MODULE mod_tricks !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! ! MOD_TRICKS : a bunch of CEPAM optional tricks to ease the calculations ! ! Available tricks: ! - repartition: set repartition constants to a given value ! ! Authors: Mathieu Havel ( ! ! Language: Fortran 90 ! ! Changes: 15/07/2014 -- creation !####################################################################### IMPLICIT NONE logical, save :: init=.true. ! Internal: repartition variables (with default values) character(len=15), save :: rep_mode double precision, save :: cte_switch=-99.d0 double precision, save :: ctep, ctet, ctel=0.0, cter, ctem logical, save :: spl_p=.true., spl_t=.true., spl_l=.false., & & spl_r=.true., spl_m=.true., use_cte=.false. ! namelists namelist/nl_repartition/rep_mode, ctep, ctet, ctel, cter, ctem INTERFACE repartition MODULE PROCEDURE repartition_bp_S, repartition_xchims END INTERFACE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: repartition CONTAINS ! ------------------------- ! - NAMELIST FILE - ! ------------------------- SUBROUTINE read_options() ! Read the .don file implicit none logical :: found=.false. include './' include './Communs/' open(unit=55,file='cepam_tricks.don', status='old', & & form='formatted', err=500) ! file exists if (silent.le.0) write(*,*)'Reading file "cepam_tricks.don" ' read(55, nl_repartition) close(55) found = .true. 500 if (found) then ! set the parameters if (rep_mode(:3).eq.'def') then ctel = 0.0 elseif (rep_mode(:3).eq.'mix') then if ( spl_p=.false. if ( spl_t=.false. if ( spl_l=.false. if ( spl_r=.false. if ( spl_m=.false. elseif (rep_mode(:3).eq.'spl') then spl_l=.true. else use_cte=.true. spl_p=.false. spl_t=.false. spl_l=.false. spl_r=.false. spl_m=.false. endif endif END SUBROUTINE read_options ! ------------------------- ! - REPARTITION - ! ------------------------- SUBROUTINE repartition_bp_S(bp_S, en_rayon, rcp, rct, rcl, rcr, rcm) ! Version: 15-Jul-2014 ! Author: Mathieu Havel ! ! DESCRIPTION ! This subroutine computes the repartition constants used in the file Coeur/resoutp.f ! ! CONFIGURATION FILE ! In the file 'cepam_tricks.don', the namelist 'NL_REPARTITION' is used to control the behavior of this ! subroutine. The following options are available: ! ! rep_mode = 'default' ! ctep = 1.0 ! ctet = 0.0 ! ctel = 0.0 ! cter = 0.0 ! ctem = 0.0 ! ! NOTES ! If rep_mode = 'default', it will behave as CEPAM versions prior to this new addition to the code ! If rep_mode = 'spline', then spline functions will be used to compute the repartition constants. ! If rep_mode = 'mix', spline function are used only if the value of the constants is equal to -99. ! Otherwise, the given constant values will always be used (eg. rep_mode = 'cte'). ! ! INPUTS ! bp_S -- spline solution coefficients ! en_rayon -- ... ! ! OUTPUT ! rcp -- for the pressure ! rct -- for the temperature ! rcl -- for the luminosity ! rcr -- for the radius ! rcm -- for the mass implicit none double precision, intent(in), dimension(*) :: bp_S ! inputs logical, intent(in) :: en_rayon double precision, intent(out) :: rcp, rct, rcl, rcr, rcm ! outputs include './' include './Communs/' ! get: neqs, n, m_S, r_S ! ------------------ if (init) then init = .false. call read_options() endif if (use_cte) then rcp = ctep rct = ctet rcr = cter rcl = ctel rcm = ctem return endif if (spl_p) then rcp = 1./(bp_S(neqs*((n-1)*m_S+r_S-1)+1)-bp_S(1)) else rcp = ctep endif if (spl_t) then rct = 1./(bp_S(neqs*((n-1)*m_S+r_S-1)+2)-bp_S(2)) else rct = ctet endif if (spl_r) then if (.not.en_rayon) then rcr = -1./(bp_S(neqs*((n-1)*m_S+r_S-1)+3)-bp_S(3)) else rcr = -1./(sqrt(abs(bp_S(neqs*((n-1)*m_S+r_S-1)+3)))- & & sqrt(abs(bp_S(3)))) endif else rcr = cter endif if (spl_l) then rcl = 1./(bp_S(neqs*((n-1)*m_S+r_S-1)+4)-bp_S(4)) else rcl = ctel endif if (spl_m) then rcm = 1./(bp_S(neqs*((n-1)*m_S+r_S-1)+5)-bp_S(5)) else rcm = ctem endif END SUBROUTINE repartition_bp_S !------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE repartition_xchims(xchims_Sc0, q0, n1, en_rayon, rcp, rct, rcl, rcr, rcm) ! Version: 15-Jul-2014 ! Author: Mathieu Havel ! ! DESCRIPTION ! This subroutine computes the repartition constants used in the file Coeur/modelini.f ! ! CONFIGURATION FILE ! In the file 'cepam_tricks.don', the namelist 'NL_REPARTITION' is used to control the behavior of this ! subroutine. The following options are available: ! ! rep_mode = 'default' ! ctep = 1.0 ! ctet = 0.0 ! ctel = 0.0 ! cter = 0.0 ! ctem = 0.0 ! ! NOTES ! If rep_mode = 'default', it will behave as CEPAM versions prior to this new addition to the code ! If rep_mode = 'spline', then spline functions will be used to compute the repartition constants. ! If rep_mode = 'mix', spline function are used only if the value of the constants is equal to -99. ! Otherwise, the given constant values will always be used (eg. rep_mode = 'cte'). ! ! INPUTS ! xchims -- spline solution coefficients ! q0 -- ... ! n1 -- ... ! en_rayon -- ... ! ! OUTPUT ! rcp -- for the pressure ! rct -- for the temperature ! rcl -- for the luminosity ! rcr -- for the radius ! rcm -- for the mass implicit none double precision, intent(in), dimension(*) :: xchims_Sc0, q0 ! inputs logical, intent(in) :: en_rayon integer, intent(in) :: n1 double precision, intent(out) :: rcp, rct, rcl, rcr, rcm ! outputs include './' include './Communs/' ! get: n1 ! ------------------ if (init) then init = .false. call read_options() endif if (use_cte) then rcp = ctep rct = ctet rcr = cter rcl = ctel rcm = ctem return endif if (spl_p) then rcp = 1./(xchims_Sc0(4*(n1-1)+1)-xchims_Sc0(1)) else rcp = ctep endif if (spl_t) then rct = 1./(xchims_Sc0(4*(n1-1)+2)-xchims_Sc0(2)) else rct = ctet endif if (spl_r) then if (.not.en_rayon) then rcr = -1./(xchims_Sc0(4*(n1-1)+3)-xchims_Sc0(3)) else rcr = -1./(sqrt(abs(xchims_Sc0(4*(n1-1)+3)))- & & sqrt(abs(xchims_Sc0(3)))) endif else rcr = cter endif if (spl_l) then rcl = 1./(xchims_Sc0(4*(n1-1)+4)-xchims_Sc0(4)) else rcl = ctel endif if (spl_m) then rcm = 1./(q0(n1)-q0(1)) else rcm = ctem endif END SUBROUTINE repartition_xchims END MODULE mod_tricks