# This is the (new) main file of Cepam parameters. # It is read using "mod_inputs.f90" module and is used # directly by the (new) "mod_data.f90" Cepam module. # # At the end of the file is a short description of how to # use this file; for a more complete description, please see in # "mod_inputs.f90". # # SUBROUTINES TO USE F_EOS = "etat_hhe" F_OPA = "opa_star" F_CONV = "convp_jmj" F_NUC = "nuc_0" F_ATM = "lim_eddington" F_ROT = "figures4b" # INITIAL MODEL TO USE MOD_INI = "mev.bin" # OUTPUT INFORMATIONS SILENT = 2 # COMPUTATION GRID PARAMETERS NE = 200 RAPID = False M_S = 1 MC_S = 2 EN_MASSE = True PPT = False PRECIX = 1.E-05 ITER_MAX = 100 # PHYSICAL CONSTANTS FILE FICHIER_CTES = 'ctes_xpla.don' # EVOLUTION TIME PARAMETERS AGEMAX = 0 {1.d4} AGE_LIST = 1. 100. 400. 600. 1000. 2500. 4000. 8000. 10000. 0. MDT = 1.1 DTMAX = 200. # CONVECTION PARAMETERS ALPHA = 1.5 VSAL = 0.222222222 # GRAPHIC OUTPUTS G_STRUCTPLANET = "p" "t" # FREEDMAN OPACITY fom = 0 {metallicity paramater : 0 = solar ; 1 = 2*solar ; -1 = solar/2} # EDDINGTON OPACITY efo = 1.d0 {Eddington fixed opacity [cm**2/g]} # Fixed opacity in "opaque.f" kappacte = 1.d23 # >>>>>>> H O W T O U S E T H I S F I L E . . . <<<<<<< # # In Fortran code, we read the file using : # call read_from_file("file_name","var1[f] var2[i] var3 var4") # Then if we want to put "var1" in the fortran variable "x", we write : # call put_in(x,"var1") # Finally, if we want to free the memory used to read the file, we write : # call free_input_mem # # We use the word "kind" to talk about the shape (size) of # the data. In a similar way, we use the word "type" to # specify if the data is an integer, a float.... # # Supported type : integer, float (simple and double), string, boolean # Supported kind : up to 2D (more if you work with data mode) # # When no type is given, we assume it is a string. # When not enough data is read, we fill missings with : # 0 for integers # 0. for floats # "0" for string # False for boolean # # COMMENTS : # - line comment : Use "# " as the fisrt non-blank character # (note the space after "#", otherwise it is # a directive for "mod_inputs.f90") # - in-line comment : Use "{}"; eg.: {comment 1} # # MODES (by default, you need to give type and kind of each variable) : # Default declaration : # var1(dim1,dim2)[type] var2[type] # - free mode : This is the easiest read mode to use. You enter # in this mode when the directive "#" is read. # There is no need to specify the type and kind of # the data. # - data mode : This mode is dedicated to read dataset table. You # enter in this mode when the directive "#" is read. # You don't need to specify (even if it is possible) the # kind of data. # - list mode : This mode mix different type of single kind. You enter in this # mode when the directive "#" is read. # - typed array mode : This is used when you have an array (2D) of a given type. # You enter in this mode when the directive "# = #FM = # # - # = #D = # = # # - # = #L = # # - # = #VI = # # - # = #VF = # # - # = #VS = # # - # = #VB = # # - # = #AI = # # - # = #AF = # # - # = #AS = # # - # = #AB = # # # OTHER DIRECTIVES ("#NAME_OF_DIRECTIVE arguments"): # - INCLUDE : To include another data file. You can read just a part of it # using options "startsat X" and "endsat Y", with Y > X, being # line numbers. # - CONCAT : To split a line, so that we continue reading it at the next one. # The default symbol is "\". # - SILENT_READ : To print less informations (default). Possible values are "ON" and "OFF". # - SILENT_VAR : Same than above, but other type of informations. # # FILE EXAMPLE : # ("|" means starting of first column) # |# # |# in this mode the variable read should have the same type and kind than in fortran code (but possibly # |# with a different name). # |a = 1 {single value} # |b = 1 2 3 4 {vector of size 4} # |c = t t f {boolean vector} # |d = "I am" very "happy with you" {string vector of size 3} # | # |# x[s] y[f] z[i] # |{column 1 = "x" vector ; column 2 = "y" vector ; column 3 = "z" vector} # |NEO1 3.4 1200 # |NEO3 4.5 3000 # |NEO4 5.3 2140 # | # |# q[i] g[f] # |12 {this is the value of "q"} # |1.d-12 {this is the value of "g"} # | # |# l(2) m(3) h {you don't need to give a size} # |1 2 {this is the vector "l"} # |100 200 300 {this is the vector "m"} # |34 54 905 45432 4534 {this is the vector "h"} # | # |# p(3,4) {you can give a smaller size than given data, to take just one part} # |1. 2. 3. 4. # |5. 6. 7. 8. # |9. 10. 11. 12. # |13. 14. 15. 16. # | # |# similarly we could have used to read all the array data : # |# p # |1. 2. 3. 4. # |5. 6. 7. 8. # |9. 10. 11. 12. # |13. 14. 15. 16. # | # |# {specify the mode in which the file will be read} # |#INCLUDE "file_name"