, c-debug; $ xc(nc),nc,(n(m,j,kz),j=1,nc) c-debug; koudeb = koudeb+1 c-debug; write(6,9414) 1,'co(m,',1,no-2,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,1,no-2,it,ir,kz),'co(m,',1, c-debug; $ no-1,it,ir,co(m,1,no-1,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'digo(',m,no-1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,1,mo,it,ir,kz),'oxx', c-debug; $ oxx,' ox(',no-2,ox(no-2),' ox(', c-debug; $ no-1,ox(no-1),' ox(',no,ox(no) c-debug; write(6,9414) 2,'digo(',m,no-1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,1,mo,it,ir,kz),'digo(',m,no-2, c-debug; $ it,ir,co(m,2,mo,it,ir,kz),'digo(',m, c-debug; $ no-3,it,ir,co(m,3,mo,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'oxx',oxx,'oxd(',1,oxd(1),'oxd(',2, c-debug; $ oxd(2),'oxd(',3,oxd(3) c-debug; write(6,9415) b(1),b(2),0.,'cxx',cxx, c-debug; $ ' cx(',1,cx(1),'cxdp',0,cxdp,'----', c-debug; $ 0,0.,it,ir,opl(it,ir,kz),'o1 ' c-debug; endif c-debug] enddo enddo c ! interpolation in region o2: else do it = k1,k1+ip do ir = l1,l1+iq(it-k1+1) b(1) = qchk(is,1,oxx,co(m,1,no-2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,1,no-1,it,ir,kz),co(m,1,mo,it,ir,kz), $ ox(no-2),ox(no-1),ox(no)) b(2) = qchk(is,2,oxx,co(m,2,n(m,2,kz)-2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,2,n(m,2,kz)-1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,2,mo,it,ir,kz), $ ox(n(m,2,kz)-2),ox(n(m,2,kz)-1),oxd(2)) b(3) = qchk(is,3,oxx,co(m,1,mo,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,2,mo,it,ir,kz),co(m,3,mo,it,ir,kz), $ oxd(1),oxd(2),oxd(3)) opl(it,ir,kz) = qchk(is,4,cxx,b(1),b(2),b(3), $ cx(1),cx(2),cxdp) is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( .not. abs(opl(it,ir,kz)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(1)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(2)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(3)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ ioudeb .gt. 5 ) then c-debug; write(6,9413) m,kz,xxc,xxo,xxc+xxo,xxco, c-debug; $ xc(nc),nc,(n(m,j,kz),j=1,nc) c-debug; koudeb = koudeb+1 c-debug; write(6,9414) 1,'co(m,',1,no-2,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,1,no-2,it,ir,kz),'co(m,',1, c-debug; $ no-1,it,ir,co(m,1,no-1,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'digo(',m,no-1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,1,mo,it,ir,kz),'oxx', c-debug; $ oxx,' ox(',no-2,ox(no-2),' ox(', c-debug; $ no-1,ox(no-1),' ox(',no,ox(no) c-debug; write(6,9414) 2,'co(m,',2,n(m,2,kz)-2,it, c-debug; $ ir,co(m,2,n(m,2,kz)-2,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'co(m,',2,n(m,2,kz)-1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,2,n(m,2,kz)-1,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'digo(',m,no-2,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,2,mo,it,ir,kz),'oxx',oxx, c-debug; $ ' ox(',n(m,2,kz)-2,ox(n(m,2,kz)-2), c-debug; $ ' ox(',n(m,2,kz)-1,ox(n(m,2,kz)-1), c-debug; $ 'oxd(',2,oxd(2) c-debug; write(6,9414) 3,'digo(',m,no-1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,1,mo,it,ir,kz),'digo(',m,no-2, c-debug; $ it,ir,co(m,2,mo,it,ir,kz),'digo(',m, c-debug; $ nc-3,it,ir,co(m,3,mo,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'oxx',oxx,'oxd(',1,oxd(1),'oxd(',2, c-debug; $ oxd(2),'oxd(',3,oxd(3) c-debug; write(6,9415) b(1),b(2),b(3),'cxx',cxx, c-debug; $ ' cx(',1,cx(1),' cx(',2,cx(2), c-debug; $ 'cxdp',0,cxdp,it,ir,opl(it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'o2 ' c-debug; endif c-debug] enddo enddo endif c return c else if ( no .ge. 5 ) then c__________ ! interpolation in regions o3 to o6: do i = 4,no-1 c c ! do not go beyond middle (where o3-o6 overlaps c3-c6), and c ! include boundaries (qchk fixes any possible division by 0) c if ( xxo .gt. xod(i)-1.e-6 .and. xxc .ge. xc(i-1)-1.e-6 $ .and. xod(i-1) .gt. xo(i-1)-1.e-6 ) then c cxdp = log10(zzz(kz)+xcdp) m2 = i-2 m1 = i-1 c do it = k1,k1+ip do ir = l1,l1+iq(it-k1+1) b(1) = qchk(is,1,oxx, $ co(m,m2,n(m,m2,kz)-2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,m2,n(m,m2,kz)-1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,m2,mo,it,ir,kz), $ ox(n(m,m2,kz)-2),ox(n(m,m2,kz)-1),oxd(m2)) b(2) = qchk(is,2,oxx, $ co(m,m1,n(m,m1,kz)-2,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,m1,n(m,m1,kz)-1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,m1,mo,it,ir,kz), $ ox(n(m,m1,kz)-2),ox(n(m,m1,kz)-1),oxd(m1)) b(3) = qchk(is,3,oxx,co(m,m2,mo,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,m1,mo,it,ir,kz),co(m,i,mo,it,ir,kz), $ oxd(m2),oxd(m1),oxd(i)) opl(it,ir,kz) = qchk(is,4,cxx,b(1),b(2),b(3), $ cx(m2),cx(m1),cxdp) is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( .not. abs(opl(it,ir,kz)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(1)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(2)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(3)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ ioudeb .gt. 5 ) then c-debug; write(6,9413) m,kz,xxc,xxo,xxc+xxo,xxco, c-debug; $ xc(nc),nc,(n(m,j,kz),j=1,nc) c-debug; koudeb = koudeb+1 c-debug; write(6,9414) 1,'co(m,',m2, c-debug; $ n(m,m2,kz)-2,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,m2,n(m,m2,kz)-2,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'co(m,',m2,n(m,m2,kz)-1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,m2,n(m,m2,kz)-1,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'digo(',m,no-m2,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,m2,mo,it,ir,kz),'oxx',oxx, c-debug; $ ' ox(',n(m,m2,kz)-2, c-debug; $ ox(n(m,m2,kz)-2),' ox(', c-debug; $ n(m,m2,kz)-1,ox(n(m,m2,kz)-1), c-debug; $ 'oxd(',m2,oxd(m2) c-debug; write(6,9414) 2,'co(m,',m1, c-debug; $ n(m,m1,kz)-2,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,m1,n(m,m1,kz)-2,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'co(m,',m1,n(m,m1,kz)-1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,m1,n(m,m1,kz)-1,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'digo(',m,no-m1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,m1,mo,it,ir,kz),'oxx',oxx, c-debug; $ ' ox(',n(m,m1,kz)-2, c-debug; $ ox(n(m,m1,kz)-2),' ox(', c-debug; $ n(m,m1,kz)-1,ox(n(m,m1,kz)-1), c-debug; $ 'oxd(',m1,oxd(m1) c-debug; write(6,9414) 3,'digo(',m,no-m2,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,m2,mo,it,ir,kz),'digo(', c-debug; $ m,no-m1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,m1,mo,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'digo(',m,no-i,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,i,mo,it,ir,kz),'oxx',oxx, c-debug; $ 'oxd(',m2,oxd(m2),'oxd(',m1, c-debug; $ oxd(m1),'oxd(',i,oxd(i) c-debug; write(6,9415) b(1),b(2),b(3),'cxx', c-debug; $ cxx,' cx(',m2,cx(m2),' cx(',m1, c-debug; $ cx(m1),'cxdp',0,cxdp,it,ir, c-debug; $ opl(it,ir,kz),'o3-6' c-debug; endif c-debug] enddo enddo c return c endif c enddo c endif c__________ ! else, interpolation in lower left of C-O grid c c.....find index of C grid c (must also allow index = nc, to avoid extrapolation) c ie = 100 * max( xxc , 0. ) + 1 i3 = max( min( indx(ie) + 1 , nc ) , 3 ) i1 = i3-2 i2 = i3-1 c c.....find index of O grid: c must also allow index = no, to avoid extrapolation c ie = 100 * max( xxo , 0. ) + 1 j3 = max( min( indx(ie) + 1 , no ) , 3 ) j1 = j3-2 j2 = j3-1 c ! lower-O part of grid: interpolate C before O: c if ( j3 .lt. no .and. i3 .le. n(m,j3,kz) .and. $ ( xxc .lt. xcd(j3)+1.e-6 .or. xxc .ge. xxo ) ) then c do it = k1,k1+ip do ir = l1,l1+iq(it-k1+1) iw = 0 do jx = j1,j1+2 iw = iw+1 c ! if i3 = n(m,jx,kz), must replace cx(i3) with cxd(jx) b(iw) = qchk(is,iw,cxx,co(m,i1,jx,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,i2,jx,it,ir,kz),co(m,i3,jx,it,ir,kz), $ cx(i1),cx(i2),min(cx(i3),cxd(jx))) enddo iw = iw+1 opl(it,ir,kz) = qchk(is,iw,oxx,b(1),b(2),b(3), $ ox(j1),ox(j2),ox(j3)) is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( .not. abs(opl(it,ir,kz)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(1)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(2)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(3)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ ioudeb .gt. 5 ) then c-debug; write(6,9413) m,kz,xxc,xxo,xxc+xxo,xxco, c-debug; $ xc(nc),nc,(n(m,j,kz),j=1,nc) c-debug; koudeb = koudeb+1 c-debug; iw = 0 c-debug; do jx = j1,j1+2 c-debug; iw = iw+1 c-debug; if ( cx(i3) .le. cxd(jx) ) then c-debug; write(6,9414) iw,'co(m,',i1,jx,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,i1,jx,it,ir,kz),'co(m,',i2, c-debug; $ jx,it,ir,co(m,i2,jx,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'co(m,',i3,jx,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,i3,jx,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'cxx',cxx,' cx(',i1,cx(i1), c-debug; $ ' cx(',i2,cx(i2),' cx(',i3,cx(i3) c-debug; else c-debug; write(6,9414) iw,'co(m,',i1,jx,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,i1,jx,it,ir,kz),'co(m,',i2, c-debug; $ jx,it,ir,co(m,i2,jx,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'co(m,',i3,jx,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,i3,jx,it,ir,kz),'cxx',cxx, c-debug; $ ' cx(',i1,cx(i1),' cx(',i2, c-debug; $ cx(i2),'cxd(',jx,cxd(jx) c-debug; endif c-debug; enddo c-debug; write(6,9415) b(1),b(2),b(3),'oxx',oxx, c-debug; $ ' ox(',j1,ox(j1),' ox(',j2,ox(j2), c-debug; $ ' ox(',j3,ox(j3),it,ir,opl(it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'CloO' c-debug; endif c-debug] enddo enddo c ! else: high-O part of grid: must interpolate O before C: else do it = k1,k1+ip do ir = l1,l1+iq(it-k1+1) iw = 0 do ix = i1,i1+2 iw = iw+1 if ( j3 .lt. n(m,ix,kz) ) then b(iw) = qchk(is,iw,oxx,co(m,ix,j1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,ix,j2,it,ir,kz),co(m,ix,j3,it,ir,kz), $ ox(j1),ox(j2),ox(j3)) else b(iw) = qchk(is,iw,oxx,co(m,ix,j1,it,ir,kz), $ co(m,ix,j2,it,ir,kz),co(m,ix,mo,it,ir,kz), $ ox(j1),ox(j2),oxd(ix)) endif enddo iw = iw+1 opl(it,ir,kz) = qchk(is,iw,cxx,b(1),b(2),b(3), $ cx(i1),cx(i2),cx(i3)) is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( .not. abs(opl(it,ir,kz)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(1)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(2)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(b(3)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ ioudeb .gt. 5 ) then c-debug; write(6,9413) m,kz,xxc,xxo,xxc+xxo, c-debug; $ xxco,xc(nc),nc,(n(m,j,kz),j=1,nc) c-debug; koudeb = koudeb+1 c-debug; iw = 0 c-debug; do ix = i1,i1+2 c-debug; iw = iw+1 c-debug; if ( j3 .lt. n(m,ix,kz) ) then c-debug; write(6,9414) iw,'co(m,',ix,j1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,ix,j1,it,ir,kz),'co(m,',ix, c-debug; $ j2,it,ir,co(m,ix,j2,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'co(m,',ix,j3,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,ix,j3,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'oxx',oxx,' ox(',j1,ox(j1), c-debug; $ ' ox(',j2,ox(j2),' ox(',j3,ox(j3) c-debug; else c-debug; write(6,9414) iw,'co(m,',ix,j1,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,ix,j1,it,ir,kz),'co(m,',ix, c-debug; $ j2,it,ir,co(m,ix,j2,it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'digo(',m,no-ix,it,ir, c-debug; $ co(m,ix,mo,it,ir,kz),'oxx',oxx, c-debug; $ ' ox(',j1,ox(j1),' ox(',j2, c-debug; $ ox(j2),'oxd(',ix,oxd(ix) c-debug; endif c-debug; enddo c-debug; write(6,9415) b(1),b(2),b(3),'cxx',cxx, c-debug; $ ' cx(',i1,cx(i1),' cx(',i2,cx(i2), c-debug; $ ' cx(',i3,cx(i3),it,ir,opl(it,ir,kz), c-debug; $ 'hi-O' c-debug; endif c-debug] enddo enddo endif c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine t6rinterp(slr,slt) c ============================= c c The purpose of this subroutine is to interpolate in logT6 and logR c NOTE THAT for 2-dimensional quadratic interpolation, IT DOES NOT MATTER c which direction is interpolated first, horizontal or vertical: the c result is the same for interpolated value and derivatives. c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c c COMMON /d_opal_z/ : c dkap = derivative of value returned by quadratic interpolation function QDER c common/d_opal_z/ dkap save /d_opal_z/ c common/bb_opal_z/ l1,l2,l3,l4,k1,k2,k3,k4,ip,iq(4),xodp,xcdp, $ xxco,cxx,oxx,kzf,kzg,kzh,kzf2 save /bb_opal_z/ c-debug[ c-debug; common/outdeb/ ioudeb,oudebl,koudeb c-debug] c c=== dix2 = max(min((alr(l3)-slr)*dfsr(l3),1.),0.) is = 0 iu = 0 c ! for each of the 3 or 4 T values, interpolate in R: do kx = k1,k1+ip c ! interpolate quadratically among (first) 3 R-values iu = iu+1 h(iu) = qder(is,1,slr,opl(kx,l1,1),opl(kx,l2,1),opl(kx,l3,1), $ alr(l1),alr(l2),alr(l3)) q(iu) = dkap c ! if are 4 R-values at this T: mix quadratics if ( iq(iu) .eq. 3 ) then h(iu) = dix2*h(iu)+(1.-dix2)*qder(is,2,slr,opl(kx,l2,1), $ opl(kx,l3,1),opl(kx,l4,1),alr(l2),alr(l3),alr(l4)) q(iu) = dix2*q(iu)+(1.-dix2)*dkap endif is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( ioudeb .gt. 3 .or. .not. abs(h(iu)) .le. oudebl .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(q(iu)) .le. oudebl ) then c-debug; if ( ioudeb .le. 3 .or. iu .eq. 1 ) write(6,*) ' ' c-debug; write(6,8912) m,kx,slr,h(iu),q(iu), c-debug; $ (kx,j,alr(j),opl(kx,j,1),j=l1,l1+iq(iu)) c-debug; 8912 format(' T6RINTERP(x',i1,',t',i2.2') R',f10.6, c-debug; $ ' : K,dKdR =',2g15.7,' <-- it,ir,R,K:', c-debug; $ 4(i4,i3,f10.6,f11.7)) c-debug; koudeb = koudeb+1 c-debug; endif c-debug] enddo c c interpolate in (first) 3 T-values: get opacity, T-derivative, R-derivative: c note that QDER and QUAD share the same storage, so calling one sets up for c the other as well, and quad(1,...) may correctly follow qder(0,...). c opk(m,1) = qder(0,3,slt,h(1),h(2),h(3),alt(k1),alt(k2),alt(k3)) opk(m,2) = dkap opk(m,3) = quad(1,3,slt,q(1),q(2),q(3),alt(k1),alt(k2),alt(k3)) c c ! if there are 4 T-values: mix quadratics if ( ip .eq. 3 ) then dix = max(min((alt(k3)-slt)*dfs(k3),1.),0.) opk(m,1) = opk(m,1)*dix+(1.-dix) $ *qder(0,4,slt,h(2),h(3),h(4),alt(k2),alt(k3),alt(k4)) opk(m,2) = opk(m,2)*dix+dkap*(1.-dix) opk(m,3) = opk(m,3)*dix+(1.-dix) $ *quad(1,4,slt,q(2),q(3),q(4),alt(k2),alt(k3),alt(k4)) endif opk(m,4) = opk(m,2)-3.*opk(m,3) c-debug[ c-debug; if ( .not. abs(opk(m,1)) .le. oudebl .or. ioudeb .gt. 2 ) then c-debug; write(6,8913) m, (1.-dix)*(ip-2), (1.-dix2)*(iq(1)-2), c-debug; $ slt,k1,ip,slr,l1,iq(1),iq(2),iq(3),iq(ip+1), c-debug; $ opk(m,1),opk(m,2),opk(m,3),opk(m,4), c-debug; $ (j,alt(j),h(j-k1+1),q(j-k1+1),j=k1,k1+ip) c-debug; 8913 format(' '/' T6RINTERP(x',i1,') fhiT',f9.6,' fhiR',f9.6, c-debug; $ ' logT6',f10.6,' (',i2,'+',i1,') logR',f10.6,' (',i2,'+', c-debug; $ 4i1,') logK',g15.7,' DT',f12.7,' DR',f12.7,' DTro',f12.7/ c-debug; $ ' T6RINTERP(x1) fhiT',f9.6,' fhiR',f9.6, c-debug; $ ' <-- it,T,K,dKdR',4(i4,f10.6,2f11.7)) c-debug; koudeb = koudeb+1 c-debug; endif c-debug] if ( opk(m,1) .gt. 1.e+5 ) then write(6,10) m,10.**slt,k1,ip,slr,l1,iq(1),iq(2),iq(3), $ iq(ip+1),opk(m,1) 10 format(' '/' T6RINTERP(m=',i1,') T6=',f15.9,':',i2,'+',i1, $ ' logR',f12.7,':',i2,'+',4i1,' logK',e10.3/ $ ' STOP -- interpolation indices out of range:', $ ' PLEASE REPORT CONDITIONS') stop endif c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine qzlog4int( zlogd ) c ============================= c c..... this subroutine performs bi-quadratic interpolation of logKappa in the c log10(Z_i+zdel) values stored in the array zvint(nz), for each of the c relevant positions in the C,O-interpolated opacity matrix opl(nt,nr,nz) c (given the input values Z and zdel). Note that this subroutine uses c the quadratic-interpolation function quad. Depending on the number of c Z-values to interpolate among, single-quadratic or linear interpolation c may be used instead. Note that zlogd = log10(Z+zdel). c c NOTE that since errors in the opacities may be large compared to the c opacity differences between opacities at adjacent Z-values, quadratic c interpolation is forced to be monotonic by using values at adjacent c tabulated Z-values as upper and lower limits. No such restriction is c placed on extrapolated values. c c PARAMETERS to specify opacity storage matrices (see OPALINIT): c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c c COMMON /a_opal_z/ : matrices for opacity storage (see OPALINIT): c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c c COMMON /bb_opal_z/ : some indices & abundances for T6,R and C,O interpolation c common/bb_opal_z/ l1,l2,l3,l4,k1,k2,k3,k4,ip,iq(4),xodp,xcdp, $ xxco,cxx,oxx,kzf,kzg,kzh,kzf2 save /bb_opal_z/ c c-debug[ c-debug; common/outdeb/ ioudeb,oudebl,koudeb c-debug] c=== c ! bi-quadratic interpolation: if ( kzf2 .gt. kzh ) then c v1 = zvint(kzf) v2 = zvint(kzg) v3 = zvint(kzh) v4 = zvint(kzf2) f = ( v3 - zlogd ) / ( v3 - v2 ) omf = 1. - f c is = 0 do it = k1, k1 + ip do ir = l1, l1 + iq(it-k1+1) vkl = opl(it,ir,kzg) vkh = opl(it,ir,kzh) v0 = max( min(vkl,vkh) , min( max(vkl,vkh) , $ f * quad(is,15,zlogd,opl(it,ir,kzf),vkl,vkh, $ v1,v2,v3) + omf * quad(is,30,zlogd, $ vkl,vkh,opl(it,ir,kzf2),v2,v3,v4) ) ) is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( ioudeb .gt. 4 .or. .not. abs(v0) .le. oudebl ) then c-debug; if ( ioudeb .le. 4 .or. ( it .eq. k1 .and. c-debug; $ ir .eq. l1 ) ) write(6,*) ' ' c-debug; write(6,8912) m,it,ir,zlogd,v0, c-debug; $ (j,zvint(j),opl(it,ir,j),j=kzf,kzf2) c-debug; 8912 format(' QZLOG4INT(x',i1,',t',i2.2,',r',i2.2,') Z', c-debug; $ f10.6,' : K =',g15.7,' <-- iz,Z,K:', c-debug; $ 4(i4,f10.6,f11.7)) c-debug; koudeb = koudeb+1 c-debug; endif c-debug] opl(it,ir,1) = v0 enddo enddo c ! quadratic interpolation: else if ( kzh .gt. kzg ) then c v1 = zvint(kzf) v2 = zvint(kzg) v3 = zvint(kzh) is = 0 if ( zlogd .le. v2 .and. zlogd .ge. v1 ) then do it = k1, k1 + ip do ir = l1, l1 + iq(it-k1+1) vkl = opl(it,ir,kzf) vkh = opl(it,ir,kzg) v0 = max( min(vkl,vkh) , min( max(vkl,vkh) , $ quad(is,30,zlogd, $ vkl,vkh,opl(it,ir,kzh),v1,v2,v3) ) ) is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( ioudeb .gt. 4 .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(v0) .le. oudebl ) then c-debug; if ( ioudeb .le. 4 .or. ( it .eq. k1 .and. c-debug; $ ir .eq. l1 ) ) write(6,*) ' ' c-debug; write(6,8912) m,it,ir,zlogd,v0, c-debug; $ (j,zvint(j),opl(it,ir,j),j=kzf,kzh) c-debug; koudeb = koudeb+1 c-debug; endif c-debug] opl(it,ir,1) = v0 enddo enddo else if ( zlogd .ge. v2 .and. zlogd .le. v3 ) then do it = k1, k1 + ip do ir = l1, l1 + iq(it-k1+1) vkl = opl(it,ir,kzg) vkh = opl(it,ir,kzh) v0 = max( min(vkl,vkh) , min( max(vkl,vkh) , $ quad(is,30,zlogd, $ opl(it,ir,kzf),vkl,vkh,v1,v2,v3) ) ) is = 1 c-debug[ c-debug; if ( ioudeb .gt. 4 .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(v0) .le. oudebl ) then c-debug; if ( ioudeb .le. 4 .or. ( it .eq. k1 .and. c-debug; $ ir .eq. l1 ) ) write(6,*) ' ' c-debug; write(6,8912) m,it,ir,zlogd,v0, c-debug; $ (j,zvint(j),opl(it,ir,j),j=kzf,kzh) c-debug; koudeb = koudeb+1 c-debug; endif c-debug] opl(it,ir,1) = v0 enddo enddo else do it = k1, k1 + ip do ir = l1, l1 + iq(it-k1+1) v0 = quad(is,30,zlogd,opl(it,ir,kzf), $ opl(it,ir,kzg),opl(it,ir,kzh),v1,v2,v3) c-debug[ c-debug; if ( ioudeb .gt. 4 .or. c-debug; $ .not. abs(v0) .le. oudebl ) then c-debug; if ( ioudeb .le. 4 .or. ( it .eq. k1 .and. c-debug; $ ir .eq. l1 ) ) write(6,*) ' ' c-debug; write(6,8912) m,it,ir,zlogd,v0, c-debug; $ (j,zvint(j),opl(it,ir,j),j=kzf,kzh) c-debug; koudeb = koudeb+1 c-debug; endif c-debug] opl(it,ir,1) = v0 is = 1 enddo enddo endif c ! linear interpolation: else if ( kzg .gt. kzf ) then c f = ( zvint(kzg) - zlogd ) $ / ( zvint(kzg) - zvint(kzf) ) omf = 1. - f do it = k1, k1 + ip do ir = l1, l1 + iq(it-k1+1) v0 = f * opl(it,ir,kzf) + omf * opl(it,ir,kzg) c-debug[ c-debug; if ( ioudeb .gt. 4 .or. .not. abs(v0) .le. oudebl ) then c-debug; if ( ioudeb .le. 4 .or. ( it .eq. k1 .and. c-debug; $ ir .eq. l1 ) ) write(6,*) ' ' c-debug; write(6,8912) m,it,ir,zlogd,v0, c-debug; $ (j,zvint(j),opl(it,ir,j),j=kzf,kzg) c-debug; koudeb = koudeb+1 c-debug; endif c-debug] opl(it,ir,1) = v0 enddo enddo c ! or no interpolation: else if ( kzf .ne. 1 ) then c do it = k1, k1 + ip do ir = l1, l1 + iq(it-k1+1) opl(it,ir,1) = opl(it,ir,kzf) enddo enddo c endif c return end c c****************************************************************************** c function quad(ic,i,x,y1,y2,y3,x1,x2,x3) c ======================================= c c..... this function performs a quadratic interpolation. c c Storage for dx_i values that need not be computed on each call (see "ic"); c NOTE that this same storage is used by all of QUAD, QDER, and QCHK. c common/coquad_opal_z/ xx12(30),xx13(30),xx23(30),xx1pxx2(30) save /coquad_opal_z/ c___ dimension xx(3),yy(3) c=== xx(1) = x1 yy(1) = y1 yy(2) = y2 yy(3) = y3 c ! quad may be called many times with same x1,x2,x3; c ! compute & store X-deltas only if flag ic says so: if ( ic .eq. 0 ) then xx(2) = x2 xx(3) = x3 xx12(i) = 1./(xx(1)-xx(2)) xx13(i) = 1./(xx(1)-xx(3)) xx23(i) = 1./(xx(2)-xx(3)) xx1pxx2(i) = xx(1)+xx(2) endif c c3 = ( (yy(1)-yy(2))*xx12(i) - (yy(2)-yy(3))*xx23(i) ) * xx13(i) c2 = (yy(1)-yy(2))*xx12(i) - xx1pxx2(i) * c3 c1 = yy(1) - xx(1) * ( c2 + xx(1) * c3 ) quad = c1+x*(c2+x*c3) return end c c****************************************************************************** c function qder(ic,i,x,y1,y2,y3,x1,x2,x3) c ======================================= c c..... this function performs a quadratic interpolation; it is identical to the c function quad, except that it also computes the derivative dkap of the c quadratic at the given position x (see common /d_opal_z/ below). c c COMMON /d_opal_z/ : dkap returns the derivative (in interpolation-direction) c common/d_opal_z/ dkap save /d_opal_z/ c c Storage for dx_i values that need not be computed on each call (see "ic"); c NOTE that this same storage is used by all of QUAD, QDER, and QCHK. c common/coquad_opal_z/ xx12(30),xx13(30),xx23(30),xx1pxx2(30) save /coquad_opal_z/ c___ dimension xx(3),yy(3) c=== xx(1) = x1 yy(1) = y1 yy(2) = y2 yy(3) = y3 c ! qder may be called many times with same x1,x2,x3; c ! compute & store X-deltas only if flag ic says so: if ( ic .eq. 0 ) then xx(2) = x2 xx(3) = x3 xx12(i) = 1./(xx(1)-xx(2)) xx13(i) = 1./(xx(1)-xx(3)) xx23(i) = 1./(xx(2)-xx(3)) xx1pxx2(i) = xx(1)+xx(2) endif c c3 = ( (yy(1)-yy(2))*xx12(i) - (yy(2)-yy(3))*xx23(i) ) * xx13(i) c2 = (yy(1)-yy(2))*xx12(i) - xx1pxx2(i) * c3 c1 = yy(1) - xx(1) * ( c2 + xx(1) * c3 ) dkap = c2+(x+x)*c3 qder = c1+x*(c2+x*c3) return end c c****************************************************************************** c function qchk(ic,i,x,y1,y2,y3,x1,x2,x3) c ======================================= c c..... this function calls quad(ic,i,x,y1,y2,y3,x1,x2,x3) to perform a c quadratic interpolation, but first checks whether any pair of x-values c is too close together to make a quadratic interpolation reasonable; c if this is the case, something more nearly linear is used instead. c Also, for C or O < 0.0 (i.e., x < x1 < x3, as can occur for CNO-depleted c matter), linear extrapolation is used. Note that opacity derivatives c are not needed for C-O interpolation, and are not computed. c c QCHK is really neaded only for Z slightly less than 0.02, 0.05, or 0.07, or c for 0.03 < Z < 0.05 or 0.08 < Z < 0.1, where the C+O=1-X-Z line for one c or more of the X-values passes very close above one of the usual C-O grid c points; this can result in quadratic interpolation errors in the opacities c of more than an order of magnitude. The solution is to avoid using a c quadratic fit if two of the three x-values are too close together. c c QCHK is used ONLY for interpolating in C and O; it is not needed elsewhere. c c NOTE that if a quadratic is fitted through 3 points with a large c interval R=(x2-x1) with values differing by D=(y2-y1), next to a much c smaller interval r=(x3-x2) with values differing by d=(y3-y2), and c the close-together points y2 and y3 have a relative error E, then c at the middle of the large interval R this error is magnified by c a factor of (1/4)(R/r). At the middle of the interval R, the c difference between a linear and a quadratic is (1/4)[D-(R/r)d]; c if this is less than the magnified error (1/4)(R/r)E, i.e., c if E > | (r/R)D - d | , then the linear fit is better. For Z < 0.04, c the opacity errors should be a few percent, and the RELATIVE error c bewteen adjacent nearly-identical compositions may be much smaller: c for example, in G91x35z03, compare the following tables: c TABLE # 7 Grvss'91 (12/92) X=0.3500 Y=0.0200 Z=0.0300 dXc=0.6000 dXo=0.0000 c TABLE # 15 Grvss'91 (12/92) X=0.3500 Y=0.0100 Z=0.0300 dXc=0.6000 dXo=0.0100 c TABLE # 16 Grvss'91 (12/92) X=0.3500 Y=0.0000 Z=0.0300 dXc=0.6100 dXo=0.0100 c Systematic opacity differences between these tables appear to be of c order 0.01 or less in general, and RANDOM error in these differences c appears to be at most of order 0.001 (i.e., 0.2 percent). In QCHK, a c quadratic-error magnification of nearly 3 is allowed (R/r=11.5) before c beginning to switch over to linear interpolation; the switch-over is c complete at R/r=24. The ratios used in the code are actually r/(r+R). c parameter ( ratbeg=0.08, ratful=0.04, ratdel=1./(ratbeg-ratful) ) c c Storage for factors that need not be computed on each call (see "ic"); c NOTE that QCHK calls QUAD: the QUAD/QDER storage is controlled by "ic" too. c common/coqchk_opal_z/ facq(30),iokq(30),iloq(30),i1q(30),i2q(30), $ dxinvq(30),xloq(30),flin2(30),flin3(30),lin(30) save /coqchk_opal_z/ c___ dimension xx(3),yy(3),r(3) c=== c ! qchk may be called many times with same x1,x2,x3; c ! compute & store X-deltas only if flag ic says so: if ( ic .eq. 0 ) then xx(1) = x1 xx(2) = x2 xx(3) = x3 r(1) = abs(xx(3)-xx(2)) r(2) = abs(xx(3)-xx(1)) r(3) = abs(xx(2)-xx(1)) if ( xx(3) - xx(1) .gt. 1.e-6 ) then lin(i) = 1 omf = max( 0. , min( 1. , $ ( xx(3) - xx(1) ) / max( xx(2) - xx(1) , 1.e-6 ) ) ) flin3(i) = omf / ( xx(3) - xx(1) ) flin2(i) = ( 1. - omf ) / max( xx(2) - xx(1) , 1.e-6 ) else lin(i) = 0 endif dxrat = min(r(1),r(2),r(3))/max(r(1),r(2),r(3)) if ( dxrat .ge. ratbeg ) then iokq(i) = 1 else if ( r(3) .lt. min(r(1),r(2)) ) then iloq(i) = 3 else if ( r(2) .lt. r(1) ) then iloq(i) = 2 else iloq(i) = 1 endif i1q(i) = mod(iloq(i),3)+1 i2q(i) = 6-i1q(i)-iloq(i) xloq(i) = xx(iloq(i)) dxinvq(i) = 1./((xx(i1q(i))+xx(i2q(i)))*.5-xloq(i)) if ( dxrat .gt. ratful ) then iokq(i) = 0 facq(i) = (dxrat-ratful)*ratdel else iokq(i) = -1 facq(i) = 0. endif endif endif c if ( x .lt. x1 ) then if ( lin(i) .gt. 0 ) then qchk = ( ( y2 - y1 ) * flin2(i) + ( y3 - y1 ) * flin3(i) ) $ * ( x - x1 ) + y1 return endif endif c if ( iokq(i) .gt. 0 ) then qchk = quad(ic,i,x,y1,y2,y3,x1,x2,x3) else yy(1) = y1 yy(2) = y2 yy(3) = y3 if ( iokq(i) .lt. 0 ) then qchk = ((yy(i1q(i))+yy(i2q(i)))*.5-yy(iloq(i))) $ *(x-xloq(i))*dxinvq(i)+yy(iloq(i)) else qchk = (((yy(i1q(i))+yy(i2q(i)))*.5-yy(iloq(i))) $ *(x-xloq(i))*dxinvq(i)+yy(iloq(i)))*(1.-facq(i)) $ +facq(i)*quad(ic,i,x,y1,y2,y3,x1,x2,x3) endif endif return end c c****************************************************************************** c function qzinter(ic,i,z,nmorez,f1,f2,f3,f4,z1,z2,z3,z4,zdel) c ============================================================ c c..... this function performs linear, quadratic, or bi-quadratic interpolation, c of logKappa in log(Z+zdel), for nmorez = 1, 2, or 3, respectively; c inputs are Z, nmorez = one less than the number of Z-values to c interpolate among, logKappa values f1 thru f4, Z-values z1 thru z4, and c zdel = 0.001 to make things work correctly near Z = 0. Note that this c function is also sometimes used to interpolate in X or C or O. It makes c use of the quadratic-interpolation function quad. c c Storage for values that need not be computed on each call: c common/qzint_opal_z/ v(15,5),f(15),omf(15) save /qzint_opal_z/ c=== if ( ic .eq. 0 ) then if ( nmorez .gt. 0 ) then if ( zdel .lt. 1.e-5 .or. zdel .gt. 0.1011 ) stop $ ' STOP -- QZINTER: bad Zdel value. ' v(i,1) = log10(z1+zdel) v(i,2) = log10(z2+zdel) v(i,5) = log10(z+zdel) if ( nmorez .eq. 1 ) then f(i) = (v(i,2)-v(i,5))/(v(i,2)-v(i,1)) omf(i) = 1.-f(i) else v(i,3) = log10(z3+zdel) if ( nmorez .ge. 3 ) then v(i,4) = log10(z4+zdel) f(i) = (v(i,3)-v(i,5))/(v(i,3)-v(i,2)) omf(i) = 1.-f(i) endif endif endif c-debug[ c-debug; else if ( nmorez .gt. 0 ) then c-debug; if ( max( abs( v(i,1) - log10(z1+zdel) ) , c-debug; $ abs( v(i,2) - log10(z2+zdel) ) , c-debug; $ abs( v(i,5) - log10(z+zdel) ) ) .gt. 1.e-5 ) stop c-debug; $ ' STOP -- QZINTER: Error: expected same X-values. ' c-debug; if ( nmorez .eq. 1 ) then c-debug; if ( abs( f(i) - (v(i,2)-v(i,5))/(v(i,2)-v(i,1)) ) .gt. c-debug; $ 1.e-5 ) stop c-debug; $ ' STOP -- QZINTER: Error: expected same X-values. ' c-debug; else c-debug; if ( abs( v(i,3) - log10(z3+zdel) ) .gt. 1.e-5 ) stop c-debug; $ ' STOP -- QZINTER: Error: expected same X-values. ' c-debug; if ( nmorez .ge. 3 ) then c-debug; if ( max( abs( v(i,4) - log10(z4+zdel) ) , c-debug; $ abs( f(i) - (v(i,3)-v(i,5))/(v(i,3)-v(i,2)) ) ) c-debug; $ .gt. 1.e-5 ) stop c-debug; $ ' STOP -- QZINTER: Error: expected same X-values. ' c-debug; endif c-debug; endif c-debug] endif c if ( nmorez .le. 0 ) then qzinter = f1 else if ( nmorez .eq. 1 ) then qzinter = max( min( f(i)*f1 + omf(i)*f2 , max(f1,f2) ) , $ min(f1,f2) ) else if ( nmorez .eq. 2 ) then if ( v(i,5) .lt. v(i,2) ) then vlo = min(f1,f2) vhi = max(f1,f2) else vlo = min(f2,f3) vhi = max(f2,f3) endif qzinter = max( min ( quad(ic,i,v(i,5),f1,f2,f3, $ v(i,1),v(i,2),v(i,3)) , vhi ) , vlo ) else qzinter = max( min ( f(i)*quad(ic,i,v(i,5),f1,f2,f3, $ v(i,1),v(i,2),v(i,3)) + omf(i)*quad(ic,i+15, $ v(i,5),f2,f3,f4,v(i,2),v(i,3),v(i,4)) , $ max(f2,f3) ) , min(f2,f3) ) endif c return end c c****************************************************************************** c function mixfind(iu,iofe,igetzxi,irew,itab,l,zget,xget,cget,oget) c ================================================================= c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c parameter ( ks81=ntm-3, ks83=ks81+1, ks60=ks81-21, ks61=ks60+1, $ alrlo=-8.0, flogtlo=3.75, flogt60=6.0, flogt81=8.1 ) c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c parameter ( nel_zmix=19, n_zmixes=5, kel_o=3, kel_fe=nel_zmix-1 ) c character*2 cel_opalmixes(nel_zmix) character*8 cfile_opalmixes(n_zmixes) common/opalmixes/ xiz_mix(nel_zmix),fninz_mix(nel_zmix), $ bracketife_mix(nel_zmix),bracketofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes), $ xofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes),xiz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ fninz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ cel_opalmixes,cfile_opalmixes save /opalmixes/ c parameter ( n_totmix = n_zmixes + 5, n_cnobeg = n_zmixes + 1 ) c character*255 cfile_opalGS98(n_totmix) common /opalGS98mixes/ bracketofe_opalGS98(n_totmix), $ xofe_opalGS98(n_totmix),xiz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix), $ fninz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix),atwt_opalGS98(nel_zmix), $ cfile_opalGS98 save /opalGS98mixes/ c___ character*255 cin character*1 ch(255) equivalence (ch(1),cin) c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; common /mixfind_opal_debug_chk/ iout_debug_chk(-10:10) c-debug-chk;c--- c-debug-chk; data iout_debug_chk / 21 * 99999 / c-debug-chk] c=== ifound = 0 cin = ' ' c ! if must rewind to beginning of file: if ( irew .ne. 0 ) then c rewind(iu) l = 0 c ! else, if must get Xi/Z values: else if ( igetzxi .ne. 0 ) then c do while( cin(1:31) .ne. ' Element Abundance - relative' ) l = l + 1 read(iu,'(a255)',end=900) cin enddo sum_X = 0. sum_XoverA = 0. kel = 1 c ! begin loop to get Xi/Z values do while( kel .le. nel_zmix ) l = l + 1 read(iu,'(a255)',end=900) cin if ( cin(1:16) .eq. ' Table Summaries' ) goto 50 ke = 255 do while( ke .gt. 1 .and. ch(ke) .eq. ' ' ) ke = ke-1 enddo kb = 1 do while( kb .le. ke .and. ch(kb) .eq. ' ' ) kb = kb+1 enddo if ( cin(kb:kb+1) .eq. cel_opalmixes(kel) ) then c ! get Ni if ( ke .lt. kb+20 ) goto 50 read(cin(ke-8:ke),'(f9.6)',err=50) vx c ! last may be atomic wt if ( vx .gt. 1.000001 ) then ke = ke-9 do while( ke .gt. 1 .and. ch(ke) .eq. ' ' ) ke = ke-1 enddo if ( ke .lt. kb+20 ) goto 50 read(cin(ke-8:ke),'(f9.6)',err=50) vx endif sum_X = sum_X + vx sum_XoverA = sum_XoverA + vx / atwt_opalGS98(kel) c ! get Xi ke = ke-9 do while( ke .gt. 1 .and. ch(ke) .eq. ' ' ) ke = ke-1 enddo if ( ke .lt. kb+11 ) goto 50 read(cin(ke-7:ke),'(f8.6)',err=50) vn c if ( iofe .lt. 0 ) then if ( igetzxi .gt. 0 ) then c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( iout_debug_chk(iofe) .gt. 0 ) then c-debug-chk; if ( kel .eq. 1 ) write(6,3813) iofe, c-debug-chk; $ cfile_opalGS98(-iofe) c-debug-chk; 3813 format(' '/' Mix in GS98hz and in file',i3, c-debug-chk; $ ' = ',a40/ c-debug-chk; $ ' i el GS98:Ni GS98:Xi', c-debug-chk; $ ' stored:Ni stored:Xi read:Ni ', c-debug-chk; $ ' read:Xi sto[i/Fe]'/ c-debug-chk; $ ' -- -- --------- ---------', c-debug-chk; $ ' --------- --------- ---------', c-debug-chk; $ ' --------- --------') c-debug-chk; write(6,3814) kel, cel_opalmixes(kel), c-debug-chk; $ fninz_opalGS98(kel,1), c-debug-chk; $ xiz_opalGS98(kel,1), c-debug-chk; $ fninz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe), c-debug-chk; $ xiz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe), vn, vx, c-debug-chk; $ log10( ( c-debug-chk; $ max(fninz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe),1.e-36) c-debug-chk; $ * fninz_opalGS98(kel_fe,1) ) c-debug-chk; $ / ( max(fninz_opalGS98(kel_fe,-iofe), c-debug-chk; $ 1.e-36) * fninz_opalGS98(kel,1) ) ) c-debug-chk; 3814 format(i3,': ',a2,' --',6f10.7,f9.5) c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] xiz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe) = vx fninz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe) = vn else if ( max( abs( fninz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe) - vn ) $ , abs( xiz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe) - vx ) ) $ .gt. 1.5e-5 ) then write(6,35) cel_opalmixes(kel), $ cfile_opalGS98(-iofe)(1: $ lnblnk(cfile_opalGS98(-iofe))), $ vx,xiz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe), $ vn,fninz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe) 35 format(' '/' READCO: Warning: stored value', $ ' differs from new Xi/Z for ',a2, $ ' in GS98 file:'/' ',a/ $ ' new Xi/Z',f9.6,' vs.',f9.6, $ ' , new Ni/Nz',f9.6,' vs.',f9.6/' ') endif else if ( igetzxi .gt. 0 ) then xiz_opalmixes(kel,iofe) = vx fninz_opalmixes(kel,iofe) = vn c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( iout_debug_chk(iofe) .gt. 0 ) then c-debug-chk; if ( kel .eq. 1 ) write(6,3813) iofe, c-debug-chk; $ cfile_opalmixes(iofe) c-debug-chk; write(6,3814) kel, cel_opalmixes(kel), c-debug-chk; $ fninz_opalmixes(kel,1), c-debug-chk; $ xiz_opalmixes(kel,1), c-debug-chk; $ fninz_opalmixes(kel,iofe), c-debug-chk; $ xiz_opalmixes(kel,iofe), vn, vx, c-debug-chk; $ log10( c-debug-chk; $ ( max(fninz_opalmixes(kel,iofe),1.e-36) c-debug-chk; $ * fninz_opalmixes(kel_fe,1) ) c-debug-chk; $ / ( max(fninz_opalmixes(kel_fe,iofe), c-debug-chk; $ 1.e-36) * fninz_opalmixes(kel,1) ) ) c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] else if ( max( abs( fninz_opalmixes(kel,iofe) - vn ) , $ abs( xiz_opalmixes(kel,iofe) - vx ) ) $ .gt. 1.5e-5 ) then write(6,40) cel_opalmixes(kel),cfile_opalmixes(iofe), $ vx,xiz_opalmixes(kel,iofe), $ vn,fninz_opalmixes(kel,iofe) 40 format(' '/' READCO: Warning: new Xi/Z for ',a2, $ ' in ',a8,' mix differs from stored value:'/ $ ' new Xi/Z',f9.6,' vs.',f9.6, $ ' , new Ni/Nz',f9.6,' vs.',f9.6/' ') c c-dont; goto 60 endif kel = kel+1 endif c ! end of loop to get Xi/Z values enddo c ! check Xi vs Ni; get xO/xFe and [O/Fe] if ( igetzxi .gt. 0 ) then kel_err = 0 if ( iofe .lt. 0 ) then do kel = 1, nel_zmix if ( abs( xiz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe) $ / ( atwt_opalGS98(kel) * sum_XoverA ) $ - fninz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe) ) .gt. 0.00001 ) then kel_err = kel_err + 1 write(6,4613) kel, cel_opalmixes(kel), iofe, $ fninz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe), $ xiz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe) $ / ( atwt_opalGS98(kel) * sum_XoverA ) 4613 format(' READCO: Error in element',i3, $ ' = "',a2,'" when reading in mix',i3,':'/ $ ' number fraction',f10.6,' does not match', $ f10.6,' = (Xi/Ai) / [Sum{Xi/Ai}]') endif xiz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe) = $ xiz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe) / sum_X fninz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe) = xiz_opalGS98(kel,-iofe) $ / ( atwt_opalGS98(kel) * sum_XoverA ) enddo c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( iout_debug_chk(iofe) .gt. 0 ) then c-debug-chk; write(6,3815) xofe_opalGS98(1), c-debug-chk; $ bracketofe_opalGS98(1), c-debug-chk; $ xofe_opalGS98(-iofe), c-debug-chk; $ bracketofe_opalGS98(-iofe), c-debug-chk; $ fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,-iofe) c-debug-chk; $ / max(fninz_opalGS98(kel_fe,-iofe),1.e-36), c-debug-chk; $ log10( ( fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,-iofe) c-debug-chk; $ / max(fninz_opalGS98(kel_fe,-iofe),1.e-36) ) c-debug-chk; $ / xofe_opalGS98(1) ) c-debug-chk; 3815 format('O/Fe,[O/Fe]',6f10.6/' ') c-debug-chk; iout_debug_chk(iofe) = iout_debug_chk(iofe) - 1 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] xofe_opalGS98(-iofe) = fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,-iofe) $ / max( fninz_opalGS98(kel_fe,-iofe) , 1.e-36 ) bracketofe_opalGS98(-iofe) = log10( max( 1.e-36 , $ xofe_opalGS98(-iofe) / xofe_opalGS98(1) ) ) else do kel = 1, nel_zmix if ( abs( xiz_opalmixes(kel,iofe) $ / ( atwt_opalGS98(kel) * sum_XoverA ) $ - fninz_opalmixes(kel,iofe) ) .gt. 0.00001 ) then kel_err = kel_err + 1 write(6,4613) kel, cel_opalmixes(kel), iofe, $ fninz_opalmixes(kel,iofe), $ xiz_opalmixes(kel,iofe) $ / ( atwt_opalGS98(kel) * sum_XoverA ) endif xiz_opalmixes(kel,iofe) = $ xiz_opalmixes(kel,iofe) / sum_X fninz_opalmixes(kel,iofe) = xiz_opalmixes(kel,iofe) $ / ( atwt_opalGS98(kel) * sum_XoverA ) enddo c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( iout_debug_chk(iofe) .gt. 0 ) then c-debug-chk; write(6,3815) xofe_opalmixes(1), c-debug-chk; $ bracketofe_opalmixes(1), c-debug-chk; $ xofe_opalmixes(iofe), c-debug-chk; $ bracketofe_opalmixes(iofe), c-debug-chk; $ fninz_opalmixes(kel_o,iofe) c-debug-chk; $ / max(fninz_opalmixes(kel_fe,iofe),1.e-36), c-debug-chk; $ log10( ( fninz_opalmixes(kel_o,iofe) c-debug-chk; $ / max(fninz_opalmixes(kel_fe,iofe),1.e-36) ) c-debug-chk; $ / xofe_opalmixes(1) ) c-debug-chk; iout_debug_chk(iofe) = iout_debug_chk(iofe) - 1 c-debug-chk; endif c-debug-chk] xofe_opalmixes(iofe) = fninz_opalmixes(kel_o,iofe) $ / max( fninz_opalmixes(kel_fe,iofe) , 1.e-36 ) bracketofe_opalmixes(iofe) = log10( max( 1.e-36 , $ xofe_opalmixes(iofe) / xofe_opalmixes(1) ) ) endif if ( kel_err .ne. 0 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: Incompatible Ni vs. Xi read in. ' endif c ! no read error: jump to continuation goto 60 c ! if error reading Xi/Z values, say so 50 write(6,20) kel 20 format(' '/' READCO: Warning: error reading', $ ' Z-abundance fractions at element',i3/' ') if ( igetzxi .ge. 9 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: Cannot get mix from user [O/Fe]-file. ' c c ! continuation 60 continue c ! end of reading Xi/Z values in file header endif c ! find start of tables if ( irew .ne. 0 .or. igetzxi .ne. 0 ) then do while( cin(1:30) .ne. '******************************' ) l = l + 1 read(iu,'(a255)',end=900) cin enddo igetzxi = 0 endif c ! look for mix with required composition: do while ( ifound .eq. 0 ) l = l + 1 read(iu,'(a255)',end=900) cin if ( cin(1:7) .eq. 'TABLE #' ) then ke = 90 do while( ke .gt. 1 .and. ch(ke) .eq. ' ' ) ke = ke-1 enddo if ( ke .lt. 60 ) goto 900 read(cin(ke-48:ke),100) xat,yat,zat,cat,oat 100 format(3(3x,f6.4),2(5x,f6.4)) if ( max(abs(zat-zget),abs(xat-xget), $ abs(cat-cget),abs(oat-oget)) .lt. 1.e-6 ) ifound = -1 endif enddo c ! found required mix: read its table number read(cin(8:10),105) itabat 105 format(i3) c ! if it does not consecutively follow previous table, may need c ! to rewind back to beginning of file for next composition irew = 0 if ( itabat .ne. itab+1 ) irew = 1 itab = itabat c ! check log R values in table head do i = 1,3 l = l + 1 read(iu,'(a255)',end=900) cin enddo l = l + 1 read(iu,110,err=900,end=900) cin(1:4),(alrf(i),i=1,nrm) 110 format(a4,f6.1,18f7.1) c ! this may or may not be useful/correct if ( cin(1:4) .ne. 'logT' .or. $ abs(alrf(1)-alrlo) .gt. 1.e-5 ) goto 900 c do k = 2,nrm if ( abs(alrf(k)-alrf(k-1)-0.5) .gt. 1.e-5 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO: bad log R value in table read in. ' enddo c ! read blank line before first table line l = l + 1 read(iu,'(a255)',end=900) cin c ! table header lines appear correct: ifound = iabs( ifound ) c ! return 900 mixfind = ifound c-debug-chk[ c-debug-chk; if ( ifound .eq. 0 ) c-debug-chk; $ write(6,1739) iu,itab,irew,zget,xget,cget,oget c-debug-chk; 1739 format(' '/' MIXFIND: unit',i3,' after TABLE',i3, c-debug-chk; $ ', irew=',i2,': could not find mix Z=',f10.7, c-debug-chk; $ ' X=',f10.7,' C=',f10.7,' O=',f10.7) c-debug-chk] if ( ifound .eq. 0 ) irew = 1 return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine index_co_deltas( iset, kxhz, jx, jc, jo ) c ==================================================== c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c parameter ( mx_hi=2*mx, mx_m1=mx-1, mo_m1=mo-1, mo_m2=mo-2, $ mo_m10=mo-mx_hi, mo_p1=mo+1, mc_m1=mc-1, mc_m2=mc-2, $ mc_p7=mc+mx+2 ) c if ( iset .le. 0 .or. iset .gt. 5 .or. kxhz .le. 0 .or. $ kxhz .gt. mx_hi .or. mx .ne. 5 ) stop $ ' INDEX_DELTAS: Error: bad inputs: cannot happen. ' c if ( iset .eq. 2 ) then if ( kxhz .le. 5 ) then jx = kxhz jc = mc jo = mo_m2 else jx = kxhz - 5 jc = mc_m1 jo = mo_m1 endif else if ( iset .eq. 3 ) then jx = mx if ( kxhz .le. 5 ) then jc = mc jo = kxhz else jc = mc_m1 jo = kxhz - 5 endif else if ( iset .eq. 4 ) then jx = mx if ( kxhz .le. 5 ) then jc = kxhz jo = mo_m1 else jc = kxhz - 5 jo = mo_m2 endif else if ( iset .eq. 5 ) then if ( kxhz .le. 5 ) then jx = mx jc = mc_m2 jo = mo_p1 - kxhz else jx = mx_m1 jc = min( mc_p7 - kxhz , mc ) jo = min( mo_m10 + kxhz , mo_m1 ) endif else jc = mc if ( kxhz .le. 5 ) then jx = kxhz jo = mo else jx = kxhz - 5 jo = mo_m1 endif endif c return end c c****************************************************************************** c subroutine finish_cno c ===================== c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c parameter ( mx_hi=2*mx, mo_m1=mo-1, mo_m2=mo-2 ) c common/a_opal_z/ indx(101),t6list(nt),alr(nr),n(mx,mo,nz), $ alt(nt),dfs(nt),dfsr(nr),b(3),m,mf,xa(8),alrf(nrm), $ flogtin(ntm),dfsx(mx),oxf(mx,mc,nz),cxf(mx,mo,nz), $ xcdf(mx,mo,nz),xodf(mx,mc,nz),itime,cxdf(mx,mo,nz), $ oxdf(mx,mc,nz),q(4),h(4),xcd(mc),xod(mc),xc(mc),xo(mo), $ xcs(mc),xos(mo),cxd(mc),oxd(mo),cx(mc),ox(mo),zzz(nz),xxh, $ xx(mx),nc,no,zsto(nz),zvint(nz),dfsz(nz),zacc(nz), $ zlow,zmiddle,zhigh,zlo_ex,zhi_ex,numz, $ co(mx,mc,mo,nt,nr,nz),opk(mx,4),opl(nt,nr,nz),cof(nt,nr) save /a_opal_z/ c common /xhi_opal_z/ xhi_in(mx_hi), xcno_use(mx_hi,nz), $ xhi_use(mx_hi,nz), xxx_cno(mx_hi), xxx_hi(mx_hi), $ nx_hi(nz), ireq_hi(mx_hi), khighx(nz), kavail_xhi, kuse_xhi, $ kdo_xhi, kavail_cno, kuse_cno, kdo_cno, kavail_user, $ kuse_user, kdo_user save /xhi_opal_z/ c parameter ( nel_zmix=19, n_zmixes=5, kel_o=3, kel_fe=nel_zmix-1 ) c character*2 cel_opalmixes(nel_zmix) character*8 cfile_opalmixes(n_zmixes) common/opalmixes/ xiz_mix(nel_zmix),fninz_mix(nel_zmix), $ bracketife_mix(nel_zmix),bracketofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes), $ xofe_opalmixes(n_zmixes),xiz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ fninz_opalmixes(nel_zmix,n_zmixes), $ cel_opalmixes,cfile_opalmixes save /opalmixes/ c parameter ( n_totmix = n_zmixes + 5, n_cnobeg = n_zmixes + 1 ) c character*255 cfile_opalGS98(n_totmix) common /opalGS98mixes/ bracketofe_opalGS98(n_totmix), $ xofe_opalGS98(n_totmix),xiz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix), $ fninz_opalGS98(nel_zmix,n_totmix),atwt_opalGS98(nel_zmix), $ cfile_opalGS98 save /opalGS98mixes/ c common /cno_delta_opal_z/ fcno_mul(4), fninz_cno(nel_zmix,5), $ xiz_cno(nel_zmix,5), d_fninz_user(nel_zmix), $ fcno_fac(0:3,4), fninz_heavy, xiz_heavy, d_fninz_u_heavy, $ s_ninzai_mix, ds_ninzai_u, fn_o_over_cno, fninz_co_mix save /cno_delta_opal_z/ c common /c_level_err_opal_z/ level_err save /c_level_err_opal_z/ c___ parameter ( ncno2 = n_cnobeg + 1, ncno3 = ncno2 + 1, $ ncno4 = ncno3 + 1 ) c dimension cno_del_chk(2:4,4) c=== c c If user-specified opacity shifts were read in and the error-check level = 2, c then check the composition difference relative to the standard opacity file: c if ( kavail_user .gt. 0 ) then c del_max = 0.0 do i = 1, nel_zmix fninz_cno(i,5) = fninz_opalGS98(i,n_totmix) xiz_cno(i,5) = xiz_opalGS98(i,n_totmix) d_fninz_user(i) = fninz_opalGS98(i,n_totmix) $ - fninz_opalGS98(i,n_cnobeg) del_max = max( del_max , abs( d_fninz_user(i) ) ) enddo c if ( del_max .lt. 1.5e-5 .and. level_err .gt. 0 ) then write(6,10) 10 format(' '/' WARNING: user-specified OPAL opacity', $ ' interpolation file has a'/ $ ' composition identical to that', $ ' of the standard opacity file.'/' ') else if ( del_max .lt. 1.e-3 .and. level_err .ge. 2 ) then write(6,20) del_max 20 format(' '/' WARNING: user-specified OPAL opacity', $ ' interpolation file has a composition'/ $ ' similar to that of the standard', $ ' opacity file: max delta =',1p,e9.2/' ') endif c endif c c If CNO-interpolation opacity shifts were read in, check them and compute c some useful multiplicative factors: c if ( kavail_cno .gt. 0 ) then c ! check for similar C,N,O,Ne compositions: del_12 = 0.0 del_13 = 0.0 del_14 = 0.0 del_23 = 0.0 del_34 = 0.0 del_24 = 0.0 c do i = 1, 4 c ! for linear-dep check cno_del_chk(2,i) = fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno2) $ - fninz_opalGS98(i,n_cnobeg) cno_del_chk(3,i) = fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno3) $ - fninz_opalGS98(i,n_cnobeg) cno_del_chk(4,i) = fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno4) $ - fninz_opalGS98(i,n_cnobeg) c c ! check for very similar pairs of compositions c del_12 = max( del_12 , abs( cno_del_chk(2,i) ) ) del_13 = max( del_13 , abs( cno_del_chk(3,i) ) ) del_14 = max( del_14 , abs( cno_del_chk(4,i) ) ) del_23 = max( del_23 , abs( fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno3) $ - fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno2) ) ) del_34 = max( del_34 , abs( fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno4) $ - fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno3) ) ) del_24 = max( del_24 , abs( fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno2) $ - fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno4) ) ) c ! are all of C,N,O,Ne varied? if ( max( abs( cno_del_chk(2,i) ) , $ abs( cno_del_chk(3,i) ) , $ abs( cno_del_chk(4,i) ) ) .lt. 0.05 ) kavail_cno = 0 c enddo c if ( min( del_12 , del_13 , del_14 , $ del_23 , del_34 , del_24 ) .lt. 0.05 ) kavail_cno = 0 c c ! check for linear dependence among CNO-mixes lindep = 0 c if ( kavail_cno .gt. 0 ) then c do k = 3, 4 i = 1 do while ( i .lt. kel_o .and. $ abs( cno_del_chk(2,i) ) .lt. 0.009 ) i = i + 1 enddo f = cno_del_chk(k,i) / cno_del_chk(2,i) if ( max( $ abs( f * cno_del_chk(2,1) - cno_del_chk(k,1) ) , $ abs( f * cno_del_chk(2,2) - cno_del_chk(k,2) ) , $ abs( f * cno_del_chk(2,kel_o) $ - cno_del_chk(k,kel_o) ) ) .lt. 0.005 ) lindep = 1 enddo c if ( lindep .eq. 0 ) then c g = cno_del_chk(2,1) * cno_del_chk(3,2) $ - cno_del_chk(3,1) * cno_del_chk(2,2) if ( abs( g ) .lt. 2.5d-5 ) then lindep = 1 else f = ( cno_del_chk(3,2) * cno_del_chk(4,1) $ - cno_del_chk(4,2) * cno_del_chk(3,1) ) / g g = ( cno_del_chk(2,1) * cno_del_chk(4,2) $ - cno_del_chk(4,1) * cno_del_chk(2,2) ) / g if ( abs( f * cno_del_chk(2,3) + g * cno_del_chk(3,3) $ - cno_del_chk(4,3) ) .lt. 0.005 ) lindep = 1 endif c endif c endif c ! Bad CNO? if ( kavail_cno .eq. 0 ) then c if ( level_err .gt. 0 ) write(6,30) 30 format(' WARNING: CNO-interpolation in OPAL', $ ' opacities is NOT POSSIBLE: the C,N,O,Ne'/ $ ' abundances are too similar in the', $ ' specified CNO-interpolation opacity files.') if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO Error: bad CNO-interpolation files. ' c c ! or low main CNO? else if ( fninz_opalGS98(1,n_cnobeg) .lt. 0.05 .or. $ fninz_opalGS98(2,n_cnobeg) .lt. 0.01 .or. $ fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,n_cnobeg) .lt. 0.2 ) then c kavail_cno = 0 if ( level_err .gt. 0 ) write(6,40) 40 format(' WARNING: CNO-interpolation in OPAL', $ ' opacities is NOT POSSIBLE: the "standard"'/ $ ' CNO-opacity-file has low abundance(s) of C,N,O =', $ 1p,3e9.2) if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO Error: bad "standard"-CNO-file. ' c c ! enhanced C,O or c ! depleted Ne? else if ( fninz_opalGS98(1,n_cnobeg) .lt. 0.999 * max( $ fninz_opalGS98(1,ncno2) , fninz_opalGS98(1,ncno3) , $ fninz_opalGS98(1,ncno4) ) .or. $ fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,n_cnobeg) .lt. 0.999 * max( $ fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,ncno2) , $ fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,ncno3) , $ fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,ncno4) ) .or. $ fninz_opalGS98(4,n_cnobeg) .gt. 1.001 * min( $ fninz_opalGS98(4,ncno2) , fninz_opalGS98(4,ncno3) , $ fninz_opalGS98(4,ncno4) ) ) then c kavail_cno = 0 if ( level_err .gt. 0 ) write(6,50) 50 format(' WARNING: CNO-interpolation in OPAL', $ ' opacities is NOT POSSIBLE: these CNO-'/ $ ' interpolation files should NOT have', $ ' C or O enhancements or Ne depletions.') if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO Error: bad CNO-interpolation files. ' c else if ( lindep .gt. 0 ) then c kavail_cno = 0 if ( level_err .gt. 0 ) write(6,60) 60 format(' WARNING: CNO-interpolation in OPAL', $ ' opacities is NOT POSSIBLE: compositions of'/ $ ' the CNO-interpolation files', $ ' are linearly dependent in {C,N,O}-space.') if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO Error: bad CNO-interpolation files. ' c else c ! Else: O.K. so far; check elements heavier than Ne: del_12 = 0.0 del_13 = 0.0 del_14 = 0.0 del_23 = 0.0 del_34 = 0.0 del_24 = 0.0 del_max = 0.0 c do i = 5, nel_zmix c ! sums of diffs del_12 = del_12 + fninz_opalGS98(i,n_cnobeg) $ - fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno2) del_13 = del_13 + fninz_opalGS98(i,n_cnobeg) $ - fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno3) del_14 = del_14 + fninz_opalGS98(i,n_cnobeg) $ - fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno4) del_23 = del_23 + fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno3) $ - fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno2) del_34 = del_34 + fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno4) $ - fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno3) del_24 = del_24 + fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno2) $ - fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno4) c ! max diff del_max = max( abs( fninz_opalGS98(i,n_cnobeg) $ - fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno2) ) , $ abs( fninz_opalGS98(i,n_cnobeg) $ - fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno3) ) , $ abs( fninz_opalGS98(i,n_cnobeg) $ - fninz_opalGS98(i,ncno4) ) , del_max ) c enddo c del_sum = max( abs(del_12) , abs(del_13) , abs(del_14) , $ abs(del_23) , abs(del_34) , abs(del_24) ) c ! Bad heavies? if ( del_sum .gt. 0.001 .or. del_max .gt. 0.05 ) then c kavail_cno = 0 if ( level_err .gt. 0 ) write(6,70) del_sum, del_max 70 format(' WARNING: CNO-interpolation in OPAL', $ ' opacities is NOT POSSIBLE: C+N+O+Ne sums'/ $ ' differ by',1p,e9.2, $ ' > 0.001, OR max heavy-element-delta of',e9.2, $ ' > 0.05') if ( level_err .ge. 2 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO Error: bad CNO-interp-files. ' c ! Else: O.K. else c ! composition of main-CNO file same as OPAL mix used? if ( max( $ abs( fninz_opalGS98(1,n_cnobeg) - fninz_mix(1) ) , $ abs( fninz_opalGS98(2,n_cnobeg) - fninz_mix(2) ) , $ abs( fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,n_cnobeg) $ - fninz_mix(kel_o) ) , $ abs( fninz_opalGS98(4,n_cnobeg) - fninz_mix(4) ) ) $ .lt. 0.001 ) then c ! no CNO-modifications necessary do k = 1, 4 c fcno_mul(k) = 1.0 c j = k + n_zmixes c do i = 1, nel_zmix fninz_cno(i,k) = fninz_opalGS98(i,j) xiz_cno(i,k) = xiz_opalGS98(i,j) enddo c enddo c ! Else: if composition differs from OPAL mix used: else c ! get modified CNO-mixes do i = 1, nel_zmix fninz_cno(i,1) = fninz_mix(i) fninz_cno(i,2) = fninz_mix(i) fninz_cno(i,3) = fninz_mix(i) fninz_cno(i,4) = fninz_mix(i) enddo c ! and CNO-modification factors do k = 2, 4 c j = k + n_zmixes c f_c = min( 1.0 , fninz_opalGS98(1,j) $ / fninz_opalGS98(1,n_cnobeg) ) f_n = min( 1.0 , fninz_opalGS98(2,j) $ / fninz_opalGS98(2,n_cnobeg) ) f_o = min( 1.0 , fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,j) $ / fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,n_cnobeg) ) c fninz_cno(1,k) = f_c * fninz_mix(1) fninz_cno(kel_o,k) = f_o * fninz_mix(kel_o) c if ( f_n .lt. 1.0 ) then c fninz_cno(2,k) = f_n * fninz_mix(2) fninz_cno(4,k) = fninz_mix(4) $ + ( 1. - f_c ) * fninz_mix(1) $ + ( 1. - f_n ) * fninz_mix(2) $ + ( 1. - f_o ) * fninz_mix(kel_o) c fcno_mul(k) = ( fninz_cno(4,k) - fninz_mix(4) ) $ / ( ( 1. - f_c ) $ * fninz_opalGS98(1,n_cnobeg) $ + ( 1. - f_n ) $ * fninz_opalGS98(2,n_cnobeg) $ + ( 1. - f_o ) $ * fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,n_cnobeg) ) c else c del_co_orig = $ ( 1. - f_c ) * fninz_opalGS98(1,n_cnobeg) $ + ( 1. - f_o ) $ * fninz_opalGS98(kel_o,n_cnobeg) fad_ne = max( 0.0 , min( 1.0 , $ ( fninz_opalGS98(4,j) $ - fninz_opalGS98(4,n_cnobeg) ) $ / del_co_orig ) ) del_co = ( 1. - f_c ) * fninz_mix(1) $ + ( 1. - f_o ) * fninz_mix(kel_o) fninz_cno(2,k) = fninz_mix(2) $ + ( 1. - fad_ne ) * del_co fninz_cno(4,k) = fninz_mix(4) + fad_ne * del_co c fcno_mul(k) = del_co / del_co_orig c endif c sum_aini = 0.0 do i = 1, nel_zmix xiz_cno(i,k) = fninz_cno(i,k) * atwt_opalGS98(i) sum_aini = sum_aini + xiz_cno(i,k) enddo do i = 1, nel_zmix xiz_cno(i,k) = xiz_cno(i,k) / sum_aini enddo c enddo c endif c x1 = fninz_cno(1,1) x2 = fninz_cno(1,2) x3 = fninz_cno(1,3) x4 = fninz_cno(1,4) c y1 = fninz_cno(2,1) y2 = fninz_cno(2,2) y3 = fninz_cno(2,3) y4 = fninz_cno(2,4) c z1 = fninz_cno(3,1) z2 = fninz_cno(3,2) z3 = fninz_cno(3,3) z4 = fninz_cno(3,4) c d = ( x2 - x1 ) * ( ( y3 - y1 ) * ( z4 - z1 ) $ - ( y4 - y1 ) * ( z3 - z1 ) ) $ + ( x3 - x1 ) * ( ( y4 - y1 ) * ( z2 - z1 ) $ - ( y2 - y1 ) * ( z4 - z1 ) ) $ + ( x4 - x1 ) * ( ( y2 - y1 ) * ( z3 - z1 ) $ - ( y3 - y1 ) * ( z2 - z1 ) ) c if ( d .eq. 0.0 ) stop $ ' STOP -- READCO Error: CNO-interp: D = 0. ' c fcno_fac(0,1) = ( x2 * ( y3 * z4 - y4 * z3 ) $ + x3 * ( y4 * z2 - y2 * z4 ) $ + x4 * ( y2 * z3 - y3 * z2 ) ) / d fcno_fac(1,1) = ( y2 * ( z4 - z3 ) $ + y3 * ( z2 - z4 ) + y4 * ( z3 - z2 ) ) / d fcno_fac(2,1) = ( x2 * ( z3 - z4 ) $ + x3 * ( z4 - z2 ) + x4 * ( z2 - z3 ) ) / d fcno_fac(3,1) = ( x2 * ( y4 - y3 ) $ + x3 * ( y2 - y4 ) + x4 * ( y3 - y2 ) ) / d c fcno_fac(0,2) = ( x1 * ( y4 * z3 - y3 * z4 ) $ + x3 * ( y1 * z4 - y4 * z1 ) $ + x4 * ( y3 * z1 - y1 * z3 ) ) / d fcno_fac(1,2) = ( y1 * ( z3 - z4 ) $ + y3 * ( z4 - z1 ) + y4 * ( z1 - z3 ) ) / d fcno_fac(2,2) = ( x1 * ( z4 - z3 ) $ + x3 * ( z1 - z4 ) + x4 * ( z3 - z1 ) ) / d fcno_fac(3,2) = ( x1 * ( y3 - y4 ) $ + x3 * ( y4 - y1 ) + x4 * ( y1 - y3 ) ) / d c fcno_fac(0,3) = ( x1 * ( y2 * z4 - y4 * z2 ) $ + x2 * ( y4 * z1 - y1 * z4 ) $ + x4 * ( y1 * z2 - y2 * z1 ) ) / d fcno_fac(1,3) = ( y1 * ( z4 - z2 ) $ + y2 * ( z1 - z4 ) + y4 * ( z2 - z1 ) ) / d fcno_fac(2,3) = ( x1 * ( z2 - z4 ) $ + x2 * ( z4 - z1 ) + x4 * ( z1 - z2 ) ) / d fcno_fac(3,3) = ( x1 * ( y4 - y2 ) $ + x2 * ( y1 - y4 ) + x4 * ( y2 - y1 ) ) / d c fcno_fac(0,4) = ( x1 * ( y3 * z2 - y2 * z3 ) $ + x2 * ( y1 * z3 - y3 * z1 ) $ + x3 * ( y2 * z1 - y1 * z2 ) ) / d fcno_fac(1,4) = ( y1 * ( z2 - z3 ) $ + y2 * ( z3 - z1 ) + y3 * ( z1 - z2 ) ) / d fcno_fac(2,4) = ( x1 * ( z3 - z2 ) $ + x2 * ( z1 - z3 ) + x3 * ( z2 - z1 ) ) / d fcno_fac(3,4) = ( x1 * ( y2 - y3 ) $ + x2 * ( y3 - y1 ) + x3 * ( y1 - y2 ) ) / d c endif c endif c endif c ! get number and mass fraction heavier than Ne (in Z) fninz_heavy = 0.0 xiz_heavy = 0.0 d_fninz_u_heavy = 0.0 s_ninzai_mix = fninz_mix(1) * atwt_opalGS98(1) $ + fninz_mix(2) * atwt_opalGS98(2) $ + fninz_mix(3) * atwt_opalGS98(3) $ + fninz_mix(4) * atwt_opalGS98(4) ds_ninzai_u = d_fninz_user(1) * atwt_opalGS98(1) $ + d_fninz_user(2) * atwt_opalGS98(2) $ + d_fninz_user(3) * atwt_opalGS98(3) $ + d_fninz_user(4) * atwt_opalGS98(4) do i = 5, nel_zmix fninz_heavy = fninz_heavy + fninz_mix(i) xiz_heavy = xiz_heavy + xiz_mix(i) d_fninz_u_heavy = d_fninz_u_heavy + d_fninz_user(i) s_ninzai_mix = s_ninzai_mix + fninz_mix(i) * atwt_opalGS98(i) ds_ninzai_u = ds_ninzai_u + d_fninz_user(i) * atwt_opalGS98(i) enddo fn_o_over_cno = fninz_mix(3) $ / ( fninz_mix(1) + fninz_mix(2) + fninz_mix(3) ) fninz_co_mix = fninz_mix(1) + fninz_mix(3) c ! set internal CNO-interp flags kdo_cno = kavail_cno * kuse_cno kdo_user = kavail_user * kuse_user c ! set flag "finshed reading opacities" itime = 12345678 c return end c c****************************************************************************** c SUBROUTINE SPLINE(X,Y,N,Y2) c =========================== c___ PARAMETER ( NMAX=100 ) C DIMENSION X(N),Y(N),Y2(N),U(NMAX) C C FIRST DERIVATIVES AT END POINTS USING CUBIC FIT C=== YP1 = ((Y(3)-Y(1))*(X(2)-X(1))**2 $ -(Y(2)-Y(1))*(X(3)-X(1))**2)/ $ ((X(3)-X(1))*(X(2)-X(1))*(X(2)-X(3))) YPN = ((Y(N-2)-Y(N))*(X(N-1)-X(N))**2 $ -(Y(N-1)-Y(N))*(X(N-2)-X(N))**2)/ $ ((X(N-2)-X(N))*(X(N-1)-X(N))*(X(N-1)-X(N-2))) C Y2(1) = -0.5 U(1) = (3./(X(2)-X(1)))*((Y(2)-Y(1))/(X(2)-X(1))-YP1) DO I = 2,N-1 SIG = (X(I)-X(I-1))/(X(I+1)-X(I-1)) P = SIG*Y2(I-1)+2. Y2(I) = (SIG-1.)/P U(I) = (6.*((Y(I+1)-Y(I))/(X(I+1)-X(I))-(Y(I)-Y(I-1)) $ /(X(I)-X(I-1)))/(X(I+1)-X(I-1))-SIG*U(I-1))/P ENDDO QN = 0.5 UN = (3./(X(N)-X(N-1)))*(YPN-(Y(N)-Y(N-1))/(X(N)-X(N-1))) Y2(N) = (UN-QN*U(N-1))/(QN*Y2(N-1)+1.) DO K = N-1,1,-1 Y2(K) = Y2(K)*Y2(K+1)+U(K) ENDDO RETURN END c c****************************************************************************** c SUBROUTINE SPLINT(XA,YA,N,Y2A,X,Y,YP) c ===================================== c___ DIMENSION XA(N),YA(N),Y2A(N) C=== KLO = 1 KHI = N do while( KHI-KLO .GT. 1 ) K = (KHI+KLO)/2 IF ( XA(K) .GT. X ) THEN KHI = K ELSE KLO = K ENDIF enddo H = XA(KHI)-XA(KLO) IF ( H .EQ. 0. ) STOP ' STOP -- SPLINT: Bad XA input. ' A = (XA(KHI)-X)/H B = (X-XA(KLO))/H Y = A*YA(KLO)+B*YA(KHI)+ $ ((A**3-A)*Y2A(KLO)+(B**3-B)*Y2A(KHI))*(H**2)/6. YP = 0.05* ( (-YA(KLO)+YA(KHI))/H $ + ( -(3*A**2-1)*Y2A(KLO) $ +(3*B**2-1)*Y2A(KHI) )*H/6. ) RETURN END c c****************************************************************************** c SUBROUTINE FITY c =============== C C THIS ROUTINE MAKES SPLINE FITS FOR F AND FX, AND OBTAINS C FY AND FXY C ! modified: COMMON/CST_OPAL_Z/ NRL,RLS,nset,tmax save /CST_OPAL_Z/ C PARAMETER ( IPR=20 ) C COMMON/CF_OPAL_Z/ F(85,IPR),FX(85,IPR),FY(85,IPR),FXY(85,IPR) save /CF_OPAL_Z/ c___ DIMENSION A(IPR),B(IPR),AD(IPR),BD(IPR) C=== ! modified: DO I = 1,nset DO J = 1,NRL A(J) = F(I,J) B(J) = FX(I,J) ENDDO C CALL GETD(A,NRL,AD,AP1,APN) CALL GETD(B,NRL,BD,BP1,BPN) C FY(I,1) = AP1 FY(I,NRL) = APN FXY(I,1) = BP1 FXY(I,NRL) = BPN DO J = 2,NRL-1 FY(I,J) = -A(J)+A(J+1)-2.*AD(J)-AD(J+1) FXY(I,J) = -B(J)+B(J+1)-2.*BD(J)-BD(J+1) ENDDO ENDDO C RETURN END c c****************************************************************************** c SUBROUTINE FITX c =============== C C THIS ROUTINE IS USED ONLY AFTER SMOOTHING. C ITS FUNCTION IS TO RECOMPUTE FX USING SMOOTHED F. C PARAMETER ( IPR=20 ) C ! modified: COMMON/CST_OPAL_Z/ NRL,RLS,nset,tmax save /CST_OPAL_Z/ c COMMON/CF_OPAL_Z/ F(85,IPR),FX(85,IPR),FY(85,IPR),FXY(85,IPR) save /CF_OPAL_Z/ C___ DIMENSION A(85),D(85) C=== DO J = 1,NRL C ! modified: DO I = 1,nset A(I) = F(I,J) ENDDO C ! modified: CALL GETD(A,nset,D,AP1,APN) FX(1,J) = AP1 C ! modified: FX(nset,J) = APN C ! modified: DO I = 2,nset-1 FX(I,J) = -A(I)+A(I+1)-2.*D(I)-D(I+1) ENDDO ENDDO C RETURN END C c****************************************************************************** c SUBROUTINE GETD(F,N,D,FP1,FPN) c ============================== C C SIMPLIFIED CODE FOR SPLINE COEFFICIENTS, FOR CASE OF INTERVALS OF UNITY. C___ DIMENSION F(N),D(N),T(85) C=== FP1 = (-11.*F(1)+18.*F(2)-9.*F(3)+2.*F(4))/6. FPN = (11.*F(N)-18.*F(N-1)+9.*F(N-2)-2.*F(N-3))/6. C D(1) = -.5 T(1) = .5*(-F(1)+F(2)-FP1) C DO J = 2,N-1 D(J) = -1./(4.+D(J-1)) T(J) = -D(J)*(F(J-1)-2.*F(J)+F(J+1)-T(J-1)) ENDDO C D(N) = (FPN+F(N-1)-F(N)-T(N-1))/(2.+D(N-1)) C DO J = N-1,1,-1 D(J) = D(J)*D(J+1)+T(J) ENDDO C RETURN END C c****************************************************************************** c SUBROUTINE INTERP(FLT,FLRHO,G,DGDT,DGDRHO,IERR) c =============================================== C C GIVEN F,FX,FY AND FXY ON THE GRID POINTS, THIS ROUTINE C DOES BI-CUBIC INTERPOLATIONS USING METHODS DESCRIBED IN C Numerical Recipes, PP. 118 TO 120 C PARAMETER ( IPR=20 ) C ! modified: COMMON/CST_OPAL_Z/ NRL,RLS,nset,tmax save /CST_OPAL_Z/ C COMMON/CF_OPAL_Z/ F(85,IPR),FX(85,IPR),FY(85,IPR),FXY(85,IPR) save /CF_OPAL_Z/ c___ DIMENSION B(16) LOGICAL IERR C C EXTREME LIMITS ALLOWED ARE:- C (3.800-0.0125) TO (8.000+0.0125) FOR LOG10(T) C (RLS-0.125) TO (RLE+0.1254) FOR LOG10(R) C (ALLOWING FOR SMALL EXTRAPOLATIONS BEYOND TABULAR VALUES) C C FUNCTION DEFINITIONS FOR CUBIC EXPANSION C=== FF(S,T) = B( 1)+T*(B( 2)+T*(B( 3)+T*B( 4))) $ +S*( B( 5)+T*(B( 6)+T*(B( 7)+T*B( 8))) $ +S*( B( 9)+T*(B(10)+T*(B(11)+T*B(12))) $ +S*( B(13)+T*(B(14)+T*(B(15)+T*B(16))) ))) C FFX(S,T) = B( 5)+T*(B( 6)+T*(B( 7)+T*B( 8))) $ +S*( 2*(B( 9)+T*(B(10)+T*(B(11)+T*B(12)))) $ +S*( 3*(B(13)+T*(B(14)+T*(B(15)+T*B(16)))) )) C FFY(S,T) = B( 2)+S*(B( 6)+S*(B(10)+S*B(14))) $ +T*( 2*(B( 3)+S*(B( 7)+S*(B(11)+S*B(15)))) $ +T*( 3*(B( 4)+S*(B( 8)+S*(B(12)+S*B(16)))) )) C C Note that statement function FFXY is never used, and thus can be omitted. C c-noneed[ ! FFXY is never used! c-noneed; FFXY(S,T) = B( 6)+T*(2*B( 7)+3*T*B( 8)) c-noneed; $ +S*( 2*B(10)+T*(4*B(11)+6*T*B(12)) c-noneed; $ +S*( 3*B(14)+T*(6*B(15)+9*T*B(16)) )) c-noneed] C C BEGINNING OF EXECUTABLE STATEMENTS C=== IERR = .FALSE. C X = 20.*(FLT-3.800)+1. FLR = FLRHO+18.-3.*FLT Y = 2.*( FLR - RLS )+1. C IF ( X .LT. 2. ) THEN IF ( X .LT. 0.75 ) THEN IERR = .TRUE. ELSE I = 1 ENDIF ELSE IF ( X .GT. 84. ) THEN IF ( X .GT. 85.25 ) THEN IERR = .TRUE. ELSE I = 84 ENDIF ELSE I = X ENDIF U = X-I C IF ( Y .LT. 2. ) THEN IF ( Y .LT. 0.75 ) THEN IERR = .TRUE. ELSE J = 1 ENDIF ELSE IF ( Y .GT. NRL-1 ) THEN IF ( Y .GT. NRL+.25 ) THEN IERR = .TRUE. ELSE J = NRL-1 ENDIF ELSE J = Y ENDIF V = Y-J C IF ( IERR ) THEN G = 9.999 DGDT = 9.999 DGDRHO = 9.999 RETURN ENDIF C C GIVEN FUNCTIONS AND DERIVATIVES AT GRID POINTS, COMPUTE COEFFICIENTS. c B(1) = F(I,J) B(2) = FY(I,J) B(3) = 3*(-F(I,J)+F(I,J+1))-2*FY(I,J)-FY(I,J+1) B(4) = 2*(F(I,J)-F(I,J+1))+FY(I,J)+FY(I,J+1) C B(5) = FX(I,J) B(6) = FXY(I,J) B(7) = 3*(-FX(I,J)+FX(I,J+1))-2*FXY(I,J)-FXY(I,J+1) B(8) = 2*(FX(I,J)-FX(I,J+1))+FXY(I,J)+FXY(I,J+1) C B(9) = 3*(-F(I,J)+F(I+1,J))-2*FX(I,J)-FX(I+1,J) B(10) = 3*(-FY(I,J)+FY(I+1,J))-2*FXY(I,J)-FXY(I+1,J) B(11) = 9*(F(I,J)-F(I+1,J)+F(I+1,J+1)-F(I,J+1)) $ +6*(FX(I,J)-FX(I,J+1)+FY(I,J)-FY(I+1,J)) $ +4*FXY(I,J) $ +3*(FX(I+1,J)-FX(I+1,J+1)-FY(I+1,J+1)+FY(I,J+1)) $ +2*(FXY(I,J+1)+FXY(I+1,J)) $ +FXY(I+1,J+1) B(12) = 6*(-F(I,J)+F(I+1,J)-F(I+1,J+1)+F(I,J+1)) $ +4*(-FX(I,J)+FX(I,J+1)) $ +3*(-FY(I,J)+FY(I+1,J)+FY(I+1,J+1)-FY(I,J+1)) $ +2*(-FX(I+1,J)+FX(I+1,J+1)-FXY(I,J)-FXY(I,J+1)) $ -FXY(I+1,J)-FXY(I+1,J+1) C B(13) = 2*(F(I,J)-F(I+1,J))+FX(I,J)+FX(I+1,J) B(14) = 2*(FY(I,J)-FY(I+1,J))+FXY(I,J)+FXY(I+1,J) B(15) = 6*(-F(I,J)+F(I+1,J)-F(I+1,J+1)+F(I,J+1)) $ +4*(-FY(I,J)+FY(I+1,J)) $ +3*(-FX(I,J)-FX(I+1,J)+FX(I+1,J+1)+FX(I,J+1)) $ +2*(FY(I+1,J+1)-FY(I,J+1)-FXY(I,J)-FXY(I+1,J)) $ -FXY(I+1,J+1)-FXY(I,J+1) B(16) = 4*(F(I,J)-F(I+1,J)+F(I+1,J+1)-F(I,J+1)) $ +2*(FX(I,J)+FX(I+1,J)-FX(I+1,J+1)-FX(I,J+1) $ +FY(I,J)-FY(I+1,J)-FY(I+1,J+1)+FY(I,J+1)) $ +FXY(I,J)+FXY(I+1,J)+FXY(I+1,J+1)+FXY(I,J+1) C C GET G=LOG10(ROSS), DGDT=d LOG10(ROSS)/d LOG10(T), C DGDRHO=d LOG10(ROSS)/d LOG10(RHO) c G = FF(U,V) DGDT = 20.*FFX(U,V)-6.*FFY(U,V) DGDRHO = 2.*FFY(U,V) C RETURN END c c****************************************************************************** c SUBROUTINE SMOOTH c ================= C C THIS SUBROUTINE USES A 2-DIMENSIONAL GENERALISATION OF THE SMOOTHING C TECHNIQUES DESCRIBED ON PP. 644 TO 649 OF Numerical Recipes. C C CONSIDER THE 25 POINTS DEFINED BY C I+n, n=-2,-1,0,1,2 AND J+m, m=-2,-1,0,1,2. C THE FUNCTION TO BE SMOOTHED IS FITTED TO A BI-CUBIC, INVOLVING C 16 COEFFICIENTS, USING TECHNIQUES OF LEAST-SQUARES. THE SMOOTHED C FUNCTION (TEMPORARILY STORED IN FXY) IS GIVEN BY THE FITTED VALUE C AT THE POINT I AND J. C C THE FITTING IS SHIFTED FOR POINTS CLOSE TO BOUNDARIES. C C PARAMETER ( IPR=20 ) C ! modified COMMON/CST_OPAL_Z/ NRL,RLS,nset,tmax save /CST_OPAL_Z/ c COMMON/CF_OPAL_Z/ F(85,IPR),FX(85,IPR),FY(85,IPR),FXY(85,IPR) save /CF_OPAL_Z/ C___ DIMENSION GAM(6),BET(11),ALP(11) c--- DATA GAM/+0.0073469388,-0.0293877551,-0.0416326531, $ +0.1175510204,+0.1665306122,+0.2359183673/ DATA BET/ $ -0.0048979592,-0.0661224490,-0.0293877551,+0.0195918367, $ 0.2644897959,+0.1175510204,-0.0783673469,+0.0277551020, $ 0.3746938776,+0.1665306122,-0.1110204082/ DATA ALP/ $ -0.0844897959,-0.0048979592,+0.0073469388,+0.0012244898, $ 0.3379591837,+0.0195918367,-0.0293877551,+0.4787755102, $ 0.0277551020,-0.0416326531,-0.0069387755/ C=== DO I = 3,nset-2 C J = 1 FXY(I,J) = $ ALP(1)*( F(I-2,J )+F(I+2,J ) ) $ +ALP(2)*( F(I-2,J+1)+F(I+2,J+1)+F(I-2,J+3)+F(I+2,J+3) $ +F(I-1,J+4)+F(I+1,J+4) ) $ +ALP(3)*( F(I-2,J+2)+F(I+2,J+2) ) $ +ALP(4)*( F(I-2,J+4)+F(I+2,J+4) ) $ +ALP(5)*( F(I-1,J )+F(I+1,J ) ) $ +ALP(6)*( F(I-1,J+1)+F(I+1,J+1)+F(I-1,J+3)+F(I+1,J+3) ) $ +ALP(7)*( F(I-1,J+2)+F(I+1,J+2) ) $ +ALP(8)* F(I ,J ) $ +ALP(9)*( F(I ,J+1)+F(I ,J+3) ) $ +ALP(10)* F(I ,J+2) +ALP(11)*F(I ,J+4) C J = 2 FXY(I,J) = $ BET(1)*( F(I-2,J-1)+F(I+2,J-1)+F(I-2,J+3)+F(I+2,J+3) ) $ +BET(2)*( F(I-2,J )+F(I+2,J ) ) $ +BET(3)*( F(I-2,J+1)+F(I+2,J+1) ) $ +BET(4)*( F(I-2,J+2)+F(I+2,J+2)+F(I-1,J-1)+F(I+1,J-1) $ +F(I-1,J+3)+F(I+1,J+3) ) $ +BET(5)*( F(I-1,J )+F(I+1,J ) ) $ +BET(6)*( F(I-1,J+1)+F(I+1,J+1) ) $ +BET(7)*( F(I-1,J+2)+F(I+1,J+2) ) $ +BET(8)*( F(I ,J-1)+F(I ,J+3) ) $ +BET(9)*F(I ,J ) +BET(10)*F(I ,J+1) +BET(11)*F(I ,J+2) C DO J = 3,NRL-2 FXY(I,J) = $ GAM(1)*( F(I-2,J-2)+F(I-2,J+2)+F(I+2,J-2)+F(I+2,J+2) ) $ +GAM(2)*( F(I-2,J+1)+F(I-2,J-1)+F(I-1,J-2)+F(I-1,J+2) $ +F(I+1,J-2)+F(I+1,J+2)+F(I+2,J-1)+F(I+2,J+1) ) $ +GAM(3)*( F(I-2,J )+F(I+2,J )+F(I ,J-2)+F(I ,J+2) ) $ +GAM(4)*( F(I-1,J-1)+F(I-1,J+1)+F(I+1,J-1)+F(I+1,J+1) ) $ +GAM(5)*( F(I-1,J )+F(I ,J-1)+F(I ,J+1)+F(I+1,J ) ) $ +GAM(6)* F(I ,J ) ENDDO C J = NRL-1 FXY(I,J) = $ BET(1)*( F(I-2,J+1)+F(I+2,J+1)+F(I-2,J-3)+F(I+2,J-3) ) $ +BET(2)*( F(I-2,J )+F(I+2,J ) ) $ +BET(3)*( F(I-2,J-1)+F(I+2,J-1) ) $ +BET(4)*( F(I-2,J-2)+F(I+2,J-2)+F(I-1,J+1)+F(I+1,J+1) $ +F(I-1,J-3)+F(I+1,J-3) ) $ +BET(5)*( F(I-1,J )+F(I+1,J ) ) $ +BET(6)*( F(I-1,J-1)+F(I+1,J-1) ) $ +BET(7)*( F(I-1,J-2)+F(I+1,J-2) ) $ +BET(8)*( F(I ,J+1)+F(I ,J-3) ) $ +BET(9)*F(I ,J ) +BET(10)*F(I ,J-1) +BET(11)*F(I ,J-2) C J = NRL FXY(I,J) = $ ALP(1)*( F(I-2,J )+F(I+2,J ) ) $ +ALP(2)*( F(I-2,J-1)+F(I+2,J-1)+F(I-2,J-3)+F(I+2,J-3) $ +F(I-1,J-4)+F(I+1,J-4) ) $ +ALP(3)*( F(I-2,J-2)+F(I+2,J-2) ) $ +ALP(4)*( F(I-2,J-4)+F(I+2,J-4) ) $ +ALP(5)*( F(I-1,J )+F(I+1,J ) ) $ +ALP(6)*( F(I-1,J-1)+F(I+1,J-1)+F(I-1,J-3)+F(I+1,J-3) ) $ +ALP(7)*( F(I-1,J-2)+F(I+1,J-2) ) $ +ALP(8)* F(I ,J ) $ +ALP(9)*( F(I ,J-1)+F(I ,J-3) ) $ +ALP(10)* F(I ,J-2) +ALP(11)*F(I ,J-4) C ENDDO C ! modified DO I = 3,nset-2 DO J = 1,NRL F(I,J) = FXY(I,J) ENDDO ENDDO C RETURN END C c****************************************************************************** c subroutine opaltab c ================== C C CODE FOR FITTING AND SMOOTHING OPAL DATA. ADAPTED FROM A CODE C WRITTEN BY MIKE SEATON (obtained june 1993) C C OPAL DATA. C ASSUMES FIRST T6 = .0056341325 = 10.**(3.75-6.) ; LAST T6 = tmax = 10. C USES RECTANGULAR ARRAY FOR VARIABLES T6 AND LOG10(R) C C (1) NSM=NUMBER OF PASSES THROUGH SMOOTHING FILTER. C USE OF NSM=1 OR 2 IS RECOMMENDED. C NO SMOOTHING WITH NSM=0 C (2) RANGE FOR LOG10(R), C RLS=FIRST VALUE, RLE=LAST VALE C (RLS MUST BE FIRST VALUYE IN TABLE) C C SUBROUTINE INTERP C AFTER PROCESSING, DATA ARE IN A FORM FOR USE OF C SUBROUTINE INTERP C WHICH GIVES LOG(ROSS) AND TWO FIRST DERIVATIVES FOR ANY C VALUES OF LOG(T) AND LOG(RHO). SEE BELOW FOR FURTHER C EXPLANATION. C C OUTPUT FOR THE CASE OF NSM .GT. 0. C INTERP IS USED TO OBTAIN SMOOTHED DATA INTERPOLATED C BACK TO THE ORIGINAL OPAL MESH. C C THE SUBROUTINES SPLINE AND SPLINT ARE ADAPTED FROM THOSE GIVE BY C W.H. Press, S.A. Teulolsky, W.T. Vettering and B.P. Flannery, C "Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN", 2nd edn., 1992, C.U.P. C OTHER REFERENCES ARE MADE TO METHODS DESCRIBED IN THAT BOOK. C PARAMETER ( IP=100, IPR=20 ) c parameter ( nz=14, mx=5, mc=8, mo=8, nrm=19, nrb=1, nre=19, $ nr=nre+1-nrb, ntm=70, ntb=1, nt=ntm+1-ntb, nrm_p1=nrm+1 ) c common/alink_opal_z/ NTEMP,NSM,nrlow,nrhigh,RLE,t6arr(100), $ coff(100,nrm) save /alink_opal_z/ c ! modified: COMMON/CST_OPAL_Z/ NRL,RLS,nset,tmax save /CST_OPAL_Z/ c COMMON/CF_OPAL_Z/ F(85,IPR),FX(85,IPR),FY(85,IPR),FXY(85,IPR) save /CF_OPAL_Z/ c___ DIMENSION U(IP),ROSSL(IP,IPR),V(IP),V2(IP) c c-noneed; CHARACTER*1 HEAD(100) c LOGICAL IERR C=== NRL = int(2.*(RLE-RLS)+1.00001) C C STORE LOG10(T) IN U AND LOG10(ROSS) IN ROSSL C CHECK FIRST VALUE OF T6 c do j = 1,NRL ROSSL(1,j) = coff(1,j) enddo c T6 = t6arr(1) U(1) = 6.+LOG10(T6) c C SET ROSSL UP TO T6=t6arr(nset) c NTEMP = 1 do while( T6 .LT. Tmax ) NTEMP = NTEMP+1 do j = 1,NRL ROSSL(NTEMP,j) = coff(NTEMP,j) enddo T6 = t6arr(NTEMP) U(NTEMP) = 6.+LOG10(T6) enddo c IF ( NTEMP .GT. IP ) THEN PRINT*,' OPALTAB: REQUIRE PARAMETER IP OF AT LEAST ',NTEMP STOP ' STOP -- OPALTAB: NTEMP > IP . ' ENDIF C C C DEFINE VARIABLES C X=20.0*(LOG10(T)-3.80)+1 C Y=2.0*(LOG10(R)-RLS)+1 C USE INDICES I=1 TO nset AND J=1 TO NRL C X AND Y ARE SUCH THAT, ON MESH-POINT (I,J), X=I AND Y=J C OBTAIN:- C F(I,J)=LOG10(ROSS) C FX(I,J)=dF/dX C FY(I,J)=dF/dY C FXY(I,J)=ddF/dXdY C C C FIRST GET F AND FX, INTERPOLATING FROM OPAL T6 TO C INTERVAL OF 0.05 IN LOG10(T). c DO J = 1,NRL c C FOR EACH LOG10(R), STORE LOG10(ROSS) IN V(I) c DO I = 1,NTEMP V(I) = ROSSL(I,J) ENDDO C C GET FIRST DERIVATIVES AT END POINTS: done in SPLINE, using cubic fit C C GET SECOND DERIVATIVES FOR SPLINE FIT: done by SPLINE c CALL SPLINE(U,V,NTEMP,V2) C C INTERPOLATE TO LOG10(T)=FLT, FLT=3.8(0.05)8.0 c ! modified: DO I = 1,nset FLT = 3.75+0.05*I CALL SPLINT(U,V,NTEMP,V2,FLT,F(I,J),FX(I,J)) ENDDO C ENDDO C C OPTION FOR SMOOTHING C IF ( NSM .GT. 0 ) THEN DO NS = 1,NSM CALL SMOOTH ENDDO CALL FITX ENDIF C C GET FY AND FXY C CALL FITY C C THE ARRAYS F, FX, FY AND FXY ARE NOW STORED C C CAN NOW DO INTERPOLATIONS USING C CALL INTERP(FLT,FLRHO,G,DGDT,DGDRHO,IERR) C INPUT IS FLT=LOG10(T), FLRHO=LOG10(RHO) C OUTPUT IS G=LOG10(ROSS) C DGDT=dG/d(LOG10(T)) C DGDRHO=dG/d(LOG10(RHO)) C IERR=.TRUE. IF INPUT FLT, FLRHO ARE OUT-OF-RANGE, C ELSE IERR=.FALSE. C C INTERPOLATE BACK TO OPAL POINTS C IF ( NSM .GT. 0 ) THEN c do il = 1,NRL coff(1,il) = ROSSL(1,il) enddo c DO K = 2,NTEMP FLT = U(K) DO IL = nrlow,nrhigh FLR = RLS+.5*(IL-1) FLRHO = FLR-18.+3.*FLT CALL INTERP(FLT,FLRHO,G,DGDT,DGDRHO,IERR) IF ( IERR ) THEN stop ' STOP -- OPALTAB: INTERP T/rho range error. ' ENDIF V(IL) = G ENDDO do il = nrlow,nrhigh coff(K,il) = V(il) enddo ENDDO c ENDIF C return END c c*********************************************************************** c subroutine open_chk_zip( iu, fname, igzip, cmsg ) c ------------------------------------------------- c character*(*) fname character*(*) cmsg c character*511 ctmp c logical lxst c=== last = lnblnk( fname ) c if ( last .le. 0 ) stop $ ' STOP -- OPEN_CHK_ZIP Error: blank file name. ' c call inqfil( fname, lxst ) c if ( lxst ) then igzip = 0 else if ( last .gt. 508 ) then stop ' STOP -- OPEN_CHK_ZIP Error: file name too long. ' else ctmp = fname(1:last) // '.gz' call inqfil( ctmp, lxst ) if ( lxst ) then igzip = 1 ctmp = 'gunzip ' // fname(1:last) // '.gz' call system( ctmp ) else ctmp = fname(1:last) // '.Z' call inqfil( ctmp, lxst ) if ( lxst ) then igzip = -1 ctmp = 'uncompress ' // fname(1:last) // '.Z' call system( ctmp ) else write(6,'(" ",a)') cmsg write(6,'(" ",a)') fname stop ' STOP -- READCO Error: file not found. ' endif endif endif c call opoldr( iu, fname ) c return end c c************************************************************************ c subroutine close_chk_zip( iu, fname, igzip ) c -------------------------------------------- c character*(*) fname c character*511 ctmp c close(iu) c if ( igzip .gt. 0 ) then c ctmp = 'gzip ' // fname call system( ctmp ) c else if ( igzip .lt. 0 ) then c ctmp = 'compress ' // fname call system( ctmp ) c endif c return end c c************************************************************************ c function num_blanks_contained( fname ) c -------------------------------------- c c Count the number of blanks between first and last non-blank characters c character*(*) fname c character*1 ctab common /c_ctab/ ctab save /c_ctab/ c iblank = 0 c if ( lnblnk(fname) .gt. 0 ) then c do i = non_blank_begin(fname), lnblnk(fname) if ( fname(i:i) .eq. ' ' .or. fname(i:i) .eq. ctab ) $ iblank = iblank + 1 enddo c endif c num_blanks_contained = iblank c return end c c************************************************************************ c function non_blank_begin( fname ) c --------------------------------- c c Find the first non-blank character in the input character variable c character*(*) fname c character*1 ctab common /c_ctab/ ctab save /c_ctab/ c last = lnblnk( fname ) c if ( last .le. 1 ) then i = last else i = 1 do while ( i .lt. last .and. $ ( fname(i:i) .eq. ' ' .or. fname(i:i) .eq. ctab ) ) i = i + 1 enddo endif c non_blank_begin = i c return end c c************************************************************************ c NOTE that the subroutines below have alternate parts, all but one c commented out, for various flavors of UNIX and for VMS (the Linux c versions should actually work for any flavor of UNIX). c*********************************************************************** c subroutine opoldr(iu,fname) c --------------------------- c c Open an old formatted file: c character*(*) fname c character*1 cb(6) common/chkpoc/cb save /chkpoc/ c c-linux[ character*255 fnalt c-linux] c c For Linux: get home directory name if necessary, and open the file c with the err= keyword to prevent coredump c (actually, this should work on any Unix system, provided that the c environment variable HOME is correctly defined as the home directory): c-linux[ call linux_get_home_dir(fname,fnalt,ialt) c if ( ialt .gt. 0 ) then open(iu,file=fnalt,form='FORMATTED',status='OLD', $ iostat=ioperr,err=900) else open(iu,file=fname,form='FORMATTED',status='OLD', $ iostat=ioperr,err=900) endif c return c 900 write(6,910) ioperr,iu,fname(:lnblnk(fname)) 910 format(' '/' Error',i12,' opening unit',i3,' with old file:'/ $ ' ',a) stop ' STOP -- OPOLDR: Error opening old file. ' c-linux] c c For Sun UNIX: open the file: c-sun[ c-sun; open(iu,file=fname,form='FORMATTED',status='OLD') c-sun; return c-sun] c c For VMS, or for Iris UNIX: open the file as read-only: c-vms-iris[ c-vms-iris; open(iu,file=fname,form='FORMATTED',status='OLD', c-vms-iris; $ readonly) c-vms-iris; return c-vms-iris] c end c c************************************************************************ c subroutine opoluf(iu,fname) c --------------------------- c c Open an old unformatted file: c character*(*) fname c c For Linux: open the file, with the err= keyword to prevent coredump: c-linux[ character*255 fnalt c call linux_get_home_dir(fname,fnalt,ialt) c if ( ialt .gt. 0 ) then open(iu,file=fnalt,form='UNFORMATTED',status='OLD', $ iostat=ioperr,err=900) else open(iu,file=fname,form='UNFORMATTED',status='OLD', $ iostat=ioperr,err=900) endif c return c 900 write(6,910) ioperr,iu,fname(:lnblnk(fname)) 910 format(' '/' Error',i12,' opening unit',i3, $ ' with old unformatted file:'/' ',a) stop ' STOP -- OPOLUF: Error opening old unformatted file. ' c-linux] c c For Sun UNIX: open the file: c-sun[ c-sun; open(iu,file=fname,form='UNFORMATTED',status='OLD') c-sun; return c-sun] c c For VMS or Iris UNIX: open the file as read-only: c-vms-iris[ c-vms-iris; open(iu,file=fname,form='UNFORMATTED',status='OLD', c-vms-iris; $ readonly) c-vms-iris; return c-vms-iris] c end c c************************************************************************ c subroutine opneuf(iu,fname) c --------------------------- c c Open a new unformatted file: c character*(*) fname c c For Linux: open the file, with the err= keyword to prevent coredump: c-linux[ character*255 fnalt c call linux_get_home_dir(fname,fnalt,ialt) c if ( ialt .gt. 0 ) then open(iu,file=fnalt,form='UNFORMATTED',status='UNKNOWN', $ iostat=ioperr,err=900) else open(iu,file=fname,form='UNFORMATTED',status='UNKNOWN', $ iostat=ioperr,err=900) endif c return c 900 write(6,910) ioperr,iu,fname(:lnblnk(fname)) 910 format(' '/' Error',i12,' opening unit',i3, $ ' with new unformatted file:'/' ',a) stop ' STOP -- OPNEUF: Error opening new unformatted file. ' c-linux] c c For UNIX: open the file status UNKNOWN so not an error if file exists: c-sun-iris[ c-sun-iris; open(iu,file=fname,form='UNFORMATTED',status='UNKNOWN') c-sun-iris; return c-sun-iris] c c For VMS: open the file status NEW: c-vms[ c-vms; open(iu,file=fname,form='UNFORMATTED',status='NEW') c-vms; return c-vms] c end c c************************************************************************ c subroutine inqfil(fname,lxst) c ----------------------------- c character*(*) fname logical lxst c c For Linux: get home directory name, if necessary c (actually, this should work on any Unix system, provided that the c environment variable HOME is correctly defined as the home directory): c-linux[ character*255 fnalt c call linux_get_home_dir(fname,fnalt,ialt) c if ( ialt .gt. 0 ) then inquire( file = fnalt, exist = lxst ) else inquire( file = fname, exist = lxst ) endif c-linux] c c Anything else: just look for filename as is: c-sun-vms-iris[ c-sun-vms-iris; inquire( file = fname , exist = lxst ) c-sun-vms-iris] c return end c c************************************************************************ c c-linux[ subroutine linux_get_home_dir(fname,fnalt,ialt) c ----------------------------------------------- c c For Linux, at least with fort77, the prefix '~' in a filename is not c recognized as "home directory": get it from HOME environment variable. c (Actually, this should work on any Unix system, provided that the c environment variable HOME is correctly defined as the home directory.) c character*(*) fname character*(*) fnalt c if ( len(fname) .ge. 2 .and. fname(1:2) .eq. '~/' ) then c ialt = 1 call getenv( 'HOME' , fnalt ) i = lnblnk(fnalt) if ( lnblnk(fname) + i - 1 .gt. len(fnalt) ) then write(6,900) lnblnk(fname) + i - 1, len(fnalt), $ fnalt(1:i), fname(2:lnblnk(fname)) 900 format(' '/' Error: filename has',i6, $ ' characters >',i6,' --- too long:'/' ',a,a) stop ' STOP -- LINUX_GET_HOME_DIR: filename too long. ' endif fnalt(i+1:) = fname(2:) c else c ialt = 0 c endif c return end c-linux] c c************************************************************************ c c-linux[ function lnblnk(fname) c ---------------------- c c Needed for fort77 under Linux, since fort77 linker can't find lnblnk_ c character*(*) fname c character*1 ctab common /c_ctab/ ctab save /c_ctab/ c i = len(fname) c do while( i .gt. 1 .and. $ ( fname(i:i) .eq. ' ' .or. fname(i:i) .eq. ctab ) ) i = i - 1 enddo if ( fname(i:i) .eq. ' ' .or. fname(i:i) .eq. ctab ) i = i - 1 c lnblnk = i c return end c-linux] c c************************************************************************ c